B.N.A. ACT A SACRED PACT interested from those poipts _CtJf --- \'ic\\' that these so,-ca e m1nor1 y The British North America Act iswights and interests will not.b~'e' D1`?- a sacred pact, Hon. C. H. Ca-ljudicially a'ec1'ed except Wlth then" han, Conservative .\I.P. from Mon-lconsent or the consent of those trial, who declares: ',\vho rcpres-nt them. ``I have never accepted, in tl1c`~ MT] - f 1 am simply suggest- SWSG in Which I ha? h0a1`d it 1`9`linu'. z:1(:>nOcfe 111e111ber of the House, peated 1`(:C(- lltl_\', that the B1`ltlSl l 5il.ting~ as I do on the Opposition N01h Amec Act W35 11 C0mP3~C'~`br-nch=~;;<, not having discussed it 01` t1`=1t.\' b0t\""0T1 l l'0"iW3`35- It with my colleagues or with my was more than that. It was n1ore.}..adm~, that it would be Wise to sucrvtl than that. m_uke haste slowly in regard to 11v: . . 1- , , , , .:,,,1,.. -.__-....J.~.A.. T .1.-.n'|n+ CAMERON & CAMERON VICTORIAN oansn 91-` NURSES =,BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. (BARRIE BR-WC) | . E t\ ,,,, ,, C; D__..._.. l')L___ Ana Miss L LBWSOH P110118 , ..---.-.,..._...-. isolicitor for obtining probate of -will, guardianship and administration and General Solicitor, Notary Con- veyancer, etc. MONEY TO LOAN i -.- .. ` --.-..--. _-.._..-..-. 1 BARRISTER. S%I.'i}8ITOR, NOTARY \ _ '. l lJlA.ovv1l|\A ..._.. ...--- ;BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- `ARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS. .. 1--., 1.. _.... ......_- -5 :xuu.n.4u .u \.)A.rA.4.A.\4, \1\rA\ . ...---_.----... Money to loan in any sums at 1 lowest current rates. | \ I 18 OwenSt. - Barrie D. M. Stewart C. D. Stewal >Ju\.\.C:ta\u. vv \IA'~uvIA .. .. _. 1 ~ = RARRISTER, SOLICITVOR, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN t\r _ I:n-_I_ D_....:.. ` 8J\Jl\J\&n.:\4nu.r };B.'-\`RR1STERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- EARIES PUBLIC, CONVFIYANCERS, 1 ETC. .a.-..u-uuu-;_.-..,, ~u....v-.. v.u-.1, .4-- 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 406. --n-..--my rv1r\ 7A.". DI llllcrcas. OFFICE: 13 OVVEN ST. Branch Ofce, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. B ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISTERS jSo1icitors in Hi%h Court of Justice Notaries Pu ic, Con\'e_\'ancers Money to loan at lowest current i rates. Ofcez lst Flor Masonic Temple [ Bldg., Barrie. n 7-. v-.,,_ `VI 11 Rafa Northern Advance :G. H. Esten-7 `- DR. C. C. FLEMING VETERINARIAN AND SSURGEOX 5 Office, 43 Bayeld st., Barrie 1-n'1(\\Y`I' O1 1 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Motor Ambulance in Connection `Open day and night. Morgue and 1 Chapel in connection. n~-;..m:.r....1 mag ; G. c. SMITH 8: co. E Phone 82.`: Masonic Temple B1dg., Barrie Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. ..._.1-.~.q .n r\1171T`\` orn .uv;x;_... ...v ;.v.... Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. D. F. McCUAlG, K.C. Successor to Creswicke & Bell . __-.......-.-. 4wr\~r-rrw-rn\r\1'\ nrn STEWART & STEWART A,____... , n1u1.