Collier St. United church -Tim Gonnell. JIVIILD SUNNIDf'-.LE'. Roxy Theatre THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY FREE DINNERWARE Given To-night--Thursday New Low Prices, All Seats 25 The Picture Every Man, Woman and Child Should 1 Not Miss ! ' JACKIE COOPER in Also the Comccly ll--lit of the "Year. Stm:'ing Aline MacMahon, Guy Kibbee, Hugh Herbert in THE MERRY FRINKS Silly Symphony Cartoon in Color Matinee Sat1n'du_\f at 2.30 I 1'i(:es 15<- and 10(- MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY FREE DINNER\V.\RE (:`ri\'en 'M.()ND.-\Y N]Cr`.IA'I'l` Mati11ee VVed11esda._\j at 2.30 Pricvs ]_5<- and ].()< Todd and Kelly Comedy-0ne Horse Farmers Musical Comedy Revue--My Grrandfather s Clock --COMINGr-- N orma. Shearer in The Barretts of Wimpole Street R.OXY-HOUSE O14` I-TITS The Screen s Perfect Lovers united again in the Grrandest Thrill on the Screen- JOAN CRAWFORD and CLARK GABLE in All accounts must be paid by J:mu- ary 20th, as the books will be closed, for the year. -1 _ . . . ... one ncurizsb Agcnl [UT pares, 1 tweets, nezurn Lzmzrs, and '.('ram Information. _CANADlAN NATIONAL T4083 _ Pe<=k s3a:d%3 F"." Aurora, Newmarlget, Allandale, Barrie, Orillia, Gravenhurst, Bracebrldge, Huntsville, Scotia, Burk s Falls. and South River To NORTH BAY and ALL STATIONS on line of TEMISKAMING & NORTHERN ONTARIO RLY. and NIPISSING CENTRAL RLY. and beyond COCHRANF. to KAPUSKASING and HEARST. `CENT-A-MILE TRAIN SERVICE: To All Points beyond Norfh Bay, use 'I`rhin No. 47 arriving North Bay A.M. Saturday, JAN. 12. To North Bay use Train 47 arriving North Bay A.M. Saturday, JAN. 12. also Train 41-141 arriving North Bay P.M. Saturday, JAN. 12. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE See nearest Agent for Fares, Tickets, Return Limits, and Train Information. nnmulnn-5:43.: nan-m--4a.-a- I Why gamble on the chance 0f safety when real safety costs so little ? 3arri0 s Home of E11te1rtaiu111e11t Deluxe -.I x "The Horse is no stranger than the Harnes.s" Capital Paid-up - 30 Million Pwllar Rpantunn Ina - - an M:]]:nn ' ._- 4NE\V 1 R1iICES--ALL SE.-\'J.`S 25c FLCHAlNED ;.uu L/IJLIJLJ J..llJ1J\J5l.I.a JJUACD U1 1.110 Canadian Bank of Commerce are placed in vaults built to provide protection for the Ba11k s own valuables. The Bank cannot afford to gamble on a chance of safety . . . neither can you. The rentals of this Bank s Safety Deposit Boxes are low. You are gamblin with theft, with re, with care essness, with short memories. The Safety Deposit Boxes of The RIIDQIP A 5 @ A - A A - -A When you place a deed in an unlocked wooden drawer; an insurance policy in a pigeon- hole; a will in some hiding- place; a bond in a cash box . . . you are gambling on a mere chance of safety. ROUND TRIP 'nHURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1935. T:-jj BARGAIN mass ` 1U VV11 By virtue of 21 \vzu`r.'-mt issued byi the Mayor of the Town oi Barrie,i bearing date the eighteenth day of: September, 1934, sale of lands in am` rears of taxes in the Town of Barrie: will be held at m_v office, Ba1'r1<-., ml the hour of two o clock in the afir:-I noon on the Fifteenth day of Janu- ?r.`_V, 1935, unless the taxes and costs[ are sooner paid. Notice is her"'*;:. given that the list of lands hr sale, for arrears of taxes is being publish-I 13!` in Han nnfnvin Cnvpffp rm H!-`ii - l The annual general meeting` of the; shareholders of the Barrie .~\g'ricult-i ural .