Page Four one at the home of Kathleen I-lughes I " '19:,-:"c'go.' 'a;,i.;a.;'i;;:,; bought Mr. ` Jas. Le.timer's 50411011? 133'"! Cra.ig`vale. .;\.._Iuu1.ll n ` . . 0 at I* u|cu\\:b' _ inucn 01 the duties collected. Mr. when Premier collected `ll million from succession duties. lC|on'gl`atu`lztLio,]lS 4,0 1;/1.15,, [{u1,hVlVlr. Henry collected eigh; million, lsmim and M,-_ g_ 1,-win who wen,-}ar1_(l Premier Hepburn collected 15 .nm.n.iCd on S-ut,ur(Jay. During ~t'helnnllion. The seven million extra week Miiss Smilh was the guest ofvovv-r Mr. l-lenriy is but lb small part .honlor all; two miseeliltzmeous showers, i of thc 92 million. Liquor Out of Cntrol 'l`ihe liquor and beer problem is a `[)(',_l`])i`(. .`(ll'l` one. So long as the dis- `,tillcr.s operate under Dominion char- ter, the province cannot control the r(:(tcgnt niunul'nctnrce nml m-nh.i..+:,... - and one at Lillian Jrol1i1sL`oi1 .s', wheni she was the recipient of munr_y bemu- tiful and useful ;:ifl.. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ruth and l`amil._v, of 'l'orontu, W01`:- LIILII unu Ll21L'lUl Lflll-5. visitovrs w'j`.'h rielu1Il`ivz-.5` here. i R/Iluzuulnu -um. ....lln .... 4L. VI.\lL~U'l`.\' \V`J-`II l'Ul`il|llVl'.H' HUTC. 1 iVIOaslc.s :u.'- `1.',`I`2l(I'u2L_V on the, wzxrnu, u.ltlIou;,:`h two new u:L.<;r:-s (lu- vo1>op(.d this week. (`.`nnrrv:11nInHnn-.- In l\/Iv null A vunupux unis w(-nK. C`ong1`utuI:1tI()n.a' Lo concert hcd at 2nd. "I'Y|n;. Q..nL.,...n 'f\/l:,...!,_.. U..-..l ,, Mr. and M'rs. Gpo. Mulihollalltl, who won rst prize `in rtnhc adulviv clcuss at the :mmt.,zur Tihornhill on April; I 6 ` Olive Riobertson, Dorothy Rae, (}r-r-\`.he-se centres. i-ngr, Muriel Booth, l\lildred Wriizhtfil. S`im.p.~:on, ' ed by lantern slides illustratring the-|Smith and (mu ' _ _ . .u.eo. Li. Jol_m.s_ton, president of the ilihe Sunibezun Mission Band sprim,5`Rl(l1ng' Associwtioii, presided at ihe `t.l1u11k`()iTe1"im.v; nu~etinLsv; on April Slth Incctiniz and urged that every mun- xvas held in the Sunday School'icipal`it_V oi-ganize. With the excep- room. With Mrs. l"runk Graham us'ti0H Of "lly. Sumlidley W. GWil- lezuler, 1:. very int!-restinjx progrznn:lm.~bu1'y and Bradford, it was found had been prepared, c0n5is`.:in,," ol" that` all had organiz(.~(l already, and 1'eadim:.', music and reeit'.'1tions, bytsteps were taken to organize in aldine Reynolds, Mary Belle Bant-E Short addi'.<.~:e.~: were made by J. larrie; Ch-as. Carter .G<.-ndron, Pemetang; T. E. Law;~:on Robinson, Elm- Mission Band on 21 trip around thelvale; Jos. Spicher, Sunnidale; Her- \\'-orld, explained by Rev. L. S. Pais- man Lermox, W. Gwillimbury; J. F. ley. Craig, "I`. Lowe, .\Ia_vo1' H. G. Rob- At the United Wzomg-n';~; Ass()(;ia- m't:~:on, BZtl'l`lF', and `V. l1l1`tlF,`, Innis- tion meeting at Mlrs. O. Black s on fil. and Hazel Booth. 'llhis was follow-`and C l now to neip tnemseives and tnus= - set`.-ing an example for us to follow. ,The sympathy of the meeting: was" expressed 1'0 those members who had` suffered bereavement since the` March mee-ting; Mrs. Boadway in `ahei . death of her stepmother, Mrs. P.