Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Advance, 14 Feb 1939, p. 10

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75c Children s Flannelette Sleepers O.S. W0men s Flannelette Gowns `onto, '- par- BETTER MEAT for Better Prices. ` ell. Call at ,._our store, 7 Collier St., or- 5 Tmto phone 821. Jack Dyck. 1118 response LU uuc uum.;u....... \ld : Education Week in Barrie and the`. attendance of the various Open House events held at the schools and the B.C.I. was very gratifying, Inspector W. R. M!cVittie told the .Advance on Monday. More people than ever turned out this year to ` witness the Work of the pupils and . to view the accomplishments of the . various grades Working under the new curriculum, he stated. The Young People s Union held a Valentine party in the basement of the church on Monday night. The response to the observance of -:__--A.:..... nr.-".1, in `Roy-149 nn 119. GRATIFYING RESPONSE aeves 79: uld be Big `Value. At 79c they are Super Val- madc of good quality White F1an1101et'1o, s1m1rt- BARBIE W omen Flannelette Gowns - 39 Mr. Howard Ansdell, of Toronto,`-I spent the week'end with his par- 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ansdell. Miss Doris Crump, of Toronto, visited with Miss Laura Hall over the week end. . A very enjoyable afternoon was spent at the arena when the teach- er and pupils of S.S. No. 17 treated their parents and friends to a skat- ing" party. Just imagine buying a smurf look- ing slip-over style W11i1<~ Flannel- ette Gown at this low p1-ice ! Var- ious colored trirmnings go 10 make these gowns very a rt1'a(: ri.v0. Bet- ter come early for your share ! ""-_ I W. R. McVittie, apearing before the Board of Education to familiar-3 .. ize. the, board with some of the items that will be dealt with in his annual_ report, to be presented in the near`- future, outlined a number of inter- esting facts in connection with Bar- _ ne public schools which will appear \' ... .:.\a...:1 4.. Han Arlvnhr-A fnllnwina ne puuuc pcuuuna vuu\,u vuu (A,1Jrrw\nL in detail in the Advance following `the submisison of tlie report. On Monday evening at the St. Mary's Parish Hall the Catholic Youth Society held an open dance. The McCorkindale High Hatters pro- vided music. Ma.-ny couples were present from Midland and Orillia and a most enjoyable time was hart . 1 The Barrie branch of the C.Y.O._l under the direction of Rev. Dean ( Claire and Rev. Father Dodd, is 1 < 5 l growing rapidly and they have many future plans. I ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT C.Y.O. DANCE 1 hone 25 The Bar-'ie Advance `efore ,i1'ia_!--5 (Continued from page one) item; that some of the teachers in the mma1 public schools who had rendered nearilong and exceptional service to the town were deserving of special con- _ sideration by the board. There were vppear teachers, he pointed out, whose ser- owing vices were such that they could command higher salaries in some `other centres, but -they had shown `l.llll' loyalty to Barrie throughout the years and he felt that it would be quite tting on the part of the board to show its appreciation of such service and to offer some en- [.5 couragement to these teachers by ;he atholic V mcreasing the maximum salary to the $1,300.00 mark. is COLLEGIATE 3.Y.O._l W. A. Fisher, speaking on behalf . of teachers of the B.C.I. sza -, stated dd. that members were grateful for past I consideration and were not in any sense of the word attempting to Home an issue at this time, but that lhope was entertained that the m }board, in its wisdom, would see fit _~'-- to restore fully, or even partially, !the salary reductions brought aboul a few years ago as a result of the [depression and the general policy on `economy through the curtailment oi ,expenses on every hand. I `D... 4.1.... 1-nlrn r\`F nv-n=nr\'n1`.inn Of: D`}Asks Pay__C_1}ts % Miss .Mario.n IGmay, of Toronto,` spent the week end with her par-, _..L,. 1).... nv-IA N/fr: 1") R.V GYRV. I expenses on t:vt:L'_y uauu. For the sake of preservation of _a democratic state, reward should ,be given for services rendered, Mr. lF1sher pointed out. 1uI'.. 