Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Advance, 11 Apr 1939, p. 6

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wLOST--Brown fox terrier with curly tail and black face, male, wearing harness and 1938 tag No. 20. Finder please phone J. A. Hay .1351. Reward. 9 `L Locill Briefs | CORRECTION `T In the play, His Won1enfolk,l; presented at Central United Church,` Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of` last week, Mrs. Bill Garner was nam- ed as having played the role of Sister Polly instead of Mrs. Jack .`Ga1'ne1', as the aricle should` have` Easter Bazaar, afternoon and ev- ening; at Central United Sunday School Room, under the auspices of the Women s Association, 'I'-hu1`s April 13th. Afternoon tea: will be * served. I Among the many spring. improve- .ments noted along the main street is the bright! interior of Brown s Grocevy Ia-nd feed stores, which have just received a. new coat of paint. 1 Ln`! AL4J./ 4.:-nu, n.7Al.a\. -xu.\.vv 1.- AppI'y John R. Hutton, Stay- .-. IOn-\ HELP WANTED Here is an opportunity to get that new Floor Covering at a real saving. Genuine Gold Seal Con- goleum Rugs in drop patterns (no seconds.) These prices are only good while the stock lasts,` so get here early. A deposit will hold the rug of yo ur choice until you are ready to have it delivered. Congoleum Rug Sale ufqn.-I .v.. _,-.__ BARLEY, O.A.C. 21, grown from No.1 govermnent standard seed; al- so oats, O.A.C. 72, good weight, .1...` ............ur!... -.l.n rm; ,.j,~p,. WAN '1'-ED 40 Dunlop St. LOST ONLY 6x9 ft. Regular $4.95. FOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ONLY 7 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. Regular $6.25. FOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLY 9x9 ft. Regular $7.50. FOR . . . . . . . . .. .. ONLY 9x10 ft. 6 'in. Regular $8.75. l:`f\D House Frnishings Dept. Secdnd Floor 11...: U} FOR FOR SAL-E--Large McClar,y Range, water reservoir, warming closet. Democrat light tongue. Apply Perry Gill, phone 6041*-4, Midhurst ` Post Office. (3) -.1-.3, ` (305) - W ' ` ---w-I---3 2'--1 'V``'` 1} A dance will be held on Wednes-5 "" 1 day evening`, April 12th, in Cent2'e|M;E-AFORD `MAN WAS MOVING Ves-pra Hall. Everyone welcome. ~. 5AWDU5T- J `H The Women`s Auxiliary of Trinity Church will hold a tea and sale of homemade baking in the Parish Hall 'Wed`nesda.y, April- 19, from 3 to 6 o clock. TI Bingo. under the auspices of the Holy Name Society. in St. l\/I:ary s Parish Hall, 8.3'0 p.m., on W'ednes- day, April 12. Admission 25c, in- cluding six tickets. T| The Royal Victoria Hospital Aid, Annu`a`l Rummage Sale, on Saturday. May 6th, will be held in the K-Y Rooms. Donations would b appre- ` ciated. | l `TI Alnvaeur contest, Orange Hal}, ?Iv,\'. Friday, April 21. `rA:n_\'one wishing to enter let Mrs. Har1';' Banting or Mrs. Elwood Jennett ,know. Prizes: lst, $5.00; 2nd $2; '31-d, $1.50; 4th, $1.00; 5 ah, 50. .\ u.-.-nn,..- ` -` f``1...:.L r<'L.......1- Y A \/o.\4 ya-..u-4, `xsun, q;;..vv, uuu, UUL.