MORTGAGE SALE The Barrie Advance Esten & Esten, Mortga.gee s Solicitors, Barrie. Ontario. Esten & Esten, M01-tgngee s Solicitors, Barrie, Ontario. Phone 1154' Phone 13601 I . $25 B `glili pa.d em!!! as THYMOLATED CORN SALVE for any corn or callous 'I`I-IEY cannot remove with this efficient new scien- tic treatment for CORNS and CAL- LOUSES. LLOYD's COMBINA- TION TREATMZENT (Salve and Pads) removes and KEEPS THZEM AWAY. DESENSITISES and RE- LIEVES with rsr, application. For sale all better Drug Stores. Reliable un.uuu..:. This statement puzzled us for al moment; until suddenly it occurred! to us that the remaining thirty per cent. is accounted for by taxes.- Galt Reporter. lb. Eggs, dozen Puilets' Eggs, dozen Spring Chickens, lb. VEGETABLES New Potatoes, bag New beets, 3 bunches New Tomatoes. 6 qts. Potato Squash Radislies, 3 bunches Rhubarb. 3 bunches String Beans. qt,s. Vegetable Marrow Broccoli Corn on cob, `.2 dozen Cabbage, head Carrots, 3 bunches Celery. head . . . . .. Caulimver. head Cucumbers . . . . . . Chinese Cabbage Egg Plain, Green Peppers Green Onions, 3 bunches Hubbard Squash . . . . . . .. Lettuce, bunch - urn-..-q Cakes, each Doughnuts, dozen Homemade Bread, loaf Mean Pies, each . . . . .. Muffins. dozen . . . . . . .. Pies. each . . . . . . . . . .. Tarts, dozen . . . . . . .. FOR RENT-Sept. 15, corner suitable for beauty shop or \\'a1`us. Apply 47 Bayeld St. Sustained trading from early morn- ing until closing time 1'eaLured the market on Saturday, when large quantities of produce. vegetables. I1'uil..s', etc.. were disposed of. Fall vegetables were in evidence quality being exceptionally good and price,s attractive. l Buns, dozen The opening meeting of the Bin`- rie Womeirs Canadian Club will be held in the Library Hall on Thurs- day, Sept. 14, at 8.15 pm. The speaker will be Nancy Pyper, who- will give first hand information on the Royal tour. New members are welcome. Members tickets at $2.00 each will be available at the door. (37) | A magazine control seventy ` Following received 2 were the average v\rnr\I*\Ivt1I1 prices 5 Painswicl: Women's Institute will meet Sept. 12 at Sp1'ingv.ater Park. with Shroud branch as guests. 4 ATTENTION Please take notice that a11`embitsv in the Women's Institute Section of the Barrie Fair must; be in place by 10 o'clock Monday evening, Sept. 18. Judging starts at 8 o'clock sharp Tuesday morning. Saturda_y_MarkeI A. F. A., MALGOMSON Palmist - Clairvoyant AT 36 BRADFORD STREET This Week Only Satisfaction Guaranteed Page Eight \VOMEN S CANADIAN CLUB _M.M?.AM!"-.. NAM. COMING EVENTS `Lao name or "GOOD INSURANCE Simple mom-v"~}mns Pl-l;NE 441 The Home or ran lMIlDAN` PRODUCE FOR RENT-House with one-half acre in Shanty Bay. Fred R. Day, phone 158, Oro, Shanty Bay. BAKING Explanation writer says women per cent. of family Market News .15-20L` .25-45C ....20c .25-30c ....20<' .23-256 .28-336 l ..$L00 ..10c 25c ..10c ...10o .5-locl ..25Cl .1OC` .`.Z5c ROOM AND BOARD in quiet home for students or business girls. Rea- sonable. Apply '7 Charles St. (26) r-10c .101: -100 I Fowl: 5 lbs. and up 4-5 lbs. I .. 3-4 lbs. Chickens: 2`/-4 lbs. 4-5 lbs. 5-6 lbs. 6 lbs. up Calves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,560 Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.220 | Sheep and lambs 1.460 : Stronger prices prevailed in the- cattle, calf and hog sections of they Toronto live stock market yesterday Butcher Butcher Bologna Cauners Calves Lalnbs Ilail for Theft Apples. 