~\rena, Limited, will be held atj the Police Court, Barrie, at 2 p.m.i on Wednesday, January 23rd, 1935,i to receive the report of the directors for the past year, to elect directors for the ensuing` year, and to transact:' such other business as may be brought! before the meeting. I By order of the President. A. F. A. Malcomson`, 5ec y.$ I BARRIE CURLING AND ATHLETIC CLUB g ! IVY-THORNTON TELEPHONE CO._5 tor OI LZIXCS IS Ueulg puuusu-z ed in the Ontario Gazette on th-."' Sixth day of October, the Third ~17.-y of November, and the First day of; December, 1934, and that copies of`; the said list ma_v be had as my o:ce.! 'T`1-n-,n:I11-av : (`moo pQ1`1'iD fhi the Sam 1151'. ma_v De 11210 a; my 0zuce.: Treasurer s Office, Barrle, this 3nd} day of October, 1934. ` A, W, Smith. Trearn-or. The annual meeting` of the share-' REV WDL -4112111, Of D0Ve1'C0111`t3 holders of the Stroud Telephone Co.gP1'esb.\'term}1 Church, Toronto, who] will be held in the Community Hall,`1S C011dU<-'t111&` the Week Of P1'ay1'j Stroud, on Wednesday, January 16,lse1'\'ces, was the guest speaker at the; at 2 p.m., for the purpose of e1ect_rCo1l1e1' St. )I_en s Club banquet on` mg directors and other business. Tuesduy e\:e_n1ng. His tallg included! R. A. Sutherland President.i111z111_\' amusmg sldelights of his recent: W. Lennox Black secret3ry_;t1'ip through the British Isles. Annual Meeting ! The annual meeting of the share-1 holders of the Barrie Union Cemetery` Co. will be held in the Police Court` Chambers, Barrie, on the evening of Monday, January 21st, 1935, at 81 o clock, for the purpose of electing: directors and the transac ion of gen-T eral business, including tie revision of by-laws. ' All lot owners are : i TL..- '|\I....L D..--2.l-_L I REV. E. E. LONG, B.A. B.D. Minister Lloyd Tufford, Organist and Choir- maste.-. I BARRIE AGRICULTURAL ARENA [ ANNUAL MEETING 01-` sraounl TELEPHONE COMPANY 4 Barrie Unio nC em etery; c is '3u1{JA\ ll % REV. lOUiS PICKERING MINISTER Town of Barnc, County of Simcoe Tn WTT - w. in. ALLEN AYFIELD ST. BA HARNESS J11.) I 7 p.m.--Adjutant Whiteld. You are cordially invited to these nrvinnu `' and GA uuux. \,u. YOU ARE WELCOME Sunday, Jan. 13, 1934 Sunday, Jan. 13, 1934 11 a.m.--The Minister. 3 p.m.-The Church School. (The Junior Church Schooi for children 25; to 8 years meets at 8 9: m \ F. R. Arnold, Treasurer. D081`, lvok. A. W. Smith, Treasru-or arnc, noun` TO WIT : A3 :1 uvnuw nurs um .~'11;u'uuumura'. 1 Thos. Nash, President} J. W. Ness, Sec.-Treas.` III l BARRIE ) EH8:-8 rim W.C.T.U. special meeting` on Man- day, Dec. 13th, at 3 p.m., in the Li- brary Hall. Members are requested to attend. ` Barkers , Florists, are moving three ldoors west of their present store on Monday. New address, 58 Elizubethl Rf E: s i: :ing on a note in connection with a'shoul.d not avail themselves of the IUUD UIILILUILUD clip (JDIXCLI. IA`) \4U'\J1JCJ.LlhU in making" this an interesting and pro- table evening. ` .l41ll4lU- l Any municipality linking up with the Victorian Order of Nurses always ---e- Imantains 100 per cent. interest. The Mrs. Roy C. Rose and son Lornc,`service is for the high and the low, of .\'ewmarket, called in Barrie on those able to pay and for those not Honday inquiring the whereabouts of ; able to pay. There is an impression `the former s husband, Mr. Roy C. that the V.O.N. service is for indi- `.Rose, who until recently has been _<.