There was a good attendance of members and several visitors. IL \\`zis decided to give a donation to the rest. room. Several members are pre- paring entries for the Barrie Fair in the Institute section. The pro-| gram xvas inte1`,' and instruc-| tive. Mrs. L. Wingrove gave a paper; on Home Beautication." She read the familiar poem "Trees." The dis-i triet. president, Mrs. Geo. Johnson. gave a very interesting talk. tellingi of the recent visit of the Scottish women who toured through Canada. Mrs. Mzxguire gave -.1. splendidl J _..I....L.. ,-._.]` of Bzlrrie, parents. Alvin spem , Baxter. Morris and in the vil-` a very ser- t while help-' machine at. ,1'ea.ted ' v - - -~--.- - 1x11;-_, 1..z;. Baxter gmci Mrs. George `Baxter are \'i.siLi11g in Toronto. The Com111Lu)ity p1'ese11LCd Mr. ant: R. Gibbons with 21 set of cush- on Friday ex-clung before then ciepa1'Lux'c for Calclwell. ,,..,_A .____ ,_. \I,, A. I __.... --........--_,. Mr. T. Tierney was taken to He uospital on Thursday. 1 `Am. (\\`\r] Mr..- ur rr1...~....|.1-.. _.__.. ............ -............u nu/u nun. Born: On Wednesday, Sept. 13, 10' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellsmere, Craig-! hurst, a 5011 (Nicholas Thomas David). ! Mxzs, W. Sullivan, Betty and . `have returnccl to Toronto spending" the summer holidays iMrs.. Trodxbley. 3/r.. rn r'n:-........ __.-_ ;_,u__._ ., Recent \`i.sito1's at Mr. and Airs` E. E1ls1ne1'e`s were Mr. and Mrs] Gavin and M1`. and Mrs. T. Kenna-y, '01` Crown Hill. I Mrs Du Allan and 5011 Hugh, Miss Olson and M1`. Greemvoocl, of New Liskeard, called on Mr. and 'Mrs. Ern. Gaston on Wednesday. Mrs. Hill is spending a week in Toronto. .-.- ..-..` . . . . . .. -........\.u.._,. Mr. and Mrs. W .T1'omb1ey : family have moved back from I Cedar Point, where they spent mu I\'\r\~< E Mr. T1105. Wisl-:er is conned Lt: L}... mom a heart attack he suffered 5011 Thursday. I Mr. and Mrs. Leo Trombley 11-.u'ci I I taken up resxdence in Barrie for the v.'mtc-1'. Mr. Tromblcy is with the 1.: ...\1 15...- .1 n- :1l\\'in . ..v......._, .. nu... Ida-:11 Bread Co. ' A number 01 our local men 11am` ,; po.~;aL1o11: an ualnp Borden! ` Mr. W. Tierney, of Toronto, spent! ,the week end with his parents. = l\IJ':. E. Cunning returnecx home,` having spent the summer at. Lake .E3EI.p[lsLe, xrhcre her son had charge` `oz 5. boys` camp. 1 1 . v-.___.... ,~ av,` r I Congratulations to Gilforcl school lchildren on the number of prizes ;brought home from the fair last Tuesday. `I M1`. and Mrs. Ross Kersey, of ` `Samia, are visiting Rev. W. and; 5 Mrs. Newman. 1 , Mr. Hill ,of Buffalo, called at mu-.5 ; Hil1`s on Saturday. i > Mr. Perry, of Ottawa, called here '01) Satu1'c1a5'. Mrs. Morri.son unzi :Mrs. Coward returned with him. I -n.....-. 1-\,, vn_,u,., ;T. H. GriIf1t,hs and children spent lsunday at Nia.ga1'zL Falls. I ll ..- .......__ f\ ..-_,L ,. , ,, .. I i Mrs. Burtie Q. Part is spending 21 couple of weeks with friends in Ottawa. M1`. Q. Part is in Toronto `for a week. I '..-.- ----.--. ......... .- .. ..----,.. He leaves to mourn his loss 1115 wife and one daughter, Mrs. Ardill. 01 Aurora. I I I I 1 I The was held from his late Lhe Catholic Church on Friday morn- ing. U/\ {um-; 9.1 of M1`. Pickett was section foreamn at Lefroy. 1n +l\ M1`. for Chas. \.:,. residence 1115111) 1 ..,... LC _'\'C21 X1`. 1 PICKCLF 5 I 1-:... An i111D1`L"s"i\`(? fa-nture in the H:-.ihw I" Pnmdo" pu- ;.'t=ant at tho ;'\'(\w York \\'ur1(1'.