Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Apr 1937, p. 8

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Co!1i9r_5tU9i!9*!. chszcht 1u1.n. l:I;i': . to} Ridwoll. Sh:mt_\'{ I V. H137 x? 00 details had, was served enjoyed by! 'u`dt`l`i(`k H nspiml. 7. to Ur. 4 .\Iu1c:1--~ I G K. a I EOIIYE` CZISCS 1 i the air in all class rooms. F! the board should aspector, in! his report sugigcs-tetl im- 'provement of the me Leacmng lacks I01`cc.| l'lhe school is fortaunlate in having an efficient secretlzury. The board; should seriously consider the advis- ability of engaging an extra teacher to relieve the congestion. P.S. Inspector Suggests Improvements W. R. McV`it.tie, public school in- ligglintiiw; facilities ;in the cllass rooms, also the provid- ing of adequate moisture content in A begin- ning` should be made in redecorating.-;i .some of `.-he more g'l-.oom_v rooms, also ' continue the pro- gram of providing; every pupil with a desk suited to his or her size, al- so replacing' the plaster bI.ackboar The teachers are all doing fairly 900d W',01`k. 'T`l1np rpr-on-`Jlv pnmnrrprli so 1'epdaClI1g' the plaster bl.aCKDOa1`ds. `- fairly` good work. Those recen-`Jly engaged . are making` a good beginning amdl give promise of developing`. Some improvement is desirable in the teaching of oral readinp;, xvritingni oral arithmetic and comnosition. 5 The currimilum has hnnw Im-nmhm- I I 4 1 UlhCUlHl.Hl'LlUU. 1 ` We have, he advised, received' no government grant towards the,` :'upkeep of uniforms for several|- _:-`years. `There is, therefore, now only`-_ enough uniforms on hand to fit con-; tlsiderable less than half the boys in ; slvhe school, and most of those are in I need of cleaning and repairs. lt.i would take $150 3, year at least to! :2 mainrtain the unifonns and an im-1 Imediate expenditure of $200 toi [turn 0111' a fair corps this year. In? :the past we have had to give time? 'for t.rainin;2,' and p-mrades equivalent: `to two and a half full days. This` has been done by allowing 70 min`-5 gt ute periods per day for several days ;_and while the boys are ou`.' the rest`, -: of the classes are allowed a st.ud_v d 3 period. l (`,n1'1-nznnnrlnmr-n 1-run] G.-.n.1uA.~.,l urzu anunmeuc anu Colnposltlon. The curriculum has been` broaden- ed to permit the to`-anching of music, iand the start made in several class- .es is meeting` with success. Mr. Girdwood Advises Cadet Tgraining be Discontinued A. R. Girdwood, principal of the Collegiate, wrote advisini5_>; that. the [Cadet Corps an`; the Collegiate be discontinrued. \K/'n 11011.4 3 Ln uAu:~.\A Nunn,~..w..i ' UUEFU. -! rrhe boileri the boilers in : 1 I inspected and 2 1 The Victoria 5 "labile 10 ta-ke c .bu-`. owing to ` !are liable to s _ I consideration s " l placing it. I It's Results That Counll 5 pt-.`l`l0(l." l Correspondemce read inclluded `quotations from Ra]-ph Weaym-outh, `J. J. Cash & Co. and Walker Stores `on coronafcion ags, caps and other: supplies. ' 1 Wfninv _T TI` \lli1`|{nnn~ nut] U 1 cuppucs. * I Major J. FIT. Williams and H.E E Jones, representing` the Canadian `, |Le'g'ion, appeared before the board} `with samples of ags and other ` coronlartion decorations, and solicitedg lorders. ; E T (`V v........ -4: Lr.....:n.... -_-1_--4 uruers. ` J. C. Evans, of Hamilton. applied. for a position` as teacher should the} board he s`Jarting' a class in manual: : Ira-1ning. I I Q (-`.nrlrn1-A nnno +`nv nnsHnn .