IIUHUDII, L 01'0-l'l'I.U. His Wlorslhip Mayor Robertson in a brief address said there was no or- ganization of greater assistance to the town than the V.0.N., and -there was no money spent from which the council gets less cri~t-icism than t e . , ' , grant to the V.0.N. The re.port of Inst] 1 U: the nurse speaks for itself. Mlis-s L. i\[(.'1\: Scott said rt`-hat fewer patients were 0. served than in 1935, but this would ` vindicate that there is less need for _ nursing` service, which is what we .D.1: A` L` want to see. Reference was made;D"S`" f to the retirement of Dr. A. T. Little ' umde" the C who had served as M.O.H. for 28iHa1'.th Sp years. Our town has been referred]m.ee`t`mg' f 1} Ito as Beauitiful Barrie and-m3"h't gave He2`alrbhy Barrie, and to Dr. Little! P"g"eS3 Be in a llaarge measure goes the credit.:t.'1 f .C.m" What 1.-. the v.o.N. Doing .7" his, Prelmlmai (:MissHB,euLz_nlL.Sco12t) , . ;_p3`l. 3' rne ti gnalvylsis of our program in the Dr` A- Th L` y y '2 just closed nds us a little be- Health` Ba `hind ou-r peak year of 1935, when l`.ea`]"h:" mmm 31.`) patients were admitted for c:<.1.re 5129 1" the} as against 276 in 1936. A slight] Z9113 We D1- decrease in communicable disease!.a5e he has cases cal-ls attenltio-n to the reti.ringmrad5 f .3 Medictnl Oicer of Health, Dr. A. T.;'=?S E50 W` Littltle, one of our owtstanding sup- l V"'ta Ord poirtcrs, who for many years has`the health age maintained such a high standard ofibC`t" "h ill healtli in Barrie, vz:-rid so cut down}'th5'a"ds Of the incidence of disease. His record yew the n will bear comparison with that of"t`hSe attende any other municipality. R191` is Ibt : We did not Visit so many post-l glerneracmte" natal cases and infants. Possibly we? "'"' could contact more mothers through! {In '+'hv ear17 the hospital and doctors. Surely ; d f5`?a5eS were there is somevthing we could do for=ta t1n9f the. -them on discha.rg'c from hospital. -and .`" U1 New in-fan-ts numbered 39, an in- :accS' 13` crease of 4. Medical and surgical Idea? am} `t cases were slightly fewer; probably denes me . less illness, or perhaps the service 3' p`_ r .531 was not thought of. Some citizens my 1 smty in the town know too little about it. were thought ,,._, _- ,, The work of .\.cntmued on p..:re SIX) 11870 to 1880 Vol. XC. e. 4;- -1` f,_...\_____j_.__..___. ..__._.. Victoriajgcier Reports 7 I Another Successfui Year] f Oldest` % Paper in the County Served 276 Patients, Madej 2,429 Visits, Attended :36 Connements. 1 SESSION OPENS T0'DAY HELP TO COUNCIL ` :hip5_ summer will be lakeln care of. The Uesert. `I926, is retiri|n*g', and will be suc- LOSS through re in Barri in year ,:n'embe.,-5 of the Ba,-je .ceeded by S.`_ Logan, now general mgr; amounted to $7,135.19, aebig Commxsspon v1s1ted_ I_Jon(lon, Fepg-E15 aaunagar.` John_hasfs1:;a1nItbf:;rl;e(r (kc,-ease from the previous year, and Parls, where slmllar wells` -arre 111 1:1 .V9'v11"St1T1 V 5$1"}:1_9 0 T] S 8 W72`-n Ihv I_o; .':mounted to $17,452.- Olferatlony 't0_ 0M3 35dl}WC hh1"fm:i ineTS('g.e1'tom rs: as : ys`::`n iza g; 50'. acrd"'g ` the "eprl f Fm? amm as possible reg ting fl em n and tele ,2). her Ater " l:arI';i`n Clncf Wolfenden. The bmgade an-lnd the best means '-" 'a8'm9" 1118:!) _ fr 1 t S f rth (5; swered 140 calls. Alarms inc'l'uded;th`3 Wage _5PP 1 Y he1'- The_prob1_e!n_|Tan1G; e Sgfgh E1` 83,0` 31: '2'. res, 42 chimney res, 32 grasslhas 1`9Ce1V9d much F7_`5`demt`| 9.1'".' an d en 33 maglflger !,-,,_.,1_.``.` 2 cars, 3 rubbish, 1 test" and smce then by the Comnm-sswriiers a._nd Vgilnupeg, an. vV1as1.npcgin 3 hg-ex}. ~ 1 Practice run, 1 exnqvgency and 29 they are WW dsW31"19ln't `t at 1"` n0Wn mwmgI%; 1:" 1'8 inrthfs false aallarrns. The brngade` answered creased deman '9 W3 9 Sup trim his b 5' 6.07 .d m f! t=hrc-0 calls in the outlying town- P13! Such 35 W979 9XP91'19 nCed 1'35`! Banrie f0r1mam`:'y ;]::'ma 7` 9 0 l 15 an exception. 