>' ROBERTSON ; DRUG s'rc 2.` _l the greatest of glee on the main 3st.x'eet. More about the pets around Etown some other time. Tastier shelled peanuts, achieved by a new chemical method of remov- ing the thin red skin that surrounds {each kernel, are the newest achieve- fment of scientists in the Us. De- Ipartment of Agriculture. I _-. ....... u ..u u. Mrs. Wm. Chesley. of Woodstock, is soon to become a resident here. --_- ...... .4. v vuu Anniversary services will be held in the United Church on Sunday, also the annual fowl supper on the 18th. A good program is promised. We understand the noted entertainer. Jimmy Fax, is to be present. 1\n'.~ nvu-1 `AA ..- xv... -r1-......... _.... __-._ - ..... .`_, -.._..., .1 av My l.u.wauAAuo Mr. and M1`s. Wm. Hunter are soon to occupy the home of the late Mrs. A. Stewart. I .._, - -. . _ ....._.,.-.,.., -...- ..un.u.-as. _y.u.-.4. On Friday word came from Toronto V to Stephen Grose of the sudden pass- ing of his brother John. He had gone out for a walk, not feeling the best, and soon after was brought in a corpse. He was well known here by the oldest residents and at one time was a. grain merchant here. This marks the fourth brother in this family who have passed on appar- ently without giving any warning. He leaves to mourn, his wife and two sons, also two brothers and a sister. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved. --_-, u.y.. -u..u. gm. .4. 4.;.uu._y. On Wednesday evening Mrs. Jas. Sproul, while out in the yard. fell and broke her arm. After medical attention, she is resting comfortably, despite her advanced years. I'\..\ 1::I..:.J.... .-.......1 ...,_._.,. 2..-.-. rn_..-_,L- Mrs. Elizabeth Plowman. of Hamil- ton, is with Mrs. R. D. Henry. rx... 1:7.-..3........:.__. A... ._ 7.1.... ~.__ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1939.. A FIRE EVERY M11\]UTE! Page Fuur _------2-` PHONE. BARIHE 454 PER G:\LLO.\' G;\LLO.\' LOTS and Up "THORNTON 73 TORONTO STREET @@@)'% Q] `Now 40c 25c-50: ` 50 tube We Deliver -_--- -. -..-J . . . u V u AVID `yuu. 561.: lzllb 111133]; at lowest prices. BE ASSURED OF A SQUARE DEAL BUY AT Geo. Coles - fzzzniiy buicher 124 DUNLOP ST. PHONE ....... ... ALA mu. .)\.\,uAn.l qucblbcl n.I.:_yu- tolds sent, a long spiral through the` fair for a point to notch the score. .`It was the longest kick of the day. i'I`he score was 1-1 at half-time. Both teams battled up and down` the field in see-saw fashion and not. I forge ahead. Reynolds kicked over the line to Stokes, who hobbled, Miller recovering for the first touch- clown of the game Roach convert- 3ed to put the score at 7-1. With but ve minutes to go, McI1fwain and Smith. both of Barrie. snared a fumbled ball behind the Owen Sound line to store the game away. Mcllhvain was given credit for the recovery. The convert failed and the ;_.-nme nished at. 12-1. li Senior Gama ` I Both teams during the rst; half !showed signs of poor football. Fum-` 'b1es were much in evidence. Delfordy 'kicked for the initial point of the `game, Reynolds being run out of ; bounds. In the second quarter Reyn-` tn]:-I: can} It 1r\I1rr .-n:...`1 u.........:. `L- __._ -.... ...._, nu vuw an the highlights for the losers. So at half-time the score stood at 12-0. Starting the third quarter, the win- ners took to the air with some bril-' liant completed passes and only mis- fortune saved the Barrieites from a much heavier score. The Sounders [scored a touchdown via the passE Iroute, but it was called back. 1ike-I "wise were many other completed! ipasses. However, the winners were= not to be `denied "as they scored an-: other ve points when Buchanan! ipped a 30-yard pass to Rutherford,:' the latter galloping over the line un- . fmolested. The convert failed. I I vun.-r...a.....- ...-A, :1 n A Slemon was easily the best man on 't the eld with his smart running and] 2 ball lugging. Bird stood out for the s losing Barrie team. If ......... .... ...... vvA.IvI4AU La..uCu.. { ' McIntyre made it 18-0 on a single `later on. During the fourth quar-' [ter Barrie held the'visiting twelve} I scoreless. I I Just before half-time McIntyre ltried an angle placement, but miss- ed. Bird picked the ball out of the air to run 45 yards before he was hauled down by Clark. It was the glongest run of the day and one of ifhn 'h;,.1..1;..