-.4 I . t1'd|lIllI1g'. ` S. Goddard applied for position 01. caretaker should a vacancy occur. I n"11> corn~a+a1r-n n-F -`Inn f\u~`|`Hn Dn.....I 'caretake1- should I , The secretary of the Orillia Board , `of Education advised that the O1'i11ia1 Board would be pleased to visit the: Barrie Board whonl convenienrt. J A \Tv.u-T.r.n-on n+' Han l"`....\ ` Du1'1`H: Doaru wn0n' convenlenn. J. A. MacLaren, of the Tree` - Planting Coronation Committee, I Iwrote suggesting: tha`: on Coronation Die-_\' two trees be planted, one re-` ipresenrting the pupils and one the . board. - average 151.69, penny bank $28.12. 01.0, penny oanx $00.64. * King` Edward-Enro1ment 237,| `. King George-Enro1ment 20, aver- iage 12.35, penny bank 85c. ! 260 Had Measles , {The school nurse, Miss Jean Mal-9 |comson|, reported that she had made! 134 visits to the schools and inspect- -ed 552 pupils. Fifty-seven were `ordered treatment. and there were 47 Ire-adnu'$i0ns. At Prince of Wales: [there were 100 cases of measles, and the same as Victoria. At King Ed- iward there were 50 cases and at `King: George 10 cases. :uuL._\' one nay eacn. Prince of Wva1es--em-olment 471, average attendance 379, penny bank [deposit $68.47. I 1 Vin+n\-ia_I`vav-nioxannt Ann l I In the l\I:1nitol:r'a. Legislature onl `I\lond:1.\', notice was given of a bill to revise and consolidate the income tux. .-\ppro\'a1 was given to a sec-4 ltion in the City Act to permit. city; councils `:0 impose an occupancy tux 4 on all residents up to 10 per cent.i of tho rmmxl value of the p1'op(r.;"3 iovcupied. \ 0. . ....ll 4.... 1', I .1 u - I Tho Iax is to be po1'mi;:.:i\'e and :not cnnxpulsory .and may be applied Ito oithor owners or renters, or` both. as the council sees t. Both Who occup:1ncy tax and the poll tax! are to carry with` them municipal voting pri\'ileg'e.. -n.b........a. On the said lands is said situate a `good brick dwelling with all modern conveniences. 'I'........-. 1n nnv nnnf nf H1: ! Measles Epidemic Affects l ' Attendance ` YThe reports of the principals for lM.::vrch all showed a marked decrease fin at`endance owing to the epidemic {of measles in town. I ' Collo*giate--.-Xcademicz enrolmeml -for March 556, average at tendance_ 9496.32 or 89.26 per cent. Commer-' icial: enrolment 64, 56.83 or 183.79 per cent. Miss Bell, Miss Moore and Miss Henry were off sduty one day each. Q Prince nf Wvaln=_nm-mmm-.+ A771 ; 1 MANITOBA TAPS NEW i WAY "no RAISE TAXES; I I_ucpU51L $06.41. Vic co1-ia-Enro1ment 407, average 313, penny bank $50.84. - `Kin-tr }1A"\lT .3Fl"_]:`,71vn1vs'\nv\vf now I ~ :\!:v. w 1` \ idt`d. \r\ \ ukvA\-\lu I A $5 poll tax for both male zmd, fomulo residmlts over 21 yon)-s of; :1_1:o. who pay no taxes, is also pro \'idPd. (Continued from page om) l ' inspector advised tha-`7 3 1 all schools had been` 1 all were in fair shape. School boiler is still] care of the situation, 3 its age hidden defectsi ) show up any time and; should be given to re-| l Phdne 18 Av vv vr,-_.....__.O BETTi:fz LIGHT --.BET'1`ER'_SVIGHT MOVEMENT and have on hand lamps and xtures recommended by the Ilkuminating Engineers Society. L. A. Emms F. R. Kenny W. A. Lowe & Son A. E. Smith Urry Bros. 155351315 1C : 3&- PRESENT A FULL LINE OF EXCELLENTLY PREPARED COOKED MEATS AND BACONS. M.-iN'UFAC'I`L'RED IN CLEAN, S.