ca GO: From Noon Friday, Sept. 2, until 2.00 P.M. Monday, Sept. 5. RETURN: Leave destination up to midnight, Sept. 6, 1938. Times shown are Standard. For fares and further information apply to your nearest Ticket Agent. 21) co1npci.c,-(1 to .-u.~on of the Iollowii u in 111.: J2I1C':.t 151' ``\\'I1;' .:hou.d we mv lumdnwi pm` cm 00 Plitf bill to tax IIIH-Invl n1'..:l 1Il\\H llil to live. Jim.-J'orn1u') I5r.-.- I`: .4.-. ll.` 'dJ'l_` M12111.` which may ;_.v'Iz1ncc. \\'r: In -1 u 1 III : plam 1-nu uuncuc r I fz1\'0rablc- nx` nu... .... , 11. 1' "',{?,3i, um) pu\'.~ bill. ml. 4 \'V I` 211".` LICK \\`hv rv 111511112`: . and z1.'~. \\~ thin}: I \l'I Tlw lthv [H (KL-111111 ulway .e\\`poinL thu - .~hou]d bcu o` . , q lH' the A: ..,._y cun1.vm- H11: dr- u..-....}.o .. . -T llltlk. cotmcils uI.4-- xn;,'A-`:. not In llulH.'lLU t0- `Il" V uixly ` >. .1. `(1lJ\} Ll.`.`l't.` \\`\- U. ll'A_- LllUU_L'.HL \VL` HZUI |:x1'-- bw0m:2`- ` N:1`.)i1i`.iv.<. 1h1'0u_;`h tax-` latfvm. Too m.z1ny fail to 1`. alize that` \\-11-n they a.-k for . . . of ;m_\' kind. they thz -1n:~`vI\'('.~' have ;`.0 p1`o\'ide Ihv money to 5__riw it. i?C\m1`_\' b1`id_L". I-\'-ry park, ow-r_\' road. ,.\'~r_\' p.~n.:i0n. r-\'r~r_v now pub- 1E<` huildingr. \'s:r_\` new politicni job. mu.'~:t br- paid for h_\' thv puoplc-. NT'|1u m-nf f:`a\'I>< nf :11] lchwrk 'm.'rArl |.cll\l. and like LU {ha 41` _ _..._v. ..........u . - -v I I 1 BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY L ; ETC. ; CAMERON & CAMERON ;VlCTORlAN oanm or NURSES {s.A.1:R1sT+:Rs, SOLICITORS. ETC. `B-*RR1E BR--`TH : n_____ c_ n _____ Miss I. Lawson Phone 791 iSo1icitor for obtaining probate of` Ewill, guardizm.~:hip and admirsi.=`.raLion`i Qzmd General Solici-tor, fiotary Con-I I vm'mu~r-r, -`fr BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOT-` ARIES PUBLIC, COI\'VEYA?\'CF.TRS. I . A RRISTER. S(jLI C1,"! CR. ETC. M ONEY TO LO.-K N rs; . BOYS & BOYS B.-\1 .RIS'1`]CRS. SOIICITORS, NOT- APJICS PUBLIC. CONVEYA.\'CERS,1 ETC. | -- ,. ,._T .l Money to Loan at lowest Rates of Interest Oice: 13 Owen St.. Masonic Temple T-Urltr, R-anrk nmm. T3 rv`\':z`m KJIHCUI LO \J\\(.`H DL.. Jill." Bldg. Branch Ofc:-, J. R. Boys .1 . In2L11 boom r-rra I-.-. /\..`~ .1 u. AAUQVA\g - .44.... Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public. Conveyancers .`.\Ioney to loan at lowest current rates. i Ofce: lit F1001` Masonic Temple Bldg., Bu-rie. F` 71 13-1.-.. `Bl `Ll I`.-An... . "G. H. Esten DR. c. c. rusmxnc I VETERINARJAN AND SSURGEOXI , , _ , .- _ _ , I :. \JLVl.llItAL..Q.l .4;;v....\.4 4 \I4CR/ Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Established 1869 DI--- no I1...-:n nno . . . . u . . A N 4 4 .;uu, ..I\11JL\/ALLIAMJ. LL.L\ 5 Owen SL. Barrie. Phone 406. `MONEY TO LOA_\ I Phon, 82. ...._...., - V.1;.-\., `/\/A` . A4Anl-`L I-'LI|. Money to loan in any sums at lowfst current rates. 18 Owenst. - Barrie L M. Stewart C. D. Siewal Masonic Temple BIdg., Barrie ....,...4. .L\/ A4\/.1.` Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. Office, 48 Bayeld SL, Barrie T)`En\1'C` !1 1 _h__\`K u H, \,.,r_\ P VJ. VH0 mi... V]. IL.