Page Six dashed off in puruait. Neither, obviously, did -George. J-ingo, he shouted; but even as he uttered the word ,the dogs ed by us to the dressing room. rBi]'l ..._....v- v- .- ,_.:.-. It was then that George showed his iron nerve. He walked over to the pianist, who sat close to where I stood. , Ilrw 1 11:11 ,,,, n1, .__1_,.._ tiered. DUUUUO Can you play `Where, Oh where Has My -Little (Dog Gone ? he mut- rn1__ _:_._:_;. L....`l- 1...... lI....~..l II Lyczcu. The pianist shook her [head.` Can you hum `it ? she asked. r~-.......- r1r\L L:,. :.n.. Innnmvi +n_ an yuu uuuu Au . ..-uy suunnwuna George set his jaw, leaned to- ward her, and gave vent to a me1- 1 W nodded; and he strode `back to 1'.he centre of the stage. Simultaneous- _ 1y, 1Bi1l reached` m-e once more, clutching a. dog. Hope to g'ood'ness it s the right I one, `he breathed. Where, 011- Where Has My ::Litt1e Dog Gone? announced ' George. `ancholy drone. `But, `nally, she I rnL.. L..n ......... ..-:4.1.. um... nnnn .-ul The .-\11nuu1 Meeting of the C011s01-Vative Associa.- tio11* of B-.u'1'ic will be held in the |\.xu:.u.5c. The hall rang with 1'enewcd 1au.ghter---and then -Bill had an In- sniration. He put down the doe`. Jingo ! he exc`1-aimed ste1'n1\'-- and \\'a2,'2;1e(1 his ngrer, a..'~.- he had Conservative Meeting THEY LL PRAISE YOIIR MEALs Dura. Barrie Public Utilities Commission onnr::u.ows' TEMPLE once seen George do. It worked. J`ingo- barked. The laughter reached its Iclimax. ur*..n L:w. rznnm.-A U n~.-nmnharl 1a.u5uwt:1' J.'Ci'.Jl.\}lL!;u l|l I\.Luua\a Call him, George, prompted Bill. 1170 nu , - 1- .n _ -.____ Jingo ! said lGeo2-ge. Jingo obeyed `placid[l._\'-and, what is more, proceeded 1'0 aznswer ques- tions witihout 3. (falter. up an n Well, commented Bill, as soon as George had come o'-to a storm of applause. Fancy ltalcing on the wron-g dog ! n,......-.. ,...,..a .1..:... :.. mm: mm- V\I.UlI8 UU5 o George eyed him in mild sur- prise. Surely you know that. was Dart of the acb-I didn't give him the signal at rst. He looked hard at Bi-ll. Were .you respon- sible for the other dog '1' Bill nodded. George threw out his chest; Never mind, old man--iI. was a riot! ~n - r u n About one-fourth of the 130,000 blind .indivcZua1.< in the U.S. reed rzxised 1'31`-uille type. uuxu. Draws Revolver : Sheikh el-lihatib, who sits in`- this court as judge, the prisoner said. I\ . |L,. The po.~:so111 is spreading 11 \\'e.~:L 11111.11 some can be found in 100 miles of the Great 1-3!; .1 n .1 ..-n TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1939. And mmm-m--m wliat woniler- ful avour! Meals and vege- tables with nzuure s savoury juices sealed-in . . . cakes, pies and biscuits so tenderly light and golden-brown . . . the whole family will vote them the best they ever Iilalctll -n I . . . . . . . . V N . . . ".4 V.-- .........-. Buy your new electric range on the IIYDRO Thrift Plan. ON THE LHYDRO THRIFT PLAN 20% OFF RETAXL PRICES \_ll . .\....r..-.. n |\I\al4u Three Years to Pay g- up to $25.00 Wiring Allowance .,.......~.~..oc.s:v.xv.vv.-saee-.:Aooco2~sc- -~Eric Fo1'bes-Boyd. ..,, _.-. . -.. _. -_., , , breath `? The pri.sone1' was in no way dis-! nr.1yed. ` I can prove it, and he turned toward the sheikh he had accused. Abu-Dura also turned to Sheikh el-Khatib. Let us hear this villizm out be- fore he dies." mu -1 1 1 v>L,.:I, 1.....,4. AHA, l.