-..u.\,u\.u many years. Ill br-mg \\t.V\`-\I CRAIGHURS Z l`lULl1'I1 J DOLl_L,"11S /I 2 1'1!` 0 PERSO.li\i.S Ella McLean, of To1'ont0,! (.n:.` Y0.'21"'>: with frien(1s here. njar`. Reid aml son Allen 1'0- home last \V(.-(Incrsd:L_v :11'w1" ' ' V-.'i'h 1'c1ati\'-.5 in; `ll.'(ll llL'lL' UH I aecn ailing` for 1 towards the ;vhz1t, but her : to the strain 4'nn..u-4.1 u~In..1- DALSTON Hutu, Literal `xxx I\f~ z-nL, .uu.\ Yolllck; IVY 1.):-xnn Ciarksoxl Hotel. r-nu ..- W .,.. .. <.:opI<.- .< >tL1bj(:(:t J:m1os 1'ozuI.~: Holy Commul |\\ ..,...,l.. \\I\ \, D. :1! 'I'he men`. and refre Jus. Handy and` this \\'<.~0k in I-Jim- -`.'Ll'EU ll V\'hlL' is spendin_g' a few ;., Cooprn-'; T1'< has :1di1`.<,-; `. \r\JIllIIlLIIIILIII, 1'ou(l.< permit- /fhe N(,1fhgm _,1,:_,,,, Tj: lhhlfll ' 'i'hL11'.<(luy la ' the past 1 end had 1' strength \\ n imposed ;-I1 `wok pl: ~:"}m!ch. x\ n I,AnI' T Tickets and !n fcrrn a lion lElI'(L\'Ull. \ :.~' th1'ec s( W xlllam; l\ A Lb 17L U U] . I-n-ulu Y returncci : the (.'hr:.< rclutix Joim'.~ ...6- . L`O- UH U11 place '3 '\\': ' \ L!lL`l'; She .~ r\ n n been M last. L few ral- 11' LL - ;\ e w I 1' U1 the 1- 11+ In po(_)1' hezllh for mzm_v :;<::u':~:, :J21s. Pullma` N011] 1)z1. z1wz~._\' quietly Int his hnmrx. 12 Hnnmr Rf nn Qnn_ " ` "" ""'"` '"' ""'""""[ I Funeral services took place at St.` Mary s Church at 9 21.111. Tuesday, Jan. 8th. Requiem Hi;.;'h Mass was! sung: by Very Rev. Dean Sweeney, assisted by Mr. Francis Firth, of the China Mission Seminary as tlnu-J01` [and M1`. Wm. Hipkin, of St. Augus- Etine- s Seniiiiary, as master of cerc-i .'n1onies. Rev. Leo -Smyth conducted`. 'the se1'vic(2s at the ccnietery. The pall-bezu-c1'.~: were C. C. Hinds P. J. : llorzm, J. J. Moore, Jos. Hopkin undl `T . J. Kom~n.=_ iHlUllH;'5. JSCV- the se1'vicc:a a \\ I if`. J. Kearns. 4: Su1'vivin_a; are three sisters, Mn. 1 .[ J. Shannon, Los .'~\nge1es, Ca1.; .~ is'.~', .-\g'nc.<; Kecnu. Los _`-\n_2;0lc.~; C211,, and `M1-s. John Clayton, -1:-Irrie. I iuzm. rzuiinu; .~\e11l ])z1;~`SC(1 ({ulLtl_`.' at his home, 13 Hon1'_v St., on Sun (Izzy, Ja11ua1'_\= (ith, 1935. He had been conned to his bed :t'o`."thc pa. three months, a1thou_Q'h in ailing: health for- about eleven years. A son of the late M1`. and Mrs. John Neill, he was born in the township of E.<.~':1 :16 _\'c:u's 21:10 - ........~. .. .\..,l.v....., E Her husband, llartin C. Carey, predeceased her twenty years ago. He was despatcher on the C.N.R. at Strutford, later acting in the same capacity on the C.P.R. in Western Canada. While 1'esiding' in Port Ar- ithur Mrs. Carey was the hostess at the first entertainment for Lady Aberdeen, when Lord Aberdeen xvas: Governor-General of Canada. At It Lady .