Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Advance, 4 Apr 1939, p. 8

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has been ar- ten-year-old um... l-.'-.. vu ` 111 J Lu. \-u Easter is always the rst Sunda,\ after the ``full moon, which ap pears upon, or after, the 2l.t of March. If the full moon occurs or; a Sunday, Easter is 'ti'e Sunday `.0 follow. Consequently E-aster never arrives `earlier than the 21; . 0` March and never late: than the 25th of April. By re;x.o.1 3*` the` fact that \Easter is governed by the moon and because the moon :1`:- wa4ys rises about 20 minuttrs `ate: every day than does the sun, the . occurrence of Easter oscillates with the phases of the moon. 1..-; ........ 17-4,... .,.n.~.1- nv\I1:vnn]_ mu: yuuava \.u. nu. uuxvuo I Last year -Easter ncame unusual- Ily late, April 17th. Next year Ea.ster will come uiusuauy early. March 24th. It will not come Very late again until April 21, 1946. :".-d again on the same date In 1937. The very latest Easter in a pzzrioa `of 5,50 years will occur April 2'2, `1962. ..u.. u..- _A V...--. u.-.-u Luv... WHAT TO DO Wl'IH HOT BEDS Last week we learned hov-' to build hot beds and cold frames. Now we may learn how to n1:'~:e proper use of them. 'l':u-re ale three good treason-9 for having a. hot bed`, naxnely: l1\ V- -.~.n.'L.J- want 4:; nnubn or. uvv USU, JAGMAICLJ . (1) You might want to make anle early sowing of extra early vege- table and [flower `seeds. When dc- veloped, transfer them to a cold frame. (2) You might want t( grow cuttings of Coleus, Geraniulm, etc. A hot bed is splendld for them as it provides bottom l'.ea. (3) .It s a great place fo' re\'.'v- in gtroplical plants in summer, as Rubber Plants, Aspidistras, Ferns, that hot .b eds are really of most that hot \beds are really oi .1103 etc. 1. . . w. -.. u 1 FARM INVESl \/IENT; In the recent suudy of Outwo . dairy farms shipping milk Lo citles, it was found that eicicnt u`-e of capital invested per farm has an important bearing on the income ;. farmer receives and also on his cost per hundredweight of milk ;".ou`uc- ed. This studly, directeu by the `Econoniics Branch, Dominion: De-|` parzment of Agriculture, Ottawa, covers the 1936 crop year. '1`nr< i11ea.su1'e of elciency used \'\;l~i the number of years required for Lh. cash receipts to equal lotul =1 - vestment. I .- .A,. A` ,_ ,1, L . ..-.m....... A g;1'oup of 106 farms, which xe- quired four years or fies; tor cam. lreceipzs to equal investment, had `an a\'el'ag'e operat0r s labour c..;.'.1- nigs 01' $1,194 and an a"-.'a,=._-;e milk `Cori, `per l1u11 01' $1.92. ,. T110 group of M`. 1:11'.--._: zezlumng over six years fur rag}; "u.e.L~Y.~ `o cqualy investment l1a-`ll an average ope1'ator s labour eamangs of (minus) .$-26 or a loss 0" $;'.[.". for their yeu1".~n \\'o1'k and ha: a milk milk cost was $1.33 per 1.undn.~<'-- l.. -11.-.. ........a' . 4.`..n I: `>- w.. nus .,....W ,.... ......u.... \\'ei_ght. In other word.', `;`:e first _;'roup received $1,220 mere for `their your ; work and had "4 n:-' cost 0*` 4] Lents pm" hu11-.!|:c.`\\'01g11'. less than the I :L group. VI"... ._...... ESTEN and ESTEN BARRISTERS Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyanoers Money to loan at lowest currem rates. Office: In Floor Masonic Temple Bldg" Barrie. ('1 `LT `I-e!-n11 H _ Egten ..... .....u_. ..........-..., in the fn'. g"\)L.p w'.1.; $1-1,22;-L and in :he second gr--up $17`-.5-Lia. This indicates that the mid" (1`.i'1`erence in returris come more 1".`-in rl'.e uses made of the capital than from :li`e1'ences in the ar.'..iur. r of investment. To build up the ol- umc of (revenue required and to use the capital ii1\'P.