it is not generally known that the st of momirchy is more than met. ' the income from the L-51.21 as 01 e Killg. "Phi.-' income goes to the; cu:`ur_\,_. Of all the oica-rs contri- ting their se.-1`i\'cu.s 1.0 the, are is none more eicient than His` ajesty, and nonu who costs less. will do no hann for .~;0mc: people L-.-.m., nag. . om; Barrie, Ont `VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ofce-Owen St. (F01'm<.-1'ly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson). Residence 144 Maple Ave. Phone 70C Graduate of I\1c(Jill ljnivc-r5'it_v, Nlonticu`. Office and Ra-.sidt:11cc---Corne1' Dur lop and Poyntz Sts., Barrie. Phone 105 Office Hours: 9-10 u.m., 1-3 pm. 7.54 `n In DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention Obhtctrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Office and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Oicc Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2.30, G~8.3C .'I`HURSDAY, OC'I`OBI*JR 8, 1936. III-]1|j1\./l:5I`\|3 .\_\lJ ;`.L/.l\\1.L4\J-VL3 Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Ofce Hours : 2-3 p.m., 7-S) p.m., or by appointment - A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, .\I.B., A.'~;soc.`aL Coroner County of Simcoe. I WU.V1L.\ Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone 61. Ofc.~-58 Collier St. Office Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. brluul.-H4101 Orillia, Ontario will be at the Queen's Hotel, Barrie. Every Saturday. 8 am. to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. lJl\. VVA ll-lA4l\ llu vvvu-any n EYE, EAR, NOSE AND T'HROA'I SPECIALIST l'\..:Il2.. l'\...6..v3n In the le(l_:e1' of tho bu. oill ving which each one of us lius to 1 '1'r_v on, the passing yeai-s write ilk 1 ccurd of debits and credits, prol 1 nd loss, 21.~.'m':ts and liabilities. It is 5 0t until we get well on in life the? ' e learn how to strike a balance I and find how the business is succeed-ll 'ng and to realize what we are 105- ` ng and what we are gaining, as the ` esult of just growing older. Wher- 'e are young: we can be thi-illin apppy. But it is no less true that e can also be deeply discouraged nd unhappy. As we grow older. 'e lose the capacity for rapturous oy, for intensity of happiness. B111 "7 14-- .\1.-n vnnfl-1 : 1-enrliness to sink. 1 rI'.|:4l\. 1fLD1 C 82a Dunlop St. Phone 403 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionit Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustments Blood Tests and Urinalysis Here or Office Rates Reasonable LICEHSEQ CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESE THERAPISTS CA on. I'\.._I-.. Dkn-.- An ! l 47 Elizabeth St. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS A.\'D SURGEONS DL.._.. "11 ! /1'7 Mnrlla Aug A SURGERY AND DISE.AgES OF WOMEN I` I\I1V'\`\v ._.,..2-4., f'\. DR. WALTER H. WOODROW my-ya 'v`A'r\ \'r\ u- A\"I'\ 'l`-l 1f`nI'\A` MISS BEULAH SCOTT GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS T w'na1-\:r.11 DR. E. G. TURNBULL P. C. LLOYD 8: SON FL'.\'ER.