Am a nweting of AI7enwood Orange; Lodge last week, a re. was` unanrimously p:1.<.<.,d demanding the immediate resignation of Harm. Dr. L. J. Simpson as .\Iini. of Edu- cation. va .\ cent. In gxcna us retarded because industry as a Whole cannot use the money thus taken. for productive use. To show the dangers of duplica- tion: of income taxes, British Colum- bfirai may be taken as an example, Where btrhey have a provincial and Dominion income tax. The two tax- I es together amount to more than. the income tax of great Britain nm - 1] . which (reach 65 '8 O D pt 3 1 l 5 l v u. -. A rug :1 U DWCKCCS 01' per centt.., and is nothing: short of conisczvt-ion. Sec- ond, we have the duplication feature . of divridemvds of Canadian corpora-' tio'ns whicr pay 15 per cent. corpor- aution income tax, the individual hav- ing to inc-lude said dividends in his, persona`. income tax return` and I again pay. Third, in Ontario and! the Western Provinces there is a: provincial income tax, and in some of the provinces, municipal income tax--duplication- of income taxes takes from the individual and from industry over $100',`000,*000 per year. B11sin~es's is doing its share for em- ployees endeavoring to muaiinrtiaiin em- ; ployment and wages, but is hamper- ed by many taxes. G;overnmentsl are piling up debts which ' ev-enttually I have to be paid out of "taxartion.. Governments should reuallize that` while taxation is increasing, pro-i gress is retarded because industry. mm rim mm--' 4 (Continued from page one) The cost of governmenrt must be reduced, and it can be reduced. The most obvious and direct way to reach this end is to eliminate a`J duuplicialtdng services and have :1 ,thoroug~h undei-svtanding as to the -[powers and activilties of provincial `governments, who duplicate much of the Federal Governmenvt s activities. A uni-ted action on the part of all - I res-ponislible taxpayers can bring this - { about. What is necesasry is a thor- -;ough survey of the whole eld of "governmental expenditures, federal, provincial and municipal. First we have tlm nnm;..:,\... 1.. 1.'u'5L nave the ] come Tax, the high .which reach ce consv dyplicg ,.L` ..l.:..:_I_,, I .\ru,:ulI\`.." mn1\vz1_\'s was born . svt up in direct com- \\'it'h thc pl-i\-':|tol_\' owned ;1,< no p1'i\':xiv 1.-11tc1'prisc n1wt,- with public 0\\`nnr I .- G0VT S OF CANADA \ COST $9oo,ooo,ooo YEAR} _,.,.....\. mun nun` In :l.s`.s`Um- we had in immediate . tion of 50,000,000 people Lllwrn 1'1`u11.s`contimmtaI rail- ! now Wt` urv . with ' of 1'zIiI\\':1_\'.< out ol :1]! pro- ) the needs of the count'r_v. zxrison with Hm n.,: .,x {L011-llnlled from reduced, The reach in-plicialtng :horoug`h Jowers activitlies provincial governments, he \ 'esponvsrib'.e bout. ugh survey eld 'overnmental `rovin-cial have the Dominion In- ome bvanckets of rhich " othing nd, f Canadian COI'p0I"l ohs whinr mm 1: "M. Mu \Il -.\\I|It-ll.` lI(l\(- l)1'(`H 1'4`<' H11) portion of lhr- cost 01'` t .~:e1'vi(-vs` and t.h:1' portion f passvd on to thy _<.v`o11r,-1'21! Thv Burmul has fur yo:x1'.~'_' tu.\-inu~ or m.m;..n. ,-- ...... V: urn inadequate lighting and do We will gladly check the This service is yours for the as} us or drop us a card and we an-irnnn.