6 qts. Blueberries, 6 qts. Blueberries, 12 qts. Cut Flowers. bunch Camaloupe, each l MISSED TORPEDOED LINER Mrs. Rose Teacher, Hillside Ave., Mrs. M. Scott, St. George St.; Miss Sybil G. Harries, of Bishop Strachan School, and Miss Beatrice Fletcher, MacPherson Ave., all of Toronto. were offering prayers of thanl-:s to- Iday for having just missed being` on the torpedoed liner. They arrived in New York yesterday aboard 2111-] other ship. | WAN'I`ED-Wox'k by man experienced in the following: farm. dairy. car- penter. brick, stone and cement work, blucksmithing. t1n`es11ing. steam and gas engines, tuxiderm-I 151. For full particulzlrs write Robt. M. Streahorn. RR. 1. Stay- ner. (205) Dressed Cecil Livingstone, aged 23. Barrie. was sentenced to from three to six- months in the Ontario Reformatory] when he appeared before Magistrate` lcompton Jeffs on Fridav afternoon` ;om a charge of stealing` two bottles of hubbing alcohol from a cabinet in the Royal Victoria Hospital, where `he was conned at the time. According to police, Livingstone` walked out of the liospital follo\v-: ting the theft and "us later picked up in the vicniity of the Five Points`: As a kindness to the 8CC11SCl.I- would recommend that he be placed? in an institution for {I clenine per-`. iiod," stated the Crown. (Continued from page one) yesterday when Mrs. Fisher received}, a cable that her mother. Mrs. Janet; Rankine, aboard the Athenia, \vas |safe. The cable said Mrs. Rankine Thad been landed at Galway, Ireland, by a rescue ship. Mrs. Rankine, who ` lives with her daughter in Galb, had been visiting at Dunferm1ine,ScoL- land. since last November. r W I i ORILLIA MOTHER Toronto Markets Market.` rm. Copucgjnotes large . . . . . . . medium and pullets Toronto, Sept. LIVE STOCK RECEIPTS MARRIED COUPLE desires position on farm, capable of taking full charge. no family. fond of children. Apply Barrie Advance. (313) hot, on rail to-clay CATTLE bulls . . . . . . and cutters cattle MISCELLANEOUS POULTRY Live Dressed Union Yard.- Yesterday n Ann Per Cwt. ,.up to $5.50 ..up to $4.00 `.up to $3.00 . .....$2.00 .up to $8.56 ay ..s9.a5" .up to $2.50 Dressed WANTED~-25 or 50 acres good loam tam1 land, good buildings and water. or would consider house and garden in country. Rent must be reasonable. Apply Robt. M. Strea- horn. RR. 1. Stayner. (205) TI-!T.TRSDAY,E Ll LIIIJIJUA vu.I.AuAA. Live weights: Brantforcl, $7.35; Hull, $7.40. I Hamilton dressecl hogs, $10.50. I l ()'l`A l`0lS RISE MODERATELY With fanners not inclined to offer ` so readily now that war has been de- clared and some improvement in de- mand. prices advanced moderately on the local potato market. yesterday. [Ontario new potatoes sold on truck !to wholesalers at 65c to 80:: per 75- ' pound bag. Prices to the retail trade ranged from 85c to $1 per bag. Choice weighty steers sold ill $6.75- S7 wim common selling downward to I I I 55.75. Good butcher steers and heiI- ers brouglit $6.75-$7, but Lhe bulk 01 s-.i1e.x were made at $6-$6.75. Butcher ,cows wem at $3.50-$5. Good lls were $5-$5.50, and bologna ls $4.25-$4.75. Fed calves sold at "1- $8.75, with three at $9. SLoc.;'ei's were $5-$6, with a few reacliing liigh as $6.50. choice calves brought sl .- ii) and `one dozen was sold ;i.L s. `.3. Conimoii vezilers sold doxviiward t 35.5(). Grassei'.s' were $4.50-$5. O-truck bacon dressed. weight hogs closed AL $10.50-$10.65 and live '\vc1{.,l1t.s $8. Good e\ve and wether lamb: broiighL $8, with one load selling at $8.25. Bucks were $7 and Hills 56- $11.50. Sheep brought. $2-$4. HULL IIOGS HIGHER SLI'0I1ge1' prices dcvuloped on Hull hog 1nzu'keL.s 10-day. Dressed weight rose 20c to $9.85 and 01!-truck bacon live weights 15:; to $7.40; London, $9.75, plus transportation. .1 ...n...h.