-\berdeen s invitation she ac-'5 lcompanied her across the continent.[` ~n One of the most distin_97uished old residents of the town, Mrs. M. C. Czrrey, passed away peacefully Satur- day afternoon, January 5th, 1935. Born in Belleville in 1841-1, Bar1'ie sl beloved 11o1.mge11a1-ia11 endeared her- self to her numerous i'riends, made land retained tl1rou_2`l1 the long` years `by her el1arn1in;.;' personztlity, courag- Ieous outlook on life, and the rare I gift of being; a friend. Her life was chaacterized by her love of charity. Over :1 half centu1'_\' ago, be- fore 0l`{.`,'i1l1lZati0!1S simplified welfare work; Mrs. - Care:' was famous throughout: Strat1'o1'd and vicinity for her chziritable endeavors. She \\"as an enthusiastic Red Cross worker during; the Great W211` the contribu- ltion of two hundred sets of ]J}'jLl1):`..i . was but one exzimple of her response. I 1r._,1 1 1 ac .o 1'`! IV JAS. FALLING NEILL A.n..:_a.n.u Phone 18`8 -v-i3;ompt Delivery 64 Elizabeth Street MRS. M. C. CAREY IiSi`i`UAsi?' WHEN THAT LONG-AWAITED SNOW- FALL HAS COME ...AN D THE WEEK-EN D WILL BE GREAT FOR SKIING . . . AND EVERY HOTEL IS SURETO BE CROWDED and spent the greater part of his life [in Allandale and Barrie. He operated [a general store in Crai_g'hurst for `three years, but 01' late years had been an emp1o_\'ee aLig;ht Department. was of a very quiet dispositon and his straight- forwardness and honesty `.1`E1il1(:(1 him a host of friends. He was a keen sport enthusiast and was particularl_\' .active toward boxing`. He was a `,Past Grand Master of the I.0.0.F. land a former member of the Arian- dale Oran_e'e Lodge. 1n relie-ion he was a. Baptist and an active member of C121ppe1`to11 St. First Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife,- !`r'orn1er1,\` Mar_\' Robbins, and two He (laughters, .\I:11'_;'-.11'et and Kathaleen; one g'1'an(lchild; two sistc-1's, M1's.= Chas. Robertson, of London, and .`.Ir<. {ac}; 1\Iyl(cl2s,WB211'ie\,' and t\t'0h_i'0thci's,` . . .. an i . .. . Cl , 0 ln11l)C_L'_`. A private service was held at}th,- house on 'I`ue. evening` with Rev 3 W. K. Batty omciztting`. The t'uner::l was held from Clapperton St. Bap- tist Church on Wetlncsday a1`terno0:`..l under the auspices of f.h(\ I.0.0.F.,' with interment in B211`)-in Unimi Ct.-:z1e-3 0.1.` the Electricll V lt(:r_\'. Thc: D2111-bc:11'e1's `Gray, Hzu".'_\' Buchanan, riott, .~\m0s Miller, Wn and Wm. Clarke. N O CTITLX RGE A IN`-`r111'0 on The 21bm'('| n2m1(.`d 1m>i<-, _i1111.s'1'ml<'d by motion pi<-t1n'os, will be g`1\'m1 in w Thursday, January. 