Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 May 1936, p. 8

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Daxted May, 1 93 6. UU [)d.JU. i Mills-Wiles--TImt ex-A1d. R. E., Tuck be `appointed as alderman to; ll the balance of term of the late, {Alt}. Tyrer. Mi11e_('1n.-menI_'I`l-m+ n 11'.-..L+ I... :.. 1w1L'r1`eu to board OI W`0]`KS. _' J. V. 'Byrne requested permission : to erect a booth on the west side of his grumge on Dunlop `St. Referred to Board of Works. ` Mpyor's Convention to Be ' Held in Orillia Secretary J. A. Smith, mayor of K-itchener, advised Mayor Robertson of the Ontario Mayors Convention to be held in Orillia on June 11th and 12th.. These dates will be im- 1.-mu. 1_yn:1'. I Mills-Goesse1-That a light be in- stalled on Market Square "from June 1st to Oct. 1st, to give extra light} for use of Car parking`. [ S`r.mvm't-\.Vi]p,=_ 1`l-mt AH r`.-um. wuux UJ. 1`U'tlu U11. Communications K. S. French, 126 Collier St., ask- ed permis-ison to erect a small tour-: ist sign in front of his residence, Referred to Board of Wo1`ks. _T V "R171-no rnnnnoi-nrl -\.u.....'....:.... . vouchers $100.58 $120.19 $220.77 above statement there issued to ve 1-ncfn;`r1rr Q9") OH "I"1-.n1-I-. $70.61 $135.26 $222.27| l_) __ P On Thursday evening, May 14th, .the Knights of Columbus public nl speaking class held their second par-- Lliamentiaury debate on a. very inter- d esting subject enrtitled "Resolved Itluat stage and screen in the present state is a detrinwnt to a commun- ity. . f Mr, Thna 'Ri1-nhav-:1 Dt\+All no nuhmn portant and outstanding days in the ;history of municipalities of Ontario because of the importlzmt subjects which vitally affect every municipal- _ ity which will be discussed at the `convention and decisions arrived at |whicl1 will be taken to the provincial iand federal governments as being `the 1'ep1`eseIn aative thoughts and fideas of the elected municipal re- `presentatives of Ontario. I O..-.._._L,,1 ,,,L,, n it .- PRESENT DAY SCREEN ' AND STAGE UPHELD my." busses and `trucks should be eJ.1mmat- Mr. Thos. Birchard acted as prime ed from the highways. Mr. Daniel minister, moving the resolution amd Quinlan will be the prime minister putting forward some very interest- and uphold the afrrnative, vth Mr. ing facts on where the stage and `Norman Osborne acting as leader of pictures could be improved. How-the opposition. BU. flail .LVU. OIL`. ` The property will be offered for; sale subject to a. reserved bid xed: by said Local Mlaster. The pur- ` chaser shall pay on the day of the sale 10 per cent. of the purchase money and shall pay the balance of, the purchase money into Court with-5 out interest Within 30 days after date, of sale. Adjustments to be made as! of date of sale. In all other respects]: the conditions of sale are the stand-`1 ing conditions of sale of the Cou1't..1 nn Han nrnhriene it cni +n Rn nlt Vacuum Cleaners HOOVER--Late Model PREMIER . . . . . . . . . . ELECTROLAX . . . . . . . ROYAL . . . . . . . . . Continental Electric Co. Ltd $100 in Prizes. lions Welfa-1r`e Work Admission 25c. Ticket entitls holder toDraw ATTRACTIVE ROUND TRIVP FARES Toronto $3.15 - Buffalo $8.40 - New York $23.80 FOR TORONTO and Intermediate Points 8.40 a.m. d6.10 p.m. 2.00 p.m. e8.15 p.m. ..`... nuu aununnnnuuu an DUNLOP AND MULCASTER STS., BARRIE Fashion Show Carnival - Dance Wed.- Thur.- Fri., JUNE 3, 4, 5 Barrie Armouries Terms if desired Lug CUHUILIUHS UL SEUU UJ. L118 L/U|J.l'lz.,`[ On the prenuses is said to be a}s very 1:z1.rge, new frame cottage, Withl modern conveniences. 1..u+'lan-u v-.nwh'nn'lns-n nvcr-I . . : no-\v\r`1`1r\~r\nA ._....v_....-., .. .,...._.. ....... -..-v....