Where French and Indian Traded Outside old Fort Rouille, nearly '00:) ccnlurics ago, pz'cmresq1w nd nzm bu/`lured tlzcir bundles of priceless skins for glittering trvinlects. Today, on the site of this old Irmling ;b0st, Ilzmcor/n"s grmtcst annual c.\`Izili!1'on dis- plays the prmllzcls offurm and mine and fu:;lm'_\' to mf//z'm1.s M 2-z'si/max-. HICKS Ully ~D.lU-JG , GL6: runny I-ru -'v.--..- V V- ROUHD TRIP I-"ARES Tickets, Fares. Transit Limits and Information from Agents. Ask fur Hundbill. -HCH`- -\iAI$-I:-7----_.+ "Cana:.`a's Maple Leaf Contest". You may WlN $100.00 for one le% ANDREW CARNEGIE rst 1ibm1'_v in Dunfermline, :if`.< c(:z1. Carne.<:ie donat- : spcakingr world. Of these C 21rm-::ie was born in Dun- ':11`n(*_:io <,~m1t0nniz11 c(.-lob1'z1- .\'m-mhr-r 23, 26 and 27. Canadian business men and depositors of all classes have relied on the security and been guided by the sound, constructive counsel of The Bank of Toronto throughout 79 years of business activity. Throughout the growth of Toronto from a small trading post to its present position as one of the centres of world- wide commerce, this sound banking institution has enjoyed an enviable reputation for faithful and friendly service. The Bank of Toronto can well serve you, just as it served your father and your grand- father in days that are past. E5. 2'51 1: (I-9 :3 ;a_ THURSDAY, OCITOBER 17, 1935. Anniversaryservices At Central Church La1'g'e congregations were present at Centml Church on Sunday, mo).-n- ingz and evening`, when another anni- \'e1':s211'_\` was observed. The special preachc-1` for the day was Rev. S`an- ley H. G,reensIade, B.A., minister of Simpson Ave. United Church. To- ronto, and formerly of Collier St. L'nited Church. Special music by the choir, assisted at :he evening . by Ye CL1nudio1mc .-\1'tists," was much appreciated. Ti-in r`-\,'D1 1iT1(T cnrvir-n iii (`niiinr R1`, ITIUCU E1]_)IH'C(.'lilD(1. The evening: service at Collier St. L'm~te Church was withdrawn and membeixu in 1u1'g'e numbei';< worship- "`. 9(i vat Centrzil when Ur. Green- -.~,'iado spoke on Let Geo1:e;e Do 1t, 01' Peisonal Respomibili-ty. The text was from the sixth chapter of lsnzih. Here am I, send me. . Pei-.<.ona1 cliaracter is the founda- tion of e\`u1`ythin_:', said the speak- er. There is no security, stabil- ity or (iependability apait from chu1':icte1'. In the world to-day Gurezxt B1'it,=.1in s`and;< out among: the n11tion.< b('.C11LlS0 every nation knows that Britziin never breaks faith. 'lhei'e is need of emphzLsi7.ing this 1-mi? in iwnnx-Jn livne fn.lin\-' 'I`hm'n inere IS neeu ox cnipnzisimug; Lula rait in human lives to-day. Tliere is need 01' .~'h0ul(le1'in_ our respon- sibility. We are living in a c`.1z1ng- inf: world, and we must face up to alu-. situation. Some people are Z1l\V21_V'S pit_\'in_: Llien1sel\'::.< .z1nd ;~:uch evzule respon- .