Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Dec 1934, p. 4

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033.1 Assets. $758,423,904 . Liquid I Ag:efs_. 3R2.`l`72.2`87 Assets oo4,11:.,a'o1 Dom. & Prov. Gov. & Mun. I Sec. . . 133,220,489 Cur. Loans in Can. . 226,942,028 Dep. Bearing Int. . . 488,126,4~8`3 I ' Free Dep. 124,452,970 ll. IS alleged that Ontario is Ios-l ing thousands of dollars in wolf bounties through Bootlegging into the l province of hides taken from 1\'Iam-l toba where no bounty is paid. Ari investigation is to be launched into the charges. l qum Assets.. 382,172,287 \nwa Xv Dvnx! HEAE HIGH the PLATES 1934 Ontario Department of Agriculture nA..:. ,~._ in $729,260,476 362,471,-345'-, I 442,846,084 119,178,860 DORE 1" We T9D11U- .`1'nornmu Junior lacrosse u,-mu, st.-.;.. c TWO E0313 UP C0aCh Meekln S91`liihe1'e two years ago in games agams: 1. out his third line and they immediate-| A11am1a1, i5 one of the most prom- E l\' broke into the SCOI`lnQ column, inent junior hockey playeys in T0. LiV'lnIIS`:0n D33-Vi"!-T t0 R8-lY1.V Wl10'ronto this season. Ossie plays a n- scored on 21 nice Corner Sl'10t- The'ward position for the Parkdale Canoe l Sound team Came `I0 '50 half 11 Club. Eric Carnegie, an older bro- 1 minute later and C0Ut111' P3559!` t0`rther, is also an all-round athlete. J Tennant for their second goal. Be`; lhaving appeared on boxing cards`: Scott -ended the local scoring when`he1-e_ 1 he took a pass from Arnott and; _.__.. Filled 3 Shot Past MileS- With CWOi The lacrosse oasis in British Col- minutes to 13:0 Blair and Wnnantiuinbia namely New Westminster and combined fol` 3 13.031 to milk? th9iVancouver, must have a real craze final count 5 to 3. Kashner set Out-for the Canadian game. Even the to double the SCOPE. '. 0lT1E5 Fifht lnwfemales of the species are wielding, but the Owen Sound Eoalle Camellthe gutted stick. In the S[)01t section out and brushed it aSide- {of the last issue of the Star Weekly .\`I:~.n_\ people remarked on the 1 showed a three-column picture of the (`vre,vs' Centre pla.\'e1', Tenmmt. but` Cougars, girl champions of the Van-I few recognized him as the boy wholcouver City League. The league .3 played with the same team two yearslcomposed of four girls teams. Ihe arro when they elminated Ba1'rie.'champions are coached by an om 'l`f`!1'111nt W88 the 1110813 eC73iVe DlaY- timer, Bill Fowler, and he no d)ub-, er for the Greys, scoring all three has taught them old-time meth-.1 coals. Andy" Blair, another player for they are reported to be husky of two years ago. was a stumblingland able to lay on the hickory wi" block for Barrie thrusts on many any man. .......m:nn:- '1`.-an I-uni Hanan hnvx nrn 133,782,60'2|| 216,849,534 1933 The Royal Baiik of Canada General St:u1'x:o11t ' upixul Stuck I` R:--.s-rve l<`und.. `.t.|X:\ncL~ of Prots currlv-d fnrwurtl .'~ mvs of the llzmk in clrrnlzutlm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-\ds-.n`n-~: under (In: I`in-.\nc1:/\ct.. . . . . . . . . . . . BIH: ` xhlc . . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . . . ` ` . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . Ll:\l)iIiIi:-s to Il1cpul)l .c not Included under 1 M, [ore- yznlnghouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :,uu-era of Credit Outsuuvding. . . . '. .. ... (luldundtlolnunhand..................... Dominion Notes on hand . . . . . . . l)L-posit in the (:L'lIU".l] Gold RI rvcs. . United States and other Fur;-i;_.1 (Iurn Lucs. . ms of mhur (Iunudlun 1 hoqucs an other Banks. :\1:\'.