-\.I\'I'I`ARY, I{EAT'LH- INSPECTED KITCHEI\'S. VIRGINIAN BAKED HAMS OLD-FASHIONED BOILED HAM SPECIALLY PREPARED OX TONGUE CALVES TONGUE AND PORK TONGUE HAM AND BEEF LA MODE JELLIED VEAL VARIETY LOAF HEADCHEESE IJBXECI at D21-1'I'll`. March, A.D., 1937. T. R. KNIEi1?i i", BARRIE AGENT Butchers and Grocers HAR13y 'l_-IAGUE & SON \I\w!lVvI\v l' \Vl` (\lT l',`\If'I:`I I CKVTI V Dbcacl D. A. THOMSON, WILL POOR LIGHTING ROB YOUR BOY D0) 5 Eyes are L115 WLIICIUVVS CI [115 UKELIL ----one of the greatest things you can do for him, yet one of the simplest, is to provide him with proper light when he studies or reads. Never assume that all is well with his eyes because he does not complain. I-H: may have become used to working in po light, and his eyes may try to- accommodate t emselves, but in doing so they are sure to suffer strain. He loses a great deal of energy trying to see, he may become dull or restless, or lag behind in his studies-or he may be laying the foundation to permanent near-sightedness. Ta :9 an .-o-no-0-1:`.-an can-9 blag! inn nnf AF Inn Farnilinn to permanent nCar'$g(CQRC5So It is a startling fact that nine out of ten families are suffering from incorrect or inadequate lighting and do not know it. n -n ,1, 1| -1.-_I_ -I__ I:_L-:.__ :_ -.-.._ 1.....- and do not Know 1:. We will gladly check the lighting in your home. This service is yours for the asking. Simply telephone us or drop us a card and we will arrange to do this all-important work at a time convenient to you. (If you have a Ligling Service. inserf parficulars in space above address.) 5'35 I OUR boy s eyes are the windows of his brain ---on; 9f the Y`ou`e_an Mattresses rebuilt just like new.`1 Beautiful Dowm Comforters mad ` from feather beds, also made into ` Fearuher Mattresses. Eiqerdowns re- covered. Representative here now; Phone 1 186. FLOUR AND FEED GRAIN BOUGHT AND SOLD 3 63 Collier St. (Near Market) Your Business Appreciated WATER, LIGHT AND GAS COMMISSION We are Co-o*peratTiZng in the -u---- --rtu-r-rlil 1'\'lfIlI'IlIl'l'.l1'I 111'. ~TO LEADING- 'l`HURSD._AY, APRIL 15, 1937. j Proprietor 11 a.m.--Iffhe Minister. 2 p.m.-Cmsaders. 3 p.ri1.-Cen1ra1 Men. 3 p.m.-Our Church School. vvvl Mattre_s_ses:- .The Smart Canning Fastory, Col-` lingwood. is building a $25,000 ex- tansion to their plant and hope to produce over three million cans this Relief in Alliston for March cost: $188.95. compared with $453.60 for the same month 8 year ago. 5 Sunday, April 18, 1937 I 11 a.m.-Drums in the Darknss} 3 p.111.-`T]qe Church School. I 7 p.m.-In :he Image of Guod.% We invite you -1'0 worship with Us, Miss Elsie Cloughley, Organist REV. E. E. LONG, B.A., B.D. . Minister ' Lloyd Tufford, Organist and Choir-` master. ! Kauennuru 9: nannnuna, J] Barrie, Ontario, ` Solicitors for the Mortgagee. Dated at Barrie this 30th day of; T21-I-h, A.'D.. 1937. ' Chrouchman s Linarnent, Salve and Cough Syrup Mortgage Sale All those requiring licenses for 1937 must procure the same at once. This aects operators of taxis, truckers, butchers, restaurants. gasoline pumps, laundry and second- hand stores. Licenses are ef- fective from the rst of the year and unless procured at- once, prosecution will follow. SOLD AT MONKMAN S DRUG STORE DOUGLAS DRUG STORE H. SMlTH'S DRUG STORE Rnrr:n WHl1'I'Y S DRUG STORE A|Y1I`uIA Sunday, April 18, 1937 