Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Dec 1934, p. 8

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Page -1|UlL|UIlb', i.llU IVUSUH4 V\/115 j.',UU(l. I ,3 G. 0. Cameron, chairman of the 1jCh1'istmas Cheer Committee, reported lgthat 412 children had be-on 1'erncm- bored last Christnms. .'-\l1'ead_V some 350 names had been receivml 1'01` this _jyear, and it looked as if the nuixmer I i would be even greater than last _\'ea1'. 1"`he Legion wish to co-operate with` `_ the Kiwanis Club this your and thr,-_V 1wha_ve a lzu'g'e numbeij 01' toys for iitribution, as have also the Boy] t, Scouts. E l C .... ....n. ' C....._..._... .. |:...L..':, Ill piu.'uuu1u.1`. The report on boys and g'ms work, under the chairmanship of A. B. Cochburn, showed that about 200 boys and p;irls had taken part in the `swimming, diving and play_e_'round ac- tivities. Many hud learned to swim and others ;.;ained in prociency. Assistance had been given in the gun- ior and senior Church Hockey Lea.';ur:, also in the Public School Lacrosse League. (inn, Mr-(.nni:nv. wznnrfinzr for fur: League. Geo. lVlcConkey, reporting: for tne Hz1l1owe en party, stated that the cost was about $30 and this amount had been taken in as gate receipts. While the p1'og1".un did not work out as planned, all the boys and girls; had 21 good time and that was the object of the party. P1-czuirlrn RH] (',1'ni0' 1`nhn1'frn(i H1511 ' LIUD LCl_L`l1t0l1 Clarke, for 1935, outlined some projects for gestions. G. 0. Cameron, chairman .of the .-\g'ricultural Committee for 11935, asked for consideration of a suggestioii made by Stewart L. Page ' i that the club again sponsor a Potato -I Club for juniors. It is proposed, au- ` vised, Mr. Page, to have three Coa_1nt_V [Potato Clubs for 1935,_ the Sen.o1 EPotato Growers. club members to plant only certied seed; the Jumor Farmers, from 20 years up, club . members to plant at least two bags 01 '7' certied seed, and a Junior Club, Tboys up to 20, club members to p-ant ` In the rail .`?_a bag of certified seed. 1' 5 a potato show will be held, prizes :10 nibe given. The county council at its 5 recent session lproiect, and with help from Agricul- tural Societies and the Gove1*nment_. it is expected to have at least $1,00t:. :l]Any help that the liiwanis blue 11 i could given would be appreciated. A '.- suggestioii was that the Barrie, Oril- 17 lia and I\Iidland Clubs formulate some `plan to help the junior boys club. president~elect ! the coming` year, and asked for sug-2 donated $300 for the`- 01 me party. President Bill Craig 1`e!\01'te(l that `the net receipts of the karnivul was |$6l9.18, not as large as hoped for, ibut conside1'ing` the e`oi'ts and con- iditions, the result was good. ' C O r`.:|n1rn~nn r-l1:\i1'n1:n1 rd flu .