< Fair, (`:n1;uli:m I`zu-n`n- lLaul\\':l_V LU('mm\Ii\`( 3:74, ', nit: LA.-,' mzu'lu-:1 zxm-x.1i.u1. Tm Royal de- (-m`:1Hun,- iz_ will (`il1`I`i':.< rr*(-all tht ivn'\nv'1zInf n~n~+ ir nlnvr-1| in H L'UI'1lI|llIl$ IL Fllll ljdl impnrlamt part it \\'ust\\';n`d 1r.L.<+a.L"u I of Thr~i:` `-' ' tic \'I' my-.V l\. . \ L NINE it the `|.H.: Smoked Back Biwun is u d;-licm-_\ 10 our fri<-mi: from the Unitcd slates. They call it (,'nu'.Ldi;m iS;i(~on." This is because C.'madi."u1 Ilugs yield a more desirable bacon than do most hogs raised south of the bum-.-r. Fortunately the hugs prccussed by (lop-.u'u are laum Simcoe County and the vicinity and are ruisetl under acicntilic man- :1;.;cu1cnt. The '.'CaLllt his been that UlL`.S(,' ixuz.-,. ::u.-2-niiiig to (mvrruincnl bl11JSUCS. have .1 liugcr prupuruun ul (jr;.uc A :,elL-L-lion lixuu those produced elsewhere in ( This is (mu reason \\'h_v Cupuco `fishing aluukcd Back" so (`Ii1hHSi2{.:Ll\'2lii:v' received. Beiie Ewart Cmm`m iIns'1' .. Royal Canadian Pacific Engine at World's Fair (I I |'.'.\ ll.5\'illl pl:l.) 0d in :n-rum: l`...:` .|K'l KJDS L H. Kin; kn ,-..1. mu: . Paul, after with I Bar- so PEECES OPEN STOCK PRICE $07.25 and L-he Mrs. Ritchie and daughter Vcmsz` 01 I-Ia1ni1Lon, visited with the Hex` family on Monday. I lg M1`, zmci Mrs `Toronto. spent Mrs. Hoggarth. Mr. Johnnie to Barrie a.fLCr 1 . 1 fr1end:s. 1 1 r i . . Mr. and i funeral of 1 Myers. 01' ,_ ,,_,_ ___`.`t; __.__.~ .__._... - ----vw --v--- -v---_w Sept. 28 to C.I\'.R. Stations in the Maritime Provinces, Province of Quebec, . New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia. I Sept. 29-30 to OTTAW.-\ $7.75 Sept, 29-30-001. 1, to RIONTREAL, $9.10 to QUEBEC CITY, $13.10 To STE. ANNE DE BEAUPRE, $13.70 M1 . Jack Banting and no have returned home :1 n; :1. day in Ki1'k1and Round Trip ; Bargain Fares From Barrie nut 052 in r'\ I) an-.6:n..- :.. AI... 31..-: .. $3 I -111: ~` EN 95.1903` mam CANADIAN 55555 'NATI0NALM A&P's policy will remain unchanged. That policy is simpl) this- A&P will provide good food at lowest prices possible. As always, we shall operate our stores and markets with the interests of our customers constantly in mind. We know the hardships that increased food prices can bring to count~ less lamilies, therefore, our prices will be adjusted only to the extent that is absolutely necessary. It, owing to the laws of Supply and Demand, the prices for foods we purchase move upward, obviously we shall have to pay the higher cost and change retail prices accordingly. You have our assurance, however, that A&P's margin of I-. -ll .~ . I II I I - Ivu Iluvv vul u...n..u..-s., .-V-v..v..., uua. run: a ...4.:,.-. .. profit will continue to be very small, and normal in every respect. Tickets. Fares, Transit Limits and Information from Agents. .17r.YAu-\.I'n1I -n-..----4`_- ADQUS. 39 PIECES . . nnnn Qtnrk Prirn 50.00 Mrs. the ammmwr smzmsmr e. P ABOUT 3. `Wm. Hutchinson, Sunday with M2". 21 Keown has x` an extenc`:5c`; vi: i ;. Cleary attended the fo1'me1"s cousin, Mrs. i after sj Lake. MW THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, I939. ' M1`. and Mrs. E. I 1B1'uce. of Thomhill, s; (mys with M1`. and Mrs. i.