` L'iL1/.I:IJ.~ In p'(l_ _aI unity out the window. pre.'1('hr-r`. mg Lh<-ii (,im]_m,,.d fm. ihm,_. ;Lz1x-.< promptly and 111 lull. it J.` _ _ __ lik4-\\'i.~"c a fact that Simcoi: E. Jor- tunatc in b.-in;-,' located in thv him ! MR_ Hgpgukn AND uN1'[Y fol` Ihg 1iu(:-curcd tobacco u]'f'2i. but ____. `it must be r'-1nmnbe1'(;~(i ihut c-wi, (Ottawa Journal) 1b<.:fore tho tobacco indu. 2u'ri\'41'i. Our Mr. Hit`-.hvV.] Hepburn camr: Slmoce did not. permit its:-"10 be-, back from his air adv:-mure to come :.~n1bar1-a.sed in a nanciui way ,1-an _.omr-t]1jn_:._r, Thp thing he by capital out.}a_\'.~' which it could s`.art:d of all thin_:.'~' for him, was-_i_im afford. _I1 did not placv itsrii a 19-Au,-9 to 111.. wust on ngtionaiinl -(1 1J1'e'z11'10us position such that mm ta dcp1'e.~v. would Cause it. to dc Somo months 2.}.-'0. whin Mr. H(`p-!1.lLlit on the p1`in<'ipz1i and iI1'.c)' burn app-a1`O(i it--f0]'t` thrt Ro\\~ii:o1' its dc-benture.-s. .11 did Roya`. C0mmi.=.=xion, ho throw nation `|mu.*h1`00m Indll-`t1`1t`>`y not bonu.~ j _ -rt.-ct lavish; ice paiact.-.~' or o1vh<.-rw1. endangei `p)'0\'incia]i. am: paro(-hizi1i: m1k- its nancial . Nor did. u...- f\n4.n.n G:-r.-4 In.-4 -uni n`.`. 03-..." nnv |nln..~..:l L ed and unashamxd. Hi: i(;(-.11 ih.-z. hundrz-(is of other Ontario town,=.~ iv .. L, ' I - ;- STEWART & STEWART .uv..._.- `V V-.. Ofce: Rosa Block. Barrie. ALEXANDER COWAN BARRISTICI-I GORDON LONGMAN D. F. McCUAlG, _ _ _ _ . . _. 1.. I`_._ _._.. .1. G. G. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS .,.. uu-.n.A, ' mm. M OINEY TO LOAN ESTEN 8: ESTEN BARRISTERS -1 ,r .....~.. Money {O LOB!) m1_v. I Some wh-n Hop-g tho Rowv1`u` Ro_\'a'. 211 pre.'1('hr-r`.` p)'o\'incia]i. \\'z1.< Ontario 1'.<`.. }a. and ::'x} tha" time; an Ontm-i._. `hut wouldn t no-' operate with the Dominion on nat-` l01'!ill unr~mp1oymr-_nt in:~Ln'z-.n(-c-; that wanted thri 1'i2'ht to take over thv iv.,..uun bl-.nd- l,lu 4 an +n'._- -nu. mun. INTERIOR OF NEVV GR AY COACH LINE BUS 3>%,!15`3.`1;::t~7E E'.`#irec`tory We carry a full line 'of Magistrate's ECo"nstables and Coroner's Worms also Fjarrn and House Leases. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from 21 Business Card to 21 Catalogue, L001 over your requirements and place vzmr order ovith the Advance. Nnrthrm Ahuanrr Printers in Barrie since 1847 EEEEiEf?&%EN?$ H. Ester)` .'!lU.`yL U [JZXMI H Thv prot t:1xr>.~' 0 on the .~'-He)'z11`L- pai by 111` bu_\' .'~' for tax`-.~` m npxe v L.:`.v:\'a}e. J. F. Woods 50:1 Barrie, Ont. PHONE 53 I, N115: I. Lawson Phon`e `Well-Baby Clmic, 2 :0 5 p.m. every Friday. - {Application for nu1`s~;-'s serviqes may b- made direct or through doctors. THURSDAY, AUG=US'I` 11, 1938. V....X...u.~u ; Resxdence 144 Maple Ave. Phne 700 IJI\| 1.4. K) LL1K\.`Ll\Jl_4L4 G1-aduath of .\1cGi3I `LJ~iversity, I\Iont2'=.-aE. Oice and*-C(~rr.~er Dun- lnp and Poynzz S35, Barrxe. Phone 105 Oic-: Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1.3 p.m,\ 7..Q n rn n.4AAuJA\J4.A.