-u-u-\. m. Eastern 9.45 a.m. :17. m. e8.15 Standard c3.10 p.m. e8. Time f4.10 p.m. c-Sat. only. d-dai1_v except Sat._ Sun. and H01. e-Sat., Sun. and H01. only. f-daily except Sat. njfflj T ETZQ` For Sale 013` Rent 17 Owen St., Barrie Tickets and Information at vuvwngn-nun an-n ._.__.._ Barrie Lions Club LEAVE BARRIE The afrmativc was supported by Thos. Bix-chard, Father T,.. Smith, Ernest I-Iartt and Henry Smith. The negative was Wm. Price, Alfred Saunders, Jack Ryan, Daniel Quin- Ian, Ernest Ryan, Edward Wysoyrlad, Norman Osborne, Glen Garrity, M. Garrity and J. Bibby. Mr. John- `Wood acted as speaker and critic. . u "3. nu . 1 \ . u u vvvu uuvuu we uyvul\uJ uuu \.;nuu.. The next debate will be helii on Thursday, May 2191;, when the sub- ject will be "Resolved that motor busses and `trucks should be eliminat- nnd nnhnlrl H19 nfrmnvn with 'N|'.r ever, he failed to suggest the neces- sary means beyond what is already being used, such as the Censor Board and Decency League, to bet- 'er the same, and the resolution was defeated. Mr W.m. Price acted as leader for the opposition and successfully rebutted the arg'un1ents brought for- vard by the prime minister. The concensus of opinion as brought out by the negative sgdc \'.'...s mat while the present day stage and screen performances no doubt could be improved in some partlcul-ar in- stances, the general trend of pie- tures and screen under present con- ditions was towards eliminating: any- thing detrimental to the community. nn_ _m_A_A_,L:,_, _,_,, , ,,, ,,l 1 v I1lULU:H.`H CUIIVCILIEHUCS. ' Further particulars and conditionsf of sale may be had from 7 ._ .. _ I THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1915?). `_ M.` Rentals 75c per day l'\JI\ \JI\lL.Lll`\ and Intermediate Points FOR ORILLIA l__n...._._.._l_L_ D-` PHONE 62 4-u -y . `Jill no d7.l5 p.m e8.15 p.m. . $30.00 . $25.00 . $40.00 . $45.00 I Notice is hereby given pursuant to] the Trustee Act that all persons hav-| ing claims against the Estate of; Martha Maria Cleary, late of thei Township of Essa, in the County of Simcoe, Widow, deceased, who died. on or about the 10th day of April,` 1936, are requested to send parti culars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 30th day of May, 1936, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard only to= the claims of which they shall then? have notice, and will not be respon-g sible to any others. I nafnd 21+. Rnrn Hhia 1R+h aw nfl Elule DU ally U'lrIleI3a I Dated at Barrie this 13th day of? May, 1936. , R.-nu R Rn". Court of Revision Please take notice that the first sitting of Court of Revision for the Township of Essa will be held in Thornton on Wednesday, May 27th,. 1936, at 9 a.m. 'Thnn havinrr huvcinpnc in nnnnnn- 4| LUOD, 211) 3 3.111. Those having business in connec-. tion with this court will please govern themselves accordingly. Norman Coxworth, Clerk of Essa. SP1-LLER--CLIFTON--At Nemnzmy ket on Saturday, May 16, 1936,. by Rev.. F. -Andrews, Alfred E.` Spiller andv1\`Im. Elizabeth C1ifton,: of Barrie. I WICKLUM--A1t the R.V. Hospital,` Barrie, on Thursday, May 14, 1936, to- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wicklum, Phclpston, 21 dsarughter. YOUNG--At the R.V. Hospital, Bar- rio nn Tnmzrlnv Mnv 19, 1923, to HOBSON--SuddenJy, in Barrie, on Wednesday, May 20, 1936, Mrs. Lillian Hobson, widow of the Imte T`hos. Hobson. The funeral will be held from her late residence, .5 High St., on Satunday at 2.80 p.b. Interment in Barrie Union liameterv. 13c.;`e Eight JUDICIAL SALE OF SUMMER COTTAGE PROPERTY !U.UlV[x--1i'C 17110 u.v. nuspxwl, nar- ne, on Tuesday, May 19, 1936,. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young, R.R. 2, Allandale, a son. .4: an. --vv-1 QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE ._nn: -~uu.