`os`s;' ;Mtrs. John- Reynolds in the death of her mother, Mrs. Waltlt, Marquis in the death `sister, Mrs. Cantelon, Plhns were ; ixniade to have a sale at the May` {meet`ing;, similar 1'0 the one at the meetin'g. The meeting and .\'I1's.1 of another - ;Febw1'uary Iwas closed with the Mizpah benedic- '-tion, after which lunch was served by Mrs. Cyril McDonald, Mrs. Fred; .M Mrs. Alberu Pratt and Mrs. Morley Webb. 3 IWi.c< Ml2\rhp|Hh Qfanrlpn n1i::inn-' .1. J_lJ.V.l.l.I.fJ.L`\J \JJJ\JJ.J (Continued from page one; In 1693 Governor Simcoe, want- ing a printer, had Louis Roy start the Upper Canada Gazette or the `American Oriole at Niag-ara, which ,two years later was moved to Mud- dy York, or Toronto. In 1699. how ever, the plant was thrown into the bay. In 1776 the Montr-eai Gazette was szarted. and so journa.li_:1'.: `oe- gan to have a rm footing in Car.- ada. though it took 10'. years to get from Halifax to Vancouver. The early struggles of newspapezs in Canada is appreci;-.ted when we think of Frank Oliver who ir lS0 .. ....,..J 1.1-... icy. |l. 0 meeting Wednesday af5<'e1'noo11, Mrs. Smalyl presided. In the devotional period i Mrs. Roy Goodfellow gave a splen- p did talk on I-Iiandicu.p;<, r:mp~hasiz- I ing our many blessings and few`. `handicaps, and how kind Jesus al- ways is to those suffering from physical hiandicaps, showim: them how to help themselves and thus` . nn rzvnlnrnla f'nu- nc in fnlinur I mrs. in-o1-iey weoo. . Miss Waybelh Standen, mission-1 ary home on fu-rlough from China.` was the speaker at St. Paul's An- gvliiclam W.A. on Friday afternoon. Havin.g' spent over 35 _vea1`s in China, Miss Standen s address was very interesting and inspiring. A numzber were presenuy from Church-' i11W.A., Thoriitoii W.A. and Stroud United. Vocal solos were given by` Mrs. Leroy Jumieson. of Thornton: Mciss M. Yeates, of Paintswick, and Mrs. Weeks, of C-hurchill. A social time was (-rnjo_ved after the meet- ing, when supper was served by the Ladies of Sn. Paul's W.A. ` (`In I`.'I~.u-nu-rl n vrv A "31 Quifk n mu-.. .-. 1l'd.(lIC5 0]. OJ. I"ilU'lS VV..\. On '1'\l1ursda_v, April SIUJI, 21 group nieetinp: of C-'hu1'chill Senior, Church- ill Junior and Stroud Womonfs In- stitutes `M215 held in the Stroud Com-. munity Hall, when Miss E. Sl.icte1'. of `tho Provincial Depm*l'mont, gavei u very practical and into)-0-tinp: ad-! (Ii-os.< on Housing. Service at St`. St. Paul's 1.30 ] p.m., St. James I Knox Church 2; ` Mrs Bertram, 1 at Mr. Geo. Wail: . R/In .... .l I\l[...~ WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL THESE FAMOUS LINES. ASK .-\;'I' OUR STORE FOR P.-\R'I'ICL'L.-XRS John s at 11 a.m.,i p.m., St. [`(~'.`vr's 3: 7.30 p.111. at 7.30 11.111. of E(iu.,'1:1.r, is s't'I_\'im.',' Watkins for :1 fvw (l:1_\'.~:. ; `Mr. and Mrs. B. Oasft'on hzwv. ro- movcd to `.310 fzmn fox-merly belong.`- im: to M. Cxston. Miss M. R.`icl1:n'd- son is staying with them. ' I We welcome to our neip:|1b`orhood Mr. -amd Mrs. F. Ganton, who are occupying the "P. Craig farm. ` `Our wnnrl in nnnn nrrnin in (rand: uccwpylng am: '1. urcug xurux. ' Our road is once again in good? dx'ivi`n,Q' shape, `L'}w.nks `to our count_v| engineer and the roadmen who got busy and made :1 good job in quick time. ' "l"!l...