STROUD `x .``1n\llt\ - tagaln on may 1. W. B. Tudhope, Clerk. ed Pineapple Pkt Rinse C 2 Tins for 19: Safclymalcsdorheswwal LB. Soap 1. rcursun, vv . Reid, Robt. . Gordon Laud- and George Grocers and Butchers, Allandale It is strange, but nevertheless ahad :1 narrow squeak at Peterboro. fact, that all Barrie teams to reach Maybe it is their nemises, and until the nals or semi-.nals have lost outa plant is installed here it may stick` on soft ice. Even this year the Colts with them. Buy Newand Save Money Egg .. Stove Nut .. Just Like New I u. rry, (1lSE1'lCt 1`ep1'esentat1\'e oi the Swift Co. rThe Mark of Chztmpions, the theme of the talk, dealt with the im-*1 portance of organized store1nun.~`n :. ` The dictiona1'_V says 21 champion 1:21 .~ -'ur)m-im- ft) :11] I-nmnnfifm-< "-` If ` Dependable Fuels Iopaco Products PHONE 229 OUR SPECIAL PROCESS RENEWS THE ORIGINAL FRESHNESS AND INSURES LONGER WEARING OF THE GARMENT. Cameron & Ellis Lehigh Valey ANTHRACETE Send Us any Manner of Clothing, Men's or Ladies, and We ll bring them back Perfectly Cleaned and just like New. DRAPES AND OTHER I-I()USEH()L]) ARTICLES GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION. Firth & Moore TIIE COAL TI4I.:\'.l` SA l7]SlI<`IES Goods Called For and Delivorecl BUSINESS MEN HEAR TALK ON SALESMANSHIP' -SPRING'r PRICES- . $13.75 .$14.00 . $13.75 .220 .15c .18c 2 lbs. Pea . . . . . . . Buckwheat Rice . . . . . . V Bosiclvs a full lino -of buxvd :`.m<-u];11vs, we (-zn'1'_\' :1 S111ilv.s' '11 Cllm-klos :1.<. of Ez1.\`tm' Czlndy. Nei1son s Easter Bricks Dv]i\'m'(`d Kiddies Kandies PHONES 33 and 748 109 DUNLOP ST. .350 . 19c . 19c . 29c . z1FI0 Fi} .$12.00 . $10.75 .$ 9.25 .19c .15c Czmd)' is :11\\'21_\'.~'. wol- r:01no, and NETLSO.\"S CHOCOL.-\'l.`ES` are pzn-.- ti(-ularly ])leasin_g'. P11one 58 17 Essa Road Sweets for Easter MAY WE SUGGEST A TREAT FOR THE FAMILY ! FUN Lilw mi" Ir`1'(-$11 and D. 3. BRUNTDN ALLANDALE QEZM R LHL` ilUlllE_V IO l'l0l(l CU>'[Oll1(.`1'S UL - cause of a reputation for :1 . lmg, clean and att1`21ct1\'c .=:,to1'r- 'th1'ou;:hout. The ability to hold cus- tomers because shopping` condition.-s nrn Kn nlnncsrnf Tho nhilifv 1-n THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 19:`-.. (`HM- L\Iv:x1.<. also L`L"clI.l5(;` SI10p[)ll1_L," (.'O]1(llUOU:$[ pleasant. The z1b111t_\' tel - . \ h\'r\ h\r\.'1f': cvnvr-n : .1115` VVZIS i:l.l'l'ZUlgCU D_\' .511 dlstnct 1-ep1-escntati\'e of f (Tn . ] 01111`1;\'. LULH. Tyrer-Sprott-That the secrebar_v and Trustee Bryson be appointed as delegates from this board to the Urban Trustees Association c0n\'e.. 4-Inn An \'lnv 1`1L1/1-1K A number from here attended the play and (lance at Craixrhurst. .\I1'.