Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Nov 1936, p. 1

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Tea, and Lhey have .~o little in com- lt .~cem.< I0 havc: given very gen- eral . that our day of nlationul :`;ank.~ i\'in_g' 1\l1(l .-\l`lIl`;.~',IlC(:_ Day have bear. .~'v:pu1'2m.~(l and that. 1-he title.-, "l{ um(mbmncL- Day, l1a.~s` been given to the lzL:1er, it being made 21 1;:-ncr..l holiday throu'g`l1out the Dominion. Each of tl1L-5.: zumi-w verszwies. can well stzmd on its own mon that the l1l'ul'u ln`.{' of them into one (lay so-11m-(l to have nothmg-; at all to justify 31. T; .,. .. 1., L," 1 n l A I ST. ANDREW S CHOIR CONCERT : DELIGHTS LARGE AUDIENCE [ St. And1'0\v s Church was lled to capacity on Tuelsday evening when `the annual choir concert was hvld, under the (lll'GClti0l1 of Edmund 'Ha1'd_v, organisvt land choi1'mast(3`:. ; l`l1e cho1'iste1's were heard to advan- ; in a variety of part songs. I Hush 'I'l1ee. Mv Rubia. hv Riv Ar- \JlOV'.`nl71l Shcltw Ligrht . . Water Dnlgs I` 00(l Fuel clothing % .QhpH'n1- monnmg Shelter 1:` ul". . . . Clothing; .q1}11~]fn1- )\VS Z Food mnr.` Total LIN Wt}: rs. Cudmore Not Held] Respon:i_|:_le, Acquitted ::1'pt, vn : k; u.` secure mese rlgnts. [ The county clerk advised of thnl admission to the RV. Ho. of! eight indigent patients. I In Committee I Nfnsf. nf` Han ..\.vnnnn- u.... ...,...L 2.. i`. HIV . I`.ll(l!"'."S UH \J(lU ml 1).D.G.M. Bro. Mr A1`:."nn -.1.-n .-nn1,- .`l1 lJ.lJ.\I.)H. I')l'U. lVl('~ .-\H'..-".on, also . 2 for the month wars 1 1J,L'_" ilk-Ll`Hl 5 hm.-thn-n, .~:3)r>m.. :1 MlZ,l1nu.l A xn'<.-tun-II, an (3H~ P:1. Nlarllzgml, tho _L:l1(:,~, n. :`<.' :`.(1(h"'S.< on Odd- 4 n n r: M D... m,. on 1 uL'.sua1_\` I 2 60111 zmnivur-_ of ]40(i;.!,'{.' I\'o.i ut.t<-xulzlncc ol- .0 1: l-1.71 Ax!` nI\ Tl .$mm.:2~ I$80`:%l4{` 170.61 128.57 86 69 2.25 on` _casn I01` 21 lot on 1 ms! and Duffex-in "purposes. Refdn .( v W.-4-an \;'l`1'e:1.s1u'm', and Dr. .`vIo1-ton, 1\Iedica) - Of cc-1'. " F01Io\\'in;: the bu. of the .Lod_::0, the mumbclns and vi>*it.o1'5 ad- .`j0m'nr:(l to Mr. Fax'ra_2'11c1".<, where :1 supper was p1'0\'idc(l, with about - forty p1'c.`~'cn1.. VVESL ZHK1 15 :`bU[)[)lll}.f,' UH ll] D~;1lrI'l. R. C. Braund has been in Salva- `tion work since 1885 and l1a.'~2 hEl.d a ;commission in Petm-boro for the last :40 years. He will have in. real mes- lsage. Wit-l1 Mrs. Braund, and accom- plished soloist, and Mrs. S. J. Rich- ardson as pianist, the pro;-,'1`am wil ! be worth hearing. Plan in Inn at 1111:: (`itnrlnl nn Qqf. Maxwell D. Sidey, of Toronto, who has been preyinp: on Banie mer- chants wimh forged cheques, has been taken into custody in Toronto and will appear in police court there to- lday. He is also wanted in Oshawa. "The mu. nu-n,tin.5_-: in the Salva- tion Anny Cit.:-idol on Saturdlay even- ing promises `.0 be of 21 high . ard. Col. F. Burton, an old Barri: boy. will be chairmzm. He is on his `way from .\".-wfoundland to the West and is stopping o in Barrie. T? (1 RI'l111Il 119: hnnn in .Qulu-.1. UL` V\'0l'l'Jl neann'g. Plan to be at the Citadel on urday evening. The annual At Home of Kerr Lodge, A.F. and A.M., was held on Friday nnig-ht last in the Masonic Tample-. with about 200 present. The rst part of the evening` was devoted to briclgro and euchre. At nine o clock a tasty lunch was served. after which dancing` was enjoyed till one 21.111. The r,-v(-ning was voted as one of the most enjoyable spent for some Iinm. S.A. MUS!CAL EVENING SATURDAY [N ClTADEL uy ergnteen lncnes in size. Mrs. Ellen Bqwnton, of Washago, neighbor of Mrs. Cudmore, went to the Cudmore home at 9.30 21.111. She said the child was just ll\'!l11}l'. It was burned allover. `The feet and legs were the `worst, but. the zmns and hl2l(l were also burned. Mr". Cudmore was hysterical and did not 1`e(`0g'I1iZe her. `Two days previous Mn-s. Cudmore was very nervous and cried a p;reavt deal, Mrs. Boyuton }cont,inued. At that time she com- plziined of her hC"L\(l, . slie did not know what svho was going` to do. Under cross-exsimination Mrs. Bo.'n- ton . that she had known Mrs. Cudmore for -ibout 21 year and was on f1'iendl_\' terms with her. She lwzis very devoted to her baby, wit,- ness declared. Askel by His Lord- ship, 1\'Irs. Boynton . {hat the home relz1tioin;~'l1.ip with her hu:-`band was quite no1'msa.