~:ihili1y. Self piiy is 21 habit. just like 1. God made us to he i'(mqLu-ro1'.< in the face of dii- (`l,lltl('.<. Young: people are lookin5..>; for _u;ui(lzmcc. and if we are to have it clean world we mu.~t liavu clezm p(.-oplo. We can: develop cl1aractc-r in evil s111'1`()Li11(lii1_u'.<. If the world is =0 become a i)(3tt(r1' place to live in w;= must clean up, and this can he done only by per. ('l1:11`zlCt0l`. Wlimi C`lii'i. cmm,-.< into our lives, lots of Il1ln_*.,.~` will 3'0 out of our livi-.<. and We will he l)<.~1,!ci' able to um-:i. up to our H-. .\+ t-ln- mm~ninsv' .~=m'vi(-( Nll`. LO our l'L'S[)()Il.\'|UlllL_\. .-\t thc mo1'nin_: :=01'\*i(-0 Gm-.-11.<]u(l(2 ,< . wz1;< Getting 31110 'I`1'oub1e. < ]-()H()\V'iI1f.," the e\'0niny.-' sea'\'icc- Ye Czxnmiiu,-nnv .-\1'ti.~'t.<" gave 21 sacred H-citnl. but :1pp:n'(*ntl_\' tho cong're- _<::11ion was not in :1 mood to ap- _rm\<-i:1'v U11; u1'ti. as \'v)'_\` frrw rc- |\\ .\ In r.,l BARRIE RELAY ROAD RACE TRIALS ON OCTOBER 18th [H`K`('lZl 1 m;1inc-(1. The zinnuzil r0121) race race for !)o_\';< council trophies will be held on l*'1'i Oct. 1R'1h, . from Llw Collegiate at 41.30 p.m. 'l`hc1`e. are two sections. junior and senior, rmcl two trophies. This race is also for po.=ition.~'.< on `.he Barrie relay teams for the races from Orillia to BZ11`1'lL and Midland to Orillia. The Northern Advance_ Protecting Potatoes from Frost In order to prevent losses of po- tatoes from low temperatures the crop should be harvested before the advent of heavy frosts. The pota- toes should be stored in rooms lm\'- ing a temperature between 35 and 40 degrees F.. thus preventing" them` from turning sweet and the develop- ment of necrosis. When potafoes are being transported during" the winter months they should be care- fully protected from frost. When it is known that potatoes have been undercooled do not handle .h_-m un- til it is certain that the tempera- ture is above free7.in_e' point. IO\..lV.|\. Jll_\lI\/I `MJVIII IVII uuuuvn..- l\\1 V .. `_._' Prov. of Quebec; New Brunswick; Prince Edward lsiand; Nova Scotia '- ~-- -- - A- - .... tun run- nn_..:....-_| am: on. National Cheese Week, Oct. 28 to Nov. 2 .-\lthou,e`h Canadian cheddar cheese is equalled by few and surpassed by none of the 250 di"erenit kinds of cheese inzmufaclmued t-hrour,-'ncut the world, the C:-lnadian people nut. less cl1eese than mo:~=t of the other 3,-`rent nations. For this 1'c-z1son, ihe Cz1n- adian cheese industry in will pro- moted Nationzil Cheese Week in an attempt to call attention to the advantag'es of cheese as 21 food pro- duct, and Canadian at that. wo1~L}1_\' of more general usee. As 2'. result of these efforts, the consumption 0'.` C:1nz1(lian cheese in Canada i11ei'ease by almost half 21 pound per 1103:`. 01' population during: the year, and l1ez11'tene(l by this ziclvunce, the C211.- adian cheese industry lms e:1.il.