Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Advance, 27 Dec 1938, p. 6

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Page Six nu. .xnu m A./vu ;u[.,uv u_y .u\,u. The A1't_Centre and the Roxy Theatre are to_ be congratulated in bringing` this outstanding: e11He1'tain- ment to Barrie. Frank Dutcher A Wish! CHRISTMAS JOY AND HAPPINESS THROUGH ALL THE NEW YEAR l PHONE 694 Thomas Sinclair Stronge~'t British and Canadian I`- ,,..,,,,,, To many friends and good customers who have patron- ized us in the last year, we extend our most sincere wish- es for a very Merry Christmas. In the prospect of your future friendship we say . . . Arcade Store GENERAL INSURANCE To Everyone ! `ZUALKER STORES, LIMITED UPSAN `E33 HAPPY NEW YEAR Companies Agent for The Staff and Manage- ment of Walker Store Wish for Everyone A mvrrg (lllgriyatmaa anh Lappg N211: ivar Barrie, Ont. \lore men and a < ; in this town. One merchant 1'eferz'ing` to the con-i ditiom of the Barrie police force efficiency stated that Jimmie Frise must hzive {been looking` at Barrie .when he conceived his Bi1'ds s-Eye Centre. He was not hitting at the men but at the lack of protec- tion. ; I . _ .. . I I With three or more m Ie.< of mam` I I >,'t1'eets three or four men cannot hope to cope with smart thieves in car.~:, let alone cover any of the rest` of town. We understand that the .'-'\IIandz1Ie beat exten(I.< out far as the Cities Service Station. Placing four men between there and the turn to Oriilia off Biake Street and you have the protection offereil the L-iti7.en.< of Barrie. Has-ty judgment by me1'cl1uut.~: and citizens place all the blame on tho police force but the lads in blue are only human. T-hey can only be in one spot at one time and because that time does not place them on the scene of the burg_:larie:~: proves only the inadequac_\' of the force and the smartness of the thieves. I I .~\ .~:cheme of protection that might prove efficient ~ha.< been su;:_:c; and it is bz1. along the lines the I I.e2'ion Post of O. i.< attenlptinvh-' \ to put ac1`o.<.<. .\'amel_\' that rcliabiei _ublr3 bodied unempIo_\'e p1`cfer21b'ly' :\'ete1'un.~=, be cnli` to act: as nigxhtfl "patrolman. They woul not have 1 the po\\'e1'tour1'e. but \\'m.1l work!) in C1054: conjunction with the police'1 on the nigfht beats and make 1'cr.:uIm' 1~opo1't.< at inte1"vaL's. V 1 1 l \\'hethe1' that would prove .~1atis-I l'acto1`3' has to be left to the tryin5._,-'.l It would cost something, but it ill `would mean the sfampinp; out of thisl \\'zu'e of crime and teach our visitin_r:;l thieves that Bzu`1'ie is a town to bc-l aloft alone, we are sure the citizens {would stand behind it wholehearted-l In-_\'in:_>' business conditions means `troubles aplenty ahead for any Bar-E vie business man. I Another . has been for-. wzmled. Tlmt this comin;.:' Satur-1` day the l).'1nl<.~' remain open later ovv Satu1`da_v to allow their cIient.~:, who` count on the Cln~i.-tmas hL1. to tide them over later busixxess rou;:r spots, to deposit money and thereby eliminate any chance of losing` all. Trade locally and sufep:uard your a . . own . . . :1 New Yezu-'.< resolution worth while co11. and if once tincidoxi on. well worth keeping. III II t It ` Just glance at these few lines; 3p;i\'e them your full consideration` "and we are sure you will make: ithem your aim for 1939: ` .. ... I ` What trading at home i you and yours-- I I I I I I Doesn t it stand to reason that when you trade at home, you see `what you buy, you examine its qual-, ity and can talk it over with the` merchant who sells it to you. t I I I I ' | ` You no at n glulco what you are` getting for your money, and you {know that the p.u.rch.ase.._mnst 1>_mv. Just a thourht. smzgrestioxu. . but wnll worth the` Pea ce on Earth! I Don't overlook one importan`. fac- -`ltor about your local merchant. He iis your friend and neighbor! He not only invites your patronage and ]ofTm'.< you 100 per cent. satisfaction .but is ready to stand behind every- ithingr ho guarantees. Can the same Hie said of purchases made away] from home `. The answer is ob-i i Doesn't your local merchant pay the taxes for your city and county, and isn t he always a leader in lcvery good movement by co-operat- iinr: with every section of Eiiis coun- ty in every Worthy cause? Then how can he continue to help if you fail to patronize his place of busi- .`.