`.. ll If-'nh;v1nnr' nu nunvn Run-u\ 4-4` V of the nave msurance placed in these, but `they act for all reputabe companies. it was agreed that the A. E. W'i`son ,Co. be authorized to make a survey in. carried by the (town. rs KERR LODGE.` A.F. AND A.M., HOLD ENJOYABLE AT HOME l!;'b\'CS on Lne stand. P1'ovIi~n~ciaI Constable Bert Ham- mer, of O11ang'eV'il`.e, formerly of Barrie, was the rst. witness called. He told the court he was called to the Cudmoro home at Washaeo about 5.30 z1.m. on Dec. 17th. He found a large living` room which was healted by a `arge box stove in the centre of the room. The stove was about four feet long, three feet wide and three feet high. `The door was in. the front of the stove and the lid on top. The bottom door was fteen inches. from-the oof and was fteen by eighteen inches in size. :\`l)`.<, Ellen Rnnnf-nn ml-' In.-.1..n..... nub gumy should be given. Joseph Sedgwvick, I{.C., special `Crown prosecutor, placed ve wit- nes on the stand. P1-nmicnniul r`.-.m...L1,. T)_..L rum uuvei'no1'-lnduouncill. Since the tragedy Mrs. Cudmore has been a patient in a mental in- stitution at Whitby. Medical evi- dence and that of her neighbors est,ab. .isl1ed the fact that the woman was mentally unbalanced at the time and the Crown resled its case on that fact. Paul Copeland, de- fence counsel, pleaded not guilty on behalf of Mrs. Cudmore, and no de- fence witnexses were called. Mr. Jnctir-p 7Vln.1I`m.1.....,.1 ,.1.......__J u:u(:I: w1r,ne&<;es called. Mr. Justice Mc>Fa1`]Ia-nd charged the jury that in defence of insanity, it must be established that the of~ fence was committed a a time when the individual did not know what she was doing, and did not know it was wrong to do it. If the jury was satised the woman was not guilty on account of in. a verdict of not guilty should be given. Josenh Snd9'wir~L', I: r` mm:-I The trial of Mrs. Venn. Cudmore, charged with the death of her five months -old son at Washago on Dec. 17th last, by placing the infant in a stove in the .famil_\i residence, came to `a sudden close when the jury, without leaving the court room, found the woman to be insane at the time of the ragedy and acquitted her of the murder charge. Each juror polled individu:a.lly answered not guilty. Mrs. Cudmore was 1'ema:nded in custody by Justice McFarland, await- ing; the pleasure of the Lieutenant Governor-in~Council. Rinr-rm tl-an +vun-.A.- mt..- n._,:,,, \Vi]l be Held in 711. ;\\\'aiti11g ,[ l(-asllro. -of G0v.-111-Go1u1ciLA JURY UNANIMOUS qulue n01'msa.'.. (Contmued on page five) `,7? Established in the Year 1847 Communications The Canadian Legion wrote invit- ing'members of the council to attend -`the services on Remembrance Day at `the Cenotaph and in Centml Church. The secretary of the Business` Men's Club advised that at a meet-I ing of the executive a resolution wa.~ -unanimously passed that Remem- brance Day, Nov. 11th, he ob. as a public holiday. `W. H. prnft xvi-nfo nF`n--3-am Eight Pages Tustody I Ian .. `F public hollday. H. Pratt wrote cash for lot the 'mis` and mu?