Pay Eixf contain very little ash, no clinker or sub "" Ma11ufactu1'cd near J aspm` Pm-1:, .v\11w':"1u, from coal that 1s very similar in a11al_\'. ti \V(tl.~4h ;111t11.1fa(:i1(>,. We also carry Solvay Coke, Rea Anthrracite, Welsh Blower, Kopper s Pocoho11t2Lrs, B .e~:!_ja.cket- Domestic Coal and Wood of all ki11:?.s. SARJEANT UL LTD; Head Ofce, 49 Dunlop St. Yard, Foot of Mary St. 'DTJ'l'\'KTt| O0 Re-Opening Vocatianai Regular Classes will (-.o11ve11e o\'e1*_\' 'l.`1u-. and VIWL`.r..J.\.. T?-rvnni...-.. J.'.-J1.r\..-.'n.\. L.\... "' on 4.. n nix .1.l\/ u Llll \/1.|.lL)lJ\.y) u A \.u.u 1 uL1\. \ L-l.|\ 1. u\ aV\L(l_\ l.lLJ\,l _b];11i'sL1z1)' EVO]1i11*;,` r.'011o\ving`, %1'<)111 7.30 In S).3(). SUBJECTS: Ilotlsolmld Sciom-e (CooI 1) lnzlking; Art (Oil. and \\'z1t'01- Calm`); Silmw Card \\'ri1`i11g; Mn r01' Me(:.hm1i0s; E11g'li.\'h and .\1'itl1mo`ric .BO0k]{0C])i11g. REGISTRATION FEE $2.00 which may bepaid on tho nig`l1`r 0'1" 1-o,;`i: or durng the early part of the `(e1-m. For further information apply to Dr. R. J. Sprott, J. E. 1 I`l`l,.n:..-.~.n... LASTING QUALITIES proved by test`~.t0 be 2 good, if not better, 1'ha.11 Pmlnsylvania EL11th1'lCit0. PRICE IS ONLY $14.00 pm. `Eton l)<:1;ooer, 1:154. Copies of said list of lzmds or a( .- ; \`U1'tl..\_ L`lllUllL can be seen in my ofiicc or will be mailed upon making air, plication for mine. ln -.lefault of payment of tux(:.< 21., shown on -.4:1i(l list, or. or before Tuesday. the liitlil (lay of Novenibcr. 1934, at the nuur of two o'clock in the a1"tr-rnoon, I shall at that time in the Council Ciiamber, Court House. Barrie, On- turio, prococrl to sell by public auc- Linn the said lands to pay sucli ar- l`(`a1'$, t "<~tl1er with the cl1arge'< 0 `.~ nvnrxvu Canmore Briqueties TORONTO Daily at 10.50 n.m. (E.S.T.) The Continental Limited - Canadian National s \..\ train de luxe will speed \` you smoothly across Canada to Vancouver and Victoria. ' See Jasper National Park--Mt. Rob- son--the-majestic Rockies. Mountain Observation Cars. Easiest gradient and lowest altitude. Convenient con- nections for California or Alaska. Evening Classes Prince of Viiales Sehool REGISTRATHON ON FRIDAY EVENING October 5th, A Canadian Coal for Canadian People Full particular: from a Leaves -our-naug--I-1! CLARKSON HOTEL,` 1.1;. vuu, Chairman. Lnereon. An adjourned sale will be held on '1'uesday. the 27th day of Nox-entber, 1934. at two o clock. n L! r`nl.....,n I Copies of the new 1 offices, Llu\l1J l\JUO gut; PHONE 88 :'.I"vI'U~RSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1934. 2 -h%n time tables available :1`-: :_and agencles ' BARRIE J . Mor1'ison, 11...? If` A PHONE 62 .5. auv:a., Principal. 5 219 1.!-)3. uu L.-nu V\.u1v\.A\- D. H, Coleman. Tre.-qsu"e:-. CUun*.'_1 of Simcoc.`cr s Office, Court Home. Barrie, Onario. the 25th day of July, 1934. LU By virtue of a xvari-ant issued by the Mayor of the Town 01 Barris_, bearinp: date the eighteenth day of September, 1934, sale of lands in ar- rears of taxes in the Town of Barric- will be held at my oicc, Ba1'1`lc, ;~.= the hour of two o clock in the Z1TU".- noon on the Fifteenth day of Jam; 817, 1935, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is i'IC1`Cb_\' .;r(mn Hngvr Hm ii. nf lands In` Sivl TREASURER S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES pain. NOUCC IS 1Ic1`L u_;| given that the list of lands sulv for z1n'ea1's of taxes is being` publish- ed in the Ontario Gazette on ti`.