-cl Lhe 1935 National Chc-ese \Veek for Oct. 28 to Nov. 2. One i'e:\so11 for the small quzmtity of cheese eaten in the Dominion is that. It is generally served as plain cheese at the end of n Sl1b> t'.1l1tlL1l' meal and not as the principal in- gredien: of an enticing main dish followetl by El light (lessert. Cl1ee.~w_- is a. food in itself and can be use- in e0oki11g';i11 mziny di'(.-i'ent wz1_\`.<. It is one of the best muscle huil(le1'.< for older g:i1'l>' and ho_\'.<. as well :1.-` for 21(lult.~, but when . in crude hulk Carma? be . to be uni\'er.~.z1l- ly z1))})e1izi11:. (lit-e dues not lose its lluvor or nut1'iti\'c \':1lun- in cook- ing`, but it should he i'en1<-inben-l that when ehee. is . to high te1npei`:itL11`e.< it is hzmler to (li.;'(-st. Iiuten .`:(, (`l)!`(liI1_u' to modern recipes. `h.e1`e enn he no cause un- der 01'linz1r_\ L'll`(`Llm.~`l:lllC(`.~' for any (li_L`e. (ii. Current Crop Report Rt-(-:~nt sl1o\\ <,=r.< th.1'0u_:h0L11 `lu- pr0\*inc(,- have h<,-noted root crops and [)Z1.\"tl.l1`(`.\`. Due to the lcAn_4'Ll1 of s`m\\' and \'211'i:1bl(e \v(-uthcr. tl1r<.-. ing is not yet (rompleh-(1. Silo ll- ing` is well umlor w;1\'. with corn :1 l...H(... 41... ....,. . . .. `D..11 1112' . buttr.-1` wh out n x'n1-Ix nu I I.` lll_L \\'(`ll Llll(I(.`l` \\'._\'- \\'lLll COT El than a\'r,-1'21g`1,- crop. Fall wheat ha1'\'(-st:-(1 has _L'l\ ('I`l an above z1\'e1':1g`e yield of fair 10 a\'ora::0 sample. Oats and barley were a good yit-1 of avera5.re to good qual- it_\', though the latter may ;.:ra(le light for maltim: purposes. Peas were patchy in sections, but Sufi?- cient for canning" purpo. Hay, alfalfa and clover have been abund- ant crops of a\'c1'ag`e qua.lit_\'. Pas- tu)'(:.< are still furm: good 3.51117.- nu:. Late potatoe:< have : from dry rot and are a li.v:h: crop. Sugar beets are imp1'o\'in_: with `noisttire, thoufzh the . content is le:<.sc-ned from leaf bli_2ht. .-\ _:'I00(l 2l\'O1`21_Q`0 crop of beans has been l1a1'\'e.<`erl and an 2.1\'t`l'2L2`e pack of tomatoes has been completed. Late apple.< are a light, crop. with fruit sliy_-'l1tl_\' under size. The yield and quaity of `ohacco are 5.-'ood and the bulk has been harvested under ideal condition.<. Fall plouuliinsr is well under \\':1_\', but additional moisture vrould be \vr:lcome. I`-a1'n.< are li- ed. _Pastu1 z12'(- has been extenrled. and an abundant win`rer .< .' of f.~ml is as. Farm News Proper Hog Feeding In nrdu,-1' to producn pork as omn- omic:1ll_\ as po.<. farm pmdL1('t:<, which would 0the1`\\'i. h:1\'(- Httlr: or no vulut-. mus` h(- utili7.(~(1 for hay: f<;odin_u'. .-\ ration which is bal- zxncml. or nc~zn'l_v so, mus` br- fwd. ho\\'v\'m'. if .<:`.f.i. _;`21in.< mm to he made and if 21 s`atisfa('tor_\' car- (::1:-'.< is to he producod. Y7.\'m-1-inmnfq hm-n hr-mu r-nmlu:-furl (7: .. Is to De p2`onuco(1. F..\'pc1`inu~nt.< have hr-rrn <'nmlI.1ctcd to uir-`m'mino the \'z11ur,- of pot.'