Relief has come to be :1 mnjol problr.-m m Canzulu, and it i.~ 5-ilft` `.0 say that it will be :1 probla-m l'm years to come. llllll1l(flp:1lll.l\'>' present are t1'ying:` to shift tln whole burden on tlw _';0\'v)`l1I11m1l.~'. but wl1(-t.l1vr hurdnn is lmrno l>_\' on- m` tho otln-1'. tlw t:lxp:1_\'vr.< lmvc to pay for Il1x- <-n.<'.`. (;m'~rnn1-nt.~ do not mzmufucturo mom-_\'; lhxy simply collect` it from soIm- form, nthvl .<\1;w1'\'i.<- would umlm and r<*llul' 01' :m_\' st-rvlcnr un(lm' ::0\'-rnnhnl ion costs more than it municipal Stlpt-l'\'lSl0I1. 'l`l1r- Hnnn l1:l< nnynw wlwn m1mi('i- :13 tl1~- ])l'0]ll(` in- z.1.'Ln..:uau.;-my-.;, ../u.4.v.-v..-..,, -.. 5 Owen SL, Barrie. Phone 406. 1't\\vI\1? rnr\ v n ; In I` U1V1:lLu:Lu A-vAu.av-v..-... Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and. night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. 1::*..4..`I.1:a1nm-I 19.89 1 I I Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. .._._..-nv~ 4n Auv-v.~\v pm Masonic Tcmpie B|dg., Barrie Office: Masonic Temple Bldg. U. I`. lvlcuunlu, :\.u. Successor to Croswick,_. & Bell . _..-.-..u`v. nnr1n1v,.nn VT. STEWART & STEWART ___.__.._.. H.\.1..ynnr.m xv A\1un;,4; A\J ........ Ofce: Ross Block Barrie. ALEXANDER COWAN P.ARi{lS'1`I')R ul lIIL\-I ca-.. OFFICE: 13 O'F.N ST. :........l. nmm Rlmvalc. On` for Canadian Farm Products GORDON LONGMAN D. F. McCUAlG, . rV..__.... G. G. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ' |r--- :_ r`.......-.-L: 1V_1 MEAN .V_,....`...., _..-. MONEY TO LOAN ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISTERS 5,1, rV_....L -4` Mney to Loan BOYS & BOYS ___-... , WWII PRINTING REQUIREMENTS Business Directory The Dominion Department of Agriculture has issued a report describing rnapcx Au \.uuu\.\.-..v.. Established 1869 Bun We carry a full line of Magistrate s Constables and Coroners Forms. also Farm and House Leases. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue. Loolr over your requirements and plate: vour order with the Advance. Northern Ahnanrn Printers in Barrie since] 1847 Esten Barrie D. Stewart 50:1 Barrie, Ont. right prices Northern Advance PHONE 53 THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1938. \._...-.-.-... ..-..-.. x... , Miss L Lawson Phone 791 Well-Baby Clinic, 2 to 5 p.m. every Friday. Application for 11u1`sc"s services may 1.) madr: direct or through dovtqrs. ||Res|dence 144 Maple Ave. Phne 7004 Graduat of .\IcGill University. Montrr.-al. Omce and Rusidz.