Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Advance, 20 Dec 1938, p. 9

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_ ,, ..y ..._. mm uuzIuIHf.' ':concent1`::ted on kr.-cpiz Ifrom spreadin.:_r. in 3they were successful, 'water from their hose _as quickly as it hit. 1` Although the big, `house was in the centl V1-nu... l--`- " C__ JLACL UCLUIC ua.wn 1nu1's 5 Three men and two women n`.iss- 16 ed a like fate by jumping for their ,1 ;Ii\ es from second storey windows. `SE The victim. Mrs. Garnett L`redin,i =21.-;'c(I about 40, was on her way tr` '.<:1!`<-t;-. \'\ i'.`(`!i, it believed. she re-I n tiirued to her room to save some' [e.\':i[1:1|li(:.~'. In the smoke and con-i '.i'u.-i0n. 2ii`i`(Z the roar of the fast-I . i If}; I I y 1_ !:.I)'xlEl .ill_`.' ames, her absence was 911101 noticed by her fellow fugiti\'e.~. C - Her charred body \vas recovered n ;1m1(' time later. 1 _? Her husband e.-mnmd. So did W. iFig\'. principal of the T(JtiCi`.i11l)H _ ipuliiic .~'('h00i, and u boarder at the iilrr-'Ii:1 h0n.e. f In the a . of the` U;(I01ii)le house. occupied by thel _;Hz1mmond f'zmiil_\'. W. Hammond wzis z1ircud_\'z1L work when the re |}W1`(\]c'l- l\||{ 11:" "':" "" J ' ` I I The Tottenham re b1`i_ . there \vu.- nr_-Ether hope of entering the hou.~:c to . I\Ir.~,I. Bredin, nor of su\'in_2' the huIdin'_u' itself. The}: I ` l'nYI(-phi-v-u+:.,1 0.. - " " `Mrs. Garnet Bredin Trapped fetungg to Save Valuables ROXY {Daughter Attending Barriei Collegiate when Informed Q of 'I'ragedy.--Five Jump I for Lives. ' Tottenham.--T1-apped in a quic `spreading. two-house blaze at Tc Itenhum, one woman was burned death just before dawn Tlm1'sda_v. Thvnn hwnn u.-U! ....- _..-~ GRANADA THEATRE THURSDAY LAST SHOWING TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY BETTE DAVIS in THE SISTERS :__.:._ Vol. XCIT. No. 43. DRACULA AND FRANKENSTEIN Bky Public Demand--- IIIWV """ ' OTHER TREATS - Fox News THE 3 STOOGES in MUTTS TO YOU and MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON LSDAY -- FRIDAY - SATURDAY MATINEE SATURDAY 2.30 PM. keeping` the z1me.~ din(._r. which effort a1thou_:h the was f1'ee;:in:: 15 its objective.<. double I"1`.".l z.' n centre of Totten- of wind obviated :n._' hr: main section of 1?: ' _'mm Pi`('K OF l "rm: 'P_r(:'I`URES .`\ '.\HCRR\' ("Tm-TS'I`M.-\R TO ALL Barrie : Largest. Fir Also The Loe r- .. ._ \1\Al\l'\` e Blaze Tot- to ...._. 'rvl_.... I AJIII :-,c.u. n Inca! ax Modern Theatres TEE BARRIE DVANCE quick- larzn no. 'T\..L CI-EOCOLATES FRESH FROM Eouglas Drugs 1 Pnone 75 3` Police said that Je're_v owns a Ilfann :~.nouth of Alliston on which he had posted no hunting signs. He claimed that hunters not only di.=2-e':ar(led the signs, but tore ;them down and then hunted on his 4 K 'lIp)'OpB1't_V. He denied that he had 3;e\`er pointed a gun at any of Wtbem. ., Au I\Ir.