Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Apr 1934, p. 7

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The annual Inca-ting, with releciiorn of officers, of the Girl Guide Local Association will be held on Saturday af,ternoon in Trinity Parish Hal`. at 3_4.1n., Aprl 14th. {eports will be g`iVen of the work of the rlifferenl Companies and Packs for the past year. Mrs. J. M. Mitchell, Commis- sioner for Collingwood district, will be present and give a talk on howl their Association, which is the Ad- miral IO.D.E. Chapter, assists the Guides. Guide work in Colling'\\oo(' has made great prog'1'e.s.~' lately and N115. ;\Ii`chell s Visit to B'!,1'llC will be very interesting and helpful. I No mcc-tin_g's of the Guides or! Brownies were held during 1;L. week. Trinity Guides and Run,{er;- have again Ciilullgcd back to their usual nigmt, me-eting at 7.15 on Wednesdays, other Companies and Packs meeting at the usual time. Hon. E. C_ Drury gave 21 very in- spirillg address at the 571311 u1111h.'er- sary birtlulay party of the Barric W~,)men s Christian Tempe1'am~.o. Un . ;'1, held at the home of Mr. and ,.1`.<` I. F. Wildman, Collier S`.-., on 'tl`nncIl51 \.' ovnn ino- perance Iorces 101' l'd.Ul'\ UJ. i.empei- ance education after p1'l10ibil.ion. Our present plight, he said, is due to the abanclonment of the fty yea) old fact of referring this to the people by direct vo1.e. That przreitci. came in with the consent of all parties, because it was recognized that liquor iiit-.:1'<:. with great tin- ancizil stakes weie too (lung;eroL1.s a thing to have in politics, but, coz. Linued Mr. Drury, when we revert that practice and make it a political question, it places terric power in the l1L111(l:S of me liquor iI1te1`est-.~._. which Ina}; be used in the presen-'1. cainpzugn. Mr. Drury concluded by saying.-, that we should regard at the present 'no1ne.nt tzhat uhe question 01' lega; `restriction `as lost, but tlmt thx. teniperzmce cause mus. work from the bottom up and build up 21 body of total zibstinunce sentimc-nt_ r* T q..;~, _~n:-mu?-.n~v 11? 111:: .\l.ln:\. .'t\\l.`} 1. 1'. vvuuiuouu, LJUIIIUL u.-., un `uesday evening. Giving his personal xicw, Mr. Drury believed it was the rig;-lmt of the state to rc. or prohibi-L the use of liquor. He traced fully the his- tory of proihibitory logislaleon. In his opinion p`1'OhibitiO11 had been a :nr'r'r><< Mr, T)rm~v hi. -LH1(!.~`. the tem- ms opmxon p`1'0n1u1L1U1L uuu. uuuu u success. Mr. Dyury blzunes the tem- perance forces 1'01` lack of temper- annn mlm-.;1t.inn after m'hoibil.ion. OI tonuu 2LU.sE111zu1L'e seuuuun-1u,_ C. J. Se-iiz, .~sec1'et'.11'y of the .-\Han- dale Y..\1.C..-\., moved a vote 01 thanyks to 311-. Drury for his hopeful 111esszLge, and also to M1`. and Hrs. Wildmzm for the use of uheir home for the party. The motion was seconded by .-\dj:. F. H. \Vzxki:\ of the Salvation Army. I."