Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Aug 1936, p. 8

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Page Eight uu:_\ uuLuu,_\. i _ As a special feature 21 demon-l` stration platoon of the Royal Can-7_ adia". Regiment from Toronto will! be present for three 01` four dz1_\.'.-'.' [but the actual dates have not yet; lbeen announced. I`hl.=pIz1-toon will` 'demonstratc modern wa1'1"arc 9..-.n| dnfensivo methods. 'l`l1m'o will 21150` `be present for u limitwd timn :2 tion of the Royal Can:ulia11 Sir:n:sli `Corps from Camp Borden, who will! K)`l\'rx 5) t1nInruv\:.fV"I1'{nn slnrl r {.- IHDLI UCLIUH`. A po.<. :1l. exi.<=t.< of the; visit of a p=.~.1'tial squadron of thm Royal Czxiizulian Air Force. who will! give a demonstration of ui!` co-f operzition with ground troops. } Special (lay events saw: now being} ioutlined. Sz1u11`(la_V, Aug`. 8th. will; `be Sr-`r aside as :1 sports C0ll`t(.`r`l. (lujv,I and at \\'hi(:h invter-regximent conte;~'t.=1 will be suttaged. On Sl1ll(lZl_\', Aufzustl 9th, 21 (l1'umhez1 divine : \\`lli: ; he held at the camp, at which nn:~m-- bers of the local br:1nch of the Can- ixdian Leg.-;ion will wttend in 21 body and to which the gpenc,-1-a1 public wn` be invited. On .-\u;:u:~:t 13th and with B!'ifJ,':1(llC1` W. P. H. Iilkim, 'C.B.E., D.S.O., G.O.C., Z\'Iilitm'_\' Dis- trict No. 2, and stafl. ofciatingr. Fllhe camp is under command of |`Col. C. l\'. S. Macdonell, V.D., of: :Chatham. The ofcers commandin_Lv,j 14th a gselieral inspection will be held 1 1 4 I I 1 'the various regiinents um: Gre_v.<, Lieu`t.-Col. 1*}. M. Mz1cDon\:-1~ld )l,..\I., Owen Sounrl; Simcoe Io1'e.=ter.<,; 'Lieu1;.-Col. 1`). \V'alkei', V.D., Col- lingwood; Algonquin Rifles, Co1._ Franrk R0i;l10l`_V, M.M., Sudbui'_\';` Northern Pioneers, Lieut.-Col. \V. J.` A. Laxvlor, M.C., L. (10 H., Hunt.-I ville. - "l'*l.-\ Y)ul~.\,ln .-fut?` :01 n.. J`,-.1].-u... .. 5. . u u instructionv. \ n.-.~ -. VHIU. The Brigzzxdc staff is as fo1lo\\*.~- :; Brip;zuliu1' Col. Macdoncll; Brig`. 3111-- jor J. B. Stewart, Toronto; St.z1`;`, B. Kemledy, Owen Sound;! .(`.nn1n Mninnl Of:-av NTnin1- T? \T I` I921-pm, D. 1\(,'I1llCll_V, uwcu ouunu;: , Medical Ofcer, Major R. )1 3 Harvie, Midland; Camp Pa_vn1z1sLc1`,: Col. H. M. Hi`.chie, Weston; Campl Quamternlastcr, Lieut. A. F. Han- mer, Barrie; Camp Chaplain, Major |'I-I. A. Oliel, Simcoe Foresters. EXTREMES FEATURE OF 1 WEATHER FOR JULYI I ` -"* i In the month of July there was! the unusual extreme head: wave, covering: the period of the 7th to the 14h, and there was some poutions ofi the month comparative1`_v cold. I`):-: mean tempe-lwature was but one de- gree above the normal. The `owest temperature was 46 on the 2nd, and` the warmest day was the 10th with a minimum of 73 and maximum of, 99. The coldest dzgy was the u:Hl1 n n1'nr~imnn1 nf RE A \`.'