<. Geo. Thompson is visiting` with her mother at Edgar. `Mrs. K. McLean has returned to her home from the Barrie hospital and is improving` nicely. Vliau Vm-nu Jm-\' snnnt Rnndnv at ZlIlC(;` OI .)10,Ud`i.DO De uccepwu. Hammond-Smith-That the regu-i lar meeting called for May 13th'be cancelled and all business be n- ished at the Friday meeting on May 10th. Yr" urn: Qi`\\II\ 'T`lnnl> 4>lnn L~nn\~1'x4`.'1\~\v am: 15 1mprov1n;.,r mcely. Miss \ ernu Jory spent Sunday at 1101` home here. mum. v \xI..11.-m. u-no Immn nvcnv Hm nor nome nere. Bliss V. Walker was home over the week end. Miss L. Seymour spent Sunday at I'm; home in Midland. H:' . Sto1'eman.ship is the ability to lmve the rig-`lit thing: at the ri_e:ht place ati the right time. It is the ability to} have :1 clean and inviting` store front with grood di. in the wimloxw when l1ou.~'ewi\'es go . It is: the ability to hold customeizs be- nnnao A4-' as 1-nnn4~n+~':n~n +`nu r\ .n....!- -_...,, --__ .. __ _. rcnn..n_.. Motions '1`y1'er-Sp1'ott-~ l`hat the secretary-` treasure1"s report of nance as of March 31, 1935, showing a bank bal- zmce of $18,034.83 be accepted. T-Tnn1n1nnrI..rnif]1-'T`h:1f. thp 1`PI'll-V . lU1lU\\ I ` ' i That the tender of Geo. .\I.| EHend1'_v & Co. for school supp1ics,g ,z1mountin_2' to upp1'_o:~:im;1tel_\' $660, :be accepted. ` T1111!` .10 uniI'n< n+' I`) -\L||.lUIlLtl >._)l.Ll|.l\JAlL L.`_ uu mu.` \.uu,_1uu :~:,\'. to cover the supplies required for the year. That 10 dozen t_\'pew1'ite1' ribbons, 2 doz;-n t_Vpew1'itei' b1'L1shes with lon_ h;1n(lle.< and 1 doz-n t_\`pew1'ite1' b1'u. with short handles be pur- - 'x from the Ul1(l01'\\'00(l Type- \\'1'lt01' Co. on the coupon 5_\'>itCill to :L-over the 1'equii'ements for the _\`e21:'. That sL11)1)lie:: for the school nurse :1moL1ntin5.:' to z1pp1'0.\:i1natel_\' $.30 be >;CcLl1`O(l. "l`l1u4- an AP (`la-\..l'1`,n. xlvnwlw :\-nr\l'|,. _- Llll ` Ross `club czfled the K-Y, hobbies, is .l)ein9; o1'_2'm1i'/zed by the l\'i\vz1nis Club and the Y.M.C.A., and the room will be used for that pur-I l'OUiIl 111 block \\'z`;.< LIIL` UHFUIIIUIIL U1 LHUI commenced. A for boys with pose. The train out of Hamilton Tues- (lay moi-nin_2' ('l'2`.Sl1C(l into a car near Shelburne , killings; both occu- pants and cz:1'1'_\'in;r the our 350 feet `down the track. Mrs. N. R. D. Sinclair is attend-l -I ,L! ,, ',, T11, xvy `r n L-0. umler uz'.L(.- .u:'J.'('n 1-1, 1:10,), That Czlnadizln Ilzxfxs be pu1'c11z1.~tc for the Collegiate and P1-inceof Wales School at the best available price. Size of Ilv.g' to be 12 feet. , Th.-xf Hun hnlznn-.n dun rm rm nu- [})l'lC`. DIZC` O1 1u`.g' LU D(.' Ll lL:`UL. V That the bulzmcu due on re es- cape, umountlngx to $178, be pzud. That the bell system in the Col-. llegiate be 1'epzLi1'ed by i11stz111i11g 21 1tras.