~;ents only. This is a wrong impres .selling Fuller brushes. Esion. lvlvery nurse wants to be of yservice and bring: comfort to all. Judgment for $206.35, amount ow-`,Thcre is no reason \vh_v the rich motor car sale, was awarded in favor services of the V.O. nurse. The of the plaintiE', R. J. Finley, againstltrouble is we are all slaves to fash- 'Barbara Nicholls and Chas. Nicl1olls,`,ion. The report given by Miss Scott {of Lefroy, in Division Court on Tues- for Barrie was satisfactory, but the; }service could be used more. lwould suggest that the nurse be not electric stove, ` _L'i\'en more work, but more to do. nl znvnnl Hr:-nlH1 hue hr-on Hin nuncf n+' Han. For Sale-)IcC1ary n\'r*r>llonf'. nnhrlifinn, [in He;- I Positon wanted as housekeeper. Trust;wo1'thy and eicient. References Phone 978j. 1 Page Eight commencing` at 3.30 p.111., 3. camp re- `-union will be held in Trinity Parish lHall. Supper will be served. All [those who attended the Girl Guide uklamp at Cedar Point last summer are `invited to attend. Prizes and badges lwon at camp will be presented. On Saturday afternoon, Jan. 19th, ` 1; A quantity of s11i11g' line and V Ltackle was stolen from Gordon Fer-` ?guson"s sh shanty situated on the nice at the foot of Bayfield St. Sev- 'eral other shermen have also com- y'p1z1ined of their shzmties being` tamp-3 . cred with. 3 _ | For Rent-Heated apartment on ground floor, private entrance, extra large living and dining; rooms, kit- chen with tiled sink, 2 bedrooms, filed `bath room, electric stove, refriger- lator, blinds, curtain rods electric x- ,tures; now available. Apply Miss" 'Hinds. Phone 264. ' Monday evening, Jan. 2lSt1(1l, in lgub-` lc Library Hall, play by ea ing ar- grie talent, sponsored by W.C. I.U.[ !Adn1ission 25c, students 15c. The. {Young People s Societies of the var-9 'ious churches arp asked to co-operate` {in nilaking interesting pro-: tab c evening. I . . u u it The vocational evening classes w1ll| ` I ire-open. on Thursday, Jan. 3rd, in.f ithe Prince of Wales School. Cl'.Lsscs,? ievery Tuesday and Thursday even-s1 ings, 7.30 to 9.30. Subjects: l\ I0tO1`?I Mechanics, Show Card Writing`, Art,[` English Bookkeeping and Arithmetic, J, Dressmaking and Household Science ` |(Cooking). Ladies may enroll inlc Sll0\V Card Writing and Motor Mc~i lchanics, as well as in other classes. `Another year is ushered in, fA new path on the way, It seems but 21 short month ago Since the last New Ycar s Day. ' an I Lorne,`s [of on`t ihlonday 21 t u I Unto this path we take our past, And trusting1_V we go, `So brzwr.-ly forwzml to our tasks `As days unfold we know. The jzuilrlimx hum] of other years, May it lead Lh)`()Ll].','h the new, | I`o paths of service for mzmkind i'l'hz1t are both broad and new. stove,` !in excellent condition, also some} ihooked rugs. Phone 1288. 11 a.m.-Se1'vice of Installation ofi Sunday School Ofcers and 'I`eac}ar:1`s. Sermon by Minister: Preparafion in Religious Teaching. 0 .. ._- fV_.._.... .l,...,.3 f`l..,~.,-. -(3.... V A . u n ml Ola, Lt DU. `.\IORROW-At the R.V. Hospital, on: i Tucsdzzy, Jan. 8, 1935, to Mr. and: v Mrs. .-\.1th1m' Morrow, Bayela St.,| [ a dau,r.>;hte1'. ' \VICI{ERS-.-\.t the R.V. Ilospiatl,` 3 ` Barrie, on Saturday, Jan. 5, 1935.: i to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vickers, 36} j Bradford St., 21 son. I `W.-XX.-\)*1.~\KI53R At the R.V. Hospi-' tal, Barrie, on Monday, Jan. 7, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs. Wana- nmker. 