\u; ; \J J_J\(AAAI Ofce: Ross Block,` Barrie. It deals with Beef and Store Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Dressed Beef, Horses, Bacon and Ham, Cheese, Butter, Condensed Milk, Dressed Poultry, Eggs, Canned Fruits and Vege- tables, Fresh Fruit, Honey, Maple Products, Tobacco, Hay, Alfalfa Meal, Grass and Clover Seeds, Furs. ALEXANDER COWAN BARRISTER a u GORDON LONC-MAN 'l{16i<'EY T6 L615` Money to Loan Business Directory BOYS & BOYS ._._.... .-..\-v.-nnnu /nape; Hl Uvtlucx. mm. Established 1869 Bu YNIIR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS IL) PHONE 311 any Ilvnu ~-., Hdw about your We carry a full line of Magistrate s Constables and Coroners Forms: also Farm and I-Iouse Leases. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue. Loolr over your requirements and plzace vour order with the Advance. Nnrthrrn Ahnanu. PHONE 5:2 Printers in Barrie since:' I847 1c. M . H. Ester: Stewart I 50:: Barrie, Ont. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1933. You may have a copy free \AJ4.LAv.AvAA_l ...a;v...u v--, Miss 791 Well-Baby Clinic, 2 to 5 p.m. every Friday. Application for nurse's services may be made direct or through doctors. Resxdence 144 Maple Ave. Phne 700 Graduate of McGill University. Montreal. Office and Residence--Co1-ner Dun- lap and Poyntz Sts., Barrie. Phone 105 Ofce Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1.3 p.m.. 7-8 mm DR. N. W. ROGERS BHYSICIAN AND SURGEGN Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe C-Jun`; Ofc, and Residence 50 Mary S. Phone 101 Office Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-13.30 as. 1; 4u;u;..a.-u .;.uu -.n.a;.u;.4\.4.1.. Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Omce Hours 2 2-3 p.m., 'T-9 p.m., or by appointment & A. T. Little, M.D. 117 {W Y:;;1,, \r`n A._._....:..L.. Fl _ _ _ _ .... .I_nvwA\a, `mu; W. C. Litthg, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. Associate Coroner, County 01 Smcoe Phone 61 Ofce-58 Collier St. Office Hours : 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 pm. Licensed- CHIROPRA CTORS and DRUGLESS THERAPISTS .-... I\ .A.. A..1:.:_uw;.;. 4-.a.a. 82a Dunlop St. Phone 403 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionic Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustmmta Blood Tests and Urinalysis !Home or Ofao Rates Renaotnblo Counter Check Books .. AAAh~.IA\JA`)AV ..-u..a ..zv...\_.v..v.. Ofce---Owen St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) 1-, I- .1`. :1 I A an. an: P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR 47 Elizabeth St. Phone 218 AMBULANCE SERVICE "wVRl'.'.....I"'f aV pHi?s1_{:'1.z{i r\r:< , DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS SURGERY ANE DISEASVES OF` WOMEN GEO. R. AND E. R. BURNS DR. E. G. TURNBULL .- x: 1'10!` DR. W. A. LEWIS SMITH, M.D. AND SURGEON Wte to Director, Mark:-ting Service Department of Agrimllture, Ottawa vVJ.\l4|ld vwvgwx about Phone 53 `nuu luyxcaiv Ilh yu-x.--u. 1 Therefore,I `in_:. as one `sitting; `hr-nchlis, discussed `lI'a(lC1`, make _this particular amendment. I doubt \\'l1ethe1' the aim-n(lmz:nt p1'opo;~:cd is zlsuicieiit. I think that other .-powers, or a broader denition, must be given to unemployment in- l`sm'anco, in ordr-1' that all collateral ....,~4,.... ....... kn ;~nH= rlnnll , l David Lloyd George, war-time Action for Pvaco and Reconstruc- non. on Monday issued a general call to the British people to de- mand the recall of Anthony Eden +n an TIM:-ainvn Qnm-rrtsn-vclxin nnd . ..