` 3-`: due hy nrllu-r Dan Hal: Jiuu Vhy nllu-r Banks in (lxumdn . . ` . . . . . . . . . . la!-.mcus due by Banks and Buxnlclzxf; Correspondents clsewhc.-rc than in (Ianudu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` . . . out and brushed 112 asiue. =_o ;\`I:~.n_v on thels Greys player, but`( who c years c they Barrie. c effective 1; l Andy 1 stumbling z : occasions. Too bad these boys are both over age. Small, Blair's mate on the defence, was also effective, 4 but seemed to have a chip on his 1 shoulder throughout the game. i Arnott was the Colts most e ec-I: five player, his backcheckinz being` a " feaure, while on the offensive he wasg. zilways dzmp;e1`ous. He scored two 4 points, :1 20:11 and an ztssist. The soft : lvn .`=lO[)D(.`(l most of the (`alts usually? .~"".:n't team play and in loin: sol l'{i:'l)`.` was not in the limr-li-:l1t nuits." -':\ Wm-l1. He scoretl one l?ntl:i ` ll`.`;.`~` not :2 ."`(),'\l while ll`.(`ll` oppon-" '.\'m`<- pl.-z_\'in_e' :1 man slmrt The local tl(2l'enee of Tim`. S<-nit and `~'..--:'9`nm' pl:1\'r-cl sound lmulrrw and `.\'w-:- inr:lrum<-nl`:1l in lcc--ping` the n:'.-?: in the (`.ru_V.< '/.onn. l'r1'1'_\' Ele- ` V-`rv nlv:--ml llw mi:-z ':':nm- in thr l` ~'I~"- vi-~l.-: ::z`. tllrnml in :: ;mo(l<~f- r .4. Dominion and I rovinciu` (iovcrnmcni Sccurilles. direct and gtunrzmtcud (nmznring within two ytars), Hui :.\'n:eL-dinsl mnrkev \nluL-.. ,. . Oihcr Dominion and Provincial Government Suturi- ties, direct and Quuralnicod, not . seq.-(ling market value .. .. .. u.xnudi'.:n Munlcij rt Sururiiics. noi exceeding market value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Public Securivlvsmhcr -ihan Canadiali, not exceeding market value 0`-.h'.`r !l_'mds. l)L'h:n'luru.~1 on .1 Stocks. not ciciiingl inark-:i a'u(s . . . . . .. vidt.-nds Unclulnued _ ` `Vida-nd No. IX`) (an I):-,u-lulu-r. l`)5~1 . . . . ` . 0`-.h':r Hnmls. In-|):muru.~1 an .1 mucxs. nox I.'xC`:e'.nn); mar1.:va'uc .. .. . (fall and ..hurl (not I. cm-dim: thirty days) Latins in (J-.n1:\d-.1 on Bmlds. D(.`I)L`nl|1i't'S and Suxclc and other Sc-curiths of a sufcic.-nt nturkclnhlc value [0 C(I\'Cf . . . . ` . . . . . . . . , . . . ` . . . . ` . . . ` ` ` . . . . . . . . . . ":11!-.\:1Ll Short (not l`XCL`(`Ll]\E lhfrtv da whore than in (I-.m'.`.dn on 514-zuls. l)chr-nlurx-s and .`;mcl and other Smcurillms. ul 1;: table value to cover. . . . . . . . .. pitul l".1ld lIp., . e Fund. 0 THE Smxmzrml l1.<.'l`nF. nnvm. as.-an uv \-.`\.-\IJi\; '0 have exmrinc- the above Stuterrent of I iuhiiitios and Assets at 30th November, 1934, with the hooks and uccnunts of The l{I)_\'n| ': unk n:'(,7:1nadn at Head Office and with the certied returns from the branches. \\'(=. have vs.-riiied the cash and securities at Head Oice at the close of 111' `r-IunI~:'s "Sta! 5 par, and during the year we couhtd the cash and exnrrined the securities it so.-oral of the important hranchcs. ~_ - _ \\'c h'.lC ob`wined all the information and explanations that we have required, nnd in our -.,.pinion the lrzmszn.-lions of the Bank. which has .v come under our notice. have been within the powors of the `Hunk. The above state rent is in our opinion pro crly drawn up so as to disclose the true condition of the Bank as at 30th November. 1934. an it is as shown by the books of 2` u `dunk. , . ms. 9. Boss. i ; A.