\ ...` r-nrxru-\tv :n. 4.-4-.n.l rume. ' Tihe whom; seems in. good shaps judg1'ng' from the Lrreen tufts around the roots. The Lowest Anthracite Prices in Years T READING NUT . . . . . . . READING STOVE . . . . . . . READING EGG . . . . . . .. . READING PEA . . . . . . . . . READING BUCKWHEAT READING RICE . . . . . .. . The Sarjeant Qgtgpany Ltd. Iilflilfll CRAIGHURST STROUD Fill Your Bins Now at These Low - Gash Prices. mouse as, 94' Lewis & Robertson 1 -Mr. Hepburn makes much of the `,`su<:(:~s:sion dutlos onllm-ma Mv CONSERVATIVES SEE SIGNS or ELECTION |l n1<:rt-,us(' OI ZDD. [ Geo. G. Johnston, g`|Ri 1 1'icipalIit_v ;'tion 1'lm.~bury t" ytsteps ~-.h<,-se i Qkm-4 ...M..,_..,.. ' V `u-., um [H'UVHlC(.` control the manufacture and prohibition is im_- ipossiblc, but we can control `sale. During the last two u.n-if a `half years we haw had liquor oul Iof control. During: the old bar 'sy.'~;`.(:m 1,533 liccnsc-s was the high- icst numberlever gramed. In 1936 `_1.hcr<,- were 1,789 liccrises y.:'i"an-Ied,a.n iin<:r(eas<- of 256. l (Inn (1 T.-.'l.....r.o.... ._....,-1 . n.- -: .nu.s`(: centres. -1 KL}. -`and C. Gendron, v;[Smith eivale; Spicher. Sunnidalez Her- .. 3 Another ins:-ante was :'et'erre-d :0. J85. E\'dI1S was sent to .\'0;'w:1;.' `House as a niissionary to the Cree ;Inditnns. who had no language. He rs! taught them by SI`-ax-ic and then made type by iiieluing dowz`. tea chests. For :1 pm-:.< he used 3 jfur pi-osser and ink from chimney ;soot. With this outfit he printed 100 hyrmn books for the Indians. .La`.e1' :1 p1'int1'ng outt was supplied 'by the g`o\'ei'nmen't. . I "Nan h1',:fn1-\' m" tho n\\\'. is "Tho .~_r-c1'c-tax-y, T. E. Smith, was instructed to send 1et,ters of sym- pzuthy to the'familir-.=. of the late W. B. Sloan and "I`ho:<. McKnight. . KIWANIANS VISIT i PENETANG CLUB I , --- -~ 7 -~~--->v- us-Inuuu, wa.Au.' ging Oriole at itwo ,dy In `-ever, thrown :bay. slatted. in 107 to I 'T`1-um narlv :< )-Ivcro-lo; nr` h._'.n*:'1\or\nyc gcs. .u'UuL rL'd.1lIZ1X to xancouver. 3 of newspapers we ithink of Oliver`. in isarted from Fort. Garry with a printing plant and a small supply or 'p'aipe1'. for Edmonton. Reaching there in the fall. he set. up his plant. In a few \\'ee`s his stock of paper run low and he could not 9:-:-t any more in until the spring. He cut 'down the size of his paper to -.1 single sheet about 3 inches `` -` `and Oliver was credited win l lishing the snmiiest ne\\`sp;=. -3.; iwued. ' An.-`than ;r\s'-xVV.\.\ 11*: v-_xr`_n-v~.~_ rn -:\f v- A. E. SMITH I ........ .. , I 1l'l1z-_v arc: J. 1.. Dyzo, warrznt ;ulI'1ccr, first class. who is station son-;.-,'ea11*l -1najoI' ~n.nd disciplinarian; T"ligl1t Limltenzmt H. S. lvc-_v, load- lin-}: airc1*af`tsman; J. B. F`u1'nish, `popularly known as "l`, and Corop1'aJ1 '1`. J. Sullivan. mL..,.,. :5... ,.:n.-we hvum n +nf:|l of :D_V LIN.` g'U\'(`!'IUllL`Il'l. 1 The history of the 1w\\'sp-Apex-s is the history of Canada. Newspcxpex-s =_L:ivo :1 load in t.hou_:h`: and in pro mm-nee Hnw innu1rf_-nu H1.