<,i'o1'n1e1' th1-ou_:h L. A. Emms at 21 cost of $215.80. in. and fully _9;ua1'2mtec(1. `I1 " (HIV 01 .Vl2ll'CH, SFl0\VL`(lZ , Number of visits, 46; children in-5 spected, 1,256; 1'e-admissions, 62; treatments, 39; sent home, 1; de- fects found, -16; defects terminated, 37; home visits, 22, and consulta- tions, 3. A total of 42 cases of mumps were reported as follows:. Victoria 26, Prince of Wales 12, King Edward 4.` 'JTl'Up(:`l'Ly d.Il(I supply L;UlllllllELCL`. Report No. 18 of the .\lana;,~'en1en`-.' `Committee, which was adopted, stab `ed that at the re_e;ular meeting.-; of the board held on F1'ida_V, April 5th, ;.a questionaire from the connnittee of the Ontario l'J(luc-ational Associa- gi.}l0ll f4'l\"il1_1L` resolution.~: to be con- I.~idered at the liaster convention of the Ontario School Trustees and ` {zitepa_x'e1's Association was re1'er1'-.-:_ .` `:0 the committee for coiisicleratioiiz Your committee met following the meeting.-' and carefull_v considered each resolution and are of llllx, cpirw ion that we cannot feel justied in askin_e' our dele_e'ate to be bound by any set in.'t1`uctio11s from this bourchi We feel that he should have an open: mind (11 all subjects presented `oe- fore `he convention, as we feel he is` 1'.1ll_\.' qualic(l to 1'ep1'e.sent this board and to car1'_v out its interests.f Our (ielegate (Mr. Sinclair) is a member of this committee and is familial" with our Viewpoints on the 11'e>:olution.' and we feel if given an; open mind on all subjects he will. vote as he thinks is in the best in-' `terest of all concerned, with our {board ahvays in mind. i Rnhu: n+' Han vncnlnfinnu urn hnvnl rm: acuupLL'u. ' M1`. U. r`a1'nne1(1 ; That -10 quires of stc11ci1.<, 1:2 _\I-cu-ion spent Tues( itubcs of ink and 4 bottles _of correct ']`1m (:}11'mcn of iim: fluid be pu1'chu;~:cd irom social ex-e11i11g in t ictner ('0. on the coupon systeln, to land ]od_::() rooms 0 I cover .~L1ppliL-.< required for the _\'em'. Mr. Jack Arnott 'ln:1t. 1:! ;1u11'cs oi st;-nulls zmu U3 end in Toronto. tubcs of ink be pu1',l irom Du;-iu_<,r the woeki ; i_\'utionz11 Stuti0ne1'.~: on the coupon 11;; the in the 1'cqLm'ed *1'm. Hm \'p]}~_ ,,1..L. ,...I.'.,.,I um I. ` b'UCLll'L`Ll. That 60 ;1`z11lons of Sl1e'.1'e1`\\'ash- able ink be pu1'ch-used th1'oug'h Douglzls D1'Uf. ,` Store, :\cco1'(ling' to quotation received from `Sl1(2uli (:1' Co. under (late '.\l:'.`.'<.-11 1-}, 193-3. 'l`1u.+ l"..nn.Hun (Inn... IL. v\II<.v/n]'u4\.`r\:x gU2ll'ZlllEL`CU. l Tlmi. our lm.4l;;e.,_a ;;(l;nini.~: :.;:tor ,be 1`uqu`L-stC(l to estimate the .~:up-` iplies needed for the j`21X1lt01'S during-:` the year and a(l\'e1'tise in local .paper for ten(le1's to cover the year- ll_\' . the P1'O1)C1`t_V and Supply. Committee to lmve power to decide` on tenders and place the order as` lthese .~tupplies are needed for liaster clezmin_;' before :u1otl1e1' lJozn'd meet-i mg`. 