\toL-.~` w`n(~n fed in r-onwinzxtion with ground 1.-`1`;xin.< and skim milk. 11 has been found that .<:1,Li. io1'_\' 5_r:min.< (-2111 hp mzulo whvn p01z1 (n.~' are l'<(l at the rate of foul` pounds Fm` om-11 nmlnrl nf' 1--1-nin Q1.-m ;:;r11111.~` C2111 Ill` 11121110 wnvn ])0121()1'.~' for 0211-11 pound of _u`rz1in. Skim milk should hv for! libvrzxy with this ration for he.~'t 1`C.~`Ll]t>`. Po`z1- toos aw fed. p1'0f'm'1':1l)1_\' cooked. The _LTain mi.\'tur<- ma}: 1:011. 01' almost any mixture of common yzrouml g'rz1in:<, bu` it is :1l\ i~'ahlo to include : b2n'1(.>_\' in the mi: aspen-iz1lI_\' during the lzxttor pan of the fattcninf_-` period. VVhm'e _L'rain and milk nnly are 1`;-(I, :1 . mi.\'t111'(_- consist.`< of equal p:n't.< of mi(l(lilmr, srrnnml nnfv: mu! m-nnml [lll.\LllI'(_` (,'()IlSL\'L.~' OI oquzu [)lH'[.< O1 1nid(1ilng.<. ground outs and ground hm*c_\' until the pigs \\'ei;.-`h ;-.hu'.1t 120 pounds` and (hon add onv vxtm pm" of hu.r](,-_'v. VV]1L`)'E` potato-c.~` are fed. one part of h:u*l<-_\' .=i1o11M l)(- omitted. In this c.\'p01'iment. where the meal mixturo was valued at $1.55 pc-1`hun(11'0(l pounds, pota- `ocs had :1 food value of 25 cents per hundred pounds. l'fOV- OI \ll|nIKUULi nuivv I-lliallavwuunl . .. .. __ OCT. 25 and 26 -To Ottawa :$:5.20';-:|QI111111'e'5IV$7.30; Quebec City $10.55; Ste. Anne de Beaupre $11.15 CANADA'S DELEGATE TO LEAGUE, RETURNS HOME I Miss Winnifred l{_vd(l, Canzulian d~3lr.g21:1to to the League of Nations Assembly a`. Geneva. 1'eturnc(l te Canmlzi last week end. Howeve-1', since the League is still in session, l\li;<.< liydd (l(-(`lined to conmient on the major issue before the .5-.s.cmnl)l_\' --thr* gtonict bolwecn Italy and Abyssiiiia and the question of .~`:mc~ tions. She (lid l'(3lTlZ\l`l( on the com- D1011 .<~.-i'ioLi. of all (l:-l.-v':1~~.<. p.-r. feolin.u'.~', if existing`. are . zm(l `hr-1'0 11:1.-' l)t"(`l1 no ox- (`ll1lll_L`('- of pr-1':=m1:iil,iv.<. 'l'ln' :<`(.`l`l0ll.\'- lH`~'.` n I` the imit-("or in hand leaves the ~--1.`.-= no time for social en- WINNERS OF SCHOOL FAIR I SHIELDS IN NORTH SIMCOEI The school fair shield is awarded to the school winning the highest number of points per plxpil, and` must be won three times before it becomes the property of the scho9_l. At Adjala Township School Fair, S.S. No. 6, whose teacher is H. A. \B1z1nchzirc1. Alliston, won the shield, having the highest number of points per pupil and also the highest num- ber per pupil of all the school. peting in South Simcoe this year. S.S. No. 5, S.S. No. 10 and S.S. No. 11 were runners-up. S.S. No. .1, Tossorontio T0\\'11.Sl1l1), whose teacher is Miss M. Laxvrem-e, Everett. made a splendid sho\\'in_:_r and won the shield. S.S. N0. 1, lilsszi, was the 1'unne1'-u1). At the South ;\'otIz1\\'z1sz15;'z1 School Eziir, held at C1'eem.ore. S.S. X0. 