Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Advance, 22 Nov 1938, p. 4

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I Stayner.-i\Iari-ied in Stayner in 1886` Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wil- liam Wyant observed tl1oir:'2ml wedding: aniiivcrsary on Wcdnesd:1){ Mlr. Wyant was born at the Butteau. in Nottawasaga Township, in 1862, and .\I."s. Wyant, who before her marriage was .\Iinnie Phillips. came from Mindenioya, on Manitoulin `Island. ne\v.-pupor wo- Ontnrio contrw .. u v TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1938. women of the Globe and Mail, the Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. `KLLL1. -L___ 1112., 1\54.1, .A-.1 .- .-.`_....uwn.;u uh rtggao ...a,an.n, ggvnxui, I Barrie, attended the conference. C Q Q An evening tea was held by Collier St. United Church young people on Monday evening. Miss Ruth Cummings and Lloyd Tufford had charge of the excellent pro- gram. Miss Vera Baldwin had charge of thevtea tables. Those who received the guests were the Rev. and Mrs. E. E. Long, Frances I-Iurlburt, president; Fred Kent and Howell Partridge, vice-president. Miss Jean Malcomson and Miss Edna West poured tea. Jimmie Cook had charge of the sh pond. Miss Iso- bel Smith and Miss Ether How look- ed after a dainty candy, jam and mincemeat sale. A delightful even- ing was spent. I I C _ Farming is the biggest business ;in Canada, 311'. Hare pointed out. and .hz1(l reached the place where more 'of it had to be done on paper. He iu1'g'ed the adoption of the budget s_\'. for farmers am. the plan- ning nliezid of activities with a de- nite goal in mind. '-.\I'ost farmers are attempting: to make a. living from too small an income, the <}w:1k01` (l0c'.zu'ed. 1' '[`rinit_\' Parish Aid nnmlal bazaar, .F1'i:1d_\'. Dec. 2, 3-10 11,111.; 3-(. after- `noon ton and sale of work. home- lmude b:1kin_:. czmdy. etc.; G-S. . ` n ..\ :1 `.1. .n4;\4u|vIAlIblAI4`\.lVVGl. AIVL auu AVLLE `Mpttheiws. M-rs. D5161-0. tkey, of. F2-:Irrn of-fnnrlnrl {>1-in nnnfnv-an.-n NET bET the course from which the present gures were compiled. It was pointed out that 1936 was a parti- cularly poor crop year and that net earning's as a result were perhaps lower than could be counted upon "for a normal year. For big results at little cost---Ad- vance Classied Ads. Partial analysis of the sulted in some surprising : ing pzasented. Labor in this district, which in cluded all time spent in the dairy- ing end of farming, was charged at 17c per hour. Dairymen received on this basis a net prot of 4.2 cents for all hours thus spent To produce 100 pounds of milk cost $1.51 in summer and $2.94 in winter, or an a\'erag'e of $2.17 over `the year. The price received averag- .ed $1.67 or 50 cents per hundred .1e.s=s than cost when all factors such interest, deprciation, etc., were taken into consideration. mu II . .uu\.u uuu \.vu.uu\,-.uuuu. The net cash income of fa1'111-3` ikeeping` records in this distrn`.-'. iamounted to $1,147.00, from which ;the famiiy had to be kept, interest :paid. machinz-r_\' bought. depreciation `on farm and equipment allowed for, etc. > .