\.. \ u uuwu vuwv. It was a ch:-ar pact, an agreement between reprw un(1c1'.~:tz1n(lin,::, 21 ` sentatives of the Roman Catholic`- faith and r.-pwsentativwes of the ` Protesfant faith, in the old pro- vinces of Canada. _that certain civil` liberties should be 3.-`uaranteed. M11. ..___ -1..- -.. .._..)-....L.....l.`...- .`|.ll llI|Ll.', matters with. `LLOYD GEORGE WANTS NO SURRENDER ON PRINCIPLES" mzmd the recall 0: Amnony muen `to me Fo1`eig;n.Sec1'otaryship and re-r-.stab1ish1nent of his policy of ```no . on p1'incip1`cs. in ordr-r that all COIla.EQ1`al may be satisfactorily dealt , . It is l )(`COl)1i1\{.L' more appa1'entlI c\'e1'_\' day raht if our _Q`1' publicl ' utility Hydro is to su1'\'i\'c, it inustl bw taken out of politics and run as, zi bu_ entc1'p1'i.~:(.- by busiiicss` l}l~'.l1 and competent enginvers. D12`: T. H. H();:_g', the present clmi1'1nan` of the On:u1'io Hydro Commission, . that Ontario will z1lwa_\'s re- quire power from Quebec. He also g says tzlizu` the power contracts with I Quebec W-.:1'c 1'opu(liut(:d without the consent or advice of Hydro 01igi11- on-vc Thu-in 0- H10 ln cf . . . ` H1`n\7|I1{`I!ll The passing of Pro Boys whit-c ztxvzxy trying` to regain his health re- moves a colorful ,Q'u1'(.- from thc town of Ba1'1'i'c. Born and rzliscd` and .\`[)(,'l1di11_L' his wholv Iifr: here J11`. Boys occupiA<*d 21 1211'}.-"e place in the life of Bzxrrie and di.<`.1'ict. E1 cit`iz(-n, as :1 1'ep1'0.~*<`11tz1ti\'c in thv` `House of Commons for nvz1r1_v :Lwc11t_\' _\'ears, and as a 1u\v_\`:.-1' of hi.4-`h st:1n(Iin_5:. hr" ::z1\`c of his b--st `to the ta; at hand. Pr0" I3-o_\'.s was :1 man s man .and \\'a.< 1:001 n.unn.nn- in nn1' uvn1'\u'\':l1n- \.- .. LH 15 burn ....n... \\"clS ll HIEIHS lllilll ,illlll \\il company in :m_\' '5:z1t11e:Ti11_;'. 1aw_\ m' ho was a hard hitter, n1a1'. 'fa('t.< wlaich \\'-1'0 1' ..n nI\\11v:\\n-v\nn r\ nix! 11` L'll.`U.\ l.'UIl\llll.'|H_L ju1'_\'. and ho .4-`ne1';x1 Those who had rr-as: as an ommnr-nt :1 a11z11yti('2\1 mind. u~1.,... II\I\\1\ n.n..1A us an uppnnr-u mim whc-n . \\' have b=.`."l.iI1 to his labors. bu! nu... `f1`h.n" nu-.nu.u:.< suuunu ur. _L,uaAuuu.u.u. in It was also an understanding `V between a Proteszant minority in. Lower Czmzxdu and a Catholic ma- L jority there, and :1 Protestant mu-` jorit._v t`l11'ou.2'hout all the provinccsl entering the union and a Catholicl minority there, that certain ri,o:l1ts _. and interests xw-re -to be rruarzmtced and made secure. C And before we enter upon the 1: consideration of any large or liberal am-ondmtc-nts to the British North`, America Act we should satisfy those`-1 \\'i`l.\'. 1']'U work zmrl, :\1'L`` our _io_\'.< day `th1'0lIf_"h Hf . 0 ` 2`0 the1'. The other day the (.':m:uliun man- 'uf'21ctur<,1'.~' >'L1fIf_"C>'Z(`(1 to 111 ROWDH Commission Ihat the tzmation and thu expenditures should be cut by 20 or even 10 p--1' cu-111., and then stabilizud at the lower level so that businl.;<.< and ind-ustxjv could bu(l;;'e`.` for 21 L-on.~:idera.blg period ahead and \\-H11 vnn Snnm. ' uf21ctur<,1'.~' .~'L1ff_"C>'Z an nu l|1'l.I\ If] n [OT 21 L'UH.\Tl(l(.`I'il.`UlQ [).`l'lU(I ilIlU'c|(l ZUIU with 1'0z1. st-cL1r1t_\'. Some- `bod`_\' on the Co1mni.