I know that each sin-ful action, As sure as the night brings shade, Is somewhere some time puni.~:hed. Though the hour be long delayed. U`know that the soul is; aided Sometimes by the heart ,- unrest, And to grow m<.-ans often to suffer. But whatever is is best, H , - \ ...... .. { I-I;-xui bouquet (3) `fdrd, Willie Scott. K J Bouqmt of wild n -: _:l 1(`:;-.`-'\l`m'd. Willi. (`IZ'l1`(n IDUULL; L\/ll`S- IE. 112111. Scaibiosa. 25 stems (6)-.\1rs. R. Hall, Miss Flora Graham, Ha\vl~:e- `stone; Mrs. J. Stoddart. Snapdragon. six spikes, one color (6)--.\Irs. J. B. Holden. Mrs. W, J. Scott. Mrs. C. Jeirmey. Snapdragon. 12 spikes (5) ,J. B. Holden, Mrs. W. J. Scott, .\Irs. lC. Jermey. Zininias (7)-.VIrs. H. F. Ritcliie, M1'.<. H. M. Reedy, S_ R. Ma.cKellar , CLASS C. (Collections) I Aim-uals. 12 va1'ieti<:s (4)-)Irs. R. Hall. Mrs. W. J. Scott. .\Ir.~:_ W. J. (`lo Ln 'LT.~.u..1.-..-.4-.-. l'\ Mrs. - mzmce, naw1 Dahlias, 8 blooms (5)--S. R. M=.1.<- Kellar, Mrs. Alex. Thompson, Shanty Bay; ;\I.r.~:. W- J, Scott, Duh]: 41/l\__NT\-_~ `U T Q:-nf+ \f\-: I nay; ;u.1's. w~ a, boon, Dzxhlias (4)--M1';~:. W. J. Scott, Mrs J. Stoddazt Mrs. H. M. R`.-e(iy_ I E\'e_-rlastings (3)-.\I1's. R. Hzl, Fl IS. \/Vuldic, Shanty `Bay. I Flnxrrwc. nnf Hzfr-rl (:'x\_\Iv.- '7 ID. VVlLX(llL y DHiJ.llLy `DU.y- Flo\\`er;~:. not listed (5)--Blrs. 17 Hall. .\I`-rs, H. M. Rt-cdy. .\Ir.<. W. J Scott. .\lLu`i_u'pl(I.<. (8)-.\I1'.~'. H_ F. Ritz-1:5-. .\Trs. 12. Hall, 3115. W. J. Scott phlnv T3:-nnnnnni 19\\Tu-_< !. DCULL , ham. , I I H; who would he .~'inguI:n' in his` apparel had need have something- superlative to balance that a'ecta- ion.-Fe1bham. * DUSL COllL`(.'LlOIl OI >'T,~0('KS (-{}-` D. II. .\Iz1c|\'(-Ilur. .\Ir.=. J. B_ Holden. f Highest number of points in amu- jtour flow-I-1' . iobt. Hull, Guth1`ic. nay; mws, nan. Cosmos, 15 stems (5)--Mrs_ C. Jeri mcy. Mrs. J. Johnston. Mrs. W. Caldwell. Gladiolus, best speuimen (3)-Mr.~:. J. B. Holden. Mrs. W. J_ Scott. Gladrivoli, six. all dJ' erent (4)- Mrs. J. B. Hollden. Harold Crawford`, Mrs- W. J .-Scott, Gladioli. six spikes. three v-.1ri(-?;ie.~ (3)--Mrs. J. B. Holden, Mrs. W. J. Scott. Mrs. G. Brooks, IG,1adioIli. 15 .3`1 )`lk(3.. (2)-Mrs. J. B. Holden, Mrs. W. J. Scott. Larkspur (3)-Mrs. J, Johnston. Mrs. R. Hall. Mrs. W. Caldwell. Nasturtiums (4)-Mrs. C. Je.rme_-. Ms. G .Brooks, S_ R. Ma.cKe1lar. pl`Iln\' hrn`nn.nl-nl {{{\:,Q T? l\`l-u-,0 "15. U ~DTOUKS, D_ 11. XVl' Phlox. perenunial (6)--S. R. Muc- Ketllar. Mrs. J. B. Holden, Mrs. C.l Jcmmey. 17 u ,.\1z r. 11.. -. 7 pk` ` 1': (us. \u1 g`n:1'}ii11s. \\'ho`u-; 3 hot red pq-mu-2-.<. whitr su5.:m'. `.,' lb Put all ( Ll('umln gether in brine of 4 quzu*t:~r of w: ni_s:`nt. Drain. \\': pepper and zxpplcne rm... and mu. >' Johnston. Mrs. J. B. Holden. Dn+nannn (O\ T\/I u.