-- . . .. .. . . tion. I DQ1- Now that the Sank! Claus parade is over we can settle down to` Christmas shopping an pre13_1:g__t:g_;` the holiday social season. " ['su t}1o Advance The Finest Gift OF THEM ALL! When you get right down to it -no gift can give lasting ap- preciation and enjoyment like a good radio. 19- KEENAN I [at the mouth of the Nottzuvasagn River. | /\A .. . .. (Continued from page one) 001110 111111 Lnnk T110111 Over. K Av. `\|AA|\_.' u; by Men's Club. Opposite Bell Telephone BARRIE 1939 R.C.A. Victor DeForest-Crosley Philco Radio . u... u-.\....; mu... urvnnv oduce 31 rr est, to en fa1'1n-v_` 1 *.' d_\'. of skili, contests, I..l_ " survey re- gure;-' be- I Of seven girls and four boys born to Mr. and Mrs. Wyant, two xzirls and the four boys remain, Mrs. George Paine, Mrs. Joseph Rumble, Roy A., Orville .~\., Lorne A. and Gordon A., all of Stuyncr. 'l`l1e1'e are 17 grzlmlcllildrcn and` AL...`.\ ......`..A ....... .. J,.l.iI.l ._,... I |owN RESIDENCE, ` NOT HOTEL, ` SAYS PROPRIETOR| --._....,.\., ...._y ..., three ;:re:1t gran ..... . . ,,.....u;.... _1:':mdchi1drcn. A wedding 01' local interest took! phiu: in Toronto on Wmlnvstlu_v,l when Allan lddwzirtl Aycixx, son ofl Mr. and Mrs. l'Idwzmi Ayum, lh';ui- fort!" St., was married to Audrey M. Hall, at the lunm: of the bride's ]l:ll`lfnL.s`, Mr. and I\vh`.x'. Allan Bell, Rev. (3. A. l.:uv.~ ulliciutinpy. I (liven zuvuy hy her father, the iiridte was wt.-:u~in'p; :1 Loren/.0 brown wool and satin gown, with match- ing hat and xi(-(-,ts.~m()i`ins, and a cor- ,~.'lg'(E nf 1'05 5. Mae 1.. llumH'()i'th wzm |n'ide.~:ni:1id in at ten! blue (il`L`.~l.\` with rsutin, u nmtvliim: h.-it mul brown :u-1-,<:u.s`.~1'()rie.-, mid \Vt`:lI`ill].',` :1 l'l)l'.``.'lLL'(` of l`().~Il`.~'. (`.lzn'ku Ayc1`.~:, lnulh:-r nf thv tcromn, was |)(!>lL mun. Aunt Jane has such a rich per- |sonality. Everyone enjoys her com-' lpany. I asked her pointblank the other day how she ever did it, at her age! She twinkled withl amusement and said, well, if there was any secret about it she wasn't laware of it, but Ihat through the ` years she had made 21 habit of read- line` good books. She alwa_v;~: hazd some interesting`, witty comment to 'make and she knows how to listen: to p)`z1cticall_\' any subject with un-- (le. She gets books regu- larE_V from \Veaymoutl1 s lending: libi'ar_\' and buy; at least one J,'oo(l` hook every month at Wea_\'mouth s. l`().~I ~'. , ...... uvIt||H|F, u 'l`|ne ruvuptiml was held 21L the home of the ln'idn's pun-nls, \\'hcru I\1r:<. Ii:-.I| rm-(rived \v(.~z1rim,:' |mntm".~+ ;:n.-an vmpu and t'()!':s':l;_';('. uf mm-.<. The groom's nmtlu-,r \v:1:4 in I.-:||' }_{l'l'I'lI l'l'(`])I` and \\'m'v :1 (`t)I'.\.'l`,','(' 01'; VA cna Can t help noticing` these days how the pill box hats show off the hair dress, or lack of it. If people only realized how even the most expensive hat looks perched on top of untidy locks, before they thought of buying new clothes they d have their hair xed. With such splen- did permannents as the Jewelle Beauty Studio, 20 Owen St., give, there's no excuse for untidiness. nd it isn't fair to either your hair or your hairdresser to wait till the` Christmas rush. I'm going to make an appointment this week so I ll be sure and have my hair in good. trim for Christmas. M1-. Wyants gr:mdfa1l1er, also :x1 jharles William \\'_\':1nt, was born`. in Muddy York. of U.lC.I.. Penn- sylvanizl. parentagze, when there wore but three 105: huts there. lli.