Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Advance, 6 Dec 1938, p. 1

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ILHE BARRIE: - !1'1h.~' . . . . . . . . . . 19 22 Doztths 1G 12 .\'Izm'ia:.:e:~' . . . . . . . 4 Compzn'z1ti\'e statement for 0010 xaa W. Births ` Deaths Marriages council hmmi of not be p1`e.~`(:11t 1. 1m\*i:1:.: been o\'e1'12: for .-\lde1'mun for . Gill and P21dii.<< ~.~pi10 the ne .~vp1`in_; Dun Cupid fuileti hi};`h in the m:-.n*i.'1 1,4` the month of N0` 1134' to the vital st (i by 'l`o\\'n ( 1r.:1'k A l_\'. I3irth.< sh(>\\`e{ )zu'z11.i\'u _:Ln'e.< for No\'em~ \ Q] \\ Q l\ 1 Q \`\\ ~'ume period ' .-..\ 1938 1938 .....l,,,v...-`. .`l.UUu uu IILL uuu Au`/no lightly by her mother. and haul her picture taken just as she returned home from 21 visit with frien(l.<. She stood on a set of scales `.n-dz1_\` and 1*e'r;iste1`e(1 120 pounds. I m on my way back fast now; P11 soon be my old self again, thanks to Mr. Cameron; said -the; taken in tin \\'a1'd n },`_` . . u -. \\"iies, xvi`- Past .\-ea u`.u.-v b eu.r-- 1 9 5'. ......n been P11 m C delighted Jessie. IA . 1*. M Mm 1 auu uuuu........--, moved to Barrie on August 14 after J. A. Lawrence, Reeve of Creemore,` had crossed swords with the hoaphi tal authorities at St. .'Iohn"s con-f valesqent home, Newtonb-rook, where; v Q 1.-.... ...-nmnunzi -Fnrnn +h:- '1`n.' \Atlli.',uu:\1 ucnzuu. Mr. Cameron, weTl-`known n1z1.~'seu1' and hairdresser. had `Jessie re-3 ` ' "`|-4- Z_ -.. \\-`...n~1 *1,1 ncbnv` van...-.....- ..- been removed from `thlf To-: `General. ; 'er_v day since, Jessie has had :13 special both and niassagre, after the- rd: application of the treatment she felt her strength coming back." according to Jessie. Now there I .- no doubt in her mind as to the out- come. Her happiness is shared by her mother, who has been her con-' stant companion in the little house (Continued on page four) /2------_ Dance and a Doughnut--One` Dime; Slogan Suggested by Lady Vendor on Sat- urday--Ga1a Appearance! Presented. 3 Barrie niurkct, widely known and recognized as a leader in its e1d,. took another forward jump on Sat?, urda' when amid inodernistic light-' ing,%C1')e paper decorations and gay] mm transmitted via a concealed sound system, business was r-nrried! on with :1 swing in keeping with the: surroundings. Music While Exchct_nge Go LC IIUHIC, iVCVVLUl|uLvvn\, n..\,._. To- 31` .)e_{_Q1e ` - ` - Q:-I-nua-Inst`:-- : (`m Reeve Creemore, Fix; New Members on Barrie Council Po-I Creemore Girl~1 ile You Market Goe_s Mqdernj L she 33%?-`t"I\'r`-5? ' HI "5 31$ Flash 1 Uiiwanis Hold [Annual Rural `Meet at I_v}r_ Barrie Kiwanis Club, forty strong.-1 held a hur-41 meeting at ivy on Hon- day night, wlwn the good ladies of the 4 Anglican and P1'esb_vterian Chu1'chc:< served 21 delicious meal in 0121113.-`u Hall. Seine forty :01` the were present. vziried. F0]- lo_\' .\ir_'Vi11i<: 10'`. The p1'o;:1`zun was lo\\'in'~' at . h 3 in :1 ;`L1e.~`sin*f;' <'0nte. between the the ` farmen: $80 Members and Fa.1-mew; 3 Friends Enjoy Get-To- 1 gether.-Inspi1'ing Ad ` dress Heard. H: u _\u\,.<..;nuh . -;...,\..-., I4\av . . u y .4 .,..`. l\'_\' men and the Kiwanians, tho- f'o1'n:er 1e:1 by :1 slight mU'_L ,`h1. jJake Jacobi, on behzllf of, the club. `it-xtenricrl t'n:mk.