1Ip1't:cmu:u, unto; >.`l.l:\\u1\. ._~u....,\.. l The burglaries and thieving that ghave been rampant in Barrie for some time past are not conned to -the business section of the town, but extend to the residenial areas as well. - w ~ 1. `L. 11.1.. `l3"..Ln;~ `in. L. Britain Speulzez at :EEiWI!S Meet Director of Municipal Re-- a=earc11 Bureau Presents Some Sta.rt].i11g Figures. Horace 1.. Britain, mZlI lZlIIil1 ,' dir- iector of the .\`Iunic-ipzxl {esearch Bu1`eau. ;:a\'e the 1\'iw21nis Club issome . ysures 1'e,r:a1'(iing gov- `ernment and municipal nancing at. .\Ionda_\' nighs meeting. h '4 -- A-m1-:.~. Ac Q 19: .uunuu_\ lu;;uI.~.` uu.x.u-u,,.. Barrie has 21 population of 8,133 and eveigv citizens is 21 stockholder in four companies, the Municipal Council, the County Council, the Provincial Government and the `Dominion Government. In 1936 the business of those four companies 'amounted to over a billion dollars, ior $100 for every citizen, but there iwas a decit of 109 millions. The > nsuccessful, losing 80 million, or- Dominion Government was the most u I ___, on -\-14 ....... .-.4` H". 4.4..` I uuaux;L.<:.aaLu:, numu,-5 uu .. ........ .., `over 80 per cent. of the tota'. Every family in Barrie carries a. mortgage of $2,760 to the govern- ment, and whether they ever pay- or not, they have to pay the in- terest every year. Our municipal! councils or governments have no. money but what they get from the stockholders. Some have the idea (Continued on page ve) --T--_- The pew '* ' W *W-'* `In, Douglas Drug Storre; Barrie and Best, Chas. Lowe:~ s Men's Wear; Bargains, ZelIer s Limited; Where and Budget, A. E. Smith's Furniture Store; Better, A. J. Brennan, butcher; Your, Huriburt's |Shoe Store. I This week's key is Five Weeks l Until Christmas--Shop Early. Each word in this contest has the .distinction of being out of place. You people who tried last week and ;mi: by a word or two, here is ianother chancc-to make a crisp dol- lar bill. Let's all join in the fun. Everyone eligible to enter again this week, everybody has an equal ichance. Remember, a crisp new one l'dollar bill goes to EACH of the -Lrst three persons submitting the 2 correct solution to this week's puz- ; zle. U11. Saturday .ni;'ht the Dale Estate (Continued on page ten) Ten Pages province-wide ...,_:L1.. nun Ln recm'ded half :1 ..~' :1 `record the .'\(i\'11l1L'` is :=i'.n:\I oz" uni the editor would be 1:!-`.3.-mi to hear from other long- term . of this long- e.~v`:1b1ished newspaper. Y.M.C.A. and Crusaders To Use B.C.I:`Gym Permission Granted Two Organizations, Subject to Rules Laid Down by Board. The reque. of E. L. .\Ie1'1'il1,l< executive . of the Y..\I.C..-\.. Allandale. and Emme1'.~xon Creed. secretary of the (`1~u. Sunday School Class of Central United Church for use of the Collegiate` .....\ .-...`..,.A k:- 91:4 knurcn ll)! u:-c U1 LHC \u...._;.u.\. gynmasium was _~:1`:mted by the, Board of Education at the regu- lar meeting .\Ionda_v evening. .\Ir.. L\Ier1'iIi ztddn-.<. the board in person expl:1inin_<: the use to which the ;:_\'mna. xyould be put and requesting that the Y..\I.C..-\. be permitted to use the Gym on 'I'hursda_\' oveningrs from 7.30 till 10 o'clock. In the case of the Y..\I.C..-\.. .\Ir. .\IerriH1 wi l be `in Kin[; :5. the 1 p:1_2'und:1 .\. |.. Ulklklvmj. \'A u-.-_-u-.. ... rrded in-c:iLx. it. n1:u".<.< nearly centixry continuous connec- with this paper by one fzxxiiily. ~:1 Dr. .\Iu1'phy s subscription ex 5 in 1940. it will he 48 _\'e:11'.= e the paper rs: entered the L,. A'...I1.. I _ ...