`T'` 11 n1.':x`x`1mum OI OD. ` The total rainfall amounted 2:` ..81 of an inch, being` only a little over 95 per . cent. of the normal averag'e for July. Of the total 0.60 of an inch was recorded on the 23rd, the remainder being scattered show-I: ers on ve other (Lays. _, On Ahauiml-. Rwl fflnn mnsrinrmm ham. 1 On August 3rd the maximum tem- other days. IL perature was 94, and on the 4th, 74. L #9 l.1'U.'H L/dlH}J I)Ul`ll1.'ll, \\VH0 11 demon; mtlon and z1:=. nufinu. urn:-1-. The p2`op(:2'ty-\\'i11 be o'e1`<-d for sale subject to a reserved bid. Further terms and conditions of sale wil . be Inade known at the time of sale, 01' in the mx.-:,mtime on up: plication to .v\ gfnwnrf Ry Shautnrf \. KIUHIIHIHSIUII Li IIUIHIIL the supply of w:nt,:-r lo by l1:win-_.: Hui.-I wurk Salt`-1'. .~'n-ch-`t:n'_v In-n..n l)ll)lIliSHi()Il-, : !nln_v if lhv :ml.ivip:nl:-I ilI(`I`| (HI H < I`:-II H \vH ,1 :|vui| .:301.000 j_':u1l011.< .5-12,000 5:u1`0n.< .(S5li,00O f.!`21H0)1:~` .7li0,000 g`ulIon. _G8 ;.1'a]lun.= .640.000 f::.x1 un.< .G80,000 g'allo11s l`H1iI`ll11T!1'ir\1! ni` Jlllpklll` \\'ILl1 UI(.`[ ', whxch occur1'od| 800,000 _Q'.11lon. hnnv: :|l.~m \\':xnt. H1:-' fix-v p:*uL-Minn" M I'.` :|H'm`d to In: 4|... NI Hl(`I'l'.'|:I I will ?:l.i'1 l,|n- \V1l.`ilA- ":l|,l'l H) : alum-, .' In-n..m'-r n !uln_v, Inn ..u : . : IH LU IN? 1111' q-vc-mt ~ .~::1m'i(:<`(I _n . ,`210)1:~` ` ` in--x1 ..n.-1 "'I' I -I` ufl "IIIIL; .- i -. Tenders for Grading ` Sealed ten(lr.-rs plainly marked as; to contents will be recei\'r:(l by the unde1'.ei'g;nd up until 12 o clock noon, standa1'd time, )Inn August 10th. 1936, for 2 {M 0,6 HVHPR nf grading in Ad- CAPI iiOL"lf TO ALL MY CUSTOMERS : l'\JI\ I\lI\\JlVl\l l\ll\A1\rn`n-- and intermediate points Parry Sound and and interme'dit 3.40 a.m. 4.35 p.m. Huntsville 9.20 a.m. c: 2.15 p.m. 8.45 p.m. 12.00 p.m. 317.35 p.m. 12.00 p.m. ' x---'I`o Huntsville and Parxgv Sound on`_\'. c-Saturc Stzmdard Time. DAILY SERVICE-LOW FARES BUFFALO -- NEW YORK -- WASHINGTON and other Canadian and U.S.A. Points. Tickets and Information at 4-... _-_.-l._..-.-.-..-.. ru-11!! nxnnvr Du: RADIO-AE5 ELE.'d'1'_1ii5 SERVICE At Present, Phone 122. DUNLOP AND MULCASTER Alunc-.a auu nu.v......-._.... DUNLOP AND MUIICASTER STS., BARRIE- ' ` %U=I-5 = `-'-;:x`.~`a=,~;&; % ghe Kings Highmffg ` SAFE ' DIRECT ` ECO!` LEAVE BARRIE FOR TORONTO FOR NORTH BAY FOR c,,,,,J __.J -__.l :..L. GRAY " LINES wisb, Ior (1) 0.6 miles of grading jala township, involving 12,000 cubic yards of excavation and 105 cubic ya1'd.~: of concrete. Tnxvr-cf. rn- nnv fnnrir-1` not 11(`C(5S- lmportani Ammnmcemeni I have severed my (1-0n11e(r1i011 with L. A. Emms Elcch-i<-. and am opolling :1 .s`1`01'(;* at 125 DUNLOP STREET (Next to The ;\(1V2U1(`C O1 .`i<-0) ON OR ABOUT AUGUST 1st Sundays COACHES LEAVE BARRIE. .6.50 am. Wednesdays Standard Time Tickets and Information at Grand Features THURSDAY, AUGUST 6`, 1936. ya1'a.