52 Dunlop St., a son. 1 I I I v I 1 MURPHY-At-His home, 9:11 con.,; Vespra, on Friday, Jan. 4, 1935 Fun- John Murphy aged G6__\'ears. eral on Monday to St. Mar Church and Cemetery. I : _ Yb; 1 CRAWFORD--At the R.V. Hospital. f Barrie. on Sunday, Jan. 6, 1935, Lo ; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Crawford, Oroi * Station, a son. 5 .ROB11\'SO.\'--.-\.t the R.V. HospiLal.j : Barrie, on Saturdzty, Jan. 5, 1935. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Jets. Robinson, East; RI :1 tnn Especially recommended for Rheumatism. Lumlmgo, Sciatica, Ncuritis, Sprains. Bruises, Colds, Sore Threats, Camrrh, Stomach Troubles. Cuts. Sores. Kidney and Bladder. etc. 25:. 40c, 65c. 90c ' At your Druggist or from AUSTRALIAN DRUG COMPANY NATURE'S HOUSEHOLD REMEDY 75 Duchess Sh, Toronto WAvcrlcy 4521 Local News DEATHS BIRTHS REVIEW YEAR'S WORK V.0. ANNUAL MEETINGI We carry a com- plete line oH-Iar- ` _..-.~ and alarm ' (Continued from page one) Treasurer's Report Receipts-The year started with a balance on hand of $488.83, and with nursing fees, $331.70; Met1'opoiit;an Life, $289.06; membership fees, $620.00; bridge party, $208.05; tag day, $108.40; town grant, $400.; Imade a total of $2,446.04. ' . Diclan1-compnf:__.N1n-en : eznrv [ 'lllZl(l(i 3 1}OL'dl O1. v)Z,`:L`kU.U-El. Disbursements-Nu1'se s salary, $1,533.00; nurse's expenses, $1.25`. telephone, $28.40; assisting nurse, $41.25; motor car expense, $197.75; incidental printing, advertising, stamps, etc., $46.75. Total $1,848.40, leaving a balance on hand of $597.- (:4 'The operating cost for the year, $1,848.00, was about $100 less than` I I in 1033. Nursing fees are about $100 above the previous year, also the membership fees, but the town grant was only $400, compared with $500 in 1933. `There is 21 substan- tial balance on hand, $597.64, but this will be needed during the early part of the year when there are few :9 `ceipts and no way of making; money. i Dr. Jackson Dr. Gordon Jackson, -Medical Health Ofcer for Toronto, said he was not ; a stranger in Barrie. Seventeen years ago when troops were being mobilized he was stationed in Barrie [for some time and made many fronds. 3 Among` those Whose friendship he had iretained and valued was Dr. A. T. `Little. Am, |\111n1.n:hn]:4~x1 1:...1,:..,. .m ...:n. CZUIHOE Dllrn THC TKln. Limbcr up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your drug- gist, and in just :1 moment you'll be free from rheumatic and sciatic pain. soreness, stiness _and swelling. Don't suffer! Relief awaits you. Old. honest St. Jacobs Oil" has relieved millions of rhcumntisrn sufferers in llw last half century. and is just as good for sci- atica neuralgia, lumbago. bnclcnche, sprains and swellings. cu uizuu 01 E116 \'.U..V. i We hear much about reducing: the` l`maternal mortality, but the educa-1 'tional work of the nurse will do more! than any agency in this regard. Too much stress has been laid on the dan- gers of motherhood with the result `that young matrons are being f1'i,<.-:l1t-i iened from undertaking this natural` ,function. We should instill fear, not of motherhood, but of attempting" to ;inte1'fe2'e with it. True meztsures of ,p1'e-Imtal care are unknown to the! i;Lve1'zx;,re home, and this is where then inurse can be instrumental in brin.e;-1 I in}: happiness and contentment to .our homes. I In 1.1.-..-.n,.. T1 Tn..1....... .......... c..