Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Advance, 16 May 1939, p. 10

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Page Twelve REFRIIGERATION SERVICE GREEN_-A the ' 11,_-:;_._l `n \J;vuLu.u--::Lu vuc uu_,-Lu u A\.u\.IA.av- Hospital, Barrie, on May 19, 193$), to Mn`. and Mrs. L. B.` Green, 106 Bayeld St., a son. I PR.OSSER-At the Stevenson )Iem_! orial Hgospital, on Friday, April 28, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prosser, RR. 3, Cookstown, al ,- daug'hter. i Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaBine and| family, of Toronto, visited M1'.~_:. La_| `.Bines parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. llielley, last week end. 11:. 1.'..uI,.,...:..n r`r\11uvvIn1:\1 n+` \'in_ |TAR`BUSH-At Angus on Saturday, May 6, 1939, Mary Christina F05- ter, beloved wife of Henry L. `Tar- Bush, Angus postmaster. Service was held on Monday, May 8. In- ! 3 tcrment in Angus Cemetery. I 1\CllC`\ JLLDI4 \'VCK;l\ Gnu. Miss Katherine Cou'gh1in, of Nia- gara Falls, spent Mother s Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Coughlin. W-n n4 r:un1':I1 ,!....,..\ L.-.1/I { puuguuu. I The dance held at Gearin Hall] `last Wednesday was well attended. x.r_... /n..\ cldn` A4` I.':+nk.:mm- 11:15 Vvcullcauuy was nun uuu.uu\.u- Mrs. (D12) Sehl, of Kitchener, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Coughlin, Last i week. I uy , ,_1-_| A... 1,..,.... L1...4. NI ... . puaenuu: u.I.u:1. uuc Anus; Dy5ua5o Oscar Pullbrookes, who has been `away working, visited on -Sunday at his home here. I \ ween. 1 We are glad to know that Mrs. FOR PLASTERING and REPAIR iuguuh Rev. Fr. C-zustex, of Midland, Ont., paid a short visit to the village one daty last week. Old friends were glad to see him. ` up 1115 any Avnllun . The friends and neighbors are glgd to hear that Mrs. Jas. Brunskill is getting along ne. -mu- 4-............- :.. +'I.:;- uh-inH-xr urn Miss Patsy Currie is now working at Big Bay Point. rnL- 4.'..:n..,1.. .....J uninkknvc nvnl la ECLLAJI5 ouuus nun. IThe f|avrme1's in this vicinity are getting their seeding in as fast as possible after the late spring. n..,..... 'Dn1'H\v-nnlrnc mhn ha: hm -m Local Briefs COLWELL Pm-?3Ti. BIRTHS DEATHS `UK AJ.1Ll1a--1` unuaucu Peacha.ven, Mine1 waterfront 50 by 200, electricity, water. A} 16 Bellevue Cres., We that coal bin of` 2 leave it off till the Jenkins Coal Co., Phone 326. (44) I Royal Victoria NI-.. 1n A pioneer businessman of Ba ie passed away on Thursday, May . in the person of John George Scott, a resident of this town for nearly half a century, during which he gained a wide circle of friends and business acquaintances. Mr. Scott, who was in his eight_v_sixth W3`, had been in failing` health for so re months. Born at Galt, Ontario, September 13, 1854, the late John George Scott moved to Alliston, where he ` conducted a coal and wood business for a short time before moving to Barrie, where he has been actively , engaged in the coal, wood and build- `ing supply business ever since. He was a. faithful member of St. An_ | drew s Presbyteriran Church, a mem_ liber oi` the Masonic Order and the 1t\/\v V The funeral, held from the family residence, 101 Bayeld St., on Mon- day ,1\1ay 15, was conducted by Rev. Dr. J .S. Shortt and was largely at- tended by friends and relatives. In- terment took place in Buarrie Union Cemetery. /*4 .. .. .. .. uun. v Surviving are his widow, three i sons and three daughters, Miss Ro- berta, at home; Mrs. S. Simpson, 3115. R. Dunbar, Mr. J. W. and Mr. C. R. Scott, all of Barrie, and Dr. F. Scott, of Franklin, N.J. Miss Jeanette Strainton from Toronto with Miss and spent the week end Jessie Foyston. 