-I Hiram Keetch, a 21-year-old trim- sient, who rode into Orillia on a freight train, was taken to the Mem- orial Hospital with a badly frozen foot. He was wearing low shoes without socks. It is feared amputa- tion will be necessary. The youth gave his home address as Belleville. I Harry McGibbon, of Creen1o1'e,I shot a large timber wolf in the swamp near Lisle. The hide is worth about $20 and Mr. WcGibbcm will collect `the bounty of $15. | Warpy Phillips, star southpaw hurlcr for the I\ Ieufo1'd Black Sox basball team last season, kicked over the traces of single b1ess~;dncss last Thursday at Owen Sound. Miss Ila Huwes, 18-year-old dau_g'hf.e1' of M1`. and Mrs. H. Hawes, of ;\Ieafo1'(l, was the lucky lady. I -:--j-o This _v.ea1"s St. Michael :: buzzim:;` majors, practic:111y the szxme team that elimnated Barrie colts last year, are good, but the Sudbury Wolf Cubs are just 21 little better. In the chal- lenge S.P..~\. _`.{':ll!1(!S the Su(lbu1'_\v' team won both by :1 goal mar}.-,'in. the rst 3-2 and the second 4-3. Shannon on the no1'the1'ne1's defence gets the call as his team's most valuable man. I !Jan. 1U VV.lJ. I `Q. By virtue of a \va1'1'.'mt issued by 5`), the Mayor of the Town 01 Barri:-.,`;\ bearing (late the eigliteeiitli day ofm September, 1934, sale of lands in ar- 3 S rears of taxes in the Town of Barrit: 1` will be held at my oflice, Barrie, ;-.= I the hour of two o clock in the :'.1f`u.-:(: noon on the Fifteenth day of Janu-l ` ary, 1935, unless the taxes and costs- are sooner paid. Notice is her-by 1} given that the list of lands In` st-lo`-,0 for arrears of taxes is being` publisl1- 1. ed in the Ontario Gazette on tl:~.-g( Sixth day of October, the Third ~i.-y 1 . of November, and the First day of" December, 1934, and that copies of] the said list may be had a; my ozlice. i 1 'l`vnnen1~nv c ml-n T?-)1-via fhi Qnll ' s 3 Feb. Additional Sports SPORT GLEANINGS Suggest Sponsoring Fotato (`Ink INTERQEDIATE SCHEDULE 2~-G1'avr:nhurst at Co1 4-Orillia at Coldwater. 4-Midland at G1'avonhu1'st. 7-Cp. Bordon at Grztvt-nhurst. 7-~Coldw:1te1' at Mi(11:md. 9--Mid1:1nd at Coldw:1L(:r. 9--tG1':1vcn1m1'sL at C1). Borden. 1,1--Col(li\'z1tL+1- at Gm\venIn11'st. .11-~Camp Borden at .Tl1d1zmd. 14--G1':w0nhurst at Midlztml. 15-~C:unp Borden at Col(lw:1te1'. 18--Col(lwuter at Czunp Borden. 1S--Midlzu1(l at Orillia. 21--Cp. Borden at Gruvcnhurst. 21--Co1dwzLter at Midlzmd. 23--Gravcnhurst at O:-Ellia. 23--Midlzmd at Camp Borden. 25-Mid1and at Gravenhm-st. 25--Camp Borden at Coldwuter. 28-Camp Borden at Cn'illia. 28--Gravenhux'st at Midland. 30-Col(1wate1' at Camp Borden. 30--Orillia at Midland. 1-Orillia at Gravenhurst. 1-Mid1and at Goldwater. ._ 4-~Coldwater at: .Gra1`.'.enhursf,1~ 4-Camp Borden at Midland. 6--4MJ'dland at Camp Borden. 6--Coldwater at Orillia. *8-~Gravenhurst at ~Cold'wate1'. 8-- at Camp Borden. 1'2-~Gravenhurst at C3). Borden. ponson Clu l....];,. THURSDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY Dec. 13th, 14th, 15th `One of the- biggest utt.ra<: tions of the season ! with this oustanding cast: Ronald Colman, Loretta Young, Warner 01a11d, Charles Butterworth and Una Merkel, with nlany others. BULLDOG DRUMMONDE STRIKES BACK EXTRA ! EXTRA ! First pict1n'es of the ROYAL WEDDING of the Duke of Kent and Princess Marina. tne sam ust may De new a; my ounce. Treasurer s Ofce, Bz`.1'rie, this Endf day of October, 1934. A, `N, SrniHL T1-pA1`l1al' Chinaware Thursday Night Also _\'()11I' . r_'z1\'<)1'it<: POPE Y