Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Advance, 4 Apr 1939, p. 1

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1{c-mpen l`(:]dt zxllution of new equiptncnt at the .-`u:'.` : nec0.`<::i.t1Li11_2' the of the clcctrimll the fact. x . information 1`CjJ`Zl1`d;lI}.; the < of c]ecu'ici'._\' in Bu1`1`1c. Sim` ;cne1'z1ted power when we \\`:1.~ born on the mom nI`u]d'; I%:1_\' in 18.17, nc;1r1;\ 21. .-0. Later :1 5:z1.~'()h1.e en u.-~r-.1 only to ht; (l1;~:cJ1'dcri At'1\';1n-c piuvw ;C-`I the Win}. In u_.\u: un u-V... ti hC:1 Lil1_Q` method. 1i11_L',' H1051! .'-h:mj.,-`es, u . I 1 mu .u. V 5. ... .- in 1'..vor of elect? taken another . ~lt(-3}) 'e\}.'~'1 in '1 Ail] more eff`1.:xL`.; `and job p1'i11tin;; ci-.pu_L ligxhti n_-.1` p1:1`;;m1 `..._...... ll `th at Ten_Pz1zes Lug): mess and z1 ience. Then cleaner, cheaper, (please turn nun... nuu. .- H. I the fi 1'.< ssti]! found _'. " 0|` this 1):;pc- :`.`Lw to the fua" . y , r an 1 u.. ion of the umt 11-..s (:9- 1 . =.nachine1' .u- impo-umt ' liu'i1tin5_- `-..``I ..~/ '51; elec- the . K Relief 1'ecipicnt.~: in Bzlrrie are to be loppt.-(1 oil" the ro1l.~: in 1'e1z1;.'~' connnencin_;- April 14, 11>` IL 1'e~1uitoI' a motion 1)::sse(l by council .\Ion-I day evening. A fur'1`ne1- motion.` sponsored by Relief Chziirmzin W.` J. Buchanan and secondc 1' by De-i ])Llt}'-R(`e\`C .\Ii1l.<, 1i1'ohibitin_g' the` " ~ n!` *':':r- j::x!' .~ce.i<. 1, household 1~emc.1ie.< I effect imm.e(liute1_\' :1 : proval of council. ..,....1. . A the 1 Buchanzm heads of 1 ents, 4 or 1 ice Receives: aie Stolen From Imperial 0i} Co. 0ice\ lCn1'l_\' I"riduy morning: in. gang of`; safe-cracker.< broke in:o the oH'u:v- 1 of the Ixnperial Oil Company, } Tifn St., on the outskirts of the : town, and carried off :1 t.hous:m(l- I pound .'~ '.1f0 com.4xii1in;.:` $87 in hill.-`. 1 The lock was pried off the d'oo1' of 1 the Supe1'to.~i'x Service Station next 4 door and two dollars in stamps t,ak'n from u box in the office. Mr. A. Puxrh, manager of the Imperial Oil ofY`1<-0, was notied of the break-in by Sid Thomas, an ,employee, who noticed the robbery when he zm-iv:-d at work at: 7.30 am. A nearby re: heard :1 commotion in the vicinity about 1.30 a.m., but not thinking it out .~_.`o`7 Removed from Heavy? Safe Cracked on I-Iigh-1 way South of Stroucl---i ,-,.,3elieved Work of Pro-. f essioxml Gang. 1 (P'.eu.~'e turn to the .g`1'ea` Lll\/ .alvuv \.\J L`-.'.1]1i_ e1ect1`icit_\', b1`i_Lrht0r by fa 1`. `yo page four) page ve) \4\.\l . -.. I The motion ; \ ie to At; .\Ion(1uy e\';ning"s meeting of the town council a number of in- 1ci1 .\Ion- te1'e. g1natte1's were dealt with, motion.`(-ouncil deulinjg` with the vc.riou.s :- n ,__.,_ . 1 l Harry Morren, wel1-know.n Barrie l1`e.~'l(le11v`., has received notication {of appointment as Asst`. Postmaster of the Barrie Post Office, amid Mlr. T. Crew, who has held the position L.of Postmaster for the past twenty- , two years, has been notiedlthazt af- e`ter October 1st his services will be no longer required. 