-4 on ~.uuru1uLU, auaressod the council and urged that the town employ an in- surance broker to look after all insur- ance placed. His company employ insurance specilalists who advise rc insurance and would make a survey qwe `oown s insurance at no cost. A .y `surance is placed th1'ough local agents; who get the same commission as UOW. Th R W-llcnn (`.n nnn agclubc, wno get; me commission The A. E. Wilson Co. con- trol 14 companies and prefer to have insurance placed they 2 T`F`T)1Itl]'\"n r-nnwnqninu ' The town council met in reg'ula1` session 1'\Iovnd-ay,` night with all mem- bers present with the exception of Aid. Fralick. His worship was auth-l orized to issue a proclamation asking all citizens to observe Remembrance Day, November 11th, as :1 public holidiay. No action was taken on a petition bearing over 200 signatures asking that ex.-Constable Walton Rayner be reinstated on the police force. Next meeting, Nov. 12th, will be a s-tatutary meeting and the llasl before the municipal. nomination and elections, and all committees are asked to have their reports in 01`dC1'.l To Make Insurance Survey I U. S. McGhie, representing the A E. Wilson Co., insura-nce Brokers. ~ I`oron`to, addressed the council and urged that the f.n\vn r-\h1nlnv an :n V0]. NC. No. Observe Remembrance 9 Day as a Puhlic Ho|iday[ Ul.\,'l` (I gratitw nn an Oldest ? Paper in the County = .-\<-`(ion on ], o1`itin11tuE Relnstzlfe CuI1sta1})1e \V. I R21_\fnm'. . COUNCIL MEETING umee 01 councn. (Continued on page four) I LHP StVs., 36. o'm'ing $25 r'nrnm- n`F 1.... curmzl` OI In-` for buzldmz @he Nntitbmimt Abnmwe .i ..u~u cl.) uu out sion 101' $1 1'(`_i0i('W l!.'_L" 0\'4:1`\\'0n(lL')`flll miIit:n'_v ft.-zits 0:} :-.cl1ie\'cim:nt.<. .-\n_\'lhing' of this sort: that we might be proud of couh: ca; be matched by the 1'r_-co1'd of the f'o1'('e.< :11'i'z1_\'(-(1 2l{,:'zlll1St us. ln. fact any ;_rr(.~at military spectsicl would seem to be the last thing: that would fit in with a consistent cele- bration of Remembrance Day. 'I`h- war was fought by men who kncvi nothing about .=ol(lic1'ing' before it came upon us and the great majo1'it_\ 1 of those who did its actual work and` who came back to us are to be num-l bered among the moslt pronounced anti-milivzirists and pacists that we have. Military spectacles in the in-` rterests of soldiering` and the pro-' fessional soldier, if they are to havel a place at. all, ought not to nd th`:'t place in a celebrating of Remem- brance Day. An action b2'ough't by the Spiral! Nail Co. of Canada Ltd., Co]`.ing'- wood, failed to prove its case agrainsti ithe town of Collingwood in the Su ,' preme Court a.\=iz<:.: before Mr. Jus-i tice McFarland _\':_-s1c1'day afternoon. Jas. R. Roaf, K.C., 'I`oronto, acting for the p1aimi!T.<. a:\si: by Howard) nG,ra_v, Collingwvood, ai`ed to prove: his suit and his Lordship ,r_ra\'e 21` Itcp-suit dc-cision. W. A. Boys,` K.C.. acted for hr: town of Coiling - wood. Ay\.lII\.IIIlll(`CQ4 uu_\' 15 not xntcndr.--J5 as an 0cca.~ion for the cc]:-bration of; a g'1'cat military \'ict.o1'_V. .-\.~' 21 m:;`.-_ tor of fact th<-1'- w'.1.~n t any such \'i(-to1'_\' to bc cr+lc})r:1tc-(I. It i.=n t in- ..m1...z .. .~ I- - - ` 101` me same month a year ago. The building program for Septem- ber and October of this year shows Ia decided over the same ltwo mon~t:hs of 1935. Thi.< Septem- `her permits to the value oi." .510,.355 were taken ouf, while the <:orre. in;: month last year showed only nine pei-mit.= totalling: $1,035 being ap-, plied for. October of this year with i$1`0,36l also shows a large increase lover the corresponding` month of thr- gprevious year, when pe1'mit:~: grantr.-.,l }Lota]lcd S_1,172.0. i Permits p,'ran-ted were `.argely to ;cover the cost of repa.irs. In Sep- -tember this year these repairs \V(31`(' ivalued at $755 "nil in October S861. Four houses were built in Soptemberl `H3 2 `Wilma int-nlltun. :1-nonn . uul uuu5L-`S were ouut m Septemberl `at a vrilue totalling` $9,800. In Ov- Itober a permit for an apartment was japplied for valued at $4,500 and an- other for a theatre valued at $5,000.i I `:.