~'Led in `zimi .'.ud iiiiiltliiigs to i)(.`:1. ;1(l\'z1m..;__>'e. ii i.~ l'l0C`:`S\ill`y, tl1e.1'ci'01'e, to have 1;:-=_:h. rate. 01' live r~i,()Ci{ and crop in`:- iduction. These 1'zite.~: oi ,)1`ouic- Lion refer .0 such 1'zicto1'.~, :.- \iL`l.L`i ])..l` 1(.'1`L`, milk 1)l`O(iuCL`(i =,"u;:' uh, pioiiuce. per man, u..-. ! Another consideration concerning capital investment is that 1~.`ice.~ at `\'i1iL'i] luiid is _>'f)i(i usiuiil" 1 an \'ar_\' as much as the m.-. H;`t.".~ from land. Studies iiiauc of l)1`il.'C,`*1 at which kind wz1.; sold. at '1 the` [grin il]C0ll]C.<. un 1liL1i.(l1'e(I., u'.` l'.'.:';'`.- in New York Ttzite, \\ ii.ci1 are; ~'. _ what ;;imilzu- to those in Onta." indicated that ,ii' income. are cur! ..._.........\. vuu,u ,lL ...w...m M. W.- .~icIv1'ed, sale prices tcmi Lu nu Lou high for the poorer classes of and too 1o\v for `he best clzmses in 1111;. vd'i.st1`in.t. Canada. A Etudy 01' 73` 1_=.v'.:; .- ,`values of land is :11.-0 found in; Farm News mum; be .admitted. howcVe1',| EASTER TIME i GARDEN J, NOTES EFFECT ON INCOMZF` nu tar he 0!; xsfer h-`- .. .1 nu. .,. .... .. .. .. ar.'..:ur.`r 1p `ed .`.m J _.:__ `L`. (By DI G. H. Esten use to gardeners on large z-st-utu or to orist`s and nurserymen witn large 'g;rcenhouses. At t'une.9 green- houses become overcrowJeL \v t'n young plants and an armmgenxcnt of hot beds serves admi'..';`u'_; as :3. miniattlre outdoor greenhouse fc: the sto1v:1::e of hothouse stock. --... .-.- FI`l\ I\r\ 1t7I'rI| nnv n J OHN CRAOSSLAND) uu uur: \.Ln.x\. uxm Jvu uuvu do is look after it and that w-ll fun if you really like it! brief period 01' 200 years used up 80 per cent. of our forests, 33 pel ccm. 01' our soil, and avbused our aquatic 1~usou1'<-e.=- even more than our lam. and 'fo1'e:~:t.<, we can rc-ug'h- 1_\' g'L1e.<.: about how long` Americal could feed the world. "no:-id. J. :.\'. D;x1'1ing' says. "But since we, with 10 per cent. 01.` .: r'.';`~ rpopulation, have in the u u n 1 YOUR HORSES ARE NO STRONGER THAN YOUR HARNESS tcxv - -.--- 32 BAYFIELD STREET the boa.`-`t that - \'-.o2'id. $ `pr 1" GORDON LONGMAN l BARRISTER, SOI'i`ICCITOR, NOTARY K E . Klan-.. an Inn-. 4;; r||\L.4 n1\.r uA|\\.IAV\JA.u\ IIIFIAV nun W. R. % ALLEN . 1--I-nu-r--r earning povscr means that u than aV(,1' too much `far America could CROP RESPONSE -AS A `GUIDE TO TOBACCO FERTILIZATION Tob-acco responds to its plant food nutrients more readily possibly than any other crop in existence. There- fore commercial plant. foods neces- sarily play an important role in the production of this crop, states R. J. Haslam, Senior Assistant (To- bacco Culture), Dominion Experi- mental `Station, `Harrow. Ilhu. ._ ... ..... .. L. ....J.__ A` ..... ..... i..,.,.....,.., u......... I For a grower to judge he suit-,. ability of any fertilizer as to how the crop may respond in the field is only safe within certain limits because, unless he is familiar '-h ' deciency .symptoms, factors er than improper fertilization may be at work. Soil type, soil reaction. humus supply, cultural rpractice, crop rotation, crop effects, and sea- son should be taken into consider- ation. It is believed by invesi tors that, provided all the essena _ factors were present in the soil for optimum growth, any soil would produce a satisfactory crop of to- bacco. As thi sis not \a normal occurrence in nature, the grower must be uguid`ed by information which has been proved by experi- menial research. ' l I\ . 