-. _, d\-.lAlWA\ QQ --1 1 in 1<`eb1'uary; (2) the; ` the month of .\Ia_\'; (3)` h of June; (-1) the month`, t: (5) I`ye1`s:e1'g'z1tle1i. \'v'h_\'i 11 this position '.` (1) he-i are not sure which of the: -n 1 . .1, | wt `:"mi and my.` unc1e,l n-'1 enc1o. m_\` cheque! an of your paper to Jzmu-`> I have been filkillfl` the.- V . . . . . . .o lfur received from ~ that date. 1 chequoi 1 .... .. 3 iU.S. Leaders |Intercede |I'or Jews %Wurrant Issued {or iiold-Up IV}; Severance of Relations with` Germany asked if Perse- cution Continues. { sunuunu \u.v.-..v.\,.\..-, ||A\. u.-.uu..c y.v `_:re. toward the apprehension of` the pe1`. 1'espon>:ible for the arm-1 ed holdup of Georfre Sturniu at thel -`Shell Service Station, B1'adfo1'd andl -` l Tu 0. :lC1izz1beth St.<.. at 4.20 z1.m lay! 8; Chief of Police Alex. Stewart `.1l1old.< \vnrra11t.< for the arrest of two` jmen ulle_:edly invol\'ed and ar1'est.= Llnre expected to take place within LL Cl \'e1'_\' short time. Moral Rearmament Is Need in Britain Says Eminenf Speaker New York, Nov. 14.--.-\ proposal! that the United States sever diplo- matic relations with Germany if the 'Reich continues abuse of Jews came to-night from Senator William King, Utah Democrat, as he and ve other leaders of politics and re- ligion in the United Staies protest- ed what they called the barbarism `of the Nazis. - _..L:..... ...:..l.. 1....,...A 01 L113 ..LV'd.'l4lb. . . Speaking on a nation-wide broad- cast symposium, Interior Secretary ;Ickes Warned Germany, .\'o nation ican live unto itself alone. The time comes when neither man nor nation can live without the decent_ respect of their fellowmen. 1 `l7`........,... D..n~:Ann+ 1Toy-has-* T-Innvnv \l.Ca}.'l:\.u U1. uncu Lulnvvvnnnuun } Former President Herbert Hoover" ideclared Nazi leaders were brim,- i i41<,1' to Ge1'mz1n_\' moral isolation from ' [the entire world. 3 { Alfred M. Landon, former _<;o\'- Eern01' of 1\'c.n. and 1936 Republi- `can nominee for p1'e.-ident, added :1` (Continued on page ten) ` ` Local police, in co-operation x\'ith {Toronto d0tecti\'e.<, are making pro-: Remembrance Banquet T` The annual iememrzmce Day `imeetin: of the Ca.n11dian Legion \\`a.:` jheld in the Legion Hall Friday even-` ing. about 140 sitting down to a sumptuous repast prepared by the |Lz1dies .-\uxi1iar_v. S. A. Page, proprietor Ciurkson Hotel. was the chi er, and _\Ia_vor H. G. Rober heard in :1 brief address. Community singing, led by Geo.`5 Burns. was an enjoyable feature` of the evening. as was the ap-ll propriate solo rendered by I\Ir.`; Burns. E Two minutes silence in honor ( departed comrades was observed. `ITL.1l.....!..,_ LL- L..- ..-A. A-.. \u.yun-.x.u LuAIAAu\4\..7 win: vugu.-pu. Following the banquet. dancing was enjoyed by the large number. present. F. E. Figgures Outlines Shifting Political Trend.` -Approaching Greatest Political Crisis Ever Faced, Women s Canad- ian Club Told. | attendzmce during the time thefl` Gym is occupied, and Dr. Perkins.i - leader of the Crusaders Class, will` he in attendadnce while this o1'_r:az:- ization uses the room. _ The above requests were fzrant-:-d`a by the board subect to the foilow-1 in: conditions : Is (:1) That a complete list of 0 oicer.-1 be given 311'. Girdwood with` a stzttement of persons in charge-.1 who must give :. rzuamntee that '. .\'es:ulations will -be lived up to. L lb) That the above organize.-t tions can use the _s:_vm and shower.