'a7th. Make your reservation by Long Distance . . . then you won't have to worry about accommodation. I COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM By J. `W. S. )I_(+U[7LL()L`(-}II. ;\l..l).. .i)..! .il C11i<>f ,l1\.<]w<-1m` of }lvz1i1`l1 1701' Om:.1riu. on F! b :.O1'011t0 and Itlhlu,Ni:1s:`21mF;1i]s ])c1mi1`. f\.f01m'va1 Oslmxvzx and i1*.1m'111(`(1`i211' points. . Long Distance relieves you of all sorts of worries, small ones or big. It helps you to make arrange- ments ahead. do your planning with an easy mind. See the list of rates in the front of your directory; you can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 c.-ms. War _:gif1ai`f`1;St 8 p.m. Under auspices of the .l3zm`ie Lio11_.s' Club A Mus1ca1 Programme will be Given .-\1't1m1' Pugh, (.,`J1:1irnm11 --: Wm. 3.I<:.`:I: were Thos. E '\'E.l,? Y I301) Y \\'1*JLC( ).\.L'L*J ).\.'L'L IlL Illulxlclpul OICCLIOI1. .-\ fish . and S1Ci,"11 were stolen 'on '1`ucsda_\' nip,]1t. 311'. Wm. Trom- bly, owner of the s11ant_v, had puilod it on land du1'Im:; the mild spell and `it \vz1s left back of the Belle 1'1` .-:1` . wharf.` With equipment, it '\\`a.~; val-- `ued at $30. The s1ei_2`h belongs;-d to Ed. Fe1'1'ie1'. He had also pullc-'1 his `sh shanty on shore and the slexgla `was fastener! to the shanty with a padlock, which xvas "found broken lnezu'by. H0 \`aIue(l the s1eI_u;l1 at `Provincial poli-go and the 5.-mne 'r.'a1'- Iden were Imticd. It is thou_L-`ht that ,3. truck \\'as used to take the .']1a11t_v `land sleigh zm':\3`. 1 r0t-S11;n'i11g' C011] mns. \ '.. I The Women s Institute held the [monthly me..-ting at the home of Mrs. ~Wm. Ruffett, with :1 good attendzmce. A number of summer residents came up to Belle Ewart by bus on Monday to cast their vote in the municipal election. R/Tina Rrxnh-it-n Hnnfnv 1-mi-un-nnzl :1 muulcxpal (SICCEIOH. Miss Beatrice Hunter 1'etu1'ncd to school in 'I`o.'onto after spem1in_<,>, the vacation with her parents here. \.\'Vh1 ;.)l1':\H rx\'fnn4Xu f11n1\1:u `.-n 111'.- vucauulx wun ner parents nere. Wm. i{u`r.:tt extends thanks '['1'ien(1s for support g'i\'cn him i recent municipal election. -\ fkh nnrl elnin-ls unn-n . `Go where he will, the wise man ix; at home, His hearth the earth, his 1121]] her azure dome. Beile Ewart .-Lin. :3 MITH Mmmger. Page Five .11]. s to his in tho Blade Rib Roast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Short Rib Roast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Brisket or Rib Boil . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Small Homemade Sausage` .. . . . . . Vegetables in Season Quality Values at Beeforiifs ~?"ORONT0 LU.l'U. Miss Velma C1'a\\'fo1'd left on.;'_~'z1t- urday last on an extended visn`. to `her sister in New York City. 19:34 l*`()I?l)1.