~: 01 concrete. Lowest or any tender not sarily accepted. Tnfnrmnfinn nvniliahlp at HIP C0117]- MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Pathe Topics News "1T6`i't Subjects Hifguo MTCAL intex-me'diate points c3.15 p.m. 7.40 p.m. FOR MIDLAND c-Saturday only. Matinee 2.30 saruy accepted. . Information available at the Coxr-. ty Buildings, Barrie. I E. W. Jones, County Engineer Barrie, Ontario. ! PHONE 62 . 5.50 am. PHONE 62 mIEp%1*MII REV10l$ P|CK RINGMINISFE .....o...;.. ' Sunday, Aug. 9, 1936 Short Summer Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.-~The .\Iinister.'z 10 a.m.-'The Church School. We invite you to Worship with us. ' Dated REV. E. E. LONG, l ;4.\. E.-D. . human :-*i~~ oyd Tufford. " Organist and C111 Wright Cleaners Phone 577 -88 Dunlop Cdllier St United Church: QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE _nh___ Mor`-{gage Sale SATURDAY, XUGUST 22 n INADEQUATE methods of home cleaning of summer suits and dresses are not enough to remove perspira- tion odors and stains from summer garments. A spec- ial process is required like methods used at Wright's. Your clothes always come back fresh and clean when Wright does the cleaning. Summer Suits Women s D1-esees CLEANED AN-"D PRESSED WE DELIVER 3?-""4'>*'-'E?_...-3-5.3./`~*,ITi& COUNTY OF SIMCOE Darr .-\u:;`ust 1, 1936. Stewart & Stewart, Mortgage-e's Solicitors, Barrie, 0ntario.. \ ,, ,_ 1 1 [ID (5 1 ! Miss B. Scott, V.O.N., has re-turn-'4 : ed from her vacation. Her telephone` number is now 791. |` For Sale---24 colonies of bees, in good condition, honey still in combs, cheap. Wm. Mclieown, 24 Eugenia. St., Barrie. .4 gamete: 2-"u~~ I Lloyd Organist Choir- master. i Coriside1'nig the heavy traffic over; .the holiday week end, motorists werel imost considerate and co-ope'1'ated ini gevery way to facilitate matters. g']`l1ere were only a few accidents, all jof which were more or less of a minor nature. E fl`he traffic through Barrie over. ithe week end was the heaviest in_ lyears. From Saturday morning till` `Sunday morning there was an end-' less stream of cars going east and north. Monday noon the trac was` to the south and it was a continual procession till the early hours of Tuesday. Saturday the trafc was so heavy it was impossible to get` out of line, and many who wished` to stop on Dunlop St. had to go 011.; It brought forcibly home the need of 21 highway on the outskirts of. the town, so that those who plan to :10 straight throu_2`h need not come throu-_-sh the town. This would be in the intere;<.t.~: of the shopkeepers In Barrie. . BARRIE W.l. HOLD PICNIC IN ST. VINCENT'S 1 VV.Ulllt:'U.D' l1LbLlLul.E nu. 11c1u 111 Db.`dL'l1.\' 111 Iuczu puncc (:Ou1'E yesterday! V1nce11t .< l3:11'k 011 'l`ues-(l:1_\'_ after-`1zo1'ning'_on cha1'_9:es of being drunk noon.of tlns week. _'l'he_meet1n;t \'a.s,1n :1 public place. They both prom- he`.