Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Dec 1934, p. 6

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Page Six HH\ ('. .\ll ` out of AI -\ JHL' UI help In the *.:~.\`(: . A..a. ..| .. .. COLLIER STREET Y.P.S. IULHU He WHEN WINTER COMES WHO ARE THE BLEST ? the .=4;11nr~ \\':1_\'. wt` l1l.'L_\' Illll l and 5.30141 to hz~. imt. :a \\`:u'm hozxrt '0 can g`i\'r= 5 01' love which will mean fur - than money. '0 should a1\v:1,\'.< '- 1,~'(-ntlv h0:u'L, and then we can 1)lessi11_u' to m:m_\'. Hk . I lHi.'i with WHEN YOU RE ON A. HOLIDAY . .. AND YOU RE HAVING A GOOD TIME . . . AND YOUR ONLY VVORRY IS THE CHILDREN AT HOME . . . arr` too poor no \\':1y. \ V'(\ 1 J .I,l A... l,,_,.;. aung llerry (}wntlen1en. )IcIH1ec lliss nn-n 'cIIr\|\1 4-1:. A \ m;\ [M(. il>'lll,`_ .`- .. 1. .. f. Y\'(`. (`H('U(lI it He told pc A Lu 5... - may not ~. but an-.-. l\~|\V/\ .Inp1n'(~, \\'m_| l'}n;_5|ish sc:u'c0, to gzet abbz1_L'c I'\,,f , Hmnwl, slmwl -nl|:u', in ]l2l\'_\' blue trinnm-(I wi.1,h Ii;-;lI1 him-, um] st-ul ]n'n\\'n Irinnm-(1 \\'i1h~ .s';1:nr'L Price Nnm\' silk DRESSING GOWNS, navy blue \\'i1h l>l;u`l Price ,,"l3l!ll!JlLo eoplo of VTHURSDAY, DECEM-BEP. 13, 1934. Customs collection in Midland for the eigrht months cn(lin_u' Nov. 30th \\"u1'r- $10-1,072.98, an i11c1'(r21.<(: of :5(3,88($.G5 over the same period last vn-xv Tnvrcn r-nun:-Hnn< \\'r-rn u|;n Telephone home . . . a Longi Distance call every night will relieve your mind. ; -;)'l,DD|).`)U OVCY LIN.` SZUHU [JUYIUU lZl5L ` year. Exclse collcctlom \\'(-re also . 11;: by $0,506.45. \\'i1h 2I]dI 4:11 5 Why Ems an .311]; Because . . . 1st` . At home or away, Long Distance takes you places quickly , easily, economically. You can talk with someone 100 miles or so distant for as little as 30 cents. See the list of rates in the front of your wlirectory. AUSTRALIAN DRUG COMPANY ..-r\ u Men's Dressing Gowns ray {Teach Lines b(*1`\\'v(-11 Toronto and ]11fF;11n,I\ i:ig'z11-a Falls ])eh-oif. M.out1'ea1 O: 21ml i}11 ('1'1]10(1ii1t(` points. Attractive Rdtes to All Popular Southern Resorts. Full directions with each bottle Tickets and Information at v Get the genuine G.G. Extract from your druggist--or from All im mrities such as ums, resin 1 J . and Iron are removed by this rening. G.G. is the highest medical grade oil 01)tE1iKlll\IL` from any of the Euculypti of Australia. G.G. Extract does not leave that stale odor and never loses its strength. Its Cincol content, which is the recognized medical ingredient in Eucalyptus Oils exceeds 80% whereas the ordinary B.P. Stand- ard is set at 70% Cineol. DOWN It is imported direct from Aus- tralia in crude form. llt is rened and steam-washed in Toron:o. Canada. J 1 A\r|u1r`u1 nxu uu \J\JAVlL :1 75 Duchess Street, Toronto Phone: WAverley 4521 Prices 25c.:}0c, 65c, 90c A. A. SMITH The Hoover Hedlite C- nbles you to clean beta: and moreeasily--ondn:b est days, in darkest coo nets, without overhead light. The Hoover is the only cleaner equippel with the Hedlite. Libernl allowance for old electric Cleaners. Telephone fox no-obligation HomeTrhl without delay. good . . ..... .. ... ..~v\r.\I\ nu-:.y:v:.2L:za'!<:a-1:05: '4:-073627/.D$ W : izope 13;. .... ci-I Manager I Oro council met at the '1`-.\vn Hull Ion Dec. -1, with all the members pr0;<- I 1-nf This is news indeed! Now, for a limited time you can get one of the new Hoovers- either the Popular-Priced Model or the Two-Speed iIoover--complete with Dusting Tools or Dustette, for :1 down payment de- cidedly less than usual. Hoovers, as you know, are it,`u`.'.'t_`r priced-and more ei- :ient. All models have the p:'.!I'nr!_-ti, exclusive cleaning auiun, Positive Agitation, the my effective principle fm (iislmigirxg rug-ruining, 2LIli)(.'riAi(,`1i grit. (11111. ('.`ounci1lo1' Clark paid in from Wm. Lo(:kin:_r for elm tree on DIV, 75). on (,'.ounci1l01' Currie paid in $2 from (:..n In-nnlzc Fm min nf nlm h-no nn \H`(). Dix`. f`. LU l)IIL.III| _';uuu L` Thu prop:-I` tlw: 1'01` tlw I':ulI04l'rn- mulin l'I,1m~liun.<. all :1 puwx-r lulu- Lhv lust, st:\;:-, full \'ulum:- wit! ...... 'l`h.. ml-tun. :~:])(*:|KllIj..' Jlt Lllv 0|):-Iunly, U1 :1 m`\\' pier at H;.1ir;.x |l:u'hm-. l)il1`u-ultit-4' 1'21:-in): (':m:ul for tlw m-xt l'-w ya-m: urv of sLuel1 tr:1n.<:-mnlzmt nutiunul lu- pm'tum-n- us to till in zuuthmityx with :1 .s'm1m- of inll-rim`it_\' in coping,-', with thv pmblu-ms, hut (T:1n:uli:|I1 com` ' up;v would lu-, 1-(]u:ll to l.h<- m-vusiun % Cunmluns hunt thvir 1-II'm't,s \\'lUl :1: unit)` of thnu_u'ht to thv lzmlm that` x-unfrmlt l.]l('lll." I lull \'UlUHH' \VILlIUlll. in},-'. 'l'hv prop:-r plat y,'1`id l)i:n.~(-.4 \`. ll4-I`1- 11 applied on Llu- tuba-.<. 'l'ln- 2s`un.~'him- (`.lul) bu /.:uu' zuul :1|'Lurnon Quunns Ilntt.-I on Sutu `.Z..`() tu .. u.:H) p.m. IL I5 ohtn u,'.`l_L',I|i uptud : l!I`I'Y|flI' -OUHCIHOT k.Ul'l'l(.` [)2l.l(l III )1. JI'UllI Brooks for sale of elm tree on lfn " Yes, Dad s here, IL too ORO COUNCIL I)('lI. .4l1c(.-p 111) um! .. I . , ll ;x . iUl()lll, .. ..l.. I11: wi.`l.l. huh! :1 :1|`Lurnoon Lt-u ut Mu: S:1L11I'lz1)', llw. l.'., ;1mn'c<: nI' (um .1119 Northern Advance b\'~ :-. ..l,...o . lI|'|l|'_\, .\1usl, ...`.I |\:` Show time only '\lU\'ll n_. x Hobt. Mun Hm'n<.-, l I In.......l. A |]l' l'IIIl)I())1`(\ 1'7 1 to h:nl:|l4- Lhu :1pp:u`<-nl {km- vnh -an-..., nnl 1` \(H l'1`(l|'ll F arm News Poultry Grades Most of the poultry being` olfcred _L_`,']`:l(l(`.