Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 29 Nov 1934, p. 8

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Page `OPTIMISTIC AS TO FUTURE ! OF PORK PACKlNG PLANT `.LE.ll'IIll'S U1 \/illlZlU'cl. `_ Seven shipments had been made `to Brifain since that rst trial ship- `ment, and even if the farmers oi ;this district had sunk considerable `money in this venture, they have` done something- worth-while for the 1'a1'mc1`s of Canada. vrim ,.. ,1:m,...14-.. ...:+i. +1..` 1:-,.....:,.l J.d.1'lll()l'5 OJ. KJ'cllli1.(l'cl. : The big` difliculty with the Barriei plant was that it started at the top of the downward skid, but if tl1i11;_v'.s had remained normal the managze-` 'ment at that time would have made, a success of it. Its record is good, *consi(lerin;,' that so many packing `houses have been forced out of busi- `ness alto;-;ethe1', and mer_:;'e1`s liave taken place to strengthen various concerns. The local plant had been -`handicapped for want of capital, but }that it had weathered the gale and` `was now established, he believed it / could return to the investors more than they had put nto_it. The On- tario Government had given some as- l sistance and financing would be less ` difficult. l NY \.`I'.un-Inn tvvnzv 1111111` 4-,. 1 \n `:11 UIITICLIHL. I `: Mr. .VIo1`1'ison was glad to learn`, `that the local merchants and citizens iof Barrie were behind the co-ope1'a- .tive packing plant one hundred per `cent., and that was worth much. '1!-m ennnL'm- um: in r1'nrh1r-nd hv 3 __ -; The December meeting` of the Bar - f rie Junior Fa1'me1's will beheld 119.`/Li` 'Tuesda_v night, Dec. 4th, when ; \1ag'1< itrate Compton Jells will address the I g'z1tl1e1'ing on The llagistrate and lthe Law. l rm r 'r....:,... 1n-+:+..+,. u-H`. CCHC., 'cUl(l Illklll \V?,lS \\'0l'L llll1(.'l'1. The speaker was introduced by] Lion F. W. Dobson, and the thanks 01 | the _club extended by Rev. Loui.-2 Pickering. A. F. Pucrh Elected Prssidenf I I'1CKB1'lllgu ` A. F. Pugh Elected President The report of the nominating `committee for ofcers For 1935 was `adopted. as follows : P1-nerlnnf. -\1'H11n- P. Pnsrhz Vinn- `auopteo. as Iouows : I Presdont, Arthur F. Pugh; Vice- President, Oscar Shank; Secreta1'_v, `Ross N. Smith; Treasurer, John R '1-lodges; Directors, John D. Hzuton. a1'ren` Wilgar, John R. Coleman. `Allan Beach; Lion Tamer, Robt. S. Leishman; Tail Twister, Richmond S. Atkey. I I (`I1:n-1-m- *nirr'hf xvii] ho Braid nn W1-Li D. Anxey. | Charter night will be held on Fri- _day night, taking the form of a ban- `lquet and dance. 'MAG1STRATE c. JEFFS TO | ADDRESS BARRIE JUNIEJAS} Sunday, Dec. 2, 1934 11 z1.m.--T119 ;VIinister. Theme: Is the Church the World Grout Light. 'T`1m nvnninrv will be With- ltne L'd.\V._ The Girls Junior Institute will `meet in the agi-icultural board rooms, `at 8.15. Cliristmas Elft hints will `ml `discussed and .\IlSa Eleanor i'r2ic_\i {Will speak on Christmas in )1-.111.-. Lands. This meeting will be spur.- sored by the ' .\Iinesi1ig' St21Ll..2ll branch. ' F1-an Tunl.-nu T7-1:-nncn-: nvill Innnr -ifl orancn. \ The Junior Farmers will meet at} the same time for general (liscussiunl and B. B. Warnica, president 01' ha` Ontario Swine F1-oducers X eociz-.- I 1 tion, will speak on Live Stock Preh- lems 111 Slmcoc County and Sonizu Lxve Stock Problems. \+ n -2 +1. l\nx';< nnrl .