-9-.... ...-J ` Iu puvzuv (:I1tL'1'[)l`l.\'C 111 public o\vnm'.~'lnp, :0 public o\\'nm'. (-n'()11rcu-.< of the nut- N-)-()r \\';|,< in `lcunrn un-uu nus ml` yt`zx1'.< of publicly own:-I } as p1'i\'21t"I_\' u\\'n~.- w- taxed. \Vv u.~'<~_ ho .~'iLu;xtion of Lhv in (hnmzklzn. w}1e2.-I; wd powvr (*omp2m- ` wt . of I'I1dn nun IS :15 rol- has 249,421 1' unmn no bsLn'd- is fol- ; -)/i 1`)! )()l'1l- 'nml. till. I1 t of 'tion ` lf'l'Zll {`:H`.~' rm-d 'n~.- U.~'(' 1(5). )2lll- ` 1.5.! \\'ll|- ittle `ail- isips be ring and ass- the ). ally the '|V\\ unu- . Lune!` pi'1\'.'1tv ii`..unzig'u>- `HilllIi a.~:.summ-I-.< lmw hr-on _;-iven to labor that tiln-re is no fo-.1ml:1`t.ion that r:iilw.'i_\' labor would be zidw1's<~- _\' :~rfl'c-(`ted and that p<-mlin_-.1` t.hoir l'(,`-Zll)>'()l'[)tl0l1. Ll(l(.`(]llZll`* muintenauice lullownm-<~ would he 3_~'i\'en to those ,tmnporzn'il_\' (li. lit l1u.= also `been pointr-rl out in tlwBv1it.`d_v Pl`:':`. that no (-ommunitiv.< will be (lr.-pri'vr~l of ti'un.~'portntion. F`lll(`,(` only -p:n':ill(~l t1`:1('kug'(- would he vlminuL- ed. An :n'g'Lnnrmt l`m.< been put for- &wm'd that unvication under pri\':`:te Im2ln2l_`,'(`m( .l1l7 would create 21 mon- opoly. We do not believe this to .be the ('z1.s'v. as the Rail\va_\' C-ommi;<- l:-ion lms the albsolufp conntrol of as]! [rart-e.'< and would adequa.t`el_v p1-otr-ct fthe public ll'ht9W`Sl>' It has also heem ,ar;2'uerl that it would be hlamding 'ove1' the National Ria.ilwa_v.- to thr- privately owned railway, but this is not the case, as the prope;'t-ies of the Natiolnml Railways undm` unica- tion remain with the grovernment. ;It is our studied opinion that under ,`unication the privately owned rail- way would brine` m-dm- nut no 01...... n % 1 I I [The siatu-t'vs that may have mg one overhead. Briti;~1h North Anwricu Act: have been. opcraftinp: undon- arrit-]o.~' of Confvdm-ation years, pm-cwtri(:all_\' yet our nation has and our Ww thosn for 67 without chm1g'e, ;:'rc-atly z-h:1n,r.-`ed requirements have (`h:1n'_(;'vd. served us well mt` first have hm-come ob. Yet. some of'ou1' poopic, somp of our provivnnces. want no c11an;.ro; do not want to eliminate waste and in- ofYicionc_\' by rovi.=in{_-' lhe British North .'-\mm-ion Act`. Thn RII|*n\1v L.` . ..~~--V ' .:\urL-n m1m1'Icn Act`. The Bureau has commenced :1 ca.n1pai_g'n to a"-`nrlist into the Associn tion` :23 mt-mht-r.< sonw 200,000 Lax- pzn_\'cr.< in order tlml. we may secure a unitled action, as we are convinced the rnnmdy lies in the hands of the taxpayers themselves. iuuulckuloll Lno pnvatr~l_\' blringz` order out of chnoa `alnd would mive us an adequate _- t'rz1Insportart.ion :n. for Canada, eliminating` all dup`ication and hav- ing: one overhead. Rl'iH;1]1 `Mn:-H` An f3.,..vm~ unu uuueve that a return of .'prosope1~it_\' will solve the problem, :;but such is not the case, as in our finest p1'o. year, 1928, the iN:1It`ionz1l li'J~.:Iilwa_\-'.< fzliled by nrea1'l_v |$2.`l.S(i8,437 of meeting` its obliga- ,t'ions, while tlw p1'i\':1t-l_\' ownnd railwziy paid an ten per cent. divi- doml. We have e.