1 Few realize the ravages of small} ,.pox in- the early d`a._vs. Accidently a , young Enp:l.ish physician discoveredi "that some did not take smallpox and] [.011 investigation learned that these {had -s'u'ered from a loclaul disease, ` |co\vpox. 'Dhis gave him an idea that ',the \'i1`u.< of this cowpox would act as a vaccivnve to prevent smallpox.` 3 He induced an woman to have it. tried ;on her child and it worked. He pre- 'sentod him ndings to the Medical Society, but it was looked upon with suspicion for some t`ime. Finally it wzis agreed that this was preventive, .l`.*(i now the vaccine is prepared .<(:ion-`ricnz1.ll_\'. While sma_llpox is not x":-3. ])l`t"\'2?l'(`.`lli. in Ontario and we l1:z\'e had few r6:1se.<= in the last few _w-a1'.<. yet we should not be lulled to` . sleep. l.a.~'t5 y. -:11` tl1.(.'C were over 5.000 (-21. in the United Stv"tr..-2 \":2(-Pin~:i:lio.n~ is still nr-(:e;<. When, :ulmini.~1tei"(l it proi<`ct.= for seven! }.'v.'n'.~' and u sr.-coml dose g'enorall_\-i muln-.< :1 person immune for life. i " 1;.` 1-hild should he v"ccin'a.t c-(l be- vi'm'r- school age. 42 Communicable Diseases We have in Ovnvtario 42 commun- l('{li)l0 diseasc-s, said Dr. McKay, but l:~ would have time to refer to only `times or four of those. lnnfihivna nu v.n_.. -:..'_L\ I gt:-in-:r:u. law. _ 1 ; Communicable Diseases ! | In early days, communicabl ` [diseases looked upon as a visi-I station of the wrath of the Ahnighity,` this could be appeased only by sacrices. Laster there were other ideas, and it` was thought tlnmt epi- were caused by bad odors and poor sanitation. It` was not till. ty or sixty years ago th:a.t .g`e1'msl of and how they act.[ Louis Pasteur from; J1870 laid the foundation for 1 knowledge as to how diseases spread, and how they mzaly be control]-ed. It] was foumd that impure water and~ bziq`. sanitation were often respon-[ sible for the spread of disease. It is! |onl_v recently that we have adopted 'scieml.ic methods for the control of Fi! realize fiinn 1-avnn-na A4` L~r\1n`1 l many diseases. Smallpox, perhaps)!` is an exception. .` 1. Midland s fourth amvnual bonspiels got off to 21 L00d ;~"ta1'f on Tuesday` with 42 1'in`k.~' ..n:~.;rrad. '1`h1'ee Bar-, tie rinks skipped by A. A. Smith, -\ .T .Q1'n1nn ::.v1-(I hr \7 T\ nn-01': nun! >1/At, III we province, and the c1L)-; I Little :1 g1'eo.11t. deal, be~ ,cause always guarded against inroads of any disease. T1'ibut_-, Jwas -aalso paid to the work of the iVic'to1'ian Order of Nurses. Of all lthe health agencies, the V.O.N. wou'k;~" !b`c4btc1' with the depzwtment. Of the `thousands births in Canada each `year, mortality rae amon,'.: llthose attended by the V-icvto1'ia.n- 01'- ,?le1' about 30 per cent. below the; l merneral mm. - u | Dr. McKay, director of cm[ `Division of Preventable Diseases,| iunsder Omtario Department of IHC-alrtli, speaking at the annual, Imeeting' of the V.-O.N. on Tuesday .n~ig'-h*t, an interestimg talk on {Progress Being Made in; the Con- l`t1'o1 of Communicable Diseases. In "his preliminary remarks Dr. McKay `paid ne tribute to Barrie and to `-T)1`_~A VT T.HIH'n Mndinal nfnnu ruf ipaxq_a trmume to battle and to "Dr. T. Litvtle, Medical Officer of Health. Barrie stood first as a 11eaJI:h_\' community, for a town of its size, in the province, and the citi-` .ZRTIS nwp D1`, LHZHQ :1 trvnmuf rlanl 1:11,: I11st1'11(-`rive Ta-lk by D1". M<`-Kay, Prov. Board `\ of I-Ieal r11. E .Lu-rmcu am) U181] msappea-red. Commenting on Sunday's tragedy, Chief Stewart said he saw a skater `take the heel of his svldaste