TEMPERATURE DROPPED T0 | 10 BELOW ON DECEMBER Bthl VVinter weather struck Barrxc on Friday last, when the temperature ldropped, and on Saturday morning it lwas 10 below zero, the coldest in Ontario till north of North Bay. The cold wave continued, zero weather be- ing` regristered `for four days. On Wednesday the coldest was 10 above and the thermometer is still rising`. The mean temperature for Novem- ber was four (legrees above the nor- mal average, the highest boin_.,=' 58 on the 22nd and the coldest 20 on the 25th. The rainfall ;m1ount'ed to 12.46 in., being 6-10 in. above the Theatre Phone 460' _[ Ill 57!] "CUFF 086711. "" "' cANK"i"fi""1\? N~;A'l`l0NA YE THE S.\ILO1i We B. VVEB13 Of Valuable Residential and Farm`. Property in the Town of Barrie, in` the Village of Cookstown, and in; the Township of West Gwillim-; bury, County of Simcoc. `- OUTSTANDING EVENTS \Veek-end sports progx-u.mxAn.os `on qrousc Mountnjn, Vxtncofxver. . M i d`-\\'/1 n te I: Go If A`Tournam'ent,. Victoria, Feb. 18 to 25, 1935. Full 1'2;/onnagiort fmm any cklt agent. A '-`L -` A RY KY A r-11:` A , __' . . .__.. ,_,,, ,,._.,.. Come out to Cmiadzfs Evergreen Playground : . . enjoy bulmy days of glorious outdoor sports. Golf, riding. yachting, motoring, hiking-z1ll in the land of ycnr-round summer sports! Low rail fares and special 'wintet rates at hotels. Tickets good going Dec. 15 to Feb. 28. Return `limit, April 30. Stop-over allowed ' all intermediate points. Always Use cA_NADlAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS and Low Rail Fares to VA NTCOUVERf,i VICTORIA, B.C.,,-and SEATTLE, Wash. THURSDAY: DECEMBER 13, 1934. 1 `VI -1- I MONDAY - TUESDAY . WEDNESDAY Chinaware Monday Night Two otttstalldillg pictures 4f01"rhe price of one ! . Barbara Stanwyck in ' LOST LADY Also Pat 0 Brien in (I'll nl`I-I1- C` n -1-I--'1-II-In------1-u-I~A In I SELL ANYTHING Added Att1'acit011 --'M.er1'ie Mc10dy- The Girl at the Ironing Board VV:\ 1`C`/I-I' FOR these Big Att1'actio11s <-oming` soon : The ]3a1-rotts of \Vimp01e .St1'c0t, E\'01_\"-n l)])(.\l 1ti-60,, ` ` 1<`li1.'t:1`ti011 \\'a]k, Chain- ed, Brig`11t E_\'(;'s" with S11ir1o_V' '_l.`mn]_)1c; \Vhite II ;u'u Pot-1< s fl-321d B0_\"' Mm'1'_y \Vi(10\\', VVG Live ,.\_s:ai11," "T1'm1S211`la111ic," '.\I'm-r_\'-(-`rm-I I ound. ` u&&hl\J .|. HI J-rLJ.\.;1l. JAI- THE ROXY-.V\1\\'21_\'s Lezulingg` in ]:]n1`m'1`21i1nnont aver. 52.6 in, Snowfall for .\'ovomber was Dec. Under and by virtue of the powers} of sale contained in a certain mort-; grzxge, which will be produced at the; time of sale, there will be offered for: sale by public auction on cA'rnpnAv DI -`("1-`MRFR an *Be1ow zero. December Reading Low I`Iigh ylllandale l'U -.-W. H. Butto1'_v. Spud --- Sahlv - Dnpcndablllty EXPRESS QULLlV'D 11L) I LL, DAKKIL by W. A. McConkey, Auctioneer, the 5 I following lands and premises, name-i, 1., . unit! IDBEI Ruin Snow 0.14 - 0 1 Town of Barnc, Count] of Simcoe TH VVVF - : \ Parcel 0n.~-The West half of Lot`. Number Five (5) on the East side of? Innisl Street, in the said Town at; Barrie, according to Registered Plan; Number 245. "WI-any-an in cnirl fn ha n1-an!-nr` nu 1.11: .