T council met on the 6th inst., as djournment, with all its members present and the reeve in the chair. Communicai-ions were read from: J. T. Simpson, county clerk, requesting assessment of Con- tin ion School section at Minesing. A1. advising that the county would require for rate purposes $2,010 and for general purposes, $6,030, making a total of $8,040 for the year 1939; Treasurer of Ontario, enclosing cheque for $418.43, direct relief for December; Albert Caston, re sheep injured by dogs; Geo. W. Crawfortl, stock valuer, reporting on sheep worried belonging to W. E. Craw- ford, Minesing. A petition was presented signed by parties in Fern- dale petitioning against the erec- tion of an incinerator in the town- ship of Vespra by the town of Bar- rie; lllrs. lCrn0. Love, requesting, g'rant'to\vur(l.< \\'omen s rest room in, Barrie. i 3Bar:ie Presbytery }1-Holds Meeting I The Pre: of I r it. .-\nr11'o\v`.s Church, day, _\L'a1'ch 14, wit tendance of ministers 1-. n I`! 'r\ 1 Barrie me: is; :;~ t. Barrie, Tues- and el;icr.s. Dr. S. C. Parker was nominated for I ato1':~:hip of the Synod. with :1 good at-` the Rloderatorship of the A;~_:se1nbI_\" and J. A. I\IacInni:~: for the lloder-N :IlCounty Library ;Association Planned P. W. Maclnnes gave the report; of the Home .\Ii.<: Committee and R. lliflar the report of the Sunday Schools and Youn,-4' Peop1e'.~* Societies. J. A. Maclnnis reported an in- crease in gi\'i11gs to the budget. Arrang'ement.~' are in p1'ogre.<..s for the meeting` of the General Assem-2 bly in Midlaml. These can be more I fully stated after the )Iz\_\' meetm: of the Pre. ~=bytery. REV. INGRAM, PRESIDENT OF BOARD, WHICH WILL MEET I IN MAY. .-\ te] To Grandparents as well, another chapter of Family History begins. Their grandparents may have waited for days before they had good news like this, but that was before the telephone --- and Long Distance - became part of our everyday existence. Harrie Public Eliiiiies Commission Spread Good News by Look in your telephone direc: Low Night Rules (also apply Anyone calls you can talk much less than you expected. din-et.:1ur_v and you ll find that by using applying all day Sunday) and placing . to nearby towns or Provinces for ....u...`| Pubic Libra:-ies in Ontario; M1`. gSimp. County Clerk, and 3 Duwm,-_\', mu `.'u1'dr.-11 of the Coun ``.'u`:'L' :11.-'0 prc-.~:em. After 21 Lulk by _\I1'. .\ltowut on the subject of County I;ib1'zu'y .-\s~ `.~:ocizn.ion,~:, a temporau-y board was i'o1'med to draw up :1 coxlstitution for a Simcoe C0unt_'v.~\s. `the same to be placed before the Lib1`ar_\' Boards of Simcoe County for their approval. Rev. Mr. In- granl was made president of the board; Miss .\IcPhee, the secretary, and the other members are Mrs. Mitchell, Collingwood; Mrs. J. E. llontagu-Lee(ls, Bz11`1'ie; M1`. Gibson, = Orillia; Rev. Mr. Cleverdon, Beelon; "Mr. P1`_\'ox', Coldwater, and Rev. Mr. .Kendall, Bond Head. It is plznmed that this board shall meet early in 3135'. Peru's ighest weather observa- tion station is in the Andes, 14,448 feet above the sea. Musical Birthday Cake Platter i A .\[11Si<-:11 Now-11`y that ! ](-nds :1 (-11ar1nin, `r011(-11} In bi.r111d:1_`.' parties by i p1;[1_\'in;: Happy Birthday to ' You. .-\].<< .~'11}>])H(*d in Lulu-11V:1'i11's :4!!! 11` ,, `IE Get ritl of those annoying noises. Be certain gar radio is performing correctly. We will pect it FREE I . .14-run xn_| Ill. n Wedding March `Md 11m r 11111131131 touch 10 _\'mn' ] )m"f}' b_V rent- ina` This for 250. LONG DISTANCE ! 