'n..'l......n Ta Hm: 1-nnnncf Tn)` {Jusner puuucu uuu. 5 Mr. Dobson--Is the request for a restoration of the pay cut `." ` Mi`. Fisher-As much as you see I Mr. Blair explained that four _'ea1`.~v ago reductions of from five to as hi_g'h as fteen per cent. had neen made in the salaries of the Col I iegiate staff and that there had since :been an addition of approximately `six per cent. 1n'-. ~n-L,.,... T.. 4.1..:.. n 1.-um] n1n`_ bl.\. pcx ucxu. Mr. Dobson-Is this a local mat- ter or a concemed request on behalf of the Teachers Federation? `II , II',,,.,___ {A 1'1. 1.. 1...} ..~ -L`.-... r\/- I UL uu: LCGLALCLG n:\.u\..;uuvu . Mr. Morrow-1't is local as far as Barrie is concerned. Restorations have been made in ninety per cent =of the high schools. PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mr. Wm. Bell, principal of the Allandale school, speaking on behall l of public school teachers, stated zhai `public school teachers were led to call a meeting because it had come `to their ears that the standing of the town was as good as it ever was. The remark had come from good ilauthority in the person of Mayor `-Robertson, which, Mr. Bell stated. had something to do with the teach lers turning the matter over in their ,minds at this time. -- 1 115, ,_I.__I `cu. aAu.\.6 av vou._yun5 ns~As~AA\AJ- 2 At meetings of the teachers, twc general requests were decided upon `to lay Bci'o1'e the board : 1. That in view of the fact that |.. .._..uu um Teachers 011 _sLaffs as far as can be divided Mr. Bell stated: 1.111. ucu ouuvcu I 1. Those who received full re lstoration last year. g`- 2. Those who received part of |'the reauction of ten per cent. "-~ -~--~---~-- L----L--.~ .......1.... `hut: ICLAULUIUII. U1. nun yya. vvnnvu `; 3. The younger teachers employ- Led since at varying salaries. 1 A4. ._.....A.:...,.... -4 :1... 4-nnnhnua hum ! 1 `LU A513 uuxuxc uu. uuuLu 1. That in View of the town's nances are in: good con- dition and things generally are on LL- ..__ .._.....!.. L1...-.4. -11 ,...'l........ ...-..-Inn cuu vvu._u nun. ya... i spent tne wt:mx_ enL, Rev. and Mrs. D. Roy Gray. Miss Eva Murdock and friend. of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mur- dock. xuuuu auu. uuulsa -5cu\:;uu_y um.\- vu the up grade, that all salary reduc- tions be restored. n 15.1,... LL- .1 ______ .1... 1:. .-...- nvun\. IJl.nrnl|\ W. J. Blair, chairman of the board, stated that the fact that the town was in such good nancial condition was because debentures had been issued at a lower rate of iinterest. There was considerable |mon.ey still owing, Mr. Blair point- ] ed out, but the advantageous inter- . est rate had worked to the advan- tage of he town. _.'. T171; nnnvnnha-n tn-Iv nnnnnrina tuna H9 Lucvuavun 2. Before the depression it was `generally understood that teachers `starting in the profession would re- ceive an annual increase of fty dollars until a maximum of $1,100 had been reached. It is not an easy road to a public school teach- er s position to-day, Mr. Bell point ed out, and he requested on behalf ` 01 the teachers that the board con- sider starting to increase assistant teachers salaries fty dollars per year and try to arrive at some max- fimum consistent with present-day qualications. $1,300.00 was sug- gested as the maximum to be con- i sldcred. ..n-n . 1 1- .1 , very appreciative of the Board of Education that stands between the Etcachers and the public and 3' eel `that no persuasive talk is necessary `on their part, Mr. Bell stated in | conclusion. , ........ .....n .......... `I Miss Lyons, teacher at Victoria ' School, asked the board that, if they felt it possible to grant the request %for fty dollars annual increase, that $100 be granted the first year to make up for the period during | Wh1Ch the increases were not in ef- L . ` LGCL D UL V-ll\o VVVVJII We appreciate your appearing MISS VERA LYONS 1 115 M)R. BLAIR nu... the public school salary is concerned, into three groups, W0`-RK WANF1`ED-For The community extends deepest ~ sympathy to the relatives and friends of Mary McCuaig, who pass- ed away at her home in Barrie. .. V.