Page Two ._._._-- .1... DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, MontreaL Oice and Residence--Corner Elisa- bert and Bradford ., Bnrrie. I Phone 1 Inm... u........ a,-un nun Ln ...... FHODII IUD IOice Hours: 9-10 a..m., 1-3 1 `TB! nm FIIIDJUIAJVD IIJVU DUJMJQIBUAVG Phone 213 47 Maple Ava. Oice Hours: 2-8 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. '1'. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Gonna: County of Simcoe. VV \JL!LI.`.ALV Associate Coroner, Count of Simcoe Phone 61. Ofce-58 ollior 5!. Office Hours: 8-9 e..m_, 12.30-2 p.m., 6.80-8 p.m. `I I3.l'.l3ILIL..1...LDJ. 0|-illin, Ontario will be at the Queen : Hotel, lath, Every Saturdny. 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint K ment. lJJ..`.4J.V 1 ILL: D U.I\n\1l`JUJ.V Poul Ofce Square Telephone 580 Above Express Oice 1. I1.l .`J.l1-1`LI'1.D .L D 82A Dunlop St. Phcno 408 Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionie Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjushnenu R-lnnd Tasha and T1"rhm!v4:{n massage 8.110 KIOITECETVE AQJUHUHEDII Blood Tests and Urinalysis `Home or Ofce Rates Reasonable LIILLI. I`. IKIVIJ IL. Ii. .DlJI`J`a Llcensed CHIROPRACTORS and DRUGLESI TI-TFEDADIRTQ l _ _,-._...._. ....._...,-.-..... Motor Ambulance In Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chanel in ccmnantian. FTEN you read of some- one who has been left a Windfall-money out of a clear sky-a "lucky chap! Lucky? In a sense, yes. But if you could go deeper into the matter you would find that someone else had planned carefully, saved diligently, and built up that Windfall. There always has to be a beginning. I Phone 82, mate se1-vices rendered. The pro- vince is neither beggar nor pauper. ---Fo1'est(-1', Huntsville. -.....,..., ....... _.......v .......... -Many who attend the Nova. Sco- tiu Guides `Tournament bring tent and blankets and rough i't`a.mong the big trees. Others find abun- dant hotel accommodation in nearby hotels, country inns or farmhouses. (2 course the best of ' {are is served on the grounds. The dates for the 1934 Meet are August 20-125. burlesque and spectacular con- tests furnish fun and variety. Tub races, greased pole contests, canoe tilting, kettle boiling and landing `the human fish are amongst the regular stunts. The latter is a strenuous contest between the best fly caster and a. powerful swimmer with a special harness over his shoulders. The Nova. Scotia. Government exhibits at this Meet native wild animals includ- ing moose, deer, bear, raccoon and others, also native birds. 1r..___ __1._ _;;_.._1 LL- uv___ r-4-- J. H. N. SMITH. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 58- K1 Dunlnn St \II..o -5 D DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS A.ND SIIRQEONS Dlnnnn 913} A7 Man`; Ann SURGE-'R-gr-' OF WOMEN A:-unnn+n f` nnnn Ar (`nu-nlru .-.0 mwvann -'n\u a up nuv PHYSCICIA`I:1 `AND Q-nnnhal nfbnnd-{nu DR. WALTER H. WOODROW YE, EAR. NOSE AND 'I`H:ROAT SPECIALIST (\..{Il:- l'\_5_..{.. R. AND E. A. BURNS I innngnrl Make your own good luck. Starta Savings Account at a bank and add to it regularly. There is great satisfaction in watching the totals in your Pass Book grow, realizing that you are ensuring for yourself some of the agreeable things life oers-personal com- forts, education, travel and independence. .-- .-._...._ -- -`uv. --Phone 1 l47w- DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON F62..- C .... -. 'l'.l.._.L... G. G. SMITH nn.muA1. nmmwnn; DR. W. A. LEWIS nape: III connecun bllshed 1869 _. AL/.l`U.lVD EHO. U THERAPISTS V ... Es D U IVUWRJJV Obstetrics * Simooe County nninntvn JON Barrio. @110- Lucky Chap He Is I What a PHONE 53 women and youthful customers. We find this View shared by impartial ob. througthout the Unitcd States. And as for Canada, just 35K some of those who live near the new` h(>r~r pzirlors in the West or the new- v.~t r1v'inking' piac(.'.< in Onta1"o. 'I"ne .=-uinmi is back. but it is'not the old b:u'-room; it is something wor_:c-- mm-ii \vor:~:c4--\\'hic,h is putting: it rr.-ild~ 1_\' and yet .-nyin_s: u lot.-Outlook. ___..__.___.__._-.-.________. since 1847. Sane thinking people of both Lib- oral and Con. alliance are giving` serious thought to the foun- ation of 21 National Governmenvt for Canzula. The })l`IZ`S'L'l1t govoriiinent did not initia`.e the idea. but tl101`(- isl reason to believe that Prime Minister`. R. B. B\*i1n'l.`t:`. is not opposed to SLl('l`.l :1 mow. and that he is prepared to Iuzul. 01- to follow. 'l`1.,` .1 1:r~, nu-nlilrnn uviH1 xxvfhinlw 01- The major problem with \v hich :1 mltional g2`ove1`111nenf. could deal with more eff0cti\"~el_v i.< tho 2'ailw:1y.<. No party gmoniment cam `:1-t support enough `o g1'appc.- wtih our 1':1il'.\`u;v problem as, it .~"hould be. and mu.~t (FEW: long: be ::'z1m)lm=(l with. ConsuiL-1'- able . : l1;L.~ l)`.`l"ll :1fT0r:te(l in r:.\'- pen(lit;u1'e.< on. the Cunzulhm Nationulh Rail\\`z1_v.<. bu`. the tlm ;_:oven1- [ment will have to meet this year will; be over $40.000.000. A na1:i0nz1l g'o\'c1`nmcnt could. \\'it'hou'~. . four of political ('onseqL1enues. make the 1`.-ill-` way pay its \\':1_v. This would seem, to be the only solution and the soon- er it is put into effect. the better for; th-u country. Rn `Fm. n< `who clomosiiv . (ml DUN! COUIILF) . . So fay as the . is concerned, imp1`o\'ement is noted. and there has been an inc1'ez1.~'c- of` nearly $25,000,000 in revenue in thei hat ve months. also an imp:-ow-1 me-nt. in the relief . as 1'eg'a~1' ! . unomp1oy1nem',_ , I _:___ 0 1 In one matter at lez1. the prohibi- tion repealists were right, according to The Chi-istian Register: They _.;:1i(l that the old saloon would newr come. and it ha. t. lndeed the old saloon with its crudities woul t staml 21 c.hzm(-e in <-ompeitition with the nrw saloon. with its attractive mmlerr. ae- complishments (lesig'nr.-d f0:' the .=pe(-- ial comfort and conven1<~nc.- of it Vdll \.2111:1(H`dI1 UL'..ilIll.'n5 CUHIU.` llllllll` L'!H` |i`::i_-I121;-xxt of Hon. H. H. Stcvem. I011 the whole. we believe that the ` ethics of Canadian bu.~"ines.< is r0u. '.x.h1_\' 'ni_:h. and but \`<-ry few Cun- adizm i11du. are Imxkin-gr or lwvc. 1nzu1e in the last few years unduvj prots. ! I \Vh-.11` \\`-.|< nunrln ('|I':1l` hv Hun! `y [)l'UTlI.\'. What `.\`:1.< nmdu cl!-211` by `.-he; {Ste-Vcns pm-`xia1nuntzu'y committee \va.< that in some c;1. there 11:15 crept, in~ `to r.-mLz:i'.1 br;mche.< of (7:1nadia*1 in-} ;(1u.~'tuic.< some of the practices that! ihavu been noto,vio~u;- in the United: 1 I States. We have come to know the promoter. We have come to know thu gctwich-quir-k men who, .~:woopin;;| : on old established indusu-ie'~. to` 4 UN. ,...~....:.mH +1-.,..n lunw. 1..-n....-14+ nr\ i(lU\\`l1 OH UNI C5LZlUll$l1l.`(.l lH(1ilSll`lB`: L0 1 1'e-ol;2'anlzc them. have brought no- thing but min. What happened in nine case: out of ten vvas ?.l1at. old aml well comlucted business was swallowed up by outsiders. given ab- lsentee ownership and operation, and: lmade a cog in some vast. impersonal and heartless ma.clhin'c-. The old friendly 1`clat.ionsl1.ip between em-v ployer and employee w:1.~: lost, and in` its place was 21 soullvess co1'pora1;ion. drenched with water, forced to grim} down its employees to pay interest on the -bonds with which promoters had l)l.l1`dC1](3`d it. . TFuu..-xv nit`. nnrl 4-l-nun 1-tuivtx Oll-\4\:n,~ E It would be unfair to sL1_Q'ge. `..'.mt -(111 (,`a11z1di'.u1 bLlS111(.`:},; comes under clu- n+` um. L!` H Q+m,~nn- \..Ii..nnr.n.