7, with Miss E. V. Hibblert, Dunedin, as teacher, won the shield. with S8. ;\'o. 23 21 close rulmer-up. A.+ Han We;-1 'l`n\vnv:l1in Qvhnnl Fill!` 1 were runners-up. In Wk;-st G\\'i11imbu1`_\' Township, S.S. No. 12, Miss Gladwyn Burton, Bradford. the teacher, also made a splendid showing: and was z1wz11`(led the shield, which is now the pro- perty of the school. S.S. S) and S.S.1 11 \VD1't* 1-nnnm's-111). ;\o. 2;; close 1`uI1I1c1'-up. A4; the 135511 Township School F:1ii' there was keen comfmtition for the shield, which was won by S.S. No. 2. the 'l'd(.'l']Ol' being` Miss Eva M. Rani.=;i_\', .-\ili: S.S. .\'o. '7 and S.S. No. 6 were i'um1ers-up. In lnnisl 'l`o\\'n.~'hip. S.S. \'o. 13. at Pziinswick, won Lhe l1i:_-'l1(:st num- ber of points and the1'e1'o1'e the sliield, which is now the [)l'0})(.'l"_\' 01` the school. .\`Ii.<.< G. M. Sheldon is the teacher. ` .-\t the 'l`(.-eum.~'etl1 School Fair, S.S. No. 11. with .\Iis.< D. F. Stone. liond H1C`Z\(l. as 'e21c.her, won the shield, with S.S. No. 24 as :1 close I-vI11r\n~u nu I runner-up. At the North T\'ott:1\\':1. School Fail`. hold at Dumroon, S.S. .\'o. is`, \\'ho;x`~ t(~;1ch<*1' is Bliss B. N. J(-unoft. Duntroon, won the Shi(_`ld. '[`hc1'< w(_-1'<- three other .<(-hools, No. 4: S.S. N0. 10 and SS. N0. 1). run- ......... :.]r\n:\ 4, D.D. .\(). [U 71 nun}: \'(-1'_\' close. DEP. D1sEucT GOVEE-NOR AT BARRIE LIONS CLUB F!f4:%%1.f!9@!S,A2!:., On 'l`h1u'. x-\'<-ninfsf last I)o}nut;~.' Di. Gm-'u1`no1` W. H. 1.011;; or G00l'_I{'(31.0\V]1, accompanied by sonn- fteen )11(5Inhc~.1".~` of Ihv G[`01'_L,"L'1()\\'1`. Lions Club, paid his ofcilzxl visiv, `.0 the I3zxr1'io Club. He wzxs iutru(1u<-=- h_\' Lion Frzmk Dobson. L-x-I)L-p. Di.~:t1'i(-1. G;0\'erno1'. and thanked on b<.rhz1H' of the club by Gordon I.on_u'- mun. District Dc-1)u`._\' Long." hrou_2'ht . ,'1``0tiI`1_L','.\' from the Di. Cn\';~i'n0`.' -in-id 1\Iu1'doCh. of Torono. who u1'_:i-.< that us 1a.u'g:n 21 dcle_;`z1tion as pos- sihirr of (`21n21(li!21n Lions `,1 tend the international C'onvention in Provi- (lencu, 11.1.. in July, and also ex- t(3nd.< an invitation to 21 banqurrt in Toronto on Oct 24th in honor of h1tc1'11z1tiom11 P1'e. Richard J. O;~:enbau5:h. H(=1'ep01't0d that two new clubs, one in York township and 1119 other in Whitby, i`L'2l(i been organized. 'r`1m Rm-rip Club dc-cided to co- orgamzea. The Barrie Club decided operat-c with the Kiw2m1.< Club in the annual Hallowc- en pzn't_\' for H1! children of the town, which Is '0 be held in the two thcatrc.< ufu-1' School. P1'e: A. Push and Pu.~t Preside-n` Gordon Lon_;'Imm \\' appointed to act. in conjunction with the I{iwx:mis committee. '1` f\ i\n1I' n-\nnxkn:--.- (`hut .\hv:ur. the I\1\vm11s commmzee. Two new membc-rs. Chas. _-Xhmm, of Zollors Ltd., and Rob?. Bibby. b211`bc-1'. \v0r0 welcomed to the (-.`xub by P-a: Prz=: Dobson. 1`n_ni tho 1.inn:< will have as by . 1 )`E.'