- SA'I`URDAY_ MAY 30, 1936 LL. L,_... -p n _y-I,,L 1-;,_ p.D. uuc Cemetery. We invite you to worship with us. :1Ii=R.;`.!' Vanni: RINIA mmsrm NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESSA TOWNSHIP aVan5 X LVarI3, ' Solicitors for the Plaintiff,f Bradford, Ontario. i F. G. Evans, Local Master.: at Be-rrie this 6th day of .24: 5 Collier St United church`, OU- Boys & Boys, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for; the Executor. 4 uxganu master. MARRIED DEATHS BIRTHS Evaiis & Evans, u;"r\ue Fnv tlsn Din: T i For Su1c-l\ Buick Sc- irlan model 1928, in good co11ddt.ion, run only 37,865 mile`. Wlill ...,n l-)|u\nn ozn Full scLl 1 1'ivutc Sale of 1*`u1'niture, includ- ing BL-a.t.t_v electric vusllcr, good as new; dining room Lublac and cl1zLirs, crguxx, c-ic., all in good condition. Mrs. I1etche1', 63 Burton Ave. 100 fine Spring Coats and Suits on sale. Many at l1I'.1rl.1' price. Buy now and save. Simmons & -Co. The Coat Store. REV. 1:1 E. DONG, B.A. 13.1). Ministe: Uoyd Tuord, Organist and Choir- msaster. .-\mazn.ig reductions on ` Coats and Suits. Large Many at half price. Stimm The Coat Store. Wanted--B1'ig;ht, axnbitious young man for hardware store. Excelzle-nt opportunity for suitable person. No Wea1'y Willdes or Tired Tims need apply. Apply by letter care of Ad- 1 Vance Oice. Men Wanted--Come in and talk over tamd see deinonstrated Electric `Hygiene. We train you for our sales staff. Financial assistance `while learning. Splendid opportun- ity for advancement. `Men living in Midland, Orillia, Barrie and district preferred. Appily Comtinental Edec to:-ic Ligiited, 17 Owen St., Barrie, nt. I Past President Gordon Longman was elected hast night to represent the Local Lions Club at the Lions In1berna.tiona1 Convention to be held at Providence, R.I., from July 20th ';to 2-Lth. Members selected to at- .ic-nd the District A Convenion at lOrt,ta\vz1 on June 14, 15 and 16 were `It. S. Atkey and R. N. Bibby. s ______.& x `| For Sale--Eight-roomed house cen- "trally locmrted, very comfortable, lot 54 feet by 150 feet, on good street, very reasonable. Apply Box K., Ad- vanize Oice. \ fl The annual spring reunion of the 3?Va1ley of Barrie Scottish Rite was ml"-+ld in the local Masonic Temple on 'TMond`ay and Tuesday, with -a good flattendance from all over the dis- `trict. Teams taking part in the fdegree work were from Owen Sound, `.`:1,n_\'ner, Orilliu, Newmarket and B'.;1'1'ie. The work was ably exem- '- plied in a very pleasing manner. _[Work in the Lodge of Perfection was ':carric on under the direction of H. lJ. Twiss, T.P.G.M., while the Rose `l'.'1'oi.\' Chapter work was under the .d1rr.-ction of Compton Jeffs, M.W.S. l 3 Tenders will be received by the `undersigned for fuel requirements .for Barrie schools up to noon on ;'luesday, June 2nd, 1936. Speci- '(-ations can be obtained from A. H. Felt, Sec y-Treas., Barrie Board of Education. ixcgal operation. _ In dismissing Mrs. Huggland fol- fllowing preliminary hearing, the '.'!1nag,1istrzLte said no jury would con- fit was insuflicient. Crown Attorney iE. D. Wilkins then announced that |the Crown would drop the case `against Somerville. Ananncr flu-sea n-luu`nn- ....:,J..~...- lvict on the evidence given, claiming ` 3 Appiicwtions will be received by hhe uY`ld01`Si{.,"I'lCd up to noon on Wed: '17esday, Way 27th, 1930, for posi- ition of cameutaker of King George ;Schoo]. I A L! Enla. Q.:..'.. "I'`........ Sunday, May 24, 1936 11 am. and '7 p.m.--The Winistcr. 3 p.m.-The Church School. Wednesday, 8 p.m., the .\I.idweek Meeting. 