-XL DIRECTORS Published at 123 Dunlop 5L, Barrie. everv Thursday M. D. MOIEIXN, rlmtm and Publisher AMBUL.-\.\'CE SERYI CE -Phone 791- DR. W. A. LEWIS Barrie Branch Magistrates , Forms also KVIJ IL. .51 Licensed 'T`f\ 1.` C uv-yr? Phone 218 i g .`hree L _:-- Mr. Merchant i'ies tGame 3, . \d1u.n \\u 1:11 gded ;r_ity L l.h~ '/au- - `inks mt We can suppy you with any qu_a_ntity of the Best Make at right prices Northern Advance How about your Counter Check Books EDITORIAL )r.=. I P0=?`U- ` i If recovery is to be brought about 1 _\.,nc_;_,< Oglindustry must be freed from g'0\'e1'n- [$1,115 ment. interference, because evt.-ry new move on the pwart of govern- ts, ments toward bureaucracy is a blow e_;_ at the individualistic system which is the mainstay of democracy. In- 3 dustrial progress is prejudiced every _; Succee(1-lt.in1e a government inicts legislation , upon industry and it discourages the g initiative of the producer and the_ 1._ manufacturer. The cost of govern- thrilling._v ment could be greatly reduced by` eliminating: all duplicating services. ....,,-`. Flint in nmnripri it 2 Hwnvnnsrla :11)-- Phone 53 BIB 1.5 HUHL` . know this. Governments in Canada, which in- ;cludc the Dominion Government, nine provincial g;0vcr1m1cnt>' and over 4,400 municipal governments, are costing; the taxpayers of Canada: $000,000,000 a year. This is an up palling sum for only 10,000,000`; people. Our public debt now ex-' ce-eds $7,000_.000,000, or the equival- ent of $3,500 for every householdei in Canada. . In addition to this liigh cost of`, government we have ten p:u'liamen`.s enacting more legislation and con-i 1-01 of bUSiIl`C`5.<, mvadinig private en- terprise, imposixlg excessive taxaiton and loilling ambition and initiative. doing, and the provincial bodies have 1 reached out for so much power and 3 authority that they are rapidly out- _ stepping the revenue they can rea- . sonably collect to support their 1 myri-ad activ'=ities. We have a Dom- 3 inio income tax, the high brackets 3 of which reach 65 per cent.; then there the duplication feature of , dividends of Canadian corporation.-`, 3 which pay 15 per cent. C0l'p0l'zlLlOl1 income tax. In Ontario and the ` Western Provinces there is on top of some of the provinces municipal in- i come tax. Dup`c-ation of income lax- _-. es takes from ind-ivdual.< and from indu.str_v over $100,000,000 per year. :. l3us1ine.~:;-: has` been t1'_ving; to do its share for employees, endeavoring; to maintain employment and xvages, but is hampered by the many taxes im- posed. if v(-1-nvpi-v i: fn hr: h1-nwtrvhl. nhmii. , Much of the work done by our pro-L . vmcial governments is a duplication; of whrat the Federal. Government is` H] this a pro\'incial income tax, and in` tIl!IIl J.XlU.I.lIl,' all (lU[)llL'?1LlHg` EUIVICUS. Vvhat is needed Is a thorough sur- vey of the whole eld of govern- mental expendtuxes, Federal, proviny ciza`. and municipal. MONDAY 15 THANKSGIVING DAY Monday next will be observed aslt` 'l`hanksg'iving Day. The day will be : just what we make it. To many it 1 will be just another holiday, to {:0 i