1 Pu-innlnalc Ronny-I: L111: EU [JlBil.Sd.ll[. LHC Z1DlllT._V CCI me1'cl1u11(1ise meats successfully, ' which means to avoid loss th1'ou_9:h- waste and at the same time z1ssL11~el cL1sto1ne1`:< of ne qualit_\', .:oo(lne.-. and f1'eslme.<.<. The alaility to l1:1\'(:ll :1 good a.<;~'omncnL of sezisonublc-; n1(`)'Cl]i11`1(ll>,'0, C-.~'peciall_\' in the f1'0.~:h5] :t'2'uit and \'e_9;etablc clepzwtnlcnts. The ability to have all equipment spick and span and wo1'kinj: pe1'fect-5 1_\'. The ul3ilit_\' to protect and on-it. sure p1'ot.< by cutting` down smullil losses which or:cu1' tl11'ou_<:h Limit:-L ` sa1`_\' l0Z1lx'L1_Q'C. such as spoi'l(',(i :11 (lama_0_'ed merchandise. Th:xt'.< . mzmship. 1 r o..,:n-., ...,`..._ ...._._,._,, ,,.,.,,_ l l _L l`( 1 BOARD" "PTUR"CIA-IASES SUPPLIES FOR YEAR I i (Continued from page one) i lfy the diiculty, whereas the advice! of steumtters or specialty salesmen- lwlm iiuve something` to sell rnay loud ;the job with unnecessary and expen- sive equipment. The letter contin- |ue bf. ollering their services in in- s'0.t',:`LllZl11_L," and 1m1k11,<.>; 21 report `in; rucommendatiolis and estimates on repairs to schools. Referred to `Property and Supply Committee. l l. nnn1'f. Ya IR n+' H10 `\l:1v1Li , |)U'cU.'U. 'cU.\V'd_\" lll H1HlU.. `_ Some of the resolutions we have: not zu1swe1'0d as we feel they are? too broad to be dealt with in the short time at our disposal. ! leport No. 16 of the P1'opert_\'z1nd. Supply Committee \V2lr z1(lopted'zis; follows : 'l`I\..4- H. o,\...l,... ng, ` Principals Reports ? Collcfzizlte .-\c:'.(lumic course: totalj ienrolmcnt -303, uvc-1`:.1_2'c uttcndz1nce' {-1712 or 84.8 per cent; Conmlercial ucoursez total enrolment 1-'14, uve1`a_2'e i;ztte11dz111ce 131 or {)1 per cent. Mr.` .-\.n_;-`us ROSS was absent, for the week` of llztrch 22-28 on account of ill-` A ~.` 4, `, I7-3.-HY }){'l' CUIIL. I CHIly Ud.IlK v)-1-3.214. 1(in3_,' (;`oo1'g'c-T0tz11 enrolment 14, a\'e1'2:g`c attendance 12.3 or 87.8 per cent. Penny bank $3.20. Report of School Nurse The report of Miss Vera A. .\Ic-~, Mahon, school nurse, for the month! of March, showed: I, Nnmhnv nf vicifc, :16: (-hi1r|rm1 in-. [JOY CCHI. 1`(.`HI1_V l)1ll1K, v`,>Ol.U:7. Victo1'iu--Total enrolment 398, ` zu'e1'u_4`e attendance 343.1 01' 86.6 per cent. Penny bunk, $62.28. I\'in:.r IC(lwzu'd-'I`otal enrollment 251, uvcragre attendance 223.301` HI3.-LE) per cent. Penny bunk $42 .)4.` Kimr (Inn:-u-n_'I`nf:1I nnrnlmpnf 1; ness. - W I Prince of Wa1es-'l_`ota1 enrolment I . -177, avcmgzc attendance -134 or 90' cent. Penny bunk, $87.09. ; Vi:-fnvin_.'I`nfnl m`n'nhnrAnf ?.!)R "(U1 LIUSLCCB ribbllllli on May 13-14-15. DALs'roN fl-_8 CUV'QI')' 1:: IOOKCU 101'. J Mr. and .