1 . EARE YOU SEEKING A MORE REMUNERATIVE POSITION`; 3 We are looking for a man, it may =_'ne you or a friend of yours, be- Ttween 27 and 42, who strangers and acquaintances with a Ebusinesslike approach, presenting ab- 'so1uite1y safe investment and insur- zance services. ication and va;.reputation lstand careful kind of ambition and energy which earns promotion. He must Hcarned if single at least $25 per iweek, if married at least $35 per week, and at present be employed. ..=\ppIy Box 100, this paper. Our `own employees know about this in- sertion. can meet - He has a good edu- ` that must 5 investigation and the ' ave ` |TWO FREED AT SUDBURY IN DEATH OF DUNEDIN GIRL .\Irs. Sjgne Hagglund, of Sudbury, and .\'orman Somerville, of Copper Cliff, formerly of Creemore, were freed last Thursday by Magvistrate J. Sn ;VIcKissock at Sudbury on charges of manslaughter in connec- `ltion with the death on March 29th 101' Gertrude Weatherall, 16-year-old .`Dune(lin girl, who died in the Col- ilinmvood hospital following an il- llegal operation. . ln rliancqinzr Nfrc Llnn-~1-...J c..1 :d3.',i.`UlHb'l4 OUIIIUFVIIIL`. f Among those giving evidence '\'vere,Pz'ovinciz11 Constable W. A. T. Robinson. Collingwood; Dr. R. E. Ives, Stayncr, and Dr. R. Graham, . Creemore. 'l3n.<..,.1 'l _l'A....l......-_ ..---_J 01 UFCUIIIOTE. Russel Henderson aged 24, Terra Nova, alleged to have been rcspon-, sible for the girl s condition, com.- mitted suicide by hanging himself in a. cell at the local gaol on March ; 31st. A ..+..4.....,...+ m...x,. -;.. ..,.1:.... '..; 0155. "the Colling-wood hospiltad by Miss W-ea-therall led to the arrest of Henderson on March 29th at his farm at Terra Nova, Mulmur town- :-hip, and to the arrests in Sudbury on March 81st of Somerville and Mrs. Hagglund, a Finnish Woman. The alleged operation was perform- ed in Sudbury on March 17th. A statement made "to police at: HIOUUI LUAEO, 111 gut. 1` cheap. Phone 231. SCOTTISH RITE REUNION CARETAKER WANTED A. H. Felt, Sec'y-Treas., Barrie Board of Education. Sunday, May 24, 1936 11 a.m.--The Heaxrt of the Gospel. Young Worshippers League in at- tendance. 2 p.m.-Crusaders for Young Men. 3 p.m.-Men s Class in Board Room 3 p.m.---Our Church School. Evening at Seven Subject: To Him that Hath is Given TENDERS as all Spring Jarge selection. Stimmons & Co. MCARTHUR FREED - UN FRAUB CHARGE A cliurge of obtaining credit toll the umoun-t of $126 from Reg". Wil- son, taxi driver, Allandztle, on Sept. 3rd, 1936, by false pret;ences zmd with intent; to defraud, was (lis- missed zig'ains-t Robt. R. lVIcArtl1ur, :l:."(: 52, .~t:1les1n:m, 'l`oronLo,,by Mag- >'ute Jelfs in local police court yesterday morning . A second cirarge of ob1m.ining' the sum of $15 from A. '1`. Galt, Allandale, was withdrawn. n/TIIl`Ii`1\I`l\I Jun I-inn knnn In nrnn \`Vl I/HQ 1'H.\VIl . McA-1'thur, who has been in cus- tody since Miarch 23rd pendaing trial, had been g'1'anted numerous re- mands during the last; two months. Following` the disposal of the case, McArthu`1', a-Iias S. C. Mitchell, was taken to Toronto where he is want- ,...x M. .. +-..`.+1.m. ,.u.,.....,. A`? +~...,...,i taKen D0 l0l'0Il`LU wnere Ill: 15 WdI1`L` ed on a further charge of fraud, having fraudulently obtained board and Imccoiiiniodation at the Dover- amount of $28.65, in February. Reg. Wdlson, the complainant, said he was approached by McAr- thur at the Clifton Hotel, Allandale, last September, when the accused arked him what he would charge to go to Niagara Falls. W'i-`mess said ` it would be six cents a mile, to which McAi1'.thur agreed. It was court Hotel, 817 Yonge St.., to the` agred that Wilson was to receive hisi ' pay after the trip. Wilenn =n.irl lqn rlrnvn `l\/Tr-Arf.l'nn' after the trxp. ` Wilson said he drove McArthu1' and his confederate, a Mr. Faukner, l to Niagara Falls and from there to lvlonrtretaul. The ag1'ee111ent still stood good to drive to Montreal. At To- rcnlto the accused promised to pay half his bill when they arrived in Montreal. 