~ T Tn!-.n..h. Verbcnas (4)-Mrs. R. Hall. M15. J. JUJIIISLOII. . V1l'S- .1. 1:. nomen. Petunias (9)-Mrs. J- Johnston. Mrs. J. B. Holden, Mrs. H_ M. Reedy- Pansies (3)-l\`I\rs. Jas. Stoddznt, Mr.~'_ R. Hall, Mrs. C. Jermey. Snlnialnuiq (R\._.R_ P NT-,1.(-Kn;1v D115. 11- DELI]; iVll'S. Kw uermey. Salpiglossis (8)--S- R. 1\IzncI{el1a1', Mrs. J. Johnston. Mrs. C. Jermey Qulvin nnlm-G cl-on-u.. (`)\ NI .-.. \X7 1 ;\'1I`S. .1. aonnston. Mrs. L. .;crme_v Sztlvia, eight stems (3)---M1's. W. 7- Scott. Mrs. R, Hall. I Quad-u'n.~n OK ;`+n1`\1:< {I\ Vina `D IJHU Stmldu .-n. gm-uuxs. ananty nay. Asrters, six sunshine (l)--M1`s. H_ M. Reedy, Shanty Bay. Calrendula, 1_5 blooms (t3)--I\I1'.s. H. M. Reedy, Mrs. Jas. Joimston. Sh.'1n`._y' lBz1y; Mrs. Hall. (`inch-inc 15 aha:-nu It-{\__\\/[I-0 F` Tnr.` uuumu. Mrs. L;_ acnnvey, uuLn1'1e. Asters- Six pink (4)-Mr.<. H. F. Ritchie, S. R. Macl{e.l1ar, 3-Irs. Geo. Brooks. Shanty Bay. I A. .:nn_ {I\__Mv< R K/ct1uVV('Jl. CLASS B (Amateurs only) Astersy Six white (2)---Mrs. H F. iltchie, Shanty Bay. I .'-\.<+pr=. ui\' nnvrn I`2\_._.T\`Ir: H V, uuwuu.-, ouaxluy nay. Asters, six purple (2)--Mrs. H. F. Ritchie. Mrs. C. Jermey, Guthrie. A. ah Mink I./l\_RTr<. H F` um-.5. w. .1. Largest; dahlia in show (7)-Mrs'. Jas. Stoddart, Mrs. S. R_ McIxr:11;u'. Shanty Buy. Vaqn nf o']nrHnH (F\\._.\'I-.-c _T 7-`. -?`:' il J1.'K .-\rt!`.m'. (1:10 23. and Jzuk Scan m. :13.-'0 16. two loml _\'oL1bh.:.,1` appoz).1`cd boforo I\Izl, .L`_\ on ; Monday morning: charged with potty; trespass on thv p1'opm't_v of .105. 2" `I Graham, Gunn S. The former \\'2l.~' assessed S-L50. while the latter was 1 remanded for sentence. `t Ollilllb) Dily Vase of ladioli (5 )-M1`.<. J. I-2. Holden, S, R. 1VLKel1ar, Mrs. W (`.nMwn-'|I " 1'l0`l(lCI1y Caldwell. (`I \( Table Decoration (3)---Mrs. R. Hall, `Guthrie; Mrs. W. J- Sutt. Hawkestonc; bust dozen gladioli (J) -~`VI1's. J. B. Holden, Shzmty Buy; best basket primulinus gladioli (3). Mrs_ Jas. Stoddart. Slmnty Bay; Iulv-s. Waglker Caldwell, Shanty Bay; Elm`. W. J. Scott. Rn;-L lnn.-vl.-nl> r\r\r\-1:-\t\1-vs ,l..l-.11.... A" ` I b1_4.`-lb :\. VV. uJ- DCUDL. Best basket pompom da,h]ias (1 Mrs. W. J. Scott. Inrrrnn-4< Ilnmlh. in L`l`f\`I' 1'7 0120 FLOWER snow} est. ' Mrs. Robt. Hall, of Gu1:h1`.2e. w?..'1 54 points. was awarded the silver 'trophy. Others \v'ho had wonderful displays included Mrs. W. J, Scott, Hawkestone; Mrs. J. B. Holden, Shanrty Bay; Mrs. Jas. Johnston, Shanty Bay; S. R. Mcliellar. ;\Ir.-2. Chas, Jermcy and Mrs. H. F. Fit- chie. T`L\,. .....'..,. ...2....,.... . , _j. The annual ower show of the Pro Ho1`u'cu1tural Society, held at Shanty Bay, was among` the best ever held. Competition was keen and the (ma!- ity of the owers was of the hi;;1= est. N/Tu.