\..,..l. . north- L- L` ..-J .. V. LULC IIU UIKIC. ` Sheikh cl-Iihatib burst out laugh-; ing, but his 1uu;:hter cnled abrupt- I_\' when the p1`i:4oner. said: 44111... .I.,.... \'\\I\ Q1-|r\ 4-inn. nu A_v Iilnunn vnlv y;..~u..~.- ....\.. Please show me the time on your watch. . Abu-Dum and the other three! rebel _iud5.;'es :~'ta1'ed at one another! .~ 1)0CC}'l1C.~'S. ; ' I wut ch. _-\bu-I)u1`u .x u.._.,..._y um. and` the M The . . E: uuu Uccu. Who is he '. demanded Abu~ iuu. Out came _-\bu-Du1'a's revolver. Cur, he cried, would you p ~:ion .with your .` nu Doomed Arab Tums Tables _0n ludge_and Saves Life BOXES EGGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c 50c Robertson Drug Store rxnvw urn I: \\'hat :1il.~' give me ramuus L i; E CANDIES I)ress for EASTER-TIME for p1'o11d1)a1'adi11g . . . for 011- joyment of the spring air, the sun, the birds and budding trees. Plan to 1'0a11_V enjoy it this year! In clothes that look new because they are freshly cleaned We specialize in-- IT 'I\/Tn` Are Suspicious 3`, .._.. 0)`! .. .`l....l . suspic it :~e(1 by t . ..,..-.,.... `."" a. the Show me PHONE NO. 5 .-V... thi.~ u LL 1? Men s Suits Ladies Dresses `H Spring Coats 1] Window Drapes, etc. give fh-famous thor- D1'i.~:. EsTE Dura. went up to him and jerking his iwatch chain, pulled out the watch--an olvd-fashioned timepiece. Not the clock face, 0 Quadi," said the prisoner. Open the back." ACCUSED REVEALS SECRET DATA IN SHElKH S WATCH AND WINS FREEDOM FROM REBEL COURT. I |JZlCl\. Abu-Dura [did so and found be- fore :him a tiny photograph of 1 Sheikh el-Khatib, togetlher with a special police `permit allowing him to pass all military cordons and police posts unmolested. That zafternoon the police lost V .1.wo informers. The prisoner, whose I . . .11fe was sparecz, swore on 'me_ Koran to be loyal 1'0 the rebel- lion. For lSheikh el-Khatib, it was` E his last tria.I. 011 leadership of the Christia (.-Xdvance Correspondence) The young people met in the hall .\Ionda.y evening under the n Fellow- ........ .. \,1.:-... v r`*`.....m-.m.-_ llccluctexlly u; Lux. \.uu.;........ -......... | ship eonvener, Miss V. Chapman. i_\Iuriel Carson took charge of the devotional period. Miss Chapman took the discussion period, the theme -being The Risen Lord," after which everyone enjoyed the recreational period. 1 The Women s .-\s;~:ociation met at `ithe home of Mrs. C. H. Sage on Wedne. afternoon, with a good a.tendance. The roll call was an- .~:\\'e1`ed by the name of a n1ls.-.1on- iary. The Scripture reading was `read by Maxine Sage. .VIrs. H. I\v\;` in i nun-.. ........I .. .....\n.. ruru |`\'| |ut.\,u\Auu\.\.- ;.u. .u.. ...... ...... .... , i.~\n_;'o1a, Africa. ..\'Ir.'~:. A. Maw read '21 paper on Removing the Colour Line." At the close of the meet- in}: the hostess and her ciaugiitem . 21 dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Clark liiddleton and Roy Hawkins. of Carley, speni a few du_\'.< at Albert Dixon's. ~v~ 1- 11-1,, -1` 1'T.l.r.....L.... Gitfen read a paper on missions in ` I g .\Ii: Medeline Binnie, of To- Iron 0, is .=,pending a couple of i ,\\'('0k~ zit hvr home here. I . . ? F1`zmce.~: .\'IcX-abb who has ; I been . the winter in Barrie, is \'isiLin;:` this week with Mrs. I)u. before retiiminfr to her home in SL)'a.<.