-I`, fhnea '\,0roprw1 l. u. oumuyau. [These four oicers hnwe a total of 85 years sorvlce to then` crodlt. an-ss. \\~oh ! vhigrh : FOUR CAMP BORDEN FLYERS Wll'.L GO TO CORONAZTION Four nu-n` fmm Czunp Borden will he ;-..monp: Canada's 1'eprv. of })(`l`IlHlIH`llt and non-pvrmam~n`tl y- 'in_u' l'oru-s at trlw ('orun'.1ti0n next m-onmh. D; . . . r\. ,, A "I`HIU`RJSDAY, APRIL 15, 1937. (Contmued from 1| IUZIU s. How cont 1'01 thv I ll I-HU L|_`4`H.\ Impo rtant pro.<.< ide-nls and pLu'poso. K page one) The Best Anthracite .'Lt\ UL .'s.ty`:L not .g. u.-hes sq :9. ed With b- .vsp;=. -2.-\' we: referred O v\ \'.~ ....-.~ .. . $13.50 . $13.50 . $13.50 . $12.00 . $10.50 .$ 9.75 mm :11 pm that those be men of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Per Ton $13.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Per Ton $13.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Per Ton $13.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Per Ton $12.00 You Can Always Depend On Only the Best WOOD - 1'.D.;\vL. 111 121137 11!: `V115 El'dJ1$I9I`!'0i to the Governor-Gena-ra1 s Foot ; Guards as one of three of a perman- fent staff of a non-permanent unit. %From 1922 120 1926 he served with `the Royal Canadian Regimen-t, when ihe was transferred to the Royal `;Ca.nadian Corps of Signals. I In 1927 he was appointed regi- `, mental serge.-anrt-major of the R.C.C.S. am Camp Borden. s Paints Phone 535 COKE Maple Ave. Utopia when Mr. Frank Raauehar 1 passed away on: April 5*.ih. Deceased ; was born at Mount Forest, where he spent his early _life. Thirty--seve.n : years ago he married Mary Peacock, and three years later they moved to it-`he Peacock farm at Utopia, where `!he spent the remainder of his life. ' For fteen years he c`a,rried the mail ' nn 1?? Nn 1 and made hnnmv 1 The angel of death again visited ` sergt_Maj0r Wallis has 37 ywrS,.R.C.C.S. gervice,`;1nder vci&BritiEl(1j mloxar/chs,= `-"*`-"" ueen ictoria, 'in wa 11., King George V., King Edward VII]. EXPECT BIG TOUMST` YEAR and King George VI. He is now second senior warrant officer in ?The Canada Travel Bureau at Canada. He first enlisted in 1889 in Ottawa has received 26,896 en- lhe South 9affordshire Mil'iti.':,, 38th (lllil`if:S Since the first Of the Year Battalion, but in 1901, wanting to and indications are that our tourist; get into the Boer War, he enlisted` indusvry will be much large); than at in the Royal Marine Light Infan- year ago, stated Transport Minister? try, a permanent unit, but he saw Howe. He bases his expectation of! the war only from the high .5086. in i more tourists on the number of in- 1904 he transferred to the Royal3 quiries coming in at the rate of 600 Horse Artillery, where he served till'a day. The minister urges that all 1911. In 1914 he received permis-iagencirxs associated wi'. vh or cateringl aion to join the Canadian contin-Ito tourists ::xerci:~:e cour`.<.-.~:y and fair: gen and went over a corporal. Hewlualing in their [)'I"iti`iif?n1. of thrsi served in the 23rd Battalion a:~:]vi.