< to the ladies for `the \\`0mleH'L1'. .4})1`<.-21d p1'0\'ide um`. ' {e\'. Mr. Blake replied on behalf V. I , . .v I, Sensational Recoveries from Dread Disease Attributed by Patients to Special Baths and Massage by W. T. Cameron, Barrie Masseur. .\IoI1';ttL (`op-kburn. :xg.'ic'.111t11`a] re~ p1e. for York Count}, ztmi ll former repre.<-ntz1ti\'e for .\'orth- Simcoe, \\`u.< the main speaker. 'l'h:-1 title of his admire: was The Oh I-'oIk.< at Home." and he . the imp01't:1nt'e of parents giving their hay. and ;`irI.~ the rir.-;ht stan in lifw. 'l'im<,-.~ ztre t'hun:.:`in,-: and new mt.-t1md.~: in uuricu1ttn'c must be zuloptetl us in hu. B0)'.~" on the farm shoulcl he Lroztted us part ners and made to feel that they have 21 real stzxke in the home farm. I The value of b0_\f.'<' club activities `xv-.1.< z.11. . and the boys should in any new ideas and I he em-0L1)'z1._-"ed for their own. _'_"i\`0"1\ . mateur E A ver_v successful amateur even-l 1 im:, sponsored by the Women's In-i istitute, was held in the Orange HaH| on \Ve(ine. evening. There Wasl :1 good <-rowd and competition Wus_ .~`tl`0n_,", with eighteen contestantxi Mr. John Scott. Ivy school teacheni was .\Iujor Bowe.~:" for the even in:`, i1l`()2\(iC:1.~`tiI1_L" from station IV Y.i The prograni was varied, which. nuuio it difcult for the ju':ges to The t1'zu1.~vfm'n1:1tion of the build` |ing into suitable quarters for a roller! 'd1~onw has resulted in Saturday}! morning marketers being provided7I lwith all the above mentioned fan- C idamxlements, foreign to most mar-`] 'kets, but now a very acceptable ad- ` Cdition to the Barrie exchange. 1` V _ _...l (V151,-._ ._ u... ..-...1.. :.. v 0131011 U) Luv unnxnc :uu.uua-5. ` Gliding: around on the newly in-I Istulled hzmlwod oor with a chicken `_in one hand and a turnip in the`: lother, a local citizen on his way] honmwnrd after making: the week--1 end purch:1. lid :1 few steps "Ink Continued on Page 6 9 K ._ .-\ fog: is :1 cloun on Che earth; a `cloud is a fog in the sky. Sydney .`Mines, N.S., Dec. 6. -At least 15 men were believ- ed llleil -and 38 seriously in- jured to-day in a coal mine Hisater far below the earth's surface. .... .. v .- nun Iqnuvg The disaster occurred on the 21st anniversary of the great Iiilifnx explosion, when 1,600 persons lost their lives. I:_..._.___ L-_!1__ L_.l 1.-.... ycnav-no nuau. u..u.... ......-. Fourteen bodies had been "brought from the depths a couple of hours after a mine train, carrying 250 workers, broke iose from its haulage rope and hurtled to doom down the steep mile incline. There ,_._ ..__...n.. ._ 5-1! use otcclu nu. ........u.. ......x. was no accurate reports to tell immediately just how high the toll would run. Remember Jessie Morrison `.` It was just a little over a year ago that the newspapers carried lengthy stories of this girl who came out of the (lroug'ht-stricken West armed with little else but a. big heart full of determination to make good her- sigond to make possible the re- m val to greener pastures of her` pu rents and her 20-year-old bro- ther. Just as she started a little; h2ii1'(l1'e.<. shop in the Vil .a:.;'c of- Crecmore where she won the hearts of the citizens by her courage in` facing: a big job with 21 big smile, she \v.'1.< .~'urlile1il; .~:L1'uck down in the paralysis epidemic that swept the country. With her removal to the isolation hospital on Oct. `.9. l)37,' and three \\'eel<.< lziier to tho To- ronto General, where she was ml- mitte one of the "worst cases," being completely paral_\"/.e(l, went the hope of the removal of her i.':un- il_\ from the farm in the dried-out] area of SZ1Sl\'Zll.L`.] 1P\VZil' where they! had harvested only two crops ini nineteen years. Both of which were seized for taxes. . l l I I 1 1 4(`0ntim1L~:l on }):u_"(.- eight) . hriully cxplu `rs . `zmnunl Tudhupe Cup mcet, the c.-. 'p(.ll.~'L'.x' of the m'c}1v. and `.`..-:1'_z:1_" :te:m1.~', junior und senior ba.` leld day trophies, ru_:b_\' u-.n.;t-,i \ ...... .`u...uuu Luunl.` unu J\l! xnlf ybasketballs, music for the Glee ' ! m..1. gs c.1. COMMENCEMENT gmmws CAPACITY cnowns 1 T%e ha was crowded Fduy `evening for the bk: BJC.. the yen r--(,' om mence me 111.. Il\L_ nnv 1 A ~ - i I event of] 1 . The B.C.I. on-h~e5tt1-21 under the .r.-ompetent direction of Mr. W. A. lFis11er, with Leah Lowe atthe piano, ,` pleased the uuidemae by we .[)I2l_\'in_L` `of well known num&rer.~ until the icurtun rose for the }J)`-|3.~ l"T.IL:lLi0l1 of `mi /.1,-.~'. In his \V((`0lllill;.!` (}i1'i\\'o0d .~'1:11'(:d 1h:-I`. Istlllltllt .'u'1ii\'tir.-.< are j:u\'L-rn-L-d by 'tlw Student ('uum'i]. The H1UlH:'_\' 1`vcei\'e(l front the sale of lit-.:r31.~ ifor Con1n1em'<-mum ).:(n:~' '.':\'.'-uai 1h: ,3 payment l 1'im'ip:|l MI of U';1\'ellin;: cxpmw. Cur I`(-nuu"...~. ' I ` . ,ru_.;'b_\ and .+ofLb:nH tczumz and 1m 1114: nu, n, E The 1937 Schola1'. \vL-.. in! :pL1i)iic|_\' presented because of LVO` `polio epidemic last year, but xvc-1-0 `on this-. years program, as foliow;-: ;. ' 1st Carter Scholarship for Sim:-no ('0. I ' value $100, won by Barbara Gird-i iwood; Upper School Andrew Ha_\i Prize in Mathematics, value $30. `won by Barbara Girdwood; Reuben iLeonard Wells University Scholar- "ship (tied) value, one-imlf of $300; "and one-half of free tuition for 10:11` yezn'.~'. Total value (me-hull" of $800 won by Barabra Girdwood; the 'Sec- and Carter Scholarship for Simcoei Contimmti on l :u:'(.= 3 ' ' i gscholarships Presented at ` Exercises in Which Keen Public Interest is Dis-! \ played. = E Eifinl". Dreams Comi_ng True On Her Feet Again Barrie, Ontario, Tuesday, December 6, 1938 ._ x uv. .\Icmher.< of the Commission are: EM. D. Morrison, chairman; A. H. }Good:111, . J. .\Iorri.=on, `,1:-on.m'cr: Phi] Love, Jas. I\`Ic.\Iaxtin, ;\`\'. J. Hair and his worship Mayor .H. (P. R0})(.'l't!~'O11. 1 I I K _ Barrie has established a new re- , cord for the number of telephux-.<:r `. in . On October let there.` ):were 2,084 telephones here ec1ip.=-l ,. -iny: by 15 the pre-deprc-a=ion high. ) mark of 2.019 (July 1, H731). The depression-low was reached_ 3* February 28, 1935, when there were " (Continued on page ei-ght) F\`Paik`CJmTn*isTJ{ ;Closes Year ?Wi.-u Balance .- , I Tno Cnmrni.<. only asked the] [town <-ouncil for an appropriationl Int` :.~_ .000 for this _\'em'. instead off who hail" mill 1e\`_\'. and when all` lac-c-nunt.~* for the year are paid there- lwill he :1 balance rm hand of over $100. ` S:xlLu'('l;1_\'. The Barrie Pa1`k.~' C'o`.m`.2s. held I the n-a1 meeting of the year on All members" express - .<;x1i.-n-tion with the work done ,by| Sup:-rintemlent H. A. .\the1't0`n and '::.~. T{oht.. Lznmrxnzxn during: the ;OVER $100 LEFT IN TREASURY DESPITE DECREASED AP- ; PROPRIATION. VBARRIE PHONES ! HIT NEW HIGH, Mills Eiected Deputy-Reeve ] l_3y_l3l of yajority on the farm in Ontario xvhkh had already commenced negotiation. to rent, pu.~:.~:ed `round the hut" in true countr_\` .=.t_\'ln 111151 with `En-> us- sistunce of the Govem1ne11ts 01" On- tario J Szwkatc-11ewzu., made Jes- .< dru-a.m come true. Bold Thief Steals Beef `grm Eiundrad `:Ati.Bpann:g. `illoller R_ii11< Addition to Floor Space` Contemplated by Man-; agement as New Sport: Gets Fine Reception. I 1 1 I on Barrie, according to Fred Ken- ney, manager of the Kenney Rollerj Drome, which opened in Barrie on Esuturday and was patronized by] over two hundred skaters, who g1id- I `ed around on the newly installedl lurdxvooti oors to the strains of: lmusic supplied by the permanent; sound .~2_v.vtem. Not only from Bar-' Roller skating` has taken a hold. I rie, but from such other points as C-o*ngregation Checking iOn Charlie 1\ I_cCarthy_ 1 "` P , Is the evening :~ervice a thing: of; thn giqst ? Why is there not a larg-` er attendance at evening ser'~'ices| I either here or elsewhere 2 Is Char-l In|\4A\, uvllun Ayugvuu . A denite step was taken recent- ly to ascertain these reasons by `Collier St. United Church. A com- ]mittee of seven representing a `cross-section of opinion in the church met and drew up a ques- tionaire, copies of which were dis- tributed to the members and at- tendants of the church in order to `Collier St. United Ghurchl: I Takes Unusual Steps Re- 4 1 garding Evening Ser- It i vices. l\ `lie McCarthy the cause, or there other reasons '! Somebody is g0i_ng to have roast beef for Christmas-a whole side of it. Cheap, too, for it was stolen from a truck belonging to Lloyd Miller, Mc- Donald St. butcher,` as the vehicle was parked in front of his residence at 8 'p.m. Thurs- day evening. En Then came the "good neighbor" deed on the part of the citizens of Creemore, whom, when they visited Jessie in the Toroniso hospital, were so impre.~:.~'ed with her courzige umil her desire to see her folkss lm-zited 1-Tun ' I'\n+ "vhf. L I\I'\ 4'.` II|\\ . n .1.n : ...., ..........5. Strange as it may seem, Mr. Miller's father watched the thief lift the heavy carcass from the truck and load it into a sedan parked alongside, with- out offering any resistance. He even spoke to the culprit and received an inaudible reply 1 I nI ` I I , , ,I nI I _ ' ...\.\..-s... Inn: .......u...,... ....,.._v as the thief heaved the choice meat into the sedan. Mr. Mill- er, Sr., thought it was his son until he came across the owner of the beef in the house and became aware of the audacious theft. nu. . 193% iuncil. Police are investigating. DEPUTY-REEVE J. M. Mil1s ALDERMEN--WARD W. Halbert J. T. Cavzmagrh WARD 2 K. A. Cameron M. D. ('.`ubtt-Nicho`s WARD 3 C. Lower E. 'I`wiss , WARD 4 W. Garner G. If. .Jzm-.(.-.~` H. G. {obertson REEVE D. F. MacLa1`en WARD V H W. Buchanan G. W . Clark MAYOR \`r*o1. XCII. No. 41. u. D. Parldizwn ,Defeats H. Buchanan in i Closely Contested Battle. : Light Vote Polled. I . ' . $19 B1rths, 16 Deaths and 4 * Ma.:*1*ia._g"es Registered in Pm; 1`vIo11"m-* L .., 1`r(: rt.-mz1i11in;;' nine. I-`(nine) Reeve W. I `Inns been a t'z1mili:u- ithe A will term. ove ll'2lL'( 1'0 Barrie citizens, while failing to work them.~:e]Ve.< into a frenzy over the municipal election yesterday. turned out fteen hundred strong to cast a total of 3,964 votes for their 'fa\'o1'ite candidates for the positions `.of Deput_v-Reeve and Aldermen in :five of the six wards. I The election was featured by a close contest for the position of Deputy-Reeve between former Coun- cillor H2111-,\' Buchzmzm and former ]Chairman of Finzmce, J. M. Mills. \Vhc-11 the nal count. \v:1.< recordexi. Mills xvus declared the winner, poll- n_: a total of 3138 votes a`g`z\i17.<: lll<. l1:1ll:lll S 707. giving` him :1 -2.; |_io1'it)' of 131. Bu<'h:1n;m lei. [five of the thirteen pol'iI_1_; [while Mills piled up majorities IN. .. A imrember Deah' iate E.mszeases,.L I .\':-w .\lcmbe1'.< of the 1939 (,'m::- cil are Aldermen Cubitt-Nic'no1.~'. J'J(lw:u'd T\\ i.s.\', ' `fillianl Gm'ne.'. W. 1D. P&1d(1i.4O]1. William Btlchanzm an: n- /u * durln,-.-` iu-ordin_4' El-.-::. '1 1 . _.- And now Ihl'i'<: is :1nothe2' drezuni coming: 1r'.;e. {Jessie .\Io1'1'i.~'on, the` girl who in): for ti,-n nionth.-I in has pitul unable to so much as \\'i'_r:,>`1e a nger or move :1 toe, has _iU.~t.i nished knitting: her;~:elf L1 . There is life . back into 110;": weakened limbs again. To-day she stood on her own feet. .~:upp01'ted nu . 1 ., A. .4, AL` .,...1,.. 5/\.l:\\- .~.u.-~.u nu |u\\I| x 1-: , . ito-day. sho luf three over tho .~ _\.'c-:11", while deaths be)` \. ber: Camp Borden, Alliston, Cookstown and Orillia, came the skaters to en- joy the latest sport available here- A _.... n ,...4..-.....:.... L- H... ~1...a..'_... _,v_y mu. uu.\._y uyu... uvuuu.-un. nun... ! An extension to the skating sur- `face is now contemplated, by the `removal of the exi.~v1;in~._r_-` partition in ]the north end of the rink and the |1a_\'in;: of additional ha1`d\\'ood oor- |in__-' to take in the extra oor spat-e.. ! Qnnniul 64k...` ...L,...l` -11.... 1.....- ...__ wv \.sAA\\. nu mu. \..\u|u uuux E E Special bre wheel`, roller ;in;:' skates are provided by the lagement and an instructor has em:a7J:e(I to assist he:i1111e1'.<. .,. ....,-\....,........,. uni; cvcuuny, aux- lvice? Give your reasons. (2) At. [what time should the evening ser- vice beg-`in ? 7.00, 7.30 or 3.00 ? 1(3) What type of evening service `woud you stxggest; the present type gwith :1 regualr sermon, lantern gwith :1 regular sermon. iantern ]drama, forum discussions, musica} `services, book sermons, or any other suggestions ? iobtain cong1'e'gatioi1z1l opinion. Ques -`tions-' dealt with on this question- aire included: (1) Are you in favor iof discontinuing: the evening ser- ixvhnf Hnu: :1\nII11' `-111*. .~...n..`.'..,.. ..... A representative numuber of re- plies have been received. This pertinent matter and the ndings from the congregational body of opinion will be dealt with this com- ing` Sunday at the evening service by the minister of Collier St. Unit- ed (`hm-ch. Rev. E. E. Long. Compu The Morrison farm has just _vi:3ld- ` ed its rst abundant crop uzni Iorg` the 'ih`S'i . time in twenty _\`ea1t~: the; family is off reli-3 and . portingz. . I

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