Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Mar 1936, p. 8

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Page Eight 11113,` 1130111 spulzu UUICCES. `L Spinal curvatune can be rcducud g're21t1y, postural defects co1'1'cct.L-(I Eand unto-ld benets for future health {given the child who has the vudvun- Itagte oi osteopa.thic examina.Lion and t-reatment. M - ,.1.........,. ("HI 1.... m..,1,. rm. mm, C-l'(;`B.l/lllellb. _ No charge will be made for con- `gsulation or exam.ina1,ion of children Eup to 12 years of age by J. Edwm 6 King" Biock, i Wiilspn, Osigeopath, IBarr1e, durmg' the week of March 16 to 21. Examinations I I 1 I c I made each day from 4 to 6 p.m., ex- cept on Saturdays, w.'L11 be 8 to 10 21.111. wi Ill 1) u when the time %THREE TRUCKS INVOLVED ` IN BRADFORD ST. ACCIDENT. - Three 1a1'g'.e trucks became in- ivolved in an accident on B1'udi'o1`d `_St. about 10.40 on Tuesday mornzng.-V `land as a. result of the mix-up om: !was considerably damaged. 1...... ..n. 1 Dwight Slessor, of Hawkestom-, `driving-,` a. truck south on Bradford ;St., near Bryson s garage, turned {out and passed one of the town 01 %Barrie truck driven by Roy Green. `,Approaching' from the south at the isame time \was 21 new truck owned `by the Consolidated Beverage Co. 01 1Toro-nto, and driven by David SInith, of Newmarket. The S.1e;~:;~:m truck sideswiped the Toronto truck . Jcausing` considerable damage to the} jlatter. `;cont1'act.s : I ' Bread-B1'yson s Bread, Limited, for gaol and Children s Shelter. (`.nn1__Rm-rip Fuel & Sunnly Co., for gum and Um1(11`eI1'S mlelwz. Coal--Ba1'1'ie Fuel Supply Co., for Court House, Gaol and Chi1~ dren s Shelter. 1\/f,.n+ `M T R1-nhnnn `rnr Crml: C11'EH'S Delbltf. Meat-1\ I. J. Brennan, and Children s Shelter. mrzny Tnlmuimxr 1'1-,n`a-v and Un1`1aren's mleuer. M11k-Lakev1ew Dalry, 1 dren s Shelter; Barrie iDai1'y, for Gaol. 1 (iron m'1' ps--Geo . Shanr ;.lJa.1l'y, I01` uaol. } Groceries-Geo. `!Ga.o1 only. (I: lI:`n:lJr{!|li2A\ ll. Rv.Lou`is.PIc:< mm; mmsvea NORMAL SPINE WEEK NOW YOU CAN UWN A genuineprecision-madel-looverforevery home, every woman-at a. price that any pocketbook can atfordl That : the startling news of the latest Hoover-Model 500. It is not a. junior model, but a full-sized Hoover with the latest features of conven- ience and eiciency. ` I A ,. It has the famous patented Hoover action -Positive Agitation. It has the Dirt Finder, the powerful Hoover motor. It is built to the rigid Hoover standards--will give many years of ne service. 1` . .ter. Dairy, for Chi}- Barrie-A11anda.1c . 2 Collier St, Shannon, for I: for I . .... Ivy- ""' Terms are easy. Liberal allowance for famous old electric cleaners. Smallcarryingcharge. ive Home trial, without obligation. New rerful lightweight Dusting Tools, for only I id little more. See this new Hoovul Try ears it~-at once! G. G SMITH & co. Of Valuable Residential Property in: the Town of Barrie, In the ! County of Simcoe. I Under and by virtue of the powers? of sale contained in a certain mort-! gage, which will be produced at thei time of sale, there will be oifered for' sale by public auction at the I'\III_`L`I\I C I_II'\'I`II`I I)AI')I'llIF . Gaol Of Valuable Residential Property in the Village of Angus, in the l County of Simcoe. Under and by virtue of the p0\Ve)':~: of sale contained in a certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the _t.1'n1e of sale, fl1e1'e will be offered .for sale by public auction at the 2 nnlrwwc nn'rr:t RADDH.