-H-1; will rnnnf ` mve DIOCK r1'o01en1s. At 9.3 the boys and girls will meet in the Legion Hall for commumtgs singing and to hear the address n; Magistrate Jeifs. , W. J. C. Bouke, the Liberal czmdi `date for Simcoe-Dufferin, has given `up his farni and will devote his whole ` `time to canipaigning` till the ole:-Lio11.i _. , VlCEOl`lZl L,ounL_\' Loullcll 211. u: cent scsson, passed 2:. resolutlon 1 `tio11in_g' the Go\'e1'nment at 'i'oz- to assume the cost of all pupils \ inm -1+ nnfI':1nPrx '-nninnfinna .U itbbullll: Llll: LUELIUL (1.11 pluyus mg at entrance e: that all examiners give their s< free, as they are full-tiune 5: men and \\'0l1l0Tl, and should 0.` as part of their duties. LD--.-\t the on .\Ion(la_\', and Hrs. Be 94- \H..n,lu ULU--:\t tne 1i.\. !1OSplLiH, 132u'nu .\'o\'. 20, 193.1, to Mr. I3ernzu`(l Old, 143 C'.u'olim~ St., Allzmclzlle, 21. (lzxug: nte1'. `KEY--.-\.t the 1l.\'. Hosplfzll, Burma. on \\'ednesdzLy, \'o\'. 25, 193-}, to} 311'. and lira. Dillllul Key, S1`" , Bay, :1 duug'11te1'. ,BAl-1RI$'l"'1'~--At the R.\'. Hospital Barrie, on _'\'on(la,\`, Nov. 243, 1HIJ~.` to M1`. and .\I1'_~:. .\'o1'm:111 Bauett, Utopia, a son (stillborn). GREE.\'--.-\t the R.\'. Hospital, Bar- rie, on '1`]1u1'.~:(l-.1_\', .\'o\'. 29, 193-1 to 311'. and 11:5. Geo. Green, 153 Owen St., a son. I NI GHTINGA LE--At \\'01le. Hos- I pital Toronto, on Sziturdziy, Nov. 24. 1934, Sarah Jane .\Ii_2htin;:zilc, wife of Wm. Nightingrale, Craig- vale. Funeral on .\Ionda_\', with service in St. Paul's Church, Innis- l, and interment in St. Pauls f-`nn1nfa1-\` .BRO\\'X--.~\t Stratloven Hospital, 111, 11110 1n[(.`l'H1Ul1L 111 CL. l.'d.ulS Cemetery. Allandale. on Tuesday, `Nov. '27, 193-1. llartha kirkwood Walt, widow of the late Wm. V. Brown, Barrie, aged 83 years. Funeral on Thursday, with interment in Guth- rie Cemetery. SPARKS--At the residence of he: daughter, Mrs. Wm. X. llaley. 116 Bayeld St., on .\Ionda_v, .\'o\'. `.7.("-,i 193-1, Mrs. Elizabeth Sparks, aged 81 years. Funeral service .\Ion~ day evening, the remains being sent to Ottawa Tuesday morning for in- terment. * TREASURER S SALE 01-" LANDSE FOR TAXES I Victoria County Council at its rc- Il 4: 1-n.-nlni-Enn nr ,-.n6- nvx nu;-. _BIRTHS T;-1A'l'HS ._.. Hospital, OK : 1!)`7..1, ' a\. l'\ XCUD salaried - r.\vI\\'\-3 V . \ m . ~B2u'1'ie 4-,` N I .. Free W/'il1 be c0ndu by J. Edwin \\'i].\'0n, IR(12;isi'0ro(l Osteopath and Molnber 01:` tlw ]j111`or1m1 ionz1l .`?5n oi SJ( :1'O-I]i;1('. ',l`(~<-ln1i(-inns, :11. his 01'<-o KING BLOCK, BARRIE --ON- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1934: ])u1'i11g 1110 h 1111 10 a.m.--12 p.m. and 2 p.m.-4 p.m. It will be the }_1)111']_)0se of this 13111111-1 To 1l11,11'o11gI1I}.' exa1ni11c the feet of all pc1's(>11s who 111-(1.41-111' H1(*111- selves, for s t1.'11ct111.'a1 ub11<>1`111z1li1i<-.<, In 11-11211" 1110111 need be, and to o. r'fe1: s11gg_estiu11s .11'<.1g_:':11-(1i11;;' shoes is c01'1side1'ed 11ecessa1.'y. A11 .1 1 '11 1 1 1 1 I K` `I Half M115 Nzozrthof Town ILimits, Bayeld St. 300 Cords N0. 1 Ha1'd\\'o0d . . . . . . . . .$G.:')0 Pm'Co1'd 58 Cords No. 2 Hardwood . . . . . to $3 Pm` Cord 100 Cords Limbwood (Ha1'(1\\'ood) . .