1-. - - r\ On the Dominion Experimental Stations at Harrow and Delhi every plot of tobacco represents a min- iature crop of tobacco. The plots are a1'1'a.nrged to cover soil varia- tion and to give a representative picture of the soil .requirements. When an excem or a deficiency of any plant food is severe enough to be observed in the growing crop, it usually follows that the quality of the cured leaf is also ser- iously impaired. Avu\:AJ uuyunnuu. Recommendations on tobacco fer- tilizers have been designed to meet the needs of the majority of to- bacco soils. A departure from these recommendations is necessary only when t he crop response, as well as chemical soil tests, indicate the need of some adjustment in the fertilizer being used. 'ITriplets Born `at Parl Sound Parry Sound , March 27-Trip- lets, a girl and two boys, were born at St. Joseph's Hospital here on Sunday to Mrs. Kickham, wife of Dr. James Kickham, of Bu1'k s Falls. The babies and mother are progressing satisfactorihy. hr T{n'I-Ln. L. .. ,.1....A.:_L n-\1,, STEWART and STEWART l BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERSI An-w In In-n in an`: nnmn Al SUNDAY EVENT IS FIRST EVER IN PARRY SOUND HOSPITAL ~-ALL DOING WELL. `IL u`5Luau1lAb' .:auoLacuUL|lJ_Y. Dr. Kickham is a dentist. The triplets are the rst ever born in the local hospital. .Lo(-:11 :111(1'I,>np; "Dis- 1':1n<-(- '|`I'u(-ki11g' S(*1'\'ivo ]~)]'i"( U-T?-S(-H Cars Valley Taxi PHONE 44 Blue Tax PHONE 45 Mad ?L`?a0 de Y, APRIL 4, 1939, PHONE 557 ._... t , _- `.4 I A local resident has Invented an: aeroplane wing: that will increasel `the speed of :1 pur. ship by 100, DONALD F. Mm-.LAREN, B.A. BAR`RIS'I`ER, SOLICITOR, NOT-k ARY PUBLIC Masonic Temple Bldg. Barrie MONEY TO LOAN COLL] NGWO0D-- With the Colilingwood Legion; member there has been no hesita-. tion in becoming enrolled. Secre- tary Chal Thomas made the an-l nouncement and with the necessaryl form in the hands of Aidjt. J. w.[ Smith the sig'nin,<>.; up was entered! upon by the soldiers of the Empire 1 Page Eight IUlVJEJH.."LLJ UIICDULUIVD Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Established 1869 BL--- no 1:....:. (1..- IOWOSI 18 Owen St. runmxcm 47 Elizabeth St. A IIDTTT _ A KTI Phone 82 GRAVENHURST-- FUNERAL DIRECTORS DID. Money to Loan Masonic Temple B|dg., Barrio Ll`.l.I'.a FUDIJIU, KJULV V 115 l.J'LJ.V`\.Il`JIVIi Money to Loan in any sum: :1 lowest current rates. n t\_..._ 1. , G. G. SMITH and Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 55.... A...L..I..-..._ :_ ("A-nag.-O1 .'uza.netn SC. .. .. rnone AMBULANCE SERVICE P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR -yo-.1-anl-In Q4- Dknnn BOYS ma soars I BARRISIIERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- `ARIES PUBLIC1,M( ?.(`)NVEYANCERS,. .. Professional Directory. . `MNKWTORONTO R EGAN T IMPROVE YOUR HOME Loans up to $2,000 on easy terms are available here to responsible home-owners, in accordance with the Dominion Government's Home Improvement Plan. We will gladly give you all particulars. ZEGAL gave Money to loan at lowest rates of in- tel-en. Office: 13 Owen St., Masonic Temple `nhla `R1-ant-H Office. Elmvale. TIE Nf. H. Esten am: Barrio. Ont JU1U.lZ\. Phone 218 DXTTFIF Incorporated 1855 Barrio Barrio WU1V1I!ilV Chief Coroner County of Simeoel Phone 64 Office--58 Collin St. ' Office Hours; 8-9 a.m., 12.80-2 p.m., 6.30-8 pm. DR. W. C. LITTLE Associate Coroner, County of Sim- coe and DR. A. D. GRAY Office: 47 Maple Ave. Telephone 213 Office Hours: 1 to 4 p.m. and '7 to 9 p.m., or by appointment. i GEO. R. & ELSIF. R. 'l3{Jl-{l;g,'D:.C.| DRUGLESS THERAPISTS I Elecro, Hydro and Mechano Therapy Electra Magnetic Baths Electronic Diagnosis Foot Adjustments Phone 405 for Appointment I82: Dunlop St. Barrio.