` DHIUKUAI, IVII-XKLTI Z5) 1936, at 12 o clock noon, by P. A. Coughlin, zluctioneer, the following Ip.m1`cel or tract of land : Situate and being in the Village of Angus and being: composed ol Lots Numbers Nineteen (19), Twenty (20), Twenty-one (21), and Twenty-fou1' (24) on the South side of M-a.1`g*aret Street, in the said Village of Angus, according: to Reg`- istered Plan No. 160a. There is said to be erected on said ilands a good residence. Tnrma 2 Ton hp)` nnnf. n+' flux run-. Tw.en`r,y-two (22), Twent_v-th1'e-e (23) l LZLIIUS `cl. g0OLl FESILIEIICE. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chftise money at time of sale and Lhe balance within thirty days there- after. . l"1-.n n-unnnu+n 117:1] L11 ..`,u.A.l 4?...` all L01`. _ The property will be offered for `sale subject to a reserved bid. T1`111'+T1n1` hzn-rnv: nh r-nnrnnc nfl $21118 S11D_](3"E LO 3. 1'C5(;`1'VCL1 DIG. Further terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale, or in the meantime on ap pljcation to nlII Il`RI'I F, Mnlli 1331'!` Dated" March 2. 1936. ]_)uring the .~mmmv|n:"u.1, Hlm-,l< Win1.:r and muiy Spring, why not, put _ynIll' tmurm to uu.rnim,; part. 011' t]I(:i.r l<(:(_:p, at Hm H.'un_4: 1,imu mnulitiunirngg Hmm for the lnunvy .S'prin;,r work mu Hm I':n'm L ' billu Uy 1)LlUllC EIHCEIOII J1} 1110 QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRXE .:n11_.__ '.l`0 all l"l.l'lI'l('.l'H wlm (l,:llw:!' l.lH:l!` lm;{:~4 to our plant we will allow, in :ullilim to our pulylmlu-,rl p.ri(:c, u g(:ll(:l'()ll8 ullmvmuw, fur tltcllw-,:im,c. 'l'hr: nm_ jm'I1,yol. l';mm-,1-H :u'a: now illtll`/l:l'ln;f hogs to tlm l1ig'lnvu._y l'm' llH: 'l'm'mI.o lmr-lat-,r:~. wJl1y,nut <-, llu: [rip riglnt. l.ll!'4I|l;fll tn liar Jfiu mul. saw: .s'ln'inl<, nml, llIi~'.I4:iI.ll ml 1;.-:_'/in;.g !.ruI:l< ing,-* <:l1.2u-;; ;_-;<:1, paid. y<;Ims't;ll' `I --uu.-- SATURDAY, MARCH 7th A.D.. 1936 at 12.00 o'clock noon, `by P. A. Coughlin, Auctioneer, the fol lowing property, namely: Nnmhm` Sixteen (163 rm the. --uu---- SATURDAY, MARCH , nf. 19 n r-]n(-L hnnn I Farmers Note I THE FIIiLS'1` CO-OPERATIVE PACKERS OF ONTARIO LIMITED MORTGAGE SALE Duncan F. 'VlcCuaig, Mortgagee s Solicitor, Barrie, Ontario. ' Wrnw-n11 9. 1,013 ' - Barrie BARRIE FOR ONLY If you are using 9. worn-out cleaner ll! doesn't clean-if you've bought I new cleaner that has proved now you can replace it with the finest make of cleaoer-for a remarkably small invest- ment. You ll agree it s the greatest cleaner value yet! '`I`........ ___ ____ 'I!L_._-l -11- ,,,_, It- IUVVIAIIE" pL'UPU1'L), llillllll) I i Lot Number Sixteen (16) on the East side of Sanford Street, in the! Town of Barrie, in `the County of; Simcoe according to Registered Plan` Number 122. 1 '|"1n\-n {a uni ! ha 1-. l\I'l`II|+!`I` nn Han I 28th `Fr hnuri n 0 FULL-SIZE *3 QUALITY BUILT A NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is hr.-rt.-by given pursuant, to The 'I`ru'stce Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the lvjstate of Charles Nelson Holds- worth_ late of the Town of Barrie, (;~cnt1r:man, (loci.-ased. who died on the 30th day of December, 1935, are requested to send particulars of their (-laims_to the untlcrsiggned on or be- iore the 13th day of March, 1936, after which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice_ and `xrill not be responsible to any others. Esten & Esten, Solicitors for Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is hereby given pursuant to '[`he Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of John Alexander Jamieson, late of the Village of Thornton, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 28th day of December_ 1935. are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 13th day of March, 1936, after which date the Executors will distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice, and will not be responsible to any others. pm... .9, :-.