\\\_.\`\V:,`__ \_` \x'1\\\\\\ ' " x\\ o `_\ A \` \ TWDWEEKSVAEATIDN mvssvnul DAYS AT \ QQ PARK CATHOLIC VMEN HEAR ADDRESS ON COMMUNISM THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1937. IIIUIHSHI. .`\ Illl'_L'(` HLllHU(`l' \\{'l\` H! :mvnd:\m'e. including: visitors from .\lid1:md and Orillia. The speaker was ixztroducod b_\' R-'\'. Father L. Smith. The vote of thzmks was tend--red by E. B1'_\':`.v and s-scnndod by H. Smyth. E. A. Ryan. Grand KX`;i}:ht. \\':=.s in the clmir. 0 `_. Ix Rnrldpc T:n fun-psckcd days at Jasper Pzrk--and a glorious journey in the air-conditioned comfort of (he Continental Limited. That`: what your S-week vacation offcrs ycu- golf, tennis, fishing, swimming, riding, hiking or Ioafing. with the infon-nal haspitality of Jasper Park Lodge as a delightful so:ia| ba:'x- Sround. This year visit Jesse! National Park in (ht Canadian 9:01: .30 Incas: P:-K I nrica THE THINGS THAT COUNT _----. ....., .._._V_,-_.. ALVA`); CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS. ground. Inns wsu Jasoer Rockies. Rates athsper Puk Lodst, hen $7.00 a day including meals. W0men s Page Your local agent will gladly furnish you nith full inlocv nation co luau, liuimctc. Auu...... ...p ;-.;uAn... The tliixigs that count in life are free ; The p1`ic(`lc.~;s gifts that come from Thee. (Love cunlti be bought with all the go That llllllll Iuis found; nor is health sold To you in ja1's, and not to me. In n1oncy'.- [)l`4+`(.`llC'_` joy will flee, Sunshine and air you will not see ]"o`.. in storc-s; the rich don't V` hold l\In...v 6 . J Ind ..nnu+ -ZILUII bold. : .... A ,`y VR\ $35 ' rmer. but I an: :20: '2: Lib" ` sny forg- E er. '-Preu:i-:-.v Mitche; Hepburn. H. C4:~wde::. a pioneer of Vase)`. died at the home of nephew. .-Luz..."-'* Cowder.-. 3:35: week, in his S326 year. A pleasing incident took place on Monday, just as school was clos- ing; for the day, when Mrs. J. A. Lennox, local and county superin- tendent for scientic temperance contests in public schools, accom- panied by Mrs. Devine, visited Missl i\largaret Henry s room in Prince 01} Wales School and presented prizes; for essays written on the subject, Why a boy or girl should pledge` ihemselves not to smoke cig`a1'et.tes| nor drink alcoholic beverages, Principal Morrison kindly introducctig the visitors. | 'F1.,. 6'.\ll,....:..... ......:1. ...,..Lw 1.111` 01 1\m_;' U<:0I'g'e V1. 3rd loo-.1] (tie) Flora Thompson, prize, Picture Study of King George VI., Queen llizabeth and family. -lth local (ltie) Lisle DeRivers and Bill Needliain, Alger books. 21111 County prize, Lorna Love. 3111 county prize, Barry Burde.tte; book. The Triumph of John and Betty Stam. i 2 i "1 LOCAL .AND COUNTY PRIZES i RECEIVED IN ESSAY CONTEST I um v1sxu)1'S. I The 1'ollowin~;: pupils received awzxrds :: 151; local, Lorne Love; prize, Lifv of Queen Jilizzxbeth. ` 911:! In;--,1] I`.-,n-my Dnmlnn... T\VI:PII\ Luv 01 Uuecn Jilizzxbetll. 2nd local, Gzu'1'y Burdette; prize Life 01' Princess Elizabeth. 3rd local (tie) Elwood Life of l\'in_: George VI. 100:1] (Hp) Wlnvn a 1 Hillman, T11 nI\1ncnI1 n0lU u l.l]ll1j.', .s' that count. Pez1ce,btruLl1, and hope will always e ']`J1v g'il't.~ of God; there is no fee For l\'21turr- .~: .~,cem~.< and somgs. Be hnlrl A June wedding at St. )`Iar_\"s mormng when son of Mr. and Moore, Toronto. Chu rch was solemnized on Monday Margaret Gertrude, _voung'est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Coady, Barrie, became the bride of Adrian Fraser Moore, Mrs. Blonsignor George H. H. J. Sweenney performed the ceren1on_v. Mrs. Jas. Nolan, of Bradford, siste1 played the wedding mu. and Miss Olive .