~:i1ors. 1`-or rm:een years ne C`arI'l`leu me on R.R. No. 1 and made many `friends. He had been ailing for the |past year and for the past four 1 months conned `Jo his bed. In re- N 1igrion- he was a Ilarter-Day Saint and 1 in politics a Conservative. Surviv- . ins-.; are his widow and a famrily of man `.four, Mrs. Dan. Raney (Viola), of 'Doronto; Mrs. Gordon Gardner, of; Leonxard of I`oronto and 3 I)1o_v(l on the homestead. One son, 'Beri=, died in infancy. The funeral `was conducted by Brother Clark, of -'I`0ronto, and the paiil-bearers were `three nephews, a son-in-law and two . friends from "[`,o-ro-nto. Floral. 1-,1-i- ihutes were received from Detroit, Bvrrie. T`oronto, the Communi-"dy Club of Utopia and near relatives. Although the roads were in bad con- ditions, the funeral was largely at- ; tended. there being friends present . from Orililia. Mvount Forest and To- :/lronto. T.he sorrowing ones have the l. of the communi`.r_v. [:_s*bi*"?] % Hawey N. Sibb-a:ld, a native of llnnisvl township, died in Cleveland, `Ohio, on Sunday, April 4th, follow- ling a short illness. The funeral was held on April 6th, with inter- nxenrt in Whitehaven Cemc-tery, Clevelsand. "Plan `In!-n NT G1`1..` nu... 1.-.... ..L K/lL`.\'ellZ1I1U. The late Mr. Sibbald was born at Stroud on Nov. 26, 1869, :1 son of Mr. Thos. Sibbald. Barrie, and the late Mrs. Sibbald-. He attended school at Painswick and the West W-ard School (now Prince of ed in the dry goods store of the late W. A. Pae. Barrie. In 1& )0 he en- tered the railroad busines in. Chicago, but`. in 195 moved to Cleve- `Wale.=). As a boy he was employ-' I land with the Nickle Plate Railroad. `In 1909 he accepted a position with the National Lamp Works, Cleve- land, now par. of the General Elec- tric Co., as trafc manager. He re-- Ifirprl fr-nrn the Ccmm-ql `F-`."lnnh-in :n 1.2101. :1 Mr. Sibbald \\'.1s a member` of the- Manakiki Country Club and the }{o_\'a1 League, 2: 32nd Dcgrr.-r,-, Mason and past p2'es.ider.t of thv Clevol-and 'I'rafr: Club. Hi: uvH>`.-. n.m.!n,.,... .n,1 L:.-. . .. vnnr rralnv: uxuo. His wife predece:'. him in 1935. Surviving are two sons, I R0n C. Silabzzld, in 1119 U.S. navy, Pacific eet. and Geo. H., of Cleveland; also his father, 'Ihos. Sibbuld. Bar- rio; one brother, VVm. J. Sibbald, Clcweland, and three sisters, Mrs. '17. .7, nin:n1n1~r- Qf MaI*I"e ni- L,lL'\t:l' emu tnree SISLEYS, Ml`S. '1'. W. Dir::~:mo1'e, St. Mary s, Ont.; `_\I:'.<. M. H. Welker, Lambeth, and `Mrs. E. H. Partridge, Barrie. ` U1`. J. B. H. I\'IcCLinton, one of `the: oldest practicing ph_V.-:iciuns in he county, died suddenly at his home in Midland on Monday morn- .ing, in his 79th year. He had prac- !`.iced in Elmvale for nearly thii't,\' !_\`ea1':` before moving to Midlbnd in .1916. D-.. :... AC1-a\1--L> ;.,,, .- JULU. ` Born in Mulmur township in 1859, he graduated from 'I`rin'ity Medical College in 1887, and soon afterwards came to Elmvale, where hr: practiced his profession tihl 15916. Suffering a breakdown in hvultlm, hv d':p0.~'(:d of his p:`;:-`rice and after :1 res`. located in Midlund wht-rt: hr practic<.-d until u fr-w _v(.~ars ago. Qhnmlv unv I-I\n\ivIlr in h`],.......I.. DR. J. B. McCI..INTON PASSES `E AT} MIDLAND ON MONDAY Regimemal Sergt.-Major J. "fl! Wallis, of Camp Borden, left Tues- day for O"t,awa, where he will join; the contingent for the coronationi He will be senior warrant officer in`: le military part of Canadzs con-f dingent. -=u1'v1vt:.s'. A Son, ur. W. 5. Mc- 3.g0 . Clintorn, met a tragic (Ir.