- `I 'I"ho nu-Janna n4~` Dn....:.. nun +,. 1....` `_`.',l\Ull ll|Ul'l'.` \VUl.'l\, ULIL HIUICU LU UU. I 1 Health has been the quest of the: human race from the beginning ofi `-time. All down the ages various, forms of witchcraft, imploring of the| gods, ctc., were practiced in seeking} health. It remained, however, for a French chemist, Louis Pasteur, to dis-| cover the _:I:erm of disease which led` `to the formation of modern medicine. :Prevention is the important thing. :Histor_v records that infested milk 5and water caused many diseases. ` in education. A twenty-minute talk` illu Hllll. ! The Personal Touch i It is fashionable to say that health lis a matter of education. but the `personal touch is the great element lon health by a. competent nurse is; {Worth more than reams of 1itc1'ature.l !The1'e is an abundance of advice on lhealth, but much of this is propa-: g'a11da, and much of it is contradic-' ltory and suspicious. 'l`he public must ;be made familiar with true knowl- >e(l;:`e by sound teaching from a trust- e(l teacher. We go to the doctor for `zulvice, but the nurse is the educator `The nl11`Sl1`I_Q,` profession is meeting` the 'dcman(l made on it, `.ll(l the `.'.O.f\'. has kept in the `.':=.n. .`. nurse; jmust have a year s post-;;'1'a lwork, which gives a wider knowlcdgei 'of nursingx. Maternal welfare work? has been and always will be the do-; jniain of the V.O.N. `Up. Tnnnn r\111n1-u nlnnnt ..,.,l...n:... 4.`L.,~.i |UUl' JIUIHES. In closing` Dr. Jackson gave ve Ipillnrs on which to build for good `htlilltht Good food, plenty of rest, fro.- air and sunshine, plenty of ex- orcise and recreation, and proper on-1 vironmcnt. T '|` Q:I`\~.I'\:vr\r\ `MT D rxru L..L..]l` Al` Vll'UXllllUH|',. J. '1`. Simpson, M.P., on behalf of the f4'1L1;hOl`ih_`.{`, tendered to Dr. Jack- `son :1 vote of thanks for his instruc- Live address. I All Abullluua ;\.u\,uu.b. 2 p.m.-Crusade1`s Class fo1'Young" Men. Speaker: M1`. Frank Dobson. ` 3 p.m.-()ur Church School. I 7 p,m.-Goodwill Exchange of Pul- ' pits. Rev. J. H. Garbig will preach at Central Church. 17/\~rv .-nu xnnr r` I `illlu \\'kXLUl' CHUSKJU many 015011595. 1 The cltizens of Barrle are to be jcongratulated on that they have pas-' 1 I ;teu1'ized milk and a pure water sup- `lply, due in a large measure to the 5insistence of Dr. A. T. Little. Bo- ivine tuberculosis has been practcally ieliminated in Toronto and elsewhere isince the compulsory use of pasteur- .ized milk. ! T1... D .... __1 -r_.._:_ What's Rheumatism? Pain only. Stop (Iruggingl Not one case in fty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs Oil" directly upon the tender spot" and relief comes instantly. `St. Jacobs Oil" is :1 harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which never disappoints and cannot burn the rkin. I ;fY!`\nI' nnl n..:. ...-......1..:..:.....u r~_. RubRheumaticPain, Soreness, Stiffness E Rub Paln right out with small trial bottle of old St. Jacobs OH. 10 \uz'r|n:m TO THE ELECTQRS or INNISFIL I wish to thank the elev- tors for the splendid sup- port given in again electing me reeve. Now that the ` g'l11' is over, may I Ilrge the ;.(-0-o1)e1.'a1'i011.0e`r,' all in pre-' 1n0`cing the best interests of I the tew11sl1i1.). l.