(l n accordance with govern- 1 mc,-n1: st:m(lards, with the class and `on the market this year is being i l g'1'z1de marked by tzuss :1ll'1xe(l to the breast of the bird. There are two classes of poultry, Milk-1'c(l, dis- Limruished \\ l1lt.c fat, and sclcctcd," distingguished by yellow fat. Within these classes are the _<.',ra(lcs Milk- |fed A, hlilk-fed B, Selected A, Selected 1 and Selected C. Grading of the birds in this manner enables the householder to choose good dressed poultry with gzreat ease. ` Meal Mixtures for Pigs in ` Winter For pigs newly weaned and up to ` four months of age the following meal mixture is recommended: Middlings, 3 parts; oats, 2 parts; shorts, 1 part: lbran, 1,4. part. Three pounds of skim milk or buttermilk per pound of meal mixture should be fed at this 1 stage. i :'I"'hn `FnHn\vi`no~ Inna] n1i\'1'In*n ix` vn- ! stage. I 1 ' The following meal mixture is re- commended when the pigs are be- tween four and ve months old~_ Shorts, 2 parts; oats, 2 parts; barley, 111': parts; bran, 1/; part. With one 'pound of this mixture feed two pounds of skim-milk or buttermilk. . From the time the pigs are live, months old and wei,<.J:l1 about 150 pounds up to market weight, they may be fed the following nishine; ration: Shorts, 1 part; oats, 2 parts; barley, 2 parts. With one pound of this mixture, feed one and one-half ` pounds of skim-milk or buttermilk. . I ` Purchasing Feed Stuffs fl The Z1dV':.\l1tz1;;'(3 of co-operative pan 1' clmsc of feed stuifs is some times 105`; '1 '1 which can bra. purchased in curlut quzmtiti0.~: without 1'eg'zu`(l to lmlzmccir 01' . of 1'ation.>:. (Jz11*lot pur-1` clm;-`c of f(.`C(l1f. ,' . should he mi-I do-rtuken from the stumlpoint 01' lmth! (:('nnnm\' mu] r-{Tu-imn-\'_ Dnllm-< urn-` I `\th1'oug'h the feeding` of those fen-(ls llUl.'Lil!&UIl J.l`UlIl LHU 5LlUlUl)UH|L U1 UULH economy and eflici0n(:_\'. _Doll2u'.~: per; ton is not the all-impo1't:mt il1]_'.:`lL'.l Tlic cost per pound of food nutri-:nt.~~' is more impo1'tz1ntun better still, the` price per unit of fr,-e(li11;;' value and tl1(:;~uit21l)ilit_\' for b:1l21ncin;;'. grown or other 'l'(:c:(l.< 21112 the impm".- ant 1'21cto1's to c0n.~:i 'l`l1r_=1'r- 411%`; .sr~\'( 1 : to l ollo\\' in the put-` Iclm.<(.- oi` : l'r.~orl;-:. 'l'l1.(-_\' l:-.21-1 (1) Know wlu-.t is on hzmd in itln: l'o1'm 01' l10mr_:-_':1'o\vn l'u(.-(ls. 1" ' l\'no\'.` wlmt lJ(_`>'i l,Ill`1I1L'f.`S ills! l.'c(:v.~- ()l1l121l](l, `i21l into c.0n.~:ideratlo11 both quzxlity :-.n(l cost. (.3) Pl1l'L'l11.~'x,' 'su1)plcm0ntu1'_\' fc.-(.-(l._< in quu11tiL),` : to take. u(l\'u11tz19;e 01' time best p1'icea,2m(l lowest l'1'ci_-.:ht 1'ut.;.<. (-1) Know tl`.(.- production 1'(.'(_'O]'(l.< oi` the live : fed. \. Care Means Cash on the Farm . These Days `_ One of the vc-ry practical lines. in: gziven to all 1`r:2`u1zu' stu- dents at the 0..-\.C. is in the zulju.~'i- ment, 1'('})'dil' and care of farm nut-`; chine)-_\` and other farm equipment? su(-I`. as toools, h:u'ncss, ]'O])(:.<, l>c}L.<.`. etc. l."Ll!:\'Ll.`. l'Ul' |II.`*LEl \ rm S11o1'Lhm'n cow. _ lf2f31'.ZZ. .. Shu in 1:3 i.'~\u_u'Ix. slur drop]: ' I V I - u :1 Hnw-u ol hm` hmh 1; C.'nlI<-2'1: hum! zmrl !I...n .1.., .1 ..... .. L. '\,(Jll(` I bull in.- . | ULC. , So grreat is the need for care and economy on the farms just 11(-xv Lhat it has been (1(-cidod to oITe1' u C0u1`:'~" `(, in ivsuuction and practice 211011;` -- thc.~;e lines to any _\'ounf.>: men who at- ` tend the ten-day short course at the C01h:`4'0, Janua1'_V 2 to 1.1, uml who wish to spend their time on this kind of. work. _ '. \'I`1an.~,. I\'\/'.\1 "will n....&2,. 1 S BLUIIU L2\L`ll|ll_`_ , <:nt(:rtznnm<.-nt; llmcs of work I Great Shorthorns Too ! 'l`]u1t wzxs :1 _L'rc:1t St0l'\ in 'l:,\.~:t` wt.-(.-k .s' p1'c.~'s about your H.-1.1zu'k2zbl<-= I-I'o1.~'toin cow and her lurgzc 1':m1i1y ` said :1 \'isitm' at the (Toll:-_:v'r2 this wen , but have you no 0L1tSt2ll1(1iI1f. ,` hm-` `('21/CU!` to shmv td youn.-_- l':u"m(-1'. who lcomv to your (:ou1'.~'c in .5:mu~ cum` '7' I H") .' 1 l3nt_\' of them.` izxitluln`. Sho1't11m'n iv\ . Ln... ... \\'Ul'K. These men \\\n n\Vn\1II\n- - 'lI|llL' HIS o'$`|~l ll LUII. In l`(-u-rbcn-0 County potatoes : \ .....`..v nu. .' purposes. "i'l`u'-n, too, In` of the Do Your Shopping Early (.`X])(!(: l `Unn (H LIICHI. Siilll L'l'OIL'.`i.<()i .Sho1'th0rn.<, Ho-1'0J'o1'(l.< :1n(1 For in;~'L=1nr-0. there is our -1]1n.-H 1-nu Au mu.-1-u V-nu:-x E} .\'l`.'ll'. -`l'\l`I'ill ('i`.l'|UL.\ U 1 h:1\'c- In-vn .~:'n|mm fmm I lizxltilmnml ('mInt,u-5 to H1: 1 I u l tutvs in thv past few \v(-:-k.~:.` thv so l':Ir e ...u......-n l'('(`\`(`(l (li.~:lI'wLs um...-.. I`:1il\H in m.-m_\' ' -I 1. \\'ntvz ( eekly (` In I1) _\ droppm- n- hnifm 1), \\ U IlZL\ l' 2 olTsp1'1n_4' HI old h:1ll'-.~:i.~ will pa1'ticipat(: i thul ' pl'og'1`u.n1 of 5,-'un1es (null 1: as those tztking othezw < in the (l:l_\'ll_L_',`l1l. huLu'.~'.` ` In-L Crop .-Ilhnv Thrift offer \,l'('|\.\ prnlr 1:11 this _\`v:u- 1 '-::\'<- 11101." 0:11 1m'L<-Him: 1.111,- .....- H nu-_ -` quite ' cattle .,...L.. ` (ll-`\llH'L.\ Bl) lill 1:."-I 1:: \\'('l'( (-out-1-rm-4! r_\' is aw-l`in;.,-' in LII}- 5'1` lh., \\".Ll1 wh iv- 1) 23. Young: t.n- : `. .7(- lb. 111 Went- (|('l112U1(l for sz1_v is ` with mi.<(-d lm_\ inn un sold U .L'U.\'L2l I 2111's old 2 J hm` 1.. n|\V:\ ..Hl .-`id Profe` L1,.`-nl'.....l . Report III nun.` - had In prim- \`n-.||- L l`ilIIk.'_\ ""'_ rld and last` - mm L--.m'.: still in mg. her su-vcu 1,. I` ,1 HUIU HOAOVER \Ut'.\ :51 -uption.'.I.} l.>(,-on fed v to Lilia .\.......h- lll.'l Hlll/"V .-rxttlv on i v wintm i |\V- -' !" .\L'\ UH bl'(.`L'(l- The extremely cold weather oxex the week end had :1 decided inHux_.n :1: on keeping :1. 1:1r;';~ number of th-` reg.