==\ l only and must enter by the boys`.t entrance vnd must not be allowedfc to go into the schoo` on the main I or second oors. `I , . an . _ _ 7_`___` l UL PC\.U|I\l llUUL:- (c) That in case any school or-, [zanization wishes use of the gym} or; showers. they are to have first (Continued on page ve) , `proprietor of the` . chief speak-` Robertson was; - on 1 v I I . ` Conservative candidates won two out of three Federal by-elections yesterday. Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion, National Conservative leader, scored `a comfortable win in London, and Karl` Homuth overwhelmed two op- ponents in Waterloo South. `' 1.. +1.... Dwnnrlnvx `I\/[I111 In--nlnn+inn Jamn: F`. Mnttl1e\\'S. Liberal. yuu\.;u|.a nu Ivs4v\-AAvv uvuu... In the Brandon, Man., defeated George Beaubier, son is a Liberal gain, increasing `Uh Commons to 180, greatest nurr House. Results in the London the standing. ,,y, -1-,Lz___ 4- `L116 avcxuuung. Dr. Manion s election to the House of Commons was expected, but the stunning defeat handed a Liberal candidate and a C.C.F. campaigner in Waterloo South by Karl Homuth proved a surprise. Final oicial `gures in London gave Dr. Manion 11,694 votes and E. 0. Hall, his `C.C.F. opponent, 8,440. It was a straight two-man ght. I NF Has Recgrd Plurality I Homuth Diled up an ail-time record plurality of 4,062 over Illayorl R`. K. Serviss, of Galt, Libera.l, and John Mitchell, C.C.F. Final vote was: Homuth, 7,818; Serviss, 3,756, and Mitchell, 3,582. The landslide ,cost both Servis and Mitchell their deposits. l J In Brandon 125 polls out of 126 gave Mlatthews (Lib.), 6,563; Beaubier (Cons.), 5,567, and Wood (C.C.F.), 3,536. Dr. Manion will fill out the unexpired term of M`ajor Fred Betts` (Cons.) who died suddenly last session. Mr. Homuth, who formerly sat. in the .Legislature at. differem times as a Labor and Conservative candi- date, will fill the vacancy caused by the death of A. M. Edwards (Cons.) l Remembrance Day} Service Impressive -Hundreds Pay Tribute to`: War Dead in Services at: Cenotaph and Centralf United Church. ' iSimcoe F'o1'e.~:ters, units from Camp Borden, civic officials and private citi'/.ens <:athe1-ed at the Cenotaph in the Post Ofce Square and at' Centrai Church in one of the most; : Twenty yeu1`;~: after, vctera1.=,1 limpressive Zemembrzmce Day S01`-i "vices held in Barrie. r`! V` x .- u -u 1 :2 .\lr. F. E. Figgures, a first-class honor Modern History graduate of Oxford University, a graduate of Yale, recent delegate to Copen- hagen, a member of the Bar of Great Britain, Secretary-Generah Elect of the tion 01' League ties, was the eminent evenin.g' at the Barrie Women s Can- adian Club. It is just two weeks since Mr. Figgures left lngland. The Current Political Issues Great Britain with Reference to Peace and War, an interpretation of the various _g`roups of opinion and that movement of a national policy taking` place in Great Britain, Mr. l lj:j:ul'es' subject. We have been hu\'ing' `.1 battle in Eng- land for about one year," said Mr. Figgures. This conflict going: on in every group in lingland. Al political battle, not a party battle.` Foreign affairs is the only import-l ant issue to be fouglit. The most` salient events \\'l1l(`l1 have provokedl this strife are: (1; ;'u. of: \V 119' is 311'. Eden the u\'cnt.~1 of the .\Ia}`: (3)[ the month lnonthl of .-\u:u. \'x' h y g x . -\ in` 1 International Federa- . of Nations Socie-,1 speaker last ' l .,_. ...... um..- -......-..., -_......., ...- lparade of Fore.~"tcrs, veterans and `town officials marched to the (`en-l -otaph The Foresters were drawn` lup on Dunlop St. in front of thelg lmonument and the vete7'ans l'ormer.i` `a square around the stone. The ` `*_:u21r(l of honor, memher.'