~'bL11`}:, Szis. )Ii.\'.`? Irene C1'a\\'fc51'\i spen`. 1215`. W01-ii with f1'imid.< in Ilurrie. ___:___:______._ ex, LUV! uuvn L... ...k _\Ii.<.~: Jczan .\Ii1e:~.I, Alberta, is visiting" Minesing Station EDENVALE WE DELIVER Damascus, usyria, March 30.--- There is a taie going the rounds here concerning the Palestine re- volt which could` as well have been a [narrative from the Arabian Nights. A , 1, s__A___.--.. 5..-... Linn` ; V: n. u-..v.. u of Edmonton, at R. Miles. Two Fine Plnys Presented Al I Burton Ave. and Central United Go Slow, Mary," was the na 2: of the three-act icomedy ]_)1;~`0l 1t:d by the young; people last T`-M.-:`-dag and Wednesday evenings in BUIL\'_*:l Ave. `United Church. This group, under the direction of Rev. W. A. E. Doe, upheld their good reputa- tion Ifor zmmteur clramatics. The scene for all Three acts was the living room of the Abbey home in Philadelphia. In act one the young bride is a weary housewife - who longs to return to the inde- pendence of her old stenographj; h Job. Her husband is out of worl. They quarrel. He says anyo:'-'- v could run a house elliciently. she says ii` he `thinks it s so easy, he can try it for a week. So the wife i .2095 out to work anzcil the husband takes up housekeeping. The Dutch maid, Katie, vzmd her boy friend cause plenty \0f trouble. Unex-l pected guests complicau matters. Despite them all, Billy, the has- band, grimly carries through his bargain. - . . 1 .1 -r. ,,__: 1_,_ 18 he `GO SLOW, AI'I'I 15`! In act two both wife and hu band want to break the bargain, but neither will give in. Sally. t.'.e girl friend of the rwife, tries to straighten things out, but only succeeds in complicating nlauere further. Sally's unknown husband 1 1 l l ' appears on the (scene. ` be wealthy ~a.nd gives (Bib; 2 j). In act three Sa\ly s husband is mistaken for a. thief -who stole tn:-. mother's ring. The two ilYlpl5' children confess to stealing the` ring. Sal1y s husband tums out to ` The cast: Billy Abbey, the l`-n.=,- wband, Maurice Park; !1\'Ia2'y Al:l:r-;:. his wife, `Edna Leear; Wily Car- ter, Ma1'_\"s girl frien-', :.i.cvn Bowen; Mrs. Berdon, l'3a1'y s .mot`ner, Miss Alma `Bebb; Hairy Stevens, Sally's husband, Albert V Kelcey; `Burt Childs, Bi1ly s English , friend, Jack Patton; Igatie, the _ Dutch maid , lMiss l\Iar1cn Sp-.'-mi; _ Danny Grubb, K-a.tie s boy f1"end, . Victor Knox; Murphy, the Irish ; policeman, Vernon .Spea1n, bobby , Berdon, the young` boy, Ilubext - Hampel; Dolly Bordon, the yr" mg girl, `Miss Betty Wilson. The (liicult parts 0- Park (Billy Abbey), Marion Spearn (Katie) and Victor Knox (Danny Grub) were sp'ex;..'uly handled. Edna Le(S.c:u, Eileen Bowen and` Jack Patton "i` nice work lll their role.<. Murpny was excellent at Limes, but los; :.'l12.r- acrer at other times. The cast were `nzunpered for stage loom, at ("mes- `tihere were eleven on the stage. The I mnlce-up \\'u:' by Miss Jean `J-'iI=on. During.-,' the interinission ca:-dy was .~:-old and music wts s'.._;.lia'l by .\Ii.~':~: Bessie Spcuin and "Mr. Bill `} Bell. lI`:`Ir.c~` ` Geo1`;:e pux` down the Lele}>nm1:\. Aunt Emily," he .~'2-.Id, " up a-- .... . . .,., . , ,,. A__._,r I.-; _',;L'.r,1..g` A conurrt in the \'ill2L;=.:'. l'11;i.-hc`;1| (}eo119;e. He clegred his t,h1'oL`.`.. Shes \\'zm'..