cxassipim mi; QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE 5KAKn:.a WILL CO-OPERATE Matinees, 15c and 10c Lvu. UI-IJ 1:[13f)5i1'T\" IEYES 133127 N"(`) U ! EDDIE GANTOR IN KID MILLIONS with ANN SOTI-IERN, ETHEL MERMAN Block and Sully and the Gorgeous Goldwyn Girls IRI\"L\' S. (,`( H113 (,`0'.\IE]f)Y-Nosed Out Mickey Mouse all in Technicolor , BE ON HAND EARLY TO GET A GOOD SEAT Todd and Kelly Comedy and Groofy Movies No. 8 REG-ULAR PRICES 25v and 15(- Box Ofce opens 12.01 'Shm\' Starts 12.15 sharp SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 21, 12.01 am. Entire Week, April 22-27 7`-rwwr-. ~r rm '1' w '4: :1 :`\'r'\1v L\[;1ti11o(-S Monday VV'0(11}(rsc1a_\', S21f111'(1a_V, 2.30 ]).m. Mz1ti11ee. P1-ix-(x< _.')<- and 10(- N1g'h1'1_V shows 6.45 and 9 'L'.~'na] P1'i('(*S 250 and 15(- Easter Servlces. N0te-0\\'i11g to (-m1t1ra(- r am11*1`1g'o1noms with .\I0t1'0- G01(1\\'_\'11-)[a_\'01', we have 110011 (-olnpr-llvd to misc 0111' n1a`ti5n0e prices, but in doing so we h1\'0 been able to leave our e\'o11i11g`lp1-i(:es at the usual popu- lar admission, 2:30 and 159. A Pictu;e Yb Will R'emmb'e;" as Longiasi Live DAVID COPPERFIELD W. 0. FIELDS, Lionel BARRYMORE, Madge EVANS, Maureenn O SULLIVAN, Edna May)` OLIVER, Lewis STONE, Frank LAUGHTON, Elizabeth ALLEN, Roland YOUNG, Freddie BARTHOLOMEW. Colored Sing1e-I-Iey ! Hey ! Fever 1`Iusica,1-Do11 Redman and His Orchestra. '.l`1'( *z11e V0111-. In the (}1'<>;v1'<-std Sn-1'<*m1 'I'h1'iH of V0111` TJiX.(`.\. I SPECIAL MIDNIGHT SI-IOW EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 12.01 A.1VI. ROIII3'l`. \r(,)A[vg\'G`, S7171 .-\I`? I` fP]I?\\'iII\' and '.|`El) ]9[]*L\LY in :1 C<;ll(I-gc (,`o1m-d.\' IRmn;u1<-(: THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY FIRST TIME Ix TI-in sclzilgx JjI ].S'.l.`ORY OF BARBIE ; -1 r 1 1"rv -u ` 1 .-\ Rn Barrie Kiwanis Junior Potato Ciub AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE Dr`!/|I:I\ TI` uu.;.a.v a.-svv vuQAAru ways or STEWART L. PAGE," Agricultural Represe11tative, Barrie. CollierSt. United chgch{ Mafinoos F1-id;1_\' and S21l`1n'd:1_\', `2.f3() p.m. Eigl1tl_\' Shmvs, (3.45 and 9 p.m. --~~ ---4-. -.-,.11.. fgfhe Band Plays on" ..'l 17.11.. l`{-_-.....J-.. .-..,..'l l`|AA-'-.--.- 'I\II'n-v-IA.-. `Tn W:11'<-la Fm` Geo. Arliss in The Iro11 Duke Another Roxy Sp1*i11g Festival Hit THE BEST LOVE_PICTURE OF 1935 1* REGIS'.l`ER]1]fl) S11IE],) S1 PPL]fED FREE For application forms and copy of rules apply to Tifh :1 S1111 (`:14 at` ($5 P121_\'m'.<. 1'11c111din9; T F`, 'E`TTT'T,'r\Q T-in-no.1 "DI\'l3'D"71\II'l'I'D"E' T\II'nn'l ees, T Evenings 25c and 150'` 1 OK_AY, _TO0TS 1 HERE S EDDIE - 1 'l|l'__-.:-_1 111--.- .\.].)`.'.-\ .\'C,11} IN V.l, l{l.(,;/,I`].\` L'.I.J., J-\J\IJ.kI 5 uh-I--I-I-I-V-l-I Ina -I-lulJQ'- in Girl-Crowned Musical Fun -1 /\\Y1` 1-r -r-r. r. ~r1'\v*r1r `l1{\1\ 1'I\ Lloyd Tufford, Organist and Choir- master. Easter Sunday, 1935 11 a.m.--Risen with Christ. EASTER MUSIC A11 Praise to Him Who Came to Save" (Bach) O Morn of Bcatlty (Sibelius) ICz1stc1'ti(lc Carol (0ffe1'to1'_v Motet) Hallelujah Chorus (Handel) 3 p.m.