Page Eight iof Farm Property `In the Township f lnnisl. in the County of Simcoe. Under and by virtue of the powers o-f sale contained in 21 cnvfain mort- gage. which will be produced 21:. the time of 5:110, there will be offered "[01 sale by public auction on FRIDAY, JULY 27th, 1934 ! at 12 o'clock noon at the t nlH.'.`l:`I\I'Q un'rt:I nnnnnr `_-__... _ ___-.__ jthc followin,-V: lands namely : I Tho \'nI-HI 119]? nf` 11"!-111941)" . Th? .\'orth half of L0 Eightcen,4l _in the Fifth Cor'cess".on of the Tov'r. | :s}'1ip of IlL11iSL `In the County` oi` 'S1mc-oe. . 'm..,,..., :.. ..,:,z +,\ kn ,...n,.+...: -.. -1._v ' DUIIC-UU. There is said to be erected on th said Iumls :1 house and small bar]; in a fair state of repair. Thu nrnnm-fv 1': n`m-mi +`m- unln a. 12111` State 01 1'(3pal1'. _ The property 15 o`e1-c-(1 lsubject to a reserved bid. Terms: T011 nan. nnnf nf un: uumncc tnlrcy (lays merealter, ! For further terms and nart1cc.lars `of sale apply to . It A 1511' vs PIrI'!7N~I'n*r~I-1<\vn< 1-.-. --- l i Notice is hereby given that 21 by- law was passed by the Council of tin: Corporation of the Coumy of Simcou u'0fl1_t)`hc f15tl1}day of June, 1934, p1'o- ' v1(mg' or tie guarzinteeing` of pay- lldilcgll. 1133` the %oulntyTof Siincoe of the } e on urn 0 tie own of .\`Il(il;ll1(l `to the amohunt of $25,000.00, to cover | .t1he e.\:penditu're of the Town of .\1m-' `land for unemployment relief and' lsuch_ by-law was 1'egi:~:tercd in the lR3gist1'y Office for the Regiatryl lD1vision of th,~. County of Simcoe on ithe 20111 day of June, 1934. : Anv mminn in nu:| m- :.-.9- '1ClllA: 'suu_|e(.'t 1.0 a reservea 010.. ` ! Terms: Ten per cent. of the 1:-ur-. gchase money at the time of sale and "the balance thirty days thereafter, I For flwwr farm: and hm-h`:-aim-z. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAVV N0_ 1873 Dated Juhr .\'0ti(.'c is l1<-reby given pu:; to the Trustee Act that all c1'edit01`.~' and others having` claims .'12` the esatc of Eclg'-.L1- I`homzL.<. late of thc Town of I3zu'1'ic, Pai11t~;-2'. decea.~;(l,' who died on the 23rd day of Junc,; 193-], are requc.~"tcd to . Jars of f.T1:>vi,- c1aim.s to thc unde1'sign-- ed on 0-1` before the 28th dz:-; nf u. 1. o1.urou.\', County Clerk, County of Sxmccc .1. 1. .:1.urau.\1 County Clerk, County of ` ill; l..] U L'lUL'l\ HUUH Ella [He QUEEN'S HOTEL BARRIE. .-. wt-,_...y MARY 1 MORTGAGE SALE J. T. SLHPSON, `Trnvlr (`n1n11>\` n+' Q? J. F. CRAIG, .\1z1;co1'. A. VV. SMITH, C'xe1'k. ii. STEPHENSON, Mortgagee, Barriae. Ontario- 1 `7 1 (I Q .4 DH. 1` 12, 1934. and prc-1'r.i >LcllIll' n.z1_\'nu1' c.~LlmaCc'II til spec-(1 at between 3.3 and 45 mile. an hour. He placed the speed of .'\Ii.~.< Cremg` at -10 to -15 miles an hour xux-van `OHS for sale .\, Slmcue. uuid l\'1 the | I ._R. J. Sanderson Mafljle Company s New n Monument Show Room ALL I.\ICE_\'SES ARE DUE AND P.-\Y.-\.I!LI`I O.\"I`HI`I FIRST DAY OF EACH YEAR. PEIISONS li`:u'QL'll .I.\'G A I.lCE.\'ST-I .\IL'S'J,` PROCURE SAME AT O.\'C`I'j. O'I`H,TiRWISl'Z I`l{OS}iCU'l`IO.\I WILL FOLLOVV. This affects Poolrooms, Restal11'21nts Bu:ch':1`.<, P1umbe1'.<, Taxi Cabs, Tru_c1~:e1's, Curb Gus Pum]3.s. etc. In case of Curb Gas Pumji they will b'- 1'(,-moved off .