and push [it through the ice without difficulty. `He saw antoher skater try a fancy sop and the first. thing he knew he was getting up with the seat of his trousers soaked, the ice having given w1ay, and onally that he was skidding when: he fell, he undoubtedly would` have gone through. icoumm AND E; PREVENTION o[_I;_IsEAsEs;_ (.u`0\Vm`n'gs nave not occurred. ' The ice has thickened by perhaps half an` inch in the Last` three days,f `but there is still open W`i1ote'1` in many spots, amid c'racks- may be traced across the bay. Cli . Carley, who knows more about Kempenfeldm Bay than most people, says thlast the ice is not safe fo-r skating, due to un- even- freezinig`. In some: places the ice may be four inches thick, while nearby it may not be m01'e than one' inch. This is the rst year that Mr. Clacrley remembers when h-e ice! I formed and then diilsappea-red. rCon1m.n,nf.inp- rm .nnr1nv c fvncrnlr . ____ The t.`rag1'c de-.n:t11 on Sunday on `the bay and warnvings by the police and citizens seem to have Little effect in keeping` skauters of the treacllewus ice, amsd iti is a mirracvle that more d1'ownin'gs have not occurred. n'l`Fhp i(`P has 1'.h1'(-lrnnnrl Hv nn1-Rune iSKATERS USE BAY ICE ` ' IN SPITE OF WARNINGS ,' U1` IOU!` 01 E11059. (Continued on page eight) rie rinks skipped by A. Smith,` A. J. Simon an-ml Dr. N. Rogers, are taldng: pant. UCSGIT. Commission visited London, Ferg'us Paris, wells in . operation, to ob'tan as much inform E. ation regarding them and . nd of augmenting {the waiter suppily The problem i mi has received mudh canwaidnrann. :Last year members Barv*ie- i The Intc1`na1.ional Water Supply." { Company is :1 Czmadiamr s`ubs~idiz11'},-' of the Layne Orgizmizations, claiming: to be the lmmrcst water developers in the world. This organizzutdon ha-=, had remarkable success in providimgl adequate wfavter supplies, not only in, the United Staes and Canada, but 'in Mexico, England. France, Souih America, Iindo-China zzmd other! countries, not excepting the Sahara; Desert. | vT.nn `nu... ............1........ -1: 1.1., n,,,n _. ....,....., ..-... _=-....-...... , `l\ The On-'ba1-io School Trustees and}! Ra c`epaye1's AssocLa_tion drew atten- !tion to the district meeting and pub- llic school speaking compettition to be,,q `held in Pickering College, New- I market, on Jan. 16th. A _ 7 ,, l'i` la _ ----- - ! ;[1s G11m'2.1n1T0od 10 Prm'u1r-n ) 1,000,000 Gallons Per At a special niee-ting: of the Barrie Water, Light and G435 C0mmlSS'l0Y`l on Tuesday :nIig'ht, a cont`rac`t wasl i'1et for the installation of a Layrnei .grave1wvaull well, on` the pumping `station property to the east of the new reservoir. Mr. T. L. Mc- Mlananna and Mr. Clm1'les, of thin llnrternational Water Supply, Limit<~(l,| lof Fort Erie North, On-t., were present 4a`-nd signed the contract. 'l"l1e 119! wall ie 01191-nnyfnnrl fn vpresenb Slg'I1(}(I Inc contract. The new well is ;:,'ua1`nnvtccd to produce 700 imperial gallons of water per minute, or 1,000,000 gal- llons per day, the basis of the con- itracft. being that if this amount of lwmtc-2' is not produced, any expense incurred is t`o be borne by the con- *;racto1's. I r111 . . .. . --. . Anlvruguge as security. | There are many home owners in nBan'ie who could spend a few hun-` 'dred dollars on their homes to ad v1am.'t,axge. Why not do it this year I i I 5C0mmissi(')n Lets Contract For New I ,ayne Wall Well ...... .-_, . 