tearing through the country seekin_q1' pleasure. To others it Will be just 1 another day to toil. Some may think 1 that they have little to be thankful for, foil-getting that the Giver of all`. . t-hingrs knows what is best. We have;j l much to be thankful for in this: ) country, but too often those who rhzlve been blessed with the material: 5 tl1in,r:;< of life forget that they are 5 but trustees and should use what they receive tohe`.p those who Rh - 5. all in need. r TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT {LEADERSHIP LACKINGI f IN OUR GOVERNMENTS! (Continued from page one) long; and \ al':y'!l LL," from 10 to 20 ; mil:s \\'i(ie.<. Pix-mic-1' H`cpbu1'n>, how- ever, has announced that there wil: be 21 1'edisL1-ibumoli before the next election zmd,no one knows. just what may be done. Mm. Simpson :=.aid he was h-;:.ppy to in1'o Cecil G. Frost, mayor of Lrindsuy, 21 risY m_.-; man, and one who wouid give a good - account of him.5e]f in the political, c:,.1.1 I 1a1't:ei' joining the 157 B2xttz111on. Mayor rrost 1: Mr. `Frost said on 1'iS111'_L',` that he n :had fond 1'`C0i1(:(:ti0l1S of B2I.1`1'i0 ova-1 t] 20 years ago when he trained horci i` `: was here to (liscliss the issues of thei day. We are 211`. anxious for the . we]1'are of our country. For 26! monrths now Mitchell Hepburn ha: been Premier of Ontario, and for 21 :-` _\'czn- Mackenzie King Prime Ministci 1 of Canada. They have been given 1` a free hand and now we n1ustju(1_2'r'I theni by their acts. In 1024 um \\mvr: i in tho 1'In*nv.< nf UCCUU eld. then} Dy H1041" anew. In 1934 we were in the throes of la (lep1'L-ssion. People were irritable land al`r:.xid. ll \\'a.s only natural that ; -the government of the day should b blamed. Mr. Hepburn was ra. clever opposition. He made charge after charge. He appealed to seetionalism . and the people voted solidly for him. Mr. Hepburn promised to peg` the debt of the province. He promised to put all at gv.1.inful work-, and hi,- 1)1'oi1iis(:(l to reduce taxatio-n. r Has Mr. I-lepbvurn kept one of , `These promises `I The public debt 1 h,u.< been increast-d b_v over 89 mil- , lion dol`.ur.<; we all know that there f has been zmd i.<. unemployment, and ,`th:,-re l121.~' been 14 inerea. in tax _ ution, while some 12 important .<.e~r- ,. 1-.. .. .::..,.,...+:....,,,z n,. \V (.'0L]Illl'l(5S \\|lt.'lt: in cm L .~uLvn\,_~. democ1'a Lic government is, sup- osed to be a I, -;ove1'mnc-nt in which 11 the citizens of the country have voice in the g;overnin~g of the; ount1'_\', and the best form of demo- atic government is \vhei'<,-, there an . vo pzu'tie.<. A strong opposition i9. a necessary as :1 strong govermnent. 'e nd, however, that only a very n`-1.11 pe1'cenfz1;;e of the c`.ecto-:-: take ufcient interest to become active em.rber.<: of any political organiza ion. It is, therefore, quite appa1'~ nt that the a\'1~1`z1g'e mum and woman Czinuda is to b`ame for our p1'e.<- t unsound conditions as much as ur political leziders, who do not get he support that should be _<.:ivcn hem by the qualied r.-lcctm-.