=. Bre Hammond. |_-,,... J The "T111-din, school `Ir (____ house, he aroused then manzured to department. ,,,L . . .. . Charged with pointing a rearm at El hunter, Owen Jeffrey, aged 60, Atljula township, south of Al- liston, \\':is allowed out on $2,000 bail in two sureties of $1,000 each." when he appeared in court here Wednesday before Magistrate Compton JefI`s. He was remanded until Dec. 21, for trial in Barrie. Je1`e_\' was arrested by Provin- cial Constable W. B. Elliott, d.lllS- ton, on December 8. The office! said he had to resort to force to fplace the man under arrest. A summons had been mailed back to him. 1 i"5K'`wITH POINTING GUN I Christmas Candies ( and Most 9 Buy NEILSON S ....\.. only child of Mr. . IS _\'ezn'-old Doris, in Barrie. Bredin was a si.=te1 .1 THEATRE SECTION TWO Pages 9 to 12 GRANADA Section Two its occupants and telephone the re and Mr.- |.I TN--1-- CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS. lled with candy. FF sister of M1'.~v. Barrie u..n.u - Avnrly zvun I URL To celebrate the joyful feash have a supply of these tasty Christmas con- fections for the festive board. 0) IJf\IIlIl\lS - _. PEPPERMINT WAFER5 POUND 20 ASSORTED SWEETS: CHRISTMAS MIXTURE: 'I'_ __I-I,., . - __-_----...., avvlalalsiu Creams and jellies, French creams, fruit gums, choco- late drops with cream cen- tres. CHOCOLATE BUDS--;< Lb. . . . . . . `.5 'ELOG CABIN CHOCOLATES-Lb. CONTINENT-WIDE DAILY SERVICE mmm_um__ I 2 POUNDS 5l" ,1 -~. /s:.~'/" /\f5':""' POUND Merry Christmas 15 256 1 --SHOP AT--- ..;-.u. nu: L'UupH;' were n1ar1`1e(1 Lit Barrie in 1925. C. D. Stewart, Barrie. acted for the plaintiff . Thel action was undefended. i Adjournment sine die was made __ PREPARE FOR H --IT .PAYS-- 7 PHONj.f62 `- Cor. Dunlopj8r. Mulcaster , Eat C`-.maidan sh once :1 day for 3 I the nutritive value and ene1`g;y it 1 furnishes--pa1-tir:ulz1rly when the 3 wind blows cold. , . The court also adjourned sine die; _the action of Mrs. Verna May Mc-` ;I{night, .\'iagara Falls, Ontario,: against William LeRo_v McKnight,` ;To1'on-to, and Helen McLean, in or-5 'rle1' to hear further evidence. They; ivxvere married in Toronto in 1932.; 5-LB. BOX LOG CABIN Delicious, rich choco- lates, in a. beautiful box Only $1.00 3-LB. BOX CHOCOLATES Assorted, in a. beauti- ful box. Only , 69 1-LB. BOX CHOCOLATES . Assorted Fruits and Nuts, hard and soft centres. Maraschino Cherries. -u } Latimer, Orillia, against Clarence ' -[John Latimer, Orillia, and Kay f.Goodman, Toronto, in order to hear _,7fu1'the1' evidence. They were mar- fl Elried in Orillia in June, 1930. There[ Ixare no children. Hugh W. Grant,]( ;fOri1lia, acted for the pxamtiff, andilt -,}no defence was offered. . I rnL. , nv `Vi .-. The- case of Lorne Edgar Scriver, . . V u \4L\oll\4l4 vv we UALGJ. cu. C.P.R. agent, Puslinch, who sued iDo1'othy Scriver and John G. Con-I |:ning'ton, both of -Orillia, was ad-I -journed sine die to hear furtherj testimony. The couple were mar-| lried in Toronto in September, 1912,` and there are no children. Boulco:`.3 IS. .\Iz1rsha1], Orillia, acted for thef jplainti . The action was undefend-: . nr) the case of Mrs. Retailers to Thrifty Canadians Mrs. Orma .-imanda Moore, Col-I` Iin_m\'oo was granted a decree nisi 1 in her action against Alfred Edgar Moore. CoI1in_:wood, and she was also , given cu.~1o.':_\` of their two chiIdren,]I and co.~`t.:~,=. They were marrxed June * 30. 1928, at Thornbury. G. A. Islorgan. Thornbury, acted for thegt plaintiff. There was no dei'e.::c. ;1 _\Irs. Georgina Grace Archer, of 5 Barrir.