< from the? Air Force, Canadian Army Fight-' in}: \'ehicle.~ Corps and the Army Service Corps and the R.C..-\.l-`. trumpeter took their places. \\'1`eath.< \\'er<: placed and at eleven the large audience stood for ".he two mi:'.utes' silence. With the l.soun(iin.-_2` of the Last Post colors \\'erx- lowererl, to rise again with the; i Reveille. .u.~...> us.-u All us...-u. Shortly before eleven o'c}ock. 'b_\' the Barrie Citizens Bz1n "could rm,-cail the (lay twenty year.<:b.\' the Depaliilnellt Of Edl1C3~ti0I1,1` -' ago when the men rejoiced at .\Ion.~ i it Was 1'\'8a`-ed in the 1' Of Wei `~ yet could at that time hartlly be- Property and Supply Committeel` > - iieve peace had been made. Vet-`i P1'e5ent9d at the B0111'd Of EdUC?|` eran.< know whereof they speakition -\I0Y1da.\` V'eT1ing- l 1 if when war is the subject. yet the_v The following motions were pass -`are the keenest exponents of ed by the board: ="peace." he Silld. .| That principals be asked to sup- "What are we seeking to perpetui ply the secretary with a complete` ate `.` Was it victory? Was it allisrt of non-resident pupils attending egwar to end war; to make these'their schools and to make returns `-1 democracies safe for `he world `Tito the secretary at the end of each 731 , lmonth. Principals are to ;:i\'e (contmued On page three) ipupils 21 '(em0p1'a1'_\' receipt and 3 .` vfl X0 need to buy out of tOwn_1the .~ec1et.n_\ 1.: to forward an full supply of ledge mavh 10_3Se_.oicia1 receipt by mail from the lgileaf binders columnar sheets, ruled 4' board All m"'re5ident fees must ""form; of every` description for .~xalr.~`be pmd 1 ance 4 l rnL_L LL- `.'_L .1 ....,.!......-. ......`| -SULUlUlIlg UL LHU 14Zl:L 1 U:l. CUIUIZN` tho` :\l'1`11.l`ml`11t>` 1121"`? 599 '<`d9 W ` ,prepare 2: mom in the bu;-tement of Rev, John }'[cGi]licudd`\" opening_r the Prince Of "3165 SChOO1 f01"I his add}-e,,_:_, _-,-tated that it hal-(1`_\-teac11i11.g home econonncs. Thc.~:e~|` seemed like twenty _\'ear.< after. I-Ie1Ia1'1'a11gB11181"tS hE1Ve bpen <"iDI>1`0\'e ~`\ 1 nnn1,l ...,...`.'I 51." ,l...- H .~..4... ..,......`}~n- +1-an `Haw-v:nJv1~nnv1r nf` F`.I1I1m5IfI'nI1 V` % UPSANEGTVVS '92, Gullllible Gossip What are we trying to perpetu- ` i"ate `T Was it victoryi Was it a. < . war to end war. to make this wor1d|.~ !safe for the democracies`? Dreams . . .5 town.1 3|.-X lo-sse-`, `leaf ru1ed> `form: sale; at the Advance. We specialize in` ,o1ce equipment. ' MANION, HOMUTH WIN BY-ELECTIONS LIBERAL mus IN wast H 1 M [ The strong sun reecting through} the colored glass sent shafts of light over elderly couples. remembering the -:11-end conict of 1914; on the eveterans who fought, on the lads. In] .Lo-day's uniforms, and on the chil-1 jdren present; all gathered in Cen-L tral United Church to remember those who fell. veterans who Iougnt, me 13.0: .n i u;_-c or 11:21 ..... to-day .~' Thirteen pupils from Camp Bor- dren in Cen-jden are attending the Collegiate In- siitute this year. In the public schools. 82 received ' ` ` `I `first dose of diphtheria toxoid dur- ; Rev, John Mgcillicudd;-_ whog ing the month. Two cases of scar- served with the 116th Battalion,` let fever have been reported in the (_CO!