-'I`hc Church School. 7 1).m.--Gounod s Redemption. Part 1--Ca1var_v. Part `2.---From the Resurrection to Han A:nnY\:in1`l_ 100 GYS R ( ).\'Y--]9I OUSE OF 11 ITS AGE 10 TO 20 YEARS TO JOIN THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1935. :: Midland council last Week was p:iven considerable information on the establishment of an air port and the proposal to locate a factory there for the manufacture of airplanes. The company is at present; located in Toronto, but would consider coming to Midland if certain concessions were made. Barrie Kiwanis Club ? LEGION HALL FOR RENT REV. E. E. LONG, B.A. B.D. Minister RESURRECTED LIFE Meetings Every Night Except Saturday--8 o c1ock LE%EARY HALL Famous Reading Anthracite REV. W. A. HENES The SARJEANT CO. Limited Cuthbert Ra.spber1`y Czmes for salnc. 3 Apply to R. J. Dwinnell, Barrie,` W W, I. E Yard Foot of Mary St. Head Ofce 49 Dunlop St. Phone 88 Phone 94 BARRIE DENTISTS Easter Services Sunday, Aprii 20th MORNINGr-9.45-10.45 FELLOXVSTTTP ITOITR SUNDAY NIGHT--8.l5 SHORT IL\"STT lR.~\'.l`]f( ).\I.\ L M]'3SS-\GrE BY k/iuutuu up. ` Music by the Choir at Both OEEDER NOW -1*`1`om tne uesu the Ascenslon. AT LOWEST COAL PRICES SINCE ` WORLD WAR PEA . . . . . . . . . . NUT and EGG Interdeno1ni11atio11a1-N011-Sectarian W V ' 17ri'c's"c:'v' 'Ar11 15th SARJEANT SERVICE SATISFIES A. auvv 1-I\.lJ. UVAL Page Eight BARRIE PRAYER LEAGUE W orld WOULD FIRE JACKSON ;FROM W., L. AND Gr. C`-01VI. L 1; (C0nti1`-lld from D111-E0 One) ` During.the early hours of Satur- zcil, and record therewith our sin-_du_v_mo1-nmgz; the pumps at Ferrier s :ccre disapproval of the action taken ', SCl'VlcC station on Burton Ave. were `by the Barrie Water, Light and Gm. broken op .11 and 8%: gallons of "us . , . . . . . , 5 ,(.omm1ss1on in the dismissal of om:-lstolen. 1210 locks on the pumps `John Hare, present superintendt,-nt v.'vre force . jot` the plant, \vl1e1'ea.< the said I\Ir.l3 l:H.`'. 11 5iV ll best -".'5 (ll Thos. Albert Jowett, chef at thel ms 1`f_v ,t'm-"'`_~4'ht yew 01, 34'0`liE1np1'e.s's l-lotel, liirkland Lake, 211)- "V:l`Et ll1l]`;':l""\E h:?3;`_ivn `1]C1"`11i l`9iHS;1"`l peuretl before ;V1ug`ist1`ate Jeffs on I '1 3 ` " `5 ` 5 1 -Q"-'1S.:i.tu1-Llzw afternoon on a. clmrg-c 1 ` VI`. H1 :3 1 '3` . ' .. . ii?ii;'lit1\l1'ililimc:'iimled l;l1h1shi11:11i1ei-(illli1111]::'il]9n-m}Fportl and `Elias qrdtled 'to I'M` | '- y . I 1 I ' . hi` 1. 1.1 d_ _ 1 `I __ H Ens wi `e, W10 iesi es in dime, 51:1. ; `*1 '9 `` , 4"` 119-` ,` :1 month and the costs of the com`. l1 _`f 1"*}:"}_""'_ b-"' _the f""'`:wl1icl1 amounted to $38. The ac 15?" 9:1 t 9 .ct`" `V_Sbi'.`_l"`3"]cuse(l was brought Back to Bz1rri- l uh: gszmzzi P:::m*:1tg:; 2;` night by Constable ' 7 ` * " ase. ' sponsibility and training, cannot bei a(lequz1tely lled at any consider-i , able saving, and that this action is! A cl`.