Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 17 Oct 1935, p. 2

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L4.) vv\,IA uc Ll;l\.'(|.n1U J.|Ulll Lu.lJUl'. Will this tend to make people grow old sooner than they ought? If workers are given proper direc- tion in preparing them for that per- iod of retirement, there should be no fear on this score. Retirement should not be looked upon as in- zlctivity, but rather the open door to new pursuits. and it will succeed only as it is based on a deep under- standing of service. BOYS & BOYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLICEIQONWEYANCERS, `C. Successor to Oreawlcke & Be}: BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN mull: Do.-. DI.._l. D_....:_ .'. .. ua-.\o\Ir`1l\J, u.r\. ungavvrnnmn I BARRJS-'1-`ERS, SOLICITORS, . \0 1'- XPJES PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS Mn-.. 5.. In... L. ...... .......- .- -.aan.vv,r\n\n OI IIIICFBI` I OFFICE: 13 GWEN ST._ Iln the prem-iges 1for;n.grr1y Oicupled by 1 the an o o'ron 0. Branch Office. Elmvale. Ont. W. A. Bo-vs. K.C. J. R. BOYS ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISTERS iolicitogjs in High Court of Justicra Notaries Public, Conveyancera -/Iony to Yoan at lowest current. rates. Office: Is! Floor Masonic Temple BIdg.. Barrie. (L Fkfpn `J H F.:?an ..._.._............u. `IV... V... LIAIDJ` Money to Loan at Lowest Rama Ofce, First Floor Masonic 'l`em,,u- Building. 4`1\-Juli) L tuna, bUL;1k.l1Ul ..b. 1'. I 1 5 Owen St., Bnrrne. }"ho;|n 30.3, MHNFCV 'I`n I [1 A \' nJI.\Jo Money to Loan at Lowest Rate: of Interest nnvmnw. 1'2 (~\.\x7I:\m cm nub. Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., DONALD F. MacLAlU:LN, !3.A \`I')II(V7l`1.'\Y'\ n/`xv \r11rIlIr\7\ .-u *u.2,'e J.`wo LVLULVLI LU LUALV Masonic Temple Bldg., Barnes. muruyx `LU yuan Ofcez Masonic Temple Bldg. ULUIVIDI 1 U LJL. :'$;\' Ufce: Ross Block. Barrie Flo-Glaze Paints STE"-NART & STEWART 1!\7rvrn`r-1'r\r~ r1r\I r.-nn-unvxn . AMBULANCE SERVKCE PHONE 23 P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR ALEXANDER COVVAN BABRISTER `nil Rn-o nInQuu'~.unn- -..-AL... D. F. McCUAIG, B.A. ..... A- J... n......_.:-1., o r The Northern- Advance, Barrie an an, bnrrle. K"ho'.In MONEY 'l`0 LOAN veygncer, etc. MONEY T0 LOAN . M...,...:.. ~- T__._I- D GORDON FOSTER Z"l`T.`I) C<(\I vznrr YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS We carry a full line of agistrates , Constables and Coroners Worms, all: Farm and House Leases. THEY WEAR ON THE J OB- NOT OFF Loolr over your requirements and place your order with the Advance. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue. Safety First--Har1ey s Next PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS WITH NLII`tl]PI`tt EU TOTAL ASSETS OVER $500,000,000 xiusiness Di;-cctory :.m]3. HARLEY Printers in Barrie .s'i--:.- I PBKOB. 'Barrix C. D. Stewart .-VI. H. Esten ,-v.u Phona 2 I3 I Barrie. THURSD.-\.Y, OCTOBER 17. 1935. ViCTORh\l\' ORDER OF NURSES n ..- n - Residence 144 Maple Ave. Phone 7 He will be proud to have an account of his own, no matter how small its beginning. DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYS1CIAI\' AND SURGEON Special uttc-Imon_ O.bsttIt-rice Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Office and Rleauienoo 50'Mary St. Phone 101 Ollirze Hours: b-9,.30, 11:42 30. 6-8.30` Phone 82, __._. --n-undid \& `milling PHYSICIANS AND S,I.LRGsEON8 Phones 213 47 Mapie Ava. Uice Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointmenv A. '1'. Little, .W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Corona: County of Simcoe. DR. E. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill Uxuvetalty, Montn,-a`l. '_)lce and Resids.~nce---Comer Elin- bert and Bradford St3., B5-lie. Phone 105 IJl{'1cu Huurs: 9-10 a.m.. 1-3 p.m 7.51 nn\ Associate Coroner, County of Simcoo Phone 61. Office-58 Collier 51. Ofnn Hm-n-my L'll LDJ. 5 |82A Dunlap St. Phone 4.05 Electric. Hydro, Physio and Elecvionlc Treatments. Massage and Corrective Actjustmenta Blood Tests and Urinalysis |Homo or Ofce Rate: Reasonable J. EDWiN WILSON. B.S.A., D.O REGISTERED OSTEOPA.'I`H 6 King Black, Barrie Ofce Hours; 9-12 a.m., 1.80-5 p.m. and by appointment. Telephone 345 T115-srlav and Pa-irhav n1- Alliunm -- . ._-...-... ~-.u-avaavsou Motor Ambulance in Connoetion Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Establzsheu 1869 Phl D"-3` ni-' Oriio, will be at t_he Queen : Haul, Barrio. Every Saturday. 8 am. to 12 noon, and by appoint- menu. DR. WALTER H. WUODROW EYE, E , ' AR WA` To teach a child thrift, to encourage him to save some of his pennies for the future, open a savings account for him at the nearest branch of this Bank. The reality of regular saving is best taught through deposits made in a ``real ' bank. GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS Licensed CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLES8 THERAPISTS n2A n....|..... :. m.-_- -an J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ofce--Owen St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) .1... vv. rs. 1.54110 SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN .s::n:-inrn f` f`n<---on -1' `"-~ - 1 elepnone 545 Tuesday and Friday at Alliston Allicfnn DRS. LIT] LE & LITTLE :\.'a1r-u . \VI\ . xn-. .~...-...___ , _-un - In nan cu MISS BEULAH SCOTT ---Phone l_68--- G. G. SMITH & CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS DR. W. A. LEWIS vnnxv .\.u\ -.-....q. -__ 32 DUNLOPJST. Barrio Branch (- ny-nu LII lit! THE ELECTIONS 1. uxnco-01: uomor A 0 co Hours: 12. 0-2 p.m., 6.30-8 Ongv B1; ri._ on. 9 700 Published at 123 Dunlop St., Barrie, every Thursday M. D. MORRISON. Editor and Publisher EDITORIAL \\u1`K ISO (10 yet and there is no cause for being: (lisheartened. The trend of the times has been for a change and the time will come when the t1'z:-nd will be for a change. \J- xuupur, 1116 U.U.I". standard ' bowel`, after all, us not a surpnse. The two party system Is the best for `the country and the electors of! North Slmcoe r-|\'nw=>:=r.xr1 +1-.m...,.1..--. Not so long` ago the poorhouse Malone awaited those who were no longer consid~c1'ed fit to carry on with their jobs and who had reach- ed that period with no s:1\'ine's 01 their own. This was the bu". ot patrox1ag'e, an expensive burden to the country, and a dreaded end to tho.<<: who entered it. Old age pon- sions have succeeded the poor h0u.~`6; and now it would seem that insur- ance is to succeed old a_._re pensions. Throw.-`h insu.rance, workers and em- plo_ver.< aid together in building.-; up government rc.~:c1've.< which will be administered as retirement annuities. Thsc funds, which the workers par- ticipate in, are more satisfactory than other forms of benecence. Throug.-;h them the worker has a share in his own future; to him they represent thrift, wisdom, condence. as well as release from labor. `[7311 ;Li.. A,.__`l A um country and the electors of: Simcoe expressed themselves' that way. Mr. Simpson should have no regrrets in the campaign he` waged. He and his Workers fought for 21 just cause, and time alone will tell. The Conservative party has work to do yet and there is beim: (lishem-fc-nnrl 'T`lm We offer our congwatulations tol D. F`. .