\umoer zen. There is said to be erected on t.1ls,! property a comfortable one and one-1 halt` storey brick veneer 1-esi(\ence,`. bathroom and other convenience.~. I D........I Tina AH nf }nvnL'nn &11J V\l'JAV,l LIAJAI v . V-.4-.a Junior Church School--11 21.111. The Church School--3 p.m. Young People Socioty-~Monda; . \`n1, bathroom anu otnex` cunvexuentzu.-. Parcel Two-A11 of broken Lot Number Five (5) and the West six- teen acrcs of broken Lot Number Six (6) both 111 the Fifteenth (1-3) Concession of the said Townsh!p 01`; West Gwillimbury, containing 1-o1`t_\'-:, eight acres more or less. ` T`T1n m-nnertv is an exceilent nas-` Collier St. United Church} eight`. more or 1855. _ Ths property XS an excexlent pas- ture farm. D........I TI-n-nn_..T.n1'< \'nn1hn1': Nh'In- E0 n.eg15Lt:1'uu Imu. nun There is said to be 0) prope1't_v :1 comfortable half story, brick V0111 containing: seven room. Wank nnw-nl nf` lzmd v ture Iarm. 1 Parcel Three--Lots Numbers Nine-{ teen (19) and Twenty (20) on thei West side of Geor_q'e Street, in the? said Vi1la_2'e of Cookstown. acco1'din_u1 to Registered Plan Number 233. `| erected on this one and onc-L Veneer 1'csi(Ie1n.'C, _ _..L,.!.......;.. r< 1VI\I\I\\ contzunmgr SOVCII room. Each parcel of land wlll be of`."c1'ed for sale sep:u'utel_v and each pzucel will be subject to a reserved bin. \ T....m:.__.'l`nn nor ncmt. of the nur- W111 De Subject to 2!. 1'c.x'e1'vcu mu. Tex-ms---'I`en per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid at the' of sale and the balance within t!mt\`? days thereafter. F`m- +` terms and condit'Ion.< days tnereaxcer. For further terms and of sale apply to gfnulnrl` RI Slnwnrt. , I Rev. I_.eomu'd A. Dxxon. at prc. General Sec1`etzu'_v of the Students ! Forward Movement in the University K of Toronto, and padre of Hart` House, has been appointed rector of St. James Church, Orillia, succeed-: ing Rev. D. M. Rose, who recently` moved to Ohsawa. ` Ever; day 10,000 women buy 9. bottle of Lydia E. Pinkha.m's Vege- table Compound. They know that there is no better remedy for their ttoublesome ailments with their accompanying nervousness,.back- ache, headache, "bluo" spelis} ind ...m.lnnn mnrlitinn. Darrle, Dated December 6 193-1. ICDB, neauucuc, uu rundown condition. p.m. The Midweek Mecting---Wcdnes- day, 8 p.m. (`Jmn-h School Christmas U U_\ LJLIUHC d.Ll.ULlUll. U1]. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29 10211 9+ 19 r\ r-Innlz nnnn 5 p.m. Church School Mortgage Sale DA I UKUI-\I , lJl1.Ll`_lVlb|".l( AS 1934, at 12 o clock noon at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE W A NT:-("nn1(n\', -\nr-1-innrw-1', .n.;. WHITE GIFT SERVICE luv P1411 u-1:11 Qnknn] I Eight Sunday, Dec. l6,Lli;)Ii4,,' 11 am. and 7 11.111. ADV\EN`T NERVICES ..._L r_V_L....l II .. . Stewart & Stewart, Mortgagee s Solicitors, Barrie, Ontario. hnnnosaknsv R 1 09.1 `over, LUOLL A. W. Smith, T1-easiuer arnc, L.oun TO WIT : A43 n uv Entertainment ` Friday, Dec. 14, 7.30 pm. .3up~E per will be served .f_o1- the pupils C1] the school at 5.30 p.m. i um-am: nnrl frinmls are cordialls !Allandale News`, Mr." W. Th-`ll \'iitud in Co1ling'- wood over the week end. :\,r:aL. Q4-.