\\/A .. Balance of Prot and Loss I [933 . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...,..,.. . ... I`.-nrs for the year ended 30th Novcmberpwa,-,_a1 making appropriations to Cnntingency `Reset! out of which Reserves provision for all Bad :1 Doubtful Debts has been made... . . . . . . . . . . . . APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: Hvldcnd No. 186 at 8% per annum Dividend No. 187 at 8% per annum Dividend No. 188 nt 8% per nnnum: . Dividend No. 189 at 8% per annum. . . ulviueuu nu. I07 us. 070 pm nu--u... . . . . . . . . _ i 3 2,soo,ooo.oo Contribution to Omcers` Pension Fund. . . . . . ;" .2 ' . ` 200,000.00 Appropriation for Bank Premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200,000.00 Reserve for Dominion and Provincial Govcrnent Taxes 1,075,016.!-ii Balance of Profit and Loan mnied forward. . _.'~_.~ . I .,.-. 1,506,804.99 M. W. WILSON, President and Managing Director. Montreal. 24th December. 1934. Jones (2)- UI rt -.ontren|, Canada. 24th December. 1134. ~-Tl.n Pmvul I` of (`artudn (Fruncq) has been incorporated unrr_- t.he_laws .1 Franco tr} vv -.x.r,-L the business of the 133.111: in P}: 5, and the assets and hub mes M 'l he l.o_\'nl A-":1 r of Canada. (I"runce\ are included In the above General Statement. S. G. DOBSO I \U \\}II Ql\ W'. \VlLS()N, President and 1\Ianu;1in-,'-, Director. . u n .v'I~r\nc PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT -..,. A........... Inch Nnunmhnr `m`.11nvm.B.-.Nk ov-` (`.A\'{\I>A: (2 ilitios `ts: l{I),\'n| n:' Canada w_i_th qertifled LIABILITIES .11 zuwnz n4\/vu -V` s Account. 30th November. . ....... ....a -..` of 1 . 5`. Ross 3' Fons. ` W. GARTH THOMSON, C.A. of Peat. Mnrwick, Mitchell & Company 1 up 1"LI '1`H_U.RSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1934. Bm'ric--Arnott . . . . . . Bz1rx'ic-A-T .:1iney (Livings 114611.). ` . f\uvnv\ Qmm.L-'l`nnnant ((`n1t* 1'.*~ ASSETS A 30th November, 1934 James B. Fairbairn D:-,1:-1xi`.v [Win ste SI 1,753,028.82 63.17-1,883.2`) 3.(l0l).000 .00 40,037,-103.36 ...$ 1.383.604.l8 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 . l)()BS.')N, General Manager. 335.000.000.00 $758.423.`)04.8R Bm`1'Ic--luuney (ulvlngsluxll Owen Sound~-Tonnant (('n1t*'-1'.` -~ ~' " I Barrio~Iev. Scott (Arnntll . . 10.001 Oivcn Sound-- I`cnnant 1' l .l'1i:-) l.\`.0()3 Penalties: Small Couturr~ '15). 357.213.995.38 G. DOBSON. General Manager. 532.172.287.17 445,527.02 20.765.758.14 33.221 ,8N1.7-I 9,000,ll00.00 '2`M,()0(n.98 69.832.406.07 56.603.110.24 6,724,973.12 17.487.895.87 55.781.821.80 AMBROSE HHNDS. ORILLIA j TERRIF.-`RS GOALIE, DlE`Sl I -` "."n.~'v Hn'1.<. r'o:'.11:.r_-vpm' of the-_ Oril!i:` "`(-rr7'-":, Uominion 12\cr0. clu" "7.~'~ fur 1934. diml su at '/`*~'~""- in Orillin on Th11r.~'(lz1)y'E 1:`-.` Hr w:1.< Inirl .':`.\':1_\' on Sntul-, day -nurnimv: follnwm-_-3 I{\`(]lUCn] 1\I::;~`.< at Uw Roman (`uthnlic Church` of HM .\m~:vl (u~n'di.=m. with rim`. Fntht-r 'Gi\':mi ol(-ixxmy-.5. Page Four mun. Ln uxx.;.~ nd Patton. Owvn Sound .. n.l Qnw. Sound rG;reys m an ex-l zme. The ice was soft. lay wide open, and kept crowd interested to thp - mm |`,. Coutu V`-- .1.) Be}_t_'ri_e Colts Win SOFT ICE Third Perior *')tt'. (I.ciL*h\ ...1o`i.00 sigh, Kash'1m'. `rnott Jone .-md .`\Ir*Tntn. 1. ....Lu . l\?_l-\llll|'l . rnott and ( .`(:ott. Ste] , McC1ond. . .11 mt.