}-'i`0.\' .\"l`;\l\'I`I I}()l)\' 'i'!?1"(`I{ _3`n_IL'3Z' SERVECE LOW" FARES Chittick Mater Saa: CHOOSE FROM THESE WVELL KNOWN MAKES .~. \Jll \.`.J-LUJ. Souisherla. Re...<:o1ts. Att1*a-ctive . A11 -.~\ n MINESING ,1.`)iH 'l*`()l?[> S'|'.\ .\"l>_\R_I) (`().\(`il Dr. F. M. Walker is mayor of liston by acclzlmzxtioll, . H. 3 Iitchcll. who .~:er\'ctl the town \\\ n 11x` `Inn `Ir: BARRIE LIL..I IJ 1922:: * 4-(*\'L. m.\(*n m::2 mun) \'-s (`().\.("H 1s\::2 m1>.1> \.'-.< (`.\l3l?l()'l.l.'l' 19:32 Iwm \'-:< m1"1>1: 1:-,~,2.x: mu]; m_\('n m-2:; n1'n.<<>.\' . _\.\' 12:29 <`1m\'mn;1:'1` <*m'1*'1: 15-_> :><>1>(:1:(*<>1'm-1 Return $3.15 g:Eji<`Z?E0mH BUcEiERi 0118'. E~`z1\'t~ `\'z1Iu:1ble. Tilt-11 1. 31 , I}: 101' ` FREE 1`U\` (. hope, 5 Ir :-. in .2 !;hrer:~co1'ne1`cd ght, B(~;n.l Johnston won out as mayor of Oril l lip. with 1,505? v>Lus z;;:'ui11. 1,094 my` `c.\:-)Ia_vo1- John Good and 417 for ex-i l!e0\'r.- Hu;rl1 'l`u(lhop::. I `x`.'ill)ur Cramp is the new 1'e:-vs, lm\'in;.; polled ],"S)0 Votes to 1.1(}!5' f'o1'hi.< opponent, W. Cecil C;`eo1*_":.~. `For (leput_\'-reeve, D1`. I-lnrolcl M01-1'1 won out over 'l"l1os. McGuire by .4! vote of 1,705 to 1,137. I l-':`;~,nl: Home, chui1'm:u1 of til I |')n. ' !.. f`r~.un-\.x- run-u nu} 1| "... d.VJnLnb` -I-IKJJ-I-`I Ell The Wo1nen s Institute met at the home of the president,. Mrs. Geo. Johnston, on 'l.`hursday afternoon lust, when fouxteen ladies braved the eig- men1:s and enjoyed a. pleasant Lime. The roll call was answered by What Constitutes 21 Home. Mrs. Cook read an interesting; paper on A Dziy in the Home. Some humorous read- ings were enjoyed, one in Llle Frenel1~ Canadian dialect on the Qu1ntup1et.~'. read by Mrs. Dusto. one on 3115 Aitkens visit to New York, read by the president, and one of Nina Moore Jamieson s, The Storm, by Miss Barker. Some community singing was enjoyed. At the close of the meeting a tasty lunch was served by Mrs. Orchard and Mrs. Foyston. The Feb1'ua1'_V meeting` will be at Mrs. \Vii~ mot Cook's. The roll call will be answered by :1 humorous story. .\ nnvnknu n+` 4:-uxvnllna-p 1-. .1] +4` .-.. 1 1 0 "HF N 1; The short courses in A-.1'icultu1-.3 and Home Economics which 0p::;`r.:d at Coidwater on I`u0.~:":w.j:, were attended the rst day, Llxeu be.-in_g' bo_\'.~: and 25 g`irI.~' 1'e_2'iste1'c(l in W 1'c;:L1l:11' cl21.~:.~'.-.~'. as well s0v2;.:? *.'i.\'1t(>1's. J. F. i`1'ancis, of the Poul- try I)cp'u`Ln1cnt, :1d(11'o.<. the cLL.u.:~ Or: on. J'ucsdz1_`.' and all pupimi of mu! (,'ol:!