<.~'i0n in. they should . \V11(-`l't.' thr: :~tz1v- i1l}.{'.'< could and should be Imuie.-, and when the manufacturers said they \Vf'1`L` not there to givlrs dc-tailc-`d ad- vit-n H-w l`n`|,nI'f. frnm thn (',nmmi<-` -Fhe Northern Advance, Barglss \\l`l'C HUI I/I]('.`l'(.` LU glV|'_` U(_`L2lll((1 au-I vice. the 1`c:t01't from the Comn11s- }sion was that it \\'21>' of little value to the ;:o\'e1'11111c111' to be told to `1:cono111i'/.<,- without. at the . tinm, being` told where it could |econo1ni'/.t:. Of c0u1'.~'0. public auth- `_o1'itio.< l1a\w been rr.-111i11. 11121115" 4. V1,. ...1.... 41." ,.n..l,l ....v.. .u.-...,... |CUllUlIl1'/.l.`. UL L'UlU'.`TL`. [JLIUHC Z1.Llbll" many timc~`.= where they could . mom-_\'. but beiwccn the upper millsionc of `})2l)'1l'2ll\1L`ht and the nc'.'h~1' millstonv of _;-o\'e1'nm<,-nt, project-(I economic-5 are to an almost in\'i; `powder. L`|.L'. In the -event of any consid,-rab'lo force invading Canada, the invasion must succeed unless opposed by a". considerable force; the only con-:-` siderable force in Canada is the-3 .\'on-Pei'manc~nt Active Militia. But, in View of the length of time } necessa1`_V to mobilize and train even our excellent militia units to`; '11 state of Liciency, one could notll rely on using: our non-pe1`man:-m forces to resist invasion if such in-if lvasion was made immediately after: ;the outbreak of war. And it is`, lsuch an invasion that we must pre-1 pare for, in that it is the only in-ii ivasion that would have any great` 1chance of success. i I 'I"n. nnnn `"101-. r-1111141 :C`H2iI1CU U1 SUCCESS. ' To co 0 with such an invasion I . . . necessnates Canada havmg 21 full ' . . 3 , .t.r2nn*L-(1, modernly equlpped and m`c-` E chamzcd ermanent force of 10 ~ 2 l ` I000 men, as 1'2-coxmm.-nded to the. [Canadian Go\'ermc'nt by the late Sir Arthur Currie. uv l'cl$K H1 l'L`[Jilll'lH}, loci of Czn1z1d2L Om- cannot mal< try soldiu-1' in :1 to thu \'z1n(l n1'|1'r\:`r~ Ian 11I\.< `~n "are Two H` ])L11'p0. <<`.~' ` `could he '9 n...l-n..- 1 `K111 ....au.-A \.1uAAA\.- > We must be able to rely on our-` selves alone to maintain our forces in tho eld of supplies, ammunition and weapons. We .'~:hould c1'ez1Lv img `mc(l'iat<,~l_\' suf ci0nt- factories and larsIe nal;< for turning: out ammuni- !tion. tanks, ai1'(~rat't. 1.-`a.~: (in case it ,i.~ used :1g':1in.~'t oLn't1'o0p.<) :md:mti- !_L':1.~ :xppliz1nc0.~' that it is 1-stinnzltcd `wt: . nv ed; for. om- war breaks, _ of W211` mzm-1'iz1l from Great "l`rit:1in will l).- :. ::li5.:iblo if enemy ll z1ir('r:1l`t and .~ulm`.:n'in0s have any ' ...- :...1.. LllI'(`(l lllill` `HQ! qulrod would the mi`:1ion.< ':< ' . n... 1 In!`-v\n: ll|ill\] ` .` H ow l\r\~v CANADA'S DEFENCE H |ll \\' I11 I raft inthu ma` nuv \\\1\ n n Published at UUNL but 0 had Jll.< {CS3 1'I.`(] th0u.<:mds put to wo L . . ... WHAT EVERY FARMER S HOU LD KNOW would .~ nnjoy that is I '1` {I b _v t\\n The Northern Advance EDITORIAL I1!` ])il.\'.\W`|l UH tld . 11` . njo_\' {hp f1'11i1.< of mt so oftvn thee 0_\'.< -11j0_\'ml his 2111. we must. takv .' (lay as \w A4-'0 I\\| ?`1n|\\ -H6.` millions nn nnu JHI.` HU\\' UH ]""Il0] work in factories #2111111 war .