5. N... ..-___.__-._1..`___.1 .uu.uu. \.L/15 The two men were representing} the sale of Simcoe Hall, Allan- da.1e, with the idea of making it in- to 21 hospitlriul. Wilson said he saw the Saimcoe Hall mortgages in Mc- Arthur s possession. I felt if they had the mortgages they must have the money and that I woudn t be done out of my pay, said Wilson. 011 +1111 xvnv tn 'Mnn+.vrnn1 M?-A.1'- ; of the agreement. (lone out 01 my pay," szuu vvusuu. On the way to Montreal M.`cA.1'- thur offered to pay Wilson $10 for running expenses, but the lauttel` re- plied that he had sufficient. Both men paid for the drive.1"s board and` lodging on the trip, that being part "FL- 4...... .u... 4'..lnJ L. ....`|..\ ..... \lL vu-.. u&',1.\,\,xxA\.AAv- The two men failed to make ani_ appointment with a ce1` party ini` Montreal, and then got Wilson, who` 1` did not receive half his pay as agreed, to drive them to Brockville, t where they spent some time. Ontf `The way from Birockville to Toronto; the men said they were going into! partnership and that they were to! drsmv up the agreement in Toronto.|i Af"rpr xvnitincr :11] rlnv -Fnv Haari |.ll:Il r1I. I.. . 3 Between . Spence vs. Kempenfeldt Land I Company Limited, Et al. Pursuant to the judgment in this cause there will be offered for sale, by public auction in one parce1_ withi the approbation of the undersigned! Local Master, by J. C. Spring, auc-` tioneer, at the nilnnxnc IIr\-r-r-I nnnnur Ul'v';1>\\" up Ll1(:` ugl`UEll1UHC In LOYOIIAUO.` After waiting` all day for the two men at Fau1kne1"s ofce in To-' rcnto, McA1'thur announced that they were unable to get the deal through and that they were low in funds. :1`! 1 , 1, n .1 4. uuua I I became leary of my pay and! realized I had no gas or money to} get home on, said Wilson, ater talking with Toronto, I was close to them. 7.. L1 ``and` a policeman in! advised to keep LIU-EC DU lrlIClllu ` .In the "evening ;\IcArthur gave}: Wvilson two dollars to get home on,;` saying he would be in Barrie thei next day. Wilson drove home? r alone, leaving the pair in Toronto,tr' and they never showed up againl During the entire trip Wilson never received any of his bill of $ Last Winter Faulkner, who was also charged with fraud, was arrested andfl in settling the case paid Wilson $50`( as his share. < (`Liar Q4-.-........4. ....:.J 1.. 1_.-,: .1 ` u:nvAA\.|L(.A.VVAl- I F. Hammond, K.C., counsel for the accused, asked that the case be dis- missed on the grounds of insufcient evidence. He pointed out that a promise meant nothing, but that in a fvaud case there must be a re~ presntation of accomplished facts. Crown Attnvnynxr Flxrnnc annnnlnrl. as ms snare. [ Chief Stewart said he Laid the` charge 3.1; the instigation of the; colwiplaitiant. As a result of Wil-I son s complaint the chief made some[ mouirv and last Mm-oh hm! 1w..A`._ nun: cu1upJa.1ll`l we cn1eI made some inquiry and last March hvad McAr- thur arrested at Hamilton. He also had Faulkner charged, but as he! paid part of the money the ease was` withdrawn. ' rwu-7 ...... bbfullgly I01` 21 conviction. We have argued this matter so often, Mr. Evans, remarked Magis- trate Jes. Surely the Crown knows that a promise to pay, though not fullled, does not make the party guilty of false pretences. . can't help it and I certainly cannot convict on `this evidence 1 T? m HI-iwnr in :V\I`I`lIut\r1 air` .. pniblll./uLlOIl ox accompusned Iacts. I Crown Attorney Evans appealed strongly for 21 conviction. \Vn 11:n7n nvrrnnrl Flniu vnn&+,... -. LUHVICL on I-HIS CVIGCHCC If an driver is induced on :1 promise it is unfortunate, but we can't help it, continued his wor- ship. This is a scoundrally thing: Lo fake a boy around like this, but the Crown has not proven raise pre- tences. No matter what promise was made, the evidence is insuffi- cient to convict. It is just another! case of some one being` done out of their money by their own g:ui.1i~bi1-` it-V-1! 