(l.m the form 01 -.:p.1cn1c and the med to leave town at once. I Ins"t,1tute`lxad us thexr guests the; Dudgeon, who was locked up unl ll1(l'1(.`a' irom the .-\.r(lz1gh_ Home.:Satu1'dr;:y 111'_zht, Lfuid he-`met two 01" ;Iil1e1e.\\o1~c racesot' all llun-(1.: for; three soldzer friends 111 a local we Ll1ll(ll(_`l1 and _~.:1o\\n-up.s and 1e.beve1'age room and got knocked pnzes \\:C1`c really worth eompetmg off sooner than expected. I dldn t| for. .-\tto1' the rucc-.< :1 meme sup-. know what I was vlvn-g and am veryl pe1: was .=o1`\'ed and wz1.= tl1o1'ou_2'h]_\';sor1'_v that I got so drunk, he Loldl e11_]o_\'e(l by all. ;tl1r: court. i t I +nn uni rnvvxv cm. ,.n....:...,.. ...... _ ..l.U inzwriages anu `.1 ocatns. R `i Contracts for the building trade; ,continue to be only fair, although? the_\' are considerably higher rthan 21! `zya-a1` ago. In July only ve build-1 ing permits. xvex-e issued, calling foil gwork amounting: to $4,075. Thai !largest of these was taken out by: John P... Coleimxn, who is building: a! :home on Col'.in;,rwood St. at an esti-l |I"lZ -4. cost of $2,000. Another `p-'31`-l mi`. for $1,000 was taken out for to Collier St. United Church, anti the third largrest went to Geo .~\nr.`.<:r:~'o1i, who is building` a small .lm1v.<~ ().'l hm-L-wm-l1 R1 M :1 I-nu AF [Pho 1'og,'ula1' meeting` of the Women s Institute was held Park Tues-< IV A-.. .13 `L1. `IVI\.n`- "I`L,. . C Learn Diesel, Aviation. A limited` number of men, now employed, are being selected to train in the Diesel fields. Hen seiected will receive prc- liiminar_v training at home in High; Speed, Marine, Heavy Duty Dies;-Ii and Gasoline Engines, and Aeronauti-3 cal Equipment, then provided Vvith` bus fare and given practical expel`-i ience in shops. Give age, present? J`;mp10_\'mOI1t. Box K., Advance. `- Ofiice, Barrie, ; a - ' 4 4 __.__j_ 321 The Scrz1mb`ed Word I`Idito1' had :21` E Ewholc boxful of an.<\ver.< in theil iSc1*an1b1(.-d \Vo1'd Contest this week,-`f `and after shL1fT]i11:.r up all the cor-."1 lrect z1n: (how out one by nnni `ltill twlvc were drawn and dec}u1'L-dg`_ `ltho winners`. 1 17.. .~,\.. L, 41.- A.L...A.. ._.:u L _ -1 . Chas. H.'-nvkins. 54 Elizabeth St.,` Barrie, will not assume or be respon-` -sible for debts incurred by his wifc-,1 ,.\`Irs. L. V. Hawkins, also of B:~.1`rie.5 ------~---- 5 ` The vital statistics for the town of`; Barrie for the month of July show-t ed an iiicr-_-zissr in births and mar-E ri:1_:eS over the same month last` year, but there wu.'~; a decided de-1_ crease in the death rate. Last month. there were recorded at the town clerk s office 18 births, 11 mar1 ia-,:c-.~'; izmd 5 deaths, and in June, 193:3 1 [there were reported 14 births, 7! 'mz1rri:i,ges and 11 deaths. in June{ `of this year there were 14 births,: .10 marriages and 9 deaths. 1 i trzide ithf-\' aw` I-nncirinvahiv hicrhnr rfhmn nu 11 z~..m.-Sabbath Worship. .\ o e\-'cninuf: service during; month; of August. Our Church School at 10 a.m. .'