\ll.. (`Iuo-.. mu! Mina h r`..-mu VVOOU OVCT LHC \\ (`.UK CHU- Mlss Stella Clutc und Mlss D. Cook, of Toronto, were week and vxsltors at the formcr s home here. R/Tu I"'|sn;< Ahlnnu AF DnI1\rn (`Inn l "?g rP' . . week. w Monday nlght was Cltizenshlp. l.\'ight at the meeting of the Burtonl l~.-`we. United Y.P.S. Ethel McQuaue} was in charge. The meetillg; opened _`,with Rev. E. Doe reading: the Scrip- Iture. This was followed by a solo aby llarian Park, Come Into the. Chas. H_ S,am ll r1n1~(lnn A lnicfrn-v I-nnl-ncf uyia l The local re b1'i_qade was summon- ed to extinguish a blaze at the home of .\I1's. .~\1'chie Looker, Bradford St.,u on Saturday afternoon. _of Co1l_ingwoogl, `I IS \'lS11',lTLL`f 1!'lCI1(lS III E0\Vn. Mrs. E. E. Mott spent Thursday and Friday in Toronto. NH-c T4` Dnhcnn ?e cnnnrlinw :1 four [I10 l01'H1CI"S IIOIIIC nere. Mr. `Thos. Aldous, of Rouyn, Que., is visiting: friends in town. NT:-< Ii`. F, Mott nnnnf. 'IhurQd:1v HUG .l`rI(]il_V In IOFOIIEO. 1\'h`s. F. Dobson is spending a few Edays in TOI_`0I`lt0 visiting friends. I `Mr (`.:nmnrnn .(".In+.p in rnsn-mrrinrr :(la_VS 111 LOI_'OI1E0 VlSl1'.lIl. _` ITIEIIUS. I Mr. C'an1cron Clute is managing `the Imperial Oil plant at Allistm. and moved there last week. :'|'nnun.. Dn 1.1 I\`P rr`l\\1l\`Ir\`>r\ nv\r\`v\`- arm IIIOVBU Lfltife IELSL WEEK. Maul-xce Park, of Toronto, spent the week end at his home here. 1\/Tum TI Dab! -nu-I Baku pd? Dnmwnn i:`\l'L vJd_\ \\/Z15 LIME \VlIlllUl'. I ; The Essa Road Youn_L>,' People s p1ru- , I ;_e'1-ani for Monday was in the liolidayit /imood. Misses Norine Rowcliffe zmd,] :;Ve1'na Green gave talks on Chris c-] ( fgnias in Many Lands. Rev. N. R. D. vj "'Sinc1ni1' continued his Old Testament 1 7' lessoiis, choosing: the works of the Prophet Samuel for his Monday ni_c-:11: ` = discourse. I'_.I2__ A:_l lTI__;:_.. 1: il school at .`).3~U Parents and friends are cordially invited to attend the entertainmem. Elle WEEK GHQ {LL HIS IIUIIIB mere. Mrs. K. Reid and baby, of Beeton,| spent Monday at the home of Mr.` and Mrs. W. Reid. T\:`[s-n TIT AunA+l- `Ivan In 'T`.\..,u-.4-p. 1,... ll Ul5UUUl'b'U. i Ladies Aid Election 1 f` The Lndes Aid of the Essa Road: iP1'e: Church held its annual} " } electon of ofcers on Tuesda_v anei-I ' i noon at the home of 311's. R. McBride, ' l Cumberlzmcl St. The new ofcers are 7 , as follows : V f T)\II\I`:l]I\V1" '\r:..,. 1 r~..+..1.m.. v' 1` l ` 'cUlu LVIFS. VV. JXBIU. I Mrs. W. Arnott was in Toronto for` 1 I several days last week. `I1'Q HS`! |11;1f`f\I'1 21,1!` l'q'.II1l'Y1+t`l" . `SUVUl."cl1 uuys IBISL WEEK. | Mr . -T`. Hamllton and daughter Mary vislted relatives m Hamllton ;and Burlington over the week end. I 111' 111!` \/T1-Q IT (3.-,I1+nn1~ -Jnr] `I\/Hue }'(UlU. LIUl'llH3,"L()Il UV(,`l' LDC VVCBK CHU- g Mr. and Mrs. H. G.-u1'tne1' and Miss .Marg`ue1-ite Gartner spent Saturday :in the city. 4 NH`: T1`. ncrrlnn ennnf Wmlnncrlnv `U1. LUIS \VUUK lll LOYOHCO. ' ; Mr. F. Dutcher, of Barrie, was the iorgranist at both services at the Bur- Eton Ave. United Church on Sun 5 Young People " I Mrxnnxl n1'n-hf`. ulna F'.1'H-7nh<:$-n .11! L116 Clby. Mrs. E. Ogden spent Wednesday Iof this week in Toronto. ? \r.. 1.1 n..