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Returned TOWN OF BARRIE `virus;-r FeatherB ed s 5.J3==ti1'cb;3l_;__ir; I D UKUL: Allandalo LU Ul`.' house i C>hz21'ged with being drunk in a1` lpublic place, Reginald Baker, of lChurchill, was ned $10 and costs 3 50:15 $2.25 in police court yesvterdlay lbefore Magisftrate Je"s. Baker was itaken inlto custody by P.C. Stewart 3011 Siaturday. The alternative to the ' gne was 20 days in gaol, which _Bake1- was forced to take when he ifailed to produce enough cash. Michael Kucharski, Crawford St., `Toronto, was given ten days in gaol " when he was unable to pay a ne {for speeding. This morning the ac- L_~ cused s brother paid the ne of $5 Sand costs and` the prisoner was al- lowed .0 go. ' lThn .!.l11'1'rl I-':i.' mi tho (in:-L-of none i `the land is `drying up fast and ;farmers on high land have made a ;.s&L.a1'. on preparing` the land for seed- ing. _ 1 I : I Fall wheat is looking exception- a,lly well in all parts of the county. Apart fro1_n spots where water lay, lthere is apparently no damage from 1 wimer kill. I j_.______ { Mr. Leighton: Clarke made a ;business trip to New York and yother sowthern points this week. I --Z------ i` Citizens are 11')e1:minded `yards celhars sta es etc. %c1eand up b} r Nay 1 s't. l0\V(1 ".0 g0. "The third case 0-11 the docket was :21 charge of theft against Peter Dunn, Ba1'1'ie, who was accused of taking coal from the Barrie Fuel & Supply Co. and pleaded guilty to the chlarge as yead. Constable Burfzch said that on Sunday after- noon he found Dunn picking` up coal and carijying it away in 21 pail. He was ned $10 and costs, amounting` in all to $13. I QCA LS `;u."e Eight jxj Canada exported 3,096 metric tons of certied seed potato to the Argentine in 1936. A metric ton equads 2,205 lbs. * _bush, soil best of clay loam. 0 -47 100 acres. 20 acres of prac- tieally free from stumps and stones, abundance of good spring water near buildings. Nine-romed solid brick house, frame barn, 50 feet square on stone foundation, with stabling and other outbuildings. As pthis property has come into my possession through a mortg-age. will A n-e farm. Con. 8. more or west half of lot 'Ta_v township. less, about _ Esell for merely the cost of the house alone. Immediate possession. In- spection invited. Apply to William ilgvlfeown-, 24 Engenia St, Barrie, v n . Palestine under the developmernt of colonization has rapidly risen to the position of the world s second largest exporter of citrus fruit. - ' which they shall Notice is hereby given pursuant ` to `he Trustee Act that all persons" having Louisa .\~a.1-kle, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simeoe, cgadins against the Estate of ' Widow, who died on or about the- 26th day of February, 1937, are re- !quested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- ' fore the 1st day of May, 1937, af-' ter which date the Execuirix will ldistribute the assets 3having' reg`zn'd only to the claims of `and will not be responsible to any others. TN:-.0.-ul at 'D......:,. ALL. 1n;L ,1 .- of the estate,` 1 then: have notice, ' I WRTGHf1`-.~\t Becton, on Sunday, : April 10, 1937, H'a.1'riet, Ann Wright, widow of the late Joseph Wi'igh~t. Funeral on Wednesday, xvizli intermenlt at Beeton. 