\H'.1L'I' . how" i 3900. [@..@Ms E "XWINNERS [N THE LAST I ~ SCRAMBLED wom) CONTEST 'JVl':lCLlUIli.|l(l DIS. WILIIIII HIIIB HUUr5- -"""' `The littl `CO1: was crossing Mac-' |d;ona]d St. enear the Owen St. inter-|iMITCHELL--A-t the R-V- H'SPita1: section in his wagon when he rani B`'er "0 Saturdayv Aug 1 into the side of a truck owned by 19,36v '90 M1 fmd MT5- V*3m0n Wm. Livingston, Barrie, and which' Mltcheuv 31 Map`? AV`-`-2 3 5'0- was driven`by Frank Griffin. The,R BIN 0N__A t _ _. - accident occurred opposite the boy's 0331.133, on %;Vegf,es1.a`:, Fi:1;ta5]:- home- I 1936 M. dM . . . I Suffering from body injuriw, the Son, '3? C011]'ief.'nSt_, 1: 3%? Robin little lad was taken to Dr. N. M.` _ Laurie, where he was given medical,N0*BRIS-`At the R-V- H0SP1t81o 331'` fattention. Fortunately the wagon me. on Sunday. Aug. 2. 1936. to was struck first, thus saving the boy M13 and M1'S- Fred NOTTIS. 15 much more serious injuries. Gl 0Ve 5'0 9 371- LIIU \\HlIlU1'5. P123305 to the the-:xtI`<: ed to th(;e- next week, \Tu.~ \ +1... CL.` AM-\.`.','.` LU LII!` |.ll\.'?KL|l.` \\l'l lH' Hl5lll :" who are: l Mrs. Arthur Stewzwt, Lr.-fro_\`,; - l ..R. 1; Eur] Jobbitt, Stroud; Bliss` 1 G(-olixie Reivu, Churchill; Be.<. Spc-arn, 57 F.. Road, A1l:mdz1lo;.t 'Jun0 Allen. 34 Parksi(1<> Drive, F1111`-.'l rie; Duzmn Bezml. 59 O Brir:n',l St., Orillia; Mrs. J. H. N. Smith, 1-1:1; Maple Ave... Barrie; Alvin H.i. Elmvalo; Helen J. Gilchrist, 66 Col- 3 lier St., Barrie; Mrs. F. Carling, 101ll .\Cumherland St., Allandale; Kenn:-thl. VVri_rht, Stroud; Miss Grace Pruitt, . Churchill. ; i .. '3-YEAR-OLD INJURED WHEN STRUCK BY TRUCKW Little Harold Moore, 3-year-old 1' son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore,`-i'r 45 Macdonald St., suffered leg andif shoulder injuries last Tuesday after] noon in the second motor accident to occur at the corner of Owen and . . . I Macdonald Sts. within nine hours. ` i W1... inn- 4.4. ..m. ......~.:...... M'.... i nun, no 1:` Uul1ulll.',' 1 Small on Du<:kwo1'h St. at :1 cost of` VITAL STATISTICS 1 The United Church of Canada -vV,1NT1-:1) MEN NOTICE be mail- .. I\ . . I PARK: Barrie in Q4 l The Dep:J.rtment of Education has 'given permjsison for the release of lthe following` results. Students in _Hgh and Continuation Schools will -`receive their marks or certicates -,' according to arrangements made with the respective principals. Students in fth classes will receivie theirs by 1 mail. Tl...-..._sn.. 111311. Thornton . Isola Bantving--British History. ' Aileen G1'ay'---B1`itish History. I Norma Halbert--Bot. E Lenore Jamieson--Grannnu1*. i Mildred .\IcLean--Bot. i Edith Wil'ey--B1'itish History, Geo- graphy, Art. 1 Ivv ; IlyD1Ug., {X1 ILILIIICLIC, LJUUI. 1 `Reta. Hoga1't.h--Eng. Grammar, ZooL (`...~I...l-....... "**`- ` H 3; Al. Smith, age 19, of Toronto,[` was sentened to ten (lays in gaol by _ _Ma;_~'ist1'ate Jefls in local police court 1 Ion We-dne.