`.' Sixth day of October, the 'I`hi1'd -"my of November, and the First day of Decembr-1'. 1934, and that copies of the said list may be had a.` my ofce.| nm,... T{nvI'in mi; `Pmii the sam 11st be new -.1. my ouu:(:.| '1`reasu1'er s Ofce, Barrie, this `End day of October, 1934. A. W. Smith. Treasurer north . ter. f\ .. The public is hereby warned that AIR FIRING will take place at Camp Borden lmtwcerl the hours of E) 21.11.. and s1 p.m. Szxtunlays and Sundays e.\:ct:ptcd, from OC'l`OBE1{ 10th to 31st, inclu.~'iv-. li.".1. 'l'l1=.- boundaries of the I>,\.\'CI-Ill All.-ll are : On the North--}3`ir; road north of Mad River. On the l*lust--Am:u.4~-Pim- live: --(.'utu\v:unpus Creek. On Um South --~.-\ linu one name of the lim: from 'I'io;.:zL to Hm: Ln.`- Codierst. United Church`; IJUpLlLy AVIIIIISL Department of Nacionul T)ef'0ncc_. Ottawa, Suptc-znl>(:1' 17, 1934. um Qns2_1_rm ter. ' - On t11c:W(:st---'l`lw boum ary of Canm Bordren arr-u. T. W I.:IWI.T.('.PTR. ULL'd.Wil, n\:pL` H.Q. 898-1-94. Notice is hereby given that the Fall Assizes of the Supreme Court will open in the Court House. Barrie on Monday, October 29, 1934. at one o'clock in thn 211't(-rnrmn All Justices, Croners, Constables, Gaolers and others are requested to take notice and perform all the duties that should appcrtain to them. J. Swan, . Deputy Sheriff, County of Simcoe. Barrie, October 1, 1934. The steamer Gleneag1c.<" :n~:-r.-on in Midland last week from Cleveland with 10,000 tons of coal. Town of Barrie, County of Suncoe 'I"('\ WTT - ___._.:..__.__._. Gleneaglcs zm-i~.'od .. u.,n....a Inef week from H Sunday, Oct. 14, 1934 In the `County of Simcoe TO VVIT : ll :1.m.--'l`he -.\'linisto1'. The Junior Church School (2% to l 7 years) meets at this time in the} Church School Hall. - I 3 p.m.--Tl1e Church School.. 9 7 p.m.`-Dr. Robert l..:xird.-'E`r'ea. urer of the United Church of Can- ada. _ | vxv 1 1... n _...`_' n11_- \l:..I... Sunday, Oct. 14, 1934 '\\>=:::I< ERS/- B; " COUNTY or smcoe r the Court House, rrn lTl[) l50)'(l(`Il iH`(`U. L. R. LELFWITCCHE, hnv\I1f\.' Xnn `oner, 1:134. A. W. Smith, I arnc, L,oun TO WIT : Ar .. . uvu 1-v NOTICE I.zL1*1n'.L,n1u, Deputy MImstt:.~ Hnnzll `nnflt-hl'(-. : list for 'gAllam1a:e jmsws; Wednesday, 8 p`;rif.-The I\Iid\vw.~i: Meeting. You are cordially invited to these any-w-Inna Miss Jean Catolur spent the ho11da:.' `:2? "bme of the Missr.-S Catcher ; Mss Eileen Fell spent last week in }To1~onLo ms the guest of Mr. and Hrs. VV.11ku;1`. Mr. .-\lbe%`t Kelcey, of Toronto, !S'.)(.`I':`. the .:.1i:1a_v at ;I.c hc.-rue of. .`T. ;.ml 5 `av. .-\.. Iioopcr. ` 'r~x-. -n Ir\nv~nI' 'nf"`~'.'li (H1 ."1.t-I '. ;.uu .' '* .".. L.Uup\,'.. Dion. ' :1 ??r>o!tvr1' ;`f`.t'T _ ~ UH ,7'1t- urday from Kirkland Lake, `.`.'hc"-: he J hu ~\.'LLl :st:1ying' with Harold Riddell. ` M1`. Ferris G,0odfe1Iov.' of Vv'in:i `: \.'i.~;itod in town over the week end I 7\/Iv T `H `Rail mnfnrnrl to Detroit '\-'l:~:1tCd In town Ene \VL`UK euu.; Mr. J. H. Bell motored to Detroit ;:;1r~"t the h01i(lX},".'lt the` home of" brother, Mr. Wm. Bell. 5 tin hm-nnnr Qm-lnir n1` Tnrnntn. v r. ms brother, Mr. wm. sen. , Txiiss Dorothy Sinclair, of Toronto, . spent the week end at her home her.-. 1 `. TV|'r.=, Rnh+._ Dunnett and dauzhtex` .' spent the WeeK end an ner nome nu-r'.:. 1 ', Mrs. Robt. Dunnett daughtex' Olive visited relatives at North Bay` I ovr-r the week end. `Mn. nu ! Nh-a Dnkf .Qn1iHn hll` the week end. v i Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith and` '|fami1_~.', of Brampton, spem the holii-1` d:;_- :.t` the home of the latter s bx) '* '|31(,`1. .'~.ii'. Bert Owens ? I Mrs. S. Hinds and children siponf-i `,the week end visiting: relatives inii i ` ur:I11I].'AY\ 1 LID. D. IIIIIKID the v Hamilton. .\i'.', and .\frs. ."t.. Visit-. '. '.vith o\.'r:r the week A `\TL..n.. I H5.-,n\ 1 E 1 JIEFFUS P1`(;`Lti, 01' ing at the Ga1'tne1'. IHH WI.` uzu-mer. Dill .`Iz11x{n::li, who has been 1'0-3 covering: at his home from injuries ru- .'.-it`-- zzoout `.E.:'ce weeks ago, `.:ftjI Sunday to resume work on the C.N.n. J um-v T2-.1151 vurc 1:110 guests 01 Mrs. :\. .'-u1u1'e VS.` I Week end visi`r.o1's at the home of; :Lukc Sp0;x1'n included M1`. Fr1n:<`- - Spezn'n, of I{i11g:sto11; M1`. and Mrs.` -C. Mitchell and daughter Elirur and Mr. and Mrs. Campbe`l Speaml |:;a.nd d:\u;:11Le1' Diane, of '1`: ronto. I l':c`.'. and Mrs. Coulter and Miss :s<)],-U`. (fozxltr-1'. Richmond Hill; Mis< Lorna Park, or Toronto. and Mn. " D-u-1: nf '!'m-rmtn \`n1m.'aII '..!I`.-i. .- E ( ( I 11 a.m.-Rov. J. F. F1e111i11-_2_", of Honan. I 2 p.1n.-Cm.<:1d(-rs Bible Cl:.1ss for Young Men. ! 3 p.m.---Our Church School. ` Evening at 7-Rev. Louis Pickm`. will preach. Subject: Breakers and Mc.-nders of" the Road. | ncxzr Lszua. _ .\Ii.s.< Cussm, of Lindsay. and 11 as Cora Franks, of Iimorson, Manitoba, the guests of Mrs. A. .'-\n(lre VS.` I WnnL- n-mi vi at tho hnmn Lorna rzusx, 01 1u1`UnLU. mm m . -:2:".1`:`l-gv Pzxrk, of Toronto Normal bcnool, \\'c1`C T}1z:11ksg=1\'111g _2'uesLs at the: hr.m1e 01 V-.'. Park. T1. xn.H..-9 :~.:.: ,.+- H... .4: mm... [1113 ZIOIHC U]. . I"il.l`K. The Ladxes . M of the Lassa Roam P1'c_ Lnurch held thmr me -t x 2 on \Verino;-. at the home ()1 .u1'.~'. J. (,'1:n'ke. A _L'Gu(i a`-.Lu1(1z111c- u-.;. v*..1\r\\-'.\.`` ! 1 I 1 `\.'1.`c l{ _HUl'LCU. Essa Roar`. '!'..'"'.i. to The Y.P.S. of Essa Road Presby- t(.-:"2::i.v Cl~.urcl1 held a ver}: interesting meeting` on .\Ion(lay night. Mr. Robt. : S mtlair was the speaker of the cue` . m_: and fini.`~:hed his report on tlici Yelowston'e"" Mission. .`\Ir. Sinc'.a.. vividly described the conditions of the eld. The crops were very poor this. summer and the exceedingly noor 93 yield varied from nothing: to ten;`} bushels per acre. The summer had J5 been very dry, and about the 22116." of September there was an extremeje` blizzard with a a snowfall of one and 1 R` a half feet. Mr. Sinclair illustrated` _ his talk with lantern slides of thel S K . J` 1 Ll mission and 01' the Cypres Hills. Mrs. Arthur Robinsor ' Of extreme suddennes-. was the death of Dora Nlay Robinson, whichi occurred at the Royal Victoria Hos-` pital on .\londa_v, Oct. 8th, and came: as a severe shock to her family.- .\Irs. Robinson was operated on for? '.1ppen(li('itis on Friday and after thelll operation su`ered a relapse, from; which she did not recover. The fun-.' eal was held from her late residence Bradford St., with interment in Bar-`; rie Union Cemetery. Rev. A. R.| Beverley ofciated at the service. The! pall-bearers were Messrs. Ernest and` \`.'iil'i-ml Wliite. Roy Wiles and Ant Godden. Relatives and friends froml a distance attending the funeral werei L\lr.