\IcCuaig_r, who was successful in .\'o1-`h Simcoe. While we did not` support him during` the campaign. iti was not for any personal moti\'e.; but because We believe the policies` of the Con.se1'vati\'e pa1"_\' are bet-I ti` for Cangula than the Liberal pol- icic-s. The contest was clean, wel believe. in every way, and on a hi_e`h plane. The electors have spoken and the inajority rules. With four candidates in the eld. the results! were doubtful till near the end of" the czunpaigrn. The electors wanted a chanp:e and naturally were against` W1-. J. T. Simpson, the Conserva- tive candidate. The poor showm_v.,- made by Warden H. J. Crawford. the Stevens candidate, and Mr. S. C. Cooper, ihe C.C.F. standard is ot surprise. "Plan +1-rn nnwin. .... 4...... :_ .1 1 . - v The electors of Canada have de- cded that they desire a change of, p;o\'ern1nent. Although from a large; number of constituencies members! have been returned by a minority} vote, the resruit is decisive. The` Liberal, nary has been entrusted with the responsibility of governing Canada. I wish than well. Al- though the electors: have expressed their dissatisfac`ion with the ser- vices I have been able to render to Canada I still regard it as a high privilege to have given my best to `he Dominion during` the past five: _vear.<. I sincere-ly hope that Mr. King` may derive as much satisfac- tion from sewing the country as I have done. Such was the brief In,`.~`>`11_'.:`.' of Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett to `.115; elec m`s of Canada when the results of the eiection were known on Monday ni_;'h`. There was no seeking: for excusesor offering any apolo_;r_\'. l'l1e a\'ci'a_<.,"e age of the c1'iminal.~: of the United States is :23 years, and in all the p1'i.'~'on.~` the la1;'cst a_s_>;e group is around 19. and the ne.\" largest age group 18. In Canada tlicrc would p1'obabl_\' not be much difference. This shows the res}\.on- sibility placed upon the home {he- church and the school. The public school is the only government-sup~ ported agency through which dc- ciencies in the training` of children may be remedied. The home is the, `ideal place to start character build- ing`, and the school and church should co-operate. When the home._ fails, the duty devolves on the school, and more attention should be paid to this phase of education ifl crime is to be lessened. } uIL;uc., uuu pt:xuu.1J> ll(_` n1u_\' L'clK(_- S0 <:0n.<,oI::`i011 in this. New parties 21 rule do not spring into being 0 nix.-;ht and hope to be backed by cnloctors. Reforms, zifter all, 4 be best b1'oug'ht about through two old parties. .\Ii.~:.x: :\_*.:'I1L,'.~' Macphuil W215 1'e-c1ect- cd in Gl';'_\'-Bl'L1CL` and will .~:tu1'. on 1101` fteenth _\'uzu' in the House of ('nmn1nn: H`ll'1`_\-` St:-\'e11s can hardly fa.-eel elated on ;he impression he made on the electors of Czmzxda. He was, in a measure. 1'e. for the down1';11lo1' the Bennett Govern- lnnf, nnrl nn\-h:nu_- In. nu-av +r-I.-1. an-un l ll 11 down1';1 mom, {I ..,... `. 1.. I lt .s still Tory 'I`o1'ont.o, of the L-1e\'L-11 sears going ltivc. lHUd:LlLL'y l'U.`})Ull.`IlUl full 01' Henna-t and perhaps he may `inn in H13: Ynxxv THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE uuuL-U, nuxc out gomg Conserva- L`LL L1U\'Cl'll"| y take some ` v as over | r-km} Fur Hm. can the U\ U1 the nun mch. `immense p1'o`s. Ten million are still without jobs in the United States, but. it isn t the depression tluat is keeping them out of work. Its increased ef ciency-- the machine. The machine is here to stay and so are the 10,000,000 unemployed. Increased efciency should not deprive people of needed things ,and it would not if less em- pha.