Page T9__ UPIIIII, Untnno will ho M the Queen : Hotel, lurk Every Saturday. 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoinb man}. mcensea CHIROPRACTORS and DRUG-LESI THERAPISTS 'JA n....I.... c. 121.... um I on. WALTER H. woonnow {EYE}. mA-.R.. NOSE AND nmoxr nrnnrvv A1 `I1I!l\ - ..-........-.. ....-..v.. v Motor Ambulance In Connection Open day and night. Morgue an` Chanel in connection. Established 186`.~i n|....... my D---'- KL- Phone 82. .'... - .-. ._..-vvau SURGERY DISEASES OF WOMEN kaannfn-in nnunnnr ("nu-nu Al %u.n-.s J. H. N. SMITH. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON {ice 51 Dunlnn R9 war} A: T` DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN A.N'D SUR-GEON Qnnninl nrn-n.Hnn lsaalv-u-in. A\.I.\\.l LJLJ\J\uAL l)lI1.1\J.\ Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday TELFTPT-T()N`F`} R45 GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS T .1'nnv\ant` Let YOUR Barria Branch MISS BEULAH SCOTT --Phone ll47w---- G. G. SMITH 8: C0; FUNERAL DIRECTORS uu.u ;v u - 1., 7-9vp.m., or ugxlapp A. T. Little, .D. [.itth=_, M4R., As::nm'Af'n DR. W. A. LEWIS (lily; I. nursaay. Batu TELEPHONE 345 517.5 1' Orillin, Ontario I Ih nn}n'n "AI: BARGAIN FARES 1 I 7'18 ALVIJ IL. A Licensed mnng nut` DETROIT $30,000,000` $30,000,000 )l'l.l Barrio. Gut. and `V; -15- may war *2, -----Enjoy an Autumn Motor Coach Drive Low ROUND-TRIP Fares 3.; 0'.` f-'. BUFFALO .............................................. ..$ 8.40 DETROIT . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1l.75 MONTREAL . .....$14.9O OTTA\VA . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ll.75 NEW YORK . .....$22.00 BOSTON . . . . . . . . . ..$25.60 CHICAGO .....$18.05 ST. LOUIS .......................... ..$26;15 I~Iquu1l_v attractive fares to other points_ (Subjrwt to chzmge without notice) U\`EAI'1CP\'\v .-n Shares of the Bank of Canada to the amount of $5,000,000 are offered for public subscription by Hon. l~}d~l1 gar N. Rhodes, Minister of Finance oll'L-red at par. Not more i L (1 11 i P The shares are of each and arclp than 50 lg shares may be held by any one per 5t son and only persons who are British subjects ordinarily resident in (Jan- ada or Canadian corporations con- trolled in Canada may own stock These provisions will ensure a \V'l(lu~ spread interest in all parts of Can- ada in the sale of the stock of an ' institution to which Parliament has entrusted wide powers and respon-' sibilities afl`ectin_e' the nancial and economic welfare of Canada. The bank is authorized to pay cumulative dividends from it< prots,` :1l'l(-1' pro\'ision for expenses, depre eiatien, etc., at the rate of 413 per cent. per annum, payable half _vearl_\',1 which is considered to be an attrac- tive return in comparison with ruling interest ratc-.< on hi_L`h {grade set-ur ities. Surplus prots are to be ap- plied to the rest fund of the bank or paid i11to the consolidated revenue fund as provided by the Bank of Canada Act. The subs(.1'lpti0n Sept. 21st. ferexl . list closes on in every part 1 o i The . ' are being of.- 1 of Canada, and whether or not the` list is closed before Sept. `list, con- sideration will be given to all anph-` cations posted. not later than mid- 1 night of the day on which the list i.-4 closed. Q..L..,.u:.~.+(,n-m nvn +n lnn nu-uilnrl :li\~.. STOCK IN BANK OF CANADA I Is NOW same. OFFERED; (:l0SC(1. Subscriptions are to be mailed dir- ect to the _\`Iiniste1' of Finance, 01 tawzi. and must be a('COI`.1})3.1`lie(1 by an initial payment of $12.50 for (ea-xii` share and by 21 statutorv tleclamtinn which forms part of the zippliznior form, evidencing: the eligiiuility of the mipliczmt to become :1 . The balance of the subscription price. $37.50 :1 share, will be payable oi: Jun. 21111. 