-nce-Co1-ner Dun- lap and Poyntz St5., Barrie. Phone 105 Office Hours : DR. N. W. ROGERS BHYSICIAN AND SURGEGN Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe Court : Ofc, and Residence 50 Mary 5. Phone 101 Office Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-530 Associate Coroner, County 01 Sim::oe Phone 61 0fce-58 Collier St. Office Hours : 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m.. 6.30-8 pm. LIICEIISBQ CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESS THERAPISTS 82a Dunlop St. Phone 403 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Elecanic Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustm-nta Blood Tests and Urinalysis We can supply you with any quantity of the ` Best Make at :H0me or Ofce Rates Rennonnbio 47 Elizubeth St. P110113 218 AMBULANCE SERVICE J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PIIYS1C1.~\I\' AND SURGEON Ofct=-Owen St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS .-. -1 SI,'I{GI~LP.Y .-'\.\'E DISE.-\S_ES OF WOMEN In. La ._uvu~., ....u. C. Littlr.-. .\I.B., Associate Corona: County of Simcoe. GEO. R. AND E. R. BURNS 1: Lb.)l\JL4LA_Vl.I `gnu -../VAyuua\1-\... Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Office Hours : m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointxlent . rn 1 mm, urn DR. E. G. TURNBULL n `U r1-II DR. W. A. LEWIS It deals with Beef and Store Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Dressed Beef, Horses, Bacon and Ham, Cheese, Butter. Condensed Milk, Dressed Poultry, Eggs, Canned Fruits and Vege- ublea, Fresh Fruit, Honey, Maple Products, Tobacco, Hay, Alfalfa Meal, Grass and Clover Seeds, Furs. ...,, ._ A. T. Little, urn P. C. LLOYD NERAL DIRECTOR Licensed 'T`f\`DQ n "A You may have a copy free Counter Check Books Write to Director, Marketing Service Depurunt-nt of Agrivulturz-, Ottawa Phone 53 about ]11Ul1l(`.l]`)al Supt-1'\'l. Thr- time l1:1.~' omnw xvlwn munici- palities will lnnw to work out tlioii own m'ol>lvn1,< in 1ll1~ m:ut-1` of lovzn relief. In this con1w('tion work niust be found for all 11l)l``-bO(llt`(l p_-rsons. .\Iunivip:1l autl1m*itio.- may haw tn . somv umlm't:1l such :15 opvr:1tin_u` community i'2n'n1.~'. municipal 1'L~fm'vstati0n,public roads. housing. otv. 'l`l1i.< will rnquire l'l'l011`.Z`l1t and plunninjr. but tho main idea should lw to provide yxninful eniploymnm for all. Should ulqo en tire burden bv shifted to the :mn ornniont. t.l1r-n we may as well socialize all our se1'\'ic0.= and aban- don our capitalistic system. Burk in I 1132. when Britain up- pvzmwl to Iw in thw d01(1l'Ul1l.:, Lhu "Bu; B1'iti.<]1" movement bG_Q`Z\11 to _11-u11<-1-___u~ from th c`h1'_\'sulis stage 01 `,1:1lk in action. The 1`l',".~'l1ItS were `:1. With cl1arz1ctm'i:~1ti<' '.vn:|L'i:`_\' th.- " hi) BI'iti.~'h plan was u1':1}.:`ni'/.1-(1 on 21 nutiona. scale am` it w:1.< not long before the public lnmune c-o11scio11s, through p1'opz1 -;:`m1(l:1. of the n,~fI'(,-cts on thv nat- ional pocketbook, and, pa1'ticuIarI_\'_ \ empl0_\'n1ent for, between Januzwy and :\l1'_4'LlSL of 1933. 