1\`IcCLII\1TON---In Midland, on Mon- day. April 12, 1937, Dr. J. B. H. )IcCl,imon. in his 79th year. Fun- eral on` Tl1u1`sda_v, with interment at Uxbridge. ` Tenders will be received up i]l 'Wednesday, April 21st, for wix-in-g `:Pa.ins1vick School for Hydro. Plans `and specications may be seen any . day after 6.30 p.m. at the home oi `the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not neces- . sarily accepted. , B. B. Warnica,` Secretary, Allandale. R.R. 1. N017! CE T0 CREDITORS Ulla i CUNDLES WOMEN S INSTl,'IiU':TEl i l The meeting: for the election 01`: ofcers of Cundles Women's In-, 'stitute was held at the home of. Mrs. A. Cummin'_$ on April 13th. l `M23. Baker, the president, presided. '_Roll call, The funniest scrape I: over \s*.zr's in, proved very amusin .* After a number of business matters. _'had been atzended to, an interlude `of song was enjoyed. l mist Pl'PSl(lPht `JTQ nlfnxxrqxv 4;-u-.1-l OLILUFS Datd at Bunnie this 12th day of: !Apn'1, A.D., 1937. i Boys & Boys, Barrie. Ontario, Solicitors for the Exccutrix. ` Noiice is hcrvby given 1.11:1` ull creditors und others l1:v'inq.: ('l':1in)s ':L;, t.h(.- l`Js'.;1to of A(l<-luidv Harv Hell, mu. of the 'l`own of Barrio, in vthv County of Sinu-no, Spin-Lu-2-, (Iv- `('1':l.\'x-(L :m- n-quirml on or lwfnru vthv S('\'<'llh'<~!/Lh day of April, /`~..l),, :1$P.".7. `.0 Hunt] by part, prvpui!, or ...A.AI. I l)\ l|lV`H ` Admini. t1'ihu't'- t mnong 1 ]m\'in_s.; 1 which Ll -notice. n.....4 \\'ua\`lI. -`um: u'I[uH l'u OH 0!` l)(fH)l`1` g1.h(- ;1937, by iio to Lhv umh-r.:'i-,:`m-4|, Salk`!- +101 ? for ihu ;\'i4-In-:a of the L.~':1;d (](`(`H:|.~'1'd, :1 full :-l..'ll'HII'|ll of ;t.11wir <'I.'LiIns, duly x---x-im-.1. nml flu- n:1tur` of Lhv .<<-cm`i'._\, il` an-_v. lwlcl ,, I I.` L. ... ...) ..n. .. ,1 ... .n E$ REV. lOUiS PICKERING MINISTER !'.LUbIkk D1`! 11 {It ` 22nd day P:n'ri-, Onl:n'io. 2|-.i.~ of I\Im'ch. .-\.D.. 1.037. Stewart & Stemnrt, Bnrrio, Ontnri0 Solicifora for mid Eunte. TENDERS FOR WIRING OF PAINSWICK SCHOOL NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE OR RENT . t.h-_\ POLICE COURT 1 mo sc-rum`. . and ufh-1 'ntI`xcv.~' W! n .. .\ ..l. H p. I`'.. . ~' .-::ml only c-_v shall DEATHS 1 that all 2., must be 7 p.m.--JThe Minister. Fiteen minutes with the old fam- iliar hymns. :1-nvy, Hum (lulu Un- -d to dip` `id |`:'-I:lh- I l.|\'l`t'l0, a-lnim: oi MAKE WORK FOR VETERANSL CORONATION DECORATZ-IONS GR`,AVN-I-TS7$150 In I` i . FOR CORONATION ~ . . - l Engaged in the n1:zmufao.ture ofl coronation decorations in 'the Poppy I Fund shops in Toronto, nearly 1,000 I ex-service men have found telnporzn-y employmenxt. `.\I.nvpltv and `hnm1.f.v are cmnhinm-I! Fund shops in Toronrto, nearly 1,000 I _, I pa`! Shfnild have .mm ".`me for I lsupervlslon. .1VI`i'. G,n`d\_vood IS an Novelty and beauty are combined .p9ned plinclpal mh goo`; .b l'| in the va1.ie_,y of decorations expreSs_ 1t_y in: orgiamzation and udm1n'Istra- mg. their note of pan.iotiSm_ The non. 'T1_1e` tea`chers, on t.h_c wlholc, coromaon Flag mghographed Wi-th,ai`e_q11_al1ed tor the positions and the pictures of King George VI. andidlsclplme `5 Vwy g`. d thg'h "` Queen EIizaibeI`.