-. TJALL LT.-.H I\" f`..J.I-.U,. ...t '.| \Ull( L'L.UIl U1 ])\'1'\'Ilill2,H."- 1U \':l:`H" ws (l)---.\Ir.<. R. Hall. Special P1'izo.~' l3'. tau table, (lonatud by Mi.-'5 E. . .'-\tkin.~:. Hawkestonc (2)--.\1r.<. R_ {:11}, .\Ir.<. \V. J. Scott. Best collection of . (4)-S. ` `Ye-\..I.'.-.H.... '\T..~ T L) LInl.)..... K,'I'HlUy. Hand `.x..;n-nu illllo (7olI(,-ctlon J I ! I \T\. DilFFl8 nus not `even one tramc l1gnt.' Most every day of the week in the busy season it is as much as 0Tl\,":' life is worth to cross the main street at the Five Points co1:ner_ One al- most holds one s breath in vhorru' when cars go dashing past at the rzuc of 35 miles an hour at least. A,. Hm l'\na1v Gnnrnn .'_ ,1.......:,.. .. 1116. The prize winners were : (".T.A.Q -\ ' table bouquet (!))- M1'.~:. Wm. C`lzn'k+. rs. C. Jermcy. )1 cut lI0\\'e1`.< ((i)-- 15. J. Stotldart, My b0'.1q=.1ct (4 )-~.\Iis.< yI:'.~'. J. Jo?`.n.`<.tm1. M. CVLA_S`S F. (Chil II/\A. (0, \\ lllH`Ul'5 \\ (3 CLASS A mp-n6a'nn I The N 01-them A.dVlncO l\L`l1IlC" ower. IL. O... V.O.N_ AND R.V.H. AUXILIARY PREPARE FOR FAIR TAG DAY 11'` d V . We-1I ;~nnial.<` all (4 )-~.\I1'.<. W_ ` .\Ii.'.< Flora G1`; I/7.. P. Hnlllnn ii) .\I1`.~' \I.-.~ u ICULU Ll? I1 C12u`k<.- (3) U H I \ 1.YI\. -.\h'.~' ENVELOPES SHIPPING TAGS TICKETS INVOICE 1*"DR1\/IS CALLING CARDS LEDGER LEAVES CARDBOARD SIGNS LETTERHEADS SALE BILLS G.-UMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYIVIIPATI-IY CARDS LEDGERS BUSINESS FORMS The re brigade was called at 11.45 p.m. Sunday to extinguish a biaze which originated in an upstairs bed- room at the home of Jas. Neil, 59 Above are six of the outstanding entrants for the 15-mile .<.\\'immin;r marathon at the C.N.E., cabled o yes- terday on account of the water being too cold_ No. 1, Bill G011. of New York; No. 2, Geo. Young. of I :- 1`0I1t0 N0. 3, K911 Taylor. Toromu; No. -/1. Marvin Nelson; No. 5. Glanni Gambi, Ravenna, Italy; N0. 6, Geo. Blagden Memphis. Tenn. ._ __ 41`1rE. u ,,~.- . , _,.... l.*`L. lUlHl' L\l u made of 2-? cu turd, 0'/._ tum: ut-.< and bottle. BED DESTROTED BY FIRE All Urders Will Receive Prompt Attention--Phone 53 Nerthern Advance Order Your Stationery Business Forms and Canmer Check Books In Barrie Lmv Prices and Good Workmanship Quality The Best Patronize Home Industry To'Swim f(;r World Championship One would have thought bhc first thing,-' tlu: rccc-ntly formed Retail Mel'- chants .-\s. of Barrio would have advocated w:1.~` :1 p1'op<.=r traic regulating sy;~:tem for Barrie, espec- ially on No. 11 l1l;_rli.way. It most providential that Barrie has had not one, but many serious motor acci- dents. when one considers that No. 11 highway goes right throu_::h the heart of P.:n-rit- _< mnin <:l .rr-of. nn.