<. \\'. ('ole.<, of Detroit, sister ofi the deceased, and the family from] Toronto. Mrs. Robinson was born} ion April 26, 1901. in Bath, England,`, and came to Barrie eleven years a_;-ml` at the time of her marriage. nefti to mourn are her husband, one sister in England, Mrs. Hooper; a sister in Detroit, Mrs. W. Coles; her mother l and two brothers, Ernest and Wil- fred, of Toronto. Mrs. Alfred E. Hopkins Following` an illness (luring ` i to December, the death of Mary 13.1 Adams, widow of the late Alfred Hopkins, occurred in Barrie on Sun-' day, Oct. 7th. Born in Allandalr;-I fty years ago, she was the young-E mi; daughter of the late Mr. at l .\Irs. Fred .-\dams.. She was raised! and attended school here and in 100-1 ` her l11&1l`1'l:l_g'(* to Alfred Hopkins took, place. Two years afte1' they moved `( Ln lIal<,~ie'li. North Carolina, and later; to Savannah, Georgia, where they`, remained, until about seven years` \I'l1.-H flux Ill-:i1'l1 hi: \l1' I-rnnl\'h1Q T G '|"'l\ 1'.-'. C'1:u'k `\:-In 11-po1'ted. Fee: remulneu. until EIUOUU SUVUII _\ UZIl'S` :1:--n. win-:~. the death of .\Ir. Hopkins 1\ occurred in Hamilton, Or.t.. where- ithey had gone in the hope that his; health might be improved. In De-l cembi-r of last year Mrs. Hopkins re-l turned to Barrie and made her home j 4 with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Bundy, 53 Victoria St., and the funeral wasi held from the re.-zirlence, with service` on Tuesday night, conducted by Rev `V W. A. Doe, of Burton .-\ve. Unitedlr Church. Interment was made inc` Hamilton on Wednesday.; l ( relatives are one son, Stanley, and-t two sisters, Mrs. C. A. Bund.y an ! 1 i\lr.<. C`. A. '|`z1ylor, of Dodslaml. i Szlsk. A daughter, Verna, died . eleven _v<.-urs 21u'0. Pull-hearers were,` six nephews, Fred Ellis, Allandale; Joseph, Charles and Robt. Ellis. of Toronto; Fred Pirie, of Toronto, and I Eldon Pirie, of Havelock. -V ' B.C.I. is being represented by 1111-] other soccer team this year. Last! year 11 soccer group was formed wit`: , Elmvalc and Bradford and Burris` came out on top, This year Alliston takes Elmva1e s place and more good` Games are in store. G:m1es -win b;-` played in Queen's Park. Iho` schedule: Oct. 11-Badford at Barrie. ] Oct. 13--B:1rrie at Allistcn. i Oct. 18--A11iston at Bradford. Oct. 20-Barrio at Bradford. Oct. 25-A11iston at Barrie. nu 0"',,_1"!x-nrH`m-A of '.' `ll-. 1 HVJLI1 x'I*1uL1.L'.\ In l'.lll`Ji:1lU end. ] ses Lilian Boucher zmd .1v.Ia1'1O! , Penet2m_:, spent T]1.111ks;.-,'z- - h0n`<,- of M1`. and .\'I1'.~.. '1'.` 1:1: SOCCER SCHEDULE I8` 1.1-Badford 1 8--A11iston 27---B1':=.dfo1-d at _'-\11ist.or Wm. Bell, Centre- .-nlztttrt-.< in i'.1`n`.~'ale' r\`\fl : I The 1'eg'ular W.C.T.U. meeting will be held in the Public Library Hall! on `Monday, Oct. 15th, at 3 p.m. '( Lawrence Skellton and Jack Mc- Gauley, two Stayner youths who 1pleaded guilty to seven charges of' `theft last [`hursda_v, were both given suspended sentence by Magistrate Jeffs Tuesday afternoon, restitution and costs of the court to be paid by the accused. Circle ..-\ of the W..`-\. of Colli-31' I St. Unted Church are holding a Rum-`~ mage Sale on Saturday, Oct. 25th, in the vacant store of Mr. Pet:-1' 1`; Soules, corner of Mtllczlstel` ond Dun-` Hop Sts. Stm-0 open at 9 21.111. . Dism3s.