Page Two OUU Barrie, Ont l'||l.J.lLSl)AY. [)r)Cl'}MBER 24, 1936. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES I In - I ! I \JlllC0'-\)W3l'l 3!. (l*`urm(:rly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson). Rmudcncc 144 Maple Ave. Phone 700 (jruduutu of McGill University, I\'1o11t:1'Qa`.. Oicc and Rcsi'dcnce--Corner Dup- lop and Poyntz Sts., Barrie. Phone 105 Oicc Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-3 pm. 7-X n.m, 1"1 lls)1L/lt`\JN t'\J.V.Ll DUIVKJJIIULV Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Ofco and Residence 50 Mary St. Phon_e 101 Oicc I-Iours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, 6-8.30 [fl 1 Dlblri-LVD 1\J\]J DUI\.\JI1AU`.VD Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Office Hours : 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. '1`. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. VVU1V11`4lV Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone 61. Ofc.~-58 Collier 511. Office Hours : 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. DICIKJLILJJLDL Orillia, Ontario will be at the Queen : Hohel, Barrie: Every Saturday. 8 am. to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. DR. WALTER H. WOODROW EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST t\..:lI:.. I'\_A...-I- Published at 123 Dunlup S:., Barrie, every Thursday I. D. MORRISON. Edltox and Publilher 'l`1'L.EJlTnl'l.L'lD`.|. D 823 Dunlop St. Phone 403 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionic Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustments Rlnnri 'T`n:tv: and TTrinaIvsis GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS Licensed CI-LIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESS THERAPISTS I E: on. n_... -_ BL--- An ! Massage and borrecuve :1uJuaL.uu:uu: Blood Tests and Urinalysis Hora or Office Rates Reasonable_ 47 Elizabeth St. J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. l HY'Sl()l./\N AND SURGEON Ofco--Owen St. ll`,.y-......l.. ........n:...l 1... n.. 1 1 ,DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DI........ 01') A ! lH....I.. A-.- suncaixiiz A$:15DfE}.E%s op- WOMEN DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Qnn:-I nl u++nnh'nn f\Im+n4mm~ MISS BIGULAII SCOTT DR. E. G. TURNBULL Mr. Mercha a;1t-- AMBULANCE SERVICE P. C. LLOYD & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS DR. W. A. LEWIS -l hone 79 l-- Barrie Branch .\I;1=;istrates', Worms also Phone 213 Northern Advance We can suppy you with any qg=a_ntity of the Best Make at right prices How about ybur Counter Check Books EDITORIAL Phone 53 fected. This he should have done before the Repudiation Act was Inmazpd, ` C `, The trail of 49, trodden by wild- eyed adventurers in search of gold, will remimin famous in song and s`t'or_\', but the trail of 36, broaden- ed inlto `an g,-rea t; highway to pros- perity by men of sound business ideals, with faith in the country s `future is pure history, in the eyes .of the Canadian Chamber of Com- merce, for it 1n:;urks a stride forward in what; many believe will shortly become the Dominion s premier in- dustry. ` 'I`1nn cnnw-11 f`m~ rrnld, nnitil vrxr-r-nit '-j*-' IDCLUYB LAHU 1(_[JuUlU.LlUll. .t1U'U wua Christmas is again at hand with passed. its pleasing` associations and happy -----j remembrances. It is a comforting GOLD TRAIL OF '36 PROOF thought thzatt once 21 year, at least.,l people in Christian countries recog-I nize the principle -on which human`, relations should be based every day in the yeah`, and which so continuing would minimize many .of the evils broaden- and hardships which now affect the t; world. Viv! :\\:v\|-r\n1~:r\r|n A4` n.