649,000 in- . workers. or nearly one-fourtlw of the idlv. \\'(`)`t,' removed from th( ranks of `rho unemployed to the em` nlnrd pm_\'(1_ One of the most oft asked (]U(`>'- tions in that period, when thu- Britishr-r w--nt shopping, and parti- cularly by women, was Is it Bi'iLi. Those three words were ma.g'ica1 in results on domestic busi nc-ss. Possibly Canada might take a leaf out of Britain's notebook ir this regard for thv three words. Is it Canadaian ? used by Gan adians when buying, whether it bc industrial machines or hot clogs," `would soon quicken the national indu.~:h-ial and agricultural pulse. plnyd. Hun ``IS IT CANADIAN? riuuua llil\U UUCUIIH.` 21 =(.`l'lUL1.` nnnace in 1mm_\ Omario Cc!1t1`\.'.~` All over this cOu11t1`_\'z11'c . that requirw regtxlzitioii in 50111`, measure and for some pzzx-ticulzu purpose. With 1111- L'iL'2ll'il1j.," up ol forests and swanip i2ll1(i>'. rzzin wuu-rs 1'u. no the . r-:.m. them to 0\'t:1'Ilo\\' their 1)z111'2 (i'dn1`d,Lf`x" propc-1't_\` in p1'0ximit.;v. liv- forestzltion on 21 hi}: sculu wou1( appear to bra the only solution. l~Ivo1'y municipality should piun `c 1'01"o1'cst. L`\'L`1'_\' acre of \\'z1. lumi within its border. Cities. town: and \'i1la.g'a~" should :1]! be iI1l(:1`(.`.~`tA ed in t.1'1:-0 pl-antin_; and .~'h011`ad] plant at certain l1l1l11i)(]' 0w1'_\` _\`(-211'. '1`h:- Duplessis Government ir Quebec is pe1'hz1p.< more famous 1'01 its Padlock Law than an_vt11u1g' else it has done. Ac:-o1'din_: to this 1aw~ the Att-o1'ne3`-G'cne1`al can. without recourse U0 the c0u1't..~', 01'dn'1' am` premises padiockcd a'_2'ainst all use for 21 })(,`]'i0fi of not more than one` you) , if hue bnli-..\ws that ihey have bt-,0n u:<(-,d for th-: purpose of sp1'(2:1d- in}: communist propaganda. The (-ommuni.=t movement in the pm-1 vine is far too waak to liz1\'-_- ul t1`zu't|c;d so much zlttcnifion from the. _:o\'01'mncnt; the law is aimed at more than It. The term commun- i. is pu1`p0. h-ft uml.-iinld in th law bec:1u. as Mr. Coonzm, mini.stw1' without portfolio. put it`. :1 10'.` of p(-0})h- are c0mmuni. zinri rim1'l- 1(nn\x' if to <:xp1'(.- . m and those who r~du':~.tionu1 :;'1'zmt 1i\'in_2'. Much :1} n1` u-`l1..- ;.' ..u1l. H\'lllj.`,'. .\lU('I1 1l[)[ll`2H'." 10 Hi` Hiillif of \\'hz1`.` is (221111-(I Lhu In-W mLn: of . which .-_:'i\'v.< more 1'11--'- Iiom to tzxchc1`.< to v-xwcise their own initizllix . 1'z1tI1<-1' than frrllow :1 mt ('u1'rivu1um. With the diver. si _v of thOll_4'ht as (-xp1'0.<.~4(i h_\ mz1n_\` univt-1'. p1'nf(-.<. to-d':x_\ , may there not he :1 tend<'-nc_\- 10 make our educational system 21 nnans of disse111I11at1m: x-\\'.= that ;m- ('onictin,r: and not in keeping with e. hC(l '.1ut.ho1'it_\' in Can- :1dz1'. The onus is on thr- ttz1('h.-1's` and th-:: ;_-'1'eates'.. care should be ox-= r.I0rn:'-:1` Lu ..,.1.....1 L-. gun` L'uxuIu:t1ng' unu IIQL 111 Keeplng ada '. t`Z1('}`x.'1'.