~t2`<::2t unIe.<.< ]icCn.=.e.<. are paid at once xznjoy me rreenom outms incomparable, piaygrounu . . . 4200 square miles of it, right in the heart of the Canadian Rockies! You live in luxury at Jasper Park Lodge; golf, . . . swim . . . fish . . . ride . . motor; enjoy your- self to the full in the majestic setting of Canada's largest National park. No holiday like a Rocky Mountains holiday. No vacation region like Jasper! Rates are moderate. Rail fares too, are remarkably low. Booklets and full details from any Canadian National agent. u p~n-.-. - . _- - . Join the other lucky people ai Jasper this summer! Enjoy the freedom of /this incomparable, playground - . - 4200 smmre milec nf it. right in the heart of TOWN OF BARRIE Licenges for 1934 -j I .\'oti('ce is hereby given that all; c1'u and otlu-r.< havin;_r (-l:1im.~' ag'z1in. the (.: of John J_ Jumir-,-. son, late of the Town of Barri!-. in the County of Simcor-, Gz1l':).L ~'.- I`ro-L prit-tor, zlecc-a.~'(.-(1, are )'(|LIl1'Ml on 01" before the Eighte:-nth (lay of Jlzly. A.D., 193-I, to send by post pm.-pzml,; 01- to de`ll\'or to the Ll!l(l(:l`Sl[1'll(:(l,| Solicitors for th..- Ex(-(:u1,1'i.\` of the; said (leceused, a full .-"tat:-n14-r1t of" their` claims. (luly w.-1-ifie.-(1, and thv-3 nature of the .<.-(-u1'ity, if any, hp-lil by them, and after suit! (late Ll}:- Exccut1'jx will proceed to rli.~:tribut~: Ihc assets of the :=,ai(l (-statt: amom: tlu: pzu'ti entitled tht-re-to, huvimr, regard only to the clainls of whit-1'11 she shall then have had notice. ` Dafml at Rm-u-in nn4....:,. +1.:,. .)-z..n 0 1| Week August 26 - September 1. CLARKSON I-;0I`};.'L, Phone 62` ': zuuzrxn ..... . .:r.: .- . -.;....:...a---an-nmn.m:'.I._.;An...'.`. Tickets, Time-tables and all Coach Travel Inform ation at THURSDAY. JULY 12, 1.234. Byfield St. Attention given to Cemetery Repair Work BARRIE Inscriptions a Specialty Mu: smlu men nave had notivc. Dated at Bzu-1'i<.-. Ontario, this 2I ml day of June. .-\.D., 195M. 1 STIEIWA RT & ST EWA RT : nnvu-in nn+....:,. ~ Notice is l1erel-)-ymgiveii that an creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Peter Spring, late of the Township of Innisl. in- the County of Simcoe, Gentlememl deceased, are required on or before the Fourteenth day of July, .-\.D., 1934, to send by post prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned, Solicitors for Administrator of the said Estate, a full statement of their claims, duly veried, and the nature of the secur-' ity, if any, held by them, and after said date the .-Xdministrator will pro-, ceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. I `n.,f,,,{ gt `Dow-in f\..a..:.. n_:, HELVC JIZIU Tl0UCC- Dated at Barrie, Ontario, thi.< 16th` day of June, A.D., 1934. , grrmxiy ; 117 n nmnnv . n... o IXILVL: Z)L.\J\4l\v DI`\l\I\lE. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Pl-ln\`I`. 31.71 l.'I`lLJ.\EJ O-I-) O"1c(,- Hou1'.~:: 9-12 a.m., 1- zmrl by appointmr-nt _.\\ T7._ TWO FINED FOR S P_EI-ZDING NOTICE TO CREDITORS AN.) OTHERS J- EDV`/IN WILSON. GRADU.-\'Z`E * TL- l<':uI...Hl.