30 Elizabeth St. WEAYMOUTI-l S BOOK STORE .?a1'rie, Ontario Page Suva: Phone 475 Vespr3_Council I1?-v:j- Five Points AAAAALA -..-.-J.-.-.-nu.-an nun-n-rr nun 1-rrn-`r anemia rnnrncw wom: AT Low? cggwn 5?. M1&R.c`I1 21, 1939. 1ith :' D01: T0\\ n:`hip .1 017.1 ,.-.., -.. ....... .., ..\...-_..__ 11 cords, $14.50; .-\. D. CoL1tt.~v, 1'e(;f- istering births, 1na1'riz1'."e.< and deaths, $9.50; Township of Vespra, 11 cords of wood, relief, $10.50: \Vm. Cole, . relief. $10: John Dunn, relief wood and . $15; Ve. .\h1nicip;11 Te1eph(>:1e System, levy 1938, $700; Lloyd? .-nv 1 E 1lll|A\4>..' .-.., ve1'in{_,w' wood, v oil, $12.96; D H. Coleman, $138.34; 1, $49.25; Whillier & Co., supplies. _$4~2.35; Toronto Stamps and Sten- G-. 0. Cameron, registrar of deeds, $2.88; W. Downey, services as reeve, expenses to Toronto, $21; A. Cumming, services as deputy- reeve, expenses to Toronto, $21; Chas. Harris, services as councillor, expenses to Toronto, $21; `E. Rich- ardson, part services, $9; C. E. Coutts, part services, $9; A. B. Coutts, quarter year salary, $225; A. B. Coutts, expenses to Toronto, clerk, reeve and Richardson, $10; Wm. Mason, expenses to Good Roads convention, $24; A. A. Smith, caretaking hall, $7. rnL.. n . . . ,.l ..J:..unnil 4-A \v\nr\`- An l Departmental examinations for lmiddle and upper school students will commence on June 1-1, and. with the exception of commercial subjects, will end June 27, 21(:co1'(1- `;i11f.`.` to an announcement 1'e_cei\'ed DEPARTMENTAL EXAMS ARE SET FOR JUNE 14 THIS YEAR \.LAL\;LU.l\llAs uuu, up I . The council adjourned to meet on April 10 at 10 a.m. .-u..\\. \.. :1 two-(la .- u L` the p1'e\'i On June . -n labbits |\.\. ;._-.u......,...-. itudents t1'_\`i11g' the departmental mc!zu'_v school examinations must {:2 their zmplications before ?\1u_\.' Others pay :1 fee of S1 for Toronto. SL1 ents \\'1'itin_:; en- (2 Class examinations will have 3-(lay schedule of tests, instead $\JA\/` rel V051) I Thomp;~vo11. Joseph `(' or'.':r\. h :n'd011s and 1311': .pel1ing'. The derrezxst in the number 01' exam` is due to c11an_g'es in 193 1'e_L'ulz1tions. v . .. W- work in\'oI\'e(1 reoprts and in .m.n,uuu. \l.A ..,. rious three days A. B. Coutts, r11__.1_ ._._.I 71 . u. \1Vuvuu, \ Clerk and Treasurer.} - Phone 424 LAAAAA. u.\,.-.. H. 01:13 5.,-'1':nn1nz11' and hi derrezxse of 1 .- -. u..._v.. mce clam: candi- literature and n the following` othe lief, \ - reliei, mo" Eolncil I '5 FARM I l Om eotincil met at the Town Hall on Monday, March 6, with Coun. Vt rootlrrow reported money for sale of wood, road 7A, had been paid tin to treasurer, and Coun. Chappell reported he had investi- gated matter of wood cut on Con. Reev '&..1}}I'1.e i;;i;I Delegates appointed to attend convenrtions of Ontario Association of Rural Municipalities and Good Roads Association brought in their reports, which were accepted. A l:..I .1 ....nl!.- a.lI..-..l:.... I`I..I F:\1'm01`.~` have 1\l\\'il}.'>f been con- c-.-rned with the economic aspects of their business, stated Dr. J. F. Booth. .-\s.sociate Director of .\Ia1`ket- in_L', .-\_2'ricn1tnra1 Economics, Domin- ion Department of Agriculture, in 3 recent address to the Saskatche- wan and Alberta Dairy Associa- tions. E\'er_\'t11ing: that relates to price and income is referred to un- der the _L'enera1 ]`lC`1\iil1g` of "Econ- omics." The various services of the Pro\'ince.