-",_m,C t. the hm of J` unworthy of, and if permitted, will F 1't`' 1` 51 .h" Slf" about 7 lohg. rema;-n a cause of reproach to} 13.111. l\`IOl1(l2l._V requ1r_e(l and from the all conscientious and 1'air-1nin(1e( lim' d1""'3`t- Llttle d"`U~ 1'0` ` citizens of the town of Barrie. ,-"ult`3d- nun. +'.n+hm- rich +.n state tlmti citizens ot the town OI Dal`1`lt.`. I We further wish to state that in our humble opinion, the dismissal has been 1arg`e1_\' a matter of per- sonal prejudice dating back to the election of 1928, and whereas it is u ;_ matter of 1'6-corcl that in said elec- ltion 1'atepa_\'e1's declared themse1ves' opposed to Mr. Hare s dismissal, and` Whereas a present member of the i commission, M1`. Frank Jackson,` was appointed by the council to ful-1 {ill the unexpired term of Mr. ; F1~:mk Foster, and not the duly elect~ ed representative of the 1'atepayer.<. We do therefore ask that the coun- cil request from Mr. Jackson his im-, mediate resigrnation from the Barrie. Water, Light and Gas Commis- uinn ' sion. CHIROPRACTIC FOR ACUTE Gas Commis-i ` in l,F1`ida_\' at 11. 21.111. . . . 1 A comnmmt_\' . W111 be he1d| St. .~\nd1'ew s Church on Good; Rev. W. NERVOUS BREAKDOWN ll Doe will be the speaker. h . Geo. R. Burns, Barrie. l Dear Sir,--I would like to ac-lb. knowledge the wonderful benet that '5' . . . . . .. received from taking` cl1i1'0- practic adjustments from .G.eo. R. J Burns, Chiropractor, of Barrie. In the fall of 193-1 . . . . .. suffered a; severe nervous breakdown, whichl was most acute and dlSl`.1`(3Ssll1f.`,' 1 {J the least, only people who have had 11 some such ailment, and I am sure. c there are many, can understandll ;vhat a person in this state does suf-'|< 511'. 1 \VIlZ:|l fer. | Ier. But to get to the point, . . . . . 3 took only a short course of adjust-. mens and was made entirely well; and has had no return of the trouble! ,.:..,... vvn nvn vzn-\r o-1-nfaf-`nl nml of adjust-. lows: 1. Irving: Clifford Sheppard,| trouble I superintendent of Spencer Foundryl since. We are very grateful and Co., Ltd., Penetang. He was be hope that others may see t to availlin the United States and had been, themselves of the opportunity of se- in Canada since 1925. ` eurinf: your service. ` 2. George .-\lexin Stoetes, chef, Thanking you and wishing you Orillia. He was born in Greece every success, I am years agro and had been in Canada; Yours sincerely, isix years, having resided in Torontcl (Original letter ml 1-e at ofge. oflung P(?'|}:Ee:E\?1peT.7.nlln, rlaivv and 1:n'n! Wanted-P1ymouth 'Seda_11, 1929,: good condition, before end of April.: Enquire 17 Worsley St. _ .L\lkAA.L) ....... E54 I letter on le ofce ofi the recipient, Geo. R. Burns, Chiro- practor and Drugless Therapist, Bar- rie. Phone 405). I At noon on Sunday the re bri- gade was required to extinguish 3 re on the Allandale g'o11 nnnrzn, in.: r. nuside the t0WI1 1ilTlit.\'. me we Allanuale gun` course, just ouside the town limits.` Several fence posts were burned, but no further damage resulted. T.$12.00 per ton .$13.75 per ton .