-. f'nlI...... n NOTTCE TO CREDYTORS AND OTHERS UNHJN SERVICES --m u'- KING BLOCK; BARRIE ......l.... l"L.......1._.. ..._..l Q_s..... NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTI;\:& ESTE.\'. Barrie .qnH:~ifn|-< Fnu _\,lu-u'u.' 1...-. iC~S.'l'IN & I>."I`I'I.\'. i;-.22'I<,-. Solicitom for I'Ixwcu'."' 1;o11u.\ oz. r..>n:._\. 1:.;1xn . Solicitors for .~\ v--~~v ----J- wU`=- Wm. Ellmorc. of Tc STEW.-\RT& STEWART, sessed $14.75 by M Barrie, Ontario, Saturday morning on Solicitors for said Estate. reckless driving. He OSTEOPATHY \_Il'\.."\J.JL:\Ll`.A LII.` The Kirkville College of Osteopathy and Surgery, Kirkville, Missourx ` Announce.-.< the opening` of 0m.:u:= for the practice of 1 nursuay anu PHONE 345 . (1 I-) n -.x :::.w.1uI 0: D! I'.W.-UH -}zu'1'ic, Ontario. S0l!cit01`.~: for Silld I*I.~'t.-Lt:-. ~-fn thc--- D1 !'\f`I/ D I 1 pLll':'l12`.`:`-L LC c1'c(lito2';< and zn;;ai31st thv 0, late of the , Fzxrmer. (Ic- lfith 1121`; of n.,~+r.(1 4-A Aiamiaie News` _ .\I2.<. J. Lynch, of Bunlo, is visit mg ner mother, Mrs. Dxxon, Cumber land St_ "Y-.` D( `my. 1).-.--A.-....\. AL` 'I`n..,...-.. xzmu DL_ .'.Ir. Pr.-rcy Rosevear. '.'~:pu nt the week end with Riddell. NJ .. ~ \ C`. 1,... .. .. .1 IVIUUUJI. Mrs.-\.S1'1gley and 1'ami1_\', of O1'i1IizL, are visiting relatives in town. M13 and .VII`:'- J. D. Wisdom are in Q` f`-a4'.u-u.-Snrm (`nu .~r.v.-u...1 rlI\vV.~ mu \\'C.'h;.s' in me umwu DIZlDES- )Ir.-. Jones zmd family of Campbell- ville, Visiting` in town as th-A g,'u~..-t.< 01' Rev. and Mrs. Sinclair. Mr. and M1's_ A_ Fe1'gL1so11 um`; family are \"isiting' 1'c1at:7\'es in t0v.'n- .`.Ii..-.: Edith Stt;-vonis, of Torontn, AS \'i.~'1tn0` with 311'. and Mrs. .-\. H0o"cr. _ cs 1 Pm'nir'p and Inrnn Warn-n` . .._.__.__ VVHL (.'rmpt:1'. of I"m'(:. Hill, \\'hil0` lriviny north nu l1iLfh\\"1_\' 11 last Saturday m;:h1,, mmsln.-d into 21 Hydro , pulp m~:u- lr:uH'm'd :Ll'L(-,r avoiding 21 . <'r:1.~Vz \\'i`h :umLh(-1' northvbouml car, ' `IA. S1.ew.'u'L, Bradford, who \\':n.< (l1'i\'- ling north. :x1.L<-n1pL<.-41 to turn west, on- 1 to :1 .~irl-mzul about tlnruu miles nm'Ll1 1 _, of Br2uH'onl. (,'m)p<,~r wz1.< 1'0H0win;.z| 3 him and mLl1v.- than crash into the _-_ StI'\.\`;u't mm`, 111- swa-r\'(-ll and ('ru:.n(-d I n; ingo 21 gunrrl mil. ln'uukiny; out two ( 1 1 1 4 1 1,! posts and crzu.-kin;,: oil` :1 llydro pol:-. e F001;:-1' !`l'(`('i\'-(1 :1h:ul('ulm Lhv __ hvzul and an injtm-I km-v. l`rn'w 0 Office 'l`hompsnn in\'usti;:utu-I but no ; `S ('-hZH`[.',`l`.\' wt.-we lzrid. r -.-\.\u-- Alliston, Ti10s- H, `Nilsc-n's Residence PHONE 72-12 - ()p(_'Hl1.ill;_" ` 1-4B0EU`d in 1 \\7(|4 `I. .. l \'A.~1L11}._:' nun J11`. emu 1V1l':`. :1. noopcr. Mi. ` and .\Ic.<,s1;<, Jack Wilmott and Allan .\1uarc, of L0thb1'i(lge, are \'i. M1-_ zxnd. .\Irs. J. D. Brunton. \Ia- run! WI :-- \T..,.nn A4` l`,u..`-`an Bernice and Lorna Moore" cum. `- .5 1&9. Mi . George Hill spent Wedtiesday in Toronto, wliere Mr.~:. Hill is under- g'oin__- an operation. Bowllng T0urnam`n.': At the bowling tiou1'nz1:nen'l. wmci. took place on Monday evening at the Allzmdale bowling` green, the \\'i1me1`s were as follows: 1.~;t, Art FL*'L'g`u;0I1 (skip); 2nd, A. )Irz'.lc0m$'0n (skip); 3rd, George Webb (skip). Unveiling of War Memorial On Sunday, July 15th, the cledica-' Lion and unveiling of the war mem-i orial tulu-.