-nth by drownmg in the Georgian Bay while on a f~:hin;g <.-xpt.-di'ion some _VC8.1'.s' `VH1. hm. nr M,.r'1;..+.... Mu. .....' Sh01'Ll_v after coming to l)1mva1_- |h4- marrit-d B zn'bara Sinclair, who 1. :11 rvim-< A enn Dr \M D M- wru. ! 2: `rm late Dr. McC1i.nt0n took any Ezxctivu intr.-re.=:t in edu<:u1ionul and :church matters. He was for many _vc:z:.r.'~: a membr.-r of L hl- Midland Board of I*Iducu.tion and was inter- cstml in the 'VI'I'u.~'te(:s and l::tv.-])ay- I.-1:5 A..~.%r)ci:n.i0n, taking an a.ctiV!: I[)2lI'L in di.ecussi0n.~: at the zmnrual }m(:t:'im,.'-:, which he always aLtr:nded. `-In rt,-ligion ht: wt :1 I r~'::a'by'-tcriun and an zu:t'iv<: worker in Knox Church, of which he way an ul.der. HI: was ul.~`,() u mt-mbt.-r of thr-. Ma- ~ l|llil' r-dnr Hguuorua am nve puma. ` A bin wan one gallon and two `pint:-1. . 3.` A.n= omer was xxx pints. IH,` VVHS 211.50 :~'oni(: Order. H`-'l-... 6`..u.... I~Ulll(.' KJTUUT. `l"'ht- funeral is helm; hvld to-day ('l`hur.-' followlm: :1. ,4:-1-vim; at lu`.-1 lut.I.- hmm-, Hugdel Aw-., :1L 10 u.m., int:-rm:-n1. will Luke plum: at (gunkvr Hill (,'4:Int'.t-r_v, l.'xln'itl1.q(-, on :u'ri'. :ll In motor nhnut. `A n m I` and 1 wv r Hverv will | whl-I A I J \ inchn:-z. A l... !\ U21} .5 lLv.'vn'y--tlm-c- : i A Snhhmtll [about u. milv. |_ cubit w 5 MAJOR 1- T WALLIS. R.S.M.. `R.s.M. In 1919 he was transferred' LEAVES FOR CORONATHON tn um r:.....,....,...,r~_,..,r.....1=. u~,.,.4. I I` ."IK"l Ul r,llV|`l Wild illllllll. Hlty `ct:n1.*a in wxilucz. A Hhleklel of gold was worth $8. A rbulunt. of wilvnr wuss `woruh :. }`..515X.50. ` A furthing wzw. wonlih three cunt. 1 A. mite was worth less than a [quarter of :1 (:t1!L".`. . A gcmh was worth :1. cent. A.n apah or bath c()n'tn.in1-I seven gulalorua and ve pinnn. 1 .A hin was one tmllon mm! . inch. S0uH:tiuH- rvzud 1-hr HARVEY N. SIBBALD bl':'.':I:l'.a ln't.-ndtlx i.-. :- vn-r-i',,rh1'h:-: imzhn:-:. 1'mgI-r'.; hr~:ul1.h i.. `..:h-kc-`.1 of .-:i|v4~r was about fty u in \nu'I|uc 40., as Ll'21|TlC manager. 11.9 from the General Electric in. BIBLE MI-lASUREM'l`ENTS FRANK KACHAR H VII` .'1I'[ tsrunin iblv l`..-4 .......... DEPENDABLE COAL H I,I:|HI'.vr_V, |.xIH'I(l motor about 2 p.m. r.-mltlz i.~ I-quznl nu in:-ht-.' it-in<(r nhv.-ini..n.. in The Northern Advance 'six; .1-ti when n-:......n'< V \VH.' NU` ' hf, h milt.-.~z. nun-a...u I . .., . hhlrt '11 vqllit ml to one STOVE NUT EGG .. PEA --nLy-Lwo in Lh)`lfl: ulmut lyotyl 4-tL::l' DR. JAS. McQUl`-BBAN MAY RUN AS CONSERVATIVE are well founded r111`H0).E that Dr. Jas. McQuibban, brother and partner of _the 1:atte~ Liberal member for North Wellington, may Miss Bessie llwuntcr, of 'l spending a few wua.-kn w untal home here. Miss Laura Spruulc, ( was home over Sunday. be .he Consgsrvative carndidzvte in Mt Gem Gmhcen husk the approachlnag by-elect1or_1, when- ever it is held. Dr. McQu1bbzm ad- 121it;shr;h21-tlhehais bserl u1;y)1r c>acCher:ito `C.,on.g,.atu`muo_m lfatt` 15 nhdx?;f1`ii)1?nwl1i:li is Cto b0l::ll(l!Sm1t`h M Vdolrlt ml-Ilon `Earl Rowe D!