-nnlluri mm-nu hlnnln uv1'+-1-\ +'nH-In in Han r-nn*n+\-V ; or FAITH IN THE FUTURE` uustry. ` The Search for gold, until recent 3` years, has been a matter of personal adventure. T'o-day it has become ` one of personlall enterprise, involv- ing tihe investment of money and brains in the development of gold areas already outlined by prospect- ing. For, during` the rst' eight months of 1936, 26 new mills came into production, adding 2,700 tons of ore a (lay to the output of the -precious metal, which st`o`od at more Ltlhan one-tthird of 21 million dollars a day for the same period. Tn ztrlrlifinn. fn H !!! nlldih (VF vnl- day I01` `L110 p(.`1`lOG. _ume and value till the totiall pro- nduced from January to .-\u_g'usIt stood at 2,415,711 ne ounces, val- ued at $84,649,885, or $8 for every nman, woman and child in the coun- t`1'y, the value of the new millls in terms of employment and equipment must also be considered. "l'T|..- in n hyninnl ..v-n-nnlo n vi, In addition. to the adding of vo1- -. must aiso De consluereu. 1 This is a typical example of pri- vate enterprise, in a country Whose sound and democratic methods of government give the fulllest assur- `ance of -the protection of individual .rights, while encouraging` the inter- pretation of initiative to the common good. I `ONE IN THREE OWN lNSL'RANCE One out of every three persons in the Dominion owns an insurance policy, which goes to prove, accord- ing to a statement` of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, thualt Can- adians are not an improvident race, `buwt prefer by voluntary effort to ob- tain social security. I (nn`nr1i|nmc Hm`: cfnfnrnnnf cniri L'dlH 5UCl'd.l SUCllI'lEy.' Ca.nadiuarns, this statement said, have bought this insurance, amount- ing altogether t`o over $6,000,000,- 000. of their own free will and dur- i'._9: t/`he dreary depression days many who required to realize on their as.- sets were able to borrow on their policies Without any trouble. "Tf :1-inure Hnn frond nf hncinnca I.`-OHCIES Wl'UI10ul? any l-T011018. It shows the trend of business generally and the improved condi- tions in the country that policy- holders h-arve, for the rst time since October. 1929, reduced their loans very considerably." Ori1Iia s first batch of scrip money cost 8290.61, but probably that much has been taken in by tho:~'a who bought the scrip as n --- I ` The edior of the American Mel`-l `cury, critic of things in `general .amd t`1'aditiona1 religions and morals in *pa1'.t.icuia1', was evidently stu1nped1 by ling Edward s falling` in love with I {Mrs. Simpson and his desire to llzlkc `her his Queen. One would have `I` imagined that here was a situation to the .'~\me1'ican i{1T1sg'-c1`it`ic s taste, but Mr. Menchen has disappointed Ha `In -um article specially written for the .-\s.sociut'ed Press, Mr. Mencken! says that lm natural sympalzliy '\vl1ich all us poor fools liavn for one 'anoIt:her should not be allowed to obscure tlip fact tl1::tt . . . his Bri- tanwnic Majest_v has actul \'L`l`_\' Inui- lv Wn !`lk`)\1li'\`IJ~` flux 1'n'Ii:H1l`l(' Kind expressions of yxooclwlll cwrry gladness to hearts that are lonely`. and sorrowful, even more than `the. ma.terial gifts which at Chrisilmas ac- compalny them. The selshness which the universzil strumrle for place and prot, and the worship of `gold, so characteristic of. -the age, have pro- duced. is for a time forgotten, and goodwill and peace .among men reigns supreme. The poor, from the abundance of their more fortunate fellowmen, have a taste of the com- forts of life, and are made glad. Childhood is m'aude happy by the visit's of the m'y1lhical Santa Claus, and all are reminded of the won- drous changre in human destiny made by the advent of `he Christ Chilr.l' over nineteen hundred _Ve2m's ago. Tr4- uynnlrl En Gnn H Hun lnucnne nf tanwmc l\ 1aJeSL_\ H215 &1c'.Lu \'ci_\ Imu- ly. He (lisiiiisses the i'o:Jiuntic hero idea and points out t.h.z1t it was run conflict between :1 silly middle-a;:ed boy and a pedug.