< place in the basement of the Burton Ave. United Church. .The Barrie Legion have been invited and expec-L to be present in a body to attend the service. Rev. M1`. An- (lre-\\'.s, of Newinzu-ket, is to give the uddre. in connection with the un~ veiling oi` the monument_ Rescued from Drowning A;';11e.<. t.wel\'e-_ve2u'-old (l:LLlg'i1te1` of M1`. and .\l1'.<. Fred Martiii, had -.1 ll2ll'lO\\' .,~; from drowning` Wed- ne.~;da:_V nfte-moon when she jumped oil a rat"; into \\'ut<.-1` beyond her depth while batliiiig; on the .~:hoi-c- be- tweexi Barrie and Allandule. She nzaule 21 gull) for Harry Lindsay who 'n;1n1'n-1' l\.:'- hnnr nnrl `.\l'vin .i;uuu 21 an 103- nzirry L41n(1Sa3' who l1d.ppuI'le1l to be near and Alvin .Houg`hton inauaged to pull both to .~:ui'e1_\*. .-\g'ne;< \\'~a:< able to proceed l10l)`.=.' without any ill effects. L`O.L, and S.0.E- Hold Combined Church Parade The Orange Lodge, accompanied by Illc) S0112: of ling], held th\_ll' church parade to St. George s Chu.~';n on Sunday l21.~;t. Rev. G. E. F11- hee reztched the sermon and chose ll ' J I ` for ll.~` text viii-1 os1iuz1._ n z...:' introduction it was .~Tl.'dtL0(.l that Lin. Orange Order is es.~:entiz1liy in its pur- pose 21 1-r-1:1.-ious order, with the pur pose of keeping open Bible and lib- erty of con.~'icence. Success in (li`rl'.-1`- ent matters of life depends on three things. courzige, wzitclifulness and the umlerstauding of obediencg to the divine law. Rev. Fierheller develop ed this thought, which \\'a.< taken (lir- ectly from the text, and went on to that unless each member of the `Order would dedicate himself as a nln-i':+1'nn fn rlnr. ..,..~.n.nnl$!..\.,..`a "J `uruvr wuusu ueulcatc mm.<.elI 1 Christian to the ziccoinplishincn this purpo.-ze: and with coui':1g'e 1 of conviction, \\`21t( hfl1iIIO,<.~ 0i)\.'(ii(,'I1CE,' to the divine 1a\v-z1 ;po.=c could not be accompli.sl1cd_ Durimr H19 \vTr< \-V Rn- lpuau CUUIU not U8 1(:(:0m[)1`.>`nc(1_ _ During the service )'Ir:. W. Bay1i.<.~: 1`0nd<.~1'c-d a. solo, Thy Will Be Done, Nery acceptably. .-\pp1'oximately one hundred and fty-.six wcr;_.pre.-e111: tzmd the : church \\'z1.'~' comfortably ll-` 1-{I `HUGH M. BAILEY PRESIDENT OF CO-OPERATIVE PACKLR3 At a meeting` of the 11e\\'-elector`. board of dirr,-cto1`.< of Lhe Fi1`.St Cu- operatiw ] z1(:kcr.< 01' Ontario on Sat` uz-day, Hugh )1. Builr:_7, of Mclzmc thou, \vzL~t elected p1'esident. He1'b.2'L |J_ C1'zuV1'0r(l, rccvc 01' O1`-.; tp\.`.11.xi..p, l\\'u:~` nladu \'ice~p1'esi(lent. and `Walter .AlI.m. Churchill, 1`c-electc-(1 . ` tn-r:a.~;m':~r, lo up: :.u.m; nnul Llll` \)Hi.E.lI`lU .\`Jd.1'K'.'LX2l",', `Board .-.\'pc:)`n1<-111211 shipmn-11L.< of` `. }fuLL:n- of the o1',.'unizz11;ion tlopcnds 0 .<-.\;port. Sumo -10,000 pounds of ` `mm.-= ml 190,000 pounds of bacon have `l,.-I-n J-Ht to l'Iny;]un(l with good re- \VilLx}:i:'.. h:'.<'rm Lu I*lngl21.n(i. as Inzunyi .-. ;h:- .-hzm,-hol(lcr.~' believe that the` :-uLl,:. I J)urim_" the ya 19,200 ho;,rs worn.- in lhn- nlnn During July and August union Vl('L.':w' \\'l`ll be l1`rl(l by Collier St. United Church and Central United Church. During July, Rev. 1;`. E. Long will be in cha.rg'e, with . 