~' `. (-1'ci: by schooi boards in (-11.5: ing as inst1'uct01' only 1h0.~e \\nn: inuencv in tho com1m1nit_\' rnzlkvs` for good citizenship. lII'l`Il.` ls tn1'(-av-n0=a. The F`0 Goxfc-rnmcnt is aware `of thv ; Mini: of Ju.<< ticre Lapointc ntadw it clear that :such mov:-ments `are cont1'ar_\' tr law and . that an investiga- vsion into or;':xnizz1tion would hs mzulr-. It i.<,howr-\'A1'. ; that th Pron1ir:1`r)f Quebec. M1` DL1plw.<. whr-n z1. for his vir=w.= on `.110 f~dr-ml nttitutlr-, rr-markr-d. "W4. am. not }4`hUIlf.1` F:1.<<-i. hut ("um1n11!:i.~'!n."' In nth~'1' \\'0rd.<. [":1. so far :t.- tho (}m'r~rnm(`-n1 01' (2U`})|'(` f~ (`(IH("`)'l`H`1I. is tn h.'1\'r` :1 t'rtr- hand Since 1.015 thv Ontario Work- men s Compensation Board hu.= paid more than $120,000,000 in sation and ma~.1icz11 aid 1 onn nnn compen- for over :u-:-i.i;.n`.- 'I`Ixi.- `-`|rr11\-At .~zu,1Uu mm me-.ncz11 am 101' 1,200,000 :,1cciien'.<. This grures out to an 2l\'41~1`:1g'r- of S100 fm evmg\' zxccidt-nt. Imlu.<'Lr_\'. of cou1's'v, has to nd this money and nanco `these la1'_r:e opt-rz1tion:~'. It has br-c-n ;~:ai(1 that HR pm` c~nt. of all acci- dm1t.< could br- prevented with pro- per . and H11-~Ili:-:11t in- tn-rr*.~' on thr- part of n1ana_u`mn'-n1 and work. -1:<. In some inrh1. in Qm-hm` th<- u.<.< .<. is ha.=s'-d on the 1'9-(`twd of individuznl plan If -1 _~Lnn I~...l ...\ . ...4 4.. .,,,v 21 I0. 0L pt-()p1v and don't know it. _...`. -- nn-:- :1: .`\I|ll\ XIIIILI-`Ll|V.` Ill plant=. If :1 shop had an at-('id-nt. or .<(-\'omI. this _\'r-m`. fhv :1.<. \\"0u`. he iraiscd n--.\'t _\'r`a1'. This would somn to bc a logrical method of placing thr- rr-.' where it br-longs. In Ontario. as at pro.=on`.. there is no in('-nti\'- to . for :1 clean rc-cord; th~ us. on :1 _2`iv0n indu.=t)'_\' is based on thp total num hm` of z1ccidm1t.< in that 1-lass. H tho accident toll is to ho Ir-ssr:nr`d. ca1'oIr.<. mus: br- penalized. [UH UCil| st1~011:;'l,\' ublv spzu on , ...`.., Fascists in uniform m21_\' be F*"(.-I1 in an vast end Montrc-a hall almost. any (lay, in `p1'epzn`ation for tl1(- (lay tho party 1' xpocts tr come into power. No longer can thw D(`O})l'+` . II (-:m t happex` here. It can. and if the mow- mont is allowed to continue. oux domocrzxtic ::tructure of 'govern~ m-mt is thrc-atr'no-cl. 'l"l'\r. TT`n/lr.:-nl ("Ins Floods have become,n-n in I\1un\- (Nun... `..,..,.... , V fw "`\\'p I ('ommuni. so :1 t`r=r- `nan The Northern Advance, Barrle ll Il"`l` Just th (-hi: ` intr-n'io ' n u .1 L ,. 1;` ave _[_`\\'O FOREIGN TOURISTS LEFT $172,000,000 IN CANADA `L\IlllI.`L.` In \ unnuul uul'lll],L` IHJ1. \\'I'1".' upp1`0.\'im:m*]_\' .`2();';,000,000 and thv Intul <.\'1'>~ndit111'<-.~ of (`an- `adizm tou1'i:<`.= in other count1'ic.~' :1pp1'o.