~'u1)pliCS :11 to the rvtnntion 1... n.......1:...... Hluuh \\Ill * cannot w-\\'(1 ;:u0s: ::nv\r~ `l|l1lUI1S Yargoly '~-qui1'~ (1 rl e 11 nw Issued under direction 0] Hon. Junms C. (,'unlinvr, Minister. 721` 123 Dunlap St., Barrie, every Thursday MORRISON, Edimr and Publisher LU NH` 1'` ll'I 7 Canadians. "'ow\d Hmt C 21$ \\ them .~\.< u but he II`\ nu-..6- lllUl'| ofI`sc1 for 1 n\\ 2111 IL` L U relh 1-UH. flw-.1`r* It zhat * lowc.-ring` the lllilst-l1~ . ads is nothing short of astounding Parliainent should think 01' Union Jack from the of this coulnry on the casual motion of 21 private member. 'l`hi.~: is at major question. If so g`r'.1\`c 21 step is to be Lzlkcn, then` it 5u1`el_\' should be granted atlezist `the dignity of u Gov-Llrnmcn`. Incas- `urc, introduced on the 1*csponsibil il_\ of rho Cabinet and presented to `P-u'lium.nt and the country with :1 full s(2n. of the 1'a1'-reaching signi- liczmcc of the course that is being taken. \.~ rm-\n+VI\1o Al` -I-`nab u'4- .~'l-Haul/I Mr. Merchant- D03- Y `PARLIAMENT HAS NO MANDATEL TO PULL DOWN UNION JACK` umen. As a matler of fact, it should lmvc (:\'('n more than the formal and oflicial endorsation of the Gov- `crnment behind it. It should have 21 clear man(latc: from the Canadian people themselves. No lesser auth- ority should be able to change the Ila:_9; of a nation. There lmve, of` course, been private member pro-i posuls in this di1'c*ction hei'o1'o. Bu: =Ll1c3' have al-a\\'_vs been reg'zu'de(l as purely m>;:'lig`iblo, the kit:--fl_\'i11_2" of a fad(li: or a franlic a(lvemu_1'e in . This ;<<-ssion the proposal has hm-n ;~:ud(l311l_\` cata- pultml into prominvnce by the tacit support of the two party leaders. , ll` t.h(-_\' had not spoken t.ol`r-1'antl_v ; of if, it. would hzive dial a naturzxl { (hath as just 2111011101` c1`anl{ })i`\i l i'n\- nn1nI-irxfv U] H. lL- \\ULlH for n0to1'iety. 7. But if Pu1'liam0nt. is \\'i;<(-, it will[ stop. look and 1i.<`.(-n before it` _;'o<~.< :m_\' 1'211'L]1(`1' in `Chis dan_Q'~r011s; The r(spon.<<- from 1ho munt.)-_\' 11:15 been instzmt. and 211'-`, 1-<>. So far as the p: 0[)1() lmvx-1, ha ~11 Vocal. th\\ Imvo dz-nounc-ud a .1... .\ no` .1. nmi \\ lk'Il I EH'llZUll(.`llL H21.` Ul`L`ll FU MU .~'O1'l)(,`(l with its familiar party _g'i1l`nC` that it came near to p\`.']`n1ltlln`_L .`_:1'ave tlnwr-at.< to our exist-nee as a i nation and our place in the family: _ of British communities to pass. by 1 default, no political party thinking _ it. worth-while to offer opposition. i .-\ noted e.\:ampl0 was the seductive l1ocip1'ocit_\' Pact of 1911. It was: so att1'ac1'iv-e' to the Canadian irader ltliat the then Opposition hesitatedl for months to make a genuine ght against it. They did not see its .danger, and they despaired of gm- tins.-' so rich an offer refused. But finally they woke up. Then .`(l1(`_\' learned from the Republican Li-a in Congrcss, Speaker Champ- ('lark. that we-the .-Xnufrican S])0n.~`0l'. <, for the Pact-a1'e p1'.epar- in}: to annex Camada, and even tln- 1'1'i<-n(lI_\' and jovial P1'esid'm1t Taft permitted him.<--lf to say, in a mmnont of L`2l)'(`lif-SSIIOFS, tha: thisg plan \\'a.< ll1t1`ll(lL`1l IO make Can- atla an a 01' the Unitcd3, . Statr-_-'. .\Iee(lls.< to . it was, 1- .....i.,.1...:.....i.. \'(\':{lII.I\(q 1. um I l'('.\'llXl',','. D0 JlH' ll.` Lll(` [J' U lm-n th{\' (1 thv px-op0. 