-,'oguc t`1'yin.g to recall him to his duty. He declares that Edward did not play We game -aIcco1'ding;. to the rules and did not live up to his conlmacit. Mencken is a Baltimore man, and he says he would be willing: and almost` eoa\g`e1" to admit that the lady of vt.he King's choice is :1 ;`model of grace and virtue. She would have made him a good wife and would have added gx`e\urtly to the joys of human existence at. the court. But the fact` remains that the King` of England cannot have 21 _ couple of morganatic broutnhc1's-in-lzLw- hanging about the back door of tzhol palace. . ~ l-I'mmvm- Mr Mom-lwn nnints nntl pLllilCE3. I-I'owe've1', M1`. Mencken points out tl1Ia1t. the true Britons are opposed irrevocably to the innocent, nrtless polygamies of Hollywood and Long Isalnd. He believes that the people of the United States would have been quite as shocked if their Presi- dem had revealed himself in the s1arn1e charaet`e1-, and proposed to launch into the same folly. M1011. cnr-ln an nt-lrl I-rH"h- ac W1-rin. I IHUIICH 11110 bill. Sillllt` .LUll_V. ` Wihe-ni such an acid cric as Men- cken has failed to champion Kingi Edward's deance of the common properties. it is 21 ne tribute to the rel:-Isonablc manner in which the British people have handled one ofi - the most: delicate domestic and con- stiitutional problems in their hrs- ` tory.--Strao1` Beacon-Hm-:1ld. . Minister . presenr general of Transport for Great Britain in moving` the second read- ing of the Trunk Roads Bill serves to give a good in ion of the trend in highway design and construction. Dealing with the bill---Which provides for the state assuming` full re:sp0nsibilit.`y for I The speech made recently b_v -the` which are at present under control of 84 dfferent count-_v councils and are subs-idized to the ext'e.n.t. of 60 . per cent. from the Roads Fund--t:he Minister said carriageways must be of such a width as to allow" for t.he maximum number of vehicles likely to come upon them and shoul be subdivided so th':=.~t trafc procee ing in one direction would keep on its own track. They should be kept free from obstruction due t'o stand- ing` vehicles, and entrance to a main route should be strictly controlled. The provision of footpaths and (?_\'Cln tracks should be regarded as c-ssen-I I some 4,500 miles of trunk loads t`iavl features. Ca1'ria_qeways should be super-elevated at bowls and the cro.<. `reduced to 21 minimum. Road junctions should he laid out son as to }.>'i\'r- ample vi.~'.ion to thei drivers of oncoming vi:-liicles. Fly-1 over junctions and roundabout..= should be const`ruct(-,d .:|nd :;rcater uniformity of . . be :H'l`\lr-Vt)!` :0 nc in vntlluvn clzilltlinm +nl THE TREND IN MAIN | HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION I IIHLUYHI (THZU'Zl(7I,('1' 0] `UN! ($011111-Y_\'.`1lUC. 'I'h(- provi. of H10 bill would also r-nable the lessons of research! to be (:on.~'is1ent]y applied xmd would. of.-r :1 pro. of trunk roads being r:;v:n'rit-vi us :1 motlvl on which the rrsfn of H10 rout] s3'st.(:r11 could he })::.r-d.- (`m1t`r.'1r't. Hm-0l`(l. IAIN` Ililllll` 'DUl'ln'll l l'l'lllL \\'lll l'l" main :1 thy i;;um- of :1 political pzn't_v (l('V()l.'('(l Io :~'o('i:1l lug'isl::1ti()ii on llw mmlvl of wlmt is (Willi-(l blitz .\'(-w l`)<-ul in thv l7ni1-(l Sl,:1tv.<, anti may .~prc-zul to the two other Prairie Provinces: .\'(-it'hor this Government nor :1 latvr will pay ca sottlul (livi- dend. 'l'lh(~ . (livid:-ml will just turn into :1 poll('_\' of m:il loans such as in one way or zinolflmr lws been done in :1 dozen countries. Scrip has run its course. and has proved just :1 ?