1 The Home Improvement Plan, al nartiion-wide program of home mod I emization and repair, sponsored by` the National Employrmemrt Commis- sion, and made possible through the` l co-openaution of the banks and other ` lending; institutions, enables respon- |sib1e home owners to get loans at a {Very Low rate of interest. Thei | Home Improvemenlt Plan is simple sound and practical. Its success. however, depends on the measure of supper given it by every i-ndividuzli , community in Canada. It is 1101' primarily an e-ort to get people to; `moi-row money, but it is amv effort to {get them to spend money for im- provemqent of their homes. Those {who do mot have the ready cash may nob-tain from the banks the necessary funds on the easiest ternis and at `the lnowvest discouumt raxte ever given. !for an instalment repaymennt plans, `Loans are limited to $2,000 on any one piece of property and are p:r121n.t- ed without requiremonnt of any mortgage as security. 'T"hpwa an-a mqnru 1-amnn nurnrn-;~ in Hzis W~o1'ship May-or Robertson mi K Kiwanis on Mon`.|day niight urged that ICVCYY effort be made t.o induce citi- zens of Barrie to repair and improve their homes this year. A restoration of building activity will _help to. ilmsten a return of prospc-'1-iity and benefit every business in the com munity. rrn T7 1- var "I know I am a: n:*r."'~('t bn-.::`." ~"| d; a _\'oun_u' lovvr :x :'~:* _::'ir! hr \'.'rmM: wed. No, indeed, you are 111013,! John; you have n vnr ]1u_::'.-:u! mu; yet-~you are more :~`hW'1) thzml bea-1' l "H10 We D `?N- . bjrs sign'ifying their intentions of 'Fo_ur motlons were land before the smnding for the homn-_ Those men- meeting the TS5y m0Vd bbfr 1`1'|_-1'5` Itiqned as possible ca.n`didaJ t:es are C. jt3eI:_ Bryigrg and sticogdt byh 1"-15L:`D_ St'ewart, reeve of Barr1_e;_ E. J. th1`1's 13- -d 51)`? the3be1'-5`d9vb iEanJs, reeve of W. Gw11l1n1_bu1'y; ' 91'? 9mP`Ye_ Y e 9 : J. Crunmunvgham, reeve of A111s`ton, A f h V v 4 r I . !Trus:tee Blair that mo action be` ` ! fbaken in regard -to accoumigroln the ;A womzmv sitting idly in her room: Urban School Trustees - ;'>cia-t'ion: e}{iS1'essed the wish that she had 'someithing' to read that she had never read before. Her ve-yearo-Id son rI`nIrn nnnu Dilnln for $15. Both motions were car-I ried. Amnnc' H19 r-n1-rn.:rnn.ndp.n\:-n W A lrmnhami-In 1-nnl-iozl . xreaa oe1o1-e. her nve-yearo-Id I Among the COITE`5p0'nJde1U`Ce, W. A. ipvpmlptly replied, Take your Bible, Bell, prin-cipal of the King Edwardfmc}'ther. Scho-ol, asked for more s'o`n\g` ;s};eets.; ' 1 ' It 7 . ;Th,E. e(,1,u,S Va: ;g'raft:d , . JRECKLESS DRIVING CHARGE 1 {DOES YOUR HOME NEED 7 I I IMYROVEMENTS THIS YEAR ?I' V. 134. 1\lll'1'g`Il.lo ktllu J. IV. boys. The meeting was of short duration, correspondence, mot ions and an amemdmenft to by-law No. 2 compris-` (ing the evenings business. The by-Law as amended provides that any four members of the board shall constitute a quorum for transaction of public school business and that any six members shall cons-tdfcute a quorum to transact an-y o-ther busi- ness, and the vote of '81 `majority of 'such quorums shall be necessary to [bind the board. -Fnuuv nu-:Hnv-..- -nu,. 1n".-I 'l\,-~.~l-`A..n Han The report of the nance'conum't'- tee presented at the. Monday night meeting` of the Board of Education by V. E. Knight`, showed a bnalance at the end of December, .1936, of $3,530.16. Seven members of the board were present, Chai-rman R. J. Scprootrt, W. J. Blair, F. Hammond, V. E. Indght and J. R. Boys. Tlhn mpptincr wa:- nf mhn-vf. rlnrntinn ;EnucAmN Bnmm ! ; HAS NICE BALANCE Barrie, Ontario, Thursday; January 14, 1937 3:1) . ism JOHN AIRD, PRESIDENT { A'Czmadian Bank of Commerce since COMMERCE BANK, RETlRES| i Sir John Aird, president of the .1926, is retirimig, suc-" S. H. nimnager. Sir John has spenrt over $0 years in the service of the bank. He spent mosrt` of his yomnvger days in Toronto, first a st.enog'1'apher `anid teleg-rapher. starting . ~banking he served at Seaforth and |Tm`omrL'o, and then manager at Winnipeg, and was anpointed gen- eral mlamager in 1915. Sir John is i kno-wml to many people in this dis-'1 Jtdt. his hrodihnr hnimo n 1-noin-n:+ -4 - . 