}1 the Union Jack.iSih.'9 M595 H": ".achmg lmfks fmicc` the Red Ensign and `the C~mWn a1.e echool is iortaunlaiie In distinctly picturesque while me e"1c1enr secrez1nry.. Dhe boa_1'd; Coronation Shield is equally color- 5`h9`,`1d 3C,`u51-V_5`d1' fu1_ ilabllnty oi eng'ag'1ng 7., .1, _-_:.1. H-.. -2 I`.A.._._-L3 coimesdion. J.u1. I In the wide range of Ooronation; trophies provision has been made` for gal/a: street decorations and for! `Che d1'css_ing' up of private resi-- dences or business blocks. Small, cotton ags carrying the Union; Jack and Ensign have been fashion--` pd fn cm-vp H143 i*r1rh'vid11n.1 nmzxri an:-It JHCK anu I`4IlS'lg'I1 Il`d.VB D8611 .l'(l5nl0rl"` ed to serve the individual need and} to be used profusely on Clovonationi Dlaw in the CelCb*ral`.irm of family,` , municipality, `L own~ and city. T40 be own from the agpole there havni been manufactured large sized Un- ion Jacks of Admiralty wool bunt-l ing. f"..u..-nan`-.`.-.n` `I-....4.-\...~ ...u,\ ......1.1_., l Ab. Co1'onat:ion: bubtonsi are another fe.z1It`u1'e-some bearing` a photograph ` engraving of the King and Queen surmounted with a crown in: gold and a tiny ensign in red, white and blue, while another butilonl is pro- vided wf ha bar pin and a ag rib- bon: below, with the words: Corona- tion Day, May 12, 1937. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SAFER HIGHWAY TRAVEL The directors of the Indust1'i`al Ac- cident Prevention Association re- cently discussed hig'hwa.y accidental with Hon. '1`. B. McQucs`ten, On- tario Minis`er of Hig'hwa_vs, making the fo1lowin~g recommendations : 1 lrfnup. +1'\I\u-;\1Irv-14 n\-n nu. -4 . bill.` J.Ul1U\VlILc ,' l'CCUIllHHfI1U'clClOIlS : 1. More thorough examination of applicants for motor vehicle licenses` than exists no`. presnvt. 77., Adnnfinn nf n1nn:.1n-on H1-:4-' April 25th, Sunday School Anni- versary. ldlilll (:'Xl.S`l5 11". pl'SeI1'l. 2. Adoption of mcas-ures that! wlil eliminate such unsafe practices! L as passing` on hills and curves, is- regard of stop and warning: signs, failure to give proper sigmals to on-1 coming` `rafc. cutting out of line` of trafc and usu1'ping' that section_ of the road or 11i'g`hwuy intended} for app1'onghin;2' traic. ` 3. Improved trafc lanes. 4. Stand~'.'.1'di7.ation c;(rne of w21rnIr.g: It u 2:. nose. < ,' On April 121h Cundles Women's' 7 'Instituto hold a social evening` at the-l ;}1omo of .\h-s. Dodds. Mrs. Boyd! 1' and Mrs. Buldwick carried off the 'honors for the ladies and NI) . Herb.1 ,'B:1Id\vick and Mr. Goo. Laxvrenr-9` `Tor tho mvn. Mrs. BL'lk(`1 donated` _l1u- prizes. , 9 .ub..u. 5. Correc`ion of g.-;]aring head- l1'g']1ts, headlights out of focus andi vehicles inadequately lighted. L1 ..-.....A.~ A4` ..,..`.....m.,.:..1 ..._ ,1` i. | I 1...... ......\...;. [ 7. Elimination from the highxvay of into:~:icav`ed or otherwlse irrespon- sible drvers. ' `rxsnur. ' | ; -_ A social half hour and plenty e; l good wishes to the new ofcers ` ; .`broug'ht `the :1ft.omoon s proceedings .` '_to :1. close. n Au..:1 10"]. r....q1__ 111,, 9| .\,......-_ ...u\.u,....u.._y AA5u\.\.'u. . Hazards of commercial and; pnvate tvraulers. . r7 1.1I:._,,-,,,u , 1- .1 v - - ()1 song enjoyed. J Bast President Mrs. Ottaway took` fthe chair for the election of oI cers,l Mwhich resulted in the following beingz ' "elected for the ensuing` year: Presi-; ' 'den., Mrs. R. F. Smith; Sec.~Trea.s.. , _'Mrs. Ohas. Gilmour; 1st. Vice-Presi-K : dent, Mrs. Baker-;.2nd Vice P1'esi-' Vdent, .