0 The Presbytery of Barrie met in Orillia on Tuesday, May 19th. The docket of business was unusually light, which enabled the members to attend some of the sessions of the ` W.M.S. Presbyterial. The Commis- sion appointed at the last meeting to deal with matters of rearrange- ment of certain congregations, re commended that the present arrange- ment continue for the summer, but in view of the state of the mission funds and of the necessities of the gcongregations concerned, the re- an-rangiement take place at the end cf September, Angus, Ivy and Bax- ter forming one parish and Town- lrne being joined with the parish of Cookstown and First Essa. Dr. Campbell was appointed to represent the Presbytery at the centennial` of Presbyemiramiism 'in Innisl township to be celebrated in the Stroud Church on May 24h and 25th. In the Supreme Court of Ontario: In the Matter of The Mechanics Lien Act. 'n-.|..__.-_ . PRESBYTERY OF BARRIE The Northern Adva1..-.1 TUGK APPOINTED FOR WARD THREE (Comtinum from p:1g"e cne) on to road a lengthy List of 'duties, Ias set forth by the Board of Hcztlfch, 'to be performed by the in- `specter. '|`lv.:+ e n mnltihudn n`f' dnt1'es. rn-. specter. | 'l`l19_t s :1 multitude of duties, re- . marked Ald. Mills after his worship had taken nearly ten minutes to read the list. Lt has been said 21 lot of the inspcctor s time is taken up with police dutiies, but `from what I have seen, :1 wrong impression has been given to the Board of Health und the council. Those of us who made a tour of inspection last. week found some places in a deplorable condition. I'm rmly of the opin- ion that the present man is not do- ing his duty, declared Ald. Mills. Pll rpnn-rt the matter to the next ms (1uw;y," uecxuruu ruu. LV.LlLl5. I 11 report the matter to the next meeting of 'the Board of Health, Mayor Robertson. Chief Stewart on Duty 24 Hours a Day What policing have we on Sun- day s ? inquired Ald. Shepherd. (`.nn:+.n'h'|ne (Temp and Pnvnpr aw: Cl?.ly'S ."' lIlqU1l"C(l Iilu. DIl(:p`IlB1`Ll. Constables Case and Rayner are on duty from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., and Chief Stewart makes a tour _oi inspection on Sundays, said Ald. Mlills, chairman of the Fire and Police Committee. "`W-elfare Oicez Jas. MacGregor is lling in when the chief is off and he is also being used by the police department when not employed at relief work. Ad: present Mr. MacG2'egor is busily em- gaged in delivering summons for the chief, 'as there have been a lot late- y- 141.. .1..- ..L:,.4` ...-.+nn11.. rs!-1 .J...- ..n ' -LII. VAAI4 saluvvp g)vl.uL.|Ll\.Al|/ IAIICLC Iwere exytra 9? recipients totalling $22.20. There 5,we1'e also four men working`, draw- `5,ing; vouchers to the amount of $14. e;This also takes care of the night "5 men xxzarking on the sweets and the *'~regu1za1' men. 1'! 1:w..11.....:..,.. ...... u... -.....\...:u....-_ 4-,__ J: Is the chief actually on duty all day Sunday ? asked Ald. Shepherd. `"l`1nn (-hip? in nn dnfv 9.41 T-nmn-c n uay cuuuay 1 asneu ruu. onepnera. The chief is on duty 24 hours :1 Iduay and available for call at any t1me, replied Ald. Mills, sta cin.g Itha/c he had been "out with the chief [on various occasions on Sunday. Ah] .Q11nn11nYr` =a1o'o*pcfnr] Fla-2+ Hun ....