-`ul:u' attendant:-: away from th Saturday market. In spite 01' the dc- creaso in uttend:nu:e, a large quan- tity of produce was of 14'.n'rrs'. whit-I1 \vm-n vn\`\I nlnnli `n. {COLD WEATHER HURTS _ MARKET ON SATURDAY blL_\ Ul IH'()(lU(,'U \V'clS (lI.`3p0CH (H Eggs, which \vm'(: very pl,.~nti.'t_:, remained the S7.lln(', in priuv as tl.c previous W(,'(.`k. The :L\ (,')`1L1L'l.' run In price Wm; from 300 :1 dozen for Liar .s`1m1lI(r;.r;,:.~:t.o 35c for extras. M1 odd stullholdcr, h0\VCV('l, was :1skn1,t 38c 21 (lozen. 'l'hm'e was :1 dc-<:irl(:rl over-supply with the result that :1 grood m:m_v do /.(m wont un.s'0l(l. Flilllzrxhc mm-.. uIn..4:r..1 ....,I 41.. ....l l l guuu llIilll_\ uU'I.Un WCHL unsoiu. Chickens were plentiful and tln n were plenty oi` nicr-l_\' finisht.-(l hi;-.l.~. but \Vl1(.`tl1(`.1' bet-:1usu the public \v:z,~`- saving; its fowl up1)ctit(: for Chrisl;m;.;x or because money \\';1.~' sc:u'c(:, thc chickens were not selling` v(:ry wall, and some were olTere(l as low :15 `Mic 1b., altl1oug'l1 most of them were quot- ed at 17c and 18c. Fowl vvus 13c and 14c and ducks sold at 18c 21 lb. tor remained unchan_::cd but the quantity was quite many housewives being; unable their usual supply. Pntnfnnc Qnlrl L11: An n l'\-.|n- r--uhl-nu.-/. But- ` at 25c lh.,- IL,:1L:I1' usuzu supply. l Potatoes sold at 40c 21 bz1p,', cz1bbz1_u;(: I 5c to 15c, according` to size. Onions 1 were 20c and 25c 21 small basket, carrots 20c, pursnips 250., and beets 30c to 35c. Turnips were Sc each .01" '7&5c a bag`, cauliower 15c ear.-h,l Chinese lettuce 10c a bunch, celery hearts 10c a bunch. Apples were 300 and 35c a small basket. Citrons sold l at 10c and 15c each. '1"!-urn-n Iivnn n ,l,.n,J..,l ` ....,...,.....,\ 1.. 1.1.- l ill: LUU EJUIU LDC Cacn. There was a decided increase in the quantity of dressed meat. due to the colder weather. Pork was 12c for fronts and 14c for hnds, lamb So to 10c for fronts and 10c to 12C for] 1hinds, and beef 7:: for fronts and 9c} lfor fronts and MC for hinds. lamb Sc! `There were several loads of ]1zu'dwoo:l | from 9! to :1 loud. 21c(-o1'dinA;` to :.~'i'/. zmrl quztlity. S -j--- I : Collie)` St. United Y.P.S. held t-.1021` `; re,;'uIzu' meetin, on .\`Ionda_v ni_ un- . _rIc1' the direction of the Lito1`zu'}.'} j(`0n\'(-m.-2`. Bliss E. West. _-\ftr-,1` thr-1 nomination of o`1cers for th- co:n-3 `in_'.:' _\ <::u', _\Ii.<.< V. Baldwin took ..1........,. Ar n... .1,...,.+:.\....1 r\r.1~:r\r` nu.l n Witb Hedlite-- Only ;;\lr.<. P2ml f:1\'01`(:(l with an appro- _was an excellent talk by ';\11.<.< I..! 1n_'.:` _\::;n-, _\n.<.< v. muuwm IZOOK1 cl1ai'_;~o of the (lc:\'otionnl pr.-riod. .'m:l`; I priato (.'ln'istmu:< solo. | The main feature of the ])1'()_i1'l'L\I`.i` )l(:Phee on Clu-i. Czn'ol.<. 