\Irs. Baldwick; Social Con., "Nlrs. Chas. Miller; Pianist, Mrs. F. `Fisher. ""- I On Tuesday, April 6th, `he Bar-; rie Women's Institute held a sale of work and euchre in the Legion Hall. The euchre was won by Mrs. Coch-; rane, with Mrs. Beleskey taking the second prize. `The lucky spot wasi won by Mrs. Lee. A dainty lunch] was served, which was followed by? the sale of work. n l"rnn_~A:n- A~.n.:1 19-1- LLA 7.. ` eral. L-He sale 01 \VO1`K. On Tuesday, April 13111, the In- stitute held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. J. M. Mills. The, meeting` was opened by the singing . of the Institute Ode. Twent_v-two| members were present. Mr. Page,` as guest. speaker, gave a very in-I tersting; talk on agriculture in gen-l_ A-"6-n .. 1'... L..-.f-Ar ` ' " ` l"cU. Aftey a few business been atended to, lunch ad a social half hour a . Under and by virtue of the powers of sale conhained in a certain mort- ` gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, uhere will be offered for sale by public auction at `he QUEEN S HOTEL._ BARRIE SATURDAY. APRIL 17 1937, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, by P. A. Coughlin, auctioneer, the following property, namely: .\11 H191 , pm-min h}Ll'(`_(-'1 of hand l\'l FS. `Fisher. A .- Hll)\V'l .-\t ihv H:1rriu~, on April Mr. um! Mrs. E. l{n_\'. n (l`.'l1LLZlh`I`. J.-\('0lH .-\l H10 Iinrric-. on April and Mr-` H .1 .l-:. u-r nu, S.'\I\"'l'll Hm ri.-1 u H mill In H I m Fir, 0 Mn. BARRIE WOMEN'S INSTlTU'FE \`.\ HI` I ll`. (IN . nnd . \lr.~ ford St. .'\\ NIH .`lIl(| M I':` I .: UH J I'II`. 0 1` MIT. ('tnl'\`. ` . n. .n. .1.-u-um, :5 .\1mm... n clnlurh`.-~r. :\l Ihv LV. Hospit..-11. ml .-\pri1 15, 1937, 10 MI`. ll. P. Smyth. St. I`.m`.' l`.-uiarvuln .. ogsn. the I'ouow1n'g property, namely. All that ceruain parcel of hand e situation in the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, and being composed of part of lot number twenty~three on Uhe east side of Mulcastcr Street and the south side of Penetanguishene Street, as shown on reg'istered plan number 124, which said park. is more particular- ly described as follows. Commenc- ing at the northeast corner of said 10; number twe'nt,\'-three, thence in a soutliwestc-rl_V direct-ion along the southerly boundary of Penetang- uishene Street sixty-seVen feet more -oi` less to the easuern boundary of Mulcas1:e1- Street; thence southerly and along the eastern boundary of Mulcaster Street thirty-six feet; thence easterly in a s'traig`h*t' line to a point in the easterly boundary of said lot twen`-y-three distant eighty- nine feet from the_no1'theast corner; thence in a. no1't.hwesterly direction along the easterly boundary of said lot eighty-nine feet to the place of beginning. ` , LI__ __:.1 u..._.:- :- ,...:,a 4.. L... , \vl.'l|}{\'u'lll'. :\ SCH`, I lhv RV` ITospi'.:1l. .-Mari! I4, 1937. to M 'I'..h II I.`..,..L_.. .>\l lhv l!.\'. H.\.~`pii:\], -'\IHH 1'3. 19117.1( 311`. ll l.`.n.l..- `......\ nm. I lhv R.\'. lln.-pi'.:xll. Rn"- .~\|n-il 10. 1037. in .\1-~. 9. \'m`\'iHv Luck. 21.`; Brad- H Qnll H. I . DH ('4':xi;:\ nIv. R.\ . .\....H II 1 BIRTHS ll l.C. IHJI. TO All`. 3-I] l\`n_\tl:~`. (`nmp Rnrdvr` HIM, The No1'thef5n Advance "H II). I: -In J:u'uhi, R.\". Hos'pi1nI,j 10t.h. 1937,to~ llhhunll Q1..`..:.. W1`Un all m0(1e1'n C0nVE I1ICIlCS. Terms: 10 per cent. of the pur- chase price to be paid down at the `time of sale; balance to be paid in thirty days. For further particulars and con-E ditions of sale apply to Radenhurst & Hammond, Rnrvin nnnr-in

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