\'zunin~(l the Reality Plan zund are rmly of the opinion that unication under p1'i\'ut'- mun- gagrmnen-t is the . to our mi`- `\\';y\' pi-nblt-m and that in the course `of :1 l`(-w yenr:< u-mler u. unied 'S_\-'St('nl suflicient prots would be iozlrnc-d and lhu _4'o\'m'n:nvnL'.< .~:hzm- ` nt to lulu` I`ill'\' of H10 in~ `ll.-lit:-ilm-_<.< of H1 National llzlilwavs iS(`(`Ul'lf.l('.<. l'n(lei' l)I'i\'nln m -m _ ,_ _...-.v...a cucrgy S Eye-strain, depressit physical fatigue are almo: ing. Nine homes out of A w/. ...:n -1- H - ' u._\ m'm)|('m and that in l'0f `s_\-'. :.v'o\'r-rnznv Nationu 1H(`( l11'iti(`.<. privatv been `labor that :,Im.... :. -M it has been referred to by prac- rhically all the presidents of our banks .amd leaders of industr_\~', all ,9 demanding' that a solution be found. 1 The Bureau has examined the gvanious solutions that have been ;o~ered aznd believes that u-ncicartion under private mz1na;;ement is the solution. The Royal Commission in ) 1932 recommended to Parliamem i'that co-operzm1ion. would be the solu- I *tion, but co-operation to (late lre _ barely saved $1,000,000. There are `those who believe that return ip1'osr.-perit_\' solve Hm n..,.i.i,..m 11- um situation is so danugerous that ,. 1. J [miles of railway, with `1 `- )ve;r }11nd'.e 04f 497 peysonsz: :`;p&f,3 with {W6 1,024 mlles of railway Fpersmilg populatlon per mug of 224 mum... PI- ...._ J : , lz,` Phone 122 I GRIBBLE Radiogz l:I]gg(ric Service 125 DUNLOP ST 22 K.I! -.. .m..umu uau|wu_V.~' xnvos I1orw- fotlnthxthnn unuhllnxadvm3v- that n, (mm hr` ,,.;`.;m on 41..."- A _____ .. unnvulu grabp 3, which are staggering 1 total railway mileage of a populafcion of 10,000,- Nlaltlioma`. Railways has a x threatt-ens our national `e s1'tua;tio.n, cannot be al- natin unsnlvnd Mn 1.1.... the NEW She may blame this 1 number of other things more light, properly dif up her nervous energy : ru Page Three ugm 323 `X IITH a needle and an ounce is doing something that will 4 than heavy labor. She is sewing in straining her eyes, she is tiring her and soon she will feel tired, nervou WATER, LIGHT AND GAS COMMISSION nay hcada ;;e on J things. But in tea 7!, diffused, so that s KCFVOIIQ an arr... .-A--- 3- _..... .. Anulll ln( clo not know it. I lighting in yo : asking. Simply I and w. uri ..-_-.- K V , LU yU u Lighlin Sarvicu, insert pnrculars in 1 aiove addrou.) V ,,- ... ....uu.y all: needs perly she will not use `s straining to see. depression, nervous tension and ..-..- Al ` Pointing out `that Allemvoodl Lodge had waited for an explana-' V tion from Dr. Simpson for his fail-'1 iure to appear at a meeting; in Elm- va'<* 011- Oct, 19th last, which he had `promised to attend, it would appear that Premier Hepburn and his Min- ister of Education lack courage to : ut.I(mi})t an int(:1'p1'c-tation of l0_ 4 3/Le HYDRO'ELECTR|C POWER COMMISSION 14` ofo/(fa/do -. yoalull, IICFVOU : almost sure to fo II A` If f At the same time thm it is creat- ing wealth for the home Hydro is saving work in the home. This month, for instance, your Hydro Shop or dcalerisFc;1;urin-;f.1sz- cooking Electric Rnrqcs and the new Hydro Plan makes it easy to own and easy to pay for one of these new marvels of Electric Cooking. In Ontario's industrial development, therefore, Hydro inuences your pay envelope, regardless of your occupation. HYDRO ,--\ .I?y/zfen Z/J11; .7)ai/y g-71/J |.lk.4k`!