'i A reckless driving charge against` 9'.-'11adsto Vero'l*ainen, of 'I`oront`o, aris- '|img out of an accident on the hill lapproaching Guthrie on Dec. 27th, when his car, proceeding south, ad- umittedly struc ka car driven by Stan ,1~ey Beasley, of Orilliu-, was dismissed ' in pol-ice court yesterday by Magis- -ti-awt;e Jes. unl2.-. f'\...-u. T T .....t. 1.2,) 1.1.- t MIDLAND BONSPIEL HAS FORTY'TWO RINKS ENTERED UL_`.f L'uzll'geS. "Fho proposed well will have an outside casing` 26 inches in diameter `and an inside casing of 14 inches] gin diamet`e1-. The shwtter screen ex [tends beyond the casing: innto th i waxter bearing: formatio-ni, and i: made of No. 6 g'ua,:;e bronze. The wafer screen is further enla1`_2`ed by ' unde1'reaming- the bore hole in the] .\usIte1' bezn'in_e:` strata and lling` title! `mc1'ease(l cavity around the ;~:crcc.-n`: with smooth .<'easl10re ,r:1'avr>l. l The (`ant )-nr-f nvinn +`m- Han um]! i present wells provide 2 for the win~te1- months iwelvl need not. be used, 5 iny; charges. I "H10 nrnnnaprl um]! 1 r.....y uuu unuuu no -p1\J,u-JU. The equipmranlt for the work is toi be rushed to Bz1r1'ie at once. and 2!: v. outlier conditions 1'('mV.-lllh favorable lrng enough to get it set. up, work will C0lT1m(Ei! 1`CC right {l\\':l_\'. It is estimated that it will take about. two monitihs to complete the well. Mr. Charles, who installed similar \v(,-1J.'~' in Inrlo-China Ld the Szlhzim Desert, will be in charge of tho work here. I ______j_jj_ I ,--i. u E Verolainen in his defence stated ~he had driven to Sprucedale amd on ;his way back it had been necessary for him to drive wieth his head out .the window of his car all the way -to 'Ori1lia. From there the weta-ther wasj not too bad, but his eyes were very |1:i1`c and he had difficulty in passing _oncoiiiimg: cars Wi~t.h bright head- flright.-`. Ho .<'i:21t'o(l that as he came on {the Beseley cm` the lights boit;he1'ed' ihim and when his left front tire blew I out his car went out of control. 'T`w..m.- nmnm- 1 mma +.-.14 Ac 1.,-.....I ' Uub 1115 C311` \V(:`H'l 0111` OI COHEFOI. I i Traic Ofcer Lewis told of being [called to the 2lCCid(3vHit and finding` a ;F1'onvtenac seduzm upside down in the jditch. He found Verolainen suffer- ing` from a broken arni am! :1:1ot'l1cr occupant of the car wiith an injui-4.-rh hand. ' His xvorship (Iisvn1i.s-sod the charge,` ,.'~;:-.\'in~"` tvhe1'e could not have been any} `recldlesgsness on the part of Vero-; Iainen, a]4 ohou_2`h they ma_v have been} a small condition! of nep:1ig'ence. l wu-11 .~:m001:n .<'easn0re g`l`z1\ 0I. The contract prxco for 1 pump and motor IS $10,850. rm_. __ r A1 "I of speed. |'u'au: dens. Trafc Officer J. Lewis laid the charge and prosecuted at the hear- ingi. Verolainern wias defended byl 'B. Altbamun, of 'I`oromt.o. Beasley was the first wittmtcss called and de- '-scribed the accident as he saw it. |The Toronto car is alleged t`o have ,been on- the wrong side of `the road sand ran d`iagonal1y into the Beasley `vehicle, causing it to careen. across To the no.1wt.l1 siide of the road. He} `diiwrL__u_ot think the approaching car [been 't`ravelvIing at an excessive rate .. ....I ERECKLESS DRIVING CHARGE i DISMISSED IN POLICE COURT uigmneun une court. nouse yest.eraa_v,' with J. R. IB-0-ys vre~p1'es~enting' Spicher I ad J. D. Hood acltinig for Patton.. IQ gave Pafotoii a nlajority of !three.