=. there has been H inc:'ea. in tax is rc ."' 4 T0 dene a dollar as the unit Of] '-- vices have been di.~'continucd. llc CU1'1`0'`C.V3 the '021=`U1'C Of Value; the! said he would 1'e(iuc(- the (-051 of sitandarcl of deferred payinz:nt.<; thug g'ove1'nm(:nt_ To be 501-0 he (]1'_<.llll011C_V unit of account; a coin oi` cl1ai'_2;e(l some 2,000 from the civi.` 0119 hlmdwd C0|1t>`,-i>' merely to be-` sc-rvicc.<, but not to benefit the pro- `Vi`d01' thl 1-J.\`mi1h- Unlike the .V211`d. BA} \'i]](_`(_- but to make ~a_V- for 2,000 the dollar lacks denite leingth. lt. party friends. 311'. Hepburn is go- =`99mm.1V 001153-W8 Of Ont` -gold; i!`.';_" to balance the budget, but it 'C`hl'h 01'.P'U.2' 01' `~"?l1'.\/511;! `l11i1ti1.V'y no credit to him when he does it at|0 which 15 my-`3t01`i011~*71.\*' i1'i~t16h0d 3' the expense of the iminicipalitie.<. 1'1lhb'1` balld Which V'i01e1it1_V con-. We have three b1'anch(:s of taxation, tracts or expands with every changrc I BA} _ federal, provincial and municipal. in the 'i`n 01 mmcial t-em- `Am , The federal g,-'o\'ei'1nnenI was given I3'1`3`t111'- power to raise money by direct and F01` 11`0a1'1Y a century the U.S. A . indirect taxation, while the pro-|2`0`.d d0lla1` to Which the Canadian , vinces have the power of direct tax-` dollar conformed, consisted of 25.8 ` ation on`,_v. While in most of the 871'iinS '11` l-`mid, I`-`-he-tenths ne-4` C 1 . . . . - . . . . . In t 3 provinces part 01 this power is don- lat 1% *0 Sa.\_ , 23-32 :'M1~hi5 01 P111?` 1 ferred on municipal councils and gold mlxd `V191 3 COPPGT 31103 01"; _' County ounci]__ |:?..58 'g'rains, was a dollar. All other vi cur municipa] 1awS are 87 yea,-_. forins_of money were maintained atiW' . .- 1 . `,1 \r,__.,, 11..- ,4 .-m_, nor unH1 n: vorv 1-pa] dnllnr, hv ip It 15 P001` .S U'dDE..9Il)d.H5Hl]). ' We have too much gsovernment in 1 Ontavio; too many spending` bodies.. 9111: is going to t_'c1ke a lot of courag`c-if to straigihrten thttxgs out. We need a l" 6 d>iffe1'en t type of ]ca(19r.+hip. M123 L1-Hepburn IS al`. the time g:ht1n_<.-11 8' political battles. He is 1-evudy to I quarrel wlth imyone. We need a In-,ulr-v whn nnzim-st:n1(1:=` tho ."ommon!i { ( ' COlll l13_\' COUIICIIS. I - out of date, said .\`I21yo1- I<`1'o.~:t. `The revenue is derived from real estate and we `are going behind every year because grovermnents thrust new ser- ;vioe.< on the municipa`.1'ties thzit are `-of no direct benet to real estate. The result is that many are losing their homes because of the excessive ;`taxsa.t1ion. 'To-day we find that over 20 per cent. of the municipalitie.= are in default in their debentures.L T It is all right for Mr. Hepburn t'\5` llbalance the budget, but if individual? I and municipalities are left bankrupt, I it is svbzitesiiianship. ` Wu lnavc. +nn mnoh n~nvm-nmrm'f. in lL"cl().l:l` WHU Lulut'1.\,u1uu.'s un} cunnnuui j people. u_ We hear 21 lot of cz1mouIlap;(,- about` . n~;mcr:.=. Mr. Hepburn tells of the" ' 3 bo)'1'0win;:.< made by 1110 Hcm`_\' ;:o\'-z `e-mm!-nt. \V:,- all know that with} lack of imlust-rv mom-_\' ha.