$r/ )uun..~. Cheap poi./er has been a real magnet in 2 industry to this Province, with a consequenl ment of thousands of workers and larger In addition to this, the payrolls of Hydro a electrical trades swell the buying powe: citizens of this Province. :k your home. ' telephone nd will arrange to do this . time convenient to you. OU are vitally interested in the success of Hydro, because, as a citizen of this municipality, you are a partner in this gigantic enterprise and because it means so much to you in personal income. __ I _..- .....s. u) I ULIOW nd ounce of silk, Mother mg exhaust her more in poor light! By body and brain, nervous, and develop a n, tsurp rn F.-.ll..... ._--- " ' ALLENWOOD L.O.L. SAYS ! R. SIMPSON S:-XOLu.l) RESIGN ` -1_,. -n - ,.- .... ...... ucaun or a reality she needs '1 than .-L.. -A--'`' : her health or a n an 1:..- J ' I.cua'l.0n and vfollow poor light- frnrn in.-........_. _, Ic+H-r ifL-:1;uz'i!1~;[.15t- : R.':z'qcs:1x1d / .1y "' .0:-ctric . 0"` . incorrect or as attracting ovince, consequent employ- s payrolls. , Hydro and allied null .1... L.---1- ' I spud JvL\l V JZIJVLEIJ-` J. I and have on hand lamps and xtures recommended by the I'|l11n1i1mt ing Eng'ir1(cr.s" Sm-[iot`_\+'. L. A. Emms F. R. Kenny W. A. Lowe & Son A__ E_ TT-n1n~n- `D-r--- --... U. . g,-gnu auu aulccl. power of the _. .. u.._y \4Ull'.)Q aI.<. are up in an of public school . ,-, .- ,,.,.,-. ,sm'e, what they want. ' } 'I`he_v are taught that heads of icomganies whose enterprise and fore- is~ig;ht have helped in making those: _1'n1.=,, and providing` work for mnrny ihundreds of thousands, are ogres. iTi1Z1t the returns they receive from their investments and from the use` `of their brains do not belong to ;hem. That they belong to the `workers. Th 1 1 . 4 ' I I-1541!: uue CUIIIIOIWS Of life. These children are delib taught to get out` and seize, ,sib'e, what ; , ev arp Lnlcrl-ul> 4.1.... L, _have the comforts of life. They are not allowed to choose, mind you. They are not even taughrt the Bible, alternately with the creed of Communism and allowed to make the choice. shall prevail. They are rbau-ght to take and seize the good things of this world. They are not taught "that :a/ man must work for what he earns, and that if he wont. work when. given the chance, he does nov deserve to_; I r I l I I . Thpgp nhilmn... uuv i ists. (.~Lc. ` iln their tenderest years, when; `impressions are so easily made on: mheiir minds, hundreds of little boys ;und girs of Canada, many of them living in- Toronto, are, to put it b'u~nly, deliberately `told that there is no :G1od---thait Lenin and Trotsky and Stalin, the Russian dicibato-rs and leaders of World Communism, and I their thoughts and sayi-nugs are to be ` ' I Many Communist schools exist in` |Canada, heldon week days and Sun- days, where young men and women, `and small boys and girls, thousands` of them, are taught that Canada ; systeni of governmenrt is wrong, that belief in God is wrong and tthat >Con1mun:is.m, with its basic princi- fples of physical desitrucitticn and .bloodsvhed, is the only thing that can save ? Canada for-the Commun-` ` u1,UUU V-O|l-GS. In their work of