5e1".`i(:e at Collier St_ Cl1ul`("l1 at 11 a.m_, and at Ceniral Church at 7 13.111. Strang- ers are welcome at all scwices. HI I to Czmzldizm rt-vur show Llmt by us- `ing two !'an.~; in rt-frixsc-r:1lcn~ vars, ullz` at each end in tliugonztllv Upjm.-`l1<' corners, the tmmn-rzntlxrv of fruil can be reduced :1 n1:1tt.-,- of 20 (h'p,')`.H-.~'. in 8 or 10 hours fannimr. mmhlinp: 1hr- fruit to reach the com.Lnm-r in ;:u()II condition. HU. J1 M1`. v. .\'\V Light` ,Q1A UK law LIN". year ended May 3l.%L. 200 worn: killed and procesaeu [hr pl:1nf', and $130,000 \\'as pald_ f.1rmn'.-rs. ' CAR CRASHES INTO POLE V115. d- U. DFLIIILUH. . and Mr.<. Mason, of Toronto. Sunday with M1-_ and Mrs, A . mam. d to cominuc Cl. ' with tho Ontztrio M'.ll'k'.-Li}: An\.'l\(Al`;I\\1.I\fI|` .! .\.,..... f\ Toronto. was as- Magistrntc Jcifs a. charge of {e pleaded guilty. of Toronto, .\I1'_ Hzwold PUNT STOLEN AT BELLE EWART \VL` L'd"l_V Llttfkl UKLLLIL` glass. ;~od::,`z1m{ complete bouts or power plants, at prices. Barrie Auto W1- -Buyeld St. Phone -120. . House, with three acres of land, at] IFu1'1ululc. for sale. Good basement, iglmt, water, telephone, storm doors and \\'indo\\'.<. barn, hen house and good g`a1'dcn. $1200, with $200 down. Box (361, Bam'ie_ I Collier S1. United Church uuz .ua-li Sunday School and family picnic was| hold in Midland Park on VVednc-sdayl afternoon, with a good att.-e11(lunc_.`| S1)o2't.<. game.~: and swimming` we1`~:, enjoyed by all. A numbe-1' 01' boys! crnintr in :1 f'.'n(-1: had :1 n:n'vn\\' rJ..<(`.anRI CH_jU)l.`LI uy uu. .-\ uuu1Ue'x u; uugal going in :1 truck had a narrow escape when 21 front axle broke. Fo1'tu1mt0- 3' Lhe truck \\'-.13 not going very fast, and the (i1'ix`e1- swerved into 21 bankni -with the 1'e.~'=.11t that none \\'e1'e in-A jured. .-\not`ne-1' truck was sent for; and the boys reached the plume: grounds just in time for supper. . c 'l"n.- )Iu2121g'u111e11t Committtec of the Barrie Board of Education, at 21.` meeting Monday night, engaged Mini Beverley Collier as assistant prmci- pal of King Edward School. M11 Col lier E1:1< I):-_-n principal of An'gu.~: pub- 1 lie Scluoo}, wheie he has done good \vn`1'1( ;riL:.~t_-IIL. _ The v(:\'idCl1C(: produced . `that Cameron did not see thc boy `until he had struck him, a.~ he step- `gpcd out from behind u parked cuizl `_`Czum-:1'on and four pussenga.-1'5 wimi. '\ him swore they were tmvclling at a` t`r21tc of 35 miles an hour-_ The boyi \`.`::.~' currirzd :1 rlistzlm-v of 37 feet _ and died from :1 double conipouml .` fracture of the skull. (`vnuvn A1-On:-nnu L`....... ....._.._.. -...l uc ac wo~1'k_ Y Ci.-ntral Sunday School picnic willl be held at Springwater Pa.-rk. .\1id-; hurst, on Wcdnesclay, July 18th. Cars; leave the church at 1.30 p.m. Those with cars are z1. to co-operate with the transportation commifte-e.l Come and bring your basket. Q _.___.____._.._..____ I .-\ tl11`e<:-.~:e:1tm- 16-foot punt was stolen from the beach about half a mile nortl; of ' Belle Ewart between the holiday aml July 7th. The punt, Vuluecl at about $50, belonged :0 John B(. l.~'llL1\\ , Spoonerla Road. C1-em- plc .