<:1l of F). J. ;of Bzlrric, from the 0! Picture Censors, at is stated, was mzule I _-cil of the Hepburn Wednesday. While proceding east on Dunlop St. last Friday morning a heavy :Chevro1et truck driven by Jos. Pus- cal, Toronto fruit dealer, crashed `into the west steps of the Post Office. `No damage was caused to the steps, but the truck wheels were slightly .dz1.mag`ed. '1`he Orillia Terriers and their sup"- -porters made merry on the streets ` Wednesday night after theil victory. hw tho town was theirs Dr Robert Laird, t1'easure1' of the ` Lfnited Church of Canada, will speak ;at the Sunday evening service at Col- . ilier St. United Church. Dr. Laird is `one 01 thv outstzmdimz men in the church. The Lions Club entertuinetl the Salmon Bellies lacrosse team, also officials of the C..-\.L,;-\., at last Thurs- lclay nigl1t s 1neetin,9;, with a big at- :tendance of members present. 'l`o- 'nig'ht Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson will be the speaker. The Ontario Academy of Osteo- pathy has accepted the invitation of the New York Society of Osteopaths to attend their convention at Roches- ter. N.Y., on Oct. 13th and 14th. J. Edwin Wilson, local Osteopath, will attend. so will not he in his ofce on `either of those (lays. (L |"-'`:`uI'J'I'u5i'1`'l REVJOUIS PICKERING MINISTER i Corinthiztn Lodge, .'-\.F. and A.M., entertained Northern Light Lodge, Stz1,\'m-1', on I'hu1'sd21_v evening last. `The \'isiLm';< conferred the first de- ;.:'1'ee, f0I1o\ving' which refreshments `were served and a short pro,Lr1'am en- `joyed. Corinthian Lodge will pay a `visit to Creemore Lod_9:e on Monday .` e\'enin_2' next and confer the third de- }2`reo. - V .G.-\RD.\'ER In Newmarket, on Sun- day, Oct. 7, 1934, Joseph T. ! Gardner, beloved husband of Eliza` i beth Hart. in his 74th year. Fan- eral on Wednesday at 2.3-0 p.m. from his late residence, Park Ave. I Interment at Newmarket Cemetery. :McCvON'KEY-.-\t Stroud, on Wednes- ; day, Oct. 10, 1934, Mrs. Agnes Beatty McC onke_v, widow of the I late Roderick McConkey, in her 79th year. Funeral on Friday,` Oct. 12. Service in Stroud United Church at 2.30 p.m. Interment in Stroud United Cemetery. ;B*E l"l`Y--.-\t Lefroy, on Saturday. 1 Sept. 29, 1934, Jessie G. A`l:1n. * beloved wife of Frank Beatty. 1 Interment in Sixth Linc Cemetery I on Monday, Oct. 1st. ,"HOPvKINS-.-\t Barrie, on Sunv .a_\'. 1 Oct. 7, 193.`, Mary E. .-\(l:`.n`.s, 1 widow of the late A. E. llopliirs, ` in her 50th year. Funeral W ed nesday with interment at Hamil- ton. - WORROD-At An-:us, on Sunday, Oct. 7, 1934, Viola Worrod, he- loved wife of Thos. Wovrod. Fun- I cral on Tuesday. Interment in Angus Cemetery. IBOWEN-Jn the R.V. Hospital, dar- ! rie, on Monday, Oct. 8, 1934, Alan William Bowen, infant son of M1`. ii and Mrs. llarold Bowen, Minesin_-2;. , Interment on Tuosdav in Minesing Cemetery. iCI.OL'GI-!l.ICY--At the R.V. Hospital, ` g Barrie, on Oct. 11, 1934, to 1'12. '5 and .\I1's. '1`. C. Cloughley, 190 Elizabeth St,, :1 daughter. MARROW---At the RV Hospital,` Barrie, on Oct. 7, 1934, to M1`. ; and Mrs. Chas. E`. Marrow, Minc- % sing, a son. QSEPTEMBER WEATHER 1 WARMER THAN AVERAGE September weather this year was ;warmer than the average. The `maximum temperature reached '70 `degrees or over on 18 days, the l1'7;h- |est registering: 81 on the 25th and `the lowest 39 on the 30th. Rainfall for the month amounted to 1 9-`0 inches, being; 8-10 in. below the aver-; .