\.. `I In this manner you and the mer- chant are building up 21 f1`ie11(.iSi1i1') and un(le1'standing' which in itself niukes for a better community ex- istence. 2 home hute i local lnvml ones. <:1tisfact0ry in every respect, other- [wise you have no difficulty return- ling it to the man from whom it was 'purchased and getting a satisfac- Iltomv udjustxnellt or refund. i And a Me2'.1'_\' Christnlus, [[lI`O.~`])(`l'()U.\' .\:(3\\' Yea!` t0 _\'l l Two major robberies and one dar- ing break-in that threatened the loss of over $2,000 all in a short ,~'pa11 of time. ' .. ... q. ..` I T ] Not until January 6th will the '.(`amp Borden Flyers meet their 7!fi1'. test in the regular O.H.A. `schedule. On that date they hook `up with Owen Sound in the Bruise Peninsulzi city. The T1'apper;< won the intenniediate loop last season, and with a flock of new high cali- bre puck chasers are being` favored 'to repeat. the performance. 'l"L... ....L,..l..I.. ....... .)...\...._ .... ..A v 1 ilNTERMEDIATE. A SCHEDULE] .v .\.,.\,u.. mu. V\,..v...u....\... The scliedule was drawn up at :1 meeting: called n_\' Convener Thos. Spom-.<, l ('|)l'C.'~,`eI1l.ili_u` Camp Borden, with lilcrn Brophy, Collingrwood; l"r:1nl< (':u'lc.~:ky, Owen Sound. .-\lex. Preston, nt` Midilztml, l`.~7cntin_-_-' the clubs. .-\ . tcznnn in the play-o's. `third club.< will play :1 two-_::1nie `. goals to count series, with `the second haviirc` choice of ice for `I the first game. The winner will Mplay :1 two out of three series with ithe first placers, the latter having choice of ice for rst and third tlg-ames, if necessary. To eliminate elthe protest hugvbeaz; a gentle- ,men s agreement was entered into alw-hereby each club les with the other a. list of players by December 15th. If there is no protest before tithe schedule gets under way, there I will be none durixu the season. _:. District referees will act when the repre- double and . . . l `#215 rlecitled on, with three Second and - l Trade locally :1 ml mr money .~_-pent away from - help only those who contu- notl1in:.,-` to the upbuilding 01" <-ommunity. Trade with your merchant and you help all . . .` l'1'icn(l;~t . . . neigllbors nntll .~:21fegua1'd your The Barrie Advance most i icompetingr clubs agnee, otherwise tlxcl 10.1-LA. will appoint them. Duke? 3] Schutz, of Durham, was approved by the 'I`rappers and Shipbuildeml 2 for their opening` series. 1` Schedule Dec. 30-Co1li11:g'woo-d at Owen |- 0....-u-.1` -takes to tell. Barrie and other towns near Tor- onto are becoming veritable gold mines for organized gangs w`ho oper- ate on a metropolitan scale. They evidently case a proposed job," find out the habits of the police, etc., then working on schedule leave the city, rob and return to (li.~pn. of the goods in less tune that it] It all goes back to the church league. That rst team was in the main, church league products. There had been a strong g1'oup for two years previous and no less than sixl graduated to the Colts. coMINc EVENTS V 1. The l)o_\'.~ were drawn zlgziiiistl Marlboros, with such p1'omim:ntl name as Phil Stein, Jack Shill, the" Hamiltons and othe1'.~:. The Barrie team had Alvin Bowen and _\'ours_ truly in goal, the Dyment boys on defence, Earl Marshall, Iiennecly, Houghton, Hines, Arnott, Kasrlmei and a. host of others. If plans go well, Barrie will be blessed with another strong church league organization, from which players will step'up to continue the hockey supremacy in the district. been a centre of interest for local fowl fanciers in the last week. Manager Hudson is all for turkey 9;iving' for next year, but in the imeantime suggests that you enter-` tain your holiday guests` at the al- .| leys. I , I The Barrie bowling alleys have ` Kiwanis New Year's Dance, Hon; `day, Jan. 2, at Oddfellows Ha1l.j Bob Po\\'<>l1`.< orchc.~'t1'a. Tickets $1.25 each, at H. A. SmiLh .~z Drug ` Store. ` `T Miclnigrht Dance at Pineview, Zrentwood Sunda_\', Dec. 25. Every- body welcome. Gents 35c, ladies 25c. 4 The remarkable feature of the game was that they held .\Iarlbo1`os Ln (1 1 T-he Barrie Colts hav nual entrants since the to-night may be S.P.A. pions for 1938-39. Another da_V-an(l Chri. to e\'erybod',\- Sound`; The members. of the present Bar- rie police force are. we believe. a- bove reproach. What they need i.| help, more man power, more means? of . up on the p2tt1`ol:<. r .'