~' become! ' clue-upc-1', and g'o\'e1-nlnents can borrow: `2~.`. u \'L-13` lo\_\` mte. M1`. Hepbu1'n.; }ho\v<'\'r21`, kg-r.-ps bo11'o\\'i11_ur for . `.tr:')n.<. Sinct: his rt-p11 of the` !Hy ::`u`1'c:.~rnr,-I1t.< he r~\'i is lufu--.31! in mnlx-.1.-L` an `nn-r 1I-\~n1 {. Hilfll municipa1itie.= '1 uC*~'5 01 Pull` 50'-u~ l debenturesi _ If the1`efo1'e, the price of 480' t'5 l`1"r"-5 0f 8.0 15 `` the Wm-ac balance 1391' Of :`$1`a*"15 making 3 new d011al`i - mu5t_b 13-71 RT-, instead Of 23.22 gr. The reciprocal advance in prices then: Sfhould be 69 D91` Cent 0V1'! bOd;e5__tho.<.e oi the old dollar; for wherea;~:l `.11: take;.an article fo1'n1e1'ly exchanging fo1'i( `Ito th;,lg.S 3|!-$1.00 or 23.22 grains of gold, should. type ]oa(ler.ehip. .\l)'.;_' exchange 101' -_31-59 the D1`-esenti 4Hepbux'n is time g*hting_-1P1'1e Of 23-22 E%_T31Y15 Of g01d~ The}! -politicm faot that gold itself cannot be ex-i, h'rmf~"-`d f1'.anZ"Lh1111I. d0-` NOE `d`Ie.'*" leader who un.'lei'.=.tands tho commongthe _p1-V9 0f the -`ltllatl-0-l llpcopla !;\l_V`S1: ,c1`lOLlSly if you will, inc.-xtricabl;v,'| ab01ii.'1m"'"lbl.": 1501-El l5 -till t-I'll`-` b-*1-* OI] 31,. Hepburn t_h,L,v1no1ic_\`- ,and will so continue ref.-'ai'(i-` ibm.1.0,im_,._`. lc.~`. of 110W many g_r'1'z1in.< 2111- in ilivj \vit.l1{'C".`~"h', 01` how much rubber is in: has the ``'``-`'`~'``- A1 l"41>'1, 111111 35 l10\V| 5.-'o\ c~rn1nent.< borrow'[ it looks to the 1V`-?l- ` L4 :'Hl.`. sllll.'L' IH.` H_\'(11'o z:;:rc:.-1nr_11t.~ afrai(l to c-mb:u'k bonds. an bor1~o\\'e(l 37 millio 'm....,. y.,....1 s 1. mn ,D0l`l`U\\`f:(l CH HHIIIUII l.'Jllkll> I term. 'l`11(_-.~~': b0nr.l.~' wr:)'v- .<( but in two \\'('(-k:-` thvy \ :1:;`21.i1\ at 10] and _r.:o\'(-1'nmI41 c'c-zmvd up :';(',000. M1`. is only boy in nance. ' School Question `y _\mnt11m- {.\';l'n`H('{< nf ` DCHUUI E .-\!10t]](.')' avid` =1z1(:k of zlbility 1.< school qua-; ' dnnrl H10 3,< nL.|Lu\u " stand ` harm I 4-,...,.,. all ages Dlusn. .-ulu wnuc uu. rnage is going on, the nations and impotently by, apparently raid lest -a condition far more to e (lreaded should follow any at- ..un+ tn :n+nv4l1DYIl:| ` `wv lmvv )n`()f'|L:-cl `itlltc us yt-t. ` .\l:I(Hi(,`l|ZHf I\HlL'_' \\'il.\ l l'l,`HH"l` UI .('.:m.'ul:L from 1921 Lo 192%, wh<-:1 ;lhrz- was wor'd-widr- pro.~'pr-rity, but his polivy wz1.~' drzu: and drift till ht`, 7lo;<.L most of our trmlo. In I930 Mr. ilh-run-Lt ht-cumn: l )'imu Minislt-1' and C:LI'l`i(-(1 on dm'in{u' Lhv hll'(l(`5t _v'-zu'.~x of I.}1(- (lApl`t`.~`>"l0Yl. .\low \\'I' haun- Mr. K,in;: hzu-k m pow<~r :u.::Lin, and zu.-'.L.n it is drug: and drift. Mr. hing` 4-ntvru-d into an aggrt-I-Int-nt wilh tho Unitvd sum-.<, but Mr. Roo. 5:01; tho how! of 1111- h:1rg`:1in. '|`o hr sure (Iamulu not :1 iowvr tm`ilI' on cattle -nt~x`ing 1,h- Unit:-d S-hm-s, though The u.x'pirin_u_' for W:n.~;hirrp:lon, .< othn-r d~u._v Mr. Lzmdon, Lhv l l'(.\~`i(ll`n('_V' at that if 1-lu-{Ml {hr 1'.~`t thing: he would do would |):- to cut 011` (``,:m- :1d:1'.\ lr:xdr- in (`1l1tI('. 'l`o-d:1_\' L11- I':1iL4-d Stxxtvs is .-I-llim.