` Aus-pices Christ Church W.A. Ad- mission 25c and` 15c. (s) 1] Euchre and` Crokinole Party, 9t L.O.L. 3166, over Bing'ham s But- cher Shop, on April 18. Prizes, lunch provided, everybody welcome. Attractive wedding invitations printed on Cameo or Bridiail Rose, die sunk, kid finish stationary at the Barrie Advance. Phone 53 for quo- tanrions on any quantity. ONLY 6x9 H. Regular $4.95. FOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOR SIALE-Goo run of fence posts, six inch tops and up, 12 each, and anchor posts; also man ` wanted or youth to work on. farm and two men to cut 50` cords 4-ft. hardwood`. Apply W. T. Johnston, Hawkestone P.O. Phone 215, Oro 011-30) 4 ONLY 9x9 ft. Regular $7.50. FOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONLY 7 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. Regular $6.25. FOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming Events WEDDING INVYFATIONS T.-,-gm $8.75. `(Cuts Call Of Leg A.-iliicking Buzz Saw T Meaford-Doug'1as Hindson, 27, once a member of the Meafond` H)a.r(1- ball Club. had the calf of his leg two-thirds severed. when he went to kick sawdust away from below a buzz St-9 Hindson had been cuntrting blocks and when the sawdust became piled up around both sides of the whirling blade, stuck his foot in under the rack to clear it away. He lost much blood before Dr. F. L. Eberhart .a.1-rived to rush nlhe lu- jured man to Owen Sound General Hospital. Dr. Eberhart said tonight lhe felt sure the leg could be saved. Dozens of stitches were required Lo close the deep \vound. Local and Long); Dis- tance T1'11<:] Service TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1939. Drive U-R-S(-H? Cars Valley Taxi PHONE 44 Blue Taxi PHONE 45 Phone 25 4.25- SAJ.d9-uoa1, uumz, my`... business, going concern, includ- ing real estate, buildings, equip- ment. Real bargain to right party. Apply or write, 89 Dal- house St., Brantford, Ont. 14 1%! 5.50 i*;0R auu, Ipl,Uvv. --, son, Picton, Ont. 0 ouw, U.n.u. ng, `vvu ...,.,,..., clean, mammotfh; also red clover '-seed, well cured clover hay; wheat. Apply Perry Gill, phone G0ir.`. Midhurst Post Ofce. (5)! FOR SA.LE-To close an estate, brick house, corner of Ross and Maple Ave. Apply Mrs. R. Wol- fenden, Ross St. Phone 683. l 1 SPRING LAMB 4 FOR SALE-6-roomed bungalow, conveniences, hardwood oors, cistern, garage. Apply 46 James 1'91. 13...!` Homemade Heztdcheese 15c lb. Roasts of Beef Roasts of Pork Sausage---2 for Boiling Beef VVFamily Butcher Phone 176, Barrie Harrnssrow HEPPLESTOIWS FOR SALE ._._______________ FOR SALE-Coa1, Coke, Wood i--- -2- --- .....:...- nnnnm-n , includ. SE.ED FOR SALE V n A (` 9.1 -rrrmv FOR SALE Order NOW from There is no Substitute for Results. A_DVAl_\lCE_ Quick Action Classified Ads are read by Hundreds of People in this district who take NO OTHER local paper. Quick Action WantAds can help SOLVE your PROBLEMS inexpensively in a HUNDRED different WAYS. Tel. 53 for R-E-S-U-L-T-S. _-.. .. . ...-.-. 1:In'D QATJIE! I T-T'F!T.'P WANTED % Jl\ arms...` -I r-AAA. n1, Throw off that dull winter shadow! Hurry in and let expert operators restore a fresh Spring look to your hair . . . your hands . . . your en- tire appearance. It`; spring . . . time to look V MISIII ygmac Beauty Salon \I1 fin 2'!` Dllfft QC! 52 DUNLOP ST. It s Spring . . . .. FOR SALE--~0ne McCormick 17 tooth cultivator, nearly new. Tele- phone 60`6r24. (s)` T I .110 lb .25c .170 .18c _:____________:__ FOR SALE--A0.`A.C. 21 Barley for sale, direct from Canada Malt- ing Co. It will pay you to see this before buying. P.rices reduc- ed on Frost fence and barb wire. Appreciaftte inquiries. Jack A1- len, 28W, Lefroy. (s) _.:?:?:.j.___._._ I , FOR SALE--'De1c0 Light Plant, packed`, cheap for quick sale. b-atteries need charging. A}.-p1_ -Maurice Murray, New `Lowel., " ` (R9:\ _ `FOR iSA~LE--Ora.ngevi1le, 106 .;cr.': 1 provincial highway, lHydro avail- able, Toronto 48 miles; bricx i house, 8 rooms, bank barn, good Well, immed*iate possession, sacri- ce. Apply Box 441, Orange- ville. (33) _______________j__ [FOR SALE--Goodlpram. Apply 111 - Penetang St., or telephone 755M$. (s) '1 FOR SALE-Number of Berkshire | Sows, bred in February; also ' Boar, ready for service. Apply W. A. Johnson, Hawkestone, R.R. 1. Phone 1024, 01-0. (8) ` FOR SNLE-21/ h.p. 3-phase motor, in rst class shape, or would ex- change for 2 h.p. single phase motor. Apply at Barrie Advance. --------$\ , FOR SALE-A good farm, on the highway in Prince Edward Coun- ty, one hundred acres, half mile from village and four miles from Picton, good buildings, cement silo, $7,000. Apply T. J. Gib- -_.. 1:>:.a.... nu! FOR SALE-Light Sussex Breeding Cockerels, $3.00 to $5.00 each; ` baby chicks from our Royal Win- . ter Fair winners. $15.00 per 100. x N. Yawman, box 353. Phone ` 401, Newmarket. FOR SALE -- Rebuilt madhines for sale-tractors, seed drills, cultiva- tors. Apply Hassey Harris Imple- | men-1 Shop, Phone 76. FOR SALE--Good used Moatt elec- tric range, perfect condition, 4 bum- ` ers and oven, $10. Home Appli- I ance Shop, Five Points. Phone 424. I FOR SALE---One hundred _acres at Snowbali. Could take property in exchange. State price of`p'r61 perty you have. Apply Robt. Harrison. King, Ont. (18) FOR SALE---Heavy draft 3-year-oidl colt and cheap team work horses_ V? also Hereford bull. Applry Alex. I Miller, R.R. 2, Barrie. Phone | G51r4. IVOI`. SA!/1-l--.~\ number of used C0211 mud Wood stoves, electric 1 1'un:;'c.< and elcmrit: mngettes, In :_~`oo`.I condition; 1'e21sona.ble. Ap-, pl_\' L. A. I'lnm1.<, Electric. Phone '30, Barrie. `FOR SALE-&Banner oats and stlif ' tooth cultivator. Apply John R. ! Hutton_ Shasyner. (309) MANURE FOR SALE--$1 per muck- lload ,de1ivered. Phone 733. {IFOR SALE--Eight-piece dining . room suite, $12.00; chest of draw- ! ers, $2.00; cook stove with hot ` \\'v-.1`te1- front, $6.00; baby sleigh | and go-curt, $1.00. Must be sold 7 by 1:-idu_\'. Apply 60 Paurkside Drive. `vol: S.-\l.1`I--Bed1*oom Suite, new; radio, bicycle, jruitar, dining room Lublv and six chairs, couch, heat- er, kitchen stove, washing ma- chine, : machine, new . In- Apply 5) Caroline Stu] an 1,,1_ Page |I0R `on sAL1:-.Pm7eb1-ed "T Yorkshire hog, 9 months; also purebred Yorkshire sow, will furrow last! of June from zulvanced registry stock Apply Cecil Ohappell, Crown Hill. Phone 902141. (s) .-\l1un \.uuu,, .. FQR SALE PHONE288 uv vv s.;., (325) FOJR SALE-0ne share of Co-opera-I tive Stock, Packing P`.1`ant Allan-` dale. Apply Box B, Barrie Ad- I FOR SALE - Mcmaugghin-u`Buickl motor, six cylinder, 101/.