-. `;\\'as successful in her ,ac-;'J tion a_ Robert Archer, Stay-'1] tier. and Irene Genno. and she was;\` also granted custody of two chil-I sir.-n. The couple were married at` T-7.51-1-3n a 111.`): I" T`- (`I 1 ' 25 Doris Matilda _ L. 1st I we. . Kayiing -.der ' the bus 'up.` 930. Theret _. "1 ~i l Ling` relief recipients to other repair` . \\ z1.< closed l e1ietzui_u`. Dec. before .\Izi_L'i. ('. F. Bick in polivo ('t)Lll'l _\'e. on :1 cliarge of zi.~`.<;1L1';ti11u' lit.-lief` Ollicer .\l:ic.\':nmi1':i. .\l:m.~non Genrlron szlitl; I lid it delil)e1'atel_\` in the hope that it would he l)1'oL1;:l1t to court, so that the zulministrution of relief in Ll`il.< town would ln'ou:.'_'lit out in-- 'm the open. 1li.r~--.~\ppez11'ingl J. D.' Gendron, who.~:e shoe repair plzlni up recently for non- pziymrant of tzixes, claimed that Lhv relin-1' oflicer had consistenth .~`nown discvixiiimition against him in send- .~.=hop.< :Le.~` l )`v- in .~pite of bheir to patronize his. He otfered as evidence four alli- duvits of relief recipients who expre.<.~:en claimed that they had received $uL.h4 treatment.. While the magistrutu refused to admit them as evidence, he adjourned the case for a week to allow the defendant to call the relief 1'eceive1~.s as witnesses. 'D-I:..c nm_-_ `IL xv ....u AcLcI\I:l.-3 an vviwesses. I Relief Ofcer MlacN*amara te.~Iti-; ed that Gendron accosted him while he was in the teller s cage at the relief office. You reported to] the relief board that I \vouldn ti iwork for relief, he quoted the de-g ifendan-t as saying. He claimed that? |Gendron then snatched his glasses] off his face with his left hand and; struck him with his right. He! claimed Gendmn ;threatcned, Ifi you bring this to court I'll get you` again. fI__ j____ 1,, I 1 . .- I ..,,...... *G.end1-on denied actually striking: the relief officer, although he ad-i imitted pushimr him into a cornezza He claimed that what he told him iwas, If you do not bring this to? [court I'll come at you :1-g'ai11." }Trinit;W.A. Holds `Election ofiolficers l The Womm1 s Auxility to the His- {sionary Society of the Church of! | met in Trinity Parish Halli ion VVednesdz1_\', Dec. 14, and elect-i led tho followimr ofcers for service} lln 1989, with Van. Archdeacon; u Moulton nrncidino . up: cr::. COHing\\ I can LUUU, W15 ' i Moulton presiding` : Penetang Mun Wattles With {Relief Officer zri -The market committee was uuth-i r- orized to proceed with further 111-; 3, terations to the building at 2; cost` nvof approximately $465. The exist-= ie iIl_`.:` brick pzxrtition at the north emli i` ' of the building will be removed mm" the new hardwood floor carried e:1`i5:ht through. When this is com-` gpleted, the interior of the market ,:l)uildin:: will be one of the largest ;, umi finest in town. The following` tentlera: were :'.I:- . " (-cpteci. work to he done immediate-l` 15' after the New Year: Hamilton IBI-idge Co., $270; R. E. Tuck.; 35100; P. H. Monger, $4.3; Pedwelli. v} l.umbe1- Co., The work will!` . be done under the supervision ofli` 2 the town eligineer. 1` 1. V""'`". . . I I-21:.