`.tlnU`d on page three) 4 ECh00`-S- 1 l `vol. X(i11; N0. :2? Dreams of Yesteryear 7 t x x x Barrie, Ontario, Tuesday, November 15, 1938 no uoum. m-don, by-election, James E. Matthews, Liberal, ieaubier, of the late Conservative member. This that party s membership in the House of number of seats any party has held in the l and Waterloo by-elections did not change lheartfelt thanks for the generous: "tef"`"V support accorded them on their L_`1 very successful Poppy Day, held d P1"`"tel Nov. 5th. The returns were very C"t1 h!g'ratifying, $268.03 being rai; 9 L? less 68.50 for Poppies, leaving; :1 m5`net prot of $199.53 to be used `;r'ifo1' relief among our less fortunatef comrades. I 'r~`. nr-lz lo/l led the I The Barrie Branch, Canadian! gLc,L'ion, wish to extend to the citi- !zens of Bzu'rie and \'icinit_\' their} .. . I .. .... . .1 u.L;auE.cuu.Au.a Alclvn. u- x... u.yy.v--.\.` .9 by the . the -` Committee -1 at Educa-` (` tion evening. TL- 2-1!... 2.... ._...A.1A.-. > I Signed on behalf of the Poppy Committee. Education Board Meets % Arra11gements Completed; , for Teaching of Economics; in Prince of Wales School ;* i 1 ? ; Motions Passed. % i uxk wt; ... ,.U.`,...,... \., .,- I cause we are not the` two grreat powe1'.< will (lomlnzxte the ~wo1'1d; (2) because there are forces: at \vox'k which were not at work in` Nu ml` mxic vs---the aower of the` I . ` A 1- .,. .I._ ______.`.. .rx \ `:0: youu u. ..u.a...c. That the list of teachers and `other employees of the various `schools, showing salaries, be ap- `,pro"ed for use of the auditors. 'T`L...L LL- Ant:/\`l\I~I' kn n_-(H-uni-n.-I pxuvvu LVL uirc U; mu; uuuIvvLc- l i That the secretary be instructed 'to write the Department of Educa- tion asking for a ruling as to who is required to pay for tuition fee of a pupil attendins: Barrie Collez-i iate from another school outsidel Barrie district, but inside Simcoe' County. after havin-2 attended al .con .inu:1tion. high or collegiate forl lsix year.< and where the local school `board refuses payment. I',`...._I_..-_.L 2-.. H... .....oL n4` l'\n,l ` uucuu xcluac.` ya_vuu.uu.. I ) Enrolment for the month of Oc-i jtober at the B.C.I. \va:-,- reported as] Ifollowsz Academic, 591; average attendance. 562.95. an average of 95.25 per cent. Commercial. 65: average attendance. 58.30, an aver- jarze of 89.69 per cent. rm..:..4....... ......:1. 4'...-..-.. (`mun `I2.-w- THANK YOU ! .x. H. .-.......-u, T1'easure1', Poppy Fuml. A. E. ALLEN, Y` The village of Painswick was shocked Monday evening to learn of the sudden passing of Arthur K.` Tribble, well known resident of the district, who died as a result ' of a heart attack. | Engaged in cleaning: 21 gun in his` -ihome, the late Arthur Tribble sud-l [denly slumped over in his chair and 'passed uwa_\' before medical aid ar- rived. .. . . , `V__ 3 3 t I P Wu- .: .s,... Ila. oi [Transients Workless, Children Responsible Says Chilgf Polie_e_ Painswick Man Passes ISuddenl_y_ `Arthur K. Tribble seizedif 1 with Heart Attack whilelg ` Cleaning Gun. } Xnpo p1'e.~.<. propu 1 he 21 l'l\ UU. He is .-ur\'i\'ed by one si. 1\1r.<.'4 iMz11'_\' G,-.1r-.~'t, and three brothers,` l`.\'i1liam, Charles and Wallace. ' "' ' I , 1. -1.) 4`..-.,.. |\11naun, \Jua.Lu:a unu n........... l The l'une1'u1 will be held from Ehls late 1'e.~1i(lence on Wednesday, ' November 16, at 2.30 p.m., for ser- vice in St. Paul .< Church, Innisl,` lntermr-nt will take place in St. l Paul .-v C`emeter_\'. l 1.......... ......-...V ,,--_ `the .-\d\'un(:e on '.\Ionday foilowinygi the counting up of the p1'ocee;i:< of! the sale held in the K-Y rooms on .SaLL1i` Hundreds of ar Licle.< of ever_\` dr--, ';. _-_-'enc1'ou. donated by} it-i'.i'/.cn.< interested in the advance--` i1mcnt of the hospital. found eager` puzi-lia.-er.<. With cold weather at N `hand many homes were equippedi] J with warm clothing` and other necessities at prices that appealed if 1. to the i-ujsers and still Z1ii0W(`(i 2: .3`. one humlrcd per cent. margin for` [ii the H0.