`.`,1i.=':!!`.ce and :1 lesson in political economy. Hiring` 21 pro- fs,-.<'so)' would have been clmzuper. `n Cnvnvnunrxnf is a-'n7v- `n 1' -.|`nv'I'~ ullI1U1'lIl|Ly U1 .`|Jl'LZXCU SHUUIU DC zu-hicved .'-"0 as to reduce . to 21 minimum. 'I`x'af {i(: \vzu'nin_2' sig'nai.< should bv of uniform pzlttcrn and should br: sited on c0n. prin- ciples throurrhout U110 count1'_v. I=`acili:ti<:;< for cro.<. main .:t1-eefs should be given to pe(lns'h'i:1'ns and roads should be lHi(.'qLl1lt(`i_\` and uni- formly 1i2`htr~(I whmw traic condi- L`ion4:~: demand it. To:1d.~' should hr- ::mi. so that they would en-i hanca ruthci` than (Ir.-tmxlct from thei nntuml cimrzuctt-r oi` the (:r)uzm'_\'.*`.iLle.` 'i'i1.r. in-nvicinnu nf H-an kill uvnnld I 1 I LEACOCK SAYS SOCIAL CREDl'l'|' WILL PASS AWAY PAlNLESSLYi I In Slupllr-n l.-zwnt-k. who has hm.-1.I spr-mlinp snnw l,im,. in .\llu-rm, .~'u_\'.<' l.h:x'. Sm-iul (7r<-(lit; and what it means Inn hm-II <-x:1;:;,--mtt-(1 in l*}zL.~;tm'n Can min. 'l'h- mow-nu-nt., he .~"`!`_\'.\`, L!`1'(.`\V up :1.` :1 .~:m`L of prob-sf :1;;':1ims'L the rlimvult, rrnu!itinn.< that Lhv ya-zn`.< 0! low prim-_~ um] dz-pr:-.~'. had hY`()ll!"h!. nn in 1'|u \ U:-J H will nu-'. UVl' nineteen Ill.lIl(ll'1l _\'L";l3I'.\7 'd}. ,'U. It would be ne if the lessons of the Christmas season should extend throughout the year. Let us, how-. ever, be thankful for the temporary! breaking down. of barriers even for a few days, and for the universali groodwillelnd joy that come from it.' May we all seek to experience the satisfaction and comfort which light- ening the burdens o.f others can pro- duct and make the most` of -the hap- py season while it lasts. aind in the immortal words of Little Tim, May God bless us, everyone. H. 57!) c-on br0u_u`ht, on Hw:l_\' quite nf' |u.H:n- 1 v'w.I_\ qulu of hl'l.U`)' (.'<)miny'. 'l`h- mu 1.`Ul' \\'UlUU HHVU UUUH L'llUil|IJUT. No Go\'(-rnmont is ;`n ::_s:' `.9 2 `.-t0"c- he ra.rv of interest on outstanding bon(l.<, Dr. Leacock said. But con- solidation of provincial, Dominion and municipal debts on a quotlzu basis will restore the capital value to par 02 nearly so. Two Orillia youth, Arthur -Stopps and Norman Reid, had a close call one evenimz last week. They set out on rbhe ice o Ce(l:.=r Island to go fishing and when out :1 shout dis- tance in. the dusk stepped into a crack in rtlhe ice and went. down into ~ the icy waiters. Their cries were; heard by people on the island, who came rto their rescue, pulling them THE ACID TEST IHHLHHI.` HHII Ln! y1lrh' O] -s- I:-pr:-.~'. 1 in 1'h<~ \Vv.~l,. It will pm. - p.'xiI1|(-ssly in the sunlight Iimt-.~', whit-I1 . to ht- Sm-i::l (71'wdit, AI` . `Ihe Northern Advance | Here mga There ` ?- I The Globe and Mail, which in its! first issue said in a front page edi-|` torial that it would support the government in power, on Thursday last threw a monkey wrench into the works and invoked the wrath of Premier Hepburn. The morning Irndependent gently suggesfas that the power contracts, repudiated by Premier Hepburn, be re-written, and .=:aI_vs: We do not believe it was the wish of Mr. Hepburn or his Govern- menrt ever to place the Repudiation Act on the statute books of the pro- xrinop, Opening three \vcelm earlier this year with 21 I5-int-.h snow full on December 2, the ski-im: Hv:1:~unI in Quebec p1'uvi.n(-.9 was of! to :1 flying start with special (`muullnn Pacific trains as well am ru;;uInrn crowded with ul1Hll1H|:l.`<\lH on tho first week-end l.lmrmLl`tm' frmn Montreal to the E Mr. R. J. Szmdu-r.s'on. of Orillin, but a resident of Ba1'1`ie for many years, celebarted his 87th bi1*t:h(1:1_\` Ion Sunday, Dec. 13xt-h. He was born .on Friday, the 13t.h, but doesn't b(-- ilipve it was .:nn unlucky day for him. Ins he has had his .