=.da.\' morning: on :1 charge. iof .~*tealin_2' food from cottagres at`, 2 Wasaga Beach. The youth Will only ';have to .:`ei've two more days, as he 3 ;had alrezxdy served eight yesterday -' He was convicted of the theft last 1 `week, when jud'g;ment was reserved`. [while police looked up his record. l Constable Rowe, of Wasugall ff Beach, informed the court that -` Smith had been convicted in To- --$1-onto two years ago n a cha1`ge of attempted shopb1'eakin_z:. -1 F011!` nfl'1nr "Pm-nfn Ivnni-lac \I'1`l(\l 5L'll}JH_V, $31 In . Ivy Jeanette Bake1'---Eng. G.ramma1', fPhysiog., Arithmetic, Zool. I -Rafa T-Tno-n1'H\...F`.no`, Crnmmnr Of Valuable Residential Property in the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contzlined in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced a_f_,.tI1e tiwe of 5:110. thew wil`. be offered for sale by public auction at the .\-..-.-~....- -..s...n. r\Ar\v\!. DUL. ` Hazel McCa1`ro1l-Brit. Histoy. I Dorothy McFadde~n--B1'it. History. H-ax-riett McFadden-Zool. Bertha Pz1tton-Geog., Bot. I Louisr: Patton-Bri History, Geogu, Bot. : 1 .-\mb1'0se Riv History,` Geo;."., Art, Bot. } Marion Rutled_:e---~Brit. Histo1'y,`; \ ..+ I Jl ' Art. l Tlios. Dudszcon. working on the` "c.\:tra 512111}: at C1`ai5.:hur;~:t, and An-E (l1`c\\' Logie, a transient, were each` remanded for Sc-nten_ce_by Magistrate `Jc- .< in local police court yesterdayl `igo1'ning'4on ,in h..A.-mm~. "am 1,.,.1.n.: .... _l ;un: cuux L. E I, too, am . for causing Vz_1n_v troublt-, said L-o_q'ie, who had been] in cu. since I\I'0n(Iay. Just give` `INC ve!ninutes and TH be outdc of] 1 the county. .\Hn\vnrI 1%: `F1-r.\t)r`nrn +14 I`\`Il`|1'I] " I DRUNKS TELL COURT SORRY FOR THEIR SPREE. : I um L'uuuLy. Allowed his freedom, the man} heaved :1 sigh of relief and left the ;court room as fast as his legs would I cu 1-1-3 him. 1 LYOUTH GETS TEN DAYS IN ; = _ GAOL FOR THEFT AT BEACH} _~ : 2uu:m.pLL-u .~:nUpU1'OaKln_Q`. ll 1 Four other Tornto youths whoil :were convicted along: with Smith on,` . of stealing from thc :C0`.t21.2`(.`I'S along the Nottaxvasaga iRi\'e1'_. were each ned $10 and !co: last week, but were allowed to Ego when a frir-ml of'fe1'erl to vouch for them while they 1'eceiVe(l the money to pay their assessment. Up until yesterday the court had not ireceived the money and Uagisrate gJe s issued a wzxrrant for their ;commitment to 9:210] for 20 days, if [in the meantime their nes were not lpaid. , * 1 `TRANSIENT WITH POOR 1>HYs1cl SEEKS REST IN PRISON TERMi ) i, .--..-._.-., . . _ . _ _- _- 1936, at 12 o clock noon, by P. A. Coughlin, Auctioneer, the following parcul or tract of land: ifnnh- lvinrr 5171!] hPiI`lU` in the Dan Bloran, age 28, a transient with poor physic and in a run-down icomlition, sought aid from Chief of `Police Hough in Col`.ing'wood lust "l'l1ui'. an-(1 asked that he might ibe interned in the county gaol in `order to regain his health. He was brought to B:11`2'iu on Friday and ar- '1`aig'ne bc-l'oi'<: ;VIagi. Jefl"s on gu nominal (:hai`5:(- of va'grzm~c_V, t0' 1\\"nich he pl(.