'f As a result of the major changes `G effeclive here in October, whereby `*lc-u\rrie1- service will be inaugurated 'ei'Cl11`Ouf4`ll0l1t Barrie and A1la:n(lule, ' ithe above switch in personnel has h taken place. Whether other `e cliun-_2'es will become effective in dltlie p1'esen?.. post oflice staff is not '(rllL......\ .4 ML 1\1In:f>nt' Hnin l u 3 S `I Harry Morten `Ass. Postmaster ;T. Crewlesigns I ?Major Change Takes Place ' at Barrie Post Ofce as Result of Postal Delivery Service Commencing in | October. Ewhe fawn VARIOL E DEAL MONE 0 .-U; 311 )1` ` tow 1-| :1. council V.;i1en1.< a.- :- Refer 1e of $350 Lxxuu_ .\LL\.Luu\1n-. , .. .,.. ..-.. i~T::w:.: Supplied. Granted 1)c1'111i;<.~:i011 to W. O. )IcI\'inn0n `JO erect (L sc1'vi<.-e .~'tz1~ "ition and g;;1'a:,"e on the vast . 3'01 Toronto St. at Eli /.ubc\h, umlt.-1` l`lLhc .~:uper\'isio11 of the town cn;_-`in- V01. XCIII. N0. 5. IIVARIOUS ITEMS OF INTEREST \ DEALT WITH BY COUNCIL ON MONDAY EVENING. ikuunuu u\.u....,, `items as i'o11o\v;< : n .- 1 n',_,, 1 1 1 ILUIIIH {efe1'1'e(1 offer of D. for p(-rty on ICL1::::nizL St. coimnitm.-e 1'01` report. n51-,, , ll.-'5 LUIIU Ha - H. A. Stephens Powell and Hook pro- To nance urn! 17` A l .CUH|lHll/-UK: AUI l 1 ...,..,.v. Refused permission and F. A. flienney to erect 21-stmeamer 301 ;feet by 18 feet across the high-I `_\\':1_\' h;Lwee11 the Wellington Hotel` ;2u1(l the Bank of Nova Scotiu. beat`- >in;: the in. Roller Sl{':ti1'_>; l'I\'c1'_\' l \\'e(l11e.~,:. .`u_\ uml Sat- unlzxj; .-\l".:.-1':.oon.`<; 11390 Holid;u_\':=; .x n ,1:,1 SERVED 22 YEARS . pu ICU. On Sun(1z\_\ morning Provincizll `(','on. Dobson, wihile (11`i\ ilLL',` be- ' tween the sixth and seventh conces- ` . - . 01' [lH1l.~], about th1' mules . 01' Stroud, noticed the safe ..~u11tii11_u' up. down twenty feet 011' the hig.-;hww_\'. Upon inve.~;ti_Lruti0n he found that the bottom had been hacked out with heavy sledgres and 21 crowb:1.r and the contents re- moved. The work was apparently that of a gang of experts. The tools used in the cracking of U: safe had been stolen from some C.N.R. section house, as they all bore Tuhe C.N.R. stamp. in! ,4-_ ._.__ I..L.... ....4........,..l- L- poii $01` the ordinary, Md not callv the Uull: `HHC L/.1V.Av. ova.-uy. The safe was later returned to the office with the aid of a der- rick and can be repaired. No clews were left by the robbers, although the description of a car contain- ing: four or ve men no1iced' scout- ing around the district Friday a_Lf- ternoon has been given police. (Please turn to pagzc ve) Tcbiinkcii Did} in Octob |F1ying King Meets Death in Crash B.C.I. Glee Club Excei in Presenting `Th;..3E1%%W3a9i Outstanding Cast Prese11'r.:s Two-Act Operetta to A}:- preciative Audience---Or ` chestra. Adds Much. to \ Success of E11tertain- ment. The Drum Major," a two-=.1ct O})(.