~`1(1en1', uooson. '1`n-ni;:ht the Lions Speaker Mr. Stowzut of the 1$:u`ri0 'I`2umin_u C0. -.:__.___...?..:__?.._ RHEUMATIC cavsumss Rlii'ii1%\% i%f1%'3511!S7"`%::`?3 Rumacaps Are More Than a Relief From Pain. This scien: ' - mula (which is not a patent medicine) really reaches the 2:, Rheumatism. Uric acid deposits are eliminated from the join`: muscles and the kidneys and blood are cleansed of impurities. box will convince you that permanent relief is possible. rI'\II`J Hlfll I Inn-II` during the first day of treatment. Rumacaps relieve the pain while removing the cause. yet they contain no harmful drugs or narcotics. Hundreds of peopla have testified to the quick relief given by this efcicnt remedy. Start the treat- ment today and end Rheumatic pain. n... .. i... .....-....1.. mi" hmlish the most severe men! touay anu cuu l\llCuIHuLIL. yum. One or two capsules will banish the most backache. Puts new life into tired and aching backs-a boon to housewives-nnd more than just 21 temporary relief. Neuralgia. Neuritis. Arthritis, Aching Jointn, Lumbngo and all allied Rheumatic troubles rcupoud quickly to Runiucaps. Swellings from Rheumatoid Arthritis disappear in most cuacs with . n ten-day treatment or less. ____ _ -_..-- ___u 1-n_;_:_- _I........A .: :........-:o:.. Du-um-nnu r-iun onu 3- -___ __. ask Agents luv particulars of " ; I1 lr:n-uuy L|EuLuu.'uI. un -uaa. and Bladder cleansed of impurities. Rumacapa give you new health and vigor through their cleansing and germ killing action. Many acrious diseases may be avoided by keeping the kidney: In good order. Start your treatment today - Ask (or RUMACAP A box of 50 Capsuks. more than two wccks` treatment, is $1.00. ATTACK THE CAUSE OF >_l:'.`\|NS DISAPPEAR _......._..... D..mr..-an. rpHPvr- the nu Bradford fair last week was term- :d an excellent show. The speed- mg events attracted much attention. Staynor Baptist Church celebrated The cig'11t_\`-rst i2mnivers:11'y of its founding` on Sunday, Oc. Gth. Rev. A. J. Vining, D.D.. President of the Convention of Baptist Churches of Ontario and Quebec, was the special spcakcr. iistrict News Lloyd Lutimcr, 14-,\'(:2u`-old son of M1`. and Mrs. Robi. Latinler, Eden- vale, was instz1nt1_\' killed at his home on S:1tu1'(l'1\'. Oct. 5111. while rcmovin_;~ u 1)u_u~_u'_\' from the barn. The Hon. liar} Rowe \\`:1.~ in :1 n1o`;o1'z1cci(le11t in Wzllkerfon last week when the car in which hu was ridin5.," collidvd with one (h`i\'cn by A. J. .\lcI\":1l)b, Wzxlkn-,1'ton bzlrrister. T110 c1'21.<]1 0('(.`Ll1`1'C(l :11 :1 >'t1`uot in- tersection, but no one \\'z1.< hurt. Both mvn had hucn at political Int-uHnu < As a part of the Al1(h`0W Czu'ne_9jc 2 2: xmizzl <-v1-lwation, the Car- ne_g;ie C01'po1'z1tion of New York is 1)]-w.