-age for September. I = October Cooler i Already in October the tempera- ture has dropped to the freezing `point, on the 1st and on the 101.11. ' Low High_ I not. 1 :29 5:"- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bidwell, of `Shanty Bay, will celebrate their gol- _den wedding on Monday. Both are 79 years of age and enjoy good health. Mr. Bidwell has lived on the same farm since coming to Can:1d:: in 1874. Oct. LOCAL NEWS DEATHS BIRTHS LANDS FOR SALE FOR ARREARS OF TAXES . . . . . . GZ --W. H. Buttery. . B_vrno, formc-.rl_V 2 Board of Motion 2 Queen's Park, it ` by order-in-coun- ` r`1nn...m m Mac A Jy uruer-I II-cuu :1- Government on `wn \t)v'Thl`1'Y1 B An interesting` and unique cere- ~mon_v was performed this afternoon on the site of the old registry oice when the building was formally opened as a county museum, before ` .members of the Simcoe County Wo- men s Institute and county officials. Messages of congratulations to the women of the Simcoe County Women s Institute on the opening" of their rst museum were given by J. '1`. Simpson, M.P.; Mrs. vCo11oton., provincial president of the W.1.' Chas. Henry, reeve of Innisl and . chairman in charge of the committee " th look after the "building, and D. H. d Coleman, county treasurer. "' 'T'}1n fnnnurinrr n1nmhn1-c n+' Han Qirn. ECounty % . ` E Museum Openedi I poxenuul, county treasurer. The following members of the Sim- coe County branch of Women s in- stitutes thanked the count), council for their kind generosity in donating to the Institute the old registry oice `to be used as a museum: Mrs. Bell. president, Stayner; Mrs. A C. P. Stocking`, first county presideiit, V au- baushene; Mrs. R. J. Sutherlrxncl, ` Stroud, and Mrs. R. Boyes, Lefroy. ymembers of the Historical ROS()ill'Ch Commlttee. T\II'~.-a Q4nnI.-inn- vu'nnn.u. .n,...1n... . K./OH] IHIECBG. Mrs. Stocking`, pioneer worker In historical research for the county, l1ll\'('ll(:(l the name plate on the door. after which County Treasurer Cole- man, in the absencctof Warden Ed. Dutton, pesented Mrs. Bell with the kcy to the building. At H10 r*nn(-lncinn n+' 1`l1n r-nvnmcnm nuy LU LIIU Uuuulug. At the conclusion of the cerem-:m_v members of the Women s Institutv wr::`<,- :11 lborty to examine the build: ing and its historical contents. William Hounslow, 20-yezlr-old farm lwuml li\'in_L' near lvy, was given three months in the county gaol '0 Map,'st1'ate Jellx Tues(lzL_V :-1fte1'noon for brutally sla_\'in_2' Cheve, a pet deer whlch for the past four ,vea,z-.s had mzulc its home on the f2u'n1 of J. J. Cochrane, Baxter. Ha1'1'\` Smith, age 19, and Tlmmpson Jen- nctt, age 5: ), Wm'(.- ouch ned anu costs on a charge of l`111VlI1_9,' })0Ssv.:> sion of and transporting the deer. John (`nc-hmnwr-, ax l'-:;-mm- w..-irlinul Elsie Clnugxhiey, Onganist Mr. A1m.'am1u1' Knox. Choir Lear'_<.-r CIVEN THREE MONTHS FOR SLAYINC. or TAME DEER won 01 mm transpo1'1:1ng me deer. I Jo]m.Coc'n1':me, :1 ll, ' 1-31` residing. on lot 20, concessioll 3, Essa, wh l'2llS(`(l Cl1e\'e from u fawn, said that on Sunday, Sept. 30th, he and hi.~_ family had all attended church at night. After 1`etu1'nin;-: home am`. retirnp; he heard the dog bark and .-. rattle of the fence. Looking out `rm } window he saw a car moving` east ward without any lights. The n-;.