` , '(-.ntrr-. Robins T..n,.,. :11: dofencx. u-1': (-nntm md ("oulson Stephenson. lnnll Wninr-\' OWEN SOUND GREYS DEClSlVE- LY BEATEN IN WIDE OPEN GAME. i llilb`, _ . the Ossie Carnegie, colored star of .r .Thornhil1 junior lacrosse team, Such _S9tihe1'e agams 1113te".`-`xllandale, lllmfly Who jronto The ward illf ed 1' I - - Bv [having cards when horn HIJUH alto ..4...,.1 Several old faces have uecn seen around town during At Camp Borden s Monday J the holidays. \- nie-ht C practice two old boys, George Po.vell 3 and Herbie Dyment, action. Both these boys are defence were seen in 1 players and are a very effective -.`r ; Powell was a Barrie Colt when Hap ' Emms was making his start in jur- ior hockey. Since then he has play- ed on Stratford and Montreal tea- L3. Monday night was his first time on skates this season, but he certainly . has plenty of good hockey left yet. > 1 e l 3` point, having` been in on Besides these two, Fire Reyn- olds has been keeping in shape 'o_\; practicing with the Colts, his tea... mates of last year. Reynolds has been having a week s rest, the For Colborne Sailors havng no game un- til to-morrow night when they talu; on the Hamilton Tigers. In the game against Varsity last Friday night Fire was officially crediL.,d with two goals and an assist, but ll-.' claims he was robbed of anothc. every goal scored. All of whch isn t bad for `3 his first year in senior company. -- I I c l ( i ( V l ` I This senior A group is certain- 1 1y run on 3. money-making plan During the schedule a large number of games are played and when the .play-offs are reached four of the five `teams seek the group honors. It lsimply means that Port Colhorne and the University of Toronto an. I ' the only two teams having to g;l1t for a play-of f berth and the way it. _ is going the Sailors have :1 s1i;;'r.: Wedge, having won one and tied twu, `iwhile Varsity has yet to sco1`- 5 ; point. i i Last F1-ida_\` night at G1`a\'c11l111:s.? wthe British Consols of the T. anr T in Mercantile League of Torontoi won :- 3`c1ose decision over the Grzwenhuiot " Indians. "lhc nal score was 5 to i Z and it would appear that the Indians 4- iure just as a`t1'Ol1_2,' as last :~ez1son. ` l The Orillia entry in the local in- e1`modi:xte g'roup should be :1 such; jone. The C0l(lwute1' team of 1215 tyear, supplemented by Orilliu plug. ers, should form 27. strong` z1_2'g'1`e;1".:- tion. In their x-st combined pluc- jtice held at Orilliu last week OV."i 120 candidates 1u1-nod out. SPORT GLEANINGS Cliff Jemmett, last year s manager of the New Liskeard N.O.H.A. cham- pions, and former O.H.A. referee, vis- ited in town over Christmas. This }year s New Liskeard team has been ibadly wrecked, four of their best gmen having; taken up residence in | other towns. 4 _ l So far junior group 13 of tho EO.H.A. has not (leclarecl a schedule. The (leluy lms been caused by the :possibility of .\Ii droppng out. "l`he junio1'.< of that town appear to `lnwe only one l)21Cl{(`l'. George Dud- ley. l~lowe\*(-1', his hockey . are broad nml. he will probably czu'2_\' thr,-n: l1im.<(All'. At any rate (`onv(;1.-ez llill Er-ll l1:1.~ called 11 meetim: for SuL11rd:x_\.' :1t'tc1-Imon to try and :11 `.'m1y;':: l,l]\- \\'lnte1"s p1'o5.r1'z11n. homc Before a large holiday crowd at the arena Tuesday night the Barrie Colts administered a. 5-3 beating to am nwpn Sound rG;reys in an ex- COLTS ENTRAIN FOl_{F'ARR`x' SOUND The I For Value General Nlerchvants, Stroud -- 1- .41! 4: ._r-/- g '17- .1` .