\'im:1to'1_\' $`.2?.,000.000. :1cco1' `Sm: `.0 thv'10n Bureau 01 `Stntism-;<. Th- c02'1'espon:lim: esti- mates for 1S'3(`- xv-1'c $249,000,000 and S10T.000.000. rosp.-c1iV'01_\' The favorable balance accruing tc .C zmudu on t0u1'i.~'t. trade accoum may. thercfol-c, be placvd some- '\vh-(-re in the nr-ig'hborhood of $172000 000. as r'r*n`_'rnrod wi $142,000,000 in 1936. Th 0 .u... 1 `\'1(~\\' m h0:1. Yul`: nnnlu ..n FASCISM IN CANADA .`L' \\lIU ill" l mu} :;'1'z1nt.~ and 21p[w:\)'.< 1` tht _\'_ 3.-'i\'v.~ +. ..n`l....-.. `~11 U(`(' 1.` ('( hand. H19 01110 it-I` of tho -Published at 123 Dunlop SL, Barrie, every Thursday -1 'I\ '|rr\1'\1'\Yrm/-\\v .-.. . .. . . M, D. MORRISO-N, Editor and Publisher The N01-fhem Advance RELIEF AND WORK p-nditu1't.-s of fort-i;:r. .'m:1d:1 during` 1937 mrr-1\' .0n.: nnn nnn EDITC)RIAL PHUUXU [JIHH 1, \\'z1.<- .1 .L V 4-.` \\ ... \\ HS \\'h(.-n II.` LU Ui` HIHUC 1-i\'v.< fro-v-` <.-.\'o1'cis0 Lhor xmn. um ..~ nu.` from (lrpv al ]f'\'i1 HUIIL L` i\\\'ill'(;` istm` ion 1'. (`hmhnn 11.. M1`. .~\r<-:md, pzu't_\', in an I-nnf'ul..nHr WHAT EVERY FARMER S HOU LD KNOW [H'('[ ` H11 nun.` Lnc the . aimed (`I-!\l'\\l\`\ .1 H (ll L_\ , Ill an ('0ntl1-ntlv nut 1(\ n.` H ll"'U U) :_\' would ontrol by euchv I M L for n-.~11'e'u` Tanada \-nil 4 n THE PLiGHT OF THE TAXPAYER?! lIl5\ u uus-.....-. Des`pi.t.e the fact that those in cl1a1'g'e of our 'g`0\ O1`l1ll1('1lt:~` and public uffai1'.< are, in most case-.<, men who in the comlunt oi` thcix own p1'i\'atc ull'uir.~' build up 21 re- se1'vv to 11l\'u care of old z1};'o,Inz1ix1- `tain the l'21mil_\' .'="1n(lin_u' uml ;ri\`v their Cl1ll(ll`L`I1 a fair . in life, we ml t.ha.t. the urgrc to S})\.`l1(l pub- lic mon~f*_\' without 1'cg_~`z11'(l to the .umount of 1'('\ v-nLl(t 2l\"1ll'dl)ll" ouch yam`. has built up an otitstumling: Rlvbt of about l`l_`. ,`l1t billion (loiI:u'.<. That is th- l)u1`(lcn which is bu111_4 l121I1(l('(l down to po:-tc-1`it._\' to lw borm in addition to the o1'(linmg\' <-xp0ii.<~- of 34'o\'c-niment. -` '1'l1n.<(- in cl1zn':.:- 01' our publicl ull'uir.< hzivo vast pi'Lulr,-n(-.- to thrl win(l.<, and in 1'c. 10 publi(` clamor hu\'c h~(:n . Ollll 1 th1'il't. long` l)tfOl'(! it \\':i.< _L{'&l'.ll1l'l l`(l Thv only . (.'0l`l't*cIl\ 4_` would` ... |\\ 1- ' ' 4,. I... on n` H./. ... .`L'l.`lll LU UK,` LU Illilnc Llll` L'lLl7."ll realize that on-1'_ timw l:.- :1. 1'0; :- txpcmliturn it himself. Looked at from zmothur point \'i(-\\'-i.< it 12/41' 11'. h- \\'oul(l la l1z1\'<.- 51 six to pzx_\ 0] all cli. to 1`L`:1l-I that to keep our from in- c1`c21. during the _\'-a211'.~ ; would l'lZ1\`(.` 1-oquirc.-(l additional tax l as of $30.00 per zmnum of ten mil.lion pt.-oplo? one stxgrgu-st tlmt th :- from Does 1'(.-sou1`cc.