<(-mi11_u' to all Carnegie Li- braries in the United States and the Pritish Dominions and Colon- ies, 21 roproduciion of :1 po1".r:1it of Andrew Carnegie by Luis Mom, _framed for [)o1'n1:11nnt dispIu_\'. The uhow: is :1 picture of the Mora portrait. Rntu-r~m1 IRNI, whx-n hu lm r hi< f'n-. lihmrv Dunfermline. M1`. Eric Simpson. of I*Il1n\'u lc, was a\\'zu'dcd the ch2m1pion. of South Sim-_-ov m211tin.L-' x-l(l b:u'le_\' competi- tion ha-Id l`v(?('l1`.])' at (ook. fan`. ..(..~.. 11u.-ct`ln_u's. Wm. EI11L')'.~`OI1 and (711,:1.~'. Linnell, Co1li113;`\\'ood mun, \vcro e:1cl1 sen tn.-11<.-(.-d to HH'u(: months in the Guelph R<-fm'Inuto1`_\' last week for bu-:xkin_L' into c<)'t:14'u.~'z1t \\':1.~;z1_g'a Beach. The Gn:_\'-BrL1c- Iish and Game Association is u1:im: 21 closed sea- son 1'01` (1('(*l` in its coumiu.-s. The claim is that the (Ivar are too SC111`C(3 to be hunted. \\'hi1,- the urea is. too dcusr.-1_v populutml. Putitions zxskillg for the c11;111_4w }n1vr; hcun for\vz11'de(l. VV:1ltm' H. Smith, ll_`.1'1`i('L111 prc~.<(:11 L21?iVe l'01' Du'o1-in, . his po. to take with the O1`:n1_u-,\'i]1o C0-( n Hi: \'r~ fnnlz 1 \\'lLIl LHU \J!'ZHLu1f\llH,` LU` Co. His 1'cs1}_mz1tioI1 took Oct. 1st. Wm. Moom,-_\'. :x;:m1 '30, of Brad- ford, \\'z1.< 'I'z1tz1l1_\' injurvd on Satur- day. Oct. 5111. \\'h(-n struck by a cut d1`i\'<:n h_\' Bun. 1`C\`\`("}'. of New- mzxrke. The mzm was walking on the hi;-.'h\\'a.\' and (lied .~'ho1'L1_v af- ter being z1dmit Lcd to the hospitzll. \ l The Budd and h(.-1`h;11';:(-(}Jc11- bogzie unloaded ~17-1,000 bushels of _<:1'ain at the .\Iid1and--Simcov nlevzror last week. Sam. Ainswo1t11, of Orillia. wzxs sentenced to four months imprison- ment_ for u.<.s'z1ulting' Consfahle Lewis Carr on .`-\119;. 4th. The ofcc-1' while on duty met Ainsworth and two other men in :1 drunken condition and while u1`_:uin;: wi`h them the ac- cused hit him on the nose and thon . di. I A Du1'11am heifer owned by Chas. Fell, of South Orillia, recen~t1_v gave birth to 21 fruzxk calf. The calf is healthy and \\'L'll developed, but has only two logs. the front legs being- missinyz. - }JUl'Ll`2llL Betwer-n 1881, wh:-n ho built his 1 Scotland, and 1917, when his 1ibrug\' 5: ed 2,811 public lib1`:n'ic.< in the lCii::li.~ 1,946 were built in the Unitoirl S*_:xt<-.< fermline, Xo\'<:inb(:i- 23, I335. Tlic: L tion will be held in Thu L'niml S1:it~-.< In spito of unfa\'or:Ib]c- \vo21th0.r, Cook: fall fair \\':1.<. :1 success. The number and quzllity of the ex- hibit; exceeded previous _\'eur.<. The :~.ddi`.inn of :1 junior . this year lv;oI_1_:h out a varied display by the br.~j. .= and j:'i1`1S. which added p:1'0.:1t1y to the fair. Page Th :-co l_L"1`i('llItLl1`:l1 rc- .\ 1-U. \RI\ |lLlll'lll IL" has re- - up work :-(>p(.-1'z1ti\'u c'(rc`. on `.x or ' .md Onq ' Bargain Excursions-~0CT. 24 From BARRIE (Tickets also said at all adjacent C.N.R. Stations) yo C.[\l_.R._ST/`3_\Tl(n)NSTi.n MARITIME PROVINCES . , n_:__. ::_:..._._| a-I......I. LIA... C:-Alia `Carnegie Portrait Presented ' J . To Libraries for Centenary \