-,' two dol'.m'.~` worth to (hnzulzn for I-\'vr_\' (lulln.1`s w we .~<-H to tho Unit:-d S'1.:LL(-.<. Lamdon has tukvn Mr. |\'i11g".< nw:1.<- urn and know.< he wi`l do nothim: 4.L....o H J Ul'l'l. Amm and ~ "WU n.'|v4- pmnu-u lotht-r Ln lthv :1 1 :ulu'. (- .. .. I`-u .41. o .. .-\H0[n(.'l' (:\'HlI`ll('l` UL x1"g1IILHn >4 lack his h:m(l]in;g of Lh~1 Hr: do~. t under-` the i.~. and has donvu untuld by \'io7z1&i1sj_-` the prinv1pI-.< in} force own lu1'mw~ 1114- 13riti. \'0rtl. A1nv)'<~:1 AM. You (-:m t mix 1-wlhxiorni civil 5.-'u\'(~1'nm:-nt. Wht-n u ;.-;.<)v vrmnv-nt .~`;:_\' You :u':- 1-omp<-YIN! foi support :1 <-1-rtum l'(`]i}_"i()l`l," it 1.~' Luk- im: :m'u_\' his )'iy'|1t,.~'. and l{mnur;] (':n.holic.< should oppo.-"v that 0l>`i;_-;:1-I tion, ht-r:111. .-onnpuhitm in r:li;_-`ion \'i()1},l`f'.\' an impontzmt prim-iplr. | Premier King s Failure ` I\1:udu:11'/.i: King was Prc.-n1it-r of (' rmnn 10')` On `Win \\`hl-VI` lll' um! t\I1U\\.\ 111- \\l'I uu nuu|u:;.;` about it. Mr. I xvus sent to Rtlssizx In `;:(-t. nmv l)1I. for (lztnmlu. H-- n1:ot1`..t,-1 :1 1.r.zty whereby Russia may wll 250,000 tons of coal in Canada to (-oxnpt-to wilh Welsh and` S(-otvh can] now coming` to Canada] and if Euler got any concessions in return no one knows wh121.t they are. Mr. King made an important speech at the League assembly. He landed in Fl)-ance, not in Britain. VY_hy didn't he go in the ordinary Mayor Frost (IH Hl.`Ldll` million r?-,)]1ur.< ,. knurl- ihe Northern Auvullce 1'.` (HI .`HUl'l' $0141 at 98.; were sold wnt 1'rir~ml.u 1`. H<-phum: ` H'-;hum'.~' Hwn ml" Hm. Dem.0c1'utic form of govcrnmcm. in anada. is th1'eat<.-n`cd, as it 1.: in the w countries where it .sti`1 . n-nxVnl'I1|\1Dl'\1 i; n-. ru1I\I4I` H -l"U ll)! t Luk-1 )`!:H;.',`10I1l uh` I1" ` short .+ no I - The dollar as the moz1.~'u1`(* of value glis not .~:o easily dened. Much has r-'.beL-n and \vi`l- be written on this Slvexed and vt-.\'in~,: subjcct, and dis- .~ cu.<.~'Iion, like the music, c0ntinuc.~`. to go round and round, without anyone! 1 knowing: whcth01' it. will come out n ]1er<.~, thul-e, or at 2111. Such d-iscus- ,( on .-ion u. g:ennc1'z1tc.~: more (l`i.<(-onli than 11:n'mony; more heat than Ii;.-;ht.' 4` l`hn .Iffnn\nrf 1n nnrlr-'1' and mnnt-v,"i I gi mun. H Y 1 i l : T. I (By R. H. JzLm<.-5) [ 11` you were a.~:kc(l what is 21 _\'-.u'(l, without l1~;~. you would (lo-ne it as the .~:t,::x1 unit of `~.<.-m.-:tl1, consistinr,-; of three fc-t,-L, 03' tl1=i1~ty-six lI1Cl1L'.\'; am! you would likely ])1`0C(:c(l to . the lcn;.~;th of :1 yard by 21 pl1y.~:i-.211 (len1onsLm- mion. Now if this zlcnnomtrution xvns . by the zulditionzxl in- 1`orm:x1ion thzxt :1 yard is the ( ,b-;L\\`L-on two p`.11_;`.s' of ;:ol(l sat in :;| plzztinum bar and l1]Cilh'l1l'L`(l at u`t`(:n1-` pc1'.'.tu1'c of (32 (la-1,:)'m.-:~' l*`z1l11'enl1(.