<}1<.-no, S.S. .\'o. 12, Nlatchudash ;.\ u1'1'11a; Uruna, S.S. No. 1; 011-0, S.S. No. 8; Sunnidale, S.S. No. 5;~ "Fay, SS. 1, Mrzdonte; 'I`iny, S.S. 3, `F105; Ve.' SS. 17, and Waubau- '.UL' was BU. I - *During' the month of October th.:s- year `there were 18 births, 8 deaths and 15 marriages, as compared with 12 births, 9 deaths and 10 n1a1'1'iag'e.=' for the month , building D1`om';1m f'm- .Qontc.m,u K `NORTH SIMCOE SCHOOL . FAIR SHIELD WINNERS} F . . . , `. ` 'l`hetol1owm;: schools In North; Isimcoc won shields at the . fairs : 1),. 9 (V K-, n `- 121112` : Ffos, S.S. .\'o. 8; Uedonte, S.S. !No. 6; Severn Bridge, S.S. No. 5, ;.\' O1'i lia; Orillia, S.S. R: Rnnnirl-ah. to \T,. =. -penou. For the first ten months this year there were 82 deaths, as compared with 125 for the corresponding per- iod a year ago. Births showed :1` slight decline this year, with 159 as `againsit 177 last year. There were 94 marriages up to the end of Octo- fber this year, while for the cor- lresponding" ten months of 1935 the [total was 80. I 1311711-arr 4-Rn .-......LL - Ari ` According to the vitral statistics] for the rst ten monrths of 1936, re- leased 00-day by A. W. Smith, town clerk, an increase in the populatioi; of 86 has been recorded, as compar- .ed with 52 the previous year. Mar- l1'ia.g'es show an increase for the same period. I l'<`m- Hm 4`....`+ +,... ...---n-- um lpopuumon UP SAY smnsncs I ta-An cu Jkl-`VIAVV It is to be hop:-(l that "Remem brance Day" will be cclc-b1'aLr.-(1 in _vvu_v.< that will comport with the title that has b-:~;~n s.-'ivr.~n to it. It is u day set apart for the special calling to Iu`.."n`,rn-\- nf` 51s.. .l....l.. .....,l : UEHCU. Rh2'ee witnesses, Miss Verna Vin- cent, assistant to D1`. E. R. Frankish, imedvico-leg'al expert of the Attorney` lGene1'a". s Dept.; Dr. Frankish, and Chief of police Wrm. McDonald, of Midland, were called. The girl, who with her mother laid the charge, was the founth witness called by -t`he Crown and before Mr. Boys had n- ished his cros-s~exan1ination Mr. Jus- tice McFar`.and took the case from the jury and reduced the offence to one of common assault. The boys} W1'8 then given altannncul L~n~n4>-n.-...,. l I SERIOUS CHARGE REDUCED _ TO COMMON ASSAULT Reducing the serious charge ag-alinst Wilfred Beausoliel, Gordon Rollins and Amie Beauchamp to one of com- mon assaylt, Mr. Justftice McFarland warned them that they had had 3 very nzu'ro\v escape and ii in the future. t-heir conduct should not war grant his leniency they would be judged on the reduced charge. The three ?enef.'1n'p- hnvc urn!-a Juugt:u 011 me reduced charge. Penetang boys were cha.1'ged with attempted _rape, the t.riIal commencing on Monday beore his Lordship and 21 jury, with F. G Evans, K.C., prosecuting. W. A. Boys, K.C., assisted by W. M. Thompson, K.C., acted for the dc- dence. l\1....,. ...u... ,, If` `V "- , ...- .-u nun) U413) l-U {L-1n<.-n11)1`a nae- _. ,m ,,,.,..,.:n.. _,..._, .,....u ;\,uu\.x;u uur: UHCHCE LU boys then given suspended sentence. u Lm'1v' \\`d.~X1E such an occz1. for 1-c-joi(-~ wonderful militnrv 1`:-are m zed 1- `c Septembvgr Him ssmnn Tn n.- I ....._y u; 1`L`IllL`ll1- of practlcal and ]1k(.- 111050 Lh::1' forget. ' is not intcudr.--xi `I `,\ . it 1: cc]:-brmlnn nf LS. ' W, I in (-0 o. 011-9,` any `~S- {gr are 2 Y: - - '9 lit.-` l H1 L-dash. Or ; Ki H}: ' 1d lC s '11: 'l"1u. U1.`-I day ..,... I ` urance uay service be printed. E 2. I'?ha.t we will sell to Wm. Hy; ` Pfatt a lot at corn_e1- of Innisl andl Dufferin Sis. for $50, subject to his.` entering into an ag'1'eement with the! town to erect thereon within a year` 21 building, the plans of which sha`l: be approved by the council or a} com ittee of council. '~ IFnh+:n11aA nu V\I\:ur\ 4`,..`..\ `LIN l ;lo2`._;' qur-ut-.4 ui_`.-,'ht lo ten d-up lndl I I . look at H,-n1zun.