\I2`.s`. Johnson and Mrs. x lreturned for a week. U`! I ll-Uh-nu - Open Stock Price $50.00 Sept. x I.. The zmniversnry s0r\'ices will be kid at \`vR:.sL. om 'mlpL.isf Church, icpi. 2-Uh, morning and 0\'e11i11g'. Mr. Herbert: Shelswoll spent Sun- `:13 visiting with Mr. and Mrs. B. L Arnold, New Lowell. M1`. and Nlrs, A. Hobbs visited with v11` :::1(`: ;\Ix's. V. Dicker, of Clowes and Mrs. Jones V and Mrs. Senior, of ORG Duncan and 11, spent :1 few Mrs. E. Jolmscm. H. Duncan visited with ` Ba1'rie. T29513 62 PIECES . . nnnn Qtnrk Prim! 3513.50 U`: I Ihnlll-hi Open Stock Prlre $83.50 Cexiirqigd The regulau' meeung 01' the W.[. was held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Lorne \Vi11g1'0ve, Bm'1"x('. 7. ..... . .....D...... o..._, .. ..`.,.V.. on pollination of plants 2 s. She also told of the Va -95 in pollinizing flowers 2 ...I .y ..r u.,\ .....1,... Chest I1wlu in .\l)0\'c [ ri('('.; LADY lL'n.\lH.TON 1)}.-l.\l`\'ILLl'I (,`Ol{().\'.-\'l'I().\' ETC. ow caLeNJY6_;_1331oE munbcr v (:1-ET'YOURS.-EARLY REE V ES .}eW_e_E.};cj_% c;O_-6.90 J nsoph to report th: better after Miclland. pa per owers Anthem, closed SALE PRlCES AgZ- cent coun rident whi thut Mrs.` tor her re- $29 75 $49 75 spent, value and months visiL- in Lockwood, Sasl-:., with Mrs. Connells pa1'ent.s, VI11 and Mrs. Ellard Ellis. I Word was !'(;'(.`(.`i\'cd here of the: |c1eath _\`esLe1'ci:1y in Lhe R.V. Hospital` 1 I I Barrie. of Mrs. RObCl'L Foster, S12. :: former resident; of this commun- iily. Sincere sympathy is extended to the be1'ea\`ecI family. Obituary ynotice will be published next week. Owing Lo Lhe Allistoh Fair being `held this week end, the Orangemen 'nre postponing the regular dance Lil] [Sept 29m. 1 Miss Eva Walkom spent the wee}: `....J .-L- 1.-.. \ F` Alderman Back On The Job Y l {r.sld'cnL.s of this community \\'e1'-3!` !sorry to hear of the sudden death of` ilittle Noble W/`right, tl1ree-_\`car-old _.~on of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright, |'1`l1c deepest syxnpathy of all is ex- ;r(,-ncied to the bereaved pa.1'enLs, bro- i 1l1e1' and sister. Mr. Beecher Parkhouse will be the guest speaker at the anniversary .\t"l'\'lC`S of Lhe United Clnuch on Suxwclugv 11e.~;t.. Services will be at 11 I I I I l l __..`.;,..- .... . -V.-.___... Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth ` Shirley leIL here Friciay V -..- _ .__ L21('11(:.S' Aid \\`21.s helm a1 I-laughs on Weclnesday -\r.. -__.` `V... yr,\.. Au- An electrical sound analyzer is be- Ving u. to stucly the complex qual- ities in a violin: tones ,inc1uding clif- I cn~ncos so .~11,-,m the ear cannot; do- iccz mt-111. r council bO:u`d Monday evening. Ald- erman W. D. Pzuidison. just return- ed from {L trip to the Western Pro- Wcinces, was another familiar gure missing from the council who was back again on Monday. as was Ald- onnun Win. Ga1I`11e1', back from a holiday fishing trip in the \'iCiniK_\' 01` South'River. Members of council e: -ssvcl re-: grot, at tho absmco of Alderman A. Gill through illness. Leave of ab- DCHUC on 111%: account was granted .\..\ _._\. .... the missing member. The monthly CROWN HILL (1 7.30 pm. Mtmul Luck in Barrie. ml Mrs. Harry Foyston spam with the lattve1"s mother, Chappell. is spending 9 76 DFNLOP STREET samia meeting of the helm at 1VI1'.s. John msday afternoon. , enneth Connell and` E`rici21y night for 1! s and] orecl Mr (nee No evening : crowd \\ couple 1' " M1`. (-11 M1`. and ed the o -. 9 I :1 U Miss { cits. -- my ------------- w . Sorry to report that Garnet Reidl .was hurt while xing the tractor and was taken to Midland hospital. Mrs. Mcciinnis spent a. few days with Mr. and Mrsr Thurlow. 1` The school fair was held at Moon- I istone and most all the children won `prizes, also the fair in Hillsdale. cont Illness. Mr. and Mrs. G, Ln\\'renco Sp: Sun(1'.1_\' with f1'iond.