1535, on 01' about whicfr (late the bank is expected to Conny mrxncn 0D( ';ition:<. 'i`1:n nem- I nI`n (`fHQ and nnnlimi-i nrnncn op<~.amuon;<. I The official p1'o. and applica-`; tion forms are obtainable from powti ofces. banks and other nancial 111-} stitutions. I n A43 411:. hxxnnvf-111+ {-'nnnl-nnc n stitunons. One of the important functions to be performed by shareholders is tin- election of seven directors, who. with the Governor and Deputy Governor of the bank, form L110. Board of Directors, who will super-} vise and control the conduct of the,` business of the bank. The seven` directors are to be elected from d1~ versied occupations, as follows: Two} whose chief occupation is in primary] industr_\`; two whose chief occupation is in commerce or manufacturing, three whose chief occupation is othei I than in primary industry or com I merce or manufacturing. Tn H-an l'\vJn\ve nf H112 hank. whioii WHEN THERE'S A REFRESHING TANG IN THE AIR AND THE COUNTRYSIDE IS PRESENTING ITS GOR- GEOUS BURST OF AUTUMN SPLENDOR. AND BUSY CITIES AND TOWNS HUM WITH RENEWED ACTIV- ITY AS THEY CAST OFF THE LANGUOR OF SUM MER--THEN IS THE TIME WHEN HIGHWAY TRAVEL IS MOST DELIGHTFUL - THEN IS THE TIME TO PAY THAT LONG-PROMISED VISIT TO DISTANT FRIENDS OR RELATIVES--THEN IS THE TIME TO ENJOY THE COMFORT. SAFETY AND RE- LAXATION OF AN AUTUMN MOTOR COACH DRIVE. have recently been p1'omuiap'ated by the Governor-in-Council. provision is made for the nomination of directors by shareholders and for notice of` such nominations to be mailed to each shareholder prior to the share- lioldm-s meeting. For the conven- ience of those who cannot attend n1ceti1i_s:s, provision is made for thr. registration of their votes in acc.or.i~~ ance with written instructions whicni they may givr: to the Minister o! Winnnr-n Ii1Z1I11lI'd.CE11l`lI1g. I In the b_v-Ia\vs of the bank, whici` The word stop in a telqg'x~a111 n\'\`(_`2` kept :1 mun from readmg on Izmd _L"(`ttilLL' his money s worth. r mzmce. One of the first stem to be taken in the orgaruzution of the ban}'.. alter the stock has been subscribed, V-.11 l be the nomination and election 1);. | sha1-oholdm-.< of the first Board 0'i ]')i1`r-ct.m'.<. I Canada uses about four million pounds of wool recovered from rags every year, in addition to her own don1esti(' clip and imported supplies. The wool grown in Canada provides only about one-third of the requi'.'u- ments of the Canadian textile indus- try, so that the Dominion imports HI`.- nually about eight million pounds ot clean raw wool and twelve million pouI1(l.< of yarn and other semi- manufactures of wool. On the othn.-1 hand. on an average about one-third of the wool grown in Canada is ex- port:- for that long promised visit between BARRIE and . ,`_ .-.. - -.`- 7.- .--v 7 WV. Published at 123 Dunlap 51.. lwrio. ovary Thu-Idny Eh g13n_ Ahuanrr Pnl-Hal:-pl .9 ,, a `uni. --- 'I'L__..l_. M. D. MORRISON. Editor and Pnbinhcr The Ngrthern Advance EDITORIAL TREAT YOU ! L1'lL'i|l UllL'l}',.V HUllUl'ilLC{l HI YUCOYU VOI 1`llm(`., and a steady improvement in - the financial situation as imlicated by -ith(: continued advance in the prices ..of bonds, constitute ilnporumt feat- ` jures in the Canadian business scone. - :\(`.C01'(iil1.Z to the Dominion Bureau 1 of Statistics. the physical volume 01 business in Canada at the end of the - ' 1-st