-1 Mary St. The bedroom where the blaze broke out is seldom used and the origin of the re is unknown, The bed and its covers were badly burned, but the rest of the room was not damaged. %THE* Scientist claim that each kiss short- ens life three minues. Life may be shorter. but--oh, how much sweeter. A f'nn+ hnnvf 1nncn 1- hn n-`no:-r n4` suuner. uuD--0n, now mucn sweeter. A famt heart hasn t the ghost of a show where there is a strong-arm<:d rival. STATEMENTS CONCERT BILLS CHEQUE BOOKS NOTE HEADS SHIPPING BILLS SALES COUPONS CI-IURCI-I FORMS Page Seven Te prU\'1ucnLl:.ll tum 15l1`1`lO 1121.: had not heart Bu)-rie .< main :~)t1`eet, and that we have a ve points found no- w are else in the province and that 7 11 himhwnv 1121.: Hm rnncf +.~.,.m.. U1 on mues an =n0u1' at least. AS the busy season is drawing to a close, it may not be ne(`essa1 y tn have lights installed this year. but surely some constructive work could be (lone this winter so that at `nu start of the season next year :1 system would be in good working order. ..u...- .~uV..u.. ,4. \ onions. 5 peppcr.< oz. n1u. xx-Ml. `,5 ; cup salt. Scald ummtm.-.~. .-\1id0tl1<-2` \'w_"t-t vu5n.....- ,\.l.l .. u. 11 highway has the most trafc any `highway in the provmce, and Ban`-rie has not tmfc light. e\'m`v (lav M` the wnr-1: in I-Inn w1:,'z`u (3130 In tne provmce and that 0:` .' I month 1 n ih-1_\'. un. `nu-nf hull W I know tl`1(l`(' arr; no e1'1`0`1`s In the great eternal plan, And all U`-lllfJ,'.~` \\'o1`l< together For the final g:oo(l of man ; And I know when my soul S])(.'C(lS` on- w211` In its gruml et(~2`n:Ll quc-:1: I . say. as I look back <-zL1'tl1wz1r(l. W.l1ufpvnv- la 1': haci- I know as my life grows older And mine eyes `have clearer sig"nt.; That under each wank wrong some-\ where There lies the root of right. That each . has its purpose, By the sorrowing oft ungue;~:se(l. But as sure as the sun brings morn- ing. 1 Whatever is is best. SENTENCED FOR TRESPASSINGI THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1934. jun A SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT PICKLINC-, SEASON IS HERE At a meetimg of the cxceutive of IR. V,n \T. \vH:l1 1-nnw-nannhxvna n y0Ll Hil\'(.` 1(`IE X0111` (ll CZl.h1S 00111 If hope is cold. you no longer 1001-: ahead. your ambition .< n-s an..- read. Then you are old. ."H'dH Silyu 1 Whatever IS .a.uy l\u I1) 1 qt. `JHIUHP. l KLIIJ 2 t<.`:1.spo0n_\- .<: 1,5; cup b1`()\\'u pap1"Lk:\. \\7:1~'h Hut! 1 p('I' UHU and mu.<< . L 1|r\I\\ (\ Women s Page WHATEVER IS IS BEST my ` ` 1 cup ( \nnn,. HP!` \ L_'(.`LZll)H,`.\ .-\(l(l vim-gm`, . Puck in bottlvs bvforv using. 1'I"nI- I .. . 11111.` I?` El \L`l'_\' .s.-(` for u.~=1ng W11 .11. A1! :\|\\v 1...!-.1 L nun , : qts. \' \\'h01(~ I poppv 'n\' 1.4 ,Hl- \\iL\!l- .\` with .