\ .x.V.I.J -'\.Jt`JlJ\'J.V ! Special attrntion Obstetrics lAsso`c.'ate Coroner for Simcoe County Ofce and Residence 50 Mary S. Phone 101 Office Hours: 8-3.30. `:1-2.30. 6-8.30 {Ofcu : Office SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN Associate Coroner, Count)" of Simcoe Phone 61 Ofce-58 Coilier St. Oie Hours : R-9 9711 1-7'2`n,o vsvn conn __ MC-`RE PEOPLE GO TO HOSPITAL Utnce Hours 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 A.AALJA\f).IA|-`J53 82a Dunlap St. Phone 403 I Electric, Hydro. Physio and Electionic Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustment: Blood Tests and Th-innlvnh mcensed CHIROPRACTDRS and DRUGLBSS THERAPI STS D`)- "I..,,I, ,.,__ !Home or Office Rates Reasonably I 47 Elizabeth St. A xrnrwr A `it J. H. N. SMITH. M-.D. PHY.':?1C1AI\' AND SCRGISOIN` Ofce--0wen S-t. (Fo1`112c.-rly occupied by D2`. L. J. Simpson) __,,I_ _..-. -~-. A- \ D.`1l\1\L1`4 Dn.>\_\ L 1'1) Pboqe nH_TJ.v:.hx,- f'In/- -7 ~,. -. v. V Avvr DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICI.~\I\' AND SL'I- .GEG.\.' C`......:._1 _Ll_._A n. GEO. R. AND E. R. BURNS Licensed nwn1mAr*'nnwc ..-M1 h'onn1n `sage and uorrecuve Augustine Tests and Urinalysis 'W`2iH`lt`(1 In!` r1`_"nL L0 l' uvvr LII!` income tax; that didn t give a tink- er .-` dam about tho .0\\`vI1 Roya f'nvn~.' .~.nn o.v~.uunu DR. E. G. TURNBULL ...1.,_. r 1: ." ,-iate: Coroner, Cc'J:'?.y of Sirr-.~ coe, and DR. A. D. GRAY ilizabeth Phone 21!: AMBULANCE SERVICE 47 Maple Ave. Hours: 1 to 4 Elm. P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIREGTOR DR. W. C. LITTLE DR. VV. A. LEWIS wvsvsuv ...- _._.. . we. Teiephone 213 J pan. and 7 ft'.mc-nt. K UYIIIIIISSJUII. '(Ul.\'\\'U._Y. The truth is that if provim.-ia]i. lit` rampant in (":1m1da to-da_\'. th `two man most 1`r=. for it are "chos szlveat and good friends and r-ompz1ni0n.<. M1`. lfitchr-H Hnphurn am! Mr. .\Iuur(':- D11pTr*.<~si.~'. Y.n 1:0 opportllnity of abitin: and cri ;1'v1n2in-J Ihv Dominion (`.nx'~v1'nmm1t. Eavziws on their own" (Ur. H4)- ` - `.~...u.l ..+ 'r\11\>r` ....v...;`H.- m.i.r..l 1-.7. IEUJLH ` bun: ,3 T? "Ifrr 'l`\v0 }ll.LI [)"Y' (" H1. 01 under (':l)'4- durimr that the total form:-d onlv 3.9 I Th`! . ,3 The Northern Advance; }3'a1`r1e U!I!|`X`I`UII_L.` \\HlL'l :m-k down the -mmr thr-m Published at 123: Duhlop St., 13 arri. every Thnraday M. D. MORRISON, Editor and Pzzbijsher H"llJ LU JH21 nch h2u'dI_\' 90 :1 intnrv 0;` CL. EDITORIAL Fully sealed ice-cube compartment that insures absolutely pure ice-cubes. Interior electric light. One-piece porcelain interior with acid-resisting base. Automatic safety overload switch. Nine-point cold control. Automatic de-frost switch. Vegetable Hydrovoir. Pull-sized Rollator assures surplus power. \. ill] 4` whi `L. Ill r .11!` 1.11- - nths pm- J\\H `J11. 11"]I' MI his hand at '11) \V:whin;rt.0n): L ... .. . 4 i.._ An... . `.`L'UHllII:_' thouglut 41..., 'l'li` the`- but ..I I\I `Th -. \` m-1 ivern A dvahce J! (1 UH LU IHUK Onmrno farm- 'v.. 1. .n..`|- .... [mg uj Lilllil 5:11 policy should not ' thi.