half of 1934 was within 4 per cut. of the average volume attained tin 192.45. ux i The September letter of the Royal ;Bank reports that business activity in .Cam1(la during the second and third *quzu'tur of 1934 has maintained a ,level well above that achieved in )1S>33. Higher prices for wheat, {heavy production of newsprint, ex- _ports of lumber to Great Britain, `greatly in excess of last year, elec gtricul e11er;:;y ;:,'encrz1ted in record vol nmr-, znnl :| inIv\\'nUnn1rn11* in Premier ll. B. Bennctt_is calling a` ;c of the nine provmc1al' Lpremiers this fall to con.~;idcr what linuy be done to bring the Canadian `Constitution more in line with mod- ern needs. Mr. Bennett contends` -that the division of authority be- `*tween the Dominion and the pro- vinces, as at present exists, seriously .hampers the Dominon in carrying out new National Products Marketing Act must have enablng legislzxtion by the provinces. The proposal that the Dominion take over the old age `,pensions entirely is delayed because ,the Dominion can now have no ad- :,`ministrative control over them, nor iican the Dominion carry out the changes in social legislation. The' e`ig`ht-hour day agreement without the consent of the provinces. There are other matters that should be en- tirely under the control of the Dom- inon. Should the conference fail to `reach an agreement, the amendment ! to the British North America Act may llbe a bi}: issue in the next federal 9 election. I Success climbs many hills but` makes few detours. A few (lays ago it w:-1.: zmnounceo that employees 01' the Hydro were forbidden to take part in politics. Officials of the Trades and Labor Con- ;._:'re.~x~' protested. Now it is an- nounced that eiiiployees of the Hydro are to be permitted to take part in politics. A few questions present tlienwelves. \ Va:< the order right in the first place? Jf so, why is it to be rescinded `I Was the order wrong in the rst place; If so, why \\ d>` it ssued '. 'I`he commissioners owe it both to the public and to the em- ployees to explain their mental pro-' cesses. One thing may be taken forl granted. It is that, though employees] may take part in politics. any whc take part on the side opposed to M1-. Roebuck will be dismissed for motives of economy.--Telegzram. l Under the new Ontario Govern-} ment the Hydro Commission lms al-2 ready become an in.~'t1'unient of con-v venienee for p1'eduto1'_\,' politici::ns.i l"o1-iiier chief officials of the (lonnnls , sion. including M1 . Gaby, were dis-I, inissed before the tumult and the` shouting of 21 political \'i(,-lory had died u\v:1_\'. On the ground of parti- san av,-ti\'it_\', :1lle_g`e(`., but. not estab- lished. eminent en,2'inee1-s and Gtl'!0l's` of proved eflicimicy 1'ecei\'edLl1en- m2u'('hin;: orders. When :1 .'pecni('. Cl}ll'_L (! could not he trumped up, the (li. \\':i.< made on the :.:`round 01 economy. Ontario Hydro rezxclierl its p1'es'ent splendid propo1".ion.~' unilcr : systein tlmt (livoreetl the zulrnlnstra-` tion of the :~}_VSl .Cl11 from party poli- tics.-Winnipeg Tribune. This troubled world is in no lack of advisers who proclaim condently `that the way they point out is the only way to complete recovery and happy well being. But they are not all pointing the same way, nor do they all think alike. One thing; which an increasing number of people `are coming` to feel is that the ad- vi.