`o\?inclallnmlrmed-on S'~lturdu`y` ` IE0 ' t. ' 16. def his ind ted was Lh 5e1"a we `1 ca ll)l:s`(:(9l`l*:ll1001 JV lrwin, L 5.0 11:1` :Sb.e(E1;`0n1s`tlr Ri$:.o11c h0Ipu_ Knthlt 3 egbls `bein -` nominated if th_ l.1`ll|:m J'0hn.H'l Q`- 3" g L of: r Conservatives of the rlding wish have him for their candidate. flllnc. urn.-1' l`H'n\7;lII'l51` nlnt-Hnll will :- ; ll`/1'1". Si .- In have mm I01` 12118111 C21ll'(l1(l'clLC. {Dhe next provincial election will not be a political battle in `the usual sense of `Jhat phrase. Rather it will be a struggle between those w-ho . believe in `the tr21di2t.ions which have built up this provimce on the one hand, and Hepburists on the o.her. [Ihere are Liberals who believe that Premier Hepburn and several assoc-` iiavted with him do not represent the ideals and principles that made their . party a great force for esood in: this province in the past. Tr. is` therefore. rttiluv `hat Th`. pl`0VlI1CE 111 L118 p'dSlr. IL is, therefore, ghting `hat Dr. . McQuibban, a Liberal of the old school, should zunnounco his support of the Oonsevrvative party at the present time. In: doing so he would he giving leadership to thousands of thoughtful Liberals in this province who disapprove of the totally il- lib.er2'a`l government which is at pres- emt. in power at Queen s Panrk. T I The report of the Penny Bank for January and February shows that pupils of Prince of Wales School, Victoria School and King G.e'o1'ge School, Barrie, had on deposit on Mlamch lst $3,687.59, compared wth $4,176.66 on the same da.e a year ago. ' ` F`n1n' h11ndw=~ and nincM'u-nnn ago. Four hundred and nine`t'_v-nine schools in Ontario had on deposit $1,376,808.84, compared with 492 schools having $1,331,478.08 a year, ago, an increase of $45,000. Thus -int-wnncp in rnan dpanihs 1-nnnnnrl IOR Tu. LEAVES FOR CORONATJON 'augU, an ulcrease OI :p<&0,UUU. 1;ms -increase is made despite continued .11ea\;v withdrawals on the part of (Iepositors for winter clothing, C hris`n1as gifts, etc. `Thivf.v-.21'v er-hnnlu I-and o nunv cm Ll'lSL`l1l'lS g'l1C5, BIC. `T.hix'ty-six schools had over 80 `per cemh of the pups ung the Penny Bank, and x had 100 per cent. ` 3 Q \ I Miss Myrtle Ezher Coxwo1'th,"l '_voun-gest. daughlL'e1' o-f Mrs. Joseph _`.\IcLcan' and the late Mr. John Cox-. worth, Ivy, was 1n'am'ie(l_ to Mr.' Robert Ernest Goodwwin, second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John R. Goddwin, 'l`i11-omton, at` Christ Church, Mimico, on T`L10S(la_\'. Rev. T. J. Dew, rector, and broither-in-law of the g'roon1, ofciated at the ser- vice. The bride, given in marriage by her bro`.r'her-in-liaw, Dr. R. E. Dlewis, wore a smart suit of navy silk crepe wiltlh Milan straw hat and matching accesosries. Her co1'sag'e was of Talisman roses and llily-of- the-valley. 'm1r.- bride and groom left immr-diatcly aftor Ivlw ceremony for a motor trip to the United .Q1'.'a.f.p, M1`. and Mrs. Ed. Jacklnun, of Coldwater, were Sunday visitors with M1`. and Mrs. Gm. Crawford. Mr and Mr: T3-.unu l{n.-,wvn .-J` wwn ml`. and Mrs. um. urawtord. Mr. and Mrs. Dave ]\'nm)I), of I'o1`onto, visited over Sunday at D. ' Campbe11 s. ` M 1- and Mru hum-"n -nu. "L-:o:.,....