< each l any- 01 Czlnada 01' the p1`o(lucti\'c powc-1' 011` Ck\I12l(ll'cll1s the period by anything like ei_:-;h:ee1:' million dollars '. l1`LlI1(ll`(' (1 have any ;that sum `. similar amount by which we have store pr:-\'1ou.~: _\'L`1l` out of which to inc1`L-a.~:e(l 0 1' Did (`.u1'in_ l \V ' surplus from No, we added pay it to a had ial1'ea(l_v mor`.gage(l the future. T-Tn xv urnnlrl H1 :. nnlifimiunc ru 1 l V l l en 01' sn1'no(1 10 L110 g1u\' I l EUl'L`2l(l_\' lllOl"ug'21$IG(l U18 Iuture. How would the politicians 01 public men explain the situation 2 They would explain that during thc last. six years, knowing that the tax- payers were already very heavily burdened, they did not want to in- c1'ea. ~te the load, nor did they wish to impair their popularity by un- duly curtailing` expenditure. Find- ing, however, that '.|he_\' could still borrow. as governmrntal credit was still good, they continued to do so. If they were frank, they would \\':n'n the tuxpz1_\'e1';< that thr.-ir es- ('Zl])(` from lmvin; to pay the t.hru llUl1(ll'(`(l millions :1 year was merel_\' :1 poslponemn-m and that they must realize that tlu-ir private prop:-i't,\' \\'il>'lIl()1'1._J.'Z1f.!(l to 111., extr.-nt of vilcll tuxp2xyvr'.< .~'l1l1`(, of the :.-.\`c<-s:- l>oi'rowing`s. -\1'i- \\'n nnnlinrr run- vn.-rxn I'Ib.'..' 6n 1 l l l)Ul'l`U\\'lIl:S- _-\r- we pooling: our 1`('.~'Ol1l`CL"S to the lu-st :1(l\'z1nt;1g'0? The Confed- omtion l)21i'}.: z1in implied that. each should . in the 5.-'en(1';1l a(lvan- tzugre llll: 1'l`_'l1t.~' of citi7.z,-nsliip uquzxlly in all parts of Canada. Tho1'<- wa.`< inhm-(-nt in Conf(*(lr.-ration rL-co,<.';ni tion of the fact that p1'0. would occur in d~'-fl'01`ont (leg.-*1'ec.< in dilf(-1~(~n'.: times and in (lif`fe1`ent pl:1c<-.<. 'I`lw 1"-. of the difl'r-1'- M11 pzu't.< of the country are bound to hw in _L`1'caLm- demand at somc tiim:.<' than at others. Th01'9fo1'e, tho su1`plu.<(.-s in one part should help to make up for Lhv : in otlu-1' pa1'2l~`. Out of the b0`-1r`-`.y of on- place and time, a store should be set aside to take care of other times and other places. It is an absolute (lis_0_;1'ac<: that with tho 1'O \v`l-Iir-l1 \\'o- lnnxwr: and should be frr-tr to e.\'o1`ci.=c` Ul/He-' Ellll(.'I\' emu OIHOY DKICCS. with the resources which \w- have had at our disposal we did not build up a store or surplus. In .s:u(-ad. we built up this enormous (lc-ht. \Vh0r(.- hzwo we gone wrong` ? Ins!-ad of r(:1li7.ins-- I.l1nf mw Il(.`UL- W new nzwc xvg gone '. of rcvz1lizin_; that our Confederation a'01'd`r.-d us a place to stem some of our wt.-alth, so that \\'- could count on :1 certain stemi` it) _\'C`Zxl' in and _\'ear out. and com- fort and sv('urit._v in our old age, \v~- 11a\>- w_2'z11'(I<-(1 it as u conven- ivn`: place to plunder and we have ht,'(`H so ;r1'(-r.-d`_\' for f<-(IL-1'z\1 lwnets that w-- hz1v= untivipatcrl our 1'I.