+ U U l'UCll(3`(l lb. I Every city and town have Ilheirs, We have it in the chain stores. Hon-'. est business men of long standing, who . se1'\'ed the community well, have been forced to give up. What interest have the chain stores in this town 2 Simply to make pro~t.s for hond1m1d- erg who never saw the town. There is an uproar in the United States over the .\'.R..-L; over in1.'urfx.-1-- ence with busine.<.~:. What brou'ght i` about 1 It was brought about by Big` `Bu.~:inc.~:_, intcrc-.<`s which forgot, its` i'e. ;_i\'inp; itself over to :1 racket in proteering. RI}.-iv1rn< .-hrmiii inn :o1'\ri1r.. nnrl Hw WHEAT BUSINESS SHOULD DO FOR ITSELF ll l"cl.L'Ktila In [)1'Ulll.a(`.'U1'lIlg~ Busixies: .~:hould be .~:er\-`ice. and the man who goes into business xvihh that object in View will command the re- spect of those with whom he duvs businiessx I-Ie need not be afraid 01; government interference. But as; M11 Stevens points out. if busine.~:.~` forget;.s its responsibilities then *.;herc `must he a dictator or thcrr: will be an u',n`i.-'iz`.Q' `.hat will kill the .'~'y. A NATIONAL GOVERNMENT been It H-n- :\I'I somv timt-.< Lm-ethical. uttcmpt.~: to l u1'c.- i1i.~' `.\'zm.-.- on the zittcntion of tin; pi-oplv. .-\(lvei'tising` is as Olll ll: C()llll)lL`iL`(', nml rzulio is me g'i`:.*z1tu.~1 scllllig` zigciu-_\' of all time. hit rlnei-u~ is no v.\ cll.~ U for much of tllu stuil to which [JL'0)_)l(` are doomed to ll>'t(3l7 on .<<) nmny othcm\'i. i-n_i0y;1l)l\- bro'.ul::1.~".. 'l`l1t.-re is a mow on foot umon}_:' pros,_r;1'z11n sp0n.so1`.< to clezm up lm-ir ]l!`l)f_"l'2ln1.~' before the public l.-'J.l\"`.' liwni to t:1.~'k, as in the ('z\.~'e of lm motion ])l('t|.ll`(.` pi'odL1cc1's. >11. is, to l:- lll)[Ii'(l Llmt mu \'oluntm'y ve- form will include an attempt to make :ul\'-i-isiny: lt.-ss objectionable. There mu.~l. h.- u 'mtt:,- way. U- Ihll Llili Ill` IHUPL 1.v':l\'\`, 5U HIUC/ll of the im,- (lg-\'ot(.-cl to lll'lliltll`.;.'(. mull TU ClllL'lUHE- If civil sc1'va.nts are to be dismiss- ed on :1 duy s notice, as many of them are being dismissed in Ontario Lo-day. th'o ub1c.~:t bra-ins certainly will not .<('(`k to enter th st-rviut=. ,BRAlNS IRE NEEDED SERVICE _.j_._-__... l l'lu- ('l\'ll .\'L`l'\'lC|.` pla_v.< an impo1ti amt part. in tln- 1)1'og1-ms of 2: coun try. -(hm-zit Britain could no-L lizu. I ln-1-n slim- in the \'a.~:t social .-uni |'('l)llUllll(' t.liin<,:.< sim 1121.5 accom-I pli.-ln-I without thv cfliciency of th(` lll)..['lll`r r:ml:.< of her civil sex'vic0. l nlitici:m.~' are elected from time to tmo. uml governments change. but, civil ; should be reasonably sure of not being disturbed if they are efficient- 'I!' niuil or-_~m-nnfg (sun `I\ ha Au`:-v-n.'rm )z..m. }.-X.tl2J.ntic. kll RADIO ADVERTISING _,`, .. ,_.,, ,,---,_-.--- Publiolnd at `I23 Dunlap St.. I u-I-in, ovary 'I'hurodny n.... 18': .-_ ...-... 'l'I......J- .IAl'. ,.Ul'L` Cl?J.llllS Kill.` ht: tun.(,~_ But it (toes I.. nun,-. .-...-,. I. D. MORRISON. lCd'?t0x and Publisher The Norghern Advance THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ". UH L zul\'e1'1 ..5'n .... n EDITORIAL Um _~;ids.- 01' ?1'ti.scr pays (`]$IilT|< Km 1 ad suvh 1 g` 'epz11`ed H e h \v"nich p \\':1y.<. v ct i 11- s f rted n ;\'ati0nu1`-j he $2 vear will: 1 . iN CIVIL I H Lilli` )1" the ,'.~' the ri;-;ht The strong recovery in We automo- bilc industry is indicated by the fa.t that production for the rst six months of 1934 totalled 82,05-1 motui cars and trucks. or 24_6 per cent. greater than the entire production oi ` 1933. W`hen packing eggs for .~:hipmcI1i 21 good practice is to brush the hand lightly over -each ller as it is pack- ed to make sure that no eggs are p1'o11ru(Iing' above the top of the ller. Such eggs almost invariably will break in transit. B:-fore puck- ing a case L-:x'a.minc the bottom unvl sides. If any nails are loose or hzuw fallen out. 1'opl:1cu them. i s I Pe.