`1`OU;2L by Maude Eliz-:=.-beth Inch and Edlward F. Johnston, was pre- scnted on Thursday and Friday L-\'e'iiii1g. the Barrie Co1Iegia.e| Glee Club in the school :1udiLoriu'n' to an upp1'eci~z:tive aumence. '1`?:1e| production xvzxa directed by 311.1 Angus Ross, with M1`. A. B. Coch- burn, stage di1'ccto1', and was wa- .~'i. ed by Jhe C0110},-` orchesiiu und-:1` thn direction of Mr. A. `J. Ii. In act one, C1211-ice Dupre, dau:.;'h- ter of 21 general, and in love wkh Sei-gt. Leroux, atti-acts the young` men of ihe \'iI121f:f-`. who for hut sake, enlist under S;-1'5.-1. Leroux Pictured above is King Ghazi, 2'7-year-olcl ying Mlonzu-ch of Iraq, who met deL1i`.`l1 yeste1'Llz1_\'-.L.~ the result of a skull fracture. The King is succeeded automatic ally by the Emir Feisal, his son, born May 2, 1935. The infant King will rule under 21 re- Deadline Post for 1939 Plates grenCY- Gas Plant Dies E An Bag: Death! i `COSTS MONEY NOW TO DRIVE MINUS 1939 MARKERS-SOM'E \ ALREADY CHARGED. strin.:' of mot01'i.< L.~' 0:13.-'<-1` to ex- change z11om_\ 1'o1' mt.-`:11 pluLc=` were there elbowing: their way to the couvnter. They overflowed the upper oor w]1r_-re the office lo- mtml and _iammeC;! the staI1'\vz1_V. (l'T`l.~.. .. man ! nt- ilocul Claims For Damages % All Turned Down They were a good naturr--E bunch, '.hou:,;`h, commented C1ii1'. .\'o ;:rum-bling 01' complaining` about being in the line like there (Please turn to page ve) OCEAN ACCIDENT ACCEPTS N0 LIABILITY FOR BROKEN BONES-PEOPLE MAY TAKE ACTION.` REEVE POINTS OU8.; Ciaims for damages registered on behalf of resi(1ents of Buarrie who sustained broken bones and other (Please turn to page ve) ` ____.__:_____________ -Barrie, Ontario, `Tuesday, April 4, 1939 (Plc-use turn to page ve) i`wo mg 39331 1 oughi B3;_h11ice iMr.-Mrs.W.Fraick; l `feam We& 3` { I B`orn Amid High Hope 60! Ago, Barrie Gas, rlant Passes Quietly Out of the Picture. MR. AND MRS. wm. FRAL1cK,} BLAKE`. ST., BARRIE, CELE- BRATED THEIR FITFY-SIXTH; ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR` MARRlAC`.E,T UESDAY, APRIL; I 4th. I ` 311'. and Mrs. }~`r:1li<:k were mur-ui rim in L'x1n'id;_-,c, .~\p1'il uh, 1s:<::,'<` `by the late lcv. John D:L\'i4i.. \\"`no \\'2l.~ rvctor 01' St. James .-\'n::li- 1` ?czu1 Chu1'c:h in that town. About t'01't.\'-'\\'0_\'ez11\~x ago they moved to - lM.ine. where they farmed. About `sixteen _\`e2n'.~I :L:;'0 they 11-Li1'0(1 to `|li\'e in the \'i]1:x:u of Vim-siny: until . ..` _ L1..." I-r\r\I1Dr. Ln 1 |l\U [II LIIU \Il|I|:\'(_' III .II|AHn|n.\ unusu- ci.~;l1t _ve::r.< a_<.:'o when they moved to their pre.~1ent home. .-\1Lh0u_u'h M1`. and .\I1'.~'. Fmlick are not en_j0_\'ing.," good health, they were ablw to ih-.nve their 1'zLmi1_\' with them on Tuesday. 