\.o... c-.. u... 1 .... ,- -V __- . .4... AU `hauled 1: , | 1 ,..~-.;- I In the second quarter Owen Sound: boosted their stock another notch when their powerful kicking half, Frank McIntyre, hoisted a 45-yard punt to Barrie s 10-yard line. Mills hobbled the ball and Clarke dribbled lit over the line for a second touch. McIntyre again converted to put the cr-rn-n oi 10,n ` Owen Sound kicked off to start the s junior game, Bird running it back ' 20 yards. Bird kicked on last down, Slemon receiving. The speedy Owen Sound backeld ace was nailed by Bird on an attempt to run it back.[ vWith Slemon leading the way. Owen` lg ., -_... ....... ...,.......n.u. ' gsound held possession of the ball on lBarrie s 30-yard line. Kelly, rst V year man, was sucked in on a double Ireverse, Slemon carrying the mail around the end for a major score. It was a case of inexperience against gthe much learned one. McIntyre {converted to make it 6-0 just after {the game had nicely gotten under .`way. 9 `I ... L\-_ --,.._.i . - A - J r I I I nmjor scores. Twice did the Sound-| ers have fumbleitis to the satisfac-' tion of the Barrie ends, Sid Millerl and Eric Mclllwain. These two pounced on the oval behind the op- position line for two touchdowns. One was converted. I'\._. Wise Shoppers Like Coles High Quality - - - Low Prices! Hearty appetites call for delicious meat meals at least once at day ! At Coles you get the nest cuts at '|nwm:+. nvi nae PHONE 176 I In Bud Kashner we have another 0 Onvbig boy. Always a classy hockey andlace, Kashner has everything. He starred on defence for Barrie Colts!` for three seasons and then started! {journeying around the globe. I` half: I Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Harris and Mr.` and Mrs. Norman Co.\:wo1'I,h nun-nc1-. ed the Conk.cI'm\`n Fair on Friclay. the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Spcers. Jr. I Miss Margaret Robertson. of Sing- 'hz1mpLon, spent the holiday with her Icousin. Miss Isabelle Dawson. Mm am. Mr,....... J - - Miss Marie Speers, of Barrie, spent` I I I I ..... ... .u.m.; unoucut: 1JuW50I1. Miss Ruby Mooney. of Egbert. spent the week and with Miss Mildred IVIC-I Clean. ' ` M1`. and Mrs. Hzu'ry MCCann. of `Utopia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hams. Miss Dorothy Millar. of Utopia, spent. Sunday with Miss Kathleen Davis. .. ..,.. ll\.l V _ . . ... 1.3`:/U\Cl . Mr. Geo. Harris and Mr. Linn, both of Bcaverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Robb. Brockwcll and fam- ily ,of Sunnidale, spent Sunday with Mrs. Linn. uunu, AVJJD. Wilbert I H... .,. LVAA. unnkn nun. uuu. Dillll I Miss Marion Nelson has retur: 'home to Weston after an cxtem visit with 1101' aunt, M.rs. Baker. Ifv Finn 11'- . 1,. A.__u --, .. _.. _.,..........,. Mr. and Mrs. K, Clmntler. of Bar- rie. spent Sunday with the 1atter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banting. returned extended vicit uvifh I-.n.. .....- nun... vs,-H . . V . . V. M uyyuu. nun. The senior game was a replica of all breaks for Barrie and a scimper- ing or two for the visitors as the local senior laddies capitalized on al couple of fumbles by the Owen Sound backeld to turn them into! until the last quarter did Barriel Mrs. W. J. Mcclean is visiting with} friends in B21l'l`iC. M1`. and Mrs. Gordon Cochrane, of Thornton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jennctt. Mr. and Mrs. W Ellis and son, of' Elmvulc. spent Sunday with the lat.-I Lor`s aunt and uncle, Mr. and M2`s.i Geo. Bunting. - M... YIIY..- 7, ..., .. . - I Now he gets his big chance andl `here's hoping. Bud. I Miss Jean Coxworth has returned home after 21 week's visit with IvIi.s';" Ruby Mooney, Egbert. K nzfm. In 1 an-..ru-_._ 5 [Europa returned to the States forl ! He went, to England, saw part ofil two seasons, and last year with Or- i tawa. I Storey has natural ability. He wasi ;slow to start hockey, being unable` I to skate until he was seventeen years 5of age. He has gained rapidly and 5with good coaching from Smiling John," he ought to go places. l II He packs a wicked shot and is fast` [on his blades once under way. I In Red storey he has an all-roundl |athelete, a boy versatile in every ;line of sport. No longer can Ebbie Goodfellow and Doug. Young burn up the ice lanes. They are nearing the end of lthe trail. Adams is denitely on the hunt` for defencemen, his rearguardsmen fading fast. Last week, according to a weekly paper, Bud Kashner was slated for | London. ........ ._; .,.. .,....- VIIA ........... .v-v..uu_; L p. ; The local juniors. after a weird start, untrackecl themselves and later on turned in at much steadier game,; and had they started likewise, wouldy have made the count much closextf Over-anxiousness brought grief to the.` homesters, but with the initial test, tucked away will make things plenty hot for all opposition. r'rI1..;. ........:_.. ~-._.- -.-- - ---r- From reliable sources and gazing on a. letter from the Olympia and Jack Adams of Detroit, Kashner and Storey are slated for a. thorough! trial with Detroit Red Wings. A very attractive 0;'Ier with every- thing paid and time while there. You gure from there. of juvenile ranks punches with puckchasers ? classy ready Kids out to trade experienced Not an import. in town, and deadline looms in front but a days hence. Although the hockey talent is de- nitely rest;ricted to class C hockey, the hockey moguls are very serious- ly considering B hockey and Barriei Coltss this coming season. I Believe you me. with all other teams fortied to the ears with smart} I imports. the situation is mass suicide : Writing this `meeting. so if iturns up, don't `NETS iiV;..IW.F `T ? 5 Pztafilunce E3 1 x I/E3783 IVY -no.-.\ OPI . POST OFFICE Phone No. 5 Do before the hockey` something` otherwise blame us. : -v iantler, Bar-} The st. Paul's W.A. met in the; th church basement last Wednesday at-, Banting . ternoon and packed a bale for Nancy` L Monkey, age 7, Mrs. Fred Jobbitt be- r ing Dorcas. Mrs. Lennox, the presi- Nirs. `dent, took charge of the meeting, d asking the two ladies to give their `ton, report of the money they made. well Mrs. Wm. Booth. of Painswick, made t $126.00 and Mrs. Browning, of St. Paul's made $112.00, these two ladies I being captains of the sides. Mr. Frank Brewster. of Barrie. spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. Jobbitt. iiss COIlgl`{ltlllaLiOl1S to Me]. Ayerst and Annie Third, who were married on spent Saturday. ' The Eastern Star held it euchre and dance Friday evening in the son. Sing-(hall. All present reported a good iclav with hnr finn- The Barrie Adyvance the f ll Olive and Edna Sherringyl and their brother Monty attended: the ploxving match at Cookstown 0n' ;Satu1`day. Cong,'raLu1ations to Bl_\'t11:~: `Black on winning four prizes at tho. .plo\ving_ match an Cookslown and .1 !soc()11cl prize z1.t Elmvzllo. Peter Clute has been in Toront:)| I visiting relatives. I I Miss Clam Bell visited her mot lover Thanksgiving. run. ....,1 xx..- 1Y-..|. .u,,., "-3. . ".5. M1`. and Mrs. Herb. Clute are vi ing relatives and friends in Tom and Li11ds:Ly. nln... Y'r\.. ._ ..... .-_, . Mrs. Homer Spring and 1i (laughter visited the fo1'mer`s mot} in Toronto last week for a day. Mr. Brown, of Toronto, is spe ring :2 week with his claugliter, I W. Brock. Before a good crowd on a beauti- ful autumn day, Owen Sound and; Barrie Collegiate Institutes battled it: out on the rugby gridiron at the` Agricultural Park in the inaugural` games of the season. The boys put on a thrilling spectacle for the good] crowd and displayed much football skill with the pigskin. After it was all over the boys were licking their wounds. Both sides had won, mean- ing just that the power-packed in- vading juniors smeared the local greenies" into the ground with smashing 18-0 triumph. Their plays=l were run off in tic-toc fashion withll nary a slip-up behind the master- minding of Quarterback McIntyre.l1 Thu 1,.-.-.1 ........ ... -u.... - .....:.._.l. M1`. Fordham, of Toronto, is _ ing his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Nigj igale. over the holiday. inn. ......1 1ur.... nu..- 1YT1_:L_ ,.- . l,:....., V.-. .... ..uuuu_y. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, 4 das. spent the week end i Stotifs. __ ..-........ .. .. D.....,... 1 i There will be no cash prizes this; `season. There will be weekly prizes for hi-three games, hi-single and; hidden score, to be given in the form{ of credit cards cashable in the form} of merchandise only. A team ag- gregate prize for the month will al- `so be given. Th I.