-. ....... -._.., - .,. -...,......_,, buillding, laying of hardwood oors. alterations, etc., at rea-I sonable rates. Call J. Smith, 9! High St., or phone 944. (s) i] FOR SALE--Dry tamarack woodq cedar fence posts, telephone and: `hydro poles. Apply C. B. Jo'nn- ' ston, 651r12. (s)| F WANTEED-Rye and buckwheat. All other kinds of grain bought and trucked from your barn. Mine- `9m`g Elevator. Phone Minesing 91 R 21. tf_ FOR SALE 5'03 SALE-1/3-ton 1937 Chevrolet Pickup Truck, only 14,000 miles Phone C. Smith, Stroud, 20r5. BARGAINS lN WOOD `4\IOTICE--Choice maple slabs, no edgings, only $3.50 per truck- oad, or two heaping loads, $6.75. Body maple and beach, $3.95, or two loads, $7.75. If its wood, lust name it. We have it. Oliver E. Carson.. Phone 1413. Barrie . l Notice is hereby. given that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of John 13. Wallwin, late of the Township of Vespra, in the County of Simcoe, retired farmer, deceased, are re- quired on or before the Twenty- fourth day of February A.D., 1939, ~to send by post prepaid, or to exe- liver to the undersigned, Solicitors for the Executors of the said a full statement of their of the security, if any, _ them, and after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute `the assets of the said Estate among the parties entitled thereto, having` ;regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Barrie, Ontario, this Thirty-rst day of January, A.D., 1939. l Stewart & Stewart, i Solicitors for the said Executors, | Barrie, Ontario. FOR SALE-Ba_V `gelding, heavy" draft, weighs 1600 lbs., good 3 worker. Price reasonable. Con. . % 7, Innisl. (s); `FOR SALE-4Cheap, team work! horses; also 1 4-year-o.1d'genera1! purpose gelding; set of 'brassl mounted team harness. No rea-I sonable offer refused. Apply on : 7th Line, Vespra; corner of: Townline, 1 mile west of Allan dale. Phone 611r12. (s)! FOR SAL`E-Perambu\1ator, cream`. with brown trim, used one year.` Will sell reasonable for cash; also A .___L_ on 1ur,.1-\,......1Ax Vvnvn-nuv -- - --- - - FOR SAL~E-7-year-old bay mare,` ____.. Weight 1350 1b5'? 9'ya1"1d bay' The Sunshine Club will hold an 1-d` 1'00 lb B h h ~' . - - ge mg 5' t rS`.afternoon tea. and sale 01 noveltxes, guaranteed Sound and `good Wrk"homemude bakim: and candy in the ers. Apply 98 Wellington St. E.,:St_ Georges: Hall, Feb. 1(;_ Barrie. I ___________ _ _- . an 1' _.__ ~Classifi e:iAds - _..._-, 1\IOTORISTS-Now is the time totrepeating see that your car is in good 1`un-[parades W ning order-to ll up with thelp-mu in '9 right kind of gas and get results.` Tickets 0 For quick starting and mileage,.Sh0D and ll up and save with Joy Gas.` Toronto Garage and Service Sta-:1] The a1 tion, Penetang Roa-d. Repairs to adian Gi all makes of cars or trucks.1the Red Phone 28W. (M2) `Monday e Rafes: 1c` per Zwc-:4` `-2-: 2: ord charged each insercion, min- lmum charge 25c. Bax numbers and Apply at the Auvance, ]0c extra. Classied advertising accepted up to 12 o L ock noon Tuesday. - FARM FOR SALE-Lot 6, Con. s,| Minesing Station, 1 mile off hip;h- ~ way 27, 120 acres, 75 cleared, balance good pasture land; 15 acres fall wheat and fall plow-, ing done. Good bank barn, com-| rfortable 6-room house. Bothl barn and house electrical equip-1 ped; also barn for harvest cropl and implement shed;oW1ng well.` Apuly to Mrs. T1109. Binnie on` the property. (3-3) F Women s F lanneletiae Pyjamas 89c PAIR Smart looking models in both long a11d short. sleeves. Plain color Flan- neleiies, some with fancy him. One Very pretty model has ruled neck. Sizes: small, medium, large. Sealed tenders will be reecived -by the undersigned up till 4 o clock .p.m. on Monday,-February 20, for supplying` four-foot dry ha1'(Iwood.i 'Iende1`.~! to state quantity available,` quality and price delivered in town` yard. H A ll! c_.:..I_ I Death Calls vvxu eu Lcaaullauuz nu \, ......... 1 runners. Apply 23 McDona1d St, or phone 1569F. v I (Continued from page one) people of the town being present to pay their last respects to the de- ceased. Pall-bearers were George Rooke, George Thomp;-zon, Scott Dunbar, Donald Mills, Ieffery Cun- ningham and Emmerson Creed. In- terment took place at Guthrie Cemeterv. .... ...... `MI ..