--'. av` *x-r. 4 Eadwv B3103: Rowntree s Cocoa-out of barre1-1b. . . . . . .. Jelly Powder-Fruito or DeLuxe-5 for . . . r Pitted Dates-2 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bulk Dates-1b;~; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pllillips Magnesia . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Be11 s Veterinary Remedies Stocked DI! l'l'l(.' Sou ml u. PHONE 8 L`L'L`l\ Ull 0 play -111 jzht. I Colts erltraintrtl [01 } this mo1`nm_::'. Lz1.~'L` I H11 nH'.n- fxinnv Colts admlmstereu u. 9-.) the Owen hibition game. but the play the laryze interes nal bell. mm nnm hogan forcin and Service Shop at HlUI`IllH:`,'. LJi'l>,L an otT'(-1' from :m exhibition II; had bu-01'. in- motm`, `nut Hw \ .4-,u..l.... 1.`ln..l- .1 xLlll\.':\l, L on the ....l H... L Iu:_\ \\ -u 10 _;':x1ne for here about LHU \,`.l In` plajr Th0_v \ block 1..-. r\ NO ONE TO BLAME IN GlRL'S DEATH IN ALLISTON CA2 Complete exoneration of the doc-I tors who attended Minnie ~G.1'ace Howard, aged 20, before she dieg1,on the morning of Oct. 30th, was con tained in the verdict of a coroner`.- jury at the inquesi held at A1ii_.::i ` We are ni the oninion that then Jury at the inquest new as. rXlh_b.ZL We are opinion was absolutelyno lack of skill 01` care on the part of the medical men and others in attendance during v`..; last illness, the jury reported. I I"hn nvirlpnm: rpvrralnd that Lhl` . The Colts began forcing the play 1` and their efforts were rewarded two 1 minutes later when Kirby led a rush ` down the right wing and backhanded a shot which dribbled over Miles stick for the first goal. The Grey stzuzed a comeback shortly after and Mclntosh was called upon to make several saves. However, the Sound ers nally bulged the twine with 2: ...:m.+n and a half to go to the bell [last 11lness," tne Jury Irepurteu. I The evidence revealed that 1 girl had kept with Elme. = Dunn, aged 19. She was in a dellca - condtion, and after procuring` a su ply of pills she took a trip to Van couver. On Oct. 28th she returned to Alliston and went to her ro.)r=.< over the drug store of Joseph Hip- well, aged 70, for whom she -.-.1 housekeeper. T}11vina' the night of Oct. 29th she housekeeper. During the night of Oct. became ill and sent for Dr. Fran} ! Walker. After an examination Ii-.1 culled Dr. Burt. Despite iihe efforts- of both physicans she died at 5 a.m on Oct. 30th. Dr. Wallcer testi-\,' that the girl mentioned Elmer Dunn to him in discussing` her condition. ` \./uuuunuu \ Orangeville, Dec. 26.--4For the $11,12535 rst time since his appointment; 21| After '6 years ago, Governor Leighton did not mercial 10 have a goose dinner and plum pudu over the p ding` for the prisoners of the county ,it is enco gaol, the reason being there is not 21 `E evidence single prisoner in the institution. `Royal Ba} ---------------- im: show MATCHEDASH RESIDENT BURIED Orillia, Dec. 26.-Wi1liam T. Tay- lor, resident of Matchedash township, I 1 I who died at his home near Loveringrf on Sunday, was bu1'ied this afternoon, Rev. Arthur Harden, of Coldwater, conducting` the service. Mr. Taylor was 63 years old and was born near Sutton West but had lived in Matche- dash for over 50 years. Surviving,- him are his widow, seven daugl:t:1 and two` sons. I 1 -\ i1:|: l H111 \\UH1L'u U\\:1 \;UuhL:ul. LU wucu. hobble skirts zxgztin? , Emzmcipated ski1't-\vezu'ers chorus- ed No, Never! when the que.<`.;ion xvus put to them, but it looks like 21 war between the coutu1'ie1`s and their customers. I_l'.\l1uuvnp..