\`I1's. Melbourne Orchard , {of Buffalo, N.Y., and M1`. and Mrs. `A_ c_`_;\`Iarsha11, of Wusha;2;o, were here month 1 over Sunday on account of Mrs. Or- 1cha1'd s .s'erious condition. ' \XT..1L,... ,\,),l;..\.. .-.43 Q&...u~1-.A.n..... LIXC lAllJblUllil1'_V bily U. cnalnlplon 1:3? .=-`upc1'ior to all competito1'.~:. If. you play ball, or golf, or b1'i(lg'e, on ` tennis, you want to win. Above all,` you want to win in busixiess. You wzmt to be a champion among" tir- 1'c-taile1's of your locality, and it is` 01's,-`animtion that contribute-:~: to the success of champions. The chum- pion food retailer o1'g,'z1nizes. H0 s_\': his work. By doing` so he not only pleases his customer.=, but he D]'OlJCCtS his prots by clin- inatin_2' needless losses. lctuilei-.~ who are 1'o21ll,v champions zm; di.~:~ ting-'ui: by the quz1lit_\' of store- mzmship. Qfni-m*nnnlwin in Han -.1kilih~ +n 'n~mxn-. 1e-5,; 60, ect- est- any. 'on1 pen red ms, one iter )u1'- "pe- :21:-. use 1;~:h ug.:'h to BT01` a few days with Mrs. M. A. Collins, Cumberland St. Mr`. C. Farneld and '1`uesdn_v in the city. Allandale held a e\`enl11_ ' the Sons of En_e:- 1-o`oms on Tuesday. spent the .weekI_. end the week the work of clean- basement of the loss club the boys o1`_2'zmi /zed liiwzlnis pur- out down attend- ing: the W..VI.S. convention in To- ronto from Tuesday to Thursday of this week. Bermuda Lecture OVBF LWBllLy'*llVU yBH.l'5. l_ The Women s Institute met at the ,1` home of Mrs. Cruse on Thursday . I afternoon last with an attendance of > twenty. The roll call was answer- .ed by Hints for Housecleaning.` llnteresting current events were given lMrs. S. Fralick, and a humorous reading by Mrs. Irwin Johnston was enjoyed. {Two papers, one on The ` Inuence of Environment in the 'Home, by Mrs. Downey, and ``Tend- ' ency of the Times, by Mrs. Herb. 4 0 Johnston, were full of helpful sug- ' gestions and ideas, and proved bth 5 interesting and helpful. Some com- , munity singing: was enjoyed. Mrs. " Dusto was made convener of the ` prograin committee. Report of the 1 9 district executive meeting at Elm- ' ivale was given by the president; 3After the National Anthem, a tasty Itea was served by Mrs. Beilby and 1 Mrs. F. Priest. The May meeting 1 will oe at Mrs. S. Fralick s on Thurs-l} , day, May 9th (note change in date) l, and will be the annual business 4 .- meeting. ( :j 1 L" DlllC.l'cll.l'. I Mr. W. A. Bell spent the week ` :end in Collingwood. I Blrs. ]{en. Ilayner returned onl Sun(la_\' after a few days in To-i ronto. I 11. 1) Q..un1nu A-I-' rI`I\Ivt\I`|+r\ e~nn I `ITOIH Zlll 0])(,`l'ilLlUIl JUL" il[)}JCIlUl(.'lL15. '{ Mr .an(l )l1:<. I`). Schell, of Allis- _ ton, visited on Sundzzy with the, 11 o1'n1e1"s sistt;-1', Mrs. A. Gi`en. * H Cong'1'aLL11-utiolxs to Mr. and Mrs. )-Mervyn Fralick on the arrival of -.1 `little (laug'hte1' on March 26th. ` NIH L111!` `Tr: I-I WT!-V.