-I CAMERON and CA!ll0N BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 406 MONEY T0 LOAN urauuate OI Mculu umversmy, Montreal Office and Residence-Corner Dun- lop and Poyntz Sts., Barrie Phone 105 -- AAA I nvuu Ava Office Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-3 pm.` 7-8 p.m. I Ammo nxu-uwun; (D {Well-Baby Clinic, 2.30 to 4.30 everyl \I7....l....-A.-uv 1|/Tina T T nvtranh VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSESI (BARRIE BRANCH) .WpH-Rnhv Clinic. 2.30 to 4.30 everv vv I:AA`AJK1|I_y uuunu, uuuv vv icvv uvy-_, Wednesday Miss I. Lawson. Application for nurse's services may be made direct or through doctors.` DR. C. C. FLEMING VrE~'I`ER4INA.R;IAN AND SURGEOI\ f\ll:..-. A9 I2-..l-I.I Cb ll--in JOHN STEELE TEACHER PIANO AND '1`H.EOR! I ru u . .-. .1 . n , -. I n 71 miles per hour. By means of a simple design which is applicable togl any wing or aeroplane, it eliminatesl the drag. An aeroplane using this wing` can land at a slower speed and I can take off and carry twice the weight or pay load in one-third the distance. This invention has been' approved and tested at the Nation- al Re;~=earch Council wind-tunnel test at Ottawa. I I ....:ua. uu-4T 1 Many friends here will learn with i.~2incere regrret of the serious injur- 'ies received by Mr`. A. E. Ander- ison, of Sundridge, formerly Misi lAlcxiz1 Williams, of Bradford, in a` `motor accident. on Sunday evening` [he ween Brzu-eb1`i and Graven- I burst i a 1' 1 -z A v unuuuuu. 4.-`tau VJ. Studio: 50 Tifn St. Office: 13 Owen st", Masomc lemple Bldg. Branch Office, J. R. Boys J. F. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were on their way to Toronto and met in zu head-on collision with another earl south of B1`L1ceb1`i.l_qe. Sunday was`- 1 stormy and we unlerstand visibility t -. xvus poor and roads hazax-nlrous. Both ? BRADFORD-- MEDICAL DR. W. A. LEVMIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN YLn-I ("nu-nvunu (`Aunt-xv nl {1nnn DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Nfnnh-A91 J.LLJ.L)L\I'J.l.LV .;..u..r -.auAvu...-V-` Office-0wen St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) "l.`4`l.'i`JIV1.LV`A..l.1.lJi1V ALVU aununux Office: 48 Bayfield St., Barri. I-\`I"l'r\\T1'.V 01 1 J.l\4A.\/LALJLI ;. .n.4;uv .;.uu A.a.a.u4\.rAI- ` Graduate Pupil of Ernest Seitz n._.J2-_ En 'I"2H1_ CA DL___ A81 J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON l\f}I GHIROPRACTORE VETERINARY _...__. DUNCAN F. MeCUAlG, K.C. PAUL H. ARMSTRONG, B.A. BARRLSTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC.` MONEY TU LOAN I NURSING MUSICAL 1|; wan; - -nu.- PHONE 81 1`- .... uu huvluna Phone 4231' | Three things the peopie are talking about, waterworks, drainagn and new sidewalks on Dunlop St. 1 Wii A horse thief was hanged the other Id`a.y at Norman, Kansas, by Vigilantes. (AS TAKEN FROM THE AD- VANCE FILES OF APRIL 4, 1889). A Stratford farxner rested for tying his te` son in a bag and `beating 1 I Orillia has i band. ! There were 800 people at a 4.20;; lrace at; Midland the oiher day. Ross -Block | The band` received at `blowing will A young` {man from near Iww Lowell visited Angus, partook coo freely of {he owing bowl and Ilost $85. Mr. Kirk, an old resident 01' Muskoka, says he has not seen the snow disappear so ear`.y for 24 years. I It is said that Mr. Thuziusv. of Hillsdale, weighs 225 pounds, rand that he has three dauginers, aged 8, 10 and 12 years, who we1,;h 116, 153 and 166 pounds, rcspeu tive1.y. A sailor on a `schooner in Balti more harbor found \a cockroach in his soup and at once went and mur- dered the cook. A SAD SHOWII`-"5 The assessors