+..... n,....:.. THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1936. Phone 82 Ontario Esten & Esten, Barrie, Solicitors for Executors. J.VllIlU)El' J.&Z- There is said to be erected on the. said lands a good one and one-half storey brick veneer residence. Tnvmu - Tan hr:-1' npnf` n1 1.11.. 11111- bl.:U1'E`.'y U1"!-UK. V\1lt`.'UL' 1'E'51UtfH\.'B. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur chase money at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days there-I after. ! l"I-..-. -.-nun-...~.-4-n J11 `kn 9-..l,J .-n`l..1'.-".4. LO 2]. 1'EL`Sl'V'(:`(l [)lU.. I Further terms and conditions 01` sale will be made known at the timel of sale and in the meantime on ap-[ plication to Stewart S: Stewart. aJ.LUl'. The property will be sold subject. (10 :1 reserved bid. `|i`u..G-1.-.. LAu.u~ n~.-V1 n.-.ur'l.`J2A.-... A-t Darn: Dated February 12, 1936. {CRAFT---At the RV. Hospital, Bar- CAN YOU HE -P 7 rie, in Saturday. Feb. 29, 1936, Collier St. United Church, Barrie,; `to M1`. and M1`S- A- Craft, Burton will celebrate the Hqndredth An.n1-` AV'g., a daug`hte1'. _ A versary of its estabhshment dur1ng"DA:VIhY-. A`t the R.V. Hospltalz Baz- the autumn of 1936. The committee: T10: 011 1U03 `Mar. 3 19-30, tf) in charge of the anmversary at-; 4I\)I1'.kz1_I(11d1g1'_S. 123 -cV9.Y, 13 _rangements_ wquld _ welcome z.1ny: GMz:v1IJ1.:1YLA;1v<:1, 4 Pcu\1,g11 _`t ` ltems of hlstoncal mtelest,,. . 3 ' 1e .. . osplxnaf. to the early days of the church. 1 B11`1'1C, On Fl1`:SdaY M313 3, 1J->0, W. C. Hunter. Bat-r1e_ i Chairman of Com.` 4'\ng`-15: 3- 5011- to Mr. and Mrs Elwood Gau1ey,f -1mvn.q_A+ M1,, T? v T-TnunH*.n] Rsn--1 Collier St ijnyited churlhi -I-urn-u.._. We carry a cnm- `_. pleheline of Har- `J. ` _. ness and also aloe hasrnewst your order. The Horse is no stronzger Harness than the BAYFIELD .BA1(.1<.1m I`.*\llV. uu.uu1Vuo Commencing Friday and Saturday, March 6th and 7th. 1 Matched Team, dapplcd greyl mates, 7 years 2800 lbs. 1 M_q+.r-hpd Team. Olvp qeldinirs, 7| mai"es, 7 zzsuu ms. 1 Matched Team, Olye geldings, 7| years, 3100 lbs. 1 Matched Team, black geldings, 5 and 7 years, 2800 lbs. 1 Matched Team, blue roan mares, Fl nnrl R vnn1'R_ 2750 )9. z 1 Matcnea '1 eam, mue roan uw.u:a,: 7 and 8 years, 2750 lbs. 1' Matched Team, byown Clyde geldings, 8 years, 2800 lbs. I 1 Dappled Gray Mare, '7 years, 1700 lbs. ' An ;. number of well b1-oken_ Ailso a number broken! farm blocks at moderate prices. Wannco Guest, Salesman W. O. McKlNNON, Proprietor Miss Elsie Cloughley, Organist Sunday, Mar. 8, 1936 Discourses for Lenten Season The Case of the Cross 11 a.m.--The Cost of Our Secur- V HARNESS Announces the purchase of the All Classes Fire and Casualty Insurance Effected. 1 p.m.-"1<\a1-U1 and Human Suf-l faring. Monday, 8 p.m.-Young Peop1e s Union. 1 73 TORONTO ST. PHONE 779 Mortgage" Sale THRTS. SINIILMR ., u_y yu-.u.u. mu nun uv mu. QUEEN S HOTEL, BARRIE BARRIE FAIR GROUNDS __....._....n F":-hvlnv nnrl Sahlrd INSURANCE AGENCY OF J. H. BENNETT WARRIE SALE OF HORSES Stewart & Stewart. 1 Mo:-tgagee s Sclicitors, V Barrie, Ontario.` I-n-|1nvv 19 102 I BARRIE. R. ALLEN ans -~--- . 