..v L` L` Lnnw nu me bz\1\'zu.iou zxnuy. Re-\'_ 1'1. la`. Loi1_L};, pastor 01' Collier St. United Chu`1'ch, in commenting: on the meeting thoug;ht it a most 1'e;.;'1'ct- able thing that our province will use the liquor question as a political football 01' bai. Let us in our en- tllusiasm for the great cause, said 311'. Long, be ;=_vinpatlietic `to those people caught bezween two res dur- ing` the ])`cL>,`1, 1'(,~\\' weeli.- of 1 a`lia- men-t. '1`he W'.(j. l`.L7. has sutl'ere(l 2: great (leI"ezLt, but we are not down and out, and sill have plenty of Spl"l`lt and courage, The party opened with a commun- gity sing-song, with .\11'. A. F. A. VIa1- .;\'romson in the Clllll1'. Mr Angus Ross favored with a piano solo, after \\'lllv.. nl\1-r\r1r- nnillll-(l .-\ \Vnm:1n .< glty .\'1ng-song, \\'lL-I1 .\u`. .-x. 1'. A. mau- -.".omson u p1nyer'.tc- entiLlcd A Woman s Privilege, was ,)1'esu11t.od by .\Ii.~`.-.w.~' M, Sinc]z1i1' and 1-`. Young. A vocal number was given by .\I1'. Harold Hall, and Mrs. Risborouggh, L119 county president, extended g:1'eetlng.- to the local union. 4+ Mm r-lnen nf tho n1'o:_~'1'u1n ru- W.C.T.U. BIRTHDAY PARTY THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1934. _ to the Loczu umun. At whe close of the p1`og'2'um freshments were served. .T?___:.._. While service was being` held in Knox Church, Alliston, 011 Good Fri- day morning, n started in the base- mcn`. and the smoke came up thx-01191:: H. \-nn';'E The Rev. D IX. NIC- men`. zuul the smoxe came up mu-uu;;.: the registers. The Rev. D. A. Keracher had just announced his text , yl1o.n he immediately pronounced tin wcmediction. The re, however, was soon put out'by the brigade, and only slight` damage was done. V.C.N. REPORT DID IT PAY ? GUIDES SOUTH SIMCOE MUSICAL FESTIVAL ON MAY 18!}: T0 be Held in I.0.0.F. Temple, Barrie, Under Auspices of Women's Institute. . The annual Musical Festival of he`; South Simcoe Women's Ins. itute will be held in the 1.0.0.F. Tyemplle-, Bar-' rie, on I"riday, May 18th," with Peter C. liennedy, Toronto, as a(lju(lic;xLor. The .~:,'llabL1.~; is. here giwzi Io.` uh-e lJL`l1L*Il' of any wishing to compete. l Afternoon Session 1. Piano Solo, 11 years and undc1'; Early in `the Mormiig, Seul-Holst (b'i.sche;- Ed.) 2. Piano Solo, 12-16 years; Cos- sack Dance, G. Nash (Fischer). 2 12m-if.'.1"r.in11_ under 14 years;! Wilcox. 4. 0ne-1com School Chorus, Tin. Dreamizuld, (Brannms) New Can- adian Song Series, Book 2, Page 72. 2: Pnv< (Thnir. unchanesed Voices. suck JJzLI1CC," L1. guasn \L'1m;uL:.L;. 3. Recitzttion, under years; The Value of a Smile, Ella Wnm:le1'l Wilcox. .1 n..,. Innvn Q11-lmnnl (`.hnI-11:. ']`f1L| adian bong C1`l(3.>`, noox z., rage 1.1. 5. Boys Choir, unchan`-g'ed voices, Maximum, 12; Hercs 2: Health tn His Majesiy (unison) School and! Community Song Book (Vogt .-mdf '-Villan). } r: \7in1in Rnln. 11-16 vears: Ga: i A{?.L'oma11 there was who madle nause- work her god, And toiled at it early and late ; She cleaned and she scrubbed till the neighbors were awed, At the order and shine of her place. -Villan). G. Violin Solo, 11-16 years; lants All, M-acklin (Fischer Ed.) '7 \7n(-21] Rnln, svh-ls 13 ve.n*s and lants All," .