1).. `L1 17' av! Minus. 1) I .u\,.xsuuI:3 . Messrs. B. J. O'Brien, of Toronto, and J M. O B1'ien, of Aurora, are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. Young. The two latter will celebrate their birthday on Wednesday, May 17. VHL- .L`..:-...A_ A4` Tl/fun `KY Tlnnrnov-_ u I:.:cAc ; u_y ouuu. Rev. H. E. and Mrs. three sons, of $Toronto, ` the week end with Mr. 1 Hcliinley. \.I,...,...- 13 1 r\rD..:,... FOR SA-LE--Garage for sale, port-` able, galvanized iron. Phone 14 8 1. uu.uuua._v vu n\.uuv.;uu_y, 4-A-.~,_y ..-. The friends of Mrs. N. Dougher- ty, of Barrie, will regret to learn of her passing on Friday. She will- be kindly remembered by many who enjogved her keen sense of humour and neighborliness when she lived here before moving to Barrie some years ago. ` `Eric E. Johnston is home from `Qua-en's L'ni\ er.~;ity, Kingston, for `vacation. rnl \t \r1t ru._L _.__;. ___ rnL...... \ al.a nun. The M..\I.M. Club met on Thurs- day evening at Mrs. H. Bowen s l home. In! I nrw r n._....n .....L lfhe play Go Slow, Mhry put [on by the young people of Burton `Ave. Church, Allandale, on -Tuesdasy c\`e11i11g in the Orange Hall, was en- |jo_ved by a good crowd. The pas :were very cleverly portrayed. Solos by .\l'1*s. Spearn, Rev. Mr. Doe and *u:-- 17.m1.m 1\.T.`AAm-. Inna-man 1-ha L13 .u1c. uyuunu, A.\\.Vn un.. A/vu an. Miss Evelyn Madden between the acts were much appreciated. The plzvy was under the auspices of the Sunday School of the" United Chu1`ch. IV,, ,,. _,,,1 nr:n-_.,1 ~.\.r_,1_)-.. ..t LJIILIILII Ewart and Willard Madden, of Toronto, spent l\Iother s Day 1.1.1; their `home here. .1 nu 1: 1x \v .3 IXUIHC llCll;o Bliss .\1_\'1'Llc Chappell, R.N., of O:`h21\`.'ll, and friend, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. H. Foyston, land her mother, Mrs. Chappeli, of 9 Crown Hill, who is at present here. ' Dullllil) ill IJUK-IVUL LUJI. `K llrs. .-\. Trombley, Sr., returned `home on Sunday after spending` the wint<:r with her dau`g*hter in To- route. \I 1 v - ,1` n_.__...-_:\'.I1_ .... Mr. and M.h`s. N. Uyscf? {and Mr. and Mrs. H. r Sun(la_\' in Beaverton. \I rn 1| ,, n IUIILU. Mr. Jenkins. of O1'ango\`11e, holidaying: with his brotln_1\2 `Mr. H. Ferrier. ,L1.,. 1..., _._..- JILL: 4.1. .a.\.;;u.4. M1-. Leo Trombley has gone tc `Toronto, where he has secured a position with the Ideal Bread Co. Mr. and ;\I1's_. B. S. Stewart vis. ited the latter s father, Mr. Wisker, who is convalescing at the home of _2____?________ `OR SALE-4G;erard Heintzman Piano, in perfect condition. Bar- gain for quick sale. Apply Box `in A dvnnne. yurxuuu nun -..u, `my... ...\..u.. v... `who at Mr. Fred Quantz. Among` those noticed here for the week end and on Sunday were: Mr. V. Trombley, Mfrs. Sullivan, Sister I\Iari.a Reine, and Paul and Betty Sullivan at A. J. Tremble)-"s. '\I _._ T1 `I - -1. 1"I`.11I..2.... `I)....nn I/fun cottage. `II . `I7 ouunau ah .1. U. LLUAIIUICJ a Mrs. H. Jack, Hzillaire, Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. V. Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Neibour at Mrs. Jack's cottage. ml .-___ '13 'r-_-._1_.. ._L all ... `until : .\cAuuuL up .nu;a- Uu:\A\o wvvuubuu I Miss E. Lazenby at Mrs. Lazen_ lby s. 2 1:... 1u:,.L,.n .._.I .'n....... ..+ Hunk- JOHN GEORGE SCOTT TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1939. y S. / Mrs. Mitchell and Doug. at their _J.L.. .... , Us Mr. W. Tierney at Mh-s. Tierney'a. Obituary BELLE EWART .____________._______ FOR SALE-Strawberry plants, Senator, Dunlop and Dorset. Ap_ It 1"I _....`LL I`-uni-.ln11~=+ ny- iivnslnc . Bridge and . visited over and Mrs. J. and family 3.05 spent motored B. Young. with Miss EEJTJ. I01` gun; 30, Advance. _____._j?__ `UK S."Ll_nl`_4--DLl`aW us; 1 _y y..........., Senator, Dunlop and Dorsett. Ap_ ply M1. Hewaitt, Craighurst, or phone 905r3. OR SALE-ScarIe's ramns Lu; every purpose, in any quantity. Rogers `Radio, 257 Bradford St., Aandxla. . nogers `ma Allanddc. _*_:?__?_:_ `OR SALE--Upri'ght piano, real bargain for quick sale. Apply 22 Blake St. or phone 123. & FOR SALE--Furnished cottage, Dam-1mven. Minet s Point, p\1'y M. I-Iewi phone 905r3. All the latest shapes and colors $2.95, $3.50 $3.95, $5.00 and $6 SUITS . . . TOPCOATS on; n: Tailox-ed_to_Measure. Priced from . . . . . . . . . . . Suits and Topcoats in Stock. Priced from . . . . . . 55 DUNLOP mot, Lluluuy a-nu. yum-.. --,_ Hewitt, Craighurst, or nnE..0 LVLLILV D DLDLDULV Agra;-u .-._..,.. r-I-1t'\`l\IN(\ A"I"Q .sT.WILF. H. TODD MEN'S STETSON HATS gs As: an I-A E ) , } `FOR SALE--GOOD USED VAC- UUM CLEANERS, including Elec- trolux, 11 months old; General 7 Electric with oor polisher, four L months old, and others. Phone A FOR FOR l \}J.N LIA Au.a;.. _ house, 8x24 ft.,Mh_ydrau1ic bra} 6 ft. 4 in. ceiling, round ends : - 11.4. ..-I-' Maannite Dr: house, 5x24 Ila, Ilyulauuv u .... ..-, and ' roof. Made of Masonite prest_ wood, lined with same. Well in- - -sulated. Completely nished on 1 inside, bui1t_in cupboards, closets, ice box. Perfectly balanced. Clearance lights and ares. Wired ' for hydro or battery. Seven Win- (lows and one door, all double glass. Well ventilated. Accom_ modates four adults. Will sell cheaply for cash. Apply C. I. Tuck, Stayner, R3 . (s) i FOR S.-\LE--Garden hzmd seeder! and wheel cultivator combined ,for quick sale, $3.50. Apply Mrs. Money, 47 Bayeld St., Barrie. *_.__:___._____.__ `FOR SALE-Credit note on new Chevrolet for $375, will discount $100. Apply Box 22, Advance. _ FOR ; `OR nSALl1}-`lV SW vv cauuguv ...... Portable Radio, 5 tubes. Apply 31 Mary St. `OR SALE-Sma11 Dooley Seed Po... tzxtoes. .-\pp1'}' T. F. Nelson, Bar- tie, R.R. 1, or phone 940R !AKa\ nu: u u.-u 535R. `OR SALE---Old. model Taylor sa;fe,| suitable for reproof storage for documents, etc., $5.00. Apply Barrie Advance. .SALE-New Westinghouse ' n_..I:.. K 4-nhn: Armlv 9 -- 'I`wo_w1hee1 trailer 24 ft., hydraulic brakes, --~-- ........A ant`: and . . . . . . $24.95 . . . . . .$I6.50 BARRIE u'Av (455) lFOR RE*NT-Two newly furnished rooms. Apply 21 `Charlotte St., or phone 1558. \ u-.