-it, 2 no u::<'e1`1.;u'nty could 1'c; as to the exact nut,-unim,-' 01." your den- {Hun HU U.1 or . itnon. I rm... do} 11:`! MODERN DEFINITION OF A DOLLAR 10l'lHS U1 Hl0Illiy \ Vl.'I`E Illalllbkillle KL] ' ' par \V1th thus very real dollar, by the wilxngness of the I`reasu1'y to 911-! change gold for cu1'enc_\' on dc-mand.f ESTEN 8` ESTE-N The alloy was introduced to harden"; BARRISTERS the Coin, 50 as 10 1`0SiSt \b1'aSi0n- `Solicitors in High Court of Justice .4 tl`OV 0l1I'|C 801.1315 2'1'ains. Nn+a1`Dc p11h1n (`,nnvpvan(-1:1`: Idle C0111, EU 3.5 LU 1'L'El.`3L `Ul" troy ounce equals 480 g1'ains. Divided by the pure gold content of the former dollar (23.22 gr.) it`; gives $20.67 as the former price of` an ounce of pure gold. If +lnm\mn1-p, Hm nrinp, nf ARI) ' Hllll X)\`('(Hll(` _`.','UUu \/ilniullun (Au/.l'1:.\ and l(-u.rn our ]Elll_L',lll_L'(` and work for I (Tzmva(l.:x. 'l`11:1t ?.< thv :1t,Lilud- of thv-1 Conservative. pzwty. I In Gc.-rxmlny with ht-1' 70 1111111011..` thr-y :m- busy p1'~pz11'ix1;:_ for \\':n'. I-`m't_\'-.\`ix pt-1' cvm. of lhv 1'<-v(`nu(- i:: spent on zlrmzunont. In C'd.Hil(l`.2l- we spend one per ct-m;. 'l`hc- G(~rnmn.< int(.-ml to 'p:ht and are p1'L'])1X'iI`.),;. Whmw: are the gm.-nt, prim-.< in the world to-day for" lllrolwnn coun- mvius`? Did it ever occur to you thmt Canada might be onv of them '3 [Us n:L;~`.ty to t,u'k :1-bout, but thorci H is` The world is in 21 .~o1'1;\' plight. _ In pain men, women and cl1i`.d1'en are eing 1m1. by their own kith d kin without mercy and in a man- *1' so cruel as to make the heathen all blush. And while this vnsurn is 9-nine` on. zxtlzls` intt-rt-. H-(lll('L'(1 the ('.oV(-n:mt lo!` the I14-:u:'uv of Nzliziom: to no H1011` than u scmp of paper so far :1.~| (3.'m:1d:1 is ('0l1('('l'I1t'(1. The voice 0!`- Qmtlwc .~wtumL< out in -v~r_vthin;.: he] has (lmw :11, 1111- 1.!-zuzur-. G-r<~:11 Bri- min i.-: 1r_\'71m: L0 km-p \\'m'l p(-ucv um] is .~:`i11(`('l'v in ht-1' -`ort.<. Sonn- Hnn. . ` 1\ h'.Ki11_-: s n1i. of (fun 'I\ I';lu ~ \-nu-1..-unri-Miv... thv 1.1 intn-d ` 03.... LIUIIS U) ml lof QlI(`}V*C. M 3' K hm- on u.g1wnvc. 1 M1`. l(ing: mis 1'v}))`(-solltc-(l the mz1~ jority of the (`:m:1 people 21.1. (`.1-n<-vzx, wlu-n ha laid down an isola-I tion policy for Camulrl. He would` h:1\'v repl-c1=ont(.-d 1. mztjority had lxei c.\'plain<.-d'tl1ut Canzuliuns xvero op posed to v.':1r, but would do anything `to prevent it, and that Canada would lzxssume her share of the duties for, the prevention of war. | A'l.'Q`.nYhD\Y_(:rAY1l>A`$)l l~lnrhm~l: s: onm-x I-n(,' p1'CV(,`TlT4l0Tl 01 V6111". I Aitorney-Genu'21l I- .oebuck s com-' ment that it was wonderful-speech] and Hepburn s statement that it re- presented the views of 90 per cent. ' of the Canadian people, are "mislead- ing and untr"uthfu`:. u;:;() \r:H1=u1 l.<~:1;,v`uv, Dr. I l'\'}.',`:IF1'(I1`L," 1 4 by Mr. I\' \....1...,. nu 1.!-1115111-. \..:-mu 1 . tul:1 .< rt-p1-<-.~'<,-1v1:1ti\ 1'. Riddvll, \v:1.< 1': .1` th- irnposilur of l\'in_s,-.', at the ins` ausc he did. not] .-mb=:.1'1" '*in_;' con-~ 1 on (':n1uda '12-: xim: more L-\'i(lCY1[! 1'. .l\'in_;' is taking *QLu:h At U10] rCunz1du. }`:\`L'l'_\'- 1 it m-vor .<--ttlcs ...A..l.l ..- .1 | >(,`H'l2lLl\`(' Ll- rt-pud in-cr nf sun:-. .....l.......-.... `_`lSo1icitor for obtaining probuttc oJ ` will, gua1'(lian.