$14.00 per ton \ -nu-`.1 1 `#11 Minesing, Mar. 5, 1935. During` the Satur-%l' _d:1_v mornings: jscrvice station `broken 1:11.; stolen. he locks I (`mu-ml ` I _. | . [ A recital by the piano and vocal " - pupils of Miss Jessie R. Bryson will be held in the Collegiate Auditorium il on the evening of 'l.`ues(lay, April 30. . ~ iProg1'ums may be had on application e `Ito Bliss B1'_vson. :` I l 1 , 2| Bookkeeping`, accountancy, audit-i , ing, secretarial duties and practice, -letc. Get particulars of home study` . I courses for twelve dollars. Papers} -| cor1'ecte by university graduate and :. commercial specialist. Over sixty - thouszmd booklets sold. Agents. - ,wanted. N. D. Reid, 6 Front St. e | Orillia. ; F. Martin, 1 ? Sophia St., p.m. requiretl ro damage ll c11imne_\' re at home I I 1| sulted. Summer Cottage Wanted--At \ Minet s`Point, or as near Barrie as} possible, Apply Box B Advance- Oicc, Barrie. ___________. A ciw.1':;-"0 of reckless driving`; against Ted ',1`\':is.s \\'a:~' adjournedi by .\Ia5.,vist1'ate Jeffs this mornin_g` un- til April 30th. In Judge's Chambers on Mondagj. 1Jud_a"c Dudley Holmes heard six ap- plications for naturalization. In 211? 05129: hi: hmmr recommended the JUDGE HOLMES RECOMMENDS E SIX FOR NATURALIZATION lCi:lSt`S 111:` iparty be m i of Canada. 'l`1.n nix- i or Uanaua. . The SIX forelgners before 1112' ihonor for naturalization were as fol- . lows: 1 Im-inw (`11'`nw-I 1*mnnnw1_ and 1"01"l7 nope. v 3. Joseph B0110, dairy and f2u`n`.. laborer, Alliston. He was born ' Czeclm-Slovakia and had bee'n in` `Canada six years. v A 'I7xv1~n1r Tho {"I1`l1`\ 19'hn1-or AL. K121118021 SIX 4. Frank Dyle, farm laborer, Al-` I `listen. He was born in Poland an" had resided in Canada for the pas! six years, having lived at Lisle, Out :1 \Tnfm1:'z 1n'nmn. `fnrnl labor Slx years, naving uveu `all. 141511;, uuv. ' 5. Mateusz Surman, farm labor i er, Ailiston. He was born in Po| vlzmd and had been in Ontario sincr ` i1930, having" formerly lived in H`: . lwest. Surman is married and 11:: 1 1 two children. 1 R "l"vu11H1~.n- I"1-urn-1nc< `ncaov `F-:11'n1.i EVVO (.'l1ll(1I'eI1. 6. Tyulling Charles Visser, farm- er, Cookstown. He was born in H0` hand and came to Canada in 1925*`. iYeste1'(lz1y he :11'i'oste Charles Sykes, age 19, Peterboro; Fred P.obe1'ts, 28, North Bay; John Gill_e_<, 29, no ::dd1'ess; Joseph Brown, 28, Toronto, and John Con- nolly, 24, no arlclress, were each committeed to the county gaol this mornin}: for 30 days by llagistrate Je`s on Cl1Z11`2`,CS of being drunk in a public place. All ve had form- er convictions, havingr been sen- tenced h_v .\`Ia};ri.st1'ate Jes. One of the men was released only _veste1`da_v morning; Chief Stewart said the ve had been around here all win- ter, making' nuisances of themselves. _ them at the ,station, \vhe1'e.the_v were b1'awlin_<.=: Iand glitingr, all in an intoxicated condition. The chief suggested a heavy penalty, as a light sentence `seemed to do them no good. I Suitable for dances, card parties, a:l'te1'noon teas, public meetings, etc. Kitchen facilities, card tables, also phone. For rates apply to A. E- Alien, 34 Pz11'ksi(le Drive. Phone (3g4m. ________. I I - . SL"[`HI`IIH..