-\\'c., which is near Belle Ewalt. Mr. BJsluv.\', who.~:e home is in To- ronto, left the punt on the beach on Monday, July 3rd, and when he re- turned on the 7th it was missing. He immediately notied the pi`o\`in<:i2Ll police at Barrie. Con. VV, B. Elliott. i.-5 in\`estigat ing. "he boat. is painted gray and the V-.`~'ha1;e(l fxont i.~: cove1` in for some ten feet. Tl1(:l`L. is a 1-inch band rail running l'i om bark to front. I Bax`1'ie Citizens Band (Simcoe For- esters) will give :1 concert to-night, 4'(Thu1'sd-ay) at St. Vincent .< Park at! 8.15 (wezlther permitting). * A '.1.~.eful aluminum fuxmel, -. and cup combirlerl, free with 21 yez11".< .~'11b. or renewal to The Ad- vance. Only a limited number of these. Get yours- The local Omngc O1'de1:<, inec-luding Bzlrrie Lodge No. -152, .-Xllandaio Lodge No. 432. O.Y.B_ and L.T.B., are r:e1cb1`z1tin_g' at Penet:1n;' t0-dz1_\`.v Wiin John B0\\" as )12x1'shui. they: Dl.l'Z1(1Ld through the town this morn- ing` before lca'.'1ng.' for the French town_ __j_::._ V I Ross White, son of M1`. and Mrs.`; Albert White, Flos, was in.<.ta.ntl.'. killed early Thursday morning last` when he was struck by a car driven by Jack Cameron, of Barrie. &' Ross, 12 years of age, who had been :1tten(i;7ng the Junior Fa1'mer.< damr.` at Efnwule, gut :1 ride home with V1114 ! .-Xrcher, and got out of the car an. ti`l':| comer of the 1111 conce.~:.sion. or. iii` 1 road, was ::t1`uck by Lin: Cameron cuz I going . He wz1.~; t`m'0\\'n somv d1. anti his skull badly .=1r.4A.~'11cd- .-xuout :).ou ounm-1.y arternoon the! re brigade made am umlecessary runl to 139 Bulton Ave. The call turncdi out `:0 be 2; false alann. ; wa'21.`111l;:1-' '--.<.= ~. - - _ _3] f I _ 1,`._]1`)',._w`t .t_ `:0 En] A\0t-ICC ls hereby glven that a 9; - 10(l(,\\Ll_`..-t1I.1(I\ 3 my 1, , _ _ d b_ I C 7-1 .. . l M` a PARC 3 me Ouml .1 lei di ll)-ully =1ra~:11cL'. Corporation of the.C0umy 01 Slmcoel ' " _ ` ` ` ` ` ` on the lath day 01 June, 1934, pl!)- Abmit 5.30 Sunday afternoon thef;:g:11;gbf1; h:heC(`;5::%nt:?nin?EOg"`gL runlth deb3;ntm_e` of the Town CU,`_ turned? 8 ` ' . V _ ' i ,9- . , |lmg\\ood to the amount of .)..a.UUt,. Lace Sund;1V nilxht Oi` ezlrlv Mon-l .mke water pipe and equipznent mm dm. m0mim_,. `t.\\.0" P1\.mOuIh* Rock i1S111pt1'0\'e111fen11;s 'Io thef C\VS.t.u2~`\\'ork.-I ` W . ~ 5 cm 0 1 own 0 0 1;T1"`\\'0OCl hens and ve Whlte Lcgho_1'n.~;' \\'(.~1'0I aid such bV_l:, wag 1,eg.iStm,ed"in t;.t',! stolen from Wm. McLean, lo luuggcnel ' ` " St. Entr-.mce was made by fo":ing~|Regist1\y Ofce for the Registry UH_ lfor the cost of installing` 21 new 111-" `Z0111 day of June, 193-1. `:1 door to 2: bum \\'c1'c;- fowl \\'(:1`(' 3 151011 of me County of Slmcoe on mu! 1 ' l ' . I Anv rnnhnn fn nnuzh nv .-m 4|._fr`:. Z---- 1 L. G_ Ila-i.l and J. R. Ayliiig; are! now 1-czuly to attempt an air flight from Wusaga Beach to Bagclzul in` `tli(, plane that Lhe Mollisons made an _ iun. attempt to .~:ta1'1 last: year, and now known as The Trailv of the C3ariboL1. The Camuli-.111 and Englislnnail are now awaiting` favor-` able \\'caLhe1- to start the 6,500 mile . lliglit. O11 Wediiesday 11 lau'g`e steel beam stretched between two motor truc-k.