\Iroore. another Slstrlk sang` during the nuptial mass. = of the groom, The bride. 9'i\'en in H1. l')'l:1u'c: hv I .~m~r, san_: (luring Inc nuptial ma . bride. given in mzirrizige by her father. wore pink lace made on princess lines, with a large picture hat and pink accessories, and car- ried Sweetheart roses. Miss Minerva )IcCz1rth_\`, of King'st.on, fornierly of Bzn'ri~:. was bridesnmiid, while the groom was supported by his brother. Ed_u,'ar Moore. Gaudet and John .\IcCarron_. of To- ronto. 'L`nl1-. Ushers were Joseph_ OHIO Followin_: the reception the happy couple left on :1 motor trip throurh Muskoka and northern points. The bride travelled in a yellow silk linen tailored suit with brown accessories. On thei return Mr. and Mrs. I\Ioor:~ will reside in Barrie. A recital by the pupils of Joseph's Convent was presented St. .\Iar_\"s Parish Hall on Friday evening last. The entire pro{:1'an: was delightful and all who had the good fortune to be present were treated to an evening of good qual- i:_\'music entertainment. E\'er_v num- ber was oxce-edi:*;g`l_\' well in be complixr. _ nted on their musical ul1ilit\'. S:.3 rendered 5 and the youthful performers should` ov Compllm:-!1t(l their ability. The pro_-:1`an1 was as follows: "Chim(-5" (liennedyl Dorothy Du- mond: Swin5:in::" (Kennedyl Mur- my Hammer: "Cradle Song" (Wil- li:1n:.=l Allan Sh1~11b. : "Tirrlo I ENJOYABLE RECITAL BY , Q PUPILS or ST. JOSEPH`S{ 1;L_\ nunmer: "Lrame 50:15:" l'\\'il-', Shrubsole: "Littlel W2`-.ltz" (Schubert) Patsy .\Iadi_2'an;i "'I"h~ Old Fiddler (American Follcj Daxwe) Joseph McBride; Walt2:'r._~:"i (Bl. liennedyl Cecilia .\I<'.\'amax-azg S:1iliz::" (Williams) John Bre~nnan: "Tho P1-incoss"' (P. l{e:med_v) Fran-l c=.= l~{::x'tt: "Spring: is Comings" (Ger-2 m;`.n Folk Sm-.9 Jm-1: \\'ql:`h- D.-.. -..\ .;...\K:. \.x. x\r.':1.'l`:u_\I num Sor._:) Jack Walsh: ci..=.tion. Rhoda Walsh: V (Schuhcn) Amelia Cucu`.ic": Dartce" {Wi`;]iams) Helen \\'} "little Diamond" (Dance-) (1 vy`-1~\4~\ T;.nn.-oo- \|'.. .. .11, MOORE--COADY 11:` L211: and Josephine t-;- (\\'er."n.=1- I .' - av...` I` DUIU and trust in love that grows not cold ; LH;-'1] ;:iw.- to those, who bend the knee Th; thiI1`g`.< t.h:.t count. --Chm'les Grant 1\Iz1cl{cn'/.ir:. .1 LUCIIXICK; "I'Z?.1I'1*35 =) \\'hitin_2: (Ensze -= .\I:=.1~ien: In H-.m_0-; (Davies) _Th-`- I and the I-`Id-321:: hine Giorgziaztn \\'.-nu-,.;..\ 1 f\VIih4\ ,u1_';i1.':X1>:; Lorraine . Dn..." [11 11*?` ;.'tl 1&: :$lI\KF_\ 35.1. The new ying boats accommodation for 20 and 2 small qu:-.r.t.`::: of ax: max}. FUUBES. ! ' PLAN 35-" EDD T COWIE fr CO. London June 16.-I-".`;\"2r.-g oo:=.:: ' ' ` 2:;-pro. tat-:-E) $0.000 lbs. v - a nine. n,~_vv-u-w .-_ Smart Set Sk Shoppe SPORTSWEAR VVools VVools % Wools RED cRo?s cars $215,000 FOR ONTARIO noon VICTIMS Elizabeth St. Barrie. GRENFEL JACKETS SALES and SERVICE H.R.PALMER DODGE and DESOTO Phone 730 Phone 218 -A.\' 35-TON FLYING SHIPS FOR THE ATL.-\.\'TlC SERVICE P. C. LLOYD & SON DAY AND NIGI With considc-rzlblo donzltions still conxim.-; in, the Canadian` Red Cross Socivty rvpo1'ts`I.hz1t, approximately two hundrvd and fteen thousand do1lu.r.< ($215,000) have been contri- buted to date from 211 sources for the rm-lief of Hood su`erers in West- Lrn Onrturio. 'l`l... L`.-rl ("1-nae n\'Y\1-ncnan Ha `hon:-dvn .-\n_m1a11c-e Service 56 Elizabeth St. HOSIERY Our Specialty ALL KINDS DIRECTORS FUNERAL LINGERIE HOSIERY The Northern Advance UI}`1ill'lU. Thv Red Cross e.