4 Wednesday, 8 p.m.. the Midweek Meeting. You are cordially invited to these servlces. BARRIEE I Safr.urday s issue of the Canada` Gazette carried the announcement} that Frank A. Hunter, Barrie, is to` be appointed as carebal-nel` of the: Barrie Armouries. He will succeed! J. Bwtler. ` Canadian Community Campaign`t Contestants. Social and dance, Tues-: day, March 10th, 8 p.m., in Legion' 'HJa:I1. G.e:t your tickets early. Ad- missiop 35c. I Town Property for Sa41e-Cheap,! consisting of seven lots. three 01' _which face on Elvizabeth St. Onl 'the property is*cons1derable timber, and a four-roomed house. An 1dea1| location. Apply Box 751, Barrie. I ._________._ 1 The Barrie Junior Tankard rink, composed of E. Reyno1ds_ M. Knox, 11 Jack Craig and Ted Tyrer, skip,`} were defeated by 3. rink f1omi( Peterboro 24 to 5 in the s`econda1'y5] event of the Ontario Junior Boysfs Tankard held in Toronto yesterduaywll I To Let-I-Ievated apartnlcnt, on! ,ground oor, private entrance, ex-3 Itru large Living and dining roon1s,5 kitchen \Vith tiled sink, two bed-`= 'rooms, tiled bathroom, electric: arange and refrigerawizor, blinds, cur-l Itain rods and electric xtures. Va-I jcant l\.I-111'. 5th. Telephone 264. 1 _.___j. 1 I The Parks Commission held its: Q1'eg'ular meeting; on Saturday after-. noon. with all the members present.` `Plans were discussed for the season- land it was decided to invite applied.-5 itions for the positon of caretaker oij `the parks for 1936. Applications` lwill be dealt with at 21 special meet-; .ing' on March 14th. 1 I --?j- . All buildings on Clapperton St. _no1*th were plunged into darkness fo-ri >211-most an hour and a. half on Tues-3 day evening as the result of a movto1":, accident. when m car crashed at Hydro` `pole and dislocated wzlres and-trans-_ formers. The car was driven by` ,Mr. Walter Sa.rjeant_ who 1051; con? jtrol on the icy pavement and crash- ed into a pole opposite the home of` I13. A. Ryan. I 1 iPOWER IS CUT OFF WHEN `: ` MOTORIST HITS HYDRO POLE it) - Mrs. J. B. Campbell and family [wish 1-0 thank friends and neighbors ifor expressions of sympathy shown? v in their recent bereavement. 5 I , __ . E Applications received up to Fri- iday, 1VIarch 13th, for the position of" c211'c_y:a.ker season 1935 (approxi-; E,1nIa.1;e1y 7 months). Salary $20 per? | week. A Ll f`__.l._Il c.._._-._.._. E ! The Canadian National will pro-} 'vide a. special car on the train Leav-} ring Barrie at 4.05 p.m. on Friday to` laccommodiate those who wish to see [the hockey game between Barrie [Colts and St. M.iI~; 5 at Maple Leaf [Gardens at '7.30 pm. Fare for Hound trip $1.30, good returning iF1'iday night or Saturday. K LEWIS--In loving memory of a dcarl wife and mo~the1', Elizabeth Lewis, who paved away March 11th, 1932. _ `So grant us, Lord, like he; to 1ive,i l Beloved by all, approved by" Thee,` [Till Thou at last the summons give ` And we with her Thy face shall see. I 4 I 1 Y_1'.u~Im-n-..-I nu ! 'E`n1nln lJ. LLJ LII`; I 11113 L116 11. V 1"l() S[JLLiLi, Tuesday 1936, ` Gauley,` f I |] .OYDS--At the R.V. Hospital, Bar~` rie, on Thursday, Feb. 27, 1936,; to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Royds, 70! Collier St., a son. " SCALvE l"1`A~---Avt the R.V. Hospital,` ] Barrie, on Sa.turday, Feb. 29, | 1936, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Scalettu, Dunlop St., a dauerhter. 1 l NICOLL--Sudden1y, in Barrie, on] Sunday, Mar. 1, 1936, Robert John Nicoll, aged 26 yeais. The, ' funeral was helrl from the home` of his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.j Eicoll, West Toronto, on Wednes- ay. 'COCHRANE-In Toronto, at the; ` home of her daugchter, Mrs. J. F.` Smith 8 Murdock st., on s-.m.u1--} . day, Feb. 29, 1936, Mary Jane: ` Cochrzme, wiclow of the late A1. 