`\'1d(:KllI1' \L'lSL'!1er Lu.) 1 '7. Vocal Solo, girls 13 years and` under; Early 0110 ;V1o1'n1ng', Mur l dock B_ (K0) 1".) ; Q \.7nr-111 Qnln 0`i1'1.Q 14-182 Th1`! \iar(1en, L.crnmann [UI1a.1)'pB1 oz uu.) ` 9. Vocal Solo, boys uncvhangedi voices; John Peel (Novello Unison! Songs Omit Descant). } 1n pnhH'- Sr-hnnl Chorus. mixcd' songs Umn: uescant). 1 10. Public School Chorus, mixed: voices (unison) Have You Sc-cm My` Da odils '2" (1'. G. Ru.srsc1l) New 0411-! adian Song Series, Book II. 1 11 T-'i:m.n Tmpt. children under ii .1 doc}; 15_ um}, 1'.) ; 8. Vocal Solo, girls 14-18; There! zuc Fairies. at the ljwtoxn 01 u..`! Garden, Lcmnann (C-happel & Co.) ` 0 vnml Qnln hnvs uncvhzmqedi acnan aong aerles, noun 4;. 11. Pianno Duet, children under ,1 Dance of the Hours, Ponclneilii (Harris Ed.) 3 12. Glirls Chnir. Teen-zLge gL1'1.s Yum I-`uimc oi T...1.tinu~.nicn .cu~ .`-, n1a.ximum 15; Danny Buy um.-aon fRnn_-ax! Xv l".n I I 1. Piano i Op. 49, No. 1 | 2. Violin I l`DnA-`\ IIIZLAIJILUIII ii); (Boosey & Co ' I F..\I2l'I ' U 5 .' 3. Ladies Vocal Duet, Soprano and Coniralbo; When Song is Sweet/ ; Sans-Souci (Key G.) ,5 4. Mezzo-Sop:'a11~o Solo, Slumber 'Song Max Roger (Ditson). ` 5. Recitation, opt,-11 The Stove Pipe Hole (Dr. Drumm-onti). . (5. Conrtral-to Solo Calm as the Night, Bozhm, l{-.'*y Bb (Harris). '7. Tenor Solo; Hills of Home, C Minor; Fox (Fi:-`cl101' Ed.) 8. Soprano Solo; Open Thy Blue Eyes, Key G, Massene`: (Asihdown). 9. Baritone Solo; The Jolly Mill- er" Quilter (Boosey). 10. Mixed Chorus; The Royal Minuet, Beethoven (Arr. C. F. D/Ian-' ney) Wood Ed_ 11 F'lIIl\`Pl1 Chair: "Tllf T\\'ili`_"i`.ti \ Her children walked softly, afraid of 11 n ~.~ 11 .n.v~vnc JVLZIY U. JNUIIC l'UUUl\'L'U. lill./Ul`. 3. Competitors must furnish their own accompanists. Piano to be used for accompanying` all choruses and choirs. A Q.-\':-+u n1n:~4- non-Pnvnw H1 rah` cnorrs. 4. S01-oists must perform their` music from memory. If pe1'forme'rl uses music in any way 21 dmltlction of 8 ma1'k.~x will be m:1de_ K \H nu,~nnn.~ nm'zn `win-.nx', D IXIZLYKH \\'lll UU lll`U.llU_ 5. All p1`e\'i0us prize winne1:, Lfll_','ll)l<. to compete. ` (3. The z1(ljudicator s decision will be nal. r7 A11 n..+..:m. mu;-+ `rm 1-\1n:1n1.1\ no mun. '7. All entries must be made 1n writin,u' and :;ig'n3(l by an-tranwt.. 9. Marks will be zn\':u'du(l as fol- 1o\',`;:: .'-\('cu1z1cy 10, Tone 10, Diction 01- Technique 10. P}:11.~`.i11_J,` 10, 111101`-ly m*e tation and General Effect 50,` |R.}1;.'t:hm 10. Total 100. 1n 1.. ....,1,... n urn:-nl-xvn .. I171:-'1 n.n;rt:mn nu. .1ot:u mu. 10. In order to preserve :1 l1f;;`H st;a11da1'd of per1'o1'mance in all c1z1`.~'- .[ es i` 5.112111 be nrzcessary far 21. com-] petit-or to be zu\'ax'ded the followinjx marks to secmw: prizes: At least 7:3 per cent. for 1st , 70 per cent. for 2nd, 65 per cent. for 3rd. All competitors obtai11in9; 70 perl cc-n'1'. or over will receive a certicate of merit signed by the adjudicator. 9:-hnnl r-hilrlrnn (-nmnnfixw` in :(":rnn`2 o1 merlr. slgneu my me 2J.u_]uu1l:2.l.LUI`. School children competing in .:(.-`u~oo`: chorus a(1mit*ed free. All other oom- pciitors at re_g`ul:xr prices. Committee .\Ir.<. R H. Ki11_r>:, Allandale, P1`v.