______._$ PROPERTY FOR SALE - TO LET-Fu1'nished flat to let. Apply F. Barker, 59 Park St. `FURNISH-ED ROOMS--With or! without board. Apply 27 Maple Ave., or phone 1393 (4-8) WANTED-Woo1, live or dressed, ;So1ish Produce, Toronto. ! I WANTED--Ha1'd working` salesman, to sell book matches on commis_ sion for Canada's fastest pzmding Match Co. Apply BoxI| I 38, this paper. (38) WANTED-Catt1e to pasture, p1en_'l ty of xgrass, shade and water, salt` provided, also three ton of 1ast| year s hay for sale. Apply Mrs. John Luck, Maple Crest, Shanty Bay, RR. 2. (s) _ We have an opening for two sales-` men between the ages of 25 andl 45 years. Start up in businessl_ for yourself. No investment on your part. Must be neat of ap_ pearance and have good refer- encs. Married men with car pre_ ferred. Sales experience not necessary, but must be Willing to` Work eight hours per day. If you are accepted you start right in. Free ti-aining. Apply in own'- handwriting to Box 41, Barrie Advance. ____________ WHY BUY A NEW sewing mach me? Can supply parts, needles, bobbins, etc., for every make of sewing machine. Machines repair- ed. Used machines bought and sold. Wrime for informationl-. S. Lastimer, Churchill, Ont." (sj27) . ` A MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT ATTENTI ON ! FOR SAlaE--AG.arage for sale, port- able, galvanized iron. Phone 481. --.,. 1.1...- nn-Ac n`? 9.5 nndl eggs, poultry, ` top prices. Write 660 College St., T119 Barrie Advance {Baby Chick s I -G']1IJM'OR\E POULTRY FARM oper- 'n A 11 _._.l Y'l..J...L...... CHICKS FOR SALE--We buy or trade hens for early pullets. , Highest prices paid. Also Start- : er Chicks for sale up to 10 weeks old. Phnne 605r5, Barrie. Maple { Leaf Poultry Farm. I 1 l l \ BABY CHICKS of nest quality in Barred and White Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns. Hatching eggs from Buff Orpingtons, White Cornish, Partridge Rocks, Games and Japanese Silkies. All stock blood-tested. Custom hatching Harry Morren, Barrie, Ont. Builders and Contractors | Cottages and All Kinds of Repairs` `DA'D'DT`E` I A. E. Prince , Job Gunstone Small House in Barrie. State rental and location. Apply Box 75,, Advance ----------?-:---- FOR SALE--Strawberry plants, _4.. `n.....1.-.n and 'Dnr=9H'._ An, I ' . ~ , - I` -1- `hi G E -Ix]I`.\*G-At St. Josephs Hosp1ta1, W" P "' ` '_Toronto, on May 7, 1939, to Mr. COURT OF REVISION and Mrs. A. L .King (nee Nor. Tho rst sitting of the_ Court of I berm Hipkin) 9 Neepawa Ave, 7 Rev1s1on of the Townshmp of Essa T 1, mo a Son . I will be held in Thornton on Satur_ ' ' ' day! May 27th, at 9 a.m. _Anyo`m{KNEESHAW-At the Royal Vic- havmg busmess 1{1.conne.ct1on wlth. koria Hospital, `Barrie, on May the Court of Revxslon, kmdly gov_ 10 1939 to Mr and Mrs Ever_ em themselves according" ett Knees'} 11aw (;1ee Lil1iar.1 Bro Norman Cxwrth` Clerk` Iey), Bradford, Ont., a son (still- , born). ""5 MUTUAL FE F CANADA HOP'Kl'NS-At the Royal Victoria (Established 1869) Hospital, |Thursday, May 11, 1939, Canada s Oldest and Largest Mutual -To ;--R,`Hopki11s, Life Insurance C|'I1PanY- Allandale, RR. 2, a daughter` [All Prots from All Sources Belong _ _I(1v1a1-garet Jean), . tn 4-`kn 13n1nu T-`l'nL-low: ,........... . 'r\ . 11-. - I l.l.LlJlVL\JA\u;l J. \J uu :. ;u4. 4. .......u. ates under R.O.P. and Hatcheryl` Approavl. producing graded Bar-i red Rock Chicks. Prices 10 and! 12 each. 60 Penetang St.` Bar-`E rie. Phone 1194. ` LIFE or All to the Policy Holders. I i i T. C. Phillips _ Branch Manager I 24 Dunlop .st., Barrie. sj27 of Barrie in the County of Simcoe. Under and byvirtue of the po\ver.