< ani the Dominion Depart- ment of A_;'1'icu11ure have always g'i\'en con. to this aspect of production and marketing, but it` is only within the past ten _\'ea1`.=. ;.V.._. ._ Ci ....I --. .... L..-. L...... 0vyv5Lu, nu.--u v A list of pupils attending Col leg-inc Institutes was presented. Several pupils not residents 01 Ora` had been objected to and the list returned to county clerk. Ra...-1..-... :'1UI`,.'M'..LL ....... ......_.....A. _, 4... muvurvuun .wuuLAAuu vv ~.vuu_y \,n..n. Andrew !McNab.b was present re gr,-rdlng snow work on road 18. Lydro contracts of W. E. D. Wil- son and Ed'gar Conmlunzty Hall were accepted. 0 .... -1 ....4.:,..... .. ....L.... -1: __;_ nu; wv gun. vvuxuuu Auk;- The Auditors Report from Glen- denning`, G;'a_\' and Roberts, on books and records of 1938 showed the Treasurer s book; and records have been audited and found correct and I in order and in -rood condition. :n.,,. n . II $10; `.-\. 1 1 ,.,....l . \J .... Luv; yum Notice was received from the County Clerk giving amounts of the Co1_1nty levy for 1939. They are as follows: nu u an-.-.--.... .-.. `County roads, $2545.0( levy $7635.00; amount pupils attending Collegiat will be forwarded later. rru A x. Y` un \lA\l\4J. uuu nu ,uuu. \4uAnAAL.luIA. Statements of amounts expended on `Town Lines by Oro during 1938 were p1'c. and the clerk report- ed the. had been sent to Orillia and Ixledonte 1`o\vnships. "VI... ..1-..`I. ....... Z....L .-4....u...\. ;vu..u...,_;... The clerk was instructed to adver- tise for ton(le1'.= for c1'u: hzmling and ])l'(`.:1(lll]_L -3.000 cubic _\'a1'ds of ,'1'1`?1\'Cl zmd also for truck to haul Tm\`n. Road maintenzmce and g-r:ule1'. V 1 x'o\'incs.-.< t A:_:1'ic con. :1 that a specia :1\'21i1able for 1 in economics. .-\;:1'icL1ltu1'a1 1 n . 1 u\..\. ..u.\.-.1;u\.u. Several notices of entry of pat- ients to hospitals were presented and considered. .u. ,. . . - .. _\:.uux.4.. Road . B011 p1'e.~'ent- ed report on road work 1'01` Febru- zn'j' and Voucher N0. 2 for same. nu. , 1 ~. In ... vwvnnvllnnwun Economics, like a number of other services, said Dr. Booth, 1121: groxvn out of the more grenemi elds that c11:u'acte1'ized the c:11'1_`.' . work in agriculture. In the process, special techniques have been evolved for the study and imerpretation of agricultura`. prob- lems. `Iv! . \..u.:. \\'he1'eu.~v :1 scientist in other e1.I.< 114.9 his labo1`ato1'_\` or experi- mental plot for research and ex- pe2'imc-ntution, the zxgricultural econ- omist must work with data obtain- ed from farms, bu.~:iness concerns, and other establishments. In deal- ,` 1 .- .1 in_: with production problems, the farm is the ec0n0mist's laboraton-_v. His 1'e. are based upon the study of x'ep1'e. farms in selected areas of production. .\Ian_v studies undenaken by the Econ- omics Di\'i.~:ion, Dominion Depart- ment of .-\3:1'iculture, include hun-I dreds of farm.~: In marl-zetinjz re-`E -,., L ,, .,,vI,, 1,,, n-,, .- plies relief, . supplies 1-elief, meat relief. 3: ...\.u- -.1- -........ .u u-uguy.----5 A`, ` sezwch. those actu:\'11_\' handling farm` products, p1'i\'atel_\' owned and co- operative associations alike. are re- quested to provide information con- cerning" their busflless -.\ctivities.l \'A u...` Problem [ all npprou |Other resv Earial News 1:11 .~:peciaI service has vuilable re.~'e;u'c11 and claim ep kille IS LABORATORY OF RURAL ECONOMICSI ed ggi` \. .\.u Lv ..-.