\v:|`n Qnn .\`lid1and Cfonservatives have com- menced o1'g'anizin;r for the coming` election and red the first shots ofi the szunpaisrn at a meeting` of the. party stalwarts last Monday, April Ist. Addresses were given by Wil- liam Finlayson, K.C.; A. B. Thomp- son, .\I.P., and Geo. Spotton, M.P. for North Huron. tms wcox. At the w(.-c-kly meeting' of the, 511 Road Ioung: Peop1e s Society, luv. Czxrlstone Doc ,J:a\'e an illus-| tnlted lecture on Bermuda, which rwus j.51'oa r.l_\` enjo_\'e( .. The Kennedy Quzn`tottc plc;.1.<.ed with musical num- bers. 'I`..m~,l.nv r\vr\\'\:V`\rv Han Ta`:-an Dani` 1: n nuncsvme. v Ken. .a_\'nc-1' motored to To1'on s<;* Saturday a1'te1'noon. , Mr. Frank Dohe1't_\, of .Vlidl'.1nd, ' cnnnf 'I`uncr].n` u'*H1 `Jr -111!` \Yx'\: T1 E I w \ nammzon. ; M1`. and .\Irs. J. F. Brass, of Lind-E say, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hanna on Sz`1tu1'duy. M1-. .\'Iau1`ice Trevellyzm, of '1`o- ronto spent the week end in town. 111'. Percy Jay visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jay, Cumberlzmd St., on )Ionda_V. '|`11rx nnnnnl n1n+'|nn- n+' Han Allnh- {I011 011 DLlIl(lll_\" IEISL. ; Miss L. C. Baird, of Toronto, is vvisiting with Rev. and Mrs. N. R. D. Sinclair. } N/Tu \X7 A DA" nnnnt +1-.n uvnn1r: 3 uuzxy; Stroud Puu1 s < , _Q`1'am. T11 n T xuuuanuy. In Swift's man_\' . zunon_:, h0u; and 1'0tai1e1'.=,, real facts have been uncovered reveuhn_<.1' the denite sho1)pin}.:' preferences of the, hou: and the impo1't:mt pl121. of successful 1'0tai1in;:. I11\'estig`:1-` ti_on 1`e\'ea.1o(i that the out.stzm(1in_4" 1-r:a.=on why women prefer one . to another is c1ean1in;<.<. C1e:m1inc-.'<.~! is 21 vital part of sto1'em21n.=hip. The ])i(*tu1'cs . illustrated 01' ,L'z1nized st01'em:1n:~:l1ip by vi.=,it.~' to modrz-1'n, wc-ll-kept . \\'11e::: cleanliness and o1'_9;anization were- the key words. 7'.-\Hnu~Cnn. `11r\ 4-.111-in... ..: T11oLitc1':n`j' Dc-pz11'tmr.-nt under the ch21i)'n1un. of S0j\'mou1' John-` ston, had chzu'_u'o of the Burton Ave. Y.P.S. lneeting` ;VIonda_v night. I\I1`:<. l\'21the1"1nc: I{em1cd`.' yrzwc a talk >011 the life of works of Walter ' Scott. l Miss 13. Little, of Toronto, visitedl, with her parents, M1". and .`.I1'_s.| John Little, William St. ' yI;{`l3 fn1nc (....,..+ 1.12.: xxvnnlr nml` JOIN] LIIECIE, VVlU.ldI11 DI}. Miss Wales spent last week end; with her si; Mrs. J. Fields, at: Huntsville. * L' r\'In I)nnnr.u r\vt\"I\1Ir\I` 4-n rvrn-nu... : mange. Mr. and spenmng` 21 1 Hamilton. `Ah . nu ) 1 l The annual metingr of the Allan- l(lllL` C.N. Bowling` Club will be held on '\V'e(lnesday, April 17th, in the` 5 .M.C..~\. Election of ofcers and -g'enc1';xl busine:~',s. ' . \ nnuv ..,\4',&n;'l nr\1xv\+r\1- lanai om, U11 .u(muu_v. I : to. 1 I. M2-:<. R. Scanlon, of Toronto, spent! ;u {'r.