1 The funeral was held from G. G. Smith & Co. s funeral chapel onv Tuesday. Service in Midhurst; United Church and interment. inl Midhurst Cemetery. TORREN, Mar. 2, 1936, wt 105 Glennolm Ave., To- ronto, Mary H. Torrence, widow of the late Talbot Warren Tor- rence. in her 79th year. Funeral on Wednesday from the home 01; her son, Roy C. Torrence, 304} Wright Ave. Intermenut in Pros 1! peact Cemetery. 2 fred Cochrane, armed 75 years`; I W, The man who is the life of the party at midnight is usually the pain in the neck at nine o'clock the next morning. BARRIE PARKS COMMISSION CARD OF THANKS The Young Worshippers League m our mormng services. n_,, I`! ..,~. ...| OFFERS INDUCEMENT 1` TO SEE HOCKEY GAMEH I IN MEMORIAM A. H. GoodaH_ Secretary} 1 .-~I-Iusband and Family ` BIRTHS DEATHS 235:; Professor Sparrow, Midland, ex- 1 lplained that the purpose of the pro- lposed musical festival to be held at lMliduland in May is the fostering of a Jbetter type of church music. Eleven c'ong_`regiations have sig`_nied their in-H n tentlon of entering thls musical con-vi l.oxi_;-test_, which is arranged for full; choirs, quartettes, duets and solos,- ;not only will benefit the choirs in t_,n_y.i. a}1e singing of the suggested music, ,_but the criticism offered by a cap- lable adjudicator will be of great value. ( DN : `Lne rresoytery OI a11m:oe_ umbeu; Ohurch of Canada, met in Collier; `St. Church, Barrie, on Wednesday,; Feb. 26th. The opening exercises; .urnvn 1:211 kw Tnv W 12, 1.01157`. W110` D 'a.uA nu.-.u.L \..uuxvu.. `W Rev. Louis Pickering, .Cent.1`a1,` 3` Barrie, 1'epo1'ted for the Home Mis- ` Usion Committee, the appointment fori "the balance of the year of Rev. ' 1\'IacVicar, Orillia, to the Wa1'minster`> A charge, made vacant by the recentl [death of Rev. E. 0. Young. The I-nnn~nif+nn nicn nrixricmari n ~FI1v- V s lulillllall. U1 IYCV. 111. U. .I.U|..llH_.','. , The committee also advised 'the1' survey of the Rama with a View to decreasing mands made upon the Home ` funds of the church. -n, 1- n 1.1` n -,_ W- ..--_. I 2- p.m.--Crusaders Clvass invites young men. ` .-. u. . ,-.. . .. .I reo. ZOUI. 1ne Opening t:2u:1.`L:15t:a' `were led by Rev. E. E. Long, who! Tspoke briey concerning the words? 'of- St. Paul, Collossians 1-24. Whoi now rejoice in my sufferings for. you, and fill up that which is be-5 hind of the aiictions of Christ in`; my esh for his body s sake, which? iis the Church. I Dnur '1` T\ Tnhnn W1n1\1n]u nil:-11- Rev. T. D. Jones, Elmvale, occu-`; ,pied the chair -in` the absence of the: |cha.irman, Rev. W. R. Auld, Mid-Q lama, who had been called to met bedside of his brother, who is sex--` iously ill. 1 Tho =nnvnA:2n~v Rriv, W. G. S1*.n1'.c-s- IIS tne Ul'111I`C11." 1 10us1y 111. , The secretary, Rev. F. G. States- .bury, was insrbrueted by Presbytery` `-to send letters of sympathy to Rev.; lW. R. Auld, Rev. Robt. Brydon, lCoh1dngwo.od, who has been compel!-` -;ed to step out of the pastorate byl his long illness; to Rev. W. L. ;Nichol, Beeton, who through illlness. `has been able to occupy his pu1pit' ;only once since the New Year; to` fMrs. (Rev.) E. 0. Young, Warmin-f ster, Whose husband was so sudden-`, lily stricken by death :a few days, |after the last session of Presby`l:ery," :and to Messrs. Wm. M.,- ;Orillia, and S. J. Abernethy, Totten- ihzun, members of Presbytery unable} jto be pvesent by reason of serious; illness. - l 1`l-|t\ \~r\r\I\10" n4` Hm, (`nnnn1H.fnn nnl . umess. I l The report of the Comm.ittee on: -Evangexliism and Social Service, pre-` sented by Rev. E. E. Long, Collier` .St., Barrie included a recommenda-E ;tion That this Presbytery expressi` 'its deep conviction thszit the Govern-: .ment should take adequate action to! `safeguard the institution of the` lLord s Day by preventing the hold-l .`ing' of sport events such as ice earn- `ivals, ski tournaments, commercial? ibaseball games and the like on the} ILord s Day, and that copies of the] iresvolution be sent to the local mem-! :bers, the Lord s Day Alliance, and` the press_ and that we commend the! 'people of Midland \they took in ruling` out Sunday` ,spo1'ts during` their recent success- ;ful winter carnival. -n '7 'r\ 1 r . 1 driving` St., out Barrie Approaching` same by Toronto, causing latter. ' Slessor was charged with neckicss driving and will appear in local police court on Wednesday, Mzx;ch for the standl 11th. I COUNTY CONTRACTS LET The mean teniperature for Febru- , ary was eight degrees colder than the normal. Below zero was 1'(:g`lS- 9 tered on 14 nights during the month. }The snow fall amounted to 26.6 ; inches. C`_L._.._._.. \lI.._|.L.... mg grave). m me 10\V'r1Sn1p 01 unus- l. For specications apply to Reeve Henry, Dep.-Reeve Todd or Road Supt. Stewart. Tenders to be ,in the hands of the Clerk not later `than 6 o clock p.m., Saturday, March 14th, 1936. 1 rt/1o]n1Ivnc+ M. nhxv +m,I,... -.1:-.0 . i Tenders will be received by the` `undersigned for crushing and haul- ing gravel in the Township of Innis- 1, Pm` cnor-innnnc nnrv fn nun, L-`J00. I ! {necessarily accepted. I W R glnnn The lowest or a` TFEBRUARY WAS s DEGREES COLDER THAN NORMAL} Fveb. REV. E. E. LONG, B.A. B.D. Minister - Lloyd Tuord, Organist and Choir- master. Suniimy, Mar. 8, 1936 11 a..m.--New Dives for Old. 3 p.m.--The Church School. 7 p.m.-1ai-t11 and Human Suf- ferimz. -: . . I The Presbytery of S1mcoe_ Umtedj Ilr-nn~r-11 n*F (.:111nr]nA mat in Cnllim" March 5, 1936. Anyone with idle funds of $1,000.00 or over seeking :1 sound, g'ua1:an1;eed and reason- ably p1'ot'able investment of 10 to 20 years duration, but redeemable Immediately on call, should telephone for ap- pointment. N. M. THOMPSON 16 Collier St. Phone 1572 SIMCOE PRESBYTERY 2! . . . . (* Below zero). L 1'11) dCCC[)L~C(.l. W. B. Sloan, Twp. Clerk, Churchill. .1. r` -1nn'I,` Investment February Weather I I Low High Snow| A 17 _ 9.12 I TENDERS v --o 3 p.m.-Men s Class in Board! Room. | 3 p.m.:0ur Church School. i Evening at Seven E Subject: VVhznt Crucied the Christ ?, .(`J1nh' r`.n*nr-nv+ 'T"l-n1`-mlnxr T\/T-nvr-11! . a fur- charge,. the de- n Mission ..-uni. E I aro ) . -W. H. Buttery. The Northern Advance any tender not: I] oF2 o 1! March 16 to 21 1'7 In the observance 01' Normal Spmu , Week, osteopathic physicians un- sparvticula.rly stressing the value of gspinal and physical examination 01 5 2 children. , I "FL.-. /\ vn.u..3,n..n I\n4-.-.nn..LL1.. A....,...7.. } C!IlJ1U`l'li1l- The American Osteopathic Associzu .tion reports many clinics having` been Qconducted throughout Lhc country `land some have found as h:ig;h us 70 gper cent. of school children sulllr 1mg from spinal defects. 1 Rnihnl mn-vnhnm r-nn hn 1'(*l]Ill'n-ll 1 The special County Property Com- l_1n1i'ttee, consisting of W. Downcy, ireeve of V4:-spra; I. Luck, reeve of l',0ro, and C._ D. Stewart, reeve of tl Barrie, met In the Court House on Wednesday and after considering the __ various tenders for supplies for the` _ `county buildings, let the following`. " `; contracts Dy-nnrL4R1-wean : Purrznrl T.imi`r,rId. I _` l DLILJJUCLZ VVHZUD \.J1'U.ClHC(1 Dne L;I'1I'lS'C IE -Choir Concert, Thursday, March! 12rth at 8 p.m., in Church Auditor ium. Assisting Artist, Kath}e~en; Frey, Eocutionist, Toronto. !

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