< 1. sned. ~ to boil and st -`K cup our. 1 , tllnxvric. Boil ntlln . qu2n`Lcr to i11;,:rcd1ont.\~ n\'.\ frnvn .-1*. *' El.` 5L'H."Ul1H1 |icc--( Rv:1d}J 3:3,]. tonmtmx ) (1i(:\"d cu-lury salt. `-2 to:x. yn . . I \Vll>'H {HUI (H with otlmr in; (Iowa. R`-n`.n`\'r th1'0L1_L`h fizw _-in and boil until Bottle in pint soup by diluting. Lady Ross P 1`i.1~\ 1 41? Inn-u~ Hlf: nun Pickle- Id (]UC.~, t L5` <-zL1'tl1\\'zu (l. is is best, --E1la Whecer Wilcox. }lU\ L`~ I\ `.(:til})l'.'.\ n. ...p.. .. `RE- l`}'.~`. lb. peel and 63101).` ihlc.-.~ 1)11tt111`oL1gli :11`, . salt and! >ttlt-.< and store one . l\'vup_.- in.1u~ 1 \`(-ry liquid . :in; : with mnt-:u'c.ni. hukod dish (`;1]]in:.' .....-nu in.-\ M0 Sauce--(F0! 'm'.~') 1 pork half- :t:11".< ('u101'_\'. 1 lb. v:L.~'poun nutmc-gr, " 2 qts. \'i11c-.L`;1'.'. I tzxhlmpoon ('10`.'v.~. I -J uuu -pint [mu 1 .., \ .. qt. mppo VH4 1}` Age is 21 quality of mind. If you have left your drcznns b0himL If hnnrx i: 1-nlrl. l.4\`1l\ 1` in` Add ('01:; |1U.lv..` until In W and st I\u`\ +.. 1-. N--~( pplo. irlrxr Ulll in D'.L~t(- H1. r.1n<. LSPOO uup (. slice (`ml ...o EUZIL. 'l'0 _ bottlr-.4, \\'z1. them well. place in 21 large enough pan of cold \\'Zlt(:`;`, bring` to the boil and boil l5l m in utcs. - was .H{m-.- 1-2 1:-.11: _\11's. 11. H1111, .1115. W- J. cott our. 1 t0z1::`})oon b2vk1n_: po\\"dc-1'. l Phlox D1'ummondi (2)-.\Ir,<. R. W?`-P00 "mla- ,HzLll. 1\`I1'.<. W. J_ Scott. I `Cm-11111 butter 21nd . Add S\\'L'(,-t peas (`2.)---3I1'.~'. W. J. S1-ott, _ L`11t0 ESL` y0Ik.~'. $1f1 flou1~w1tl1 bz1k- ;\I1'.~'. G. Brooks. 1113. : p0\"(`1(*1'. and _ 111. `Add \:21111ll2'..l CLASS D. (Deco1'ati\'u) Th1.< 111211 :1 very . m1xtu1`o._ I .L1ttoz111olc bouquet (7)--.\l1'.<. I. Sp1'o;1 11110 :1'(,~:1. . pun. lJo1n1.<`Lo11, Z\`I1`.-. I-2. Hull, .\11'.~'. W. J_ Part Il.-BL-ut two (rg'g' \\'hite.< _.`.i'_ 1 Scott. S1.o\\'ly.bc:1L 111 1 (`up b1'o\\`n . '-};1.~'k<:: of gxlzuiioli (1)-.\I1'.<. I2. 'I`111(_ \.\'1th 1'0(_l \ 02'-tul)1<- L-0101-in_-_-. Hall, F1ll1ng-.\I1x .1_ cup choppml d:1t<.-.<.1 Basket of nut I10m:1`.< (R)..)1.,_ _01` tlzltvs and 1'u1. 2111!! `-'_- cup |mi1~`J:1.\'. J01111.~'to11 (:11.~o .:`.\'r1ep. rib- 111;: \\'z1tu1'. ` Cook untxi thick C-1ol.,ho1! for b-3.- t .\I1'.- TI. { Sp1'o:ul hl!_1n_<;' of (i;1tr>.< over 1`. R. S_ \V-aldie, 11:111. 1-on-1-v\\`1Ll1 501-011d 11:11*t_ Sp1`i11k1 Cut flo\\'(:1`.`~', :3 \'z11`i<.-tic: (l5)-~.\I:.\. 1\'1t11 111:111<~111-d (-110111114 :1ln1o:1I.<. I-iz1k-11.. * 1:x`-. f\.l1.~'. H. L I{Itr.'11i<:. .`.hz:. C. H] 11 l1V.O(i`l'.'l11- nvun Hui ]n'nu'n ff-. In,` Tau-\1.-.10 . But if from life you take the bc.~t, And if in life you keep the jc.~t .If love you hold; N0 Inaftor how {hr _v,-ay_\- _L'.) by. No matter how the hi1't`.ul:1_\'.