<| father helped put the first r:1i1wn_\' enfrine on the rails in Toronto Wlilll crowbars. and later followed tlwi r:1il\v3`_\' into these p:11`t.<. L`0min_'.:` the yeul` after the 1`:1iLro:\d w-.1.< put! I .t.ln`oug:h in ISSG. Do you know where Aunt Emily buys the good apples she uses in her delicious apple recipes that so deg light all the men folk at her table ? I was telling her about all the grand apples I saw at the Winter Fair. She said I could buy just as tasty and good at Chantler s. So_. if you want to know where to go for apples (and what good Can- adian doesn't ?) try Chant1er s. E Here s a recipe for1i';:ht Christ-I `mu.-1 cake that even Eve nds easy :I I White Christmas Cake-\Vei_Q'h six: Ieggs. Use .~:z1me \\`ei_::}1t of hutte1',; |.~u'."zu' and flour. Cream butter and ,'.~uj::u`; bent czu-h e_g'p,' well and add `am :11. :1 time. Beat mixture two or three minutes after the addition "0! <.-zu,-h cw,-,'. Add 1 cup red cher- J-ie.<, hulvezl; I cup _u'reen cherrie.<, h:1l\'r.-(I; 1 cup <-hopped zxlmonds, 1 ...LfA. L`..4A._._._ ,. Called into l\`Iary s yesterday af- ternoon for a few minutes, but stayed for an hour. Her children, two-year-old {lean and four-year-old Nancy, looked so well dressed in their new play suits that I couldn't I'CSlSt taking them for a walk. They ce1'tz1inl'y have attractive clothes for lchildrcn nowadays, and so reason- able too. Mary bought these smart snow suits at Walker's. If Bob would only ask me what I'd like for Christmas, it wouldn t take me long to tell him. Have you seen the cedar chests at A. E. Smith's? They 1'e an ideal present] for a gix-l-whether she be a ance,| a niece, or a daughter. II `EVE GOES |... xuulul, .uu:v. \ . \ lI(Zl'.`\ll|illl, MP.` 1111;! Mrs. G. Su_vInmn- `um! (Hvll Ayers, brother of the groom, 01`! Pickering College, Nowmurkut. 1 'l'hu vmxplu, whn will live in Burk s Fall:-', loft on :1 \\'(!ll(lillll_L"' [rip to the United States. WEDDINGS SH OPPIIVG AYERS--BELL .\lr. \\'_\`:1nt followed. as his father did. bush com1':L~ctin::. and lwpeul clear 1:111-:0 nrexis of white pine in .\'ott:i\\':1sag:a:1mi along: the river bearing: the saine name. .\I:my of the stumps were ve and six feet} across." said Mr. Wymit. He help- ed his father cut one tree with al six-foot stump. with :1 seven and a half foot saw, givin them a pull of only eighteen inches. The tree measured 140 feet in length, of straight timer. There were many sawmills in the community, one at Warrington. one at Sta_vner,I Boucher s at the Battenu. several in Collingwood, one each at Nottawa village and Glen Huron. and 'I`rain s 1:`lJ(3.s`LS at the \\'m1 Dr. and Mr.-a. (E. (`. (7. (`lmvsInn|1. Mr. u,`......,..., A I u....~l, Bake 3 I The Barrie Advance extra Hour. .-\ t(::1.<[)()()n b:lki)1_L',` ` 1.,-. I) I ' ! . HI I lplumc going.-; from the centre front ul' hrim, nn\'_\' hluo silk llruss, nz1\'_\' lnluu :u'(`(.'.~'..~:()I'lu.\', lxlomlc hair drawn l1i_L:h and only .~'l1o\\`inp; an up\v:u'l .~V\v(-vp :l(`I`().<.\' her l'(n'cl1e:1(l. 9.00 p.m. Tuesday--- .-\t the llorsc Show in tho L'o'.i~ rwum. .-\n specially z1tt1'; ('\'(?lllll'l.',` ln-s.< in (ll'l)[) blue. She worn 21 IL-up hluc velvet bundeuu uruuml her lmml and :1 nmtching blue 0.-atrin'l1 plume in the front 01' lll'l' hair. 3.00 p.m. Wednesday-- \ I II , I I - - ........\....\. .;..u.-uu. nus \u:u,, lrust l:lll0l`L`(l I1-it hat will] long; - ! At the \V0l11L`ll.\` Canadian] Club. .H1mL:-r`.< 3.,-'1':-1-11 :1I'ln-rnmm d1'c.\< with. `lam: sit-(:\'v, and tiny gold buttons, down the l'1'ont with n1;n.c11in;.,-* green: lm-urn hut. lIl.10 p.m. Tuesday-- { \l \ll.....l . A A` I` ` I 1 1 l -v -` C A hrillizml hluu cunt and hat .s'l,inmlutin;:; as the bins: of :1 ('1 aulizm pui11ti1u.:`, with rivh winv 1 m*:1rl' and wine red lipstick. 1.45 p.m. Salurday--- Slut! got into :1 cm` in frmlt of 1 ll..!A . I 1-' `$.15 p.m. Monday-- I A4 I... \u. ..... ...........u,---- llnitt.-(I (Timur Sluro. iHj.{' :1 hluvk .\'(`2l| -mt lnr fur Iml In nmlvh |;n ?':|ln'iv -rnun :11 nmuml Stavner Couple Observes 52nd Wedding Anniversary `I')Vl;l(`k ] 1 10.45 Mrs. William Mk:Ginnis, of Mid-! hurst, spent a few days with her] mother, Mrs. A. Miller, McDonald' N | Mr. Fred Johnston, of Toronto, was in Barrie last week and called on relatives. I Mrs. Henry Robinson is up and around again after a recent illness. Chas. Robinson, of Robinson Hardware, is rarely seen in town 11 . -up-u . um, \/vv\-AA wu- Msses Grace Craighead, Evelyn and Mhrjorie Graham, of Lindsay, `were recent guests at the home of `Mr. and Mrs. George Blackwell, E Elizabeth St. . ......uu\.-an may I Mr. Wilfred Lee, of Barrie, visit- ed in Ottawa and Montreal recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Beaver and 'family attended the Santa Claus parade in Toronto Saturday. Dw.u:....:..1 r<......;..1..x.. n_'-.1. r- ! l\l iss Phy11is.Smith spent the week end in Toronto. ` 1r Ixr n-.- .... ...-. 1 Mr. Stewz11't Page attended the :Ro_vz1I Winter Fair last Tuesday. i Lu. 1...... c`.:".1,... ...,..a 4.1.- ...-_u. uu u\.L uuuu; uL:1l:. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Car1'11t11ers have moved from F1eshe;o'.`on to 163 Br:1(1fo1`d St. i 1 Miss Phyllis Smith attended thea x;\l'cDon:1]d Hal] alumnae dinner z1nd7 I . ` the 0..-\.C. reumon dance baturday` ni::h*. at the Royal York Hotel. \ ' ` Page Four Mr. C. Harris, Bayel-d St., has been visiting his mother in ] land, is home again. 1-1 vs .. u .\ :Mrs. H. Pattendon, Penetang St., entertained a few friends to a mas querade on Ha11owe en. The even- ing was spent in euchre, the prize being won by Mrs. McGinnis.. All report an enjoyable evening. I Mr. and Mrs. H. McFadden and `Mr. and Mrs. R. Babcock, of Lind- lsay, were recent visitors at the `home of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Davies, Worsley St. Mr. H. Pearce and Miss `Flor- ence Byrd, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pitts, Owen St. `ll.-_,,-, rq, ru - 1 u rs yuuuux. nu LVLUAAUV s.:auuLua_y. Provincial Constable Robt. G.` Beatty, who is attending the pro-I vincial training school at Toronto,; "spent the week end at his home on Wur.~;le),' St. I 11.. 1... H- r~__v. __,,, 2,, in z Mr. Reg. Lewis was home for the! lwcek end. ; i Mr. Duncan McCuaig attended the} [opening night of the Royal Winter` 1 1 T1`-sin ` .... . -v;uu..u I Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Price and Miss} I 1 . . . 1 Ix. Price left Frnday to take up re-? %sidence in Toronto. ' nr_, 1 war 4: v E Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Munday, of? | Cou1*tri`;;'11t, are in Barrie for a few. `days visiting` their duug'hte1', .\Irs. I Fretl Kent. I at m. n - ~ - - ..u_-u. u .uu.L 1. uu an 1. uumlag. .\Iis.~u Jean Srig;1e_\' spent the week end at her home here. 11.. ,, 1 wt n 1 . .-. . 1 i I . nv..zu._, um Mr. Jimmie Cook was in Toronto for the week end. the 1 week xv 1\ --,.. . .. - VVomer1's Activities in Home andChurch / uuuu 1 On Uollit-1' St.` nlmul foul` _\u:n's and brown eyes, `with IllZltt'|lilI_L',' 111 land |IllI`.\'I' and \\ uuuuuu usunu au.u;1 a any more. He is far hurst. tlvery duy nmru rczulcrs zlrv turn- im,-' In the .-\d\'um-0, ll2u1'ic's hl'i),"hl. I1t'\\'s_v weekly. Was It You ? . .. ,.... .... u hri;.:l1t, g-'rm-n ])llll1]).~+. I p.m. Sunday--- I SL, 21 ndulo .-. .,...u.u... A\\uv Luut,` .n'c long`, >inp; front blue .`.\'.~:()l'iu.\', druwnl .,, uuumn u, \\'hile- shuvs. .. ......\..._y .n.\.... u. u farming at \\J|.A|u'\.A u. . the place in w consumed was 2 mm residence. I\t\I -u \\n and him` pill lmx >:l_\'lt`. stuLion. ., ymnu: HM, with fair \\'il I1 1 Rust coat, I ... ...` A`. , who Eng- I Mil Indy! ' hnir .~'m'k.~: slaw .\.uu-u.\.. | Oicers said they had found one partially lled bottle of beer on the jkitchen table and three more in lRip1e_\".< bedroom. A bottle of `whiskey about half empty, was pro- duced by defendant from a bureau I drawer. .1 Slur zxml red . : Suez is the film rated as the best` u1l-round picture from e\'e1;\' View-` _:poinL yet produced. This pictm'e` 1h:1.< g'1'ipping.: drzimzi. historical in-g _.llt.`1'0sI.. fast action and tine C1110i.iU}1-i` lzil :1c1in_;`. Besides this, there is :1- i. \\'i1iL'i1 scoiie took 1-1 u1z\_\'s {oi complete. cost :1pp1'o.\:i1n:ite1_\` 3700i `inn hour and l:i. upp1'oxim;ite._\' five :.imim1te.~ on the sL'1'een. Siieailoiig > of movies, if Barrie enjoys You . Can't Take It With You" as much I as did 'l'o1'onto, we'll all be S(l\ il1 g' [ione night this week to see it. i I I I i Mrs. 1*}. I . I on Fnduy I -:--2. What W0m II Badminton tons on Saturday af- ,tex'noo.n.--u t the town -club, Miss $Berta Scott, Mrs. \\"hitb_\' and Mrs. Chas. Smith were hostesses; at the Garrison Club, Miss Helen Garrett,, and Mrs. .-\rthur Mclienzie. I - - The Royal Winter Fair was the `chief social meteors of the past Iweek. Nature provided an ap- {propriate setting of snow. The ring had its high white fence topped by bright red geraniums. The sudden glare of ashlight pictures as not- ables such as Sir Wm. Mulock and iSir Joseph Flavelle arrived was particularly noticeable on opening night. vnnb nu... b.u..m, tn..