+..1.m. I\' nm...:,. ....... .,.,. 1 I ; L.0.B.A. Installation 1f 5` With Mrs. A. Hooper actim. usi, `;W.:\I., the installation of the officers g of the L.O.B.A. took place last; Thurs-l `day eveninfs; in the Orange Halt. The iretiring Worthy Mistress, Mrs. on n ; Peters, was presented with the cus-' n`|to1nar_\' jewel and a beautiful sin: n : bedspread by Mrs. C. Weaymouth on l-lbehalf of the members. Mrs. Bar- lrand read the address of appreaa , ltion to Mrs. Peters for her good work; sl(luring' the past year. Pleasure, In 1-1tl`l(3 form of a fowl supper, came elafter the business of the evening`, 1` l and was g'1`eat1_'. enjoyed by the large ` `number of members prseent. i W.A. Election _ The ofeers of the Women s Aux lilizugv of the Burton Ave. United {Church as elected this week are '13. -9 : follows : 3-l Du-n:~i,lnn+ `.\/I ;-u T_l'nv-nu T.-\`|nvu._ 1215 lOl1U\VS I President. Miss L. Catcher; Vine-1 ?P1'esident, Mrs. J. P. 1\IcM1'lIin; Sec-5 11'eta1'_\`, Mrs. H. Ardell; T1'easu1'e1',` `Mrs. A. McGuire; Flower Con., Mrs. !W. Peck. L I Barrie hockey enthusiasts will have M chance to see how good the Colts reu11_\'zu-e when they tangle with the Toronto Dukes here Friday night. The Toronto outt were formerly the .\`Iu1`1bo1`0.~'. and are sporting such `nun1es us Worters and Conacher in their line-up, so that if names mezm :anyt11in:_-` a good game is assured. C` Sunday, Dec. 16, 1934 11 a.rn.+R,ev. Peter Webster, of Stayner. V ` I . 1 nnnnww nvnm on1)nrr~1:V E .lUllU\VS 1 President, Hrs. Harvey Johnsu.; 1 llst Vice-President, Mrs. C. Stewa1t,; ;2nd Vice-President, Mrs. A. Hender- ison; Rec. Secretary, Mrs. A. Pugn; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. W. A. Spear ` iFin. Secretary, Mrs. Hanna; Treas: lurer, Hrs. McQuade. 3 Death of Frank Goodwin 1 The people of Allandale were `.21-ie\'ed to hear of the death of Mr. Frank Goodwin, which occurred early Wednesday morning at the Private Patients Pavilion, Toronto. Mr. Goodwin had been ill for about a . _month and prior to his returning: to ' ithe hospital last week had been at his ;home here. The funeral will take `place from his late residence on Fri-1 lday afternoon, with interment in` HBarrie Union Cemetery. Deepest! is_\'mpath_\' is extended to the Widowi 5 iand little daughter in their irrepar- :* able loss. l Restored to Health by I- 1'! n:__I_L__. I\S'l'.OI'eC| LU lncaxunx nu; `_ 5 Lydia E. Pinkham s : _ Vegetable Compound UULJ ictic COULD NOT WORK FUR MONTHS Port Elgin, N. .b.-"r'or mree months, I was nervous and weak with tired feelings and could not do my _ work. A friend ad- ' me to take ydia. E. Pink- s Vegetable ompound and I auuuvuu, - n...., ..v. . iFdtee1in otg "*7 ""'"" IIIIE uepcnuuum medicine `sold by dmuists every- -Imrg Elgin, N. B.- nnnithsl. T was nervous 8. VV1`l`111i; Lr11'1 oiuuvuuz. by Church Scho 1 In Church Auditorium . 3 p.m. I Cong1'eg'a.tion invited to join with the; School. 