<.~in1i. critics of the .i\g;rieul- -jtural Adjustment Act, both in t'ni.~' ' t country and in the States. inight (lo - ; well to study the followintr stateim-.' ' by M, L. Riddick, U.S. Assistzz: Secretary of Agriculture: The ad- ajustment mzichin-on-y is not perfect > but there is no doubt that it has been ` a remarkable stop-gap, :1 stop-gap L0 `.meet a desperate emergency. T111.-= ti machinery, while We hope it can be ]']'C1 110\'C(l nwentuzllly. must be kept in ` place until it can be safely relezxsed." Between the A.A.A. and the Domin'on Mz1rk`etin_2; Act, there is this differ- ence--the Canadian measure is 111:; :1 stop-gap. It was created in an emer- gency, but it will be permnent, jus` `3 as the British Agriculttlrzil I\Ia1`ke: v'i;.: Act will be permanent, because it is based, not only on necessity, but. on `sound economci p1`incip1es.-Ve1'non L1` (B.C.) News. (1 The imii\'i(luaI. be he _L;'1'0\\`.-1' 01` `ijobbuu 01- H-tuiler or labor man. who 150 operates that, while he feutlm-r;; ;his own, he fouls that of his !neighbor. is not a true member of 1`.l1e state and therefore he is not. on- `titled to protection nor to 5.per;in] ,p1 i\'i1ege.~`_ Whether the indi\`id-.1ul- |ist` likes it or not. the \\'o1`!d is becom- ;ing rationally s0cia.h.<.tic and _there is `no stopping` the tide in this am.-ction. PRENTIM BEQUWEMHITS i The .~',u1`faccd highway mileaim in 3 Canada at the end of 1932. as report- Iod by the SC\'Cl`2li provincial d`vp.:.1`t- :n1ents. a.mount to 5)1.3l1.. miles, !and umuirfaced 1'ozid.~: to 307.008.; ,'mile.<. makin_2' a. total of 3983520 - miles. Expenditure on higi1\\'ay;< dur- ing 1932 totalled $71.4)2,33T, and incud-ed $:30.031,509 for capital ex uendituie and $21,461-33'. far main- tenanco. In 1931 the amount spent on highways was $88.537,382. M1`. H`pbl]111 announces that Mr Slaght will become Comanissioncr of the '1`. & N-O_ Railway without ze- muneration. It is assumed that Mr lSlag'ht will replace the fo1'mr.=1' high Isalaried commissione`1'.<. Being a [wealthy man, such service may entail no hardship for Mr. Slaght, bu.` there is still room for doubt as to whethe` Ontario's government need either seek or accept free adniinistrative S'C~1`\'i'.`e such as that involved in M1`. Slz1g`.it's offer. The p1ovinc<.- will approve FREE SERVICES NOT NEEDED 'I`inw:.Durin;; the full moon of August. Place-: Lake William, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Scone: A beautiful woodland lake with sloping banks clothed with evergreens and silver birches. Perfnrinors: The licensed guides of Nova. Scotia, true sports- men, celebrated fqr their skill in the various arts of hunting and woodcraft. L ake William, Nova. Scotia, has become well known in recent years as the scene of the Sports Tournament of the Nova. Scotiu Guides. These men stage a full - week's program unique on this continent in atmosphere and ap- peal. Hundreds of tents are set amid majestic pines and bitches, and at night the scene has irre- Nova Scotia Guides Providiei Rel Thrvilisl BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,-Z\`O'l`.-`a.RY CONVEYANCING, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN l\rt` v|l\ 1_ _Q| -.-sans. -4-u - `nun... ` AVIV-ll`A.aI nv -avr-.- Ofce, 3 Owen St., Barrie Phone 69 GORDON LONGMAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY `P"l`(`._ . CAMERON 8: CAIVIERON .BA.R.RISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC K (Wu:-n Q0 Rn:-I-in, Phone: 406. We carry a full line of Magistrates , Constables and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases. DONALD F. MacLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN I\lI....-...:.. -r.......1- nu... Iz..r.a,. RADENHURST 8: HAMMOND BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC Mnncu on Inan nl Lowest Rate.