< or the King \\'n-xulml its way to Wc. wxtl`, the four .~on.< followings. King: Ed- wzml lookv-(I worn out. l*`oI'(lu_\ .~ hrglovc-(I the stm.-~15 w:1itin,:' to lmvg 21 um' bt:l0\'(-(I The line -.\'m-nv.Im_l mil<~.<. lixtc-n. prt-purations \ve1'c mzulv for the l'unL-Yul. St,-:1t.~ \\`(')'\ built alonjr the routv and rent:-(I :1`. from 2 to 8 a seat. .~'r)\'.-1'<*i'_u'r.. two and :1 hull .\Ian_\' W- `n1zLinrd up all night to hold :1 van- t,n."e spot. lt was 'th vw-1'0 1111-00 03 m(- to London estixnatr-d that million ])l,'*O])lL` for the fune1'a'. \`\'iIl1z1l the police handlod the c1 ow('.~' most efciently and never once did you hear a policeman bawl anyone out. The St. John's Ambulance _Corps also did wonderful work, over 7,000 `asualties being` handled dur- ing the day. ` The next (lay there was an elec- *- . tion, but the 1'1-tu1'n.s' were very s`o\>. Hiin coming` in and few seemed to ta!-:~ . interest. The bars of the pubs 3 allowed to 2-mnain open an hour ` on <-]ect,ion days. Passing and Funeral of King On Junuzxry ]7Lh the first word of ';King' Georg'e'.< illness \V' released d the :1n:~:iety of the peop`e was 1:) ('\'('l'\'\\'h.'-l`l- nu 41'-n `7n"1` ` L . , I I 3115 B1`.\'hmr_-r said he \\';1.~: qui1." `C1 115 W0 Run ca1'1'iu;.-,`c bvz1rin;_~ 1thI`<.`I`Imin.< of the beloved Kin-2| `\\'(-ndml H< wnv 9n \Mnchwin;-4m. mzu. ` The hearse was dra_w'n by 80 `sailors, 8 abreast, and everyone in :p e1'f(=ct step, followed by the sons, then forei1.:'n kings, princes, presi- dents and dignatories, in their gor- g-eons uniforms. The result of the p1'ima1'y ballot [for 1937 officers of the B2u'1'ie Ki wanis Club showed that A. A. Smith, this _\-'e;=.r .< vice-president, wi'l be p1`e. and W. S. Moore is 1'(:- elected as 1rea.` Tlhe nal bal- ectors will be taken the first meet- ing" in December. At Monday nig'ht`s meeting, Bob ligvnmcr was the speaker and he incidenL.s in connection with his ~Ii'ip to the Old Laml a yea: ' ago. The Brymners arrived in Lon- don the Sumlay before A1'1nisti(:e`- 'Day, and the big city is a dead place on Sunday. On A-rmisticc Day, lho\\'eve1', it was di'ei'ent and thou`- lands of people were on the Strand. iA:t ll 11.111. 2 (run run Gs-nzl n--ll lot for vice-p1'e. and seven di1'~ ' ,v.......J \IL yuuyn: ncu: uu Mu: ou'2u1u.! 1A1 11 am. a gun was red and `eve1'_vthing stopped for two minute, . 'b0b B1'_\fn1n01' 'L`0]l.s' Death of l\'in}_; Flllmrzll. ~ Avow\.A- 1 His Lordship gra-ntted a 15 day stay of judgnmnrt at the request of Frank J. Hughes, K.C., of 'l"oronto,! counsel for Barkey. Defence coun--V sel made an unsucessful attempt,I after the jury had retired, to have -the case taken from the jury on thei 'ground thlat the plaintiffs cournse`,' Dwriliiam Finlayson, K.C., in his ad-I I iA.A. SMITH K|WAN|S' PRESIDENT ran 37 .1. un\..:. 6 Herman Livingston was negligent]-Ir in aanttemptimg to cross the street I` when he saw, or should have seen,.. the cur approaching so closely. Bar `d key was found 70 per cent. negli- gent and Herman 30 per cent. negli- gent. I`lhe plaintiffs damages were .V` {BS follows: Herman Livingston, $7,500; Louis Livingston, father of the boy, $1,200. Under the nding each will receive 70 per cent. ofi these damages, or a total of $6,090,. together with court costs. The jury also found that Barkey at the time of the accident was en- gvaged in the busines:s of the Metro- politan Life Insurance Co., by Whom he was employed. Allocations of tho. damage-.< as between Baa-key and the insurance company will be decided later. l,..- \ was auupLe(1 =as Iouows: J 1. That 600 copies of Iicmcm-` brance Day service be printed. ; That we-. will .