-town league will take all alleys on Mondays and , Tuesdays. ` A In n m _ . ._L _.,_1 AA ,7 -` l- I 3,1 Bell threatened to quit baseball! I this year, but came back to the sum- gf mer pastime, and with him the Meat- ; 2 ford team rolled on to the group ' championship, in which Barrie, Pene- , tang, Owen Sound and Meaford par-i L ticipated. Bell was noted for hisi 3 never-say-die spirit, a hard loser, yet- 1 a great sportsman. The Barrie ball club forwarded a wreath in remem- brance of the many years of close v friendship with him. .. ...-.......-_, .4. A banquet and appropriate trop will be selected for grand finale ;24 Teams in i , Five P_iE League; I Eighteen team captains met at the: [alleys on Friday last to represent a_ club of 24 teams, the largest town` league in Barrie s history. The! league was split into two groups of I 12 teams to a group. I "r1I.m... ...:n 1.... ..._ ...__u. ____x.___ .3. " We extend deepest sympathy to the `relatives and friends of a well known ,v athclete in the late George Bell, of tellvleaforcl. Bell piloted t-he Meaford ,` Knights to championship after cham-* ipionship and while on the trail of - another title was instantly killed by , a. train while returning from Strat-` . ford last week. Along with three,` 35 other players, their car was struck` ion a crossing and Bell was instant- Vly killed. The others sustained in- I ;- . juries. H I Another ex-rugby star from B.C.I-. was on hand in Bill Strachan, lanky boy who used to burn up the grid- iron with some brilliant displays. I Tiny Brian Hennessy, formerly lB.C.I. mythical giant, attended the game on Saturday here and watched his former mates roll to a 12-1 vic- tory over Owen Sound. Hennessy is `playing for North Toronto this year. juniors L:-$9, Seniors Win in ipeniny Coiiegiute ames; Mrs. Frank Caston is on SPORT SEANTS WYEVALE STROUD _ , I It was Heigh Ho, come to the fair n_| last Friday. It looked as though it [might rain for a while in the morn- ling, but the day turned out ne af- mj ter all. The grounds were crowded. n_| Saw Gwen Scott, of Toronto, in a a,__ very smart two-piece green wool lpl dress with ared skirt and one of the e_l new gold necklaces made up of tiny ,._! leaves. Gwen spent the holiday is! week end with Frances McCuish . . gt; And it wasn't only the kiddies who In patronized the merry-go-round . . . ,_ Mrs. Doug. Hopper, Mrs. C. Winter ~ and several other ladies all had their ` turn on it. The Bradford Band ' furnished music during the after- 1 W] noon. Mrs. Harford Fisher, of To- ` se ronto, looked lovely as usual in black trimmed with the new spot red . . . 1 Mrs. Cameron Loblaw and her two 5 sons, John and James, were there. t Mrs. Loblaw and her husband are staying with the ;former s parents. 1 2 y few days. In the exhibits building, 1 _ laurols went to Miss Bertha Cowan ` ,for her beautiful needlework; to Gor- J don Couse for his portrait of that mathematical genius, Professor Ein- '9 `stein; to David Marwood and son *` lfor their delicious honey. The dance . [held in the evening was so well at- 1* tended that it was practically im- possible to move on the floor. It was more or less a matter of seeing bl Ihow few couples one could bump in-I ii ito during each dance. Eileen Hi1I,;9 lof Toronto, was there in a smart fur, 3` `cape . Saw Florence Spencer, oil F `Beeton, escorted by Keith Couse`; sgother young people enjoying them-!S1 S,selves in the pursuit of the terpsi-lr U 1! chorean art included Frances Mc- ']Cuish, Irene Coleman, Joan Kidd, 15 Peggy Nixon, of Stayner; Johnnie Couse, Hazel Mccarroll and Jack McCullough, Lillian Stewart, of ' Thornton, and Gordon Dutton, Nor- 1 ma. Halbert, Bill and Jack Jamieson, n -'71--- - -" ""` ` I 7 GAS 15- OIL 15 F C 235 BRADFORD ST.. ALLANDALE ,. ,9 SERVICE Armstrong 5 3TA-,~,0N__ 335 ST.. ALLANnAl.I` nnnvw nunnun . 200 NEUTRAL PENNSYLVANIA OHL-7 GULF (`OASTAL--45(` PER GALLON IN ` . Quality at a Fair Price -} I Barrie-wen Swnd Pigskin lfljgers in Eeiien an Saturday} _.---nfi GENERAL INSURANCE RECORDS REVEAL THAT THERE IS .1 ____ DON'T LET FIRE CAT YOU UNPREPARED. SURE WITH RELIAE COLVIPANIES. REPRESENTED BY COOKSTOVVN DON T " Iiiif" 5i*fi1 F` PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY 1 Q ' CATCH IN- RELIABLE ANIES. EPRESENTED THOS. S Y I\YlYD ll nvruw Bulk Oils Per Quart -S'l`OI AT- I D . per Gal. Plus Tax