-ado-(1 guilty and on the atrt-commcndation of the C0lli_mz'\\'oo(l -`chief \\'a.< st.-nteliced to two months ,'in the county _9;::ol. "'l`l1i< innn uvnnt: fn `\r. mm. Lynn: wL*u1'y-100K111}: young man. 1! Moran told po`ico his home was `Iin Ca];:z1r_v and for the past two ` iweek he had been searching uill over ' i*the country for work. 4 I am going to imprison you in (the common gaol for a period of] `,'two months," said his worship, "al- dthough I regret to do this. Do you I ;'really think this is the hesi thing ii, for you '. asked the bench. i Ti ic nniv en T (Inn 1vnn'1A .u....,.|l ,m um L'()uIlL-_\' 5_';:20i. ' E "'l`hi.< man wants to be sent ` iriown, dc.-ciim.-d Chief Houuh. He hunggry and in :1 run-down con- ,dit.ion and needs uttcmzion badly." E This is a most unusual request," ;pointcd out M:1;:'i.' Jclfs. '[`hi.~ ,-time of year it is good to be alive .jcvL-ry mo1'nin_::. In the cold winter in1n T r-nnirl nnrh-vcfunyl hig nn.~H.... ......\. \JA J... .\. m uvu nu I jg-very cold ,time I could llnd(:l`z-`t2ln(i his ghuc this time of year it is `I regular. i if vnn Txnun Lu;;,u1u1'. if you have . on your fston1ar:h, _\'0.<,, it is :1 good time of, `year to be alive and t'r<.-r_-, declared !'thc weary-looking: young ' 7.\'Tm':m `rnlrl nnH:-n Ric Innmn tr-an QUUIKSKOVVXI Lillian Davis~--Zoo1. Beth Harvey-~B1-it. History, Art, In? LU!` you ." 'clSKf.`(.l [[11 It is only so I c .up, replied Moran. .l'L- lsohel Tho1'n:t0n-Gco_Q`., Bot. V "MI'I`CI-IELL-At ! no Aug. 1, ' 1936, Mr. and I LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS p'dl`C::I T,1'2lCI OI Iii-ILU. . Situatc, lying and being in the said Town of I3zn'i`ie. and being com- posed of Lots Number 'I'hi1't_v (30) and Thirty-one (31) on the South side of Elizabeth Street, in the said Town of Bu:-rie, ucco1'din.g: to Re'gis- tered P`an .\'umber 27, szwe and ex- cept that part of said Lot Number Thirty-one (31) heretofore conveyed to Thomas P. Walton by Registered Instrument Number 22316 for Bar- Cookstown ..i. 71...] BIRTHS `ine Nonhern Advance .110 UUHCI]. can build myse`.f 1. History, ; I\-I ........., positlon,` most 11' ` CANNOT WATER LAWN .3 j3.ULEs COMMISSION"- A V (Continued from pzngv one) ` I cleaning` out one of tht- \'.'-11.4, with` the idezx of iI1(.'l`(.':lSill;. ,` t,h- How. HM commenced work on l`1u~::(l:n_v. i 'i"}`.:2 C0l11lllih`.~1i()lI is lmpinp; In in-' I !'W\:|~u- tho -.-nnnlv nf \|rt|In|- In .4... a cl`<`d:-11: cxtvm. \\I ?\`l VV . . the (_`.o There is said to be erected on said lands :1 comfozvtnblc frame onc- storey residence. lfV(.'Il obtain. - v.n..nm... Hlilllll HlJlU(' UHUH l 1`hv CoI_mnissin11 pub"I0_ to feel that rv 1 will b5 nlztintnim-d," dm-I Salt:-:1`. W(- czmnnt, :|lI'm` put in thr- po.