~\ND~At Sunday, April 14, Il0.<.<. Suther1and_, in her Fmierzll on Wednesda_v, 1935, torment at the Auld Kirk Ceme-` tery. McCO.\'l{IY---At. Bradford, -urdziy, April 13th, Bradford, on Isabella \`.'i(iO\\' of the late Donald 92nd year. with in- on Sat- ' Lewis John .VIc(`onke_\'. in his 68th year. Fun- e`-3:11 on 'I`uesday, with interment at Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Bradford. PACK.~\RD-~.'-\.t the R.V. Hospital, Barrie, on Nlonday, April 15th,. Henry J. Packard, in his 69th year. Funeral from his late resi-_ dence, Shanty Bay, on Wec1nes- ` day, with interment in-Shanty Bay Cemetery. ` T .TVT\TCRTnN__Tn Rnrrin nn Mnh- {K.\'EESH.-\\V---~.-\t the R.V. Hospital, 1 Pn1`1'in nn P`)-1I:1\' .\nvH1`7 102'-IR R V LIUHJGLCTY. . g LIVINGSTON--In I ` duv. Am-il 15th. 1 ---------j v 'FlVE HOBOES GIVEN 30 : DAY FOR BEING DRUNK! 1 l Local News l\.\ I`aJ`u).l'1 :\ VV I :`\la LHL` ILV. IIUSPILZII, I Bu1'1'ie, on F1'i(Iz1y, April 12, 1935, I to .\I1'. and Mrs. Douglas Knee- I . GiI:t'01'd, Ont._. :2 son. !BAKER-At New Lowell, on Sun- i (i;1_\', April .14, 1935,I\I1's. Mary I `Baker, in her (39th _\'ca1'. Funeral rm 'I`un. from the residence of 1 her son-in-1z1w, Mr. Chas. Chap- } man, 37 Ilmisl Stu, Bzu'1'ic. In- . temu;-nt in St. Paul's Ce1nete1'_v, I Innisl. l \.IL'IlJULl;`l`y. ;IVINGSTON--In Barrie, on Mon- day, April 15th, Lloyd Livingston, in his 60th year. Funeral froml his late residence, 3 McDonald! .St., on Wednesday afternoon, with: service in Minesing United Church 5, and interment in Minesing Ceme-` tery. his : I01` natu1`a11zar,1on. 111 211.-i honor recommended th(':`| made a naturallzed cltizen! In BIRTHS 1 The ofces of the following den-\ tists will be closed on Saturday afternoons, commencing May 1st: Dr. E. L. `1'e1'eton, Dr. W. R. P.icl1a1`dson, Dr. R. J. Sprott, Dr. J. F. Warnica, D1`. A. F. Perkins. ?*-- BEE? 0\\' 0.1 U10 IEICC JJOIIZUU . Ceme- The Northern Advance [by Mr. Morrow and Miss Bell was the low schedule of salaries paid the teachers of Barrie Collegiate as compared with other schools of sim- |i1a1'size. The average salary of ilady teachers in Barrie Collegiate was the lowest of 24 other Ontariol Collegiates. The salary of A. R. Girdwood, principal of Barrie Col- lleg-`iate, was fourth lowest of the 24 |C0llO_Q'lZ1t(3S in 1933 and fth lowest in 1935. Those lower were Coiling`- wood, Renfrew and Smith s Falls. 4 'l`hn 0.41 (`..nllp,:riates 1'fe1'1'ed to ESAME SALARIES T0 '- 1' BE PAID TEACHERS :.___. I I : ford, St1'utln'o_\', Wal'k(:1'vi11e, Wood- - stock and Perth. `wood, 1 ana bIT1lt{1'S runs. The 2-1 Collegiates re1'errcd were Barrie, Belleville, Brockville, ` Chatham, Cobourg`, Collingwood, 'Cornwa11, Galt, Guelph, Lindso.y,. Napanee, Nia,r:_ara Falls, North Bay, Orilliu, Owen Sound, Rcnfrcw, St. Thomas, Siarniu, Smith s Falls, Stam- | |'l`1-.n -u1yn1-nn'n cnlnvv nah] nvinr-i- 1 1'lV 111:, .5 ment. , 3 `Ln. 1stocI: (1I1(1 rerun. ."l`he averzigxe salary paid princi- pals for the 24 Collegiutes was |$d,317, while that paid M1`. Gird- 'wood wax. $3,000. Men teachers in the 2:1 COC;. ,'i2l,t()S 21V(.'1`5.1}.