~un. of Donald ed and T in 1 u supplies 2'clieI', meat relief. $12: milk relief, Vespra, 10 (`Oh Dnn, Cie'.i\'c1~_\' $6; Drs. Little uched search utilk $2545.00; General for County Collegiate Institutes_ I\rJ 1.\L.... busfxxess activities. rm taxation, rural lizzxtion, ltmd .=ett1e~ umer prefe:'e:1ce are 1 on the same basis. u 1 1 rsue cheques. .1.l (`-44 f\~< i3.`.TL1(1i1o1)e, IV1... injured mid and coun .\.In1'r-.h 20th. {Advance X ulu, C{e1'k. The f0]10\\'i]1f.`j nccount.<, were p:1ss- 11 data . 1-drg extent is statistics. At the present tir Division has umie1' _..., 1'zmc11ing* and land c]z1.~I.-`caLion in` \\'este1'n Canada; or dz1ir_\' 1'a1-m[ manafzement in Ontario; of settle-V mcnt experienecs in the northern .-,.J.3-.... J I'\..A....`i.. .'_. I'\....L,, ~.,J Lvlklllll ,,.u........ me...-i E01` Nova Scotia. Compieied pro- jects, upon which 1'epo1't.< are avail- able, include 21 .~:u1-\'e_\' of sheep rzmching in Saskatche\\'an. Alberta and British Columbia, and a study of potato production in New Bruns-. wick. ...\.... ....r\...\,........- H. u. 4-u...u\....| sections of Ontario, in Quebec and New Brun:~:wick, and :1g'1-icuitural `adjustment in certain problem areas` .. L` \'...... 0.1.. I 5 `.c. in marketing of farm products has covered :1 va1`ie(l eld -operations of 2-10 cheese factories `in Ontario and Quebec; c1`eame1`y `operations in New Brun.'~.=wick and 1 .1. u....,.,. n n.. Ikpnpnn ...-1l1_` ` uln,.u\.-uu.: 111 .u\,-- LJLLAAI-7lIl\.l'\ uuu 1 `he three Prairie Provinces; milk inarketing problem.< in the Sydney- Glace Bay area of Nova Scotia; To- ronto, Ottawa, .\Iontrezi!, Sydney iand other fruit and \'eg`etab1e mar- 'ket.<, the cost of distributing fruits and \'eg'e'.ab1es by the wholesale trade in the principal cities of Can- ada, and the con:~.vumption of farm protiuct.<, to mention 21 few. E Gordon Pratt and Percy Frank- wcom have been busy this week get- `tinr: their ice stored for summer Ma1'g'zu'et Peacock, supplies relief, 1n. \ 1'.` c<.\.:1. .3 ..m..:n..- u-nnrl ` The lovely spring weather has i pa.<. by for a time and old man i winter s presence is being felt very I strong again. . .. -- -- -v n u:-n 1 Arthur McKee, J12, of Midland, gspeni t.he week end with his par- ? cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Afex. ;\IcKee. The United States and Great Bri- `tnin control about three-fourths of i the world's mineral industries. -1 H 7 .7--- _ ___I__._LI_ UIIC VV U1 l\J B IIIIIIULCAA All\.II-AJuLl\4\2- Years ago there was a valuable `run of mlmon in all rivers of the L'.S. Atlantic coast from the Con-- nec'icut River northward. 1 1 , 1 ,, p, , .1 , l x I I l 111%: L.`lIlL!:u OLGLC: auu \J`L!:au tain world s run u1.L- `neoicut Cottonseed oil, taken from the seed kernel, is used in more than ` .30 products ranging from phono- `:1-aph records and automobile top `ldressing to linoleum and soap. On Tuesda_\' afternoon, in the Library Hall, a meeting \\'a.< lirfrl to discuss the subject of a Fnu::t.:' Libr-ar_\' .-\;~v.=,ociz1'.`ion being o11:rani'/.erl in Simcoe County. The following librz11'ie.i sent 1`ep1'e.4c-ntative.=: Bar- rie, Beeton. Col Collin:e- wood, Creeniore. Hillsdale. Tsliilziml. l '.\'e\\' Lowell, Orillia, Stayner, Thom- iton and Tottenham. Mr. Angus Lillowat, ln:~tpecto1' oi" MINESING i'AT1oN A. A. SMITH, , time the Economics Lev \\'a_'.' 01' project- su1'\'e_\'.< of cz1.tle nd in 1; Manager. I-!_()l_\"Tl_!':L'.APPLIANCE SHOP TIL-..` ADA