~'pit.21l Aid. ; " .-\.~: :1 result of the sale, funds 3 83 were raised to pay for several much e appreciated addition.< to the matern- _ P` ward among: them being: a : 1; `steel top in.~:trument table. a small- ier white nished tame. a solutionv stand and basin and a double type.` )_ resuscitation bath stand. i :ei The ladies of the Aid wish toi I thank tliose who so generously do-9` {S nated articles for the sale, the Ki-' th wanis Club who permitted free use -5 H V v --_--.-~ .4 L... ....1.1:,. i` Successful 1Hospital Aid Rummage Sale NEW EQUIPMENT ADDED TO` MATERNITY WARD AND PAID FOR FROM PROCEEDS OF` WELL PATRONIZED SALE. | I of the K-Y rooms, who patronized the splendid extent. \...:,.I,.. \'II\` v.p.1.4 .-V-\..-u-u \.nu...... Anicles not 5016 were contributed branch of the Red ganization that will for every article. `zzlig Puzzles Baffle Contegtants I I [Three Closest Win Prizes,l ? Although All Miss Right % Answer by a Hair.--An- % other Contest this Week. I i Puzzling the puzzlers may have` ibeen an appropriate heading forl [last week s puzzler. for not one of! xiv: many replies` contained the cor- rect solution. 1 Every word had some distinctive` mark, but IN and BUY spell-; ed defeat for most. However, to} the rst three solutions found to be nearest the key are` the prizes. They to NORRIS FL'LLERjrox, 4.7 Worsiey St.; MURIEL KNUPP, 11] `Sophia St.; MURIEL 1. SMITH, 60! \...... GA. `n K. x. un .u..u, ~.\.. .... p1'0}):l_Q'i1I`l(il in :'C-ne`.~':11; they e:iizu2'e1 the 2l1'(`l in which this `.hin:: i.~ tak- i11f.`.' place. with each other as to which poiicy We J10 ziimost _u`hti11_2` is the `.\'e which we should adopt. are fucinj: to-dz1_\' the sunie problem H: We t':u~ed in 1805 when .\'ap0leon luzii Th (- of .\1l~`[01'iitZ. prohieni (Contimied on page ten) the battle _\':ipo`.eon`-i- \\'0I`. i i i i i I 1 :5 thrzi uuy .\Iar_\' -nu nu. .4... .u2u_\ on. ,. The correct solution should have ( Head: Buy, Home Appliance Shop;`: 1 A .~:p`.endid sale; the most suc~? zsful ever held, tho.~e in change the 1'umma_L'e sale held by the; yul \'ict01'ia Hospital: kid told: foiloxvim.-I of; on` I\l4CIIL- during the Sade tributed to the iocal Cross, an or- nd good use ' Luuuvuu LA \.\. u.;\. and the public sale to such a foi1o\vin_-"I 1'ocee 01; du- onated _ ,1, `|Barrie Not Alone AfTected-- Condition Province-wide, says Police Chief. Asks Co-operation of Citizens. 1 A.n unprecedented epidemic of |t.hievr_v is the emphatic descrip- ltion of the Wave of burglaries, ipetty thefts and break-ins that is sweeping this district at the present time, according to Police Chief Alex. Stewart. ms :_ .....--.:.....- ...:.1.v. .u\.n. H. u... .- The situation is and the parties responsible are ho- `hoes, young men out of work, chi`- dren, and the home owners and businessmen who fail to take pre- `cautions to see that their premises are securely locked, declared the I chief. ..nv _, ,; 1. - .............`|.......-. nv (311151. We cannot be everywhere at once, and it is impossible to be 4 on the scene when every robbery. ibreak-in or petty theft occurs. If `doors and windows of premises are Isecurely fastened when the owners are not present, it would go a long way toward stamping out this epi- demic, which is assuming major proportions. lf citizens would noti- fy the police of any suspicious- lookim: characters loitering in the `neighborhood it would also be ap- preciated," Chief Stewart stated. I 'r`L.,. L....~..~1ny-in: and flninvinrr Yl'In1 A Record?