~; at Dalston. ;Fr0n Our District --- family, of Newton brook, spent Sun- lday with the Davenport family. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davenport andi I I Mrs. Geo. Whiteside spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Esby. Miss Evans spent, 3. week with Mrs. Craig. Miss Marie McLeod. spent a week with her Miss B. Drennan and Sunday with friends in I E n... -ur.. av... Rev. Mr. Morris. Mrs. sons called on friends Iage. Mrs. Alfred Porter and Miss Kate. Hutton spent a clay in Toronto. 1\/r.. -.-.:: -Mr..- ruzn-,\.._1 ~n-...,.. _,...._. Mr. and Mrs. Cliord Porter spent. .`a day in Midland. _.,._-..L A`_,L A, ,. H .. Clifford Brown has taken a posi- |tion in Barrie. I his home. Ht \\`a=: L V . zronto hosplml, where gfor facial abrasions ....,..V ..W.. -. ..... .V.-.,, 5 .... .. 1 and Mrs. C. W. Parker andi Mrs. Herb. O1`ch:11'(1 attend- P:u'L:e1'-Pogson wedding m Rosseau on '1ucsda3' of 12151 week. ! weeks. Miss Ruth Carson is visiting in` Toronto. - Miss Grace Ricl1a1`c`1son. of Bzu`rie,| spent Sunday at her home here. ' _ Hrs. W. D. Scytlxes and Ma1`garr*t [attended the christening of hcrg Mrs. B Martin, Charlie Martin and: Miss F. Caliender, of Toronto. spenr= Sunday in the village. .' M1". Hz11'ry Nellis, of T:.:`0nLo. spam Sunday at; his home. I 11.. .... .1 \;r.... v, v` Messrs. B. J. O'Brien, of Toronio and J. M O`B1'l(-`n. of Aurora. spent a few clays \*.'itl1 M1`. and Mrs Young. Gordon Campbell spent, the week 1 Send in Kim-lu:a1e1' and Toronto } Rev. F. W. Madden was in White- I E =mle on Sunday conducting the sen` `vice in the United Church. , Miss Claire Grant, of Barrie, vis-V 1 I 9 i I I med over Sunday at her home here. f l'C`(1 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Carson Norine Priest.) on T11u1`srl:=.;; at the bride's home. A large ('1'o\I. d was p1'(3.se11t and the lmappy icouple 1'ccci\'r-cl xnzmy lovely giits. 19.. _.. ,1 mu... m uvv V1 ; A n1L~:ccI1:1ncoL: SIIOWCI` was tend- I I grandciuughter day. A 1-,-..` u..,_, . A i Albert Alexamler, `of E :1 Sunday visitor ab Wm. Mer\'i11 Milne, of Momrc iting; fricmls here for a fore leaving for his home chewan. Mrs. Robinson and s( {have rettlrnc-(1 to tlwir Toronto after \'i.siting nr. ` 2:n`s. Miss Maz'gm'0: Mm" ecl home wiL11 them for : The choir of the United Church: assisted at the jubilee service of the` I 5 %Hi11sda1e United Church on Sun-6.21:` ` Mrs. W. Wednesday Grifnths. Miss E1110 Fa; her home in Mr. and Mrs. John Chafen and} N11`. and Mrs. Wm. Sowerby, of To-I ronto. spent the week end with Mr I and M1`.~.'. N. Davis. Miss Kathleen Steele. of Toronto, was home for the shaw xvccclcling S21I1l1'C1'J.}' and is \ Page Six Samrc1a3 spending the last week :. ldays at me VVox'ld's F-ui Miss Mildred E\'I3rton were in Orillia on Sntux Mrs. R. W. Henderson is spending: 21 few weeks inToronto. M1`. and Mrs. John Baker havel moved into their new home. I Miss Pat Gaston, `pf Craighurst.| pent; :1 day with Mrs. A. Brown. I :r:.... -r r.,...s~._ 1.-., ____, .._ Robert Harcien. of .r';r:-.`1 Luck met with 2 '. and painful accident move a tlxreshing 1` I. Barton has gone to the Hiilsdale Toronto. and Mr. Gilffjkii PHONE 273 I J. Griiths spent last with Mr. and Mrs. Thos : 0Me3p0nd%ents AFN) 'agzm spent SL1 ml:-1 Crosslanci. Barrie. Wni. Hamil he was L1`: and cuts. Colclwater, The Barrie Advance Madden last turda` Aldcrma n