~ of happiness, `as well as work, during: his life. I The Empress of Ilrllnln wLll start. the wlmcr crulrm x-sczumn from New York 1)(~.(-muhcr 2!) on n nine-day voyage to rho Wvst. "In- dies and Cuba. Ll. will (',u,rry ll:-x own nigllt club of l3m:ul\v::.y on- tertainers amd 11. smart, (lzuuru band. The l}1111n'c:4:~'. 0| An.-4lr:1li:1, between J:1llll:1l`) 7 and _\1nr(-h 25 will TLliL1(0 six (:rui:w.~'. of vilzhl, nine, ten, 16 and I8 tl:x,_v (lurulinn fn um \\/mt Tnrliv.-4` all T1-mu New uluu, us to the York. 1 ) , ____,7, Gift. of :1, visit. home for ('.hl'lSl,- mas and New Your was the un- usual p1'.e.s'enL Sll:1:, 0S|(3(l for (fine year and by (`.A. E. `i'I1l'1(`.l`. KL-nerul passenger 1l`.',(`lli, (faxnndizui l':u:ii'ic Railway, .\lm1LrozLl, us he explain- ed the cm111?.Lny's I)l'C-1)il.l(1 ticket, plan for scndim: II'ill1S[)()l'lil1lOn in out-of-tmvn 1`elui.i\'(=..~: and friends. A1`1'uu;:u1ucnL oi` tleluils of such visits is extremely simple, Mr. Carter said, and liclmis cost. nu more despite use of |(`,l(`.}.`,l`1L[)ll in case of c1n(:1';:em.-_v and the :.:n:u'- untoe that the tickets will rozuzli the right person. This service is not confined in (`Jirislnms am] New Year bui. is particularly pn- pular at this season. Kc-distilled, supcr-rf1ncd Oil of Euca- lyplus. All impurities removed. No pungentjrritning odor-never goa stale -ncve.'r loses its strength. A Powerful Germicide Canatlian and world ski-ing on- thusiasts will have an o1>1)orLu- nity to test the Rocky Mountains claim of lhaving ski facilities equal to any when the Dominion cllampionsliips of the (lunadiain Ama.Leu1' Ski Association are held from March 5 10 8 on the steep slopes of 8,275-foot Mount Nor- quay, four miles from the Cana- dian Pacific Railway station at. Banff. A n -. \lVv\-A-`on `.-...:V_... 1-` our times as effective nscubolic acid as proved by actual tests on typhold germs. but is nan-foisonutu and non-cormsivn. A Most Effective and Safe Gargle Sure relief from Colds. Bronchitis, Catan-h, Asthma, Hay Fever, Sore Throat. Eucalyptus is of little value on your handkerclef. Rad directions. A Reliable Liniment Penetrutes and dissolve: the acid: and salts which cawae Rheumatism, Neuritls, etc. Gives marvellous relief from spmlns and bruises. According to announcement by Canadian Pacific Communications Department Christmas and New Year's greetings of pre-arranged message texts will be again avail- able to the public this year. With- in Eastern or within Western Canada they will be accepted at the low rate of 25 cents. Between eastern and western Canada and from .points in eastern and west- ern Canada to points in the U.S.A. they will be accepted at 40 cents. Rates are subject to government tax. dr Inttcmal use Recommendedfor stomach, kidneys Ild bladder. It cleanses and stimulates these organs and helps them to function pro- perly. Relieves distress and induce restful sleep. I` I` I3_A__.4 Mr. Hepburn before the last elec- tion made it plain what he intended to do when he got into oice, and he had to do it or repudiate his own words. The Premier doesn t like bo- inyz reminded of the stain. he placed upon the province and the hardship he caused the bondholders, so he classes the purchase of the Globe and Mail with the money barons. l-To has. hnwnvpr r-nmn rlnum a A gift to the Province of On- tario from the Kerry Hill Flock Book Society, in North Wales, ten ewes and one rain, of the world famous Kerry Hill sheep are now at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. The gift. was ar- ranged through \V. Rupert Davies. President and Editor of the King- ston Whig-Stzindard, and the sheep, known in Wales as spec- kle-fdced rentpayers, are expect- ml tn `nrnvn n\'h'nn1r>1v nnnnlnl` 1\lU'l'(l.UUU. 1'UllL]_l'(t_) U118 , illlt |1.