-..._.. .....-- ...., -.,.... at the hour of o'clock, afternoon, standard time Hun `Pl\1]l\Ivv:v\ru 1....-In .-n-..-I vu.,..-...n~ .'.. K I \ U11 Vi.Ll'lULl5 UCCdh1UHb U11 ouuuay. Ald. Shepherd suggested that the night men be given the privilege of day duty and that Ofcer Mac- Greg*or substitute for them at night. Mayor Robertson said Council had that in mind, but at present Ma`. MacG1'egor is engaged three days a week on relief, work. A1,! ThT`l1n ~n.-dud-A.-1 n11+ J-Ln+ f*L.`-1` ` VVUBI`. U11 1.'BL1BJ., VVU l'K. Ald. Mills pointed out that Chief Stewart was anxious to have Mr. MacGrego1- sworn in `as soon as `. possible. I F;PA Ala}-rn Svefnrn Raina possune. Fire Alarm System Being Changed With reference to recent changes ;in the re alarm system, Ald. Mills Ireported that the Water and Light Commission were busily engaged onl the alterations and tlnat the east end had already been completed. Relief for Two VVeeks Cost $443.04 Ear.-l1 week nds :1 decided reduc- 'tion in relief costs to the town. For -the last two weeks, .\Iz1_v 1st to Mam 15th, relief in Barrie was down to $443.04. Expenditures for week` I t . I 1 1 ending May 8th were as follows; Employable Indigent Total 'Food ..$67.50 $110.35 $177.85 ,Fue1 .. 6.50 -__ 6.50 ; Clothing .. . 22.58 9.84 32.42 1 Shelter ... . 4.00 -- 4.00 `Food 1 Fuel cxoumag `l'UgLlLlil' men. V Following are the expenditures for ithe week ending May 151111: Employable Indigent Total {Food .. ..6 44.75 $129.65 $174.40 `Cloth-ing .. 18.00 3.80 22.66 [Shelter 5.00 -- 5.00 ,L1'gh=t 2.00 1.81 3.31 ismall seeds 16.40 4 Food . . ` Cloth-ing k Shelter . . . ..... ismall Articles in April The report of Barrie Red Cross Society for the month of April, which was submitted to souncil. showed the number of vo1unwtary| workers "co be 25 and the number of hours worked 155. The donors totalled 100 and number of articles given out was 765'. Request for Hydrant I Fralick-Cavanagh--That the Water` Commission consider the advisabilityl of placing a hydrant opposite the )property of the Misses Brock. i Q11nnT1n1-rL.Tnn1n=:.'T`11nf- 4-Ian Dnnurl .p1i)U. I Red Cross Distributed 765 propcny 01 Lne Mlsses brocx. ` Shepherd-James-T]mt the Board.` of Works again consider construct-' ing 180 feet of sidewalk on Pzu-ksidc Drive confronting Gracey and Reid`t properties to Elizabeth St. < Motions ' Cavanagh-Came1'on---That half the_l rent of the Red Cross rooms for the month of May, amounting to $15,! | be paid. i\/Tiii:-YViin=_'I"hnf- nv_A1A D 17 -.._n...v...u. v \...~ v. uuvua.4u. nu mu Ud.l2HllIt: 01 L011 OI me late. Aid. ST1-g-gested subjects are: Relief, a National Responsibility; Rights of Municipalities; Dictation of Govern- Iightgznenra Bodies as to course municipal- llyt must pursue; Relief Maximia Al- Stewart-\Vi1es-That Ald. Gavan-10men-ts; Municipal Income Tax; agh, Wm. Dinwoody and Ald. .Gli1l ReV~`ieW Of On`t31'i0 Municipal Act; be appointed fence viewers, `Exploration of the Whole matter of W;]p_q-stew;u-t_T.ha Board of taxation and relief as they concern Works be authorized to purchase althe mUDiCiP31i8S- tank of road `oil. ' I" I V..... .,.--.....- Y........uu ~ This week s expenditure of gen-.i 1era.1 items shows a decrease of ` $14.90 over the preceding week, but `with the exception of $16.40 for seeds the tofal shows an increase of $150. D...-I Pu--- h:....:L..5....l -12: snanuara 11118 | \ the following Lands and premises inj: the Township of Innisl, in thei County of Simcoe, and being com-! posed of Lot Number 38 and Blocks: E., F. and G., according to Register-" ed Plan No. 675. ' ,1 rm". .....m....+.. mm 1.,. nu,-,...,.A +-,...`1

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