$i3.:')0P(:1'Co1'(1 ' 200 Cords Mixed and Softwood . . . . .._'i3.00 P01-Cord See Mr. Marrion in Charge at the Bush LU VVLL Z :11 By virtue of a wzu-rzlnt ISSUBU by; the Mayor of the Town 01 Barriefii] bearing: date the eighteenth day 017;]: September, 1934, sale of lands in ar- ' V rears of taxes in the Town of Barrie ; i] will be held at my olce, Ba1'1'1e, LU i1 the hour of two o c-lock in the ah-.- ; S` noon on the Fifteenth day of Janu} ary, 1935. unless the taxes and casts ! C are sooner paid. Notice is her'..;: | I given that the list of lands {Jr saluls for a1-rears of taxes is being` publish- i 0 ed in the Ontario Gazette on tl-.~: Sixth day of October. the Third -why. of November, and the First day all December, 193-}, and that copies 01"`? the said list may be had a; my oflice. if 'T'1-nnevn-av : nmm Rnrrip, Ht `.'`.n:l '. 1` All the above \\'i11 be abAsolu1ool_\' 1i'1'e(: and no om- will be under 2111}? ob1iga`rio11 \\'1121to\'01'. --0ur S1ogan-- Normal Feet, in Correctly Fitted Shoes-- Foot Comfort. You are invited to come and 11-cwo ym11' :lf'(- vx-c1mi11ed FREE \Yhaf (-onld he more app1-opriate for :1 per-: gift than 21 ladies W. R. ALLEN Foot Clinic rnto Eel lIG&|1-I rn' ri i%:;=:.$stH@ns12.w%c LUGGAGE OR FITTED CASE AND A. GE1\'TLEMAI\"S BL;\CKSTOI\' E OR CLUB BAG`r STA- PAK Wood for Sale BROWN S BUSH, CUNDL-ES me SEIKI IISE may De I1il(l EL} my OXIICC. V Treasurer s Office, Barrie, this 2nd` day of October, 1934. ` \A w cmm. 1'......-.....-! 3 CLARKSON HOTEL BAYFIELD STREET THURSDAY, l\"OVE.\IBER 257, 1934. 1:-gx always 5 Appre- ciated GI FT tjilz/59/1/1';-_[:)w/'2zI:;.s Canadian and 115.`/bi/its is 8 PHONE 62 WARDEN DUTTON GETS GOLD WATCH; -g`0V0l'nment; is HATJ-j--<` (Continued from page onel government is a step in the right \m_v. He believed that in the past we -t bought too far ahead and it is a bet '1) ter plan to pay as you go. Some are t- eriticizing us for our actions, but he ' felt that in :1 your or two they will i 1` ch:m.>:e their mind. The ',)1'0\'inciai' pledgxed -to economy he emphasized. The gzreutest asset to the :..-'ove1`nment is the people, and for that i'ez1. he \\':1.'< glad to be in` politics, :is it. ::i\`e.< him an 0ppo1'tun-1 it_\` to do sonic '.'f00(i. He askecl fol` co-operation in e\'e1'_\' \\'u_\' and i>y5 joint eilo1't:: we will make Simeu-: _ and the province :1 better place in which to live. ] T\u- \\' I1 Q-with 0 C t < \'l T) D Qmnflx Fnu ll: l Town of Barrie, Count, of Simcoe TO WTT - (I: 5 A< lb \ `c V DFV mm: DIFKFDIMG MINIQTFR ! ` (l m;..|Fl1l.J'illI"I.1\h". I ` REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER {\` \\'lllL'lI LU HVL . x D1`. W. D. Smith, .\I.P.P. for South` Simcoc, felt . that the '1o'.\".21`-3 ing: of direct tuxzttion would acv the !':mm:1-. Ho \\';n.< do1i<,:'htcd to think that we are over thv worst um: ` "l L1..`L s!`/`K .... ..\. 1/\/\"4 ..l.\....u. \. - Collier St. United Church! DHHCUC, lUlL bULl."|lL`U |.llil.L LHU lU'I\ a `zu'1m:1'. 2 that the suilinfx looks (-lezu-01'. .-\ move in the 1o\\'m'in': of 1!`tC1'cst ra .. .. .41. in H~.. .-. he .1}.-ny--n.` XllU\\.' Ill |.|IL' ll is :1 sh-p in I this is being` 1 vinciul and `The _\'0um: m H." .un,.o- You are cordially invited to attend t-A1717! nnc KIlU\ L` 111 LIN.` 1U\\"\'l`|U'L Ul l!`LL'1'L`>L ."LlLL`.` the I'ij.."i1i d11'0ut1on and bO111_2' tlndortukon by both 1)1'~J 1'ede1'a1 _:o\'c1'mnent.