01' 131:1}: in tom;~.< (hu1'::c:(1 il1(H_g'I]:lti011, ulna /.r;-Inc-111 :1 ..nL,~.1.'.-J` '|`1-.nu nnn- ..u l'ld._L'. |H imli_-_:n:1tit 11n1>0liet'. P211'1iz1n1~1 mit so public so 211:-I`. h-51 n:n voczu. 1n-,\' nuw m-110Lmc~.u; the Ol(l Flu}: (leap with and LlLt`,`1`l` They mnno`. c1'>(lit1lmL l 211*liz1n1~nt would tlr-lil)m'atul_\ com dustz11'(ll_\' 21 crimi :1_:ain< ` . and {lit} most ch-:1`-l i:-lu-d tradition;< of our ])(.'0])l(` \vit.h-1 out at least pz1u;~'in: to suck public. mumi-ate. T`\r\\Irx larnn. l\..l.m 1:r\\ l'|L' l\nl'nun l IlHlIl(l'iU.(.'. 'I`hm'e havv b:-vn mm'~.< when Parliament has been -1\ .1 .47` I5...-.-.2 ......e. The British Market for Canadian Farm Products illlct (Ill (Kl N ox-.-rwhclmir (`zmzulian cl :u']ium<-nf n...1.~ nun lH_L _`l_\` 1ll31ll' LU hoIu;<. without <-hnnce to vote. * is an cu.-y way to get th<- truth oni `this point. Submit the pi-oposal to! :1 vote of the Canadian people! This could be done at the next) _-_r<~m-ml olr-ction.<. If either politi- '<-al party want to rs/pouse the pro- fjrct and seek for themselves the ftask of lowering: a flag that prec- iious few foes in all our history `,h:1ve ever been able to lower, they `I can makiv it a party plank in their `lplatform when __Parl-iamemt goes to Wthe polls. If no political party possesses the calous erontery or "law gn hrnnmsnd hv nolitical s.tunid- v Somw of the . of this; pr0po. to haul down thv L'nion (:z1u.`~'0 they 10n1. pr1'.'~:Qnz1]1_\* like rho idea, but buc2u1.<(- tha- pu,'O])}(- 01' Cz111:1';1 \\'z1nt ii. 'I`h(-1'0 _i.< get on Jack in.~'i.~'.t that t.h.-_\' do so, no: be-{ i Hui: nninf Qnhmif :1-In nu-nnncnl tn Lord Nuific-eld, British automobile 5`nmnufncturL-r, has madle another 1`don:1t.ion of $1,000,000 to Oxford _`L'nivm-sity for the construction of ;1:1col1op:rv of Social Studies. His . `Total g`ift.s for varioiis pumoses in 1 tho inst f(-\v_\'0m'.=t0t:1l ('9.000.000. `DIHDIOITII VVHPU rarl-lanwm gDt`? LU law "T10 larc so bemused by political stupid- gity as to venture such 21 stand bee- lfore the p*eople---though, unless a [ght is made, both political parties Inlay let it slip through this Parlia-- Vlnmnt unnoticed-4tlhon the qulestion `could be put to the electors in a. lpl'(-lbiscite. The question could `be very simpllv :-- l T)n vnn nnrnf. tn .rlm.zm~f. U19 TT11. \'Cl`_V Slnlplw Z--' Do you want to dwesert the U11- {ion Jack ?---the ag that has never ;d(-sorted you !--~Montrc-a1 Daily Star. ,_ /_ nv that ..-H zu-t. 11 Ill and The Dominion Department of Agriculture has issued a report describing {T1110 r- xthor hr. nnr rith |`|l EH W11 2:. ., .1 .`Vt L`Ull`.`S LU ."2|_\', nin;:'1_\' 1'ejr(`ctod by L'1C('tO1`ltC`; but. the If of that _\'oz11` came 11` to ud`optin2' it, 'iH1nn1* zrix-inw tho n-' Ion {mu (rqulppeu. is (":m:1'da :.:oin_s: to doubout k0 u ('hunc`r'~`. Rely on the .\':.\-): and th- .\Iom'oe Doc- H<:21\'n help us, if we do V\"(; will desorw what W111 115: to us---unlike poor old 1' n in-`.1 1' `Jul `on the ....v_,c`, u. .....,.uu.._. crim :1_;`a111.~ M1 chur- 152; to puh1ic:G I i n 1i1m:-s before ! _ so ub-r .\-.:I ... ......e.. ..`...u,-. 'L\ fl 1;, the pr. 3 ; , holus voplo :1. xvi}! We can supply: you with any quantity of the Best Make at right prices