`,`(,`(l $2,147 and Barrie $2,-058. Lady teachers [in the 2! schools averag'ed $1,899' and Barrie $1,678. "Plan urh nip :1 wrnm 0111`. nf the . presenrauves OI Elle I;0wI1 Lzuuuuu. Mr. Bryson stated that it was de~l cidcd not to reduce any salaries for the present, but added that the e'a.che2`s must understand tho1'oug`h1_v he clause in their contract provid- : 1 4' x `i i 4 t 1111;: for u p1'ovi..ion of their salary, | \ 'hich might become operative. 'l"`|aia n1n11:n rand: nu 1"nHn\VS: The J `land 1521r1'1c `I,n'(t5. I The whole arg;ument of the 'te:1che1's represented was ap;z1111st any `1owcring' or 1'cducin_e; of salaries. X T1-|1c+nn R1`\?Qnh nnintr-r] Ollt thllt.` Sunday, April 21, 1935 Sunday Services in Central 11 u.m.-The Triumph of Calvary Story for Young Worshipp_e1-s` League: Johnny s Easter Flower. 2 p.m.--Crusaders Bible Class for Youm: Men. 3 p.m.-Our Church School. I:--.._..:.... -1 gnvpn 1owermg- 1'e(1uc1n_e; 01 salaries. - I Trustee Bryson pointed out that` `it was not the desire of the board to reduce salaries unless absolutely necessary, but if it were found necessa1'_V the board would like the co-operation of the teachers in ar- riving.-; at some amicable a1'rz1n_9;e- rn nnf P mcnt. He t`nuug'ht it was wise to have !the tezlclxers`, tho1'ou_2:h1_\' undr.:1`st:m(1 ithc town :-` n:1n<:i:11 condition. This iwas tho1'oug'h1y explained by the re- Epresentatives of the town council. Mr. Rrvson de~, which m1g'11t Decome 0pe1'u.uve. This clause reads as follows: The salary provided for in this contract `,is to be subject to revision at the loption of the board if in their dis- qcretion, either upward or downward, [is deemed advisable or essential. I !DO0Ks a11'ez1(1_\' on me sneives. The proposal adopted at the con- _ ference was that libraries should co- `leper-ate in the purchase 01' the more llexpensive class of books for which the demand is limited. One library board will purchase, say, $100 worth Tiof books and retain them for three ._:months. They would then go to an- '!other library for three months, and ]continue till they came back to the library o1'ig'ii1z1ll_V purchasing" them, ,but would be catalog'L1e(l in the other [three libraries and residents of those jtowns could obtain them on paying {the postage both \\'a_\'s. By this lmeans the money at the disposal of ' lthe four boards would bring almost `four times the number of Volumes within their reach. 1] .-n T7 f` Tr\r\r\ir\rv_< 1n_~nn.--nv A9 u I 11'Z11'_\' Board, 1'ep1'esentatives of the Ba1'rie, Collingwood and Midland [boards met in Orillia on Friday last `to discuss the possibility of the four library boards co-operating in the ipurchasc of the more expensive iclass of books, and the exchange of` ibooks alrezidy on the shelves. 