are `now making their rounds and report a most de- plorable state of things at present existing in town. Men supposed to lbe loaded with bank stocks, mortgages ,etc., are found to be destitute. Merchants whose shelves 'woul-cl lead us to believe by their appearance that their owners were comfortaible, have sca:cely 1 accotlnvzs, )- lpaid for a `doll-ar s worth of stat}. - land force us to confess that the wholesale merchants of the prrseng lday are the most long-suer-ng and disinterested gentlemen in existence. And `as to personal property, there I is an utter absence of any such in 'cumbe1'ance, hardly an owner of even a "dog; could` be found in Bar- rie at the present time. vv luv ' 3.} ( `paid fo .. .. .1 13-. Mr. and Mrs. An-{arson were in- ljured, the former not so seriously, ;but Mrs. Anderson is in Bracebridge .hosiptal suffering from severe head injuries and bruises. Her brother, Mr. Harry Williams, visited her and when he left the `hospital yesterday noon she had not yet recovered con- iorse Disease y Kills Woman i 1 Probe Ozderedl i Mr. Ande1'.9on.< car was almost Dcompletely demolished by the im- I pact. Collingwood Legion members are watchful as to the events in Eur- - ope and are already signing up and offering their services and resources to the BritishrEmpire in case of war. Through Regimenfal Sergt.- Major J. W. Smith, now Branch Avd-jutant, the registration is being -effected, the veterans offering their services whether military, constabuI- ar_\', observation, re aid, re pro- tection or any other duty that they may be able to perform. Succumbs to Form of 5158; ng S3ck- I ness Believed Until Last Year 5 Conned to Equines. ! Pearl Ilivcr, .\`.Y., ;\Iz11`c`h 29,-.-\n ] i11\'e.-tip;aLion was ortlered today by the United States Government in ?he dvuth of :1 womzux from 21 form` of . .~'ickne.<.= belicve-'! until` last year to [have affected horses on1_\'. ' 71'..." __...-l_, __ ,, ., I ,, \r n -I FIFTY mas AGO Two weeks ago today, .`.Ir.~a R'.l'.`}`. 2an1s'e_v, 28, an empioyee of 21 chem- iical research con1pzm._\', died }1ft'(2r being` in 21 coma for fo'.11'da.y=. She ltzul been c11.-;z1:_-'erl for .'~n0ve1`z1I weeks in injet-tin;:. virus into eggs to pro- duce :1 . used in \'aCc:'w: !`o.r' ihor.~'e.< with equine em'e1)hu1nm_'.'e!itis. 2`. combined inflamation of the braln and . cox' the o'~d-f :\.`:`..c`.`.eri lname, acco1'dii1'g' to Dr. W. G. Mal- `colm, director of `the comp:xn;', \x:x. the blind :~ttz1,2`2'e1`s. 'T`L.\ .11! ("uI1`vc p1.:1t.< were brought LO .-\)HC`.'i(':1 e:1rl_\' in the eighteenth cu-:1`u1`;'`. \-.`h'-n Uh` French intw'lu~- ed them in the West Indies. .... .,...... .,u.,-.-a,.;..a. ` The `d`isen. w:;.~1 prcvzllt-nt t'n;'0u;;`i1- |0ut \Ve. Canada lust _\`ezu' but` \\'z1.~: confined to 11`nr.~=es. Bu`. 1:! llzxssuclueusetts, s .-eeping 'sickness\ among: 41 number of Chi](h`(.`11 was |1.1'zu-ed to infection from 11 :'.~u.~. aml since then a check-up 1111:: 1'0-scaled the (llsease in several ozhcr :1nima1.~=. 11.. \I1:II.'_._. \r 1 1 .. 1 u . nu. u-.~\.um.. nu ncxctcu ULIIUI. :llI1Hl).l:~.\ Dr. William Ualcolm, attached to the comp:m_\' for which .`.`I1'.'._R:unse_\` worked, announced today that test.~. discI0.~`o(I she had contracted enceph- zxlumyc-1iti.<. instruments have Dec. 11.._.;, ,- 1 - ...uu.uuu.uvu uuvu nus..- Penetanguishene and shortly begin. I now a 1nou t,horg'an The Barrie Advanoo ALEXANDER COWAN BARRISTER Solicitor xor obtaining probate of will, guardianship and administration and general solicitor, Notary Con- veyancer, etc. Office: Masonic Temple Bldg`.

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