1\Irs. E. F. Wood, Allzxmlule, Stan- ley on the l1omestez\(l in Minesing, Wvalter, Puinswick amd: Hum1p 1ion F., Bun-1'ie,a11 the fzunily are n1a1'rived and there are eleven 3.,-'1'zmdchild1'en. Anyone noticing a couple of roughly dressed men accompan- ied by a large Newfoundland dog, a trio that might be tra- velling in this vicinity. is ask- e.-l to notify local police and an effort will be made to re- trieve the dog, which is the property of Mrs. C. E. Jeager, Thornhill, and .2 family pet, whose absence has caused con- siderable grief to the children of the Jaeger household. The men were noticed with the dog in tow heading in this direc- tion, and it is thought by the owner that they might attempt to sell the valuable animal. Sgt. Sid Barraclough, of York County Police.` is on the look- out for the dog and will be pleased to have any informa- tion concerning it telephon(`d -r-1 u .n An-1 25 Candidates loin K of C Here `On SunduL On Sunday, April 2, the First `Degree was exemplied bly Barrie ` Council, No. 1626, when twenty- ve candidates were received iniio l the order. to Thornhill, 407. Born in Czmninhgrton. Ontario, in August, 1902, son of the late (Please turn to page ve) G. H. VVoo promilu-nt " 'six Little Pigs From Copucos Plant "On the Air Sunday ilhinswarth and *\Rodel Granted `A New Trial 1 "D:-nw-in T11r]n`1Y1n1`\{` Q11: I The Barrie Gas Plant, born about sYty years -ago on the shore of ltnpenlfcldt amid! the rejoicing" of z populace that was quick to adopt` and support it by rushing: to l1 1.' the necessary accoutrements for its: use in- homes and busine.: places.` died an ignominious death in the'| early hours of Fool s Day; it's passing` unmarked by official fare- well. Deserted by friends, ; destitute of -even moral supporters, it just calmly passed out of the` pic`%`.111'e. The death sentence was pa:\'~:e(l at the December meeting of council when vs. motion to m. with the plant received unanimous support. .-\t the :1_:'e of srxty, like]- many 21 prrrson of .~'imila1' a{_:'<.- now-E .'.(la.;.'.< is could not keep up with`! .1 1 , ,,_,,-. 21. L..,`l kn,-.u~n' Sanitary Inspector Race Narrowed Down To Two `Barrie Judgment Quashed 1, at O-sgoode I-Iall---Prison \ ers Held in Custody. John Ainsxvorth, aged 31, O1'i'<~ H21, and Mike Rodell, z1:;'e(1 28, T0- ronto, sentenced in County Crimimxl Court, here on \Ve(lnesJ. Feb. 8, to four years in Po1`t.~:mouth {Penite11t.i::.1'y `buy Ju(l_g'e Dudley [Holmes for pz11'ticip-.::'io11 in We rob- `ibory of Ze11er .<, Store on the ni.*:ht icf Dec. 11!, will be g'1'2mLe at new '1`u'iul as u 2'c. of t. decision 11111111- `ui down at Opgoodu Iiull yester- ! down In the ( Tnu1L of Appeal before Jtxs-ticcs Rohe1't.~'on. II'ui'dI1e.'o11 mld 111351.011, the L'011\'icti0n of the Bar- lrie ju \\'z1.< quzwhcd. The pris- Io11e1'.<, 1'e1n'e. by John F. Wood, of :}z11'1'i<:, who defended] |'th0m ut the o1".:;'3m1] t1'i.:l, are tol 1l`L*n`.i!i11 in (:L'.wo :1:-co1'(1i11:;' to the` Yrulingz of the ju l; C. H. .