<." The man Is the one sutto1'1:1__n the most, o. \\'i1C11 he mis himself unable to get work. U1ic::1- ploymcnt is 1. big` 1n'ohl<.-m. It is .l t1'zx_;`ic thing to put :1 mam on 1'el1d'. as 110 lo. his manhood and soon be-I ,....\.... .. .1.u..u..l.\..4- In I... u4.~....r..+. H5 UL` lU.\L`.` Il|.\ IHIHIIIUUU "(HUI -`UUH UL' Comes :1 tlepemlont. In the interc. of l1um:mit_\' some work should but plamiml wl1c1'cb_\` the l.lllL`lllplO_\'L'\l mam could be _4'i\'cn the p1'i\'ile_9;u OJ; wo1'kinj: for his keep and the1'eb_\- cu-- storo his lIl2\1ll100(l. 'l`l1c1x.- are pzu't.- of the count1'_V wlioro 1'ozul.< could in-` imp1'o\'ed and 110 urg.-,`ed the council` to plan sin-l1 projects. ' Vul .l:1Inir`- r-\'-\l P P lx.`-li.\\ -4' L11. Jil|lllCSUH, that D1`. Smith \ stitute. T110110` thuy are just t1'oub1o.~'. \\'hntc in })0\\'c1' should tion. and at thc \vr\.\\- `l'.\ AH Elllllt` CU" must be He felt u...-.ll ...\.. well L" \- 12.`;-\`v:ll`(lL`l1 aonn Li1I'l(0 the d0p1'c.~`.~`i011 was due that wv us lll(ll\'llll.ll\1.\'. mu provinces and Dominion 1i\'in;;` l)c_\`on(l our nu-:m.<. within our moans, pm as get. our ppoplo to spend :1 circulate the l1l0llL'_\' there will be at our door. uuuu `nun , ....~.. _.._ ANNIVERSARY S_};RVICEES L.L1.A1; v ..4..u~-..-... ..,._.-- . - -_v- Guest Preacher: The Rev. Harold E. Wellwood, B.A., ` B.D., a former minister of Collier St. Church. 11 a.m.--Understanding through Fellowship. 7 n,n1.--'l`l1e Glorv of the Secoudl [1010 21 JOITIC IHCCl'.lUg. The Alliston meetings will be 11-:1d on Dec. 13th. Jan. 10th, Feb. 14th and March 14th. The .-\1li. and (`ook. JUL ` ior Instxtutes and Jumor I-`.1"1m;.< have p1'op:u'ed the prog'r:nns for thcil , monthly n1o_etin_x:s till .\I(1l'\h n:-.\'. and these meetings should prove mo=L protable and interestinpz. As 5:1 North Simcoe. the Junior Inst:L.1;(.? and the Junior F211-xners meet sepa"-. ately on the same evening, and then hold a joint meeting. The Allistnn mnntinu-,: xvi ma h.-M SOUTH SIMCOE. JUN!ORS PLAN INTERESTING PROGRAM = Eight Sunday, Dec. 2, 1934 nvxv-vYrl`\1'\!V A n1r n7:Vr\17Tr'<`lT Special Music 1yf.\...u-nnp 'U[?L`l`i'nK|Ull H shown the that the ca .'L.'HL'(1 this 3' zn`dvn John C ' A 1.I.`\4\v\ -.~n .. ,uut:r, um-1. ~A. W. Smith. Treasurer J|.ll: 5|o{l'|.lIlE \\']1:xte\`c1' go` `no g:i\'c end of vill see if they 5 )pu1';'.Ii011 zmd ~1..u.-n Hun ..,~.. arrxc, noun TO WIT : -4: n 1I'u1-1- Fellowshlp." 7 p.m.-The Glory Second Mile. Evening A "r ,, ,1 1 r__ UJk:cL>. ox-.\I.P.P.. beliov; \':1.< :1 calpuble n\\' un\':n-nvnnnf fn. 'U\l'IlHll\.`IlL L staiting 011 -\'n`)` H'l\"n|l`Hl I1o\I`lf .-u.. A`. nu. u we 3:0, an at home an L`_\' there. prospe1.t rl`, _\ cur. Carlton to "1. \\`\III\:: _.., . :'i\'on co-opcr--. four or Irv .- .'-111'.` n - '2.. Ulld SLlllL'l'l 5'" \'hc11 nds` vork. L'nc::1-` ulom. mm L;--`- Iv _-]} 1\1\` LIN.` INCL 1un1cip:11me.=. have been Y6 V. H I.\ H. U`. V} o.nt1u1: nO-\- ,1. ;Ir1enus. | } Jack Percy and George Potts, of- ` {the University of Toronto, spent the; 1 \ week end at their respective homes.g ` `Mice Jnennhinn Rlnir and NT)`. A1`-` nlrluunun u. ....... Morning Introit--All Praise to Him (Bach) ; Anthem--Fo;-stival Te Deum (Dud- ley Buck); So1o-The Penitent (by rrrquest) Blys. H: J. Heath; Qua-1-- tet-Mrs. A. W, Lu1d1m111, ;\h':4. EL`. .Q.I1`(x)1l1lT(t1'1(`;r;i2', Mr. S. W. .\Ioo1'e, Mr. A.` A ll . T.`..-..!...,.. Wlandale News`; Mr. Frank Spearn, of Kingston.- spent the week end at his home here. M'i5:!: Nfnrin `Mr-Niven. nf `Ppterhnrn spent me weex enu an ms nome mere. Miss Marie McNiven, of Peterboro ` Normal School, visited at her home here over the week end. l Mr. Albert Kelcey, of Toronto,| .spent the week and at the home ofl his sister, Mrs. A. Hooper. Mrs. H. Gartner was in Penetang for several days last week;, relatives. I W!" ....,: MN. I?` Dnkk am: ..11:nn-{ml .~|SpCI1L Lne \\-'(:`eK cuu all, 1115 uumu ut:LL:. 1 Mr. Eldon Hunt, of Toron1;o, spent ! Sumlzly with his parents, 311'. :u1(`li , Mrs. A. Hunt. _` A. H. Goodall, former trains do-I spzxtcher, is :1 candidate for the Board `of Education. YOIHEIVCS. I Mr. and Mrs. F. Bebb and children` spent Friday of last week in Toronto. 171- and \h C W, 'u\'Iif.(-hall :mrl lspem; rnuay 01 last VVGGK 1n 101`OIlE0.! Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mitchell and` daughter Eleanor, of Toronto, were: week end visitors at the home of ;\Ir.{ 1and Mrs. Luke Spearn. ' 1 i M1-q W A Jnnlzinq cnpnt snvornll ';?lI1(l lV1l'S. LAIIKG DpB'd.l`ll. ` I Mrs. W. A. Jenkms spent several; days last week in Toronto vxsxtlng friends. | v fun]; `Dnunn I111!` fin.-um-n Dnffc n+` IVIQITIDETSDIP banquet ` ITFIIICBSS I The 111en11be1'sI1i1) banquet of thei_'i15 fail`- '.)I.C.:\. was held on Friday nig`ht,E with ;\11'. Ed. Otter, new head of the`: Ha1'0V1d_ rui1\\".L_\' depztrtment of the Associu-,1'0nt'b'.'11 ttion, as guest speaker. I11stitutio11,`th0 Ont? IUcmbe1'ship and Purpose of the As-; Caucus 1"` isociution was the topic of Mr. Otte1"s;11CSd11y- _ juddress. The 1'en1ainde1' of the pro-v LL-'1'z1m consisted of 21 sing;-song` with; P111115 3} "}1ante1'11 slides and solos by Dr. Geo. lby the L] IBu1'ns, with W. A. Bell at the piano. ' chiwtel` 1 3,111`. Ii. 3101-rison was chairmzxn of the bamluet 5 5 | g'et-together. ; H0t1- 1 in j C3 I I Ada Ann Brunton I After a brief illness, Ada Anni` fBrunton passed away at her home in , I ;Stou1fvi11e. Death is attributed tolt inatural causes. The funeral tookir V ;`place on Thursday, Nov. 22nd, with, ' "gintez-ment in Stouffville cemetery.` fgDeceased was born in Allandale years ago and had made her home`( here until she moved to Toronto = W 1. 5 l |1916, and from there to St0uil"\ i1l!Lc `;several years late. In reli;;`ion Mrs. L: | Brunton was a member of the United ,-< n Church. Surviving are her husband, | v` D. B. Brunton, of Trenton, and two _ "isons, D. G. of Barrie and Alfred H. .. 1" i of Gravenhurst. __ _ _ I, IWCGK C110. LIE E(`)U.' 1`(35[)BCL1\ U llUllll:b.| `| Miss Josephine Blair and Mr. A1`-} |thu1' Blair motored to Toronto on` {Wednesday to attend the Royal Wm-. {tor Fail`. ` ' Y.` I):.wnnI;L- rd Dnuvf r`nH\nvnn Introit--O Lord My God (A1`c;1-2' (lclt); Anthem.~:-O Joyful Light! (Tours), I ,Waited for the Lo1`.l" (Mendelssohn); Solo-Thc Lord is} My I.i,g'ht (Allitscn) Miss Ellen` nnhcnn ` `.1201 run`. ' I73. {c_vnold.<, of Port C0ll)o1'ne,. spent the week end at his home here. Mr Flrlnn Hunt. nf Tnrnntn. snent Q Young People l The Young People s Societies ofu` .the difI`e1'ent churches here form iquite :1 strong; social unit. Their v'meeting`s take place at their respectivel ichurches every Monday night, with igood attendances. ` I Tlnic \x'ar;L- qr +1..