- 1|.I'..f"unnu -473 f`I_..__.' uuun:u:ry. Surviving are Mrs. McCuaig `tn one brother, Robert, to whom the sympathy of the community is ex- tended in the loss of a loving daughter and sister. before us this evening and can as sure you that something will be done for` some of the teachers, any- way. As to the matter of a,max1- mum salary, that will have to be decided by the board, M1}. Blair stated. - WANTED WOOD WANTED A. W. Smith, Town Clerk, Barrie. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1939'. GUTHBIE i]'_,()C_A[_IS bward Toronto,` . . 5,, __.. ln1:1rlVl\1:`:'D 1\/r`l:`,A I" fnr Roi-+4 A. F. A. MALCOMSON' , 71-..- AI n --~ 3 Notice is hereby given, pursuant -`to the Trustee Act, that all persons bjhaving claims again the Estate of f.~\nnie Muir, late of the Town 01' Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, `zspinster, deceased, who died on or liabout the 10th day of July, A.D., 1934, are requested to send parti- ` culars of their claims to the under- iisigned on or before the 10th day `iof March, 1939, after which date fzthe Executors will distribute the - `assets of the Estate, having regard )!on1y to the claims of which they `shall then have notice, and will not ' be responsible to any others. nnfnd at Barrie this 10th day of S responsible to otners. Dated at Barrie '_February, 1939. l I\...-...... F` RH:-Cuaic . .. icommc gguws `I -; 1] annual meeting of the Gang.- liadian Girl Guides will be held in- -[the Cross rooms at 8.15 on. Monday evening, Feb.. 20, when the lelection of ofcers will take place. l i Trinity Church Men s Club are `repeating their centennial fashi ~11 Eparade, Wednesday, Feb. 15, at 8.15 lp.m., the Pansh Hall, Collier St. `Tickets on sale at Dixie s Smoke `Shop Weaymouth s Book Store. NOTICE TO CREDITORS | _ 1] Barrie Women's Canadian Club will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Feb. 23, when `the speaker will be Hon. George 'Spence, of Saskatchewan, who will address the club on Rehabilitating; _.l the D1'oug'ht Area. I l H Ivy young people are holding an _`Olde Tyme Valentine Box Social in `the Orange Hall on Monday evening, Feb. 20. All ladies attending are auked to bring: their boxes, which will he auc:ioned off at 10 p.m. A prog'1'am will be a feature of the. Long Sleeves At $1.00 those Gowns would Big ue! V or high neck style, qua ly trimmed. . eveninrr. " Friday evening`, Feb. 17, at the Pari: Hall, the Christian Mothers L>ociet_\' is having` 21 plate shower. The admission is 25c. This goes to buy dishes for the hall. The:-e.Wi1l be cards and dancing, followed by lunch. A large crowd is expected. The United young people had a skating party Tuesday night and had lunch in the church after. All had a good time at the rink. Mrs. Rix and Ralph returna home after visiting her daughter _L (V'L_..L.. `DA.- uau u p:,vv\4 {f1 mR;11;hw and sister at Shanty Bay. xv, Y__..l. .. fV....u..n TJ-211 'd.l.~)U HUI DIDLCL, 1111.0. unvvnoa. The W.I. held their meeting on Thursday in the hall. Quite a large number of ladies were present. Miss A. Marquis had asked the ladies to bring lace and crocheting Work that was made over 60 years ago. Miss A. Marquis spoke on different kinds of work. Mrs. Boyes, of Churchil`, also gave a most interesting talk. rnl... .....~.....H.-:'y A4 (Wan nnvnnnnvtlr anu maun an uncanny; uug. Mrs. Luck of Crown Hill, is vis- iting her neice, Mrs. Geo. Mar/tin, also her sister, Mrs. Brookes. nu _ 1117 L..'l.l 1.L..:.. .M.n.L.'....... 1..- H.150 gave it nuunu nuv\-a.uouu.5 ........ The sympathy of the community is extended to the Green family in. the loss of their father. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In a can -----.-v - _ The Home of GOOD INSURANCE Ill-` ry, Duncan F. McCuaig, . . Solicitor for the Executors. 2, 4, 6 Years 49 Cute little one-piece style Sleepers, made from good quality English Flannelette printed with nursery designs. These are our usual 75c grade. -qr--. For It CTCE STROUD having 51 Dunlop St.

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