\\.':v1t,r-1` continuzltion school 21:- ltomlcd the lecture. E -um; UOLLICS unu one 1'uImI1`x_2` 'c'.1t.`0hol{` boitl." in the 1)o.~1. of x\l`l(lL`1'.\`Ol`1 F1'i(la_\' nifrht at the lockup. The- chiof e1m_)l1z1. that l:l1r: z;ccu.~`c(l _iu.~'t u pzmhzmdle1- and 1'oL1g'l1t like} ten Indlzms. and it was all that hog and Constable Rz1_vne1' could do to; hold him. .-\nde1'. admitted :1 prev-` ious convicton and was ned $114.50 m. on LT,` `lRF\1F `>1n-s .....-1 L. . ` '1 |(;ordon Alulex-5011, 219:0 2E '.\'z1.~: ; to 20 ( count_\' (22101 by M.:J_:ist1':1t L'.1'(z'.)' 121o1`11i11g'_ on :1 chzuj drunk in 21 public p12`.l'C. |:::-t said he foumi tilscc 1' wine bottles and one rub! (: W1'irln\' 'nin'}1f nf Hm In ' BEN. JOHNSTON AGATKI MAYOR OF ORILLIA DRUNKEII HOBO GETS- nunu nun. .'\lHlL`lhUH iluH'ILLL (l 21 p1'(:\'-` mus L`On\'lCt0l1 $314.50 or 20 He took the jzaol term. -` t Mr. Phillip Love and family '/Vlall to thank ti'.ei1' friends and neighbors for l shown them in their ax.- roni. bereavement. .l LZE-.~\t the Toronto Genera; Hosp- tal, on Jan. 6, John H. Lee, age-" 75 years, beloved husband of Susa- ('ook. 1"1:nera1 took place on Wed- nesday from the residence of his brother-in-law, Albert Cook, to Barrio Union Cemete1'_\'. COLD WATER SHORT COURSES 'c(llb\Vl3l'UU ().V El HLllll()l'OU.\' SI}Ol'_V. A number of trzwcllers had to re- muin in the \'i11z\g`0 on 'I`hL11'sIi:.1_v nigrht last owing-' to thw .:m`m'e blizz- zard. TIC,`-. `7.. l....-. f`.......L`.....l 1.\L`A. ,... IL` \\ :ix1,9.`ton. Fvc-:'y` (lay 10,00!) women bu; a , hr\ttl(2 of Lydia Pin`. Vege- table Comprrmd. They lanuw that there is no better r- -medy for their troublesome ailn1e.;is with their accompanying nervousness, back-' ache. headache. blu:: spells, and E rundown condition. 5 I` \,.().'lll".l who ha ...,n.L `CARD OF THANKS DEATHS F|U|lL,'1'.`I El and C00. IL , Cllillflllilll `ion. .'1nd JLIS we hold oict: down to do" ~.~ .. PK 1.` ;. u uni, n_srist1'z1tc n r-11') mm. 28, ~)!\ ,1 1'jI`]} ICE \- I1 I U L . ec z1pt_`.' ` 1`uI)I)ing' 2'. P\ A-' \ .- .' . .140 lb. . .150 1b. 80 lb. .' ._3'13c lb. Barrie rm ` Chi; x V. -\-6 ` 20 DAYS .;....-[ pt): quart} L9, 2'.1cohol~ Anderson ` 'I1v\ "Fl." P1 I()f\']*} ~19] AL. 1 11`. .mk Te.- ' ` n1;:'_'_-'11\s mm 1. p. \,x-au_~.: \H:1`u cnwuu `us dc-_1c_L;z1t0s and substitutes to the ic-dL1c:1ti0nz1l co11['en:ncc. . _ i Rm`. Wm. Newman \v'.1.~' :1 vxsltor Lo ;`t1\c city on '1`11L1r:4d:1y when the Von. .-\. N. }<:\'(.-1'lcy, .\I..-\., \\'as consec1'21t- ed as Su`1':x_u':m Bishop. A -.\\nnHn:- fn n1`u'nni'/n HM: \' 17.. I l'L'CLUl'_\'. 1 B11". and 311-5. A. .\'I(-,.\1z1: return- fw! to Orilliu on Sumluy. .\I1'.