< .<<:r:.1ped the bench for a dis- tance of two miles` to make the .-`zmd I smooth to facilitate the tukr-off 3 ,;.uLu. gzty U1 JLUIU, Lilo-k~ ` ` ` Any motion to quash or set REASY FOR BAGDAD HOP the same, or any part thereof, ,be made within three months 1 FRO]: WASAGA BEACHthe first publication of this in ` ,. .. .. . _ 1-ma r--,mnn+ `n mum. +1.,-....n,... ' I A 1i\'(- unimu] \v-ixzhingr l,.'i()0i pounds. we-11 nished, will yivld a~ dressed carcass of 700 pomuls. OLE vthis, there are only 200 pounds of` wally prime hx-sf. 'l'h(- p."ixnc beef is made up of the .~4irloin, ','nrtm"no'use and club stczlks, and Lhv prime 2-ib.~`_ of tho forc-quzn`tr:r. f qurc into the death of 12-year-oI(l `Ross White, of Elmvalc. who was :kl'1](*(1 VVcdnc.~:d.1_v night, July 4th, .1 curulln-1`.~' Jury empum>11c t-.. m-' I when 21 car driven by Jack Cumm'0n, I` I" -:`.~':n'.L* Stu. Bzu'1'ie, 1`i1.'1 into him] two um-;-.~ north of IC11m`u1<:, brought in :\ \'c2' of zxccidelltal death yes- tc1'day at I'II1n\'u1e. The inquc-.<.t was crm(ILu'tt-(I by Dr. Cortroran, of Elm- \';x]._. with Crown -\1`nvnnv 1;`\.'nh\-I Henry Pzxrsons and Dorothy Crang, both of Toronto, we-re our-h ned and costs in traic court this m',1`n- ing for t1'z1\'elIing;' at more than 20 miles an hour through Burric. Con~ : Ra_\`ner c;-.~`tinmted Pu1'. .~'I)(*-(I nf hr-zxvrmn 25 um! JR miIn~ -In 1x'uL'Lun.` U1 me sxuu. 1 Crown Attorney Evzxns 5ll{. ,'}. ,'(.`.\LCd to the jury that the nvidn-n(-(2 `M11 - rzmtnd a verdict of nccidl.-nl;1l (luxth. ' I Of the (376 pcdig;-r-c s\vime re;:1.~tu1`- 1- luring: the month of Jum: by the C:u1.'1di:m National R(.`('0l`(i.~' and up- provcd by the Dominion Minister of Airriculturc. 55] were Yorkshire, 53 I}:-i'k.sl1im-. -I5 Tamworth, 22 GhcsLct; White, 4 Poland China. and 1 Durcei Jersey. The registrations of pedigree. hora--. nunibcrcd 254, of which 1021 \\'l'l\H l <-rcheronr`, and of tho 2.5137 (':l.tUu rcxristered, 1,032 were .-\y;'- shire. Other registrations were 410 .~ii1-(-p. 28 foxes. 661 dogs. 1 pouitry and 11 goats (7 Toggenburg and 4 Snunen)- DEATH 0? ELMVALE-i3OY i FOUND TO BE ACClDENTALi We carry us` Inca, ..nrl~: `nnni : LOCAL NEWS \'L|`ll u_\' 1.11`. K,Ul'(,'0l`aI 1, OI him- Crown .-\t9ornt:y Evans It. tsed. batteries, tires, . engines, for - 1`\".`E1S0llZ1.b10 Wreckers, 56 Hanna 1'70 jury empnnvllcd ta. dnnth nf`1")..\-nan-. _'_J.`he Ngrthern .;XdVl('g:__ 10.1.5 U1 L.1I:*-xr c1a1n1s Lo Inc un(!e1's1gn-- 28th dav of .-\ug`u.~,t, 193`, after which date Lhcf Executrix will di. the :-1.<. of the estate, having regzlwl only to zhr `- claims of which she then . huv.~' notice, and will not be 1-e. tr: any others. 1`IrVrlV1a\v n ........... _, BY-LAW CLOSING BARBER SHOPS Q [N BARRIE ON WEDNESDAY . AFTERNOONS - 1.30-_ 1 Any motion to quash or set ilaifit. xthe same, or any part thereof, must lbc made within three month: after the first publication of this notice, 5.` and cannot be made lhe)`(.";1fte1'. t Dated 20th day of June, 1324, 1 rn v I TAKE NOTICE that the Counci; of the Town of Barrie. in cn1npliunc<.- with a petition signed by not lea; than three-fourt.hs of the m:cupici'~, of Bi1l`b(.