1 "F1". vuvnvxnun] -ulnnf-orl 21+ H10 r~nn- On invitation of the Orillia Lib- i COUNTY LIBRAREES a win P. `- .`\|C.l"l1CC. Mr. C. H. Hale, of Orilliu, who fspent much time in a1'ra11g'i11g' the }conference, was elected president of the new org'anizatiou, and Mrs. Leeds, of Barrie, vice-president. I Tho cnnr-Hnn rd `H11: vsn-inn: hn:n'r].`< Ineeas, OI Da1'1'1e, Vice-pi`c51uui11.. The sanction of the various boards will have-to be obtained before fur-` lther action is taken. i I l The Orillizx Board of Iitltlczltion, `which had 'lfo1'me1'l_\' cut its estinlates lby seventenths of :1 mill, decided last week to brillg the reduction to :1 full mill in response to the c0unc1l':; desire to keep the tax rate down. `l |\VlEI'1l1l E11011 l'(3ZlCI]. ` Mr. F. C. Jenning< Inspector 01' `Public Libraries, was present and nwas i'z1vo1':1b1e to the scheme. The Barrie Lib1`2u'_\' Board \\'u;~: represent- ged by Mrs. Montag`u-Leeds and Miss l.\TcPhee. I mr.. n u u..1.. ..+- n..:11.'.. wlm (I: |E N 'iT|RA\ l . CHURCH REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER (Of Residential Property, in the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe. Upon instructions received from the Executrix 01' the Estate of the late Cl1z11'l0s Swilmerton, there will be otlercd 1'01` sale by public nuc- tion at the The East 112111.` of Lot Number Three (3) and the West half of Lot Number Four (4), both on the North side of .\'orth Street, and `the East half of Lot Number Three (3) on `the North side of Grove Street (Bing'hz1n1 s Block), all in the said `Town of Bzxrrie, co11tainin_2,_' together l:;hrec-quarters of an acre more or I rang, DPIILJIVIJI-\l, HYKIL 41, 12}-JD at 12.00 o clock moon by W. A. McC0nke_\', _-Xuctioneer, the i'ol1ow1ng.,-` lands and premises, name- ly : I 'l`]1n Wncf ]1:\H' n1` T rd` \Tnn1hn1~ 1385. There is said to be erected on said lands a one and one-half storey brick rooms aml kitchen, also excellent . garden. I uveneer residence, containing six` Tnrrn: - 'T`nn nnv nnnf ni` Hwn Hvnn '1'ne property W111 be ottered I01` sale subject to a reserved bid. Henry Howell, farmer of North! Further terms and conditions will Orillia, was arrested by police on be made known at the time of sale, Saturday charg'ed with illegal manu- ,and in the meantime on application facture of liquor. A four-gallon still {to [was discovered on a farm owned by I Stewart 8: Stewart, `the accused's father, and kegs of 3, Vendor`: Solicitors, mash owned by neighbors were Barrie, Ontario. i found. Howell will appear in court Dated April 5th, 1935. on April 28th. b d.L'UUll.a Terms: Ten per cent. at the time _ of sale and the balance within thirty idays thereztfter. 'T`hn nrnncn-fv xvi ho n~'nv-nrl Frn-\ 1 UEl_\'S llll2l'Uil1. LE1`. The property will be offered for: T4"n1'f.'|1m' f.m'mq and nnnrlinnz ll (Continued from page one) SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1935 nf. I`).,00 n :-Int-1: nnnn Executor s Sale I ouug xucu. Evening at Seven Subject: Beholding What the \ Cannot See. rn, ,:_. -4.