-. Tr..:+m1 m.....,.1. Iguuu d.LLl.`l1u21ll(.'8S. I This Week at the United Church. 5311'. A. Pugh was the Convener and 1 __'ave an instructive talk with Temper- .ance as the theme of the meeting". -A 5010, Yield Not to Temptatio11,"l `by Mrs. F. Dobson, was rendered at; 1 the conclusion of Mr. Pug'h s addi'e<< I 1 1 y 1 ..\1-Hxnv Tux` un-nciAn.-l ..+ H". I`\\(\ . hue LJUHCIIJSIUII 01 J11`. rugns a(1u1'ess.i `* Arthur Jay presided at the meet- ing of St. Geo1'g'e s Y.P.S. A con- ,'test followed after the discussion of business matter, in which A. Jay won I the novel prize-the p1'epu1`atio11 of a | paper to be read next week. ` .T]1o Qfl-nnrl V17 Q \I'nIIn Hxn n-|1r\u`- paper Lo ()6 reau next WOCK. The Stroud Y.P.S. were the guests} of the Essa Road Society at it social, u\'c11ix1-4` on .\1onda_\'. Games and con-' tests were enjoyed. Refreshments! `concluded the evening. 1 Perry Mcln/to.<.11, age 19, son of Z\11.i and Mrs. Wm. J. Mclntosh, 13:)' Bore /._\' St., was taken to the 1*..V.i `Hospital last night suife1*ing` fuxn? `concussion received in an acciienti, _\\'hich occurnxl at the corner of Owen 4nd Collier streets when me boy (`0iii(i(`(i with :1 motor 0:11` tirivm by C. \'. .~\nd1'cw.<, 15:3 Owen St. \i1- \"Il"AL\s` u--u.- nu-nnnnlhn... ,.,\..LL u_\' x.. \. .~\n(n`e\\'s, 101) Uwen st. sure noted t Mr. .~\nd1'u\\`.< was procecdlng soutl1!t1`CCS Z1l`0 1 on Owen St. about 8.55 p.m. zmd'S0me\\'11dt I ..\IcInto.-I1 was riding` west on Co`mea1-\'0\'0mb01`- :St on his bicycle, when they met `-111 - the centre of the inte1'. G .Young Mclntosh was thrown from his \\`hcc1, . his hcatl on Line? Geo. Do pavement, He was given f11'; aid in` W218 Sclltcn Dr. Lzun-in and then rushed to t1xe}1'1e {I301 ft ho. \\'he1'e he was zxttcndud I;_\'*ti0n.~"o1' S1 1): . 'l`u1'nbu1l for head inju1'ic.< mild 011 1! Chat! cu11u:L1.<. 1 hnnlirrln LJL: IUIIIULILA LU] uuuu Hl_]Lll'lL.'S nzlu U11 it Cll2|l`:,'U UL Lllelln concu. Doolittle had been yriven suspeiided .l_t l.~` reportetl to-da_\' that his cog.-isentence on J. cliarge of stezilinp; union is \'e1'_\' i:u'o1-able. 1.54.20 from his aunt, Miss A. )1. ------- LDoolittle, of Gilford, on Sept 9th. CRUSADERS YOUNG MEN CLASS.'Tl1e accused was placed on probation HOLD BANQUET AND ELECTION 1 on his own 1'ecog'ni'/.ance subject to > - lthe 1'ollown;: conditions, that he inakc The t'1`u. Young` .\len'.< (`I215-sliestittltioli of $4.20 in cash to I\Ii.s of t`:-ntml L'nited Church held their? Doolittle and pay all costs of the :nniuz=.l t':ithe1' and son banquet in Ll10l[)1`OSCLll2l0l1 within one month. Fail- sundu_\' School room on TllL`.,~`,(l2l_\'il]1g` to comply with these condition.-, ex ;-nin_;`. at which time the 1'ollo\\'in,-.-,5he was :11're. on S2\tll1`d21_\' last. ullin*e1': \\w.-.- elected for 1935: l Doolittle said he couldn t get me. llon. 1 :-e. .\l1'. Wiles; Presi `monc_\' in time, but that he was sure . .. . I . dent, Lloyd l`;1!'t1'1d}.';(.`; \1ce-l 1'es1(lem,;it was at home now. l\ l.~.u l-Immln-nn- Q,\...~.a+.....- Pm..." 1;.. l `\rn....'.~4-....+n T.-.63`; 4-.-.1n'l 1~.:m +1.n+ 4-11,. muu. I 1 The guest speaker of the even1:.,r`| .\vu.< Rev. W. K. Batty, who took 11., `his topic And 1 Caught a G.l1mpse V: ` 9 His Purple Robe. I nu dent, ken. Inn. .1 guy |,I}.',u Dobson. Orillia merchants have been warn-T ed to watch for worthless Un"ted States 510 bills. Two unknown men "reprc~sc-nting: themselves as U.S. tour-` ists are known to have passed fakedl bills at 9. drug store in Orillia and` at stores in Huntsville and Burk s' Falls. So good were the counterieits that they were not detected till sent; to Buffalo banks. BOY THROWN FROM BICYCLE Membership Banquet ._.l __..l_.._ 1.._...,..,.A. tactin [CYCLE 111100111 Al tosh, 13:: ' co1_11't ; 1..V.!pan' zring f;u'n?.\'0V- 11 I of; _ V- |I31Ck car d1v 211 {Dim-*1 )wc11 1 ,-mn-__- . acc1.xent=, _ T--- .1`. V. Jc-bb, Toronto 5%., to-(lz1,\' -.nglp1ckc(l a half dozen full b1oomin<,: C111`(i1`7\`1]&I)(1UFi0S in his :.1'z11'den. Dandelions` wen noted on se\'e1'z11 lawns and fruit` d1n`__-_ l>cg`inni11_: to bud. This is and'Lsome\v11-at 1'emzu'k:1b1o for the end of` nn ("ninn, |\'n\`nmhm~ ` 4'! Mrs. Liscumb and Mrs. Snnpson,` +.| who have resigned as clothing` pur-* ` jchasers for the Children s Aid So-` 3tciety', were presented with bouquets? "lof mums at the annual meeting` of` F`! the Society on Thursday night. ` K j--j---- 1 Women s Canadian Club. Public Library Hall, Thursday, Dec. 6th, 8.15 p.m. Illustratel lecture. Cam-[ era Conversations, by T. G. Jay-` `cocks, of Saturday Night. 3 a Mr. S. Spark, of Toronto, will? speak at the Library Hall, Friday, Nov. 30th, at 8.15 p.m., on The British Empire--Will It Pass Awa,` ; [Hear him answer this que.st1.m. I _ The W.C.T.J. monthly meeting: {will be held a the home of Mrs. J.` iA. Lennox, 2 North St., on Mondzw. ;D 1' j 1-iends cordially invited. I ec. 3rd, at 8 p.m. Members and] , are completed for a big; night _:-by Lions Club on Friday, when .vcha1'te1- night will be celebrated at 21 zlbanquet and (lance in the Amelican There will be an 01-;;':1n recital be- fore the evening; servlce, beginning; at ($.30 o c1ock. 7 x 190th birtliday at the home of her` `daughter, Mrs. J. O. Scythes, Bayeld 3 ` _St., on Tuesday, and was able to en-`N Hjoy the birthday party in her honor. "She was born at Newcastle, Durham | County, a daughter of the late Mr. 3land Mrs. Benjamin F`ig'g. In 1861` " she marriecl Alfred Gifford and the)" -settled in St. Vincent township, near Meaford, where they lived till 1903.` ftThe_\' celebrated their diamond wed- n ding in 1921. Mr. Gif'"o1'd died in 1` 1923. | inl )I1`.~7. )lz11`_\' G,ill'o1'd c:leb1'ated her | M1`. A. H. Goodall announces that `he is in the eld for re-election tof `the Board 01' Education. Having` re-1 tired from active work, he feels he ic-an devote the necessary time to school matters. Radios were tuned in at an early hour to-day` to hear_ all about the Royal wedding` of P1-mco George and 'Princess Marina. Radio 1`ece)t.ion' 1 : was fair. j1`onto~E_g'1inton, was elected whip oi` 'the Ontario Liberal party at the Harold J. Kirby, member for To-` ;cuucus meeting; in Toronto on Wed-` ` nesday. Mr. Wm. Rusk, Stan McCaus1and,` HV. J. Clark and J. E. Chown, of; `Barrie Lodge No 63, I.0.0.F., at-_ `tended the installation of officers of` }Toronto Lodge No. 71 on Monday 1 night. 1 Traffic Oicer Wm. F. Thompson` and his family. moved to Toronto onl `Friday, where he will patrol high- way No. 2 from the city limits to` Rouge Hills. Trafc Ofcer J. Lewis and his family, of Arthur, moved in-; `to the house vacated by Mr.