[ p'I`here is much talk of the cornimog inaugural meeting of the county, council scheduled fo-r Jan. 19th re-I giziirding -the wardenship and a hot cemtesb is expected wih four mem- Itimied candidates ,D;_St'ewart, Barrie; reeve Gwi1'limbu1'_y; _ A. Toner, reeve of Flos. :r- . ` 4 I gwups on neauzn worx. *9 The t-1'easu1`er 1'epo2'bed a substan~ Mal Hamance on hand at the close of the year, and the secretary reported increased interest `On the part of the executive am-d vzmious organizations 1]} town. A -l-'nnxfn~.A AC #1.... .......L3..... ........ __ I 4.-_au. 1`1UL( upunty c oj_n `berm. -LPamt:on: J,` _dg`e D1 mg` rea :d=iti`o\n 1"Ut/urning hehd wt `.1 vtth R ahd J. T), `The recount of vofbess polled in the Sunmidale `ntiownship electtiion on Jan. 46th which gave Jos. Spicher a ma- jority of one, was found favorable to Ed. Patton land he will return to the council as reveve for his sec-' K ~, Pamton: was grzmed a rrecounit by J`dg'e Dudley Holmes, the decision b, ein\g' reaqhed because of some wrong afdd=iti`o\n on the part of the deputy `1"jQt/urning officer. The recount was "11?:1Jd.u'ut the court. house yesrterday, . with .|. R. rRn.v.q .ra.n1-p.:~.=nf.imr Ruiz-irmv I inacnum GIVES 1 PATTUN MAJORITY] ample supply 5 and the new , saVirn`g pump` I- the well, I UVUI` .`pDUU,UUU. It will be seen important t'o.have ltativ-es possible in ` I nil. . ; JHC <'01m'r._\' ('0l'}14`!l 1.: <'0m]m.~' : of _ the 1`ee\'0.r of Ihw I1!11!1i('iY)?liiti('iS. Iii I in 2111, who .".!'r3 thv viv-(:14-cl 1-- ])"1`.~'I'J1- I t21`.1\'r3.~' of thv p--o-~`w-. Tho r-oi1.t;v ' couiwil 3.= . K!1i"T!`nO"17`.)1i had)` :.t' : :-1ho`1.1 h H` :' J.=I?lIo1`. zioiim yea)`, ]'(_"L1i`".' :1 Ty" thv `unv : _: of 46 n1(-n`.br:i'~'. "ihv ii:o:`mj.' s'1)r*i1t'= `ai.<(2d b_\,', fz`.\""." :1. `Lh(- 1.vj.' 'in,`o""` inn` to (.?`O H11i 3- 537.000. of whii-hf Iahnut $115.-000 " L01`:-<'t.r(i. `Tho inajor ~f-.\'})CI.".I(iiilH"'.~' 2\]`(` ihci , -;.d1i1inist,2'z1tion of ju. which in-j eludes court (:o.' crown 111.01`-Ii>e_\"s} ofTice._ county constables, juries. cor- om,-rs, etc-., which takes m'ound $14,000 21 year; education. $90,000 coumity p1-opr.1~t_v, $14,000; county roaids, about 370 -' r` 1 $111.- 000 in 1935; provincial roads, n-ow cum` off, cost $73,800 in 1935; social leg'i;=1`a.tion, old age pensions, mot-hers` alllowance, children's aid. house 01 . refuge, e1c.. $186,000, which makes over $500,000. 1+ 1'I`P:11 kn. lVr\l\7\ 41...; IL :_ .._..4` preclateu. Mangis11'ate Ja-.~: in ivnnroducing the spe'z1ke1', 1'r3J'm')'(-(i to Rec-vn Stew- art` as a young man: who was not lonly for_2`ing ahead in his profession, [but found time to take an int.e1'ost I in! the town s affwi)-s. I L,. ...:-L__) L, i Daoxvn Q+nunn.+ (`ll I... . u u u . - I.u..A.t/ova u; uu: uuuu-1_y. I Membrs of the council were inti'o- ` duced by his worship Mayor H. G. Robertson, and all but three, who `were unavoidably detained, answered the roll ciaull. His worship took occas- I ion to express his own pleasure and j that of the whole coumlcil for the.I kind invitation extended by the Ki-: 'wanis Club. The B`a1'i'ie Kiwanisig Club had always been of g-reait as-`if sistance to the town eouncil and he trust'~ed that the same co-operatioin would exist this year. The motto 1 of Kiwamis wlgns We Build and his worship said he would like to see ` that motto exempl-ived in Barrie -during 1937. He had in mind get V ting the citizens of the town to start a real building: p)`0i_L','l`1l`I1 and suggest- ed the Kiiwamis Club niaame a com- imiitftee to work with the council to 'advise and assist g'et-tinge` the pro-I igram under way. He would assure that for any citizen who did repair- ing or impi'o'ing to their homes l there would be no inerelase in theli as-sessmemrt for this year. `If wei` Icould get the citizens to spend evr.-nil ( l $20,000 or $25,000 in building` this year it would I,'i\'I% Work to a num- ber and be wovtfhwhile. I'l`-um =.m.ns 1... '12.... Unll ...:n. 1- V l 1 Inn one LUWIYS 2111: !