~:ers who should have the least at- tention paid to them are the extrem- ists. Most of the trouble in the world has been caused by extremists who succeeded in having` their ideas prevail. Human progress has been promoted by middle course policies. Extreme economic nationalism is one Fof the greatest evils in the world to- day. Extreme internationalism is no they could have their way. would land us all into worse troubles.. So would the extreme anti-radical re- azrtiomiries. One should be neither an <.-xtremo pessimist nor an extreme optimist; an c.\'treme inllationist or an e.\:ti~;me dellationist; an extreme I better. The extreme radicals, if militarist or an e.\:treme pacifist. lt ()Ill\' l)\' :1 niitlrlln r'nn1'm- 1-l1nf Qru-iul nnHLzu'1.sL 01' an (:.`:I;l'0m(3 p:1Cl1`lsL. It is only by a middle c0u1~. that Sotfikll and economic 1)1'og'rr.-ss can be made. 0 that social m -io Govern- sion ul- } ' 11'-nt mu- p()litiL'i:tn.s'. Lhv 3, ult, the nd t. cc-in-(1 then r. u .~'p0c1Ii(' pad J ans 2l(]l'l1lllStl"u' - Hydro !` hc- nke GORDON FOSTER 15.-XRRISTER, SOVLICJTOR, NOTARY I CONVEYANCING, ETC. 1 MONEY TO LOAN I\rP 7. f\ | rnpx THE CANADIAN BAKER OF COMMERCE ` nuvnuu .u A4\lrnA\ iofce, 3 Owen St., Barrie Phone 69 GORDON LONGMAN LBARRLSTER, SOLICITOR, NOTA.RY ` ETC. | . Money to Loan ; ` Masonic Temple) Bldg., Barrie. | I CAMERON & CAMERON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC I H Gm... SI Rn!-I-ht Dianna AHR % DONALD F. Mac.LAKEN, B.A. BARR.IS'1`ER, SOLICITOR, arc MONEY TO LOAN IA.._.....:.. 'l"-..._l.. Dl.I.. I2---:.. i. RADENHURST & HAMMOND `iBA.R'B.ISTERS, SOLICI'I`ORS, ETC Innv in `Ann :1} l_awnnl Ruin: ` STEWART 8: srawmz-r l BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, N-OT- mums PUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS` I I11..." 5.. IA-.. ... ....u nlurvun -0 LFLLEID IUDIJLU X KJKJLV V E11 IXJVKJJBJ ; Money to loan in any sum: at 1 lowest current rates. a 18 Owen St. - Ban'ie `D. M. Stewart C. D. Stews nAu1qs:L`.nm k Soiioltaor for obta1::mg probate of :xri1'L mun-rnnshin and arlminintrnt.inn_l 0Il'DlDOY I01` 0D!3E`lI11I1g prooate 0I| will, ardianshi and adm5nistm_aon,l land eneral Soicitor, Notary Con-` vnvnn:-av, uh- DAJIV1371hIED Solicitors in Hi 11 Court of Justice Notaries Pubic, Conveyancers u/[annv tn loan at lowest current Capital Payifd Up - - Reserve Fund - - BOYS & BOYS _ BARRISTE s, SOLICITORS, N.OT- ARIES PU C, C ONVEYANCERS, | mm 1_ U.lJ.".lU.Ei2 us uwmv ex. 1 In the premises form occupied by Elm Ran]: n.f '(mto_ .'VUI;U.l.'lB3 ITUUHC, \.;Unvt:ya.uc&:1'a u/Iorney to loan at lowest current vnfna 1 U. I`. NICUUAIKI, D.A. Succesuor to Creswicke & Bell BARR.ISTE'R, SOLICTTOR, ETC l)A.IkIIJ.D.I..l`4, DUlA1\I.l.l\U~II.D, L'41\.1 Monty to Loan at Lowest Rate: Ofce. First Floor Masonic Temple Rndinu i1.IEIklD'LI`JID, DULLLUJLUIVD. L1` 5 Owen $1., Barrie. Phone 406. MONWV T` I.nA'N runes. xice: 13! Floor Masonic Temple Bldg" Barrie. 1 W `lac!-n'n M F` meta` ::u.u. Money Co Loan at Lowest Rate: of Interest (\'IN!I"l`('!'E". 10 f\TlT!3"'AT Q"l` ULULVLI LU LJ\J1'LL\ Masonic Temple B|dg., Barrie. nclU.N.I!a'l `IV IAJAJV Eco: Masonic Temple Bldg. ANADA is youthful, growing - continually growing. At present she is third among all nations in per capita wealth, the best place in the world in which to live. You would, of course, like to start your children on life's journey equipped to take advantage of the great oppor- tunities which will be offered them. P. C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR Elizabeth St_ Phon-. me 118.114: 0.1 an-onw. Branch Oce, Elmvale, Out. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys - -v--- j: -----uj And All Stations between BURKS FALLS and AURORA including MIDLAND, PENETANG and MEAFORD BRANCH LINES. . Luncta uuu us/urmuuun [ram I own and Ucpot Agents. CANADIAN NATIONAL T1193 CENT A MILE T Vl:U.lN.I!4'1 '1'U .uun..LV Ofcex Ros: Block, Barrie. OI IDBOPBII OFFICE: f3 OVVEN ST. In Inna-rncnc -Fnv-N-Ian}:-r nnntinin TORONTO BUFFALO '0 WINDSOR Ueltemtte, Bowmanvilte, Brantford, Brockvillc, Chatham, Cabourg, Cornwall, Gananoque, Glencae, Goderich, Guelph, HAMILTON, Harriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine, KINGSTON, Kitchener, Lislowel, LONDON, Marrisburg, Napamre, NIAGARA FALLS, Oshawa, Owen Sound, Palmerston, Paris, Port Hope, Prescott, St. Catharines, Samia, Southampton, Stratford, Trenton, Whitby, Wiarton, Woodstock. AMBULANCE SERVICE Then, save regularly for the future of your children and deposit your savings in a bank. When your children start out for themselves you can so establish them in life that they will face the world condently. And they should become substantial and pros- perous citizens. The road to your children s future is open at every branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. 96 -,, --_----w w-uuureiali III-IIIUII Belleville, Bawmanville, Brantford, Gananaque. Glencoe. Godcrich. GuclbIz_ HAMIITON ALEXAN DER QZOWAN 12 A nnrammn D. F. MCCUAIG, B.A. nnneunv in r`.1nn.n1-r-n'L-n & W on 31., barne. rnona MONEY T0 LOAN KLLICICI LDUIIUILUI, LVVLGJ uo}'qRvf-8 `8.m ..-. M.......:.. 'r-.....I- n Yll PRINTNE REWIREMENT3 ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISEFERS . :1-\ TI-ink f`nnv-6 AI We carry a full line of Magistrates`, Constables and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases. Business Directory Look over your requirements and place your order with the Advance. CLARKSON HOTEL, Phone 62 GRAY COACH LINES The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, Nnrthrrn Ahuanrr D1001" N183! Building. I ROUND TRIP FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 From `_,._ ..--._--_ _. Tickets and Information from Town and Depot Agents. I-Z-QQI ---j-- Printers in Barrie since 1847. DEIIJB ' Stewart agvsu Phona 21 8 PHONE 53 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1934 Chjiiclren hre in Canada s Greatness I rn1D'1blA.N AND SURGEON ,0fce 51 Dunlop St. West of X`.O. Square, Second Floor) Residence: 144 Maple Avenue Phone 700. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES rn1b1u1A.N A.N.U b'UK'u-l'.3U.N Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simooe County Office and Reaidenco 50'Mnry St. Phone 101 Office Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2 30. 6-830 I DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Office and Realdt-.nce--Coz'ner Eliza hurt and Ra-nrH'nv-A Qn 12-. --- umce and neaxck-.nce--Uoz'ner mun | bert and Bradforc. ., Barrie. I Phone lO"1ce Hours: 9-10 a.m.. 1-3 p.m., DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phone 213 47 Maple Ava. Office Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., bxlappointmem A. '1`. Little. .n, | A. 1'. mtue, m.u. `W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simooe. I VVUJILEIJN Associate Coroner, Count of Simeon Phone 61. Ofce---58 ollicr St. Ofce Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. -J- EDWIN WILSON. B.S.A,. D.O. REGISTERED OSTEOPATH 6 KING BLOCK BARRIE "I`..n-.I._.. 'l"L_...-_I-__ E . 1 fLEJ1Kt`LL'.|.D1 D 82A Dunlop St. Phone 405 Electric, Hydro. Physio and Election}: Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustmenu I Blood Tests and Urinalysis llomo or Office Rates Ransonnblo \uuu_,. \v hu un 'I`]CKE'I`S AND ALL COACH TRAVEL INFORMATION AT