'I'hr-`; o1'i,;'in of some of the most l)cautifLxl and familiar ca1'ol:< were _Q'i\'r,-`.1 in ::l very intc1'e: manner, and Bliss '\.'. ~ Strzmgre, accompanied by Bliss M4:-l Phee, illustrated two ca1'ol.< in sow.` Also assisting; were tin`:-c: Cont;-ul'~ School girls, who :~:z1n_L' \'m'_\` plcz1. . I i l_\' God Rest Ye. Gr-ntlemc.n.": Tn ,.....,.1..,1:..... 11.2. \r..n1.,, ..,1l 1 When winter comes, then can xx-<.=| see the _;'race of h1'an<-hes, s1enaer,, t bare. Brown branches c111'vin_u` tenu-i erly as if the birds stilled, nestled _;the)'e; bare b1'anr'he.~' d1'z1pe(l in mo1*n- 1 " `iN_ mist, brown branches h_\' :1 _0:oh1 1 '_ sun kissed. When winter comes then ; I ,) . we can see the bc-:.1ut_\' of 21 leailess . ' tree. 1 \\7'l. P\\ .... I\P\I\'If\"l LL, .. 1 l !. t LYPL`. | When winter come:<. then we can ithink how we enj0_\'e(l the l)lZl(`l{l)11`(1`>' sour; of almond blossom.< blushing; `pink. of (la"o(lils in _2`oldon tm-un_::. lof lilacs .<(:(~11tii\{: all the air; ex- lquisite b1o.<. eve1'ywl1o1'o. When | winter comes, we can 1'emcmbo1' hc-au- ` `tn-0n.< trail to hleak Decomlmz-. 5 : .-\n should the r:z=.1-clen of the heart lie chill btrneath cold . .<\\'a_\'.. \\'(-`ll know his winter will depart and joy 1'cl)lo.s`;~`om like the .\'I:1_\'. We can remcmhc-1' joys \\'e \ o lmown. wo ll, reap a_g'ai11 what hone has . Should winter Como th(-m lH.'1l't.~` will` sin;1', _\. few dark lay:-' to l1(*l`;1l(l` Spring."--Wilhr-lominu Stitch. 1_\ uuu mt;-HL 1:2. .ue1'r_\' Lzr-1mmn(n. 5 In concluding` 1'v:*.dl ,the sto1'_\' of S('1`0o::<: from the (,`}n'i.~'t~ `mas Carol h_\' C11zu'Ie.< Dickens, which '2 ?ve1*_v ttin_q`1_\' brought to 21 <:'Eostv: Ems: Christmas: proyxrzun. , __.._. I In a .-to1'_\' a good mzm .<:1_\n<, `vmgv hard to know how to `people when you (-;m t send `h12mkot.~=, or coal. or ("`.1ri.~:t1n:\.< u ,, H ,. \\'H-L |\14\IiI' n.u\n`n 41- V`\`)'_\` true. `In-In other `u..,.' ..,....x.. . :HV>' X"lCl.lUIl, H i11i::11(~1- thm,rr.=. 1 \'.n.. nf n. E (lv Chumlu-r.~:. of T213` town- {. and Joseph Mmlnt. of Victoria `.|'|:11'hm', \\'o.n- mu-h . to throw [months in the ('()lll11.}' 2101 last week I :11. 0l`illi:1 by .\I;1_~.-:i. J(`W;\` for ()p(-l':1I,in_L',` :1 still. Thv still was 10- vzttml in :1 .~'w:m1p on the 7th (`om:es- sion of 'l'u_\' ,zmd vnpahle of produc- `im: 10() ,L,-'z111on.~' of ilicit whiskey :1 day. i - have been selling at -150 to 50c 1`. 11:11:. and :\l('Int0.~'h :\p1)l(~.< at $1.60 :1 buslml, and .`\'m'HH-rn Spivs at S`? L $2.25:-.1)L1slwl. Iront0nz1<: report that ('l1t:(-so p1'o(1ucts pro(luc.'(:(l this _vc-ur have dccrn:1socl 15 per conL., whilo butter production has i11('1~n:1s(:*I ` eqtuxlly. 4Ruttcrfut; prices 11111;.-`<: around 19c lb. ' Balance Mont/Jly

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