~:i.< were placed on its power to Until the machine is used to help the masses, instead of the few, the (Iepression, so far flu :3-u, are onnr-m~nml mil ! 0| The Kitchener Daily Record is- 'sue of Friday last had a special edition commemorating` the 25th an- lniver.-::'.r_\' of Hydro in ,Fittiu5_-' tribute is paid to those re- ".-'pon.~:ible for makin_:1' `his great public utility possible. It is just a {quarter of a century ago that the *late Sir James Whitney, Premier of `Ontario, grasped the late Sir Adam _Beck s hand and with it pressed the `button thiaf. unleashed the force of I the cataract to ow in a current of invisible power over the network of r the great publicly-owned Hydro f I scheme. s| Credit is given three men, now l `gone to their reward. for the Hydro 2 in Ontario, all native sons of Water- tlloo County. It was back in 1886 1 that Dan. Detwailer saw the possi- 5 gbilities 2 jpower. of publicly-owned Hydro Shortly after E. W. B. lfsnider spoke at a Board of Trade [banquet in Waterloo on the possi- gbility of transmitting ;\'1ag;ara-gener- lzved power to Western Ontario. It |remained for Sir Adam Beck to `make the dream come true. His strug',:le to obtain consent of com- munity after community to the leg- islation necessary to join them with the great municipal Hydro chain is well known. 'r1m;.A 1 1 L..!IJ,,1 `n An Ontario. ` l [TEN MILLION ARE STILL UNEMPLOYED IN THE I \\ U11 KIIOVVIL These men buirlded well; they have gone `o their reward, but the colossal work goes on. Hydro has had many enemies, but it has streng*thene(l its hold and will con- tinue to gain in strength as the ,years go by. wuu: LU KEUII "years by. cum.-:_\ lrum L110 \V0)`l(1 (1Gpl'e._k on. Rt. Hon. Mzxckenzie King, with .x commanding: majority, has every op- portunity to make good and see `hat Canada continues on her course in t`1'.1`; recovery. uprunon 111 tms regard. i War with all its horrors is the ioutcome of selslmess and greed. ,=Se-irviee clubs are not restric`e(l by iboundaries, color or creed, in rend !erin_;' service to humanity at large. `We are realizing more and more lthat people of other na`ion.=. are just las we War is so tra_<,,>'ic and in- .human. What an achievement it would be for service clubs if by col- lective action they could abolish ,war `. If this was advocated in `earnest by clubs, human nature would he changed. I .-\mon T\'l)(TfrnQf.inv1c +n nu I - ~ -I '\`.Uul(l no cnanged. .-\mon_<.;' suggestioiis to prevent gwar, the spe=:ike1' advocated the re- moval of all prots from war; divide the responsibility for xvagilig; war among all classes; pass 1_{, ,'lS11tl0I1 compelling` all citizens to serve in the capacity they are best suited for ;the duration of the \m1'; conscript all wealth du1'in,._; the war and for ~one year af`e1' it ceases; that e\'er_\' one be paid at the same rate as the soldiers. which was $1.10 a (lay in `the last war. This would be but fair and in keeping` with our dem- ocratic principles and would be the ` means of banishing war for ever. gmuu rezscrves . Service clubs mlght well ccept and example, mould opinion in this regard. W211 with :11} if: ]'1n\'vr\\~c< HLL. S2.-1-vice clubs l121\'i` l)<.-on doing` wonderful work in :lllC\'i'dllI1_',' dis- tress, but it was q11n; il C11j.L'l'0.~`. in tlici-1`z1cti\'iti(-s `hat Ll1(.'