Vnl. XCIT. No. 2.`). FOR THE FAIR -- the true signal of a summer departed and the Winter months yet ahead. Fair week is a period of relaxation for the farmer and his town cousin, too. For the farmer it is the official nish of a summer s labor. The granaries bulging with the produce of the good earth sets the stage for competition among these producers before they begin anew the breaking of the soil for next year s crop. S0 COME TO THE FAIR, view the fruitful re- sults of the husbandman, for the Autumn haze is settling and winter Winds are not far distant. IS GONE, T00. It is time for all to look ahead and prepare. Time to buy your fall coat . . . . a heavier dress . . . . gloves. . . . hats, a11d a lot of other articles you will need as Old Sol beats his way south. It s time for us to help 37011. and by checking the items in these pages you will nd savings that will prove an aid to your budget. FAIR HE HARVEST IS OVER -- NOW OR THE TOWNSMAN, SUMMER FAIR EDITION Twelve Pages FAIR EDITION SHOP IN BARBIE DURIN G F A I R WEEK FOR FALL AND VJINTER WANTS AND NEEDS. Barrie, EHECK EVERY AD IN THIS SPECIAL FAIR EDITIO1` Ontario, Tuesday, Septenaer 13, 1938