-ll`S. I Reeve Stewart said l1-c wished to` lspeak on civic mzLLter.<, \vi`th parti- cular 1'efcron~cr.= to thv county coun- cil. It was the privilvc-g'e :md du r_\' of the citizens of the municipalit;-I `to elect mpr(.~:cnt3*.-tivr-.c to look aftrx ` `their int.c'1`es:.=. nl Barrie we lmrwci la mayor, two rm-v<=. and two uldv-v `V `mom, for r-zuxll mml. 'i'h(v. 21l(l- rm` 'lo0k a17:,r\1' tlwir -".~'.})l*LH\'(* *9." -1'(l` `but thw 1-r~r-\'r:.< !'(4D!'1.~'I'l`r the 1 {turn \'.".m'i` 5 J11 Luwn. I A fezvture of the meetinug was an` ins-trucvtave talk on the Pro'g`1`ess Be-' ing Made in the Control of Com municable Diseases, by D1`. A. L. McKay, of the Provincial Board of HeaLth, Toro-ntto. T-Q `lfarn-:111n Nuvnu Dnlnnufann Inl U81` {U10 D0 \V( /Two songs ' Thompson at preciated. T\/rn.(r1':=!11--,)`f 11 lllL"Ilr 1 look z but t E town. I IN. ,. I Civic night was observed at Ki-I wauis on Monday, when members of? the town council were guests of the club. Reeve C. D. Stewart, speaker-I of the evening, introduced ta question that gave much food for thought, that the Legislature of the province, }inst ead of berimig elected along party "lines, he composed of three represen-g taztives from each cou-mty council. Many believe thlat this would be more efficient, more econvomical, and in the best im4te1~es'ts of the country. MnI\1k\In A4` LA ,..-......,.:1 ...M.- :..;.... . Reeve S1'0\\'m'1' Has New Scheme "For 1*3lm`s r1ng` | Legislatures. i 3 The foregoing` almost sounds likei 1 advice _to the lovelorn. or does it ?' r_,Maybe we s got, a Rtanymar in the . i making`. 7 I `K/UUK; n.-uucutlon, U. Mam-1n:g`. S ' Wa'1rf1'ed Stewart was re-appointed? assessor namd tax collector, and Ar-; thur Green to the Board of Hea]Jt.h.' Saniltva-ry inspectors are W. T. Ruf-,` fctt and Alvin Webb. a imwu couucu ; auesrs arms; ; KIWANIS sway l cou.n\ciI1 on Monday, W. B. Sloan was re-appointed clerk and treasureri at` a. salary of $1,200 per year, he to` provide an assistant as needed. De-- puty-Reeve Todd was opposed to the appointtmenit and voted _ against it, but the mlzivjority were in favor. , Comm-iltateev charirineani for 1937 are: `Finance, T. Conncld; Roads and i Ad: -the inaugural meeting of Innis-li iB1'id`g'-s, O. E. Todd; ReLief, T. `Cook; Education, D. Bamt-inig. i Wxilifred Stmvm-f. xvnza 1-p-smnninfm!i llw. B. SLOAN RE-APPOINTED l , CLERK AND TREAS., INNISFILI I 9 The Mad River, a branch of the lvlepplcston Notta.wa5ag`a, running through Cree-; Skutillg B1'(akS Tln'011gh more, has risemv with `the recent. `rains and rtfhaw. The ice has*b1`oken'I Ice` up and jams of ice and logs raised 19 river several feet, so llat it} overowed, threatening` property ddma8`e- I Lash SgmJday_ was a bright, sunny rDE1al`IlE. The report of Nurse Scott covered (in a comprehensive way what had been accomplished. During the year 276 patients were admitted and a total of 2,429 visits made, of which 1,225 were free visits. The nurse assisted at ushering 36 new infants into the world and held 41 well- baby clinics, with 21 total zut-tevndvance of 449, as well] as vzssistingr at other clinics, and gave talks to various groups on health work. (J5 'rIl1a f.1-r=:1c1n'cn- rvnnnv-hurl n unl-m+nn, lBarrie Boy D}-5Lwnd*i*n&M2L* ` Kempenfeldt Bay Sunday )\'\'H. The com`.-rty ('01,-no? no reeves m ` u'l'I Jun n... 41... (Continud on page four) 'VU1`UIl\V Illle. by Tom Hall, with L.~| the piano, were ap-g that it is most the best represem- I the county coun-1` i] is compost: mnio1_m11iti0i ( In:-rr..l ~..r`.. The euchrg and damtce sponsored ` by `the thneo Conservaitive Associa- tioms of lnnisl on Friday night last {was a big success. The co.mmuni'.y `hall at Stroud could not 2iccommo- ldaite the crowd that 'gcatl1e1'ed. Euchre was played till 10 o clock, when I-Ion. Earl Rowe briey add1'es5ed `the g'axt:heri.n.g-, referring to the ;H_vd1'o 1'epudiation Iainnd the Assc:=s- xim-nit Act in pa1't.icula1'. He was given am; enJt.l1us-iizustic reception. Mrs. Louv,2=lu-ed, of Toronto, who was also scheduled to `speak, was un- avoicllziubly unable to be presesmt. Dzm=cing` was enjoyed for a couple `of liours and everyone wenit home :happy and hoping- ohat ano`tl1e1' such eveiiiuiag` would soon be given. sue apnveu noun naa axsappezareci. I waited for whaxt seemed a long time and tfhemx Violet came to the surface. She seemed unconscious: and her eyes were closed. I shouved T`Vio1Iet. She opened her eyes and ,`just 215 she was about to go down ,i again, g'1'abbed the stick I kept wav- ing at her, Skinner recalled of his harnowimtg experience. I had diffi- cuhty g'ett`ing her up on the ice, as [it kept breaking z1'\w:.._\', but we made if`)? uuy, w-metre nney IOUDG them. Not thinking of the danger to him- self, Sk1'm'm-er, on hea1~irrLg -the cries ,of Heppleston and Miss Coe, grab- 'bed a hockey stick` from some one and skated the qu~zm'te1' mile off the foot of Vuicwtoria St. to where they had plunged t1m'oug'h the ice. Half- way there he recalls seeing bo"ts11 st1'ugg'h'ng' in the water,. but` when .he arrived both had disappeiared. l waited for \JVh2:f. .:r:m`nr>r1 su Inno- Others alwrived on the seem. amzd looked after Miss Coe. Skimmer wait`ed at the yawn`in.g' hole for some (Continued on page four) `Rports presented at the annual meeting of the Barrie Branch, Vic- It`orian Order of Nurses on Friday` night, showed that much worth-I while work had been done during 1936. _The large number attending the meeting -also shows increased in- Iteresic in the work of the V.O.N. in ,Barrie. "l"1..n ............L -1.` \Y.......,. 0..-. _______ _.1 iamougn one we was ftlmn all over. Fred Skinner, a member of a `party of four, inclruding Richard I-Ieppl-eston`, his friend, Violet Coe, and his sister, Alice Heppleston, had minibanded skating on Dyments pond. `Skinner and Miss Hepplestoln did go lib the pond, but as the other couple did not show up, they left for the bay, where they found them. N01 . f.i1in1(in.o' (If Han H-.'ann~n~u ha in3..~n INNISFIL CONSERVATIVES I SUCCESSFUL GET-TOGETHER VLl'Ulll hne water. . .' Making; a quick run after re- lceivi~nvg' hc aliarin, the Bal`-rie fire !brigade arrived too lwte for rescue work, but immediately comme-n'c`ed d`ragg'ing' operations. Directed by Chief Wolfemnden, the remen placed a punt in the water after breaking a hole Barge cnou.g'l1 to permit it, and in little less than an hour the body was recoverred in th-i1'ty--ve feet of water, ten feet from where the plunge had been made. Blame was placed pla-vtiailly to a. sewer which empties at the foot of Victoria St., alhough the ice thin all FIFO!` g1(ihnrn' :1 hf\I3l`\`11'|D-V A` A `uay, a day wnen everyone wanted 9 | to be out. The ice on Ken1penIfeldt 7, Ba-y looked fast and smooth, with no 3}connes, but it was treacherous, thin gamvd shelly, with holes where it had |never frozen the second time. Hun- dreds of Barrie people took advan- ltexge of the bright day and the fast iice surface. Six were reported to - I have gone through, and one, Richard Ill-Iepples:t'om-, 22-year-old Barrie youth, lost his life. The 4w-n.-..,.A.. ....,.......-_1 _L., 1 n v : Sumlday `day, a day when 3!t`O Ollt. Thu it`? nn k'::n\1nn.n.+`nl.-lxf .1. r1U.\. 11. 13. b.LuN.LVI1I.lT.l', 146868!` of the Opposition, wrll not be at opening. BACK NEXT WEEK 3.`, .. ........ , ace a g-a Hcannlraqhn Eight Pages s 3. . H-ON. W. L. MacK-ENZIE KI.\ G. Prime Minister, Predicts a Show V Qrudnn