_\' have no time to study thv C`.1L1>`? oi . the ills they are '.1'yin_-4' to 11ll(,'\'l&ll(`. With 1'eso1ii`c>ssucl1-aswe have t.l1:31'(-, should be no uncmplo_vmoI1t or stu1'\'i11g' people. Our prcsiznt situa- tion is due to g,-`reed and Ihc 17:xilL11'u to _q*ivc- p1'imz1c_\' to the spiritual. We live in 21 cou11ti'_\' \\'ln;1'e we can produ(:{- every commo(lit_\' i1eccssa1`_\' for uur Iizimiiiics. We have the ,bes: `form of democ1'a_tic _<.,-'ove1'n- `ment in the \\'oi'l(l; we l1V'L' at peace with our 11ei}.>,'11boi'.<; we have no lZ1l'l)]\' 0! H.']V\`t \\'n luuvn Hun 1`Irl.<.` I `thew service clubs had not l)u<;n so I TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF HYDRO IN ONTARIO William Muyzlll, Past District LicuL.-Go\'e1'nor. of Hamilton, . in}.-; `.\t the I{i\\':111is Club 1215: \\(.'L']{ on the HL1bjL'(.'L Out of the I)upL|1.s`." .>,'11'(.`.~`>'\'(l the !1(.`\`d 10-day 01' ,g'ivin;4 'p1'in1uc_\' to the human and spiritual 1'z1thcl' than the n1ut(_-1-ial vnlm-.< oi iiifn. ..]..L. I..._. I -r ` !WAYS m AVOID 1 ruruma WARS 'n-`n, ` x:'n_nnt no H have been a*' least half. an .., uuc uL'pll:.\.`IUll, S u--:<. are ooncemvd, W-1'. ,. which Modern social coI1sci0u>:11e." is de- manding that no needy pe son go uncured for. 'I`hi1'ty-seven nations now have denite schemes for the protection of their older members, schemes involving some form of pen- sion, compul.~:o1'_V iI]SLl1`111C( o1'1'e- tirement -unnuity. Uany of the great. bL1. are 1'et;i1'iI1g their wo1'1-zers at 21 xed period on 2111- nuity. surf Jun; nu nave Hnn- nnv nnnnI.. ..... wc have the best The Northern Advanre .1 by pre- nnhr p1'c- I public 12! 1' will CAN/`x U/ x " 5400, NOI|`.. Ul l'l>'l,`\\'H(.`l'l`. /1. All h2mkin_Lr or to or for any public :11 son or ('m'p01'z1`i(m in tor) and any l'u2'th<.-r udvztm-0. ov(:rdrL1l.'1. or (5 :7sLi11_-4' comructs to lo) imlh-m.+1v on .....1. ....n. .....\..v kl]. um. uu\.AuAl(lllLy \vu.,:`L.\l)UVC1'. The ;:0ve1'nm(-nts are invited to l put into oper:1t.i0n at once such of l the measures recommended `hut can I be enforced wi=tl1ouvt fresh 1e_2'islation and to take all practical steps to so- cure that the measures recommend- ed are completely put into operation by Oct. 31. 1935. ..-.u\.. The two old parties have stood the test and alone survive. While their polices have differed. both p-zirties have contributed to the pro- g'res.< of the country. The Bennett Government in the last ve years has (lone much to place Canadzi in the forefront among: the nations of the world, and history will record the out. achievements of Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett as a statesman. Clanadu has gone :1 long way in re- cover_\' from the world (lepre sion. Mzickmizio Kimr wifh (.'(l u_\ Ur I01` luv Iullllll `ln()\"I`llI 2. All l):mkin;,:' 01' otlwr to or for Uw lL:nIi:m (.}0v.- mud :1n_\' f.'Ln'tl1cr cxuvution \':1nc<-, o\r'crdruft or 0`h-r\ :;_\`i. cnnl,r:1(-ts to 'l<-mi 01` in to the l`:1li:u| ( vnnni U1" CUJ]lUl'ill-I01]. .3. All is.~;L1us of . or oh *1` capital Ilotutions for any pnl.-Ii<: autllority, person or co1'po:'a.1Ion in ItzL1iz1nt3rrito1`y and :1ll. tious to such is. of . or capital flotutiolls in Italy or visa- where. nlL'alsu1'(:s uuce 1r_v to 1`m1(lc-1' Im- possiblc tr:1n. n1c:11"iom-(I in pa17z1g'rz1ph.< one to five, whether cl - fected di1'cctl_v or th1'ou,L{h i11crmed- ial`iu.< of any nationality whatsoever. lL... ...,...m.. .. ,. 2, :.u:_\ nuu uu_y 1ulLu\.'l l:.\l'(`l|u\)i- othu-1'\\i-:5 e_\':7sLi11_L' 10nd dm-L.l. imli1'evt1_V to such zu1th()r'It_\', 5):- 01' c01`p01'z1t.i0n. .73 .\II i.~_-u...- Al` .I......... lll nu mvnt. `J 1lll'l|l.. 3. All lo:u1.< to or 1' :1uLhm'it_\', pa-mun or U Italian `vrI'i~Lor_\' and tions to suvh loans is or <-l.