~'it,im1 that in of 2: re any hmnv will br- throueh the luck of xvutt.-r.` 1`In.-2..., #1..-. ..4.`.d. ..V. .1. LHl'Ul.lL"ll LHL` Hl('li OI \\'x'IL(.`}'. ` During: the past \Vl"(3k thv Im-:u1~ c0nsun1o1';~' have used a _u,'2'c:1L (10:11; 111011: W21-L01` than is us1m`.l,v consulnedj at this time of _\'(.`2H', ('0!}: the weather conditions. From July .29th to Au'_:'u.' 4th :1 total of 4,- lcl(i3.000 :.:`allon.~` were used by the $1ocz11 h0u:=ch0ldr.-r;<. Thi; ZlV()1`il_Q`(} :pun1pag'e should not be much ow-1' ithree and 1: half million g':']I~o11.~' p.-1` . wc-r,-k. I 'I`1.. . . l|k.'\-l7s`- I|l_V I'll nI\v'|lHI |lll' \V'n|.`IIl' Ill water." H0\\' 1011;: t,ln- I`1':~?vl.l`i(`H(H|.`x` will mm- tinuo will (lop:-ml on wt-uflu-r -nnali ttions, the supply of w:nt.r and iv munds m:1d<- upon it. IT]1t- (`nn\n\<\-Sun 4||:n uv-uni ll-H. \\ cum. ' | ,T`}1:,- daily consumption of \v:|tm'} lfor om; week up to Tuc*:;dz1_\` w:1.< us! . follows : ' July 23? .. ....:301.000 I July 30 .... ....5-12,000 [ July 31 .... ....(35li,00O i Au_:r. 1 ....7Is0,o00 y-~-111on.<` _`.n.y `) (`.0/I n.nn . . .-1Lz;.;. .2 ..... . .. .. . . .no~'1,U'uU p:21nun.= ] Au;:. 3 ..... ....640.000 f::.11 .~\u;_-'. -1 ..... ....G80,000 l Alth ugh the consumption of, lwatcr on Saturday reached 1 hi_,"hi xpoint when 760,000 _4'z1llon.'< wr::`c'. iused, it did not compzxrc with thu| 11`/ImH'(! f'm' fhiq \'n:n' xvhh-B nr-mu-vmll i The annual camp of the 22nd Bri-I gade opened at Pent-tang: on Wed .ne.'~'da_\', when evei-_vthin_2` was put in "11-adiness by an ;1.d\'ai1ce fzuuul 01 J'Simcoe Forestei-5. under canvas since I "11'irlzL\' last. I i : I I The camp is heid on old hi.<,'C01`l(`: " "" '}i'h \\"1` u-`ed '1 I iiirod l_L1Ul1I..., \\__1_ie ca 3 .. ll] _( , "_s'ea1`s ago as the _e;m'1':so1i cricket i;1`1'ound;~:and adjacent to the old Emiiitary c11u1`c}1. 1 Some 450 men of all rzmks are {under canvas. '1`-hese inielude tin-,j IA1g:'onquin Rifles, 1`.C!'l1itC'd in Cob:=.1t,il H2L1le3'bury, New Liskeard, SUdbu1'_\', 3 ffimmins, Kirkland Lake and other` '-`northern towns; the ;\'o1'thern Pion- 1 I | nor: 1-nr-I-ni+nrl in T).v-.\nn1~n-id-.1-u I lLlhL`U, IL UIU HUL C01 1`<.-cmwl fol` this _\`s:u1', on Jul): 12th, when 1 lwero pumpad in 24 4 _. ______ __ 1ANNUAI.. MILITARY CAMP AT PENETANG OPENS i1lUl I./lll;'I ll LU\VH; Llltf ;\UI'LJlU1'Il I !0Il' ] eers, recruited in Braccbrid-.:e,} 'Hunvt. Parry Sound, Graven-" hurst, Burk s Falls, Pow-assan gnu! su1'roundin_2 area; the Simcoe Forcs-` "ters from Bz1f'rie, Orilli-.1, Collin-I wood and Peuetang, and the Gzv;-_\v'.= 1{eg1in1e11t from Owen Sound and ['Grey Countv. ', . \ . .. ._... ` DUUl'J_V' lCDl\JCllbCn Terms: Ten per cent. of th_e pur- chase money at time of safe, and we balance within thirty days there- zxftc-1'. '1`l.n ru\~r\v\r.\v'I',\I';1] kn n4-`nv.~.:l Fnv

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