-spec- tivw .'~'h:n':-.< for _\'r,-m'.~' to Como. RM'nHn will rm1_\' ('0)'n- whvn the. puMi(' mind lD[)!`(.`('i2|I`.< thv shun- {inn nnrl ilidr-:11] rM' r-}nn1n\-1`.u- Fnv! IHUSI` 'llI(`]'H1_L` T01` not exc0eu1ng' 00 totalled 1,383,130. com- p.'1r wit.h 1,192,935. The ex- 1n~ndiiur(-s of motor iourists were . at $182,112,000. compar- d with $153,508,000 in 1936. '1`nIn'i:1': nnfr-n= Ev v-n31 nnrnknm-_ \\'lLl1 -)ll)C|,I)UB,UUU In .1360. 'I`om'i.=1:< ontrios by rail number- ~d Q.0.1.956, while those by steamel numb-;1'od 267.566. The estimatec. 'xp~11(1itur('s wr-re $53,429,000 fm tho;-0 who c.-ntc-rod by rail, compared with $9,$77.000 and $2.0.l6~`..00"I .. . I4 um wu- l'.. ..ur.Hnvu . 'I`m\~<-llrr-.< mm-1`in;: Canada via? '<~.:u1 })01`I.~. in 19537 nun1b~-red 15,1` 11: ). as comp:u'cd wltn 12,924 ix 1t..t'.. Th:-ir expvnditures were esIi~ mnvr-U at $1."..S.`)9,000, compared with $10.1-113,000. There were 3,- 1:1T.."..3: uutmnol)i1,'.~ ~n`.c-ring` Can- nrlu for not 4,-xcc-edin,2` -'18 hours, .-on1pzu'v (1 with 2,880,265 in 1936 'I`ho. .-ntr-1-in.: for not exceeding /10 dn\'< fninlh-11 1293120, r-nm. ll()H {UNI u\'po11dit11 pr11d~ n(-r- -.-u1.1l.. ..l 12111 -`1~1.HS7.0U0. .\I-Donn r\`I\v.. Mr. Merchant- How about your Hl.\`l." th vi- CUl']'(,`CLl\` U lnukc the timcw h.-. :1 ` to public 1 `thr , 3. pubIi( i `H1 (`NH 1 HHH "How, l'lZllll()l'XlA' on thrift :on of :1 .'l1l`l'l`U would c1Li'/.~.-n ; . .1. H... x XLU'd- ` for I and ` r\I\\4 jSolicitor for obtaining probate of `,will, guanliunsliip and administration land Gcncml Solici-tor, Notary Con- ` vcyzmcur, I.-tc. `|VI\\1l.`\ 'l`f\ 1 (\ A \V nun. us. uv-u "B.4-musTERs, somcvroxcs, NOT- _.\m1~:s PUBLIC. coNVm'ANc1~:Rs, ETC. Issued under dirvrlirm of "on. Jumns C. Card.-`m-r. Jlinistcr. V 1>._.\1m1sT::u. SOLICITOIC, NOTARY 1 mo. unn..vvrn.\- -.-. ...._..... I BARRISTERS, SOIJCITORS, `NOT- KIARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYA-NCERS. 4x;vLA4>u ; v.....\., v\,.. . .._.,,.-, Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. I 18 0wcnSt. - lD. M. Stewart C. Stewax CAMERON 8:. CAMERON VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES BARRISTIGRS, SOLICITORS, ETC. (BARRIE BR~``NCH> .. l\ , c. n,_.__:_ m,___ Anc 791 nA11R1s'rER, soL1c1'rbR, 1 MONEY TO LOAN , l`)|__l_ l)_._.. R _ I _ 1 PhOl1g 82- UlJ."1U1`_i: LL ; UvVr,.;\ .31. Branch Ofce, Elmvalc, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys L).1J.\d.\.1k).|. LJAVIJ Solicitors in Hi h Court of Justice Notaries Pubic, Conveyancers `Money to loan at lowest current : rates. Ofce: lst F1001` Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. I ~ 11 n L__ MI LT 13!-can f G. 11. Esten-` C- _jT. DR. C. C. FLEMING "1VETERINAR.IAN AND SSURGEOX Ofce, 48 Bayeld SL, Barrie PHONE 311 The British Market