sp: mumist propagand4a of r 1"nsu1'reot\ion amongsdt women, boys and girls, try, the Commun`is~t pi ada, on the orders of b] nwtional of Moscow, has ed the advantages off cause through the schools. `THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1936. I 1 l I The results of the civic voting inl Toronto on Monday shows clearly7 rthlert Comn1un.ism in that city is gain- I ing in strength. Two Communistel lwere elected, one to the city council )lE1'nd one to the Board of Education Tim Buck, a hero and leader ir Communistic circles, candidate fo) the Board of Control, polled over ( 31,000 votes. wuunnun`lS1'.l v-o-t Tn 4-L,.!.. COMMUNISM IN CANADA ` BECOMING A MENACE ---.....;_v u; Anem- L., denounced the Mi`nist;er ion for his sftiamd on the thool tax question. He is Centre Simcoe. said`: C'onse1'\'z1t1\'es, but Liber-. arms over his betrayal `chool . 11 U. lair! nu. - uewu ana other oicers. ` Lghgogd selze. He a`.so attends -the On`tIar1-io Pro-5 mght man'vincvial Convention to `make an an- It earns nual_1'epon`t and to advise such con- Mark whe,[;I venution on pension leg'.1_sla1thon- gen- s to eraliy. _'I`.he Chief Penslons Ofcer, `by courtesy of the Doimnionv Com- _ d l.b t 1 rma-nd of the _Leg1on, exercises -al gen- .61 `ilfae yieml supervision over the Ontario `:3 Same `I pS`i Service Bureau anld also magies per- " sonal contact wit Legion ranches mail f amd zones in Eas*t!e1'n Ontlwrio. t,e"p5 _ad f"e`, 4. The Senior Adjusitnienrt Officer ` t`h5e`is a`so the District Adjustment iwfk Officer for Toronto and is located K151 Y9 g"e5- in the provincial office. His duties '93/' ,"ee" e as Senior Adjust:me1nt Officer consist `d 5e`o~f general supcrvisioneof the nan- be l`(`) ;]gbe]{ (:`?'-Ttz ciatl routine of the Ontario Service Bureau, and he acts as liason officer ` ;'?i3 betw een the provincial president and '50 have `1'e the district adjustment. nfr-av-<~ uthor11,\'. ~ ` sum, U1 M115 co-un- `ist party of Can- ` -the Inter- w, has not neglect- s offered to its Hm mn.a:.. . ..--.. `V; u|u`ll_V ds, y 3elon2' to Hm : zk glrls, thousands thnf (`an-u-In .-` __ IT'S NOT POOR HEALTH BUT C POOR LIGHT THAT CAUSES THE A ' spreading C: If revo-lution : : It the men ale 1-.4` 4~L:.. ...- Ltftfu to medium lI\._5;I-`l(ILlUlI I courage, yet t:ion in this Mr. Rowe, Simcoo. W. homo riding`, --people that candidate at 't-i'on, I shall 110 have _\'ou any other is: D. McNAI_3T3 AS With :1 I: u.~'uz1I. I-{em L.-`cctcd. def ("ouncil|o1'.< 01 H .`n-_\' I.L1c:1.<, mont, Chz1.~`. 5. Fin; Jas. (`z n1i.~;-io11c1', \x W. A. Pluck fin . . 11 tion. I I I Hon. Dr. in East Hasti ed Hon. E111 in the next t2'(- Simcoo. Mr. `.hm'(.- that 11:- Simcoo at Ot Simcoo Centre Simco riding-gs are 0 rep1'es<:wt hha makin'g' much domand`i~n'g' that the courage and ]('_L{'i. in! yc-t tzion We] riding`, fact. L-zymdidate at tion, U0 21 11 _v oaer iSF`ll 0 . Rowe has memb riding`. you be dvligh 1.. J. Simpson, ; n.g's last \v<--<~-k. uI1zxl1<,-11g_-'- '1 Rowe to oppo.<:- him ,L ,'(?|1(_')`ll ('l('(`UOH in (`un- 1n'd you down l'(!p1'r*.~'v11t..