\Iu_u'0ne, l{.C., acted` Iori . 1 .-. Residents of Barrie and dis- trict will nd a particular at- traction in the popular Ken Soble Amateur Hour next Sun- day when the Copaco Orchestra will be on the air under the ap- ropriate title of The Six Little Pigs. The time will be 12.30 Sunday noon, over CFRB and the Six Little Pigs will be none other than Morris Logain, violin; Walter Boswell, accord- ia; George Gebherdt, trumpet; Paul Church, drums; .Leeson Graham, guitar, and Charles McMartin, piano. Barrie and district residents are invited to listen in and lend ther support to the local orchestra. I }the C 1'o\\':1 I iThe Time Capsule [Explained ;a't_"I{iwanis l U:,11`1`lu l\'i\\'uni;m.4 at llondzly '1:i_u'l1t`.< mc<.tin5;' \ve'come(l -:1 uumhcr \`l1<'*. Ilw of the Toronto Club meInbe1'.<. It` I, ""-"1 -3' \\'z1.. n 19:22 that the Toronto Club .pon..~o1`e(l the J.'orm:Ltio11 of :1 lllillll, '-"ll ',|l{iw:mis Club in Ban-10, and us|!(" \\'01'l "`pz1re11"te are held in higxh 1'e. 1'1 311 ll lPl'GSl(l(.'l'll A. W. Smith and l\`I::._\ o1',lH`iH.'~" (13: ll. G. .0l)e1't.~>on extemled :1 wcl~ l'\\'0l' 01' come to the \'i. before le:xvin5.,-' Omlcill Cl l! for council meeting`. IIl11.t::`1lH` . Bill C1'ai_u' had c11a1'ge of the! meeting; and the speaker of the it.-\'enin1_L' \\`:1,~: M1`. John A. )1. Gali- ilee, of uhe Wc. LML, Hum- .i]t0n, who 5.-w:..\'e an i11t.e1-estinyz ud- I on "he Time Capsule. .... ..v .1 1 n 1 ,7 ; LAMPS DISAPPEAR Sixty _\'ezu'_<. u5_-'0, the birth of the: }_"a.~ plant. then oprgrated by coal: _L'z1.<, mt.-um; that the lamps umd the! tallow omndles that had lighxed thef piom-ex` homes in this town for; n`::m;.' _\'ez11'.~', could he to.'<.:~=ed out,` -2.1" .~t01`e;1 :1wu_\' in some c011\'e11ient` pl co in L-use of c-merg'enc_\'. And` - . . I `Prov. Gonstuble Woodward Dies Suddenly of Heart Attack \llLUlI, nnu _~_v..\-.. Lull ..u-\,.\.., 5 `(In-. . The Wcstllilm-'11ol.1so Co., Ltd., {:1 novel \\ {l_\' of r. at Death came wirh . sud- (1enne.'~x~' Sumluy evening to :1 `young Bzirrie mam in the persoll of Pro-- vincial Con. Grant; \V0O(i\\`kl)'(i,l|; for nine years 21 member of the',. Provincial Police Force and a resi- dent of 99 Mulcaster S c., where he lived with his mother and (two sis- ters. u: -uv n 3 L, J _..-..........2__I M51`. Woo(1wari' had accompanied Zhis broth-01' Ha1'r_\', of Orillia, to Toronto, and it was \vhiI~e listenmg to a radio p1'o,g;.1':u11 at the home of histl b1'other-in-law, H. B. Keslick, 387 'Be]1size Drive, that he sud- denly slumped over in the chester- ` eld in which he was sitting, 21 victim of co1'ona1'._v thrombosfs. h_.... t_. /*,.._._:..,..4...._ f'\..L...`3 (Please turn '0 p:\_:1'0 ve) .11nI)cI'l\`I1<"-IW` )1'onto ::'2\.1 E0211 \\'01'k p. Hu 1 nd as aspect. I Board of Health Recom- mends J. McGregor and H. Sharpe---Action De- ferred after Lenthy Dis- cussion Reg. Wilsonv, Allzmdale, weight 190 pounds and -half an inch short of six feet in height, was chosen by town council Monday evening to fill the vacancy on the police force for which sixty-seven young men from Buarrie and outside districts aspived tlirough written application. Mr. Wilson, who supports a wid- owed mother, will commence d-uties on May rst at the advertised sail- ary of one thousand dollars per year, provided he successfully pass- es a medical examination required by the police commission. Competition for the police posi- tion was keen and opinion of coun- cil C.`i\'ide(l -as to who sihould ll the ollicc. lt \\'a.< not until after the `.`hir(l close, c1':'o. \'-ote by secret ballot with every member of the council and the mzu_\'oi` p::1'ticip2it- 311:`. :1 (lcision \\'u.< i'e..cli<=(l an-.1 \'i'il. eme1'_2'e(l with :1 clear mu- j<,~i'it;v. Seven oL.h-<:1' local men, l'(2~ qL10>`(.' by council to appear 11.4 cun for the po. i:11i.~'\\'e:'- (pie-...~,c turn to 1)ilf.."(3 four) `Frs Electric Power in ame Zn1stail@d;_?Ia< =-We Re-wiring for Aclditioxzza ]3\ Iac11inery at AdV'd.11C3 Recalls Early Days of Electricity in Barrie. out,!H` collvenient H, And I ne they were. Om: b\\' one the hou.=e.=. 1-`, were cmmecLe to the mains and ' U those who were the rst to benet. from tht? improved 1i._ invited their neig*hbor.~I and f1'ien.i's 7.0 wit- _:1'eat conven- vlmm. .. "\`: nlnr-h-3:-Hv I p. |1ig`ht | , . H... `(l week |.-tr~:u~`. .'.:_:1m- whu HL.\\ ~,...,. Postmaster 'I`homp.~'on Crew, 11 n0*.i11.-4' the ch:.n_:0.~' taking: pznc dropped in to pa.~-.~= on this iutcxent 1115: bit of t`.: r-:u'I_\' (1;:_'v.~< Bu1'1`ie. I 41,. 1:-ux \ ~unHl 1:1.-'1 llhu. the `: manufacturer, the late Grant Woodward joined the Provixlcial `Police Force in 1930, being rst .. at Niagara Falls. He al- ',so saw service in Hvzmmilton and Ox'i`.~]ia. being; t1'a4n`.s'l`e1'1`ed to Barrie : about two years ago. 11.. 3,. ,.-......!....\,l L... LL. \\~nI\9`1rx|v nun ix ;1})1)e;11`c(i uuvuu vvvv ,.,....., Eu. He is survived by his monhor, one brother, Harry ,of Orillia, and four sisters, Phyllis and Maizie ~a.t home, Mrs. H. B. Keslick (Beatrice), To- rovnwo, and Mrs. .1. A`. Humrphries (Nora), Toronto. "l'1L.A l`...........`| ".511 &..1.-. vulnnn An `AVWALII, J.vAvAAuu. The funeral will bake place on Wednesday, April 5, from the Ralph Day Funeral I~L`ome, Toronto, for service in A1! Sai.'ni1."s Anglican Church, Orillia. The Advance joins with the many friends of the Wood- ward family in extenrdling sympahy in their sad bereavement. :.~'tz1He wt the .-\d\':1ncv, U1: oily: manly r_1\'or the ve\\'er am mica] e1ect1'icit_v. Gas lace in the pL11)1i. mil week `\'11(`l1,%~:'1 J_~.,.s plant is n( 1 M... I- .1 x *1 I To Prune Barrie Reiiei Rniis;

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