< y. You are not old. cUnsLaI1L1y, uncu very soft. | Pour the fruit into a jelly bag and v let drip into a bowl. Do not squeeze the bag` for a rst .run of juice-- that may be done on a. secomd and inferior run for immediate use. Ar] H1.-. .-nrrnv H-an r)r\'\r\Ixr-4- All uiunux` run 101' nnmecuate 1 Add the sugar. the amount oil which has aready been determined, to the juice. Stir until the . has dis. then bring` to boil. pour into thoroughly sterilized bottles. 2l.I1:d sea}. 'l`., A, _l__A.AI, I H L1`(.'1ll]1 n buuten 3 in}: po\"dv1'. l1121kt'>' into Part II _ \\|L.II u|zuu'ul:(l c1xUpp('(l :x1mn:1r1.~'. J In 2; n1o oven until broxvn ( ])t`l`2`1'tlH`- 350 I~`.. 30 to 3.3 minutu quzm. ox Iruit. wuow 4,4 cup sugar. Wash grapes, remove them from their stems and put not more than 4' quarts at :1 time into a. large kettle. Heat slowly umil the skins of the g'1'-apes bu1'st-then cook. sl`.l1'ilI1g constantly, until soft. Pour the fruit infn n inllv hm nnrl Part 1---`,~_~ (`up l)utt<-1`. whitc. 2 <=_e:_+: yolks. flour. to.:1;eponn 1 Itn:1.~'n<)0n vm1iH:a. _ u1.\L'. ` i)l1l(`--Th\' plugr `why-1`0 \\" .b1e most and are treated the bust. I-Tnn1r<-._'T`}~m r-nn+1~n n4` nn.. Rm. l The hostess who likes to look zvheadl may feel inclined to bottle her own grape juvice-sinee nothing is easier. Concord grapes-so fine and so cheap in most parts of Canada-a're best for this purpose, M8fLSll]`D vnnv o-r:mn:_-_m,I cn, mnh 101' Lms 1 Measure your grape:<--and fo.,- each quart of fruit. allow 14 2`1`zLI)OS. remove thpm fmm .-x uunuun I11:1_`_":17.1l1(' u.~`l\'('(1 rm- qucslion. "\VhuI is Home `."` Suva-n of thu :111.m'ur.- which the uditor call- `cd _cr<-nx.< w(-n- _.~lu(-tvd and }1llb1i.~`hc(i. and are as follows : = Home-A world of _ shut out a \\`m'ld of love shut in. i ! Home---Thc place where the . are great and the 5;-yeat are small. I ' I-101110:-'rIr\ fnihnl- . L-inn-Anna f!\.\! at u. l]l(3(3LlX1`g' OI CHIC` exceutive 01 the V.O.N.. with 1`0p`l`0SCI1tZ1tiVOS of the R.V. Hospital Auxiliary p1'esc-vnt, on Tuesday night, plans were made for the tag day on the second day 0 the B-rurrie Fair. the proceeds to b divided between the two organiza- tions. It was decided to have one group `tag on the streets and the homes in the morning`. and another group tag` at the fair in the after- Tlf\Y`l. In uunu Ul |U\L' .`IlllI 111- f small _!:1'ez1L Home-~Tho fz1tho1".~ kmg`dom, tin-I .mother's world. and the ch11d s pzux:-E disc. , u.\...,. 