< DufTm'in- W21." said the Cr::1tr:- M`. H01'(`si(i(-.u` 9, in. as onct-rnr-d. t riding`. talk Sta in provincial I happen to Mr. Rowe is about cou-rage, Premier show the assessment politica`. arena. ed an acclnmu- Let me say to p1'of(>r to run in I, Cmm-n Simc-or-, you: is my riding-. Tel`. the Now, if 1 am the next g,-em-1-.:1:l 010(5- ted and happy ummsv m:- on thi.~ or bri up; o the he re fus the I`uu.\ cUn\'(!nHOl1 conlmiltc-e.< r<.-qui1'- ting: informzmiolnr 1-vlzxtirug to pt-n.=im1.~I for other ex-.s`e2'\'ice pr0b1um.<. The fsteno}.-craphic st.z1' in euvh D`i. Service Bureau is under the direct `control of the D?.~'t1`i(,'1t .~\(lju5,tnwnt ]n{T(-e1". but zvny chumze.~' must receive `the z1pp1`o\'z1I of lhe 0nt:n'in ('nm~ mzmd. CENTRE 'SlMCOE MEMBER CHALLENGES TORY LEA Com- xy\ nu- adjustment =`ti-ansnrittin-g' any generzll instruc- 5 tions. -All requisitions for supp`.ie:-1 mpare made through the Senior Ad- Liustment Officer, and all disburse- _. [ments fo-r the Ontizirrio Service Bur- ,`eau receive his approval before be- ltering made. The Senior Adjustment. O"icer, with blue aRiS'i2l'l`llCe of the m. Chief Pensions Office)", compiles an 91 ` report ann-uall_v known as the bud- he get, which is submitted to the 011- iario Cuxrnvtlecn Fund Trustees. do 5. Each District Adjustment .1-. ` Oflicer is directly rcspoinusib"e for the 3] opt-ration oi` his Bureau. He makes 21 personal contact! periodically with `the Lepsion branches in his district, 1' and furnishes a monthly report to them, also to the Chief Pcn. ;Ofliccr. Dif ricul't cuso.< are made the ;'sub_ir.-ct oi (-o`nferencc.< with the ;Chi0f Pemions Oflicer. At all times, jin dcu`ins_2' with the oilicials of Mn- `Go\ crmnent, and in public. uuch ;Di.=tricL .-\(i_lLl.~'llll(`ll`i Oilicvr conducts ;him.~'elL' as :1 i'e.' officer of `tho lie_9,'ion. ;\l:1tIte1'.< rr,-l:1tin,:' to the .n'Incial operzition of un_\` Su'\'fv iB1U'l`Zll.l are l`(`f('l`l`(`(i to the Senior `.-\ Oim-2', and those relin- in;: to p;n.ion or oiiiln-r it-,4'i.~':itirm iu1'~ r(*i's,-rrt-d to H162 (Thit-1' Pen.-.ion.~' iCli'ic-r at _()1t:u\':i. Win-n rmguii-(-ii `to :i`cI.:-ml flhu l ro\'ir(-in] ("0vm'i-:`;tir)n .'<-ach Di.~'lrict A Ofl'i('c-1' will `:'.<.~'i.~`t in !-`ho }_>'i-an-i'z1l conduct of mu- itinv l)u.~'im-.<.< in the <-oi1\'<-:t.:ion `ofl'ic(~, :1.< \\ l`ii us (O.i)(` :1\':xil:1b!c to izmy convention vonimitti-as 1-r.:nn'.- L I A. E. Smith Urry Bros. ._-:_______.;__. McNABB RE-ELECTED REEVE OF STAY!`-.'ER ._._ -,......u.-iv; ux LIIOSO WHO` ~'have died, in- every possible way. slClaaims to pension, medical and Jen- l'Ital treaxtment, war veterans allow- iance, motthers u;al.`owa.nce, general rrelief, and other related matted-s are taken up entirely free of expense to , the applicant. r 2. F0111` Service Bureaus, in charge of 21 D:isrtrrict Adjustment , O1ce1, operate as follows: (21) To ronlto, for T.oront;o district and Cen- wmu, wr 1.oronto district tral and Eastern Ontario ge'n:eral`y; (b) Tioronto, for Nom`t1hern Ontario and Hamilton district; (c) London, `for Wes`te1'n Ornfoario generally; ((1) `WIin:dsor, for lthe Border Cities ;t2Irea. The Bureau at Toronilo and ;London are also T,.V.S. Bureaus, ` maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Faith 1 hpmmm. mu- r~~-'-~ ` -' * - `ma-ulug e: - , and the - have died 5 Claims [ Ilful +w....4.. _\, ... nvll u.