~I us to provide 3. turn Have ul, -1` ...,.s .....v I\I\\I`.r\I' +1`-l:' '7'-' .1-I'm." s:xi(1 Geo1'_2'o. *Wr,-11, I--- I know," iI`1tel`1`t11)tO(1 Bill. "You can . \`.'h(2r0. Uh Whale hm. ).1_y smtle Dog: Gone? I've mud` you." He nod'led y.-;1oomil_v. "Hes that`d give em a turn." in-..-\,.'I fin`.-mt: `*'I`1- :4 ', I .b...-..,. An Arab in-former from Haifa had been denounced and was ,_ brough-12 before an Arab rebel'_1 court for summany trial. The trial 1 was '-before Sheikh e1-Khatib, and 1 was conducted! in the presencel] of Avbu-Dura, notorious rebe! com| mandmant in the Galilee disirict. nn , 2._p._........ .....~ -V`.-.4-nnnn.rI tn] 1- lllilb ll }',|VC Clll LL Laulllg D01,-'1 exclaimeni Ge)1'::. Tl`..1`.' the very thin::-I ll bor:'0\`-' Pi1Lll!\" ._do;:." ` n1.`l.`)n nun. He`.~`- `.-pt :1 jolly Scotch I it can answer que. am`. by '1uu'kin;:. You .~7`z1n(l 113.11` I \\':\.:,;'l`:~ 21 i'in_:`(:1' when you v to bark. Like `.}ii.<. I thnk, xvcrc h-:'.l' turned to the audix. they r0uldn`t `see \\'h:1t you ~.- v-,n m,. .. Not 1` bazzu11-`."" invoice in Bill, w}:! .'x]zu'm in his voice. I ...;`~, ..\. 5., KJVLA .,.,. . Geo1`_;`0 clung" 1"a1'ml_\` to .1115 '1-.h.-. anal` during` the next fO1'tl1i'Ii}L mo.-: .-u\'cm1 hou1'.~1z1L Pi1`:)I.11`_\".~' Hut unr.. in_L,>' up the act. Neither Rii] nor . \\'u1'0 u(hni'.1c- to these 1':~'x1e-1'.'.~:.'-, and George \\ :1.< cxt1'cmc-ly .~'.~ 1.` " M-:1'_}o!~.in_:;' them; so that we `.u.u'.'. practica1l_v nothing" of whumt to ex-` `pvct from him. xvhxm we 9. siven :.i `Fm \\'huffinu1on \'il1:1':.- hall 0;. 1'! oi` the concert. u...... `. W\4 l.._.. _-itlmr of you 1:01 : I\'o\\', we .~':1i(l !'n'm1_v u\'.'!iu(1 1' uU.'. u.:;\- Hun. ` :6. G`v_o1'::.-'.' heels, 9;a\' 'xIplez1sed whine. He, SLOW, MARY AT BURTON AVE.` . (W6 Hlduulllauu Ill. mu, \.ls~AAn\4\4 `.....-...... The informer was sentenced to death and was asked whethqi` he had anything to say. I ..,. .,. . ] .J.1NG..Q' .1.LI\j A Story for Children we break wil1}give .1 ,-,_ _..;_ L..L -._1.. The Barrie Advance | 1 e1'u(1 Geozgq how. (i`J\\' `n. - ed glt } The rat I '-2 [1`91'1'i' :0; (:;.`.~- ; wildlg is~.\-.` ' man Jm ~ lroarea ;; `- Bil` :.x .~u1- don't 0, had groan A three-act comedy, INS W0 . 9)`- 1'ol1~:." \\'}15 the attractive play pr't-!-- seuted last Tue4da_v and \V;!\`x11F.h4"Zi'; e\'e:1i11.:;s by the Women's .`..=3-')Cl.s- Lion of Cemral United `3hu1;n In n u n 1 I vr_n rnn._ __ _,, HIS WOMENFOLK I AT CENTRAL UNITED It `I611 5u:\:LuJ.l_y vu vuv wvwaun | The next thirty seconds were 1`. -2 |W1'1'i`f'1c. The i:f`0::.- c:u'eon.-Li rounei '..-gwildly; George '1ooke.`d' on like :1 '~.\'.`lman in ai dream; and the audience in roared and roared Bill clutched his `hair. NdwI .~u 1- know wh.ich `is which," he growaned. Can I`buy my life with ix;~ 1'ormation ? he asked. 11v. 1 , J .___-__ .1..- :..4`.n.nn uuuu ax; I v ya. tA.ct three is the same setting later in the afternoon. The plane .., .__.L:-L \!T:lI:_`... _. 4.- .......-,. Au\.\.L nu mu. cazmunuvvu. 4.. ,..-.....u on lwhich William is to arriwe is reported missing. All fear brie`. worst. |SOI`l`OW lbrimgs the familyy, ` especially the mother, to their senses. They offer Francette a home on the farm with them. Edith ` and Aunt Jane offer to go back to ` their former work, library and teach- ing, to help the family finances. ` All ends well with a phone cal. - from William -saying he is $afC. '1`L.. ,...NL ...... .. ..... -L`..H........ VTL. -.v... n ...u... u...J...b ... hl`Al\JI The cast were as follows: The g`randn1othe1', Mrs. Ed. Partzirlge; the emotional mother, Mrs. Pearl Parr; Aunt Jane,|M1ss Alice '.'.`uL'n: `Sister Edith, Mrs. -C. ML-Mulkin; ` Sister Polly, Mrs. Bikln Gar-net; `be second ,*wife, Miss Nancy Rothwell; 3 )1-amiy, the darky mam-my, 1\r1)'e. H. ` I White; the maid, Miss Be1.t.y Pet- kins; the inquisitive Iieighbm`, M15. ` T3,. `r\r\ Roy AI1en. The play was well cast and thw- 0ug"nl_\' enjoyed by the audience. The acting of Mrs. Pan`, Miszt I\'anc_\' .Ro .;hwell and Mrs. Allen was really excellent. All three 11122.11`.- tained their character well t`nr:ug'r- out the pla,;y. Mrs. Parr \V'1o mt always Isure of her lines, l1o\\r='re1'. .\I1's. White could have been more ell'ecti\'e with more dialect. l\L`., White, Mist: Betty Perkins and 1\Ir=. I Garner acted their parts well. 'I'\......_.-.. LL,` .....I..\. ...-.`.~..... I 1-. J - ..... V. ..-.-i. ...-.. ,.....u During the intermission Lloyd Colpitts pleased `the audience with several vocal solos and the C.G.I.T. soid cand_\'. Art the conclusioxi of t11eq)lz1_\' 21 t-.1. lunch was s::1"`~-1 to the czast by the C.G.I.l`. Ian, a.nx, before we could i1`.t-;\-c the two (legs were romping _|a_\`ou.~` zxlnongr the feet of the par y. G901` "(lived in, and e\`entu21H_\' 1'eu`ie'\'u:I 1 lchz11`_.";e. but al'Le1".\':21*d:~t he ;~` little unxioug: lost the do}: shouinl " `um exc-itgd, ::n:'.' 11213. I Iidiscovered :1 fllend. another Ste-'. `ll L-I`! would A . At the 1'ig"nt time 1 went to let 1 him; rnd E'i\`(,- min-.x'L-;.~' izfcr 73:1". an I wz1Lch(:(i l`ro`-n L};= \'-.'in::;.' as he ncxzxfiu !h?< entrzlnce. 1`o'.1m\'0(`. |b_\' a pe1'l'ucL'; '.~elf-po:~.s'e.~:.~=ed Jin_Q'o. .-\. 1101' .~o:nr* q'.1'1';'- pz1.<. 'pz1:1m' 1 ,...n..:nn h` lnuulu ..u u..u ... . ~ . . .. .- ` - 7., P4 L. I` you like 1h0H(`.~. Jim.-'0'?" he inqunc? n'u. half-tu1'nin;.>` to the do'_'.'.`. Jin_':o looked bored. Georpze ap- pczirorl ..=Ln'pr'1.~r>:l. No 1'cpez1te(t Ln: lque. Ji1`.r_v*o .<(-rzLt'he(i an cm` a`) . Geo2':.:`e l)o2:'an to get hot ':md Ibothm He m:'.(l(.~ 21 J'n`;ne1'dc- z`.`.:1I`.(i. Jxngzo quietly lay ('o\\'n. Sud- (lr.~nl_\.' 1 he-zml Biivl _:ive 21 {.,"a.~'p. I-Ie .< `got the wrong` dofxl" he ej- uvu. , LU1.lHd.blUu . uc a.\?l\\.\4. It depends upon the informa~ tion, replied Abu-Dura. } 1 . to smk (-inate ~n]r!nm 2"-:*.*.()\1.~`.1`!~'-P. to Jinyqo the autliem-0 v.'m-.i- l:n'.;:.1?n; H cnuldn t 3:0 on. At 1:141. in`w1~..~w ro1iPl', Bil? turned up with a dog` in his arms. ...` " L. . nun urn, A 1. .. `N, -.__ (lot ltim at v.>'u'C." 21 whisper, putting" t1` the ._<.:',1'oL111'(i`. How `K him on ? I think- Hllll Ull n .l l/lllll I never knew whzlt ihe thoug'h`.; for at that instant his dog: caugzht sight` of the other, wrenched him- self from Bill's pmasp, and leap- led gleefully on `the stage. K n-11.- .......:. 4-1n:I-u m....-nu}.-. um:-La I | 4 I w in. Then at the .~' ""'~1 for `.i.< 1'3`-.1?` I looked `mun: f. .~'t\5:c. Pom` Ge .~ _... ( `."'f.` Jinyxo, and *.'.'m'c 1:v1'.;:'hin;.:' -`w=:`. - '1)z1:tm' "t qu0.~'Ii0n. D'- Am uulun l n 31', ho 1s:x1x!`:1 -:o. the animal on Then the prisoner offered to` supply the name of a government; informer far more -cllangerous than he had been. nun . an ,1_.../.._.),.J KL...