'm... ..u.. _,,u. H isnes .5 ouncnes I01` 1Uc. There was a decided scarcity of fresh fruit. Those housewives wlro do considerable preserving were greatly disappointed. A few ground plums at 20c 21 box were o'ered, and c`hokeeherrie.s went at 50 a. large basket. Apples were not very plenti- ful and went at 25c basket. Fhe last of the blueberries were going; at 25c a quart and plums at 10c a measure. Large quantities of canta- loupes were sold at 6 for 25c zurd 2 for 150- The first watermelons of- fered this season sold at 35c euch_ The mn.11:n+ nnlnwh-11w .1,...,... \l'!)u I J \ u.:n:u Luis .sea.s0n solo at 30c The market was colorfully decor- ated witli a volume of cut flowers, which mostly included gladioli. Home baking still remains a leading feature and those o"er_inig it for sale nd plenty of competition. I u nzn ; Who Y:`\l1l n `I .11 .\l |.'-U111` .018 IIIUSL unu are created the nt-st. I Home--The centre of our affeciion round which our h0z1rt'.< best \\'ishc.~' " twine. .LUWl we to 166. I The usual abundant supply of fresh garden vegetables were o1I'.,red at Uhe following` price.`-': Cucu1n .;er:; -10c ba.-k<*t, g`herkii1.< 50c basket, cauuli1lo`we;1- 10c to 25 each, pu1np- kills 10 each, .;we<,-t potato squash 2 for 15. beans 10c measure, corn 15c dozen or 2 for 25c. peppers 3 for 10c. tomatoes 25c and 35c basket, celery 10c bunch, Chinese lettuce 10c and 152 head. pickling `onions 2`0c quart, bru.-x-el sprouts 10c quart, green on- ions. lettuce. can-rot.~:. beets and rad- ishes 3 bunches for 10c. 'lll1Ln-n uv): n I'l|II:I]I\/J Eggs were also in lieavy demand. with 21 ,~lig'l1t rise in price, The a\`e1'~ age price was 23c and 25 a dozen. with a few getting` as high as 27c for the laigrer e,.;':=. Poultry was easily disposed of at the following prices: Chicken 22c. 23c and 250 1b., and fowl 16a to 18c. 'T`l-an Ilcnnl nknn,l..n4 ........1.. -1` uumg exLren1e1y scarce. For the first time in man there was 21 sca.rcity in the dairy butter. Many of wives had disposed of their 1 fore ten o clock, and were ` supply all tilieir customers. '1 hnwr>vm- vnrrvn in all n n r-11 :1 n nu Uncooked Tomato n1z1kin_" I%;L1 Di.-:`m-.<) "pc to1n21to>.<. ti .-talk ?`n\\'n .~n 1'. inn.-n U\.AlI5 U.'\.I4LClI|\'.'ly .3Lz(l1.LL'. many nionths supply of the farm butter be- unable to '1h.- price, however, remained unchanged at 2:33 The attendance at the fa1`me1's market on Saturday morning showed a decided increase over the previous lweek and farm products were selling quite freely, which all helps to glad- den the farmer s `heart. Produce was o'c.1 ed in large quantities with ul'l(.` LX- ception of butter and fruit, the ldttul` being" extremely scarce. F01` the ref. firnrx in rnnnv r.1r..1f'ne SCARCITY OF BUTTER AND FRUIT AT SATURDAY MART DATE ALMOND SQUARES BOTTLED GRAPE JUICE E111 DEFINITIONS OF IIOME London M...` A-\l.' \lU(l UIl.*lll'})H.S>1`(l `U1 mvat bzxlls. 01' :u for to~,`mto.-.< us T0mnto Juice- :~,...1....:n u AUTUMN 5`. ml Scott Shcppzm Him. Kin; `Hll ll bri xxx... u. ` -W Q. .(tl, L,-u fn_\ cup cups nzua. .urs. W. J. ac Clarke, Hawkestone- h.;Il{n.. Q R1.-.nn~.,. 1 ('01;