`1- Sh-ops within the limits of the Town of Barrie, did on the 25th day of June, 1934, pass By-law No, 13-12 enacting as follows 2 1 'T1~.-,1.+. :11] h:n'}3m- .<`:nn< within the limits of the Town of Barrie shall be closed on Wednesday `of each week from and ilfley Ll1L' lThird day of July, 1934, l)(.`L\Vc(:n Ithe hours of 12.30 o clock in the lafternoon and 5.00 o'clock in the iforenoon of the next .fol1o\'.'ing~ dz-v_. `saving and excepting any VVedne:du3.' gof any week in which there shall iii,` [a Dcminion, Provincial, Civic or 1 Legal Holiday and saving and except- ing Wednesday of the week in wlncl: Barrie Fall Fair takes place. ` 2. Every person who is guilty of :2: contravention of tliis By-law lshall incur a penalty not exceeding `$50.00 exclusive of c Eats, and in `case of non-payment of the fine zuni ocostx the same may be levied by dis ltress and sale of the goods and iohattels of the offender, and in case iof there being` not . Clls-.l.~,'-* _ found out of which the same C211 :.~ * levied, such offender shall be liable} !t0 be imprisoned in the common guoii l of the County of Simcoe for any 5 period not exceeding .iwenty-on;- i days. i 1 10-12$ QllElCLlIlg "(IS J.ULLU\\'>` I 1. That all barber shops lbldi-Cl Pm-h'p_< intpi'p, will B'()\'(`,llll .` . I I Parties interested will go\'r:1n I t.hemse1\'<.-s accomingly. ! Barrie, June 26th, 193-1. 1 -. -. .-...,~. .. . __ ' Notice is hereby given that 21 by~ la.w \\`a.s passed by the Council of :the Co1'po1'ation of the County of Simcoe on the 15th day of June, H934, providing for the guau`a'ntee- `mg 01 payment by the County or Slmcoc of the deb-3-ntfu1'es of the `Town of Pe11eta11g'uisl1e11c amount of $20,000.00 solidated Illdebtedness of the said Corporation, and such b_\'-1z;\v'.'ca.> 1'egist:.1-ecl in the Registry Oice for vthe Registry Divi;~:i0n 01' the County :of Simcoe on the 20th day 01` June, 193-}, \n to cm to pay Con- .n+.',. +1. ......1. .`.. .,.4 .\ 1.) NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF? V ! 1 BY-LAW NO. 1868 I {NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF ' BY-LAW NO. 1869 QUE muue \\`lL111Il Ll11'C(:` 1110111115 `:1 the ublicauon 1101 1 P 1-and cannot be made t11e1';a1ftc1'_ Dated 20th (121 ' of June. 193-1. I 3 J. T. SIMPSON, Cnnntv Clm-1:, (`nnnhz nf` Qim | Any motion to quash or set LSJ(i `the same, or any part lhC1'C0f, mu.~t be mzulu within th1'ec months 1ftL:1` 1`/ll`: .:.uui uuy UJ. dune, .L>I.`H. I the rst publication of this noL'c:,-, and cannot be made thereafter. ` Dated 20th day of June. 1934. ' i I J. T_ SI.\IPSO.\'. County Clerk, County of Simcoe Notice is hereby given the Trust Act thzivt all crc(l"tor;< othels hzlving clziims. 2l_'_. , d`iE1St estate of Samun-lMcB1`id0, T0`.\`n.~'l1p of 'l'r>.<. ceasecl, who died on the lag; FL~br1uu'y, 1S)34. are x'equc. to semi pz11iicL1ia1';a of their claims to the L7.``.- (le1's1'gne(l on or before the 28th laj of August, 103-l, aft;-1' wliich (into the .-\(ln1ii1i.~_'trz1to1- will (il>"'_]'ll;l'.t `glug z1.:'. of the estate, liu\'i1i{: 1'cgaz'(l only to the claim;~: of which he then shall l`.z).\'e notice, and will not. h in- sponsible to any others. TVP1rIV1V1v n firm