< - Dun no run! an un- rx... . Complete line of Made-to-Measure Suit samples now showing. Newest cloths and designs. Come in and see I for yourself. Wright Cleaners Phone 5'77. ..., ,,.u., u......,,,... ...n..,... Dressed weights: Brantford, $9.80; Hull. $9.85; SL1'atford, $9.75, plus u`anspo1'Lation. 1 a.... u.n:..~hop- `Du-urn fnvrl Q7 Q5- Sheep and lamb di\'i.si011s held steady. Cattle and calf prices rose 50 cents and hog prices 40 cents. There were 200 head of cattle unsold at the close of an active market. Sensational "Boy Slaves, and Pan? Robson in "Song of Freedom," both showing on the same bill at the Im- perial Theatre next Monday, Tuesday and WCclne.sda_v. Don`L miss it. `Disney colored cartoon, Don't miss "Soro1'it_v House" and Bad Lands." the big double bill at. the Imperial Theatre, *`hu1'sday. Fri- day this week. Also showing is a "Goofy and Wilbur." WANTED -Expericx1ced mam to work on farm. Apply to Morgan Orrock, Midllurst. Phone 604r6 (295) 49 Dunlop St. Formerly Business Office of Surjczmt di: Co. Smart Set` Shoppe Now Located At BAHRIE LOCALS `:`oEPTEMBEi\ 1939. For COTTAGE FOR RENT~-Four rooms. near Camp Borden. Apply Mrs David Gallatxghex`. Lisle, Ont. (39.- FOR SALE--Yorkshire pigs, -14. n1tr\ vnnnrr S( WANTED--Any kind of sewLng.qu11t- mg. or nmjung over dresses. For full particulars apply Mrs. Hut- chison. 3rd Concession. Churchill, or telephone Churchill. 14:4. (3) WORK WANTED-Young man. aged' `.26. requires work of any kind im- mediately. Apply Barrie Advance. or phone 53. x36) WAN'1'ED--HeulLl1y, old or crippled? horses or cattle t for fox and: min}: feed. Phone 311, Barrie. (14)] I WANTED - Caretaker. middle-aged man. small wages with privilege ox` sleeping in. Apply Box 25, Bar- rle Advance. FOR SALE-Cabinet suitable for book case or kitchen cupboard, also large bench suitable for work bench. Apply 47 Bayeld Sc. (41) ______________ .' \.u.u r.;........ weeks old; algo young sows due this month. Wanted: small gaso- line engine. Apply J. W. Cochrane. Thornton. Phone Ivy 2r6. (Is) ,4 For Rent,-Furnished front bedroom in desirable locality. Apply Barrie Advance. Phone 53. _FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE--One roan broken, 4 years old. A Hare, Lisle. 0l`K511u!': 1.115.), v ..v .. also young ...._.4....: . ...-null angry- I "olt, well Apply Walter (38) store ' small 23) I IFOR QUICK LUNCH, stop at Kay's Motor Camp. Highway 11, one | mile south of Churchill. (385) ALLANDALE AUTO WRECKERS- New and used parts for cars and trucks. Radiator repairing and re- coring. satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 503. (40s) l , FOR TASTY, Fresh Home Baking. telephone 1380R. Geo. Bowles, 2'} Eugenia St. (sa31) WHILE ON HIGHWAY 2'7, stop for gas and refreshments at Chas. Bu1fger s, five miles south of Bar- rie. IWE PAY HIGHEST PRICES for .-.,,,, -.-.__.___- v\_..IL.__. 111-....- 111': WHILE ON HIGHWAY 2' , 8117]) for am: and wafnmzhmnnfn at Chm: FOR SALE-Dry planer shavings for insulation or bedding. Allandale Lumber & Fuel Co. Phone 733. (40) FOR QUICK LUNCH---Bt0p at KEYS `s._L__. 1-_ __ 1sI_I........ 1 1 mm.` ! Don't be fooled by cheap painters [For a good pamt job, using best of materials at reasonable prices, phone H. Andross, 944, Barrie. (48ss26) IRUNS IN SILK HOSE Mended, also general mending. 15c per hose. Mail orders to Mrs. Geo. A. Money, -. v-u /An_\ AUTOMOBHE P.A.R.']2S -- Superhu- tic Tire Sales, Asuciate Dealer tx Canadian Tire vCo1'poration:, purica same as current catalogue. H. F Fmlick, Dunlop and M /ulcasfec Steel. Asphalt, shingles and siding. Insu1-Brick siding, Well-curbing, Eavetrough, Portable gilos. Roof Paints, all kinds of insulating ma.- terial, metallic ceilings. steel tracks and hay carriers. Aeromotor wind- mills and electric pumps. General >EIectric fencing. 