\'p1'esess its hearty hanks to the thouszinds of contri- butors. ruprusentilig e\'e1'_v section of (`.anz1di:m life, who have given so uickly untd gene1`ousi_v to this. the `st cnwrgelicy appeal it has been called upon to make on behalf of Ontario disaster victims for niany years. x Pzn-imr f.rihnfn in Hm nnnmineiin Barrie. Barrie. GH I S.a:Ee'; B21 itw and P.:~..';`-.533` Mac- D-:-'.:.=.';ci wiil probably tour the Em- ;-` the "goodwill" represer.ta`- ' King George` V1. 2': .~ in London. .n_--.-u-.-n-.- aka: a: an.-:_-snn I111- - According to the advice and ex- perience of the Field Crop and Gar- Iden Insect Division, Entomological `Branch, Dominion Department of ;Agriculture. the best and cheapest poison to us-'-. in the control of thel gpotato beetle in Eastern Canada. is ;calc1um arsenate, at the rate of 112 1 `pounds to -10 gallons of Bordeaux` znixture. the Bordeaux iself being- composed of 6 lbs. copper suiphau.-.1 -1 lbs lime and -10 gallons of *.v:~.(er. If the calcium arsenate is I sed alone in water instead of Bor-l deaux. two to three pounds of hy-u idrated lime should be added to each! 40 gallo . Should arsenate of lead! or Paris Gr+~:n be preferred to the: calcium arser.a'.. s the poison to I -d. two to 2 `e pounds of '.he ax-senate of lead or one-half to one \ !'yn11m'i A7` D-:1-5`: o" r_" rnav R.-_ _~u1r._ `.2 : me: abroad to acquaint the gov- x::e:.t.: of the Don-.*:23or.-5 and pos- ons with the new reg'in:= 'T"r~= `Pvr; \l'?ri:',;'-: n? t'r.= Tham- :5`? " . :.ll-'- "/`ErE` 63: kzpfge . A v . wk & 1 Be Ig_-,do:.`.:; -'10 1:270-' I.-`c-n5 5`-cs af =`' ..:-v:. I-',-,1 C""" Y` an B.-\LDWl.\' AND MacDO.\'.-\.LD ! MAY TOUR THE EMPIRE -v_v_....- u..u K-.`-.t.....,,,, . or three applications -a season` should give suicient protection from all ins:-cts. Potato beetles are usual- ly found in the e`.-d before the new} l"`l\Y\ A4 71:1?-371-n:.: POISON CONTROL OF POTATO - BEETLE ars. Paying tribute to the enthusiastic and wholc~hcartod assistance given by countless Red Cross. volunteers and by many velfaro and other or- g`;ll1i7.:lIl0l1>f, both in its appeal for fuxids and in the arduous task of its In-zimlws in quickly and o`1cientl_\` administering: relief in the all ect.ed areas. the Red Cross stated that this (lisa. had proved that the sym- pathies of Ozmadizm people and their (if-. to help were second to none wlion a major cataszropc ovcrtoolc :1 section of their own countrymen. Hos n~\\':|r!I1iI' n.-nuns-nrl Inn .-.4 `IIENR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS We carry a full line of .\Iagistrate s Constables` and Coroners Forms; also Farm and House Leases. Loo}! over your requirements and place vour order with the Advance. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue. Nnrthern Ahnanre PHONE 53 Printers 1 Barrie since 1847 Page Seven .\'(`('IlUll 01 lHL'll` U\\`H CUUHlv1'_\HlUIl. nlits czu'efu11_\' prepared plan of hlief. the Red Cross has given prim- ary consideration to those families whose needs are the most pressing and who are least able. phjs'.~`ica11_\' and n:1nei:1I1_v. to re-establish them- selves by their own efforts. This `p01iL'_\'1`l:\S been followed by the Red Cross in its disaster relief W01-k all ow)` the world. __ ".'ndvr the :\uspico.= of the local (w.ci1 of the 1{ni_:hts of Columbus. a \':`r_\' intoro. mo--sting: \va;~ held last .\Iondu_v o\`onin_-1 in the K. of C. hall. The spe:1kr1' was the Rev. Father Igmphic-1'. director of the (`utholic Radio 1.0333110 of St. )Iich:1o1'.<. and his subj.`ct was Com- munism. .\ 1:n`}:0 nulnhorw-31'o in \|;,u.,...: ....,: n..m:.. 'r1..- :n.~..~.1_-.n-