~ L().l)(` ;1';n' i11f'o1'111:L1-in:m -..I-.+:.-.... . 5 1. The Comma fvice Bureaus for sisrtsing ex-service and Han Amm..,:..... CANADIAN J ONTARIO I QED`! [L5 ex-5e1'V1Ce me dependemts 1n- `HR fn nnnninn .. 4|r1LV LILUIUIV U1`, BE5 'ARl0 PROV. COMMA-NI`). sxanvxca BUREAU < We are C0-operating in the BETTER LIGHT - BETTER SI4 MOVEMENT lnnnn 7* L - K. _ . .......... yxcoiuexit and iclt` officers, : instruc- hroug-h fficer, the ` iii 1 ons Office)-. ('nmn?lu.- .. yA|\aL uuu;cL'a'. attends ventiovn make to advise such pension leg'.isla;tIion- e Pensions ' the Dominionv 2 Legion, exercises gen- sion Onfswin Pro- ' 21 1'0 G1`: Command um +'nv -1-. ,. ...-.- ,..-uuunczmy wxth lches f_ psi nu ....,. -N-~17 L1-:cioN or B.E.S.L. | PROV, (`,nMn.IAmn and maintains Ser-I the purpose of 213-? men and women. \ I nits of those who 'erv nncgihlo um-v JILK LEADER J uu.~ 10n.\' ~ : Us xlir. W 1`(.-qul1'- IIUH ';lIH.I i un-u:x::i- 01 1-a1Iwu_\ ' out oi` poi-Lion to ( .-\. compmison with the Satos niilzigrn will S`h0\\' `s-he ity of our situation-. which lows: United States .` .......u_., up pm <-an (ron1pvt,- put and in this case pu backed by the rt-.~'0urc ion. The g'm:Iv(.~ vrror in_'.:' that ve in 21 population 50,0 l'(`(|Uil'il`. 1'1`a11scc w:1_\'.<. and ` .;!nu..~,. ,.A' 4. SI 1 The R1:-ni`wz1_\' Situation: The rail- way problem in Canada is p(~rh:1p;` the mosvtlt 0llta't1lldilll,`. ,' prob`lr*m to dvult with, as it is .`"l0\vly sapping the life blood of H19 country and impvrils our nvabional credit, tvho `oss- as from I919-35 :mnounti11p; to :1pp21lling2' p;ure of 351,0-S)3,93~8.800. Our rai wa_v (lifcultios I (-ommenced in 1016 when both (`m1arliz1n Nortvln,-rn and tho Gruml 'l`runk Pacic l'm'lv(l. fmleral and provincial g`ovornn1cnt.=,' who had _Q'uarz1nLe(.-(l their bonds to the r.-xtmit of a quarter billion dol- l:lr.~. witrh their losstrs, and out of t.l1i.~' tho f\'uti(n1h:Il Rail\\'21_\'s born and tlw com- petition rn il\vz1_\', (`nil I-nnnunv. l "~14 I. lc.'wi11g the `V ' , I I ' ` actually l p x J l I .` : L ` ,.....V... \/nIl"\l pU\\l`l' it-.~' pay 91 pm" cent. imlu.<(,r_\".~\ tax bill as ag*uin. 1-hp puI)!icIy own r-d power<, who pay liuln or no talxes. I[Vl_, Ii 01 ~- (x 1. ll 71 1 l ..,....u.uuu _ _ , . . nuulu r1;.'.'nl itself. if taxation xvas of 21 n10(ler:ut' (-l121mcL(-1' and then ':i.< l inter-2 fcro11(-.- in industi-_v by ;1'O\ (`]'nm1'l1t.~'. Public Ownership: I`lw .ui'r-uu~, bol it-\'o.'< in p ri vnte -nl-erp1'i. and l poin1.< out that public 0wnv1's-liip in? C'.::`mulz1 s-iiice COI1fl`(l(`l'z1tl0n lm.~_~ l 1U`( l_\', if vver, been succc. Pl.lllll(`l_\' ownml uti it.i0.<, lil<<- oth( `i coi'poi'zLlIion.<, l7('I1(`[ from .-=<,-i'\'ic<.x" p('l 1'0l'J)1(,`( l by our _L','()\'('l'lllll4,'lli: 1 sucli st-1'\'icu.< m'a- itlc-ntiv ml in chm-1 :1(-tvr and Cost \\'l1('l'(' lli.- (`0l'[)Ol'l-~ Lion is pi-i\'atnl_\' or [)Ulllll l_'\' ownml. .3 l*I.\'r.-m1)bI.ion from 1.-i.\'utimi l':'.o-`lll< Lli.IY 1 tliv L1. of` utilit.i"-.< lmw. ln-vn i'v-3i lit-\'i~ of the ol" g'ovm'nmont portion l1a.< been to 1 '.:x.\'p.::_\`m'. 5'o:x1'." u1'_Q'(2d tho t:1.\ in_L' ll ulilitios so long Dublic 11t.i i1.i<.-;< :m- u. as an (>xnmpl(- tlw P pow:-1' compani<-.