~:hip and administration `land General Solicxtor, .\`oL;;ry (Jon- I vcyanc-er, etc. 9 Mn\'1:\' 'rn l.A\ we lose also _\'outh s readiness to sink vearn that disappointmem-t.s need not e taken to heart so desperately and hat mistakes which in youth we by them. We become less self- `_ centred, not so painfully concerned 1 about what others will think of us, l more reliant upon ourselves. In liv- \ing our lives we gain more knowl- dgre of life. As our minds become more understanding we begin to know that true happiness must use` from within ourselves. And we see that the accumulation of entries written in the ledger by the years leaves a large cretlit balance.-- I'he Philosopher. l '03 , for intensity OI nappiness. Duh` ~ into dicouragcments and despair. We ll onsidered hopelessly irreparable can J ften be set riyrht, and that there is ` GORDON FOSTER ; .BARR]S'J.ER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY U1 CONV`lYAI\'~C]NG, 1'1`c. t1 MONEY T0 LOAN I CAMERON & CAMERON BAR}-:.1S 1`15I{.S, SOLICITORS, ETC. .nn .,. _, 7 , , ,, ;Ofce, 3 Owen St., Barrie Phone 69 '::BARRISTERS, S-0-LICITORS, NOT ' [ARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS 1 wrm. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie `D. M. Stewart C. D. Siewa 1 9. .. ...-.....-.._., .....-. Successor to Creswicke & Bc`l `BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC `I MONEY TO LOAN f\C-... D--- DI__l- D-_.... 5 Owen Sh, Barrie. Phone 406. -..` -11/\ I UFFIKJLZ 10 UVVI14.\ D1. `;In the premises formerly occupied by | the Bank of Toronto. " Branch Ofce, Elmvale, Ont. ;W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys I iDUllC1LU1'b :11 111511 \.4ULl1L UJ. IJUDLJCC < Notaries Public, Conveyancers `Money to loan at lowest curren1 1 rates. Ofce: Isl: Floor Masonic Temple , Bldg., Barrie. fl 1: 'p.c+nh 11 W P:+Dh D G. H. Esten x x v age Two ! r L:.`\::4n..-`:14 1JJ.n.xy\.1Uno I Motor Ambulance in Conneciion i0pen day and night Morgue and 1 Chapel in connection. ` i Established 1869 nL-__ on D.....:. no iPhone 82. .r' '-.. ` )Vl\J-Vl'41 l\J lJ\J.`1.`1 Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. .l'JL\J- Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. (X17-1DT{`C`. 19 f\`IY1T'\' CW` ALEXANDER COWAN BARRISTER ;\L\IJ.\1 4 J. 1 \J 1_l\JI'X. \ Ofce: Ross Block, Barrie. OX IIIKBTEII. OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. A vu.,.n~3.~nz~ -(>`nu-nan`-"In n..,.nn. MONEY trio) L C):-\.-Iv\i ( vL'_yzuu.'t:x`, cw. MOIVEY TO LOAN _... Ill _ _ . . -2- 'I`-..._...I, E D. F. McCUAlC-, B.A. 1 The Northern Advance, Barrle G. G. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS I .5-.. A....L..I-.-..-- :r| (`n-nan.-h BOYS 8: BOYS Business Directory mun PB|N_[|_NG REQUIREMENTS We carry a full line of Constables and Coroners Farm and House Leases. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue. 1.00! over your requirements and place vour order with the Advance. Nnrthrrn Ahuanrv PHONE 53 Printers in Barrie since 1847 `C. M. H. Esten uluuucu buuu .u }empt to intervene. !