-. :0: :1. I I Jan. I wood. Jan, Sound at Midland. Jzm. 6---Camp Borden at Owen Sound, Midland at Collingwood. Jan. 9--Camp Borden at Mid- land. 1 .. /\ . . . ,. nu-u. Jun. 11--Owen Sound at Camp Borden. Jun. 13--~.\lidIand at Owen Sound, I Camp Bordon at Collingwood. Tun 17 0... ... CA...-.J "L 1|/[1,] ._.v.... .. uu l7-O\\'cn Sound u uuh vv uuu. at Mid- Jun. I.`<~ ('0IIin_<.:*wod Borden. Jzm. 20-CoIIin;:woo 'Sou_nd, Midland at Can` .Tzm. 23-.VIid1und at ` Jan. 25-0wen Sounc wood, Camp Borden a1 Jan. Bord Sound. nn 13-1: \.av\a:-uu Jan. den. -an 1 `nun- Feb. Owen T'.I,I_ . u---uvuugwvvu no uuuuunu. 8---Oollingwood at Camp Borden. .\.uo 1--Collingwood at Midland. )'wen Sound at Camp Borden. Feb. 3--Midland at Owen Sound, Iamp Borden at Collin-g-wood. Fdb. 8-Collingwooti at Midland. `Fgk Q%.f\-II:-nu.-1...! -4 IL...- 2--Owen Sound at CoIling- at Owen . Camp Borden. Collingwood. Sound at Calling- at Midland. . Borden at Owen 30-Midland at Camp Bor- have been an- then and after L. n -n ; zunn 1 it's Mer1'_v . nu s|J.I.\4L B cham at Camp Barrie Colts open their regular 0.`H.A. season with Owen Sound in the opposition role at the Barrie Arena Dec. 30, according to a schedule released this week. .1-..-.uu-V A \aA\/\AAI\4\A vnlnu Schedule Dec. 27--Penetamg at Owen Sound. 29--iPenefang at Midland. 30--Owen Sound at Barrie. 1 Jan. 3--Mid1and at Penetang. Barrie at Owen Sound. 6--Penetang at Barrie. . Owen Sound at Midland. 10--Barrie at Penetang. `Midland at Owen Sound 12-Barrie at i\`Iid1and. 13-Owen Sound at Penetang. 16-Mid1and at Barrie. 17-Penetang at Owen Sound. 19-Owen Sound at Midland. 20-Barrie at Penetang. 24--Midland at Penetang. 'Dn.u..n L I\.-nxn G.\.....1 `Keogh-Heddle Marionettes Coming Here Entertaimnent of exceptional in-` 'te1'est is to be provided in Barrie on Thursday and Friday, December 29 and 30, when Keogh-Heddle Marionettes will perform for thei Eamusement and education of chil-] dren and grown-ups at the Roxy; Theatre. Through the courtesy ofi the Sasos, the Marionettes will be! shown Friday afternoon at the! Romy uder the auspices of the; A11 Centre. ' Tho-re i.~ no doubt that me1'clmnL.~ would not kick at :1 raise in taxe: if they could be sure that protection would be adequate. We have hzul three b1'ez1l<-in.4, two have resulted without loss `L'o1iun:1tel_\'. but there will be more whivh coupied with ! The ever-popular M-arxonettes per-i formed recently at Massey Hall, ,Toronto, under the auspices of Sir` IErnest Mchlillan, where they were! ireceived with enthusiastic acclaim. l nn 1 1-. \.v\.v;v\.u. nun. \aAAvAA.u|uAv\uvA\. ..-..\.u...u.. , At the matinee Thursday. Deal :29, the puppets will be seen ini Hansel and Gretel with Humper-. , music. There will he v-.u`iet'._\` numbers and dances from the Nut- .. ..........\. ... --.........D. Barrie at Owen Sound. l 27--Owen Sound at Barrie. i Penetang at Blidland. i 31--.\Iidland at Owen Sound.v [ Penetang at Barrie. I i I Feb. 3--Owen Sound at Pe11etanr_;i 8--~Bz1rire at llidland. Playoff Arrangements First three teams to play on`. Second and third teams to pla) {home and home guines, goals to count. Second gmne to he played :to a nish if tied on round at end of regulation gzune. Winner of this `playoff to meet first team in best` of three game series. Firs-t gmne to be decided by toss 01' coin. "Third game, if 11ecessar_\', to be on home ice of team nishing rst. Referees Approved The following referees were sub- mitted and approved by the clubs: Owen Sound--Alvie Wilson, Co1ling- wood; Bill Garbutt, Owen Sound; Penetang-Jack Symons, Penetang; Midland-Bob Dodds , Midland, Bernie Brophy, Collirrg'-wood; Bar- rie--John Dobson, Barrie; C. R. Red Farrell, Barrie. COLTS ENGAGE OWEN SOUND! HERE JANUARY 30. JUNIOR B s gHnuLn- TUESDAY, DEC-EMB-ER, 27, 1938. Season s Greetings to all our Friends and Customers The Sarieunt Co.Ltd i COLLIER ST. EVENING AUXILIARY The Christmas meeting was hoii 'in the recreation room, which had been beautifully decorated for the Christmas season by the Women's Association. The program opened by the singing of O Little Town of Betzhleheni, after which Leila Hunter read a poem, The Christ- mas Rose. There were 38 pres- ent at the meeting. The main item (Please turn to page seven) clucker Suite and the Mothel Goose | Suite. On Friday an old-fashioned melodrama will be enacted entitled He Ain't Don Right by Nell. fl... .\..4. f`-...L...\ an.) 4.1.... D...... 73 Toronto St

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