~'u\\'l1m'1.-. /1 \n 1.. LEAGUE OF NATIONS ORDERS BOYCOTT AGAINST ITALY 1, `pus:-I15 a 19114995.! (75 140% a bee-t`MoIa.s'.re.r) Isafoocl Is an appeser ` Is ;wonder'fu1 `tonic 3 Is economica1 Is highly recommengled l>)(1`ucceSSFu1 Breeders VT` Pure Cane Sugar Feeding Molasse {].' 1115-` :: })Ao'`Mnl::("nr) The :lx'.`(.'tO)'S of C.'zma(1z1 have given the Libemls 21 n1undu'.o to govern for the next five ya-zu's. T112 (lofnnt of the B1 .-tmctt Govermnem wizxs cz1u.'~'e(l by the xvorld-wide du- pression, thougll Czmzlda is m:1kin_:.- more ram'r1p1-0:.-,-1'e.'~t.< than any coun- try in recovergg. People have suf- fered and 1'eg'zn~(l1ess of what a govmnment may havr; tried to do. that g'oVor11ment is blznnul. The Bennett Government took ofcn at :1 time \\'hcI1 the rI<,pru.<.~io11 wzxs making` it. felt and for two years aftor world contlitiom l)eczum: worse. For the past fwo _\`(.--.1r.< there has been a gradual improx-n- ment. due mainlv tn Hm nn13v\r n4 (Eastern Standard Time) I Lv. Barrie Lv. Toronto Clarkson Bay at Hotel Dundas 8.40 a.m. 8.30 a.m. a2.00 p.m. 1.55 p.m. b3.40 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 3.6.10 p.m. d8;l5 p.m. a-dz-xily except Sun. & H01. b-Sun. & H01. only d-Sat., Sun. & H01. only Imitahel the kizys 131353181"! BARBIE Clarkuon Hotel. Pllong 62. us anu Information at Coach Lines 2111- cunlple-u:1_V 31, Tickets and Information [1 A I I . Coach connections at Buffalo and Detroit for all points in the United States. TORONTO Single $1.75 mu.-H: nus uecn it f__"_I'2l(lLl1l IINDl'O\'(}- mnnt, mzxinly to the policy of the governmu-nt, but `ho (.-.1cctor.< dz- cided that :1 <:hzu1g:`r_- of _<._ro\_'e1'mm.-nt n1i:hL improve matte-1'5, hence Thu.- Liberal sweep on )Iond:1y. 1. - .... . DAIL1" SERVICE W The }.',`O\'(l`11l)11.`11tS will take all L1'CS11(!(.'CsSiH`_V to rt-n im- In fI-:n1u-_u~Hnn.- I`v1rxI1`*:n|x;.:I ` upurz "All lo. n...,...4 for any public L'0l`[)Ol`:lH()Il in I all nllh.<(`1'i}`,-- .l ' .n I4.. .. oth.-1` ('1 uuLl1o.|t_\', n lt:1li.n'. 1 H \.lU\'\'I`lHlH`IlL -vution by ml- 0'h<-r\\'i.<- of din.-('LI).' `znlizm (ov-1-n- Return nu-sup illl =. ililioulllu $3.15 . .... 1'1. H/_... ._.~..._., .... .uuuuu_y. It is g1'atit'yi11g', l10\\'CV0l`- that the Czmzuliun people have, in :1 lax'{:<: measurr~. m`u1'ne(l to the two-p'.u'tj.' S)'n'l.Ull] of }.rove1'nment. M1`. Stevens. who was for low: 21 member of the government. for reasons best known to himself, bolted and . :1 new party. His actions were detri- mental to the Conse1`vz1`ive cause, but not taken seriously by the elec- tors. The C.C.F., likewise, counted bu" little. nu - - Y.\l'I I I} ` |t:1l_\' BAfzIEfs'1`ER, SOLICITOR , MONEY T0 LOAN M-..~...... `r-.....L.. um- n.. lVl\JlVl.4 1 IL! LJJI-KLV Office, 3 Owen St., Barrie Phone 6;! > GORDON LONGMAN BA.RR.LS'I'ER, SOL1CI'.OR.. .`lU'l`.~\H`\' ETC. l\/l........ x. I ._ CAMERON 3: CAM):`.RU.~.' BARRISTERS, b'ULl&)l'l`OP.S. v2'H = SL, Run... 5.-01.... m.: .1 Owen - n.u.u;.;4\.:1u `47 Elizabeth St_ ..,..-...u - uunnn ` '.:ARR.1S 1`ER, SOLICITOR, .\*o':'.-`.12.. CONVEYANCING. E'1'(). MONEY TO LOAN n____ . I*- ('\N`..... '3 C A "- `LA$.LJlaD L'\JI)L1l\J Di `\J\JAV V F4 1 IXXVKJLUI Money. to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - ID. M. Stewart Sbewe RADENHURST & HAMMOND BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ['1'] C DAJFLVLDLIDIS Solicitor for obtairung probate of N11], `guardianship and administration, and General Sqlicitor, Notary \,'on I vey_ancer, etc. M-ONFTV rrn I.O:AN THE RETIREMENT PERIOD

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