3 1. - A (1 ,_A__ in, N. B. This dependable I nlrnmnt everv. ,' ..Don .t bazaar Queen's -2 an +.n wguceu 5 nu 2.30 to 5.5 to charity. Plants and cut flowers make ..n ideal Christmas gift. Reasonably priced at Barker s, in the ICU:-5 building. Wlmnv nnvln nf phnlnefnn nnitl n uuuuulg. Elmer Doyle, of Phelpston, paid a ne Tuesday afternoon for being drunk in a public place. 1 A charge of making an unneces- sary noise on Bradford St. by cutting out the muffler on his car was with- drawn against W. J. Colc, Bradl.-ord St., this morning. _:____j` 1., i At 21 meeting of the Parks Com-73 llmission on Saturday it was deciaedilf `Ito instal lavatory conveniences in 1Bayview Park in the spring, prmurr-I `Ied some assistance ca_n be secured`_17 "from the council. The Commissiuqt` `ihas :1 surplus this year 01' about} * ?, $500, which will be used for this: ' i purpose. [ In spite of the severe cold durmg; the week the bay is still open, wxth [no sign of freezing`. | Only nine more shopping days tilll Christmas. '111e local merchants are] prepared to supply all your neeuvs but better shop early. uwuuvu Evening: at Seven E Rev. Louis Picko1'im.'; will preach Preparing for the Christmas FezLsti Next Week Monday-~Annuz11 .Co11g`regatio11al Meeting` at 8 13.111. ` Wprlnn. ndnv School Ch1'ist-` | Chief Stewart warns all local mer- 'chunts against taking cheques they are doubtful of, as they may be sorry .in the end. Three merchants nave {been victimized during` the past I T. Swain, of Collin,Q'wood,! `2l])[)Cill'C(1 before I\`IzLg'ist1'atc Jeffs chisi imorning chz11'_L'ed with pe1'ju1'_v in- Econnecton with u bigamy trial in! (which the accused state?! he was 0111_V Imzu'1'ied once. He was 1'cp1'cscnted; `by F. Hammond and remanded in; `lcustody till Dec. 20th. I Five box cars in the C.- .R. _V211`(i$i` aat Allandale were broken into he-" tween 9.15 p.m. Sunday and 6 a.m.if Monda_v. Only one car was molest-i ged, from which two cartoons of to~' bacco for Camp Borden and one car- ton of shirts for H. Twiss men s: store, were stolen. The other cars" gcontained hides and unmovable goods {which were not touched. The tneic `was discovered on Monday inornmy,-` land C.N.R. Constable Chas. Fuller-` ton and Chief Stewart made an in-; .tensive'search, but to no avaii.; "Tracks of two men were followed mi I I .the snow as far as the hig'hway.. 3 FIVE FREIGHT CARS 1 ENTERED BY THEIVES n 1 I E Monday evening was the annual} `meeting of Central United Church` |Young' PeopIe s Society, which fem`.-| ured a banquet and elcction uzl lofcers for 1935. I Wnllnuuyiaxm 1'lI\ Ln, .-.4. ..4. ,. . . Following the banquet at 6.`.-" which was prepared by Miss Ch1`FS.lG and her associates, a sing-song was enjoyed. A toast was given to the [church by Dr. Perkins, responded to `by Mr . Pickering. The reports for the year given by the various con- `veners, showed a. decided increase in `many instances. `Ul1lCt:l' 1.01` 1:160. I Tim `nnuvinn- ..m,..,.... ..m..,. . .. `lllillly lllcancesu The following ofcers were elect`.