~' \v}1eh'l:\, t.l1r- p1'ivz1tcl_\' o\vnr>(l `n p21_\ pm` in(lu. as l}, nrl run...` .. ( l ` `,. ....,_n.uu_y The Bureau maintains that; the un(,~mp o_\'menL situation would 1'ig'ht' int(.-r- industrv gzovt-rmnn-nt.~'.' Pnhr Hum m-. nu n ,,,.. .,- \.un.\.uuIuII, an citizens` L would realize what were their obli-i _ gzzibions. They would be able to ' think aahead, plan aliead and 2'0 ahexald. Home capital would be re-i leased for business eXl.l('l1.slOI], and withou-t doubt fo1-eigrn capital would be attracted by the ,-ruaranitec of one income tax only in- (fanmla. Of-;. nec-e. more work would be :1\'.'1il- I` able, employment crn:1`te(l and :1 l'(`- 1] turn of what we are plez1. to mull}- pro.spe1'ity I" 3 ml. l:,II4-/ - - - " uu yLuyU1'LlDI:l, D0 l{'lll lI'l'ltla|tlV and Canuudian ghould prevent the inflow. of fore:-g'n cap-`these facts, which 3}`) 't:lloS_~ neC,%m;` 1'3: 3 Colinttln: 1S3uCll'We have a 3" 1}; . e Wt 'f } $_f t I. `.`-41,024 for ejrtlu _,"1l d'"?." lrt. ax_ L5` 5), ,e'mm:'000. The .aI'191"ta"fp'C`}li C`m _d lhe.V".E debt which national ` $0" t` `\t onby "' Hantdda blbhl}? life and the Cone X 0 e C0 ec 8 Y _e.lowed to remain unsolved. No blame Federal Government made muchifor this situation can be attached to wider in its application in order to't.he p1_i`va`tely owned milwav `as they ma'ke.pz1aact1call_v all our wage-earzr are the innocent: pa1_tieS`and their "lg cmzens tax commons and t-he.achievemen-t is an. emalmple of private hmlt` b."aCklet`5 gt Stf exceed t25 99,1` enterprise unequalled in the world. cen. in pace 0 a per cen. as 1- _ , - _ is to-day. This could be done on-in was through the faith and Cour the understandin.g' that the provincial age of this privately owned emer- . " V _ _ ` ` I . ._ prise that Canada becsavme a nation. ' bi ( :i1I)]iIld-1t(ib]ziih aiitdln tliiiltt till] tDh;l,ni,t:'ieo1g' The situation is K " (I ' Governmenvt pass back to the pro- : vinces a percenstagxe of the total col- . _ _( _ I. . 1GggtJ<;g:te;;o;.=*t;;;iq ;1g1*;1_,;,;;g;;';1 one income ax onilv in Cai1'1d:1 Mid The Bureau lexamined ;'_ p ` 1 -. A ` _f*._` "vamous so`.utio_m< t-iat have been f .3Z,`...i.f;`..3..{ ;.. ?Jhil3L .e `llllm-`.3"l}Tr"-Wd atnd -""9=m 4 Thev under private lmbnagiemem-.. -is the wink whelld - )1_m _md we Conmn.s.s:1on in " l`. ` T capital le'l`]___ ,, .. lnn:~,..l C- ` T,his has 'the e'ect, when out oil` all proportion, to kill inlitiautive prevent inow cap-I _ ital so necessanv in country suchl t as ours. The solutions of the Bur-l I eau for income taxes is: to elimin-- ate all duplicrartion and have one ` _' income tax only in. Canada, this in- - ' tax to be collected by then` " Government, muchfj its to' make pnaactically our , ing citizens conscious the,` h-ig'h brackets not to 25 perf 2 . . E cent. place of 65 cent. it tmdav 'l`:|~s- I-~-'- L ` '- income great Britain. Om` a . ..., vug,cw1<:l' amount to - $115,000 income the `total tax is ,'$2,500, or 16.80 per cent; on a` -' $50,000 income the tota`. tax is` - $20,728.50`, or 41.45 per cent.; on - a $500,000 income the total tax is - $413,644.00, or 82.73 per centt., and . on a $1,000,000 income the total - tax is $900,123.00, or 90.01 per - (If you have a Lighn? Sarvicg, in