\ mo1'nin:.r he went out to feed thv clwickens and Chevr_- did not comr up to feed as usual. He went 01. to the eld and saxv car tracks besix.-` the fence and also foot]n'i11fs. Look- ing" closer he saw hair on the fence and a pool of blood. He then 2'0` in touch with the police. He and Constable Elliott investigatetl iil1 \ found car tracks which led to Walter Smith s farm on the 7th 01' Essa. (".nna+-J1-.1n 117 I2 1:~n:,.++ .....-.1 u... OHIILILS 1zu'n1 on Due an 01 mssa. Constable W. B. Elliott said that at 7.45 21.111. on Oct. 1st he received instructions to go to Cochran. s, where a deer had been killed. .-\l'te1' making examination of footprints and car marks, he and Cochrane Went to Smith s farzn, at which time the boys denied knowing ztnytliingr, about the (leer. Later, however, Harr_v Smith said he went with Hounslow to brin_e; a deer home. T713 officer said he found two portions of the deer by a back fence on JenneLt' farln and the rest of the veni.;on three-quarters of a mile awziy. Goi;._-_ back to Smith s, where they were threshings, he brought Hounslow out of the mow and questioned him con cerning the deer, but he denied e*.'er_\ thing. The_Smith boys then (.0l(i him that the i1('C1l. had coa.\ed them to bring the deer to his home. On the way back to Barrie 'tlo1m:~'iow admitted killing: the deer, saying he had gone hunting; and fE1llll1_L ,' to shoot anytliingr, killed Cheve wiLh I a hatchet and then slit her throat. Llnnnulnuv "J-nu I1~I\~n1.-r1 -9.. "I"l......-.n it n2!.L(:nCt anu men sun ner w.1'oaL. I Hounslqw, who works for Thomp- son Jennett 211. Ivy, pleaded g'ui'L_\' and said that after killing the den!` he went to Harry Smith and `old him he could have half the deer he had shot if he would brin_e' it home. On the way home the two boys be- came suspicuous and abandoned the deer. The accused went on to say` that he next got his employer to bring it home and that xvus the last] ha: cznxr rd 1'!- lllli SEIW OI HI. 1 Hounslow said the dee1'_ came over jto him and he hit it over the head. and then cut its throat. He said the I Smith boys were quite willing` to go a1'te1' it at rst. Tn nn....'..... :..,1...m,..`+ LL. d..l.LUl` II} at Tl1'SC. In passing judgment 111:-I woi-snip pointed out that the n1z1_\:in1um term or ne would not bring` the deer back to life. There was no doubt, in his opinion, but what the door was 211111051 -one of the Cochrane fznnily. In the :case of Hounslow he i1m)o.~`ed :1 .*'.i:'~`." `plus $3.50 costs was imposed. I ne or three inonths in 21101. far as Smith was con<.-erned, he did not know about the deer before the killing: and was de. of a Iig'hte1' sentence and was ned S25 and $3.50 costs. His woi-:=hip considered that; Jennett; must have known it to be a tame deer and that if was his duty to notify the police. A ne of $25 Wide-awake citizens never hesti- tate when affairs Cll Lhe home town `are concerned, for they know those who hesitate never arrive. Wee a rry acum- pleteline oi Har- ness and also "` make harness to your order. W. R. ALLEN BAYFIELD s'r. BA n'Ann1E'! I Notice is hereby given that the ii of lands now liable I20 be sold 1': arrears of taxes in the Count`; I Simcoe has been prepared mid is b ing published in an zulvertisenierz; the Ontario Gazette upon the 4th August, lag of Se})tt31l1b<.`1- and Gt)`. ~ `i)<;tober, 1934. ` (".nnin: nf' said lid`. nf l:L!Hi.< 01` 21