-l 1`(\<~:n'v1nIIo Y-nah] 1-`an nnn_ HOBBLE SKIRTS TO COME BACK` (:u.~1I;0mO1`S. Hollywood desi_Q;ners hold the opin- ion the u11kle~1111.g'g'i11.,r slit skirt be- queathes a new fashion legacy tc the ladies, and to conrm their co;-.-w tention they have produced form-2.1 evening gowns whose wrap around skirts cling: about the legs as the paper clings to the wall, slit up the` sides and at the front. 9 I t2n+ ml-mo-1~.m. H-m n 4:11-cl +n nn-. 51065 21110 HE EH8 .L1'0llL. But whether the gowns are to new come fashionable throughout thci land or not they have made an` im-: pression on some members of the` movie colony and a number of them- are being worn in pictures now un-`~ der production. bulged the twme wnzn 2; minute and a go Small shooting to the _boards behind the net and Tcnnant banging in the! rebound before Mclntosh could turn around. rm. nlzur m the second frame be- N0 PRISONER, NO PUDDING John Dusome, a returned solder, died suddenly last; week while .cut- ting wood at a camp ,on the 17th. concession of Tiny. He leaves :1 wife and ve young children. Herbie Campbell won the Christ-I mas turkey roll held last Thu'rsda_y, Friday, Saturday and Monday ,with al hi-three score of 997. ` * I Bus Edwards won the hi-smglel turkey with 323. The schedule for the week of Jan. 2nd : I \XTn,1nnc-Ann 0 nnrl 11! 0 and 9|] zno. Wednesda_v-9 and I6, 2 and 20, 8 and 5, 12 and 1. 'I'hursdav---3 and 13, 4 and 7, 10 and 17, 14 and 19. Friday--15 and G, 18 and 11. Time--7.15 and 9.00. The competition for the Rob01'Ls0`x Trophy stztrted last 'l"nu1'sdu_V nig'1:". and has now been reduced to four, rinks. Those 1'emainin5: are skippcul by Hunter J{01med_\', Chas. Hc-e1_\', 0 g Pzxttc1'so11 and D1`. Io:.;`(:1'.`. To-m_gh`.; ('l'hu1's(lz1_\') the S(:l1]i-llzllh` will b::- _s:'i11 at 7.30, the su1'\'ivo1's lzlcetimr -.` `J o'clock in the nal. I I X Will .\L1nln mu _\ LU Lc:ag'ur.: o c1o(:k n nu... .\ L`.\L H L` ha: the 1 and the ....nnn The play in the second longed to Barrie, although they had three penalties to the Greys one. Leigh and Kashner were and the Colts played a man short for four minutes, during which time the visitors tried gaiiging attacks, but were not able to count. Several times the local players broke through only to have the Visiting them. A1-nott showed to good ad- vantage with his checking: and rush- ing-. After 16 minutes had gone the Colts second line broke into the scoring` colume when Leierh make a nice play for Bill `Scott, who made no mistake. A few seconds later a Coulson-Arnott combination failed when the 1-imht winger :_h1lsse(l 1` net. vrnm lnuf nnrinrl was wide open banished ' goalie heat V C {C H 'c t `t l I Due to the storm, which l Lh :1tte11dzmcc (lcwn. it \\'u.< found 1 ' 5211') to postpone lust nij.-;M. .<, fo I meeting.-; to F1'idz1_\ ni_:_,~'ht :11 n ;-1m-1: in H111 V `.1 F` A \D ih TOPPLING MAPLES ROBE}-{TSON TROPHY PLAY TOWN LEAGUE IQEZTING POSTPONED STROUD us ?NOTABLv3 PROGRESS MADE 3"! CASE! ROYAL BANK OF CANADA \:n'.""h~" .\d\"H.n(`e j_--.--_.-__.-j_. . 15c .2:>c .- .200 .100 .400 )un(l of speclal Interest: to nne puuuc, iln it affords perhaps the most striking,` theievidence yet given of the extent of ;the improvement in trade throug;h- n oe- ; out Canada. The annual general meeting` of `im- ; shareholders will be held at the head oice of the bank in Montreal on them `Thursday, January 10th. ~ 1111.