-111 pc1's0n>' were a'.'m1tted to` .the lo_\"z1I Wctoriu Hospital dL11'i11gj `the month and one to Soldiers ; 'I\Iemm'ial Hospital, Orillia, the; county clerk reported. I | \Verlne.~'da_\', December 21, was. set apart as Christmas market day.` It was pointed out by :\ld1'I11:.1Il!`(] Lower that the lights on the main] .~L1'cct were in need of clezfning and i] [should be attended to before Christ` .h`1nu - I ;< I Ke}_)11il`>` to the town g'1'ader, in; [the form of retreading of tires, at ( |a cost of fty dollars each, will be 1 funxit.-1't-uken. The present tires az'_e.; said to be worn so smooth that thew ,2'1'z1der has no tractio on icy spotsgg l {or on hills. Ii . V I i Mayor Robertson, at the con-' Iclusion of the meeting, expressed [his appreciation of the splendid co- operation displayed throughout the year by the various members of council and stated that as a result Jvery satisfactory progress had been I made. I Following the mayor s banquet! [Wednesday evening, the nal mee`.: jing of the town council was held in: council chambers, when the` .busines-s of the year was wound` inn I Barrie, Ontario, Tuesday, December 20, 1938 Council Holds Final Meet hnLLnn's LIMITED Hon. President.s, Mesdames Dow- He ! ler, Garrett and Martin; President, Ii.\n-.5-. Harry Carter; 1st Vice-Presi- youident, Mrs. Norman meson; 2nd |Vice-President, Mrs. J. T. Simpson; ikinig: Cor. Secretarv. Mrs. J. A. Lennox; ad- E Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Kenneth Dawe; rnei-.a'l`rensu1-er, .\'Ii-.4. W. A. McFadigen; Dorcas Sec.. Mrs. T. A. McCarrolI; 5 to? Dnrc:1.< .-\.~:sis Lm1t, Mrs. Percy Bin'p;- Tiunn; Soc. of I.-iteruture, Mrs. A. S. _\Io1'1'o\\': Prz1_\'er Pzirtner Secretary, `Z\Ir.<. E. Billingsley; United Thank- 'offering, I\I1's.E. Crosbie; Extra- }Cent-a-Da_V` Secretar_\'. Z\Ir.<. Jos. .Sn1it;h: Secrutzzu-_\' of The l.i\'in_u' i`__,I\Te.~'.<:1_s.-;e," .\lr.~'. H. .\'. Hunter; Little ` `fiHelper.~', .\/Irs. Wm. Pomfret; Social 1 iSe1-vice, Mrs. 'l`ho.<. Dowler; Junior` _Ix::t_g Supt., Miss Catharine Moulton; Ru- _ lpresentative to Parish Council, Mrs. wmei(re.<\\'icke; Rector s representatives, `aconi;I\ieS(i21l1le.S' Dowler and Vit-kers. ] I ......- V- Avnvlluv, :\uI!:L\, u1_\ U.. gfchairman of the Board of Educa-`i ibion; M. D. Morrison, chahman of, elthe Parks Commission, and R. Atke_v, representing the press. 3. , {Over 5 lbs. `Ar II, Dressed I U\'(31' I 1 Dressed 4.... V .. . . . . . . . . . ` CATTLE {Butchers steers, heifers Butcher cows 'Bologna bulls g Carmers and cutters 2 Veal calves . . . . . . . . . . Lanlbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drcs. I (As quoted by First Co-operative` Packers of Ontario Ltd., Barrie) HOGS Per cm. Dressed hot weight on rail . .$11.':5f ; Live Weight . . . . . 8.60 ' (`A'l"rvr- n ` (SCH --~---v v; vuuaxxu db mu: bUl.l1`L I~.'ou. here on Monday afternoon. He also adjourned three other di- `iorce actions sine die in order to hear further evidence before grant-I? ing decrees. ml`..- nu, 1 ' .-\mong' others who spoke br`efI_v in the same vein \\'e1'e"H. A. S1m..<, ;'former chairman of the Public Lib-1 rary Board and manager of the Bank of Toronto; Albert Br)` mu? ;n1u.:..w..... -4` 4.1.- n,,_ I -- rwv E....... u. yvlllv vwuul ycuunca. I 1 \ house was cen copaco Quotesf;:::;er town. \\IullLll (Lulu uln: \,-Uulllllablull. Town Clerk and Treasurer A. W. W `Smith suit! that during; his time of: `nez1r1_\' twenty-four years in o`ice,] ithe affairs of the town had beeni] Hzonducted with dignity and decorumff I Is I i !and personalities had never enterezl: [into the picture, as had been the !case in some other centres. \.u-..... -:.L-..., ",1, 1 ' ` 0' ' The event set a pleasant prece- t dent in Bm'rie municipal circles Hland was much appreciated by the A.` J l twent_\'-\'e guests. His wo:'<'m;x ; _i pointed out that the _;'z1th(-rin_2' V2 .< . _ ` just an informal afl zLi1' 11;. an e.\'-:' _`L`u~0pe)`:1tI011 he had received from `pression of his ap1)1'eci:2`;?-*2; of the, {;the council and others duzm,.~; they 5 past year. rHIVL,...- ,.1.-..1.) L- _ 1-,, , ,, x 1- .,.....\.. 1 `i \V. M. Salter. speaking the} Public Utilities Commission. ( u1`.`.-I kmented upon the . co-ope:-zx-i itive .~'pi1'it existing between thei ;Council and the Commiss'ion. I 7`l\,..._-. r'1I__,L ,, 1 m - ~- Alli! vv uAg)AI I AVA Ill? : K.llCl "R ;>. and thou._L'htfuhxess and com-. mended him upon the _9;ood L;.;!e1'-1 % n !s'hip (li. U11`o11_9:h011t his term of office. 4 1n `Ir .~ .. -- - ,,...w J mu . ' There should be a fa.1'ewr.I din-` nor each _vear,.stated Deputy Reevei I . D. F. 1VIacLaren folloxvlng` the ` ;m!un,l:.l 17.. xx... . . ` u L . AVJLLLLJCILCII 1UllU\'Vlll}`, |.HL' splendid repast. Mr. )IacLaren tihzmkcd his \\'01'ship for his :;une1'-i V\\'7` uni] . -- [Mayor H0; tAt Ban(;_11Et .\Iz1rket steady. "I`I ll! ` ,7fu1't11e1' Mr. Justige G. F. McFarLa.nd l.ied granted a decree nisi in each of< two divorce actions heard at thelxm .110 non-jury sittings of the SuDl'el11eIOrlllla" Court of Ontario at the Court}110 def Monday afternoon.:` The'< I I` Members of the town council, 1e `presentatives of various municipal bodies and 'ghe press were entertain- 'ed at dinner Wednesday evening by 1 Mayor H. G. Robertson just prior( to the nal council meeting of the` ; Complimented by Civic ' I Heads at Farewell PzLrty.! J I lbw .) nur. -4 lbs. . . . . . . .. .\Iurket .~.vtez1d_V. large medium pullets lbs. all wvij.-,'hLs GEESE. I CHICKENS M'i".L J.RKYS Two `Granted, Three Ad-Vli" I IJL t journed for Further Con-fJ:h sideration. _; Goc ".'c's i6wL _.uu Live Dressed I .. . .. ....l sall vv -,u...-1; 3.501 . .. a..5oi .upto $2.00;_ .up to ..\ K.. (): ..up to $8.50` gi 1?): . . I Cause of the me IS unknown. I`..~ I {outbreak was noted at (3.30 ;1.m. l H. _'Mr. .Hummond. who, after li_s;'I1tin;_- the stove when he arose, had _-_-mm gout to the barn to commence his {daily dutie:~:. Racing back to the `-]Aj|(l.II`Iu\` .u....._. n. nummonu fire Ebrokc out. His` wife and daughter f]C\'el_\'n_. ug,-`ed 22, however, shared . |in the leap for life, as did his cousin 1' ! Gilbv-rt`. The 1'u_u'iti\'e.=, clad 0n7_V in their night ut1.i1'e. landml unhnr`: on the inc /.en }:i`oun which was barely. I 1 I l :7} 1 I coveruri by 2; light scz1tte1'im;' of egsnow. _\'ea1`b_\' neighbors took them .` in. '1 "I I I Five Divorce Cases Are Heard At Court I-lerg*_

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