~.r of sale contained in a certain mo1't_ gage, which will be produced at the `Of Residential Property, in the Town time of sale, there will be offered `for sale by public auction at the nnm:N'_< l-l(')TF`.l., RARRIE ---uu-- SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1939 \at 12.00 o clock noon, by P. A. Coughlin, Auctioneer, the i'o11owing'! 1 propelty, namely: - -\I,I. ANT) SINGULAR that cer,` ALL AND SINGULAR that cer_'` tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying` and being in the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, and being composed of the South half of Lot Number Nine (9) on the East side of Maple` Avenue (formerly John Street) as` shown on Registered Plan Numberi 17, as \amended by Registered Plan Number 121; together with a right `of way as reserved on the North ghalf of said Lot Number Nine and `described in Registered Instrument `Number 3268 for bhe said Town of `Barrie. )'I`lun-n :cv enirl +n 1-un ova!-hat] nn `property, nameiy: 1 q` |J5zLrr1e. 1 ,There is said to be erected on }.<,aid property :1 comfortable dwe1l_ ing. `! T...-ms: Tan ner cent. of the nur- ;1ng. . ' Terms: Ten per cent. of pur- `chase money at the time of sale and {the balance within thirty days there_1 . I after. 'T`1-qn nvnncnvfv 1173" ha nfTm'nd R1113 gaiter. ; I The property will be offered sub_f _ject to a 1'e. bid. i T)-mm! n1-. Rm-rie. the Ninth day jject to 1'e. um. I i Dated at Barrie, the day [of May, 1939. | T; EL_. ____ _.._ D. CA..."-...L FOR SALE-Scarfe s Paints for ......-u nnvnnse. in any quantity. I [11 The Hawkestone Athletic Assoc- iiation will hold an Amateur Contest .in the Hawkestone Orange Hall on 'I`uesday, May 23rd. 11 Centr)a1 United Young People are presenting a. 3..4act comedy entitled Sunshine and Tempest, on Thurs. day and Friday, May 18 and 19, at 8.15, in the Sunday School room. 1 For Sale WANTED TO RENT .` sale Dy punuc uucuuu av. uu: QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE --nn_. MORTGAGE SALE J. GUNSTONE & CO. Coming Events 1`i..ia1}Ei~i' uuu. Stewart & Stewart, Mortgageet s Solicitors,` ___________._______ FOR SALE-Baby carriage, in good` condition. Phone 423w. + Phone 1 1 54w Phone 228 by Factory_Trained men, perman_ ently located in Barrie. Guaranteed service on all makes, night and day. 1 Phone 1202.]. (37) Work neatly done in town or out. Re- new those old ceilings with a new puzzo nish, any color or design Cornice work also brickwork Frank Howes, 82 Cumberland St. Phone 95 W. AUTOMOBILE PARTS - Superlas- tic Tire Sales, Associate Dealer to Canadian Tire Corporation, prices` same as current catalogue. H. F. Fmlick, Dunlop and Mulcaster \Sts., Phone 177. tf. The members of the local Assoc_: liation feel that quite a signal honor !has been a orded them in being permitted to take part in these pro- ceedings on the Royal depzirture from Toronto. .\`londay nigiht the C.N.R. Veterans are holding a banquet in the Oak `Room, Union Station, immediately {following the Royal departure. I How about 1 yours ? Do not ` price goes up. 46 Essa Road. ] Mr. Edmund Hardy s pupils re- cital will take place on Mlay 25th. AUTOMOBILE PARTS k Dance every Tuesday. Lion Pavilion, Riverdale Park, Alliston. (27 tf _____.__________ FOR SALE--Kitchen rannge, nearl new, warming closet, oven ther mometer, changing to electricity Apply Chopping Mill, Sftroud (s j:_____f_

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