~:. H. `Brock, who has been staying" with }he1' mother, 311-5. Illsmere, 1'eLurne(l' Ito Owen Sound on We(lnesda_\'. ; The school meeting,-' which took iplace on \ Ve(h1esd;1,\` Inst, was \V01l ;z1ttende(l. J. .\Io1'un was 1'e-elected for '.motl1e1' term as trustee. .\I1`. T. ?Hi;:`_;'i1\s and '1'. C. (`,rai_.: were eho.se11 11:4 I. H......1 ,.nn l`n\v..I1nn CU b`.Hll'il_L'l`.Il DlSl10|). .-\ nwotnu: to o1*;:zmI'/.0 the Y.P.S. was held at the rectory on Fnda_\ `lust. Rn-V. W. Newman prcsitled .~.nd tho 'f'01lowinj.: were chosml 0[iict::1's for 1. l ro. Max ("1':1i_g' Vice- ... L` \`nHI.. . .1-1' I 1 `d:`.lI|L'.\, JJULl_{LHlh ILIIU. VVHIIZLUI; 1|. ? `dung.-,']1te1', died 22 _\'(::11's ago. Also` } `five b1'othr'1'.< and one si>:te1'. M1`. .-\:11'on Slwield, who passed `:1\v:x_'~.` at Beutoll, wa.< buried at St. _ .lohn .~: Cg-n1(,-tn-1'_\' on F1'iduy last, the "R<:`.'. W. .\'<-v.'znz111 pm'i ()1'miI'._q: thc lust '1t:4'(n(1 13705)} ["11 President, OsL1'ando1'; D1`um:11'ic. I.l..HC.~ I`(>-V ; iCUllUUL'LUU l)_\ HUT [}ilhlzU : \"[L>.-:7., ]$..-\., 2l."m'."-t,(3d by : [I\'c\\'n::u1. I'cL-lin_L:` rcfcro `to her consistent life an .po. Intc1'z11e11t was. jily plot in Knox Cunu.-L `|xmv'.':-xx }urxnr' \`In< I " ` .4.|L.` Hull i)U( \'.'c-uks and lied .'~:omc-wl` [not cu,Luxl t lit. She fu uu;.:. l , \.'.l'.;3`. on .\Iondz1_\' at 8 p.m., .\lis- sion:u`_\' and De\`ntion:11. St. John's. ' Mr. and .\l1'.<. 1:. Gavin vi.~iL(:d Mr. and .\h',<. I`). [`Zl1.~'mc1`c on .`.Ion(la_\'. { Knox Church service on Sunday at ` '.`.::() p.m. ` M1`. zmd Miss Pitt and M1`. Victor ` Stroud w(-re week end \'i;~`itors at the , 1'ccto1'_\'. Ur nnzl \T1-c A NT!-\Tn:f(Iv1-nhn-n- Eve1'_\`0110 lik,~.' to see `(he mild wrv: ther. I \Iu.-- LT T\nuv.~.n~.-. :r< n~.vu,.,X7a-.,.. r\ -13,. 'I IIURSDAY, J-`xI.'L'..j`.1' T Mr. ) Ie1'\'in Drury ;`LhL' States after span` Imus l1ol1da_\'s here. Qirlnnuv Qnxifl-. i.-- \~ J M114. Gaorgzc F1'use1', :1 member tone of the (.-211-liest 1'zm1i1ies of t ;(.'1'.Lig'lu11-st. (li. passed zuvay i3:31' ho: av 1<:a1' ]y)1'c on 121 1:4`; hmi been fc xx-:1-4-|<< nnrl frnvzn-tie Hun nml hurl 1-: 1 ram ' . ` .`.I:`.<. lilson ,of 'l`l1o1'nl1il1, was 21 `yo I lcent \'i.sito1' with 1101` M1'.<. R. H. .-\1-nold. .`-iiss ;\lari:1n .'-\1'nol(l and M1`. E-30_\':"z Arnold h2\`.'0 retu1`ne(l to 'l`o1'ont0 211 - Itcr speliziing." the Cl11'i.' \'zu:utio11 jwith 311'. and .\l1's. F. l . A1'nol<`.. I llisses Ii. and M. Abbott have re- turned to school in l`o1'onto unu l'I and H2l1`01(l to St. Cath2L1'ines, ;:1l'L<::' ;~'1.cmli11p; the holidav season at `the l'0cto1'y. 1 ]T:.-(- 1..,\1..,.1 `r\...