-inch ves- cot grinder, speed jack and belts; hea 1'th reason for sellin-g. George Ke1so_ Markdale, Ont. FOR SALE--Hydro poles and fencel posts. Applzy Justin A. McBride, R.R. No. 2, Angus. 3s =FOzR SAIJE--Six-roomed brick house, wih sun room. Look it: over. Ap- ply 91 Worsley St. Phone 317. LOTS FOR SALE--Just north of CNey' St., acing Matchedmh. No grading, well fenced. Apply Mrs. A. McC`1e1lan. Phone 253, CHICKS FOR SALE-We buy or trade hens for early pullets. Highest prices paid. Also Start- er Chicks for sale up to 10 weeks old. Phone 60516, Barrie. Maple Leaf Poultry Farm. 1 .._-_ BABY CHICKS of nest quality in Barred and White Plymouth Rocks and White Leghorns. Hatching eggs from Bu Orpingtons, White Cornish, Partridge Rocks, Games and Japanese Silkies. All stock b1ood-tested. Custom hatching. Harry Morren, Barrie, Ont. GIJLMORE POULTRY FARM oper- Q ates under R.O.P. and Hatchery Approavl, producing graded Bar- red Rock Chicks. Prices 1-0 and. 12 each. 60 Penetang St.` Bar-" rie. Phone 1194. ` GENZERAIL REPAIRS and Towing Service, Dunlop Tires. Craw- ford's Garage, East Oro. Phone 106. (e) l TRY OUR I-IAMBURGS AND HOT DOGS. You Will like them; they re different. Springwater Lodge, Higrhway 27, Midhurst. s GENERAL REPAIRS and Acety- lene Welding. New equipment. | Parry Garage, East Oro. I j FOR PAINTING AND PAPER- HANGIN~G., see A. .\Ii11er, 59 Mc- Donald S`.., or phone 510J. Work ' done in town or country. (m9) M0TORISTS-Now is the time mi see that your car is in good run- ning order--to ll up with the right kind of gas and get results. For quick starting and mileage, ll up and save with Joy Gas. Toronto Garage and Service Sta- tion, Penetang Road. Repairs to all makes of cars or trucks. I`-hone 28W. (1V 2) FOR SALLE--Sow and nine young ones. Also two young sow pigs for sale. Apply R. Tuckey, Kil- -lnrnety Lodge, phone Lefroy 10. VV VJ\J.IJ .L' \l.l.U |u.r.;.:..u.a MDRE B.~\R4G..-\INS on Special Choice. 12-inch Dry TZ11T1E1l'21Ck, only $3.25 or two truckloads $6.25. Four- foot Tamarack, only $5.75 per cord ,or two cords ,$11.00. Other bargains, just call 1413. Oliver I E. Carson, Barrie. | WHY BUY a new Sewing: Machine '3 Can supply parts, needles, bob- bins etc., for every m-nke of sew- ing `machine. Machines repaired. Used machines bought and so`.`:.`. W'ri~t`e for information. D. Lati- mer_ Churchill. Ont. (sj27) Cottages and All Kinds of Repair: BARBIE - an Inc In! car; , u l'-o TYIIICC Job Guustone 4.-.. - Orilli2`1.' , I"01R RIENT-I-Ieated apartment. Applfy Reid's Barber -Shop. Baby chicks} mscE1.LA1mofJs For Sale WOOD FOR SALE nvw n A nn vrxru -... G...-.,.:.-.1 (`L HOUSE FOR SAL.E--Good location,` double low, 2 g2L1'age.s. Apply 16 Francis St. - I J. uUN3Iuru:. a: DU. Buildou and Contractors FOR SALE J. GUNSTONE & II Ila]... --:1` PIIIQCDD IN ORILIJA FOR RENT The Barrie Advance DEC I I IFIW Phone 228 115-1w .-n- 99H I `HELP WAI\BTED-A capable my-a.n ' with references for farm duties. Apply Box 50. Advance (s) WAN-TED-B`arn\, size 40x60 ft.` A .-....VL. T_'l.._ TV `l'T_.4;.., (1; , LI FOR SAILE--Stove wood, mixed,| cut 12 inch. length, mostly hard- wood. Apply Roy Tracy, Dak- ston, Ont. (495)

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