- STEWART & STEWART BARRJSTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- &RIES PYUBLIC & CONVEYANCERS ....... .. mu. ... ....., .....-n. .0 ll 5 I ` LILLIIID EUDULU Ob UULV V J.L4LIL.LV uwxvu Money ta loan in any sums at lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie D. M. Stewart C. D. Stewart nnnnmxnn Solicitor for obtaining probate of .vill, guardianship and adrninistration, and General Solicitor, Notary L.c-xx-` vnvnncmt ntn. l DFLIBIVLOEEAIVD Solicitors in High Court of Ju.-7t,iv.`.e ?\Tn#n-inn `Dusk I I `nu-\1vn1rn'r\ unam- BOYS & BOYS BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, N.OT~ ARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, I F!"[`('. 0! IDIBFEII I OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. In the premises forrnzfigr occupied by the Bank of O -ronto. Branch Office, Elmvale, Ont. W A nnvo: V f`. If P Hnu: branch Umce, W. A. Boys, K.C. XJLIQIDUFB U1 I11 11 LIULLID 01 JLL.-TL1L`.6 Notanes Pub c, Conveyancers vlomey to loan at lowest current. 1-A!-An Look over your requirements and place your order with the Advance. nnmrunxmna, DUu.LuJ..I.un.o, u;u Moncy to Loan at Lowest Rate: Ofce, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. I). I`. IVIOLUHILI, Deih Successor to Crgzswicke & Bell BAIZRISTER, _SOLICI'.I`OR, ETC MONEY T0 LOAN (E1--. Dirn ru....1. l2..-.-:_ economical administration. but it: people will not fancy the implication that it is not ready to pay for legiti- FUNERAL DIRECTOR 47 Elizabeth 5:, Phon:, DULa1Lz1.Lu.n.o. L1! 5 Owen St., Barrio. Phone 406. M(')NF.Y TD LOAN nsu. Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. runes. Office: Isl. Floor Masonic Temple Bldau, Barrie. 3 H Enfnn M H F<".:1_p nun. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest n'..'n:*rn1:!. 19 nmwu cm LH\)J.V.E.J-I LU J.aUJLLV Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrio. L!L'J.LVJ!a.l .l.U uu:-Ln Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to 21 Catal01_3,uc. ZYLULV lb 1 .1 U DUAL` Uce: Rosa Block, Barrie. Avast-lat u. The days are given over to a varied and interesting program. 200 yard ranges are provided for _ heavy rifite contests and separate ranges for the .22 rifle and re- volver contests. The Trap Shoot- ing Association of the Maritime Provinces of Canada hold their annual shoot in connection,with these sports. A sheltered`! cove _a.ffords a. fine setting for fly-cast:- ing from a float along a. line of markers to show distance. Last year Bill Edson, hampion fly- caster of New England, broke the world : record for distance at this Meet. Exciting canoe races and sistible charm. Numberless camp fires light up the `surrounding forest and lake and the moon- beams strike the water and stray through the trees. Crowds gather ' around the camp fires and hearty community singing is a. pleasing feature. nu. - ALEXANDER COVVAN BARRISTER I-nv 4-`av n}\+a-inn nu-n1-xo AIIEBULANCE SERVICE GORDON FOSTER on BL, DBPTIB. ,/D0116 MONEY TO LOAN D. F. McCUAIG, B.A. M-Aeenr tn (`.1-tanvlnkn A H ....-.4.-4; ..z~a. . A ~ V. .uv.u.; ve ancer, E .-tc. MON T0 LOAN ..... NI ' ..... .. T....._l.. II ESTEN & ESTEN Nnrthern Ahuanrv Business Directory P. C. LLOYD In M. H. Esten ue, unt. J. R. Boys P`l'zona 2 1 8 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1934. rnxanuuuv AJVU aununsuu Office 51 Dunlop St. West of P.O. Square. Second Floor) Residence: 144 Mnnle Avenue Phone 700. `VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Barri: Brunch ` MISS BEULAH SCOTT FJZIIDQL/.llkJV AJVU DUIIu\I\l.i Special attention Obstetrl Associate Coroner for Oico and Residence :nII\l-.... CL DL..... 1 UIIICI BBQ IKOIIQQIICC 50'Mary 5!. Phone 101 Oicu Hours: 8-9.30, 11-2 80. 6-8.8 Printers in Barrie