-I for the coming` year: Presitlcnt, .1-z-:3; Walsh; Vice-President, Henry Bo- gardis; Secretary, Margaret Hook; l`reasure1', Wm. Sarjeunt; Convcnerst Christian lendeavor, Dr. Alan Per- kins; Missionary, Edith Stein; Mis- sionary Treas., Miss Parr; Citizen- ship, Ray Bishop; Social, Edna Christie; Musical, Nancy Rothwell; Recreational, Jack Johnston and- Lloyd Partridge; Publication, George iUrry. _ ' .4. EALLISTON MAY6R . AWARDED DAMAGES` (Continued from page one) Archibald Greer, the defendant, a retired farmer living; in Alliston, had taken an active part in municipal a1`- fairs for 15 years, being an ex Warden -of Dulferin County. lie said he went down to the elevatoz on Dec. 27th to see a man on business. When he walked in the office several men were sitting` around discussing the nominations of the night before. After listening; to them for a while he said, I was surprised at the citi~ zens of Alliston nominatinp: one man for all the oflices of the town and allowing: him to take up the time of the meeting by rehashing his speech- es and giving` the same thing; over a;:'ain when the people went there to see where their taxes were spent.` Witness said The third time Mr. Mit-chell got up to speak he was ex- plaining something with gures and said I have gures for this and fig`- ures don t lie. I said I was w.-.';', very sorry I could not say the same thing about the mayor of Alliston, for both he and Mr. Page said some- thing at my trial which I felt had a p:ood deal to do with me losing th- case. Uilbllo M1`. Greer denied he spoke the Words set out in the statoIm:m of claim and any words spoken wt rel not defamatory or objectionable. In an alternative, the defendant plead-x ed that if he spoke the words they were true. {H-Innu uy+u~.n;-one {an `'111\ A.-..`,-..... V .\1eemng' at :5 p.m. _ -, We(lnesday--Sunday School Chrlst-E \ mas Tree and Entertuhmlent. _ r*1...:..+m..g. Qnnr1mx._ITnnn Them` were CYUC. I Other witnesses for the defence. were Hartley Graham, real estate agent; Reeve Cunningham, William Latimer and Jas. Kerr. Robt. Stump and Elmer Graham, two witnesses for .the prosecution, proved that Mr. Mit~ chell did not prejure himself at the Division Court action. rim... 4...... ....... ....+ AYIO 1...... ....,il UIVISIOXI MOUYU RC The jury was ten minutes and : in their decision. LOCAL NEWS fdrget the Sunshine Cam) and afternoon tea in the Hotel on Saturday `from 5.30 p.m. All proceeds go H-.v, CENTRAL Y.P.S. The Northern Advance LCUOII. I : out one hour and` all were unammous REVIEW or `. EAR S I WORK AT K|WAN|S\ Although there was no speaker at this week s meeting of the Kiwanis Club, the attendance was better than fcar some time. Several reports of the year s activities were presum- ed. I80 Leighton Clarke, chairman of last` ear s o)en rink committee, re ort- ` P ed that the total outlay in connection with the rink was $816.94, of which the club contributed $655.95. '1`here was a balance on hand of $160.99, as well as considerable material used for the rink. With no other rink in the town the project served a worth- }while purpose and was greatly enjoy- ed by the boys and girls of the town in particular. 'l`l1n vnnnvt nn lnnvc and n-1 v.2 3.`.11'.{'.'3A\ ll REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER

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