1 See Us and Get Our Prices Before Buying. I | LORNE A. ATKINSON ;WHY DO YOUR OWN WASHING > when Hm: Laundry, Staynar, can GENERAL BLACK G and! Horse shoemg. Apply H. N. Play- l er, Elmvale. (51705) at Pine View. Brentwood. on Friday, Sept. 8. Music by Dynes' 8-Piece Au,` .,, , :.;...._x .2......:..,_ v\...... [GENERAL PICKUP AND DE- } LIVERY-Anywhere inBarz'ie. Rea.- sonable. Hocl-Lridge Service. Phone 760. \ PLAS'I'ERING AND REPAIRS- Work neatly done in town or out._ Renew those old ceilings with anew puzzo finish. any color or design. Cornice work, also brickwork. Frank Howes, 82 Cumberland St. : Phone 95W. (99,!) ._ HONEY FOR SALE-White, amber and buckwheat. Apply W. J. Hub- bard, Baxter. Ont. (355) AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, SEPT. 9-Auct.ion Sale of Furniture. the property of Mrs. Chas. Kelcey. 24 Wellington St. I-Inst. Sale :11. 1 pm. sharp. Vearl M. Coutts, auwtioncer. ' Sept. Ox'chesL1'u. mg every gentlemen IV 1.2 L LLL 44.44.;-4.4...4..aa. 4. .u.\......, - - Fowl. Barrie Poultry Farms, RR. 3 Barrie. Phone 605r5, Barrie KJLV EL|.k!.D.VVQX 4|, Blklp LU]. N gas and refreshments at 01135. Burgers. ve miles south of Bar- v-In vwv. v--.u.n .._9.- .. .~_, --, .... mile south of Churchill. (383) uu Lu ;v.. J\I\4a ...u-an gr 5-n-Q. -`V livered. Phone 38, Stawner. (S57) .v..... \...u..... .... . Utopia, RR. 2. VIEN OF 30, 40, 50! WANT VIMI Vigor, for rundown body? Try OSTREX Tablets of raw oyster stimulants and general body build-[ ers. If not delighted with results` of rsb package. maker refunds its low price. Can, write Douglas Drug store. OR TRUCKING~-spec.1al service {*0 .._A A2 nn FOR SALE-1 navy blue suit. 1 brown and 1 brown overcoat, size 38-40. Apply 24 Wellingto St. E., or phone 148213`. __MISCELLANEOUS 271 ()PENlNG DANCE PERSONAJT Mixed dancing. Danc- Friday night. Ladies 25c,` 35c. noorme Stayner (413) FOR SALE--English Bulldog Pup- pies, pedigreed. Enquire Raymes Corner, Con. 11, Innisl, 1st side- road west of highway 11, near Shroud. (shf) :g-. SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1939 at twelve o c1ock noon 1 Lot 5, North of John Street, Plan 493, and Lot 63, South of Dufferin Street, Plan 494. f\ou {>1-us no-nnnri-xv in pair! in ha 0 OF VALUABLE RESIDENCE IN I THE TOWN OF BARRIE Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort;-' gage, which will be produced at thel time of sale, there will be offered for 1 sale by public auction at the I l\I'VI'.VI.V\Y!L~< ivnrnnv n A nnvn BLICCD, J.'lb:.Ll `.231. On the property is said to be a comfortable dwelling. The rn-nnmvhr \-ni'l'l ho nffprarl cnh- JBCE [-0 I3. IUSCIVC mu. Terms: Ten per cent. at time of sale and balance in thirty days. `D1111 nnrtit-n'l9r.< will hp made saue anu DaL'd.l.|Ut': Lu l:.l.Ll.l'|:_y uuya. Full particulars will be made known at time of sale or on applica- tion to w-u,.,, .. u~,A,.. VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF MULMUR Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certaing mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the l'\1'YI.`|IZ`\V!B I_lI`IVI"l.`I' D A DDII.` CUZ11LU1'LtlU1d uwcuuzg. The property will be offered sub- ject to a. reserve bid. Tennsz Tenn nor rent at time of at twelve o'clock noon, the following farm property: In the Township of Mulmur, and being the East half of Lot Twenty- six in the Sixth Concession. East of Hurontario Street, except School Pro- perty conveyed by Deed 6433. "T`1-In nv-nnm'1'.v \vi11 hp offered sub-I JECE BO 3 I'BSl'V8 0111. Terms: Ten per cent. at time of sale and balance in thirty days. I W111] nnrr-nlnrc rill 115- made sale arm 021121110: 111 uuruy uuya. Full particulars will be made known at time of sale or on applica- tion to TO RENT--Two bright warm rooms. suitable for school girls. Apply at Advance. (5) peruy conveyeu uy uceu man. The property will be offered sub- ject to reserve bid. Tm-me: 'T'en ner cent, at time Living Room: 1 B1'uns\vicl~; radio 1 oak book case, large quantity 01 good books. 