`N 1 son. > -`.`\\'as sentenced to one month in B211`- ; ` rie for disobeying` the condi- .'`;tions of su. sentence g;i\'en i c11ur{.,_-'0 of theft. 1 hN.1:+1,, 1.....x `Hf:/\I\ . .:' Doolittle, age :22, of Gilfonl,` I i Ross Cowzm left Sunday morning- by. plane for Sioux Lookout. The Rnvl-I'n (-`In-H11w (`Ink nvn `Iu,\1,J i The Barrie Wommiix: Conservative '.-\.<. held their rst winter imeeting in the police court chambers Ilast evening`, with Mrs. T. Burton, gag-ting president, presiding. The ;\n1eetin_<: was well attended. u_\. plillll: .LUl' DIUUX LOOKOIIE. The Barrie Curling: Club are hold l ing: a euchre party in the club rooms, ' Clappellton St., on Monday evening, Dec. 3rd. ` I I U U th (`rs 0 ` A local man \v3..~' ned $10 in police `court this 111o1'11111g for stea11ng_-; a !pair of shoes from .-\1'thu1' Tuck on .\'o\'. 24:11. EYOUTH GIVEN MONTH mi `lb \\`ilS 11L HUHIC IlU\\. I\Ia5:ist1'ute Jeffs told him that the court was not going: to go after him a.~:econ(1 time. He added that this 3\\'as just another example of how `lpeople tregxt :1 .~:uspc-nded sentence [ and hoped It would serve as :1 les.'~un' `to him and others. `.CHARGES_-AGAlNST HARULD I ` VVILDE. ARE WITHDRAWN 1 I . Harold Wilde. who was arrested at `his home in Toronto on 'I`uescuy.` I Nov. 20th, on c1m1'_s,~'cs of uttering um. {fo1~ge1'_\', which occurred at Hawke-` stone on July 3rd, appeared in court, on Tuesday afternoon and the two chargres were xvithdrawn by Crown ,.-Xttorney Evans. I . Th,` r`..m.-.. _\H>m~nm- h-JR f11n m-....4 ..-\t[O1'l)C_\` Lvzins. The Crown .-\tto1'ne_\' told the coutt that after examining the evidence wand documents produced by the ipolice he was satised that at the was in Nelson, 13.0, and he was pre- kpared to withdraw the charges. [Wilde had been in gaol a week await- `ing trial. Wilson Knicely, of Bairie, `who was responsible for the offences and the one instrumental in conne.-t- ;in;; Wilde in the case, is at present serving a term in Burwash. 8 time the offence was committed Wilde LOCAL NEWS The Northern Advance GAOL E 1 I K. N. M. Morrison, new manager I 4 l `of the Co-operative Packing Plant, 9 addressing ;`the Lions Elub at last K: Thursday night's meeting, said l.h ' 1 Barrie plant had made$3,000,000 for '- the farmers of Canada. How wa- `it done ? A trial shipment of a car `load of bacon from the Barrie plan* [1 i was shipped to England following` 0111' r, the suggestion of W. B. Somerset, ol e the Ontario Marketing Board. fhei "shipment was supervised by provin- 'cial and federal officials. In Eng'lan lit sold at two shillings per hundred- Jweiglit above Danish bacon. This gled to the spread between Danish ,' and Canadian bacon being reduced 1 from ten to six shillings per cwt. At a price of ten shillings pe1' cwt. 16$: `than Danish bacon, equivalent to fpur hog or $12,000,000 for the- 1: 6,000,000 hogs produced in Canada 1' annual],_\'. In this way it can beE 3"g"ured that the Barrie co-operativc- t5_`p1ant has made $3,000,000 for the )1 "farmers of Canada. (`nnnn ul~.iuu~n.n\4-n `hurl knnn Iunn urezuz mgnn." The evening: service will be with- (lmwn on account of Collier St. Church allniversary service.

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