` ruua.L1v(_-s In ounuerlanu vms week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Campbell and son! Gordon, Mrs. Fred Chappel and` Mrs. Dusto mttendcd the funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Knapp in Allundale on Sunday.I l Mrs. J. McKinI(-v wac fakrnn tn` v.'r|LHIJ.:, n0Lnln1.{ rurcner 15 KI10WnI. 'l`h_~ W.A. of St. p(,*t(2I"S Anglican` Church held :1 very successfull hu7.a.:s'r and afternoon tea on 'I`,'hurs- day last in `. m- Orange Hull. In the .uv::nim,r the young people of B-urtoh Ave. Uruiu.-d Church presenntnd their plpay Look Who's Here to :1 large zmd app:-vcizltivc audience. The play was very cleverly and ab-ly grivun am! was l`H_iO_V(`(l by all. Mrs. M. {onnlcl .~?Ll])_(Tf,'(] thv rnuxic hrebweren acts. 1].. .....l Ml... l.`lI2..kA .1 1-, _ -n Iucu nnupp In Anunuzue Sunday. McKinley was taken to` the Barire hospital "I`uesd.u_v ni`;.-3111 for an X-ray, having suffered 21} had full in her home. At time of writing`, nothing: further is knownu. "Wan W A nf' Kf pnhn- u Ann-linnn 1U!" 21 States. \Jal'LI)UULl S. Mr. and Mrs. Dusio are v1.s'1ting" rcl1ativcs in Sunderland this week. Mr nut! Nlw: T} P-,nnn.InnH nnnl "An! FILL YOUR BINS NOW AT LOW SUMMER PRICES .\li.~;s Man-;,:*amt Wilson. who for .~;om- time wins with I\/Irs. Wm. Cun- nim:h:nn, has returned to her former home at Allin-'01:`. Mr I...- u....,...,. 4' :I.. .ur. unu Ml Iull.l0"L mm 1:m'n|_v,| of 'l'm'mmo, w:-rv Sun(l'z1_v vls1tor.~' :11- A. lon:lId .~'. ' nunlu zu, mnsu-on`. .VIr. .I21.~:. Sp('(3l'>' and I'zLn1il_V have moved inln thr: homc rcct-nt.|_v occu- piv-I by th- lute Mrs. Huy.-:h Rolley. Smut: of tho noted (!iLi7A.`IlS of our tmxn \v-r(.- pn:. at Lhu 'I`hnrnton- Ivy 1':-union hr-M in l`or lust \\ l`l`l\'. Dr. B. I}. Hm't0n, J. D. Stwxvnrl, H. .\l. 'I`hnmpson and Jus. .-\. 1.v!1nnx \\'l`l'l'(llHOI11.',' thv noted uni/I14-1'in-_r. 1;'u'Ll1(: ri ll;.:`. w.. lA`!HI!).\ ShunL_\' Ray, called to see Mr. and gnll. Mr. and ;\Ir.~:. G. H. Cl21:mpb01l, of Mrs. Ann-us Campbe1'1, also the] m-urmlsion who has cheered their home. Minn: Ilnv-u Doffnv-cnn fnv Qvlsn v1nu+ I). H. UOTDGTIT: OH aunuay. W0ddi`n1: belnls are soon tio be heard, so be on the watch for future marl nomr-. Mrs. Mary Patterson for the past week has been under the doctor's care. We hope she will soon be around again. Mr and Mrs. 'Vh'ns:. Wisnn. nf nrouna agmn. - Mr. and Mrs. .'I`h'os. Wilson, of Oookdowm. were with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Corbett on Sunday. `limit!-incr holflsz av-A Qnrm Ho ho illl .vu1'-i':: |m1`.:-` COAL Phone 91 HIV wllix-1` CL5. Mr. and Mrs. l`}Ilao1,n.'nd f:1mil_v, f 'l'm'0nM;. '(`l'l' Sundunv v'I5:ifnr< :11 PENNY BANK SAVINGS GOODWIN---COXWOR'-TH :: `. l'l'l|I1`.~ zuld THORNTON MINESING -1 that sprim: is here. - (li;:;:in_.r in thr:ir g'zn'(l<-ns rt worms huvv come to the OH]:-}'.~' h:1\'<- seen .- lxLl7. /.iHL' around. and we that all ihp zlmhitious wo- mm the housx.-cleaning, I-vi(lm1co that winter has Toronto, is wt hm` mur- 1|/I`-Inn I. n... Q...-....l.. ..l' I\..lI2.. lulib} ITUHIC Hl3I'L`. | of Orilliu, `was nu has Mr.`5u(:(:-ssion |J:1s. lntimur :-z 5!)-:wre fnrrm .:.+ I!-ru'Ilunn ml... fro Furniture Stoves 129 Dunlop St P