1 mahogany living room table, 2 rocking chairs, 2 end tables, 2 oor lamps, 1 settee, a real an- tique; 1 walnut arm chair. 1 walnub 'stool, 1 walnut smoking stand, 1 9x12 rug. I-lnll- 1 fnhh-I lsnnn 1 tnlsxnhnne CIIELIIS. L LUIL vvaguu. ' The undersigned has received in- structions from MRS. CHAS. KELCEY 24 Wellington St., East To sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th "PI-HI`. T-T'(\I.T.(W\KITT\T(`~`r ' Dnxununx, DlI4l'Ll:dV1.I.)l:4l\4 awn THE FOLLOWING: Kitchen: 1 kitchen table, 4 kitchen chairs. 1 kitchen stool, 1 kitchen cab- inet. 1 breakfast table and 4 chairs, red and cream; 1 congoleuin rug 12x16. Dining Room: 1 oak buffet, 1 oak china cabinet, 6 oak dining room chairs. 1 Lea wagon. l.iuinu- Rnnm- 1 R1-nnuwirk rnrlin uxm rug. Hall: 1 table lamp. 1 telephone` chair, 1 hall rack, 2 hall runners. 1 hall mirror. F!n1`rnnI11Q' 0 Qinnnnnc hprlq `) smi- H1111 IIHITUI`. Bedrooms: 2 Simmons beds, 2 sag- less bed springs, 2 spring-lled mat- tresses, 1 dresser, 2 wash stands. 2 bedroom rugs 10x12, 2 bedroom boxes. 2 bedroom tables, 1 walnut settec, 1 dutch dresser. mnn....||..........u. f`nI-Going` and rh`-.1nL1< vacuum ClL?'d.Ill:X', 1 L'u:uuu; \v.1muu5 machine. 1 wheelbarrow. 1 steplad- der. 1 lawn mower, zi goccl line of garden tools. carpenter we" large rotary ash sifter. 1 gas `heater, 1 gas range. 1 congoleum rug. large quanity of good china and odd dish- es, silverware and many other dishes. 52-piece marigold dinner set. fruit _]d.l'S, crock.s and many other articles too numerous to mention. The above is an tmusually zme of- fering of exceptionally good furni- Lure. It must be sold \\`id1u'uI re- serve. as Mrs. Kelcey has leasou her hnncn `NOTICE RE l'()S'l`lN(i OF V() l`I-IRS LIST FOR THE 'I`()VV!\'Sllll' OF ESSA 1. Norman Coxworth. Clerk or the Township of Essa. in the Count_v`of Simcoe. have posted up in my office at Thornton, 9. list of all voters en- titled to vote at municipal elections and the Legislative Assembly, accord- `ing the Last revised assessment roll. .and I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have` any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. ` 1\_L_.I a.1_.x.. 4-......;\.. .1-.. -4` n.....L...... -`Io .-o --....v I Job Glmstone FOR SALE--Bay gelding. 6 years old. or will exchange for cattle or pigs. Apply Clifford Davis, 1614 Ivy. (425) auwn uresser. Miscellaneous: Curtains and drapes. 1 Singer sewing machine with elec- Lric m0Lor, quantity of piuunres. 1 rocking chair, 1 fern stand. 1 Hoover vacuum cleaner, 1 L`1CC[1`lC washing .....,.h:nn 1 uy`nnc|1i\nI'I`l\uv 1 u!'or\`nr].. DCLVC. no nun ;.xx.u,x._y AAu.1 numu. .n.. house. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. Vearl M. Coutts. Auctioneer. Phone 1488. Barrie. bu; uunb uv auuvv . Dated this fourth day of Septem- ber, 1939. (33) Norman Coxworth. Clerk. FURNiTURE AUCTION SALE OF `.......-v ............-.- .... ...... QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE :nn_ --ULl-< SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1939 ,.,.~... ~_, 3......-. .............- -_.- QUEEN S HOTEL, BARRIE _..DY'|_. J. GUNSTONE & CO. Builders and Contractors - SALES - MORTGAGE SALE FOR RENT-At Fergusonvale. on highway 27, a seven roomed frame house, with well, garden and gar- age. Apply Joe Hall, Phelpston, Ont. Phone 3123, Elmvale. ms)