=o=>H tn Tm T-T : UpUl`dl-IUHS. *'I\he jury found that Barkey was neg-ligeint in View of the fact that he saw one or two of the boys run, across the street some short distancnl ahead of his car and should have ' 'seen the boy standing` a few feet of : the sidewalk, when he should have sounded his horn and applied hi;~:_` brakes. ' .. -.. . .. I a moi-as. o1 .`pZ5,1UU. 1The accident. from which the ac- tion arose occurred on Hugiil Ave., Midland, on Dec. 2, 1935, when the then seven-yevar-old plaintiff, Herman Livingston, was struck by an auto- mobile driven by J. R. Barkey. The young'ste1' suffered serious injuries when the handle of the car door pierced his brain, necessitating sev- eral operations to remove fray,-n1ent.s of the skull from the brain. Much bnain matter was lost during` the opera.t:ions. -"ni1> invv Fnnhrl +1-iu+ `Raul.-nu \I1n:w Damage Awarded . i To Midland Boy After more than seven hours dc- vliberation, the jury sitting in the 'case of Herman Livi`ng;ston and Louis Livingston, suing J. R. Bar- key, Barrie, and the .\`Iet1'opolit:m Life Insurance Co. for damages aris- ing out of a motor accident, assessed a tot-21.`. of $8,700. ' 1'PJ`1n at-I-rirlnnr Fl-nn1 uy11;-1-. H1 nu, (. I. 1 L:l'l.`Y'l.\ \\'2llLlHf. ,' [O l12l\ L-, 1 `zlni .<()\'.-1~m'_u'n. 4-xrtt-ml!-(_l I'I.\'tc n.sive for 5`? 1n `'9 :1 cnnf \Tnvn' v-n Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, November 5, 1936 Wd.h' l'(.'lC21SC`O was the 201]: it ['41: nn hay. Club 0." and ..._... .-..\ un.rxuuuu.,. ll. J. I 1'_\'d:-11, B.S.A.. of tho (In-n1-; i. DC [)Ell`tlllx`l11, O.A.(`.. will (lo-' n10n. the `.1. uml ;1l1u. 01' t"sr-E till /.r-r.< with the pot.:1t.o crop. Thu chirrf _iu(l;r.-;< of tl1(- show will he- .P1-of. A. W. ;\la.=on, O.A.C., md M2-.I !Jolm 'l`u('l of Ottawa. _ 'l`l1r-l`.o_\'.< Potato Club Ju(lg:i11:: (`nmpr-titions wi`l be in change ol F A. l.usl1l(-_\', Alliston; O. W. L21-' chain(,- and R. E. Goodin, of Guelph.` The g~eneral p1'og'1`an1 is under the` diroction 01 the ax.-:ricultu1 repre- :=entativ<-s of the country, Stewart L. Page and F. A. LasIh1ey< 'I`}w c-losing` fnm-tinn nf +1-m `Dun- wgrup VELl`lClEy 01 Unt.a1'io. The afternoon proigirani, which is open to the public, promises to be most inte1'es~ting;. .-\;r1'anp;e1nents have `been invade for a display demonst,1'at- ine; the ,r.>:rad(.-:< of table stock pota- toes and smnplr-s of defective or potatoes unt for 5410 under the various p;i-atles. It is ah:-o planned to have u ;~'1)(.-cial potato picking table 211 the fair which will be usctl to` demon.'t1':ite one of the simpliesvt and most effective methods of e:radin_.: 21 n (l b215,:'{.',`ll1_9, market potato . Supe1'vi.-ing lnspectoil` W. F. Sn-on_-.2, of Guelph, and l1i. D. H. Firth, of Gruvcnlmrst, both of the Dominion Fruit and Ve`_-zetabl-:c` Branch, will he on hand to (lemon-I SL111/U` and to take cure of any in-l quiries by 5.-'1'ower.~' regz11' inhi- stock potatoes. Mr. John l`u(-km`, Chief l1 x.~`])(*C`t0l`, Dominion Seed Ce1`ticzition .`:-wice, Ottawa, will have an <-xhihi`. at th- fair i'(-:1tLi1`i11}.:' the (li.~`c:1.~'e.<` 10 which potatoe-.'< &11'(e . and illu.~'ti';1iin;.: un qualities in certied po- tnl.oe.<. He will also ;;'i\'e an illus- irntetl talk on potato p1'ol)lem.~' (lu1'~ ilig` the :1 fternoon. . ll ,1 Ra-v.l..n D Q \ ..x` l'., ml I K 1 COLLINGWOOD CASE DISMISSED` n.;.s mo :1n;~1'noon. 1. B`1'_\'dr-11, DL-'pz1rfm-nt, O.A 1.iIi7.m'.< potzl _iu(I;:r.~;< 13...`! \ 117 II ,, ,., n rev,-:9 and r. A. Laslnleyk l <-iosing function of the Po- tato Fair wiil be a banquet, Wh"rch_ is being arranged by the Blurring. Business Men's Association, th1'oup:'h' the president, J. D. Wisdom, and E.` A. Ryan, shairman of the Entertain menit Committee. f" A ne 1`ecit`aI of in.t.e1-est to young` "and old wil". be given in Collier St.i `,iUnited Church on F2'ida_v, Nov. um. at 8.15 p.m. Master Vim,-4-nt (`aar- roll, 13-year-old soprano .~`0l0i.<`? Ml I 1'inity Church, Boston, is now on! his first Can`-adian tour and is up-i peaiiing; here in an excoiir.