-4i- dent; Mrs. Theodore McMillan, Cooks- fown, Convener; Mrs. G, G. Green, BrL1(l1'o'rd; Mrs. F. Spvarinnu; B(:<:Lon;| .\Ir.'. S. L. Pzure, Barrie; Mrs. R.: Bogxos, Lefroy; Miss Jean,] l'1:m'nto-n, ` ..q-n`.-`cu-o"- . - ...._. Mrs. C. Bell spent :1 few dag wiU.2 .\Irs_ ( fhz\.<. Thurlow last week. \1.. r... I. . Q.` mmn+ Ti`-1-4. pzuu 2. Enm /Tn" n Ur. Jus. Kelly, S1`., spent Easter with his (i-.).ug'hte1', Mrs. Geo. Hill, in Orillia. \72..+n.. C1-n4,..1.nmr nf LTiH:c1l-1].: 1'. \\'lU`. .\ll'S_ \;HE1:". 1.l1lLl'1U\V lL5b `v\'l.'Ul\'.. ` umua. Victor Stott-. of Hi11: irl ho]i at G00, Z\[ui1"s Mr. J. L. Cz1,\'n(-, of Toronto, spent Ed.:<`u1- at Jos. Hall's. .\Ii.<.< Grace Swan spent Easter at `my homc in l C. B. Milburn \'isited his mother at Orr Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. A_ 1\`IcG1'ego1-spent .110 week end in Barrie. A un.-u nninunknl 4-{run `U-flu cnnnf She s\VCp1} all her beauty and gladness away, Her past is sealed in the tomb, On her monument gray, they have V;-. carved, so fhtey say, `A duster, 0. ntop, and a. broom. no \\'eeK end 111 mu-me. A very enjoyabel time \va.s spent m \N-e(h1<-.-',(1z'.y evening: when about T3 t'1'ivml.~' ;:utAl1<-1`(.-(1 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'l`yson Johnston in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reid (nee Elsie Cumming`). The evemng \\`a.~7 spen`: in gz1m~e-s, followed by 21 miscellaneous shower. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. A dainty lunch was served, after which a. couple of h|ours dancing was enjoyed. Mica M nrv Sh-:1`.fh snent Easter with I aancmg was eruoyeu. l .\Iiszs Mzxry Strafuh spent Easter with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Cumming. FERGUSONVALE 3: bu ' Evening Session `A Qnln r\nnn' T EVel'lIng 38551011 Solo, open; R1gau . 2, ;IucDowc11 (Sc-hmmt). ` Qnln nnnn - nnvn1'.iT\:!. . 2., i\i'dC1JU\\ U1L \o-.;'uuuuu;. . S010, open; Cavatina` IIIUILUIID ` anmteu 1- rsou who zrfo-rxning must not ednersday, :1`. nish 0 ruses mu their perform-e'1 I .luc`rion 2 '""" I days 1 \\'nnL , `scAmm'ciuBL ,;HEARS ABOUT BOOKS; I A J E} Y n : Inas 110 real (."0I11<'d.L'L wivn uuiuzui .lit;`. One does read rubbish, said Mr. Sanderson, and people do want a book that moves rapidly from page to page, but you don t have to Lead` (lope stu . We should substitute 1'01 ' ,lig`ht, trivial stu' that means nothing, =bo-olm Uhai. will iiiiprove our uiider-'1 astanding, and that will give us :1 ical ' contact with life. The speaker re- ferred to such books 20,000 Years in Sing; Sing and two recent. novels [by Lord George, which give us a `ubrue picture behind the .~:ccnc:. oi the pre-war period. He also made nieiition of a book entitled NzL`.u1'e`.s Return, written by a. Slavian iizum.