\])t7lJl' ed to prove extreinely popular with stock breeders across Can- ada. Experts crmsider the Kerry Hill sheep an ()l1i.St.`. 1diI1i ," breed, noted for their adziptubility to any envimnniont, and for their gen- eral utility. dlrecria o|l of I u..-u-- .--.-... Insist on G.G. Extract Avoid Substitutu Then is none "last as Goof Be sum to oi:-min our lands: 1 direction for the many uurd tllr all units. [`m1adi:Ln Pacific semi-st1'e:11n- lined, ai1*-(:on(1itim1ed trains which have been :1. fozmlrc of 1'z1ilwa_\' dev(-lopmont this _\*e:1r. have had a. big ron('tinn on (`hristmus pres- ents and are nm\' been : in many of the 1)}; dv1u11't111e.nt. stores in the farm of models. TllC\'(`. mi11iutl'.r(` mtinsz-.re1m\'i " Hun Irinhliou nun...,~c u- 1IlL`\'(5Ill|llli11llI'\` I Jlh Sill? llil\Iu_-. grczu. :a'.1< \';i1'i1 the kiddies who urn g.-'ivr`n ridns in them in the sim`(`:: and then have the op- por111n.ity nf goltinfs 2L my train for ( hristnms. built, on the same lines as the minizature. 0 Len. ll: umu I5 uigy uununnn : \\ est. Imlio.'<, F1-um ALICX/\Nl)| .R CUWAN H/\ll(lS'l'l'.`l( Solicitor fur uhtnininy, |H'0h.'|.L|.4- 1:] will, g'unn-(linrmlnip um! mlminim,mL:mn uml (Junurnl S(;lI:1l.r;:', Nubnry (Jun Vl:yIlll(tIfl', HLC. MONEY 'l'() LOAN l'\'..._. l\._-.._.Z.. 'l'-._...I llI.I._ CAMERON & CAMERON .[}/\l(.l(.I:S'I'l'}'H`S, S()l:l(II'|`()R,S, |'I'l'(}. 5 Owen SL, Hnrrin. Phono 406. GORDON FOS'l`liR BA.R.lUS'|'l'}I{, SOl.l(}l'l'Ol{, NO'l'AR.Y ` (}UNVl'}YAN`(,'lNG, ETC. MONEY T0 LOAN Office, 3 Owen SL, Barrie Phone 69 unu .uau \vn.n me money oai-ons. He has, however, come down a little from his high perch zmd says he is willingr to discuss the cancelled contracts and writing new z1,<:ree- ments with the power companies af- GORDON LONGMAN BAI{RlS'l`1`}I{, SO IJI CITO R, NOTARY F`.'l`C`. u -9....-..-... ........ BARARIST-ERS, S6I.;(3.LIT1`0RS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie D. M. Stewart C. D. Stewa Successor to Creswickc & Bc`.1 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY T0 LOAN _ rum--. D--- Dl__`l- l)-_..... BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS ETC U'.E'L`1kJ.I`.|Z LO UVV.I1:lV D1. In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISTERS Solicitors in High Court of J11StiC\. Nnfnrina `Qihnn (`.nn\rn`vanr-are DUHCILULE H1 rugu L1ULl1'l.: U1. JUSUCM Notarles Pubhc, Conveyancers Money to loan at lowest current rain: A \.;.us.u.u.-.. .1--.-..\.. v-..... , Motor Ambulance in Co nection Open day and night x\I{:3rg'ue and Chapel in connection. Established 1869 lnL_,,, o D._....:.. _L Phone 39:: POVWI-ZR CONTRACTS AGAIN IN LIMELIGHT IVI\llVl'Al l`I ll`lI`|lV Office: Mmmnic Tovnplo Bldg. AuII\A)c Ofce: 15! Floor Masonic Temple BIdg., Barrie. 1 T-T mdxnn M W T7:+n1 Mbney to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie nun. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. f\'L1'I3TfVI3. 10 I'\IT'[P'KY G71` STEWART & STEWART .-vu~nvw r1/\v 1/V1'rnr\`r\ n \ AVLUHD .1 L U LI\JJ"LlV Ofce: Ross Block, Barrie. O I I IIIOIBIK. OFFIQE: 13 OWEN ST. n It vsvnavvnllinn -Cnuymnulu ........u. . D. F. McCUAIG, B.A. G. G. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS M(;N'l'}Y `|'() M)/\'N The Northern Advance, Barrle BOYS & BOYS PRINTINEE BEllIRE%1ET$ Business Directory We carry -.1 full line of Comtablev and Coroners` Farm and House Leases. . Loolr over your requirements and place "our order with the Advance. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a (Catalogue. Nurthrrn Ahnanrv PHONE 53 Printers in Barrie since (847 I. rillcls. Stewart e. M. H. Esten HAPPY CHRISTMAIVS