-ntt pro-I p,`1`E1h1 of s*acred and . m.:mbe1'.<. The assisting artist is Gerald Bale: 'A.'I`.C.M., of Toronto, 17 yrzn-;< of" '_ age, and a brilliant 01-51211} 1'9cil`aii.~`t : TI`hi.< is under the `a.uspicn.< of tho vichoir, who ask for a silver collec- " iition. !.'\rt.'HI.r5- I Vis_ito1's to the Potato Fair this iyear will havp an oppoltunity to see the new KIn_tahdin potato, which 1121.: '1 `been ,2:i-oxvn 111 an experimental way 'by nearly one hundred potgto g-row-I ion-s in the county this year. A special CIa..~`.~` is ;u'1'an'g'e(i for this new var- iety in the prize list. There is also ma class for Irish Co`bb`.c-1` potatoe.<, in addition to the 11 ncrous classics for Dooley potatoes, 0 standard main lcrop varieity of Ontario. Tho L1+[`I"1I`|lIrI V\\|!\n ..J.: L n J.1'(.`l:'(l0l11 or movement of trucks. Miss M~ou`lton s report on her work as Home Lighting Adviser was par 5 ticularly gratifyiing to the Commis- t sion. She reports that she is being 1,'very enhusiastically received and glthat particularly in homes where 3 there are children of school age thr- f parents are very much interested in 9 rthe educational work which she Ls" carrying on and in the helpful . "gestions which she is qualied tol Llmake `to improve seciirg condition.-3 t I-and to protect the most precious of! our senses--rt-he sense of sight. : rt T0 b1`lTl2` this new nnfivitu n4` flu-l Pllans are p1-actical`y completed for the County Potato Fair, which to be held at the Barrie .-\rmou1-ie.~' on F1'i(lz1_\', No\'embe1' 13th, and the} interest and enthusiasnl shown by potato g'1'owe1's would sug'g'esat tll':L' -`the Potayo Fail` this year will sur, pass that of 1935, which was of ex ceptionzxl interest, with over four hunda-ed <-ntries in the various events \I. .4... u,_, 7:`. .... A. {dress to the jury had mentioned the 'amount of damages sought in the I action. I uur scI1ses--`t-no of sight. bring new activity of th: ` department to the atrtention of the public the rs/t of a series of educa- tional advertisements appears in this! issue and the public are invited to take full Iadvantage of this S'l`ViC". which is supplied without ob'.ig'ation.l couNa~v POTATO FAIR Nov. 13ml Pm1niso.< to S111-1;=1. 1.93-3.")! .\`l1o\\', \Vl1m1 Over 400 ; ]Cm"rie.< .\I'a(1o. |3 Our Day of Remembrance Let us Keep it Hallowed puseu OI. I The northwest corner of the Elec rtric Light Department .sub-.~:t.ution,l where the foundation had settled, has been repaired, and in the g'arag'e sec - tion of this building new steel 1 beaams have been installed to support- the roof. A new truck entrance ham also been made from the south end? and as the new support for ti}: roofi permitted the removal of at .~;u,ppor`.-I -ing post` in the centre of the oor.` `rt-he alteration is a very decided im-i provement and vallows much more] freedom of movement of trucks I i\ IisS 1\/I~0ultnn g wannivf nn hm. ..1. The 1'eg'u1ar monthly Inca-ting oi" the WLut-e1`, Light and Gas Commis-` sion was held Wednesday evening when routine business on`.y was dis-' posed of. ' T119 uni-+}nxm:(~ IIn1-11n1- no` H... 131. . TAdvice on Lighting. ` Much Appreciated; Mrs. re 1121.4, 1 experimental wayi ndred Dotltn 0-v-mv-. 3 Two Barrie, .Jont:s, V [joined ` -11: Inn. ..u\_. \/\A i Turniiu: to tho Advlzmce le, wel` `nd that Barrie Lodge of the Order of Oddfellows he`d its first meeting; on July 30th, 1876, when de1eg`altAe.: from a ditatanee were present to in- augurate the lodge. Fifteen breth- iren from Gollimg'wood,we1'e present `to assist in the business of the meet- 'ing. The principal officers of the `lodge were: Mr. J-as. Sarjeanrb, N..G.; Mr. Bosrmko, V.G.; Mr. A. V. Pa`.m- er, Secretary; Mr Wm. Huntenl :u.~,. wvw local and \ _io_vnble 121`.-t |I\TI.'..~'t<.-1' Sh:.1 i .-_p(J_:11 :41: ` Ir ]zow. f(}1:r-5:01`, 0` lbw.