- ~ V . u . . . u . . u . . . u ~ Ia` ware. Of all the pleasing arrange- ments we would especially mention Victorian by Mrs, F. Ely; Classic by Miss Mona Morrow; Amazonica by Mrs. Fraser, and Harmony by Mrs. E. Y. McEach- ren. Harmony" was unusually ef- fective with a bronze satin back- ground and cream and bronze flow- Elizabeth Arden, famous cosme- Licizm and native of York County, in 'l`omntu for the Royal Winter l"uir, .~::1_\'.s- women under thirty should m-\"'or wear their hair on top of their heads. So those whose hair won't .~`t`1_\' up can be consoled! I t I Highlights of the styles seen at the Horse Show: owers and bril- liants worn on the front of up- `swept hair, a quilted red and white lsatin wrap, many short fur wraps, a gold star spangled evening veil worn over the head. Defence contended that the hotel was actually a private boardim: house, and that the kitchen was a part of the residence as well as the [bedroom might be. I , Last. T11l11':'(1L1_\' evexxing; .\l1's.[ `Duncan .\IcCuuig' was hostess to the l-lu1'mon_\' Club. .\Iis.~: Gwen Flfe \\'us: the guest speaker and dealt \\`1tl1l}1c iplnue of art in modern life. \ 4 I , i It i X . We particularly enjoyed the Little Gallery of Living Pictures ar- ranged by the Committee of the National Garden Scheme of the Canaidan National Institute for the Blind. These pictures consisted of little lighted alcoves in which were artistically grouped the living ow- ers in an appropriate draped set- ting with glass, porcelain and` metal .... _. I\ .1! LL. -.l............. Last Tuesday evening the W0- men's Institute held a dinner and social evening` in the Legion Hall. Euchre and crokinole were enjoyed by about sixty people. I 1'izes were !won by Mrs. A. Hogan, Mrs. A. ` Hirlehey, Mrs. Timmons, Hrs. `.\Iode1and, Mrs. H. Binion and .\Ir.<` Elinox. Mrs. Reg. Adams and Mr.~;.` `Baker were in charge of the even-; `Wig. .\Irs. H. .\1'eredith, president, 'led in . The evening; con- `cluded with dancing. I ` :5: an at l . . . g Mrs. John \\00ds e11te1'Lazneu at; ten lust 'l`11L11's(l:1y in honor of Bliss} G1'uce Br_\'mner. V 1 I nldrhlr I On ;\lomlu_\' u\'vnin_s: Y'>:u'1'ie evok- inulv la-zun pI:1_\'cd West Toronto |l.zunhtnn loam in B:11`1'ie. Barrie -ix-1':-zit:-(I this tmun two weeks ago. .-\I'lm- Ilw play the :52 1)`m_\'er.~' en- ._io_vml lulu-In at tho home of .\1r.<. )('hn.~`. Smith. .. .. ... The military ride of the R_oyal Can-aidan Dragoons, which we saw performed so excellently on Tues- day night in the ring, we watched on Wednesday afternoon` on the screen at the Imperial! * * # ; Last Wednesday evening the Bar-J3, `-rie Junior Fa1'n1e1`s held :1 dance in? 'the Oddfeilows Hall. Bob Powe11s"g o1'chest1'a. I , . i Last \Ved11esLmy B`. and Hrs ..\1be1tt B1`_\'s011 celebrated 1heir;l thi1't_\'-i'ou1'th we-dding Z1I1Ili\'l`cZ11`)'. -1 E I x :k :1 ' I .-It \\'\`(`k vml. from ':u'i011.~ G. Turnbull held :1fte1'noon last. - g .. Cli:n~_.rcd with lmvinp: liquor in other than :1 pri:n'tc- residonce,John Ripley. proprietor of the Queen's illctcl. Cookslown, pleaded not guilty in police court \\'ednesday and ljudzment was rcsex'ved by Magis- tmtc Compton Jeffs for one week. Counscl J. `F. Woods claimed that which beer had been actually Ripley's pri- wunn .-.\_~.',lnnnn

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