~:a um) `H1. nnr] l\)T1`C` `me 1'ecLo1'_v. 1 Miss Isobel Davis and M1`. and Mrs. `J. Hemierson, of '!'o1`onto, were holi- `dnj: `.'isit01'5. with M1`. and .`.I1's. G. L. jD:i\'iS. Lllifo ` Mrs. H. Dawson i l(Iuy.~: at S. Dunn s. | Mr. and Mrs. .2 H,():'n-3 . 21 1.121) 1 H2110. 1 xr.. \:rM...'.. 1*\....,.. ` llUJlUil_\.`i 1101' Si(lnc_\` Smnth 111 Toronto. Wm. Hipkin and Frzmcis Firth left ye.ste1'da_v for Toronto, where they will resume studies at their respective | colleges. \..4- \L.`!.'nn:n nan} 19:1 innunn -:11-an and (11.1g'l'1E`1`, OI .VCW'lTi`dl`KCE. I I coueges. 5 Art McKenzie and ld. ineson are: i -attc-n(li11g' O..-\.C,'. at Guelph. `ill. .'\(."u'. .1 C231" 5 1.115. ` tummrl .. v\ 1!` L lllg S(.`l'Vl(,'L S lll Di.ll'lllEJ. 011 ouuua._y lilbb.` Mrs. Sam. Robinson left for To- ronto thxs week, where she W111 ra- main for 21 few Weeks. rm..- +'n11,....:...\. nu-,...,In,1 4-`Ln 4'...-.m-.1 gzzmnei tips? ;. g zzpignmayl mam I01` :1 Iew weexs. The following attended the funeral of the late Stanley Love on Friday last: M1`. and Mrs. Geo. Love and dau_q'hter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Love` and famly, M1`. and .\ I1's. Roy Love, all of Toronto, and 311's. Morrison and clauglmter, of .\ ewmzu'ket. \N'm Hiwxltih annl W1-:n1r-in l7l1'f.l1 lfl b2.1U.l.l'U.Zl._V. I Mrs. J. Tomlinson, Blake St., is . L-l few days with friends in Weston. 1),... T\.. T O C*1...+4- n++m1,ln,lnnnn_ w eston. Rev. Dr. J. S. Shortt attended open- ing.-, services in Surnia on Sunday last. Iva Qnnn 1:`n]'\incnh `off `FIN l`n- lClC 101' 1191' HOIHC 1Z`..`iL DLlLrU.1u`cl_\,. 3.11:5. McG1'eg'o1`, who has spent some Lime with her (1:1u;.,-'11te1', Mrs. Boo! Pass:-11, in ",l`o1-onto, is in town for the winter with her (l21u_<._{'hte1`, Mrs. C. 11. G. Smith. Miss May LiV'i11g`St0I'l, who spent: the Christmas vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and ;\"I1's. Geo. Livilngstoifif. lei`: to resume her duties on tie sta ' of '\`v'csto1~i1 Hospital, London, on; ' I .':I Saturday. 1T1-u T '7`nnxIn.~nn Dlnbn Q1- I0l'K ur._\'. | Ialrs. Gordon Chzmnen and son Bob- by, of Duntroon, who has been \1sit- ing at the home of her father, 3.11`. Ilobt. Carl`, '.?'oronto St., for ten days, left 1'01" her home last Satu1`dz1y. \Ia-. 1i',.(`1a-an-nu uvhn I-mu x.-nnn+ cnnun Miss Hazel Irish, who has spending the holidztys with her ents,1e1't on Wednesday for York City. F T1`... In f`1~nnnnn nnrl z.-nn Miss Jean Lay, who has been spend- ing the Cllristmas holidays with her parents, left last week for Port Huron. 11: u....,.1 1.41.1. mlm 11-Ia hmm L.`l`\1CL`.\ H'\.`.\L 1.121., X oun:;' " . \\. .; nu Sound. L`! . .ljLlU1 LU Ll `he fullerzz Gray 57;:*zM:~