`l1e council will at all times be open to suggestions i`1'om any rate- payer. I will endeavor to adlninister the uffai1's of the t`o\\'11shi_p for 1935 in a way deserving` of the support. given me. > y I ) l >(". `KT T-Tnn 1r-v TO THE ELECTORS OF ` '. INNISFIL May I `take this oppo1'tu11- ity of H1a11k_i11g' you for fend- orinp; me an ac/c-].a1m11'i011 as ._Dep11ty-Ree\'e for 1935. I trllst that I may continlle to 1nc1'i r your <-011de11ce. ` n...,.-11.. 1:1 mmm L f 1 TO THE ELEGTORS OF: 1 INNISFIL I Reeve Jos. Spich(:1', vet ;e1'-.111 01' 3many a municipal battle, is move of 'iSum1idz11e for 1935, wimung over S 3- S. Patton b_y 431 to 405. John Buic 3 vvas also re-elected dcpuL_v-1'e.~.-0. _' Councillors elected are J. Carm- ll, thers, J. E. Pottage and W. H. Ma1:s-; ' g bridge. 1! ` Please atoopt 111) sincere lzmks 'f'o1' H10 spo1nd1(1 .sup- ]j)01-`r g'ive11 me at the polls on I Monday. rm 1rrIn1"r D Q1711 n1rT C` 1:51.51. unuu. u..-... ness and also make harness your order. Dems l\'olan, reeve of Bradford for many years, and with uspi1':1tIuus for the Wurdenship ths yezn-, went down to defeat when ex-Wardelx J. E. Coombs was elected reeve E01` 1935 by 265 to 191. Councillors elected were Lukes, Cousirns, Spa.-nu and Collmgs. I __j_____ ' Only two of .\Iidlz1n(I s 193`! coun- lcil were returned. S. W. MeI{in1ey' was elected mayor, VVm. Hartmzm. .ree\'e, and 0. 1:`. Smith, deputy- Ireeve. J. 1-}. Roebuck, nmyor or man_\` ye'.1r.~', sougrllt alclermzmie hon- ors, but. was (lc.fe211.0(1. The new mayor and reeves are p1e(lp;e(l to make it shake-up in the stud` of Lhw ! town office. Albert Toner was elected reeve of iFlos, (lefeating; ex-Reeve W. F. 'D0wney -181 to 472. Geo. Fleming is deputy-reeve by acclamation. Coun- .cillo1's elected: W. Middleton, J. B. `Ritchie and W. S. Campbell. I Michael .~\sse1i11 was re-elected as reeve of Tiny, deJ.'eatin_: Fabien La-' croix by six votes in :1 keen come For (lenuty-reeve, Wm. Robb was `elected over Erie Simpson. Council- lors elected were A. Belcourt, S. Desroches and A. Edward-3. Fred Woods was elected deputy-'~ move in Medonto, defeating` M. J.i Bruwlcy by 634 to 350. Geo. Barr is reeve by acclamation. Councilloza elected were Grunt Miller, J. John- ston and W. Arnold. Man)` thanks `for electing; {me as one of your Council.- ilors for 1935. I \\'i11e11-| ideavmr to merit your con- dence. I I 1 i I INNISFIL May I take this opp01'tu11- Iity to extend to all those `who \'OtCd for me 1113' si11ce1'e app1'0ciatim1. \Vl1il(-. 1 did `not g`-ai*11 21 st.-at in. the (-.0u11-i `cil, collsidoring there was moi ;high powered i11iilu011<-cdi je1ecti011co1'i11g, I consider! ;1'his L1 gmat '\'i(-t01;\' for the {cause of 0co110n1ic. liberty and n1om:1ur\' 1'u1:'o1'1n. . May 1 exlnnd again good? . .1... . 4v. ..11 E | To THE ELECTORS OF } F. WOODS DEPUTY IN MEDONTE iJosEPH SPICHER comes I BACK IN SUNN 1 ().\'1<-.1 {wishes to all. TREASURER 5 SALE OF LANDSi FOR TAXES l TO THE ELECTORS OF: INNISFIL ASSELIN WINS OUT IN TINY .'\C1\'Z1T . T: J. E. COOMBS REEVE OF BRADFORD NEW SLATE IN MHSLAND TONER WINS IN FLOS JLLI \ \JJ.L1.l\.L\J.LL\./ -0rvi11e E.U'I'odd. |\J 1.111. I -Bever1ey Qua,11tz.; . -Harry Reynolds. -C. Henry. ` The annual meeting of the S11"l1`e-1 holders of the Barrie Curling" and Athletic Club, Limited, will be held in the Rink promises, Clapperton St., on Wednesday e\'enin_;:, Januz~.1'y 2.3111, 1935, at 8 o clock, for the purpose of receving the report of the Dires tors for the past your, electing` a Board of Directors for the en:-:uin_q'; your, and xreneml business. Barrie, January 10, 1935. I . Love, President. Alex. Brownlee, Sec y.: