Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Dec 1934, p. 2

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`Page Two P. C. LLOYD Nnrthrrn Ahumtre um-v HT ":71. BY TRAIN -- $AFETY- SPEED - COMFORT Printers in Barrie since 1847. IE I.VI. H. Esten 1:. us: Phone 218 PHONE 53 THTU.RSDAY, DECIEM-`BER 13, 1934. j ........~-.u_.. quuu VUAUVAJVLV Ollie-Owon St. (Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) Residence 144 Maple Ave. Phone 700 `VICTORIAN ORDER OI. NURSE! Barrio Branch MISS BEULAH SCOTT --Phono ll47vt-- Published at 123 Dunlop St., Barrie, every Thursday M. D, M.OR.Rl.S()N. Editor and Pnhl-inhcar DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOlN Special attention Obstetric: Associate Coroner for Simcoo Coumy Office and Ruidonco 50'Mary St. Phona 101 Omce Hours: is-9.30, 11-2 80. 6-830 | n.ra\. J... \J. II.Jl\AVlJ\JI..L. Graduate of McGill University, MontreaL Office and Residenoe--C<.mer Eliza- bert and Bradford Sta., Barrie. I Phone 105 Omce Hours: 9-L0 a.m., 1-8 p.m.. ` 718 p.m. Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Office Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. '1'. Little, M.I). 1 rnxoxulnno !`Ll\U DUHMWJUNB lW. C. I.it1'.]s`a D/LR, A 7`;-n-nnaq , UIJIAXV Associate Coroner, County of Simeon Phone 61. Ofce-58 Collin St. Oice Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. ; A. 1. mme, 31.11. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Soronm County of Simooe. 5 DR. WALTER` H. WOODROW `EYE, EAR, men AND nmon - SPECIALIST ('3.-Elli- (l-.L....:... ED\-VIN WILSON, REGISTERED OSTE OPATH KING BLOCK Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday "|`F'.T.FT`PI-TONI?! R45 B.S-A. D.O_ BARR! 1 ILEJIEAKLD 1 D | 582A Dunlap 5!. Phone 405 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Election]: Treatments. ihiassage and Corrective Ad'u.stmenU- 5 Blood Tests and Urin ysis `Home or Ofce Rate: Reasonable l will ' LICBHSEQ CI-IIROPRACTORS and DRUGLES8 } THERAPISTS Q: -no)\ n.._.1..... 131.... Ann A savings account is not :1 mcrc nmttcr of dollnrs and cents, any more than a building is :1 mere agglomeration of bricks or stone and mortar. Both require planning. Motor Ambulance In Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. Established 1869 D_..-:_ BL... 99 (.\~A 1 Phone 82, J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Pkm... 912 4'7 M...I- A..- SURGERY DISEAISES Of WOMEN .:c:nnu'nh; Fnvnnnv F`nn-`Lu ;-t 03...... GEO. `R. AND E. A. BURNS Y.1'r-nnaari ornuuu.L:u. Orillia, Ontario be at the Quocx-1 : Hots}, Barri: Every Saturday. to to 12 noon, and by appoint ment. DR. E. G. TURNBULL nplnnty. ls` ll..(`l1 T?...:........h G. G. SMITH 8: CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS any. I nurauay, aatu TELEPHONE 345 Budget your expenses and plan the sav- ing of 21 certain sum for periodic deposit in your savings account with this Bank. BLVU L. A Licensed T`'D Q ant` A. LEWIS )0? B/Clfit. Ont. TOTAL ASSETS OVER $500,000,000 @112 Northern Ahuanre D811 8! I10 IJIIBIOP Db, Darrle, Il lll!'S< M. D. MORRISON. Editox and Publisher EDITORIAL Unemployment relief requires concerted action, scientic organi- zation and control, says Canadian Business. Governments will have to provide for the `lihnrnnlnunrl 4:-.. .4, usmuss. uovernments will. provide for the unemployed for some years to come, and this loose handout must stop. Since 1930 till March last the Federal Government has spent $110 million dollars on re- lief, and this was perhaps not more than a third of the total expenditures on relief in Canada during that time. To eliminate, so far as possible, wast- age in the expenditure of relief .mone_v, the suggestion is made that a Provincial Relief Commission, ac- iceptable to the Federal Government, be appointed and comprised of dollar- a-year men from among` leaders in bu. and community life. These pn)\'inCial groups in turn to appoint local commissions, who would be given authority to employ competent .~:taITs for the actual work of admin- i.~:tration. The dollar-a-year men would then rlirnr-t Hm n-_.+im...1 l'\11.~|' : muz'.Liul1. ine aouar-21-year menlof quiet work, of l then direct the national busi-,plz1_\`, of momentou 11e.<._< of relieving` distress. With aijpe-ace and friends`: national set-up removed from thelumong my l11e1H01'l( influence of politics it would be eats}. i _ ,memo1'_V of the stall`, to proceied 111 21 businesslike \\'z1);.}I had come to look lhe reliei commissions would be=mueh respect and ac {Ible `to introduce into their admin-viully the principal, lstratioli the complete 1'eg;ist1'ation ofil um .~:ure that all H-1101 recipients, the deletion from`m\' clas:-t feel as I 1' w.-. lists of those who :n'n inlei.'.,n ]':inI\ ALDERMAN SHANNON DID NOT GET FAIR TREATMENT ir principal, Mi`. Girdwood. istration the am the members 01 relief recipients, f1'om' my do zmd that we \ those Who are in shall always keep in our liearts a ,,._...._.__ ..., ..\,....u u\; |||uL.1l icspx.-cu miu duu1u'iu.IUIl, ESPEC- `llble to introduce into the distress from causes other than un- tender spot for our Collegiate, employment, the co-ordination of `Good Old B.C.I. We shall be de- statistics, the systeinatic pl`e-d0tC1'lll-;})l`(:$SC(l by her losses and cheered by ining of the cost of reasonable main- _ her triumphs. May she always be tenance for the individual. and what` triumphant ! And she will always St'cm(lal`d of maintendllce Should he be triumphant if her students are ac- equ_it_able for areas concerned. These` tiw.- and accomplishin_e tllll1f_".'<. >4) activities are :ippai'ei1tly beyond tl1(.`.iu)`_';'L- you, or capacity of the present system. .\'o;_the B.C.l., to ?1('l'f)m])ll.s`l] 1.hin_i,rs. ltl matter how much business niay belinatters not in what held of en(lea\'or stimulated to create jobs, direct re- lief must continue 21 serious [)l'Ol)l(`iil for .`Ull1C time to come. Let it he: done I the pi'esei1L st ud~.-n1.~ "l whetlier it be in sports. in schol::.- 1 ships in liter:iry \vorl<. or in any eld mu l|l('kl>'C`. The essential thing` is S} St0mi1tlC1ll_\' and (3COn0n1lL`2ll-`to z1('c0[npli_s'l1. l.\`- lprocrastinate. Too many good works - 'are killed by contemplation. You The St.-I-ii.~: :iivesti;.yatiuii into inass iiiuyiii-4 and by chain `stores and mail order houses lias l should accomplish thin_e's, if not for the I of your school, for your own sake, for, if I may delve into the brougrht out a lot of information tha`. }-l of science, statistics have p]'(;\'(-11 the 01`diI131'.\` Citizen did not l(ll0'\'~'.i[;l`.11t those students who acconipllssh- ln Barrie how many concerns do' 1 : oi. tl1ln_:'S their school (lays ) business without cont1'ibuting' one :u'r- r':ir hm;-(3 _' in after life . cent of taxes `I This has been e'oiii=_~ tlizll`; ilw-< - _-Luilr-nt.< \\'h{)( only (H5. 1- on for years, with the result tliu.` _ V Illl(,ll(IlE `.'.'a.~` that they had `;\\'<> less - municipalities are l1(l]l1_L ,' it harder ;inrl _m.Ii.-mi ` I)o not dream and` l im'c. into 5 lmyEn:;` (ll.<.t) llJl1`,l0l1 1 . \ 1 l clol `business municipalities nding` it 'ever_v year to make up the I1(`L'CS.~`dl'_\" amount to carr_v on. The mail ordeiv houses and chain stores take the} money out of the municipality midi lit never returns. Such 21 condition; cannot continue and the time has! come when these concern.< must me} made to contribute their `fair Sl1211'(.*l of taxes to the municipality when-l thcv do l11l.K`il1rA[<,< l O1 EHXCS E0 EHO they do business. I lefore a deal is completed in the} lsale of 21 radio set, it is the` (lut_\' of (-.very sale; to tell the cL1. something about the recs-i\*ex' and of-l for suggestions for opemtixu: same-.l Some radio dealers grure that theirg customers will learn all that is new-.<-i sa).'_\' about :1 rzulio from tl1e:p1'inLetll card tacked on the console cove:-.3 E\-'ery dealer should realize that 15`; to 30 minutes of .~:implie(l instruction: will result in 21 more satised cus-i tomer and the elimination of many I unnecessary and ungrotable Service! calls. . I ` .\h'. and .\l1's. Norman Huwrivjn. :2.-!- mi1'c-r.~' of Premier Iir.-pawn. 1-w.--. 1:1 .- od him with a pair of G11-;LL Dam.- do;:.<. \voi`-_vhin_L' 350 lbs. The (log'.~:i \\'e1`L- delivmx- ut tho Premie1"s home} in South Y;n'mouth by Mr. and Mrs.` H0\\'d(-n pc-1'.~'one1ll.V. UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF I:p:rLI'H. II'~:--l1i,- (log-.~:. ` home? NI! N11 and NH`... Y BARRIE COLLEGIATE -COMMENCEMENT (Continued from page one) Ernest Ryan, a former B.C.I. stu- dent, of which the Collegiate has every reason to be very proud, was the Valedictorian Friday night. He was introduced by Mr. Girdwood, who pointed out that Ernest did not acquire these scholarships by being a book-worm, but on the other hand, he was a real student and the princi- pal said it was a delight to him to have a student so keen in mathe- matcs. He said that Ernest always took an active part in all school ac- tivities and was an exceptionally good organizer. Wifli npvfnnf nvnnnnnninfinn and lUl1U\Vl1lg Vbll(iUlCl/Ufy I It is with mingled feelings that I stand before you this evening to de- liver the valedictory address of the g;raduatin;.,' class of 1934. I exper ience feelings of pleasure and yet feelings of regret. Pleasure at hav ing successfully completed my Hi_2'h School career, and yet; regret at hav- ing to leave behind me that High School which has meant so much to me durn_e' the last ve years. That ;`school of which I shall always have such pleasant memories. Bleinorics, of quiet happy, strcnuou.< ;p'izi_\', momentous occasions of i peace friendship. Not least lamong memories will be the . whose members .{I `i upon with so 'much admiration, espec- iiallv the m-incin;il. `Jr Ci1'(l\\'nnrl- Alderman Geo. D. Shannon, who was in the race for deputy-reeve in the recent election, has a just griev- ance against whoever was responsible `for publishing in The Examiner a been lling relief orders during the year. Ald. Stewart, who was oppos- ing Ald. Shannon, and won out, was not reponsible and knew nothm_9, about it. We are not saying that Ald. Shannon would have been suc- cessful had this list not been publish- ed, but he was certainly handicapped. in the race on the eve of the elec- tion. l`lnw-.. in L-I11-ln vu fl-uirur nu nlsvvintr Hin I l. partial list of merchants who have` goou organizer. With perfect pronounciation and clear diction, Ernest delivered the following valedictory : Tt is with mi11rrImI fnnlinrre H1-,x+ I `M,-\\'.<." lne .~'toi'_v typied how fzist |l'zil.-(- '4'o.<. (um t1':1\'<-l and l,n'ou_::'ln 5out the .~'iinpl,- life of the lrisli peas- lnnti-". The (':1. ll`I('lU(l('(l Eric John- `ston, .\lu1`_L',`2ll`(.'L Cook. GZll`l)ult Smith, .Hurold Pzltt(.*l`.s'()lI, l-l.'1ri`_V Lz1_\', Ross lllcllillin, it-tt_\' .\Iui'pl1_v, l\'itt_\' T)e\'~ llin, (eor:e Fricke and G.l<.-n l\'e1l. . . A . Ol`CllCSl}l`L l'Cl1(l(.'l'O(l (le- liu'l1tl'ul mu;~'i(-:1] .<(~l(.-vtions at the lie- j_"l1ll1ln_L" of the pi'o_e'r:1ni and lur,-tvxemi an-t.<, and \\':l.\' composi-rl 01' the fol- lowin:_-": Zmnild l :1tte1'son, Rea kel- (-(-_\'. .\l:1i'i0n l;1rnt"1el(l. Francis Max- well, Antli0n_\' .\Ic\'eill, I\Izn'_\' Shrub- sole, lliller Jol1n. Wm. Gribble, (Secure l"ricl:r- and li':mk Powell. Fl`-l1o. 1.'2ll{lll.1' part in the Glee Club \\'(`)'(?: Mr. Alex. Knox, Conduc- tor; .\li.~:s .\I2u'p;:u'et M.'1c.\lzn'tin, B..-\., .-\c(-ompnnist; Girls: Helen B211'tle_\', Iilei-n Cook, Thelma Clark, Gene- vin.-\'e (`.1'ossl:1ml. Betty Doe, l'lL'l1l lOU;:1 Gmsett, Anita Greenluw, l\ I:1r,<:zu`et G1-ibble. Kzithleen Ilow, Roberta H21Stll1p,'S, Rt-i'i1u(lette Hipkin, Con- :' Janetos. l lz11'riet Jzmetos, (`.w-n(lol_\'n JZlL`l(SOl1, Elsa Knox, Betty l\'i;,:'l1tley, ROS11l)(`l Lay, Lois l\`I:1c.-\r- thur, Ella McCz1uslzmd, Jean Me. Cutcheon, Kathleen Miller, Marg`m'et`: Morrison, Evelyn Patterson, Evelyn Pickerinzr. Lois Rvnn Jnnn Q:y-mn----l , ,,_.., n\/\4ll unluul, nuup, ul'CIJ Pickering, Lois Ryan, Jean Sinclair, lVl1l`1. .'{ll`(t Stephens, l\'lm';:-uret 'I`liomp- son, Christine Tucker; Boys: Ed\v.-u'd Bartlcy Don Beverley, Lloyd (Tol- pitts, Robert Delaney, Miller John- ston, George Kightley, Victor Knox, Reg`. Lewis, Douglas Muir, Frank Muir, Perry Ryan, George Scott, Bill Sutcliffe. Tim 4-...n...-.:__._ _,,- . . . U10 (IEITICBS I School Days: Enid Welte, Adina Seayrrzun, Irene Dyment, Florence Hounsome, Kathleen Firth, Judy Knox, Jean Beach, Helen Bartley. Sailor Tap Dance: Dm-nthu Rm-+_ I .\'o commencement p1'o_2~r:1n1 would `be complete without a play, and the lone chosen this yczlr was :1 one-act .('omed_\' entitled Sprea(lin: the f.\'e\\'.<. 'l`hr..- .~'tor_V typied g'o.<. h':1\':-I mm 1..-m....m DULCIIII C. The following: girls took the dances Qnknnl nnvvna 1".`..2J in -- (HILL \-Villlilf. A Do not be by 1':buf t's `and rh'.<;Lp1)oix1tI11e11ts. All g`1'c-at men ,hud to overcome obstacles. Genius `consists in patience and pr:r.-re\'m'im:,, ;so once :.Lg`ain I exhort you to :u'<'n1r.- !plish thing's and I am .~ur- that lmth {your future and that of 2.('.I. will Ebc `moz'(- 5.-'lm*1o1I.<.` "' on-mu, xvus Iw:1L1tIl'L1lly ])l't">'(,`l1t('ll.` Cull John," by Dou}.-,'lus Muir, lid.` `{13z11'tlo_\', Frzmk Muir and Victor iI{n0.\', and 21 Sztilors Tap Dance by `B.C.I. g'i1'ls b1'ou;z'ht forth :1 hearty round of "!~1`l:11l>'(`. Miss Mary Shrub `.- V -'1` w? Hw audience with >- ` A ., n ;-mar . wl1i1(s.<.0ve1'a] ' mz-.u::n,: :: Dutch dance, and S('h(J0l D2l\ S hv 1nmrn- (r;v]L~ um--r~ uuucx-;. ])u'Lcl1 dunz Dztys by junior g.-sirls, 1)1'c-: which was the same both evenings, included dances. SOl1g'S, (fl10l`uSeS and 7in. number.<. Since the `1j<:-opc11ing' of scliool this fall 21 Gtee `Club has been o1'_L'z1nize(l under the {direction of Mr. Alex. Knox. The `clioruses contributed to the p1'og'ram by this club were most pleasing` and sho\\'e(l the p1'o;.-'1'e.~:s that has butnl The second part of the pro;:1'an1,{ i 5 Eniu(l(,- by the .'~:tu in part . Out.~:tzm(ling nu'nhc1'.< \vm'(,- Hula iB1'itanniz1," Comr: to thv l":1ii'." !Song of the \/'iki1i5_~`.<" and Soldici-.~: gin the Park." Tho duct, Pritlic-0, Prr_-tt_\' Maiden (from Pzitienc-c) ..~'ung' by .\Iis.~: G\v(.~n(lol_vi1 J:1ck. fund P(.`l'l`_\' lyan. \\'l..~Z oxccllc,-nt, \\'l1ll4,' 'l`ln'<.- Little .\lai(l.<." :1 _L'ii'l.~" trio by; `Lois l_\'un. l'Ii1e-on Cook and ltutlil Svott, lw:iutil'ulL\' ])l'1">'(`llt(`ll.l M D()ll!"l!l< \h.;.- |`.? Ill. `!'(l5`l'F f.,"l\'Cl1. \\- w`wu_vs maintainml that nmm l- ol the council, an elective l)u(l\'. .=l1oul(l reg'zu'd their oath of olhcs; more seriously. The law is x'm'_\' specic. that no member shall '1 wf`-,r rlirectly or indi1'0ctl_\' by any -0 r.':u'1 -nr otherwise. This may he :: hm'(lsl1ip. but when a man acct` Ls the honor, for such it should be con- sitlcred, of scrvim: on the council board, he should be p1'r3pzx1`ecl to .<'.1c~ rice something, and above all, b..- above . LHXCLHJIE `u '21.` and walked. [1,. ....+ 1. .uox, dean beach, Helen ` Tap Dance: Dorothy Bart- . ...u.\, ;_;uunuu.`. hich \v:l-< fhw cnmn In The Northern Advance part in __,.. _ -....,.,u.. `The V:11c-(lictorizm for F1'Idz1y was Mzxuricc Fic\'erle_\`. He was intro- duced by the principal. who said that 1\I:uu-icr-. had set :m example to all boys in the school on what good sportsnmnship can do for :1 student. AS hf` lnnltnrl I-u1n'l.-- n\vnII 11:n Gun vv ---vuu -urujguuuu. .\n irltmw;-sting; feature on Fri(luy' ni_L'ht .< p1'0}:1':un xvas :1 typu\vritin;z ('0nL<*.~'t by students in the oon1nu:rci:11 dc=pz1rtn1ont, the winner being: `I\Iar-- _g':m-t Gribble. I u '7: . .\'pUI`L.\'lIlilI1Sl]l[) do 101' student. As he looked back over his five years at Collegiate, said Maurice in his address, he had many pleasant `memories of the days spent at B.C.T., especially those spent in athletics. He felt that the good comrudeship create'(l in school teams is something he would never forget. On the other. hand, he had high praise for the work done by the I.ite1'a1'y Society. We E0 to school for two nm-nnmm . wuln uuuu Dy Lllc llll:(3l'21l`_V b'0C1(.`I'._V. go for two purposes, to develop the mind and the bony. Athletics take care of the body and the art, drnm_atics and other pm1so.< of literary work help to develop tne mind. He paid deep tribute to the teachers for the part they play in moulding a student's everyday life and hoped that the other pupils would appreciate the efforts the teacher are making for them. nu.-u-uu: cnuunpluu, zmu UOYIS \"vln-' 1:1o\'c, junior champion. l The next presentation to be m:1(l0i W215 that of :1 ma-i:1l to Bruce Wilson, l who took hi_2`l1e. sl':1mlin_Q' in Llill`-il yon)` Conm1m'ci:1l Department. In making: the p1'esentz1tion, D1`. R. J. Sprott. 1-hz1i1'm:1n of the Voczltionul Committoo, (`onsid01'e(l that no pupil could tukv more e(luc:1tiom1l value! :1\\'u_\' from the school than tl1o.<(* who. take the full zicmlcmic course and the commercial trainin_::. ' lllss W. Boll, connncrcinl spec-i:11i. `])]'('.w'(,`l1t(:(l the m'z1 diplomas to the 1'0llowin_u' pupils of the COn`l`.`nCl'-I ciul Dr-p:u't:m(.-nt: Edna Vz1u;:l1zm, Tllyrtle l"o.s'tor, Gnu.-c Hnmiltoxl, lidnu l-l:ml:il G:1l(l_\'.~' l.zn1_r.,-1mm. l\'at,lm- loan Willa`, Eunice .\Ii(ldleb1'ook, Dorothy .\Iu]lin, Bruce Wilson zmdt Wilson Louyzhecd. I \\\ !..4_.., A3,, , 1- - 1* " The Bennett; Government du'ing' the last four years has done much to meet the existing.-' economic conditions. and Canada 1121:` <-ome tlirou_2'h beater than most countries. We are, how- ever, faced with a serious burden of indebtedne.<.~: and an unrest that *_"oin5: to test; our present .~roc:1l n`_VSiaei!* for some years to come. A few yer-1"s ago England found hersell in the same position, and all classes united in scrapping partisanshp and creatins: 21 National or Coalition Government, which has functioned since. lt has been productive of invaluable p1`dCtl(.'i1l economic 1'e.~`u1tS Indeed it has saved the P1'iti. Fm pire from till`(*LLtOne(l bunkruptcjv and has started it on the highroad to re- covery. As a result Great Britain is the only solvent ;1'r(-at nation in tln world to-day, and instead of raising taxes. has be;-`un to reduce them. (`:.n:ul:u lune an nnnnvhinifv fn la.-_\', Helen Bryson, No1'aD:1nb:u`, I 1 1 `\luJ'iv1 Fulltrrtoll. .n'ot:h\` \ L I llznhvl Richardson, Ruth Sr, , . _ lis Shannon, Beverley Si1m:1o.;.:, Con- nie Spearn, Ma1`ga1`et Stephens, Eileen Stevens, June Thompson, Aud- , re_\' '1`.\'1-er, Marion V2111`, .\Ia1'g'aret1 Webb. i trude Morris, Ruth Cleland, Bettyl SI1c.-pherd, Helen .121:-obs. Jean liee1e_\-',w Jean Lewis, {Ran ('I:u'k, Dorothyg .\Iz1_'.'.~', Do1'oth_\' 'l`:omp. Kathleen` i .ow1o.<, .\Iurir-I I\'enned_v. ' On Frid:1_\' ni:;'ht the Auditorium \ms ag;aix1 \\'(-I1 lled with parents and friend.< of the students, whenl nun. um! n1n,lnl.- van in :-v\nn{- .~-....4-N) Dutch Dance : Edith Pi1_2`1'im, Ger-`- an agaiil \\'(`ll mien with parents; oi 'cup.~' zmd meda_l.< won in sport meets` and field lay events were presentecri .\layor-liZl:;<-t W. J. Blair after a brief addres:=, in which he compli-5 mi-nted the principal and . for. creating` the enthusiasm which made` the Barrie Collegiate rank 30 high in the province, presented the medal for i marksmanship to Elton Parker. Mr. Blair also presented the Tudhope Cup, won I)_\' the B.C.l. track team, which i was received by Lloyd Delaney, cap-| tain of the team, and the Dr. J. H. Mtchell Cup, won for the first tlmr-i by B.C.l. g'irls .<.oftl)all team. which! \va.< received by Helen Crew. I ` Mr. A. B. Cocl pli_\'. Llillll-i er. pre. the C`11]).~.' and med-al.~: for lleld day cl`.ampionsliip.<. He stressed the importance of atliletics on thei school curriculum, which is equally as important as academic studies in ,developing' a -. healthy and normal istudent. The presentations \\'(}2:` as" `follows: Hartley Grafton Cup (sen-, ior) won by Roy Storey; l `Cup (ntermcdiate) won by Lloyd Delaney; McConke_\' Cup (junior) won by David Hutcl1in_e`s. .\Iedal.~: won by the _e'irls in eld day events. were also p1'e.~'(.-nted by Mr. (oi-l l and went to Mabel l-li<-h:1rd. sen- io1' champion; I l1_\'lli;< l7<-rr_\', inter- mediate champion, and Doris Vin-' IIV1, ; - - I CANADA WEST INDIES MOLASSES Co. Limited 45. , ,lDF\ LO. Lllrllleu 11 5400, 5. None Dam:-S?.,Monh'ecI, P.Q. nu.--.._.-.. Agr-icu| rura| Coileges use Feeclingolasses `Duncan sun-Jar Cl-H3 Banrie Fialr Mills- Sold in Barrie The Husbandrymen of these institufions know the vitamin value of Molasses due to its mineral content. It is an econo- mical, and highly nutritious food and appetiserforcll kinds of stock. Ask for free booklets on animal feeding. KEIXUS, Ilil.` Ut.`,`_'l.lll LU IVUULIUU LHUHI. Czmzulu h:1:< an nm)ortunit_\~' to scrapl partisanship at the present time foil the ,g'om1 of the country. We l1zu'c able: men in both old partir.-.~', and united for u ('()lHll`l0l1 purpose could do much to reduce r2Xpenditu1'e:< and restore our equilibrum, that any one party could not do. Have we men bis: cnou_2'h to advo- .--nfn allr-}1 -.1 1\1r\vp 9 I To give paiaiability to roughage. > To fit fattening ani- mals for exhibition. I To keep fheiranimclls in prime condition. ` " ` :I Pure Sugar Cane -w..-v.u . `pg .._.. BARRISCDER, SOLIOITOR, EQOTARY CONVEYANCING, ET-C. MONEY T0 LOAN Ivn\rAVn.n| nu; Aasarsni Office, 3 Owen St., Barrie Phone 69 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. :$TC 5 Owen Sh, Barrie. Phone 406. ` CAMERON 8: CAMERON 1 MONIEV 'r~n LOAN GORDON LONGMAN BARRLSTER, S%I+l{(}I'l`0R, NOTARY I . ._ . DONALD F. MacLAREN, B.A. BA.R.RIS'l`ER, SOLICITOR, ETC | MONEY TO LOAN l_-....:.. 'I'n......I- DIJ... I2---1- RADENHURST & HAMMOND I BARRLSTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC In-gnu In In... -4 I ntunnl Rue... I STEWART & STEWART `BARRJSTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT~ | LRIES PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS | Money to loan in any sums at 1 lowest current rates. I 18 Owen St. - Barrie ID. M. Stewart 1). D. Stewart D G. H. Esten .\lauitol)u will ub. the day :1` Ll.'l'Cl1l'l.~'tIllElS as :1 holiday to h known as Boxing Dav. Under proclamation by Li<-ut.-Governor Vi J. Tupper, December 26th will hr- . holiday in the m'o\'inc<:. I D1"|.IVJ.V1DJ.J.`1Ii `lsolicitor for obtainmg probate of .vill, guardianship and administration, `and General Solicitor, Ndary Lion- I veynncer, etc. MONWV 'I"(\ LOAN A \ 4 , ESTEN & ESTEN ` BARRISITERS Socitors in Hi 11 Court of Justice| ` Notaries Pubic, C0nVe3~u.nct:I`.s : ,.Ioney to loan at 1o\ve;~;L curr0nt1 i rates. { Ofce: 1st Floor Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. C W Ffszfpn M W W.:fnn imuua1s'rE3s SOLICITORS, NOT-`_ `ARIES p.UBLic, 'I(`3)NV~EYANCERS,: E . ; 1 Mn... on I.-...... ..u l.......- D..n_- n {In the premises formerly occupied by g the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Bovs. K.C. J. R. Boysg UI."L`.l\J.[1aI .16 UVV.11.l`I DJ. ` I DllCC8S90l' E0 uresw-lcxe 8 Dell ;BA1uusrrER, SOLICITOR, ETC & MONEY TO LOAN ,_ 1 111$... Du.-- lJI...J. D--.- ` IEJKVD, O\JL41\J1L\Jl\.L), LJLLI Money to Loan at Lowest Rate: Oice, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. FUNERAL DIRECTOR .47 z1s..1..n. St_ rho... nuu. Money to Lonn Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrio. nxu. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest f\`EVEYTr`1:`- 10 f\"(7TI"L L'Z' Lnunuux 1u uunn Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrio. 1)i|l'L) UUUIU .` I cute sur-h :1 U. I`. IVICLUAILI, ILA. Successor to Creswicke & Bell A `D!? TQ'!"`.'D QHT Tf`T'T`.(\'D I"1" 1uuJ.V.m.I. 1.u mum` Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. IV1UlVI!al 1U JJUALV , Oicez Ron Block, Barrie. 0! IIIIBFGIK OFFICE: 13 OVVEI`. .51 . In n'rahncnn {>'nv-1-nun-`xv nzinnnh AMBULAN CE SERVIF Business bgretory ALEXAN DER COVVAN BARRISTER Fnr `Fnr n1\ a~'vnnn- nvnkn U CENT-A-MILE ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES Fm!" Aurora, Newmarket, Allandale, Barrie, Orillia, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Scotia, Burk s Fa!|s, and South River To NOR'1`H BAY m1c1ALI'.~ STATIONS on line of'I'EMIsKAMING & NO1m-11:m: 0N'1`.\::1o RLY. and NIP1SS1NG CENTRAL RLY. and beyond COCHRA;\E to KAPUSKASING and HEARST. ~ Tina:-4 csrrn/an:-. '1. All um-..... 1.,.......,z \7,...n. n-.. ...h m_..:_ u. . nru lH'(!)'t.'Sl um`!!! [I r paras, 1 ICRCIS, ncrurn Limits, ana '1'r(zm Information. @I3:,N:,DAN h.ATlGNA_L `I'D l,\. I DV TDAIM ('A|_'I:1'V rnrrn rr\;u-run-r GORDON FOSTER 1rI\I-I1-s (`rs-U-vrvvri1l\'I'u -.1. SHOULD SCRAP PARTISANSHIP on DD, l3&I'I"lB- rnono MONEY T0 LOAN D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. r-t-naunr tn ("Yr-nsnuh-'Ir.a Kr I etc. MONEY TO LOAN ..-. l\...n..!.. 'T-......l.. D Yll PRINTING REQUIREMENTS L.l\.'_)I.lA1\.l uVu;;urxu.u vu Lxru uu1.x:xo1LV\:r uuu 1`1J14t111D.l. TRAIN SERVICE: To A1lI oints beyond North Bay. use Train No. 47 arriving North Bny A.M. Suturduy. Dec. 8. To North Bay use Train -17 arriving North Bay A.M. Saturday, DEC. 8. also Truin 41-141arri_:inAg31ort11_l?3z_ay 1?._xVI._Snturd_zy. B. ` We` carrya full line of Magistrates , Constables` and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases. Sac nearest Agvn! fur Fares, Tickets, Return Limits, and Train Information. .[U.KN!IR|'IAlI I*.|'ll4InlIl- Look over your {requirements and placeyour order with the Advance. .-...__rar~. BOYS & BOYS: The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE

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