-\\' (lays with_ Mr. and Mrs. L.| Spearn this week. | T\`Tv: .T Tinvirlcnn nf `!VHn1ir-n. . Dilellfll CHIS \VUl;'K. ` . | I Mrs. J. Dzwidson, of Mmnco, spent `:1 few days with Mrs. M. A. Collins, ' `.\,f...~ f` 17. .-nl..-.1.-I aux} (`Inna-In!-nv L3d.laLlL'ud_\ dJ.Lt51'1lUUH. spent Tuo;~`da_v with 311'. and Mrs. H. T`.r]u'rx LUIILU, FIJUIH4 LIN: \\/UU A number of St. `people attended the :ton on Sunda_V last. Mug 1 n nn;..,: `IILLIB (l'clUg'|lLUl' Ull AVl'cl.1`LZll LDLJI. M1`. and )I1`s. H. Mcliwan, son Ross and ;\I1`s. Houston motored to Toronto for the week end. 311-5. A. O1'chzu'd suffered a severe concussion from a fall In her home `on F1-iday last. She is still in a serious condition, although her re- covery is looked for. \I'r nnrl VI)-2, \`Tp1hnIn'np 01-r-'h'/ird Arl.J.Brennan BUTCHER 'CHill'US SCYIOUS COIIUIEIOH. 3 Walton Addison, of St1'z1sbourg', Sask., is renewing` old zicquuintaiices here this week after an absence of over twenty-ve years. Tho Wnmr>n c Tn<:f.i1'.n1'.n rnnf at H19 meizmvc-.< 111 10!'Ol1E0 1-.151. ween. Hi1li:n'd Chappoi, of Crown Hill, spent. a few (lays recently with Hzuwy Fo;\'. He is con\';11escing `from an 0])C1`li2iO11 for appendicitis. \i1- and Ur; ii`. Qt-iwnii nf Aiiia- I 1 311-5. Wilmot Cook vlsltcd `1'el21ti\'(-.'< in Toronto last week. < 1.1:} `ml f'1a-nuunl n+' r`\\r\1l'h ers. '1`ucsdz1_v evoninyx the Essa Road 01:21:: people \\'o;-1'0 Qtlcsts of the ltroutl P1'(esbyt(:1'iu11 Y.P.S. The St. uu1 o19:aniv;:1tio11 put on the p1'o~ 1") n1 i.i.?WA|.E MINE SIN G 1 1 Mrs. Bum. Baer arei few days with relatives inl ` I The Northern Advance wi tn LHL` !\(_`_\ \\'Ul'U5. F'ollowin5.z' the talking` pictu1'L~` those attending` inspected the exhihtr of Swift products and were served 1'.>f1'e: .LJ.II\.I|lJ.l K Mrs. `Herb. Wallace entertained the United W.A. at her home on Wednesday, April 3rd. There was a good attendance. Miss Agnes Mar- quis had charge of the devotional period and gave a very appropriate paper on Spring and Easter. A 'hearty expression of appreciation `was tendered the cast of The Chintz Cottage, and committee in charge, on the success of their play. In the social half-hour refreshments were served by Mrs. Wm. Givens, iMrs. J. Mason, Mrs. R. Constable and |Mrs. 0. Black l`1an Ta`-_m+.:m Hqnnlzn-`m-ii1cr nf H10 Mrs. U. black, The Easter thzmko`ering of the United W.M.S. will be held on Wed- nesday, April 17, at 2.30 p.m., in the S.:S. room. Mrs. (Rev.) Mc- Ewan, formerly of Churchill, will Inn I-Inn a-nn=+ anpnlcpr. l`.NVaIl, Iormerly 0.1 L be the guest speaker. Tudhope and `mark Ior lnvesuguuun. The several accounts before the councll were ordered pald and coun- cil will meet again May 7. W R, 'I`ndhnne. C1erk.