-y. n ,1- :-'--'4' of 111,. o`ul-st, Od ft Goo. Co1c.<. S12, and Char. \\'~)'~ promnt. H]'0Lh(:1` Col `he Order 54 yc'.n'.~ 2\:.,}'o an-.3 ;h':.< bun-n n:mc?"I .1-I-c1'u11a1'y now 'fo1' over twenty years. Brothel Jones has also been a member of the` ,Order for over tfy years. i A hnnnm-1. wne um-vml hv Hnn Rn iUl'U( 3l' 101' UV\'l' IILJ) _VL`ZlI'5. I A banquet was S(.')`V(3(] b_v the Re , '?r:]1] toasts, songs and goodv e` ows np made the evening one to `be remembered. VIV, A1 _. ,_ A, .. ,. I Jack Vv'arner and Al Orr, Orillia hunrters, shot. 21 iarg.-,1. mother bear `and three cubs while huntin_ in thr |ULte1'son district last we-ck. purposes. ; Eaten & Esten advised `that on August 22nd they wrote 1\`que.:'ting that the fence torn down by the own on the John )IeGi11 estate, lots 9 and 0, North Co1ling'wood_ St., be put bx. ": in the same shape as It was before the road was opened, other wise steps would be taken to secure these rights. The cnnntv r-1m-1: mh-:_~r..l .4: mm. I Total f temizc-(1 Ias follows : ` F-ood . . . T4`-.-1.1 ]Barrie I.0.0.F. Lodge I Observes 60th Birthday TlL`CUlVlIlg' VUUCXlL`l'S. ' Reg'i.st1'ation in September of lieads of zxinilies, dept-n(l(.-nits and in- Idividuuls totzled 183. In O('lOb(*1 Llmy toIt`al.l0 223, an increase of 40.1 `Tliree h<.-zuls of faniilies, 20 depend ents and two individuals, totalling I25, were struck off tlir: rolls in I l n September. 'l`I'l1- lfnniiv-ml \-nlipf 1-new 4`.-n. +11 I 1 ocpI.,en1Ue1'. T119 itemi'/.-`Ad 1'eqf cost for th-.- , week ending; Oct. 30th is as fol- ` E lows : 1 13...: `~...-,. .~.,.` . Since his appointment to the posi- 'tion of welfare officer, Mr: Mm:-. Gregor has made the relief ofce an employment agency also. Since ear`_y in the year the people actually ,on the relief roles have been, in lm main, unable to work, and at pres- ent only four employable men are lreceiving vouchers. l?.r-n-i_ in .Qnnl-nmlnm- m` `um: mztJu1'1Ly 01 Lnese men. J i Relief for October, according to :1 lreport given out by Welfare Office) |Jas. l\'IacGregor, totalled $1,196.38, an increluse of $28'5,18 over the same month of last year. Fuel and clothing` is the wewthervane of the 'lar1'ie relief ofcc, Mr. Mac:Gn`cgo1 .~:ta'te.~', and lays the inc1'(:%2Lse to thos-9 two items. 'm..,. l\:lAI\ 1.... LA-.. 1..-.L....4..._..L,_I LVVO IDBTHS. The office has been inswtrunientul in placing 56 relief recipients in positions during the month, 14 men and 2 girls since Oct. 24th. The boom in the building trade and the many repaiirs which cirtizens having done to their properties has taken the majority of these men. Sinr-5: his: nnnnintmp-nf ifli Han rm-.~i. focmasn RELIEF ; cos1'_$1,19s.3s l :u cu1u2uu Darui mlu Angus moss. ' Ja.-. Shields, tenor, of radio femu- .made a very fine impression with }Cc-leste Aida and oth-er numbe1-5., `and won :1 double recall for his scoond group of solos. John K. Mc- `C-ollum, this yew- s gold medalist al lthe C.`\`.lL`. for viola playing, render ed . old French dances and other delightful numbers and was '2-cpeatedly encored. l\/Iargaret Sisley .wu.< at sy1np accompamsi. `,Lu-ge Ill a Va1`1eI.y 01 part [ Thee, My Barbie, by Sir Ar- gthur Sullivan, was delicately render- led, and Cruiskcen Lawn, by Sir R. `P. Stewart, was dramatic in effec itiveness. Both of these number: were unaccompanied. Among the other selec-Lions, the Spanish Clhorus, l1]studiantimx, with accompaniment for pipe org-a,n, drums and tamborine. was received with much enthusiasm and had to be repeated. The per- cussion parts were supplied by Archibald Barth mid Angus Ross. Jilh`. Shlilis`. lonnr nf rnrlln i'unn. In committee _Most of the evening was spent in committee and on rising the report `Was adopted as follows: 1_ Thaf (inn I-nnicm A43 L`/...,.... I

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