- kind. A MODEL TO FIT ANY PURSE, ON LOW MONTHLY TERMS i.0 Uh- Lola`. 'll l~'}H `.1... I l_\ for ~ 4* I.` or \V|l1Lll K. (I 0 l'd1'1m`2'.<, take \\'hul~ 1 :11 pm,-.~;-n1 < 21 bu.~'h.-1. .. Ir.-`/.'\-vn ll DU." \V(-. should An RHIU.` along: "2lI|H_\ 31]" back to Anpfc? who_ U] L111` r~:1H}`.\' Mr. Merchant- -*ow aboui your b \' H'lnl|l 1'0: H 1-,!-Ill (I numhm .n- and xyzunp , ' Fin` poir H?nrr JUL V `thug lUH.~ do- x_:L', had An`- `Ci rd and Nozthem Advance . (I ,~ 100 :I;;; Lll_`l`l`. U_V' and the municipui 3 opumtion , u:nt.o1' i gL21x:.~' pron `Iik~wi.~`c `tun-(m in '1` h L, ` muvh LIX Elli : slmuld ` Lhvil` .......ZI|. yum: L'llLlLk.`L)`. \.` 1'1 ; ruzu1Il_\' U11.--mt thy J"n;: bv,-('uLL~,1: 1:. editorial.- .Lzxl~:un the c0nt1'zu`_\' Ithc 11-d<:2'zL -.-.\;clu-qLx~.- (hr full hnulm: nf 1-. x LUV]! LU Snncou, L. ...... ` an.~\\ L:x'ul)1- , -.~=pL'L' llhu light of bl.-i kcqu-1'.<," but Thy) to the . `uppur m at 2`.~t ` .\1 111.. nn4,~... up1Iu1 UL ill lH'.~'L At the out.~;vt Silncoc has had a .~:ub.~v.ant.i21l propo) _\'czH`.<, um.- purl in kUc`1)il]g thv 1'o2`t_\'-mill max I4 1 4..... .1, 1 DVD .~ duv We can supply you with any quantity of the Best Make at right prices L`.`Ci all ` ...~ uuuIILIal .~Lx'u('Lul'*.`. _\0]' (I10 ' towns. no . ble.<.~'cd by a tobacco indu. (-xcnr-d the bound.< of di.~'c1'r,-{ion and `nd thmn. compelled to appw-.xI to thv Ont.:n'io .\Ium'cipa] Board for- zm u(ln1i11i. Yet. the }*`roc-` P)'a would hav. theme municipal-3 1i.<. which <:(-onomizvd and ch-1121-(1 thr~n1. m th-~ ]m.<:, now vome to thv aid of plm-,-.'< liku .\If(liund whir-h H;-4. hn-rwrxd rlnu-n hr ,l..1.. :.. - um` n0_::'_'_:`C(l thmu:.';I1 Izu and bu>'in3 'l`he- chiw .... I): I66" nu u.-uuxu` -:.\L`nL`(1LlL'l' 11- full buldwn of re} l11d.-L-d'Il1-: u_-[0Hn,- ;-vzxsiun pm.-\'i0u:l_\' tu nu-r contn'.i0n wix 1'4-.~. and WI: zuv can uupc -,1 7) :1; HA l\L'("J)Hl`L_' UL] (I mark i.~ truc that S ..i1inn ., (|I~ ll Counter Check Books I ul>l IHI HH`>'." 1 been 1-ni1it-.~. .. m bvi IHAU Imp:-." mil bus 6 u uv mm`: \\(*:lKH'.~`.< I1] I -'.~ 2uL`um~m. howr-\'v-1'. ii!` that .\IirH;1nd only pu_\'.< 01' ft_~ H5} 1 MM oh. \lll .....v pay xts `-ntiu-..n: THE RELIEF BILL Phone 53 \\.\ xu Luv 1Ia.~., HOW [0 :'_`.l`C(l down by (is-ht in<'u1'rwl x luck of \\'i. J'n1'v-.~i;:ht ]>'ll]:1.~'~4 :1!-nlnnn rutc`. :\'<: LOW)! c0u11cil.:' z1 ability 0| oh`ic1aI.~', as well a: lbw; ('0- 01' mm-ly om`: hundr.-d pt-1` its (`iIiZ4:l1.~ in pa in: {ht-i_): )ml)1,I\' and ~'n s'..!: H 1k.'.`l'\l UL'L'dl < 21tLl`ibu[~. d that 4:Ll(`]1 31 - . - Uut-.~.L`L we may .-any that : a 1`:-]ic1' bill of \':.-r_\' p1'0po2'ti0n:` o\'<:1` the past .<, that had no 5:11:11`: -pill; our tux rat; abow Hi lH:H'L' uni?` u v - - .( H-`ll hu1_ rl\| xu ll\ l'. [U-(lily. ll nu:-.~ it may hzwv had r- or i.~n]u1i0n hm`. dis: 'I`ru(1iti0n:1l r1L1.'xlitio.~' ' frmlom and fn-54h 1 <:nhanc:(l by most of` of city life. -V SIN! ALL TOWN (106. -1\l ; ;.~.; A Llm.-mpio_\w; \\*hiI.. L:x1k:111}1.'J)2,'(1 2110!! whilu u .u\\'n 1i1.v!y more p1'u.~pL pcoplu zxrv at w in 1-..Ti..f hn..,I..... W H`: j`