| 'ect rellet atter April 1:). Requests of O. Woodard and D. Ferguson re pine trees on Bass Lake Road were referred to Councillors Tudhope and `Clark for investigation. 'I"hn unvnvai :`H`(`nll`ni .S before Oro Council met at the Town Hall on April 1st with all the members present, including` A. Ill. Tudhope, the new councillor, who was wel- comed by the reeve on behalf of the council. , Coun. Currie paid in $10 from} iCecil Sutton for sale of trees, Div- :0;/sis rzn Brookes. Fence \/'ie\vers--Henr_v Smith, John Pratt, Egerton McLean, Jas. Pue, H. H. Malcolm, Hugh Graham, Frank Shelswell, Geo. Kirkpatrick, Thos. Bell, David A. Smith, W. J. O Brien, W. V. Anderson, D. Par- tridgc, Frank Madden, Fred Hodges, Robt. Paisley, Robt. Storey, Albert Jermey, W. R. McLean, Oscar Woodard, John McNabb, Chas. An- derson, R. Maudsley and Wm. Haz- lett. 1+ ...... .im.:.1..,1 +.-. Ilicnnnfinlul dir- lision 50. A deputation from 01-0 .~\_v;ricu1- tural Society was present 1'c-;:;ardi11g proposed new cattle building`. .T_ A. `;\`I:mDufT was 1)1'esen1; ask- and Ience VXOWGTS2 I Poundkee-pe1's--Archie Woodrow, Wm. Johnston, E. H. Pearson, W. R. McLean, John A. Caldwell, John Pratt, or A lnv Cvnlnn m nnrl George 81', .``\ll Brookes. TED.-nan .\I1'. 11. W. Po_\"1te1'. of O1'i11i:1, ': notirzd last week that His 3121-? _ 3' the King` had .<:1m`*tioncd his ad- ' m1s. into the O1'(10r of Hrmpitul of St. John in Jc-1'u.' This high, honor has been be: on Mr.: P0ynte1' for his keen inte1'e: in first` aid work. He will 1'c-coive his in-l .~'i_;'1m from the Go\'e1'no1'-Gencml. _ I It was aeclueu to ulscm I . . iect rehef after Aprll 15. pnl1DQ+C n`F n Wnndn1'( proposed canuc Du11u1n_:,-`. J. A. I\`IacDu" p1'esen1; ing for .','1'd,Tlt to cut down hill on north end of his division, and Alex. `Fletcher wished some trees opposite `his. property removed. W. R (l11n n m-ml tn nurchasel `Ins. p1'opc1'ty removed. E. B. Guest o'e1'ed to purchase lsome poles cut on Div. 79. A I'nr-1-.1\Jv \\m< nngsc-.d zmno1nt1mr some poles cut on uw. A by-law was passed appolntlng overseers of hig.-;h\vays, poundkeepers and fence viewers: D...n.Aln..-,~mm-u Aw-In Wnmlrnw_ Ett. It decided to discontinue dir- n+ v-nlin-F n Anr 15 Spy App1es-6 qts. . . . . . . . .39c I-Iead Lettuce--2 . . . Cooking App1es-6 qts. . . . . ..29c Ripe Tomatoes--1b. . New Carrots-2 bunches . . .150 Leaf Lettuce-each Dutch Set Onions and`Potato Onions for Planting Siiced Pipeapple 'eu, aonn rruu., Alex. Graham ORO COUNCIL I About fty business men, ladies: and sales help of Barrie were pres-g ent at the Queen's Hotel Blondziy of last week, when the Swift Can-1 zulian Co., Ltd., put on a display 01,5 M their products and gave :1 talk on` S`:11esmanship, which was visuali::e(i| through the use of talking [)i(:tl1l`C:~'.I 'l`h(: niceting-' was arrzmged by 31. ` O. I"]".'. rlicfvir-f 1-run-nzr-nf-.1Hvn n?