`. Thu nu-inninnl m-r-nnnts. with com- show an increase me year. `Total assets are $758,423,904, of which $382,172,287 are liquid, being 56.16 per cent. of total liabilities to l the public, compared with 55.76 pei : cent. a year ago. Cash, cheques and - bank balances aggregate $165,683,- : 031 or 24.35 per cent. of public lia- bilities. a Government and municipal secur- , lities have increased during the per- od from $113,782,602 to $13`3,2'20,-, ~_l ,|,usm `1 Tlhe last period was open: from start to nish, the Colts scorinsrl three times and the Greys twice-l The visitors got away to a bad start, Smart and Coture mcritinz penalties` ' within a minute of each other. The ` Colts appeared a little sluggish dur-' in;:rtl1is sesson of play, perhaps they had too much fowl. However. Arnotfi grot into the open. knocked Miles hat; oil` with a backhand shot, and theni poked in the rebound. | Two rmals un Meekinsz sent: [Deposits Increase by $50,000,000-- Liquid Assets by $382,l72,287-__- Prots Down Slightly after Heaviex '1~...,..- l- The nancial statement of The Royal Bank of Canada for the year ended November 30`, 1934, reects. a period of improved business con- ditions. Figures of total assets, de- 1posits, cash, investments, commer- cial loans and net circulation all `show increase during the year. rn,\+..I ucznfu are g75g,;1:23_9()4_ . 425:). Big Gain in Deposits ` ' The outstanding feature of the 1 statement is the increase of $50,554,- 510 in public deposits. Of this in- icrease it is understood that $41,347,- 33~'l is in Canada, the balance abroad, {Canadian savings deposits being up (3 $11,126,336. l| Af'r.m- n. steadv decline in com- r`it encouraging to note as J.u.l'LI1(:1`| Lgevidence of business revival that the Bank's gures under this head- an increase of $10,092,494, )`the total standing at $226,942,028. I Dw.n+e +`m- Hm wear wm`e $4.398.- 101.11 pas). )'the total stanmng at if-ZZ.(),}}~'L,>ULo. [ Prots for the year were $4,398,- _l217, but are not properly compar- , lable with published prots for the ., _`previous year, because heretofore ' they were reported after deducting provincial taxes but before federal! 1 . taxes. For the sake of uniformity. L 1. and the fuller information of share-I ,_lholders, both classes of taxes are 2. now disclosed in the published re- fl port. _ . During` the "year under veviewi lDominion and provincial taxes ag- `_2'reg`ate(l $1,075,016. Making allow- K`ance for the increase under this ;hea(1ing', prots are lower by $268,- ll` -(18. Net proi"1t.~'. afte1' taxes, cover- `ed dividencl requirements of $2,800,- 000. annual contribution of $200,- I) 000 to olcers pension fund, the us-` ual app1`oprati0n of $200,000 `for ir bank pren1i: aml left a surplus 0:. $123,200 to be added to prot and 1- loss account, ll`1C1`C1SlllfJ_' that account e- to $1,506,804 to be carried forward tc to the next fiscal year. 'I`1... L-]1nxl'il1n` uvhiln n'v-.11'H'vi11o* tn L) $]l,lZl5,cS5U. | a steady loans of banks in Canada period of the past few years, encouraging to note as further,mm nf h11:ineRS revival thel to the next nsczu _\'ear. I ~ The s110\v1ng', VVhl1(3 ,9;1`atif_vi115.>* to the sharelloldors, \V')11 this year bu: of special interest to the public, as :+ nH`m-:1: nm-h:m.: tho most strikinu. Total :'1'nursc1ay, January mm. 1 The prmcipal accounts, with com- parative gures for the year, are as follows : . 109,1 102:2 ' I111 I. I9 \I\IlI-Ia . ___ Christmas F {xture

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