-d `Admaick. Books like these lmvel plenty of swift moving acnion zmcli {give us a true contact with human- 2113: - l Mr Rnmlplrsnn also referred to the 1 nur CHJIULUH \\u.1l\l:|.l auxuy, cu.1.cuu u; her n-2-rvrzs, She took all the joy out of life ; And mhe man she had mzuwicd oft asked if hc d found A cleaning machine or a wife. At the Women s Canadian Club monthly meeting held in the Public Library Hall Tuesday evening, Mr. C_ R. Sanderson, Deputy Chief Libraiian. Toronto Public Library, gave `some very helpful and educational points on selecting the best books `no read, `in his address entitled High Brows and Low Brows." Mr. Sanderson in opening his ad- dress made a plea. for the middle broxx-`, which he termed in two ('lL1.~: es of readers. Firs. the c-liaser type who are everlastingly chasing a1'te'r some- thing new, and those who are so . busy reading that they have in reality | no time to read at all. Secondly, the dope reader. This class, the speaker said, is extremely hard to understand. Tliey are always seek I Lug after the strong`, silent man stull`, ` the falsied type of book with plenty of action and movement, but which has real cioniiaet with human .ife. f\~~.n tlnncs I-and 3-nl'\l`\iu.l1 cnlrl l\/ll` ' ; 113 1`; Mr. Sanderson also referred 'ig'rew1; poq)L1lzL1'ity of books written by` `such audlhors as Jane Austm, Scuti, !iDickens and many others. Tnese "writers all had a new way of look- .` ing at life. .3 n`. .1... ._..:,l mu. C<....,),u._nn xrn` uub mu .._. V. To-day, said Mr. Sanderson, we have the new school of mo(le1'nists wlo (lo not deal with day to dayi things, but with minute to minute` st;ufi`_ Just av present people are` ;crazy over Joyce, who is at n1o(le1'n~. 'ist. She has a `.`lt'l\V` of life, :1 life which is in the subconscious. In try- ing to bring rtlhe consciousness out of w=_ iailu subconscious the inodernist can`?- igive it words and Ihas to make up his iovvn l21nguag'e. People try so hzud to iniuke out this higih brow stuff inn. 9 it almost knock; them ofl their fee` ;'1`he speaker then cited illstances c from various 'high-brow plays tha. ale v 1 lonly a \\'a..~:te of time to read. ..I 'l`:hn lmnk tint Mr. Sanderson re- Iomy \\'a..~>Ee 01 Lulu-: w rcuu. The book that Sanderson conmnemled is the middle-brow book one to keep your imellect alive with-| out making you feel all washed up w . If 1c,~tuc;- is not the whole salad it- ` self, it is at least the foundation, and this supremacy is rig`-htfully won 1'01 `H 1': nnp n+' the most delicious Of thei sun. Cos l-ettuce is the lazy man's de- lig `: for it will produce the maximum quality leaves with the least effort. IL is a type between the leaf and the lhead \'a,1'ieties, \\"n.(:re the leaves tend LETTUCES YOU CAN GROW V` V 1 Into of folks who think they hswl` ` indigestion have only an acid t-ondititn which could be corrected in ve or tail minutes. An effective anti-acid lihi Phillips Milk of Magnesia soon resboru | digestlon to normal. | o... -n-, _ 1 _ . , . -..._ _u\. ..n I-hob uurh-I gas right, aftur meals. It 5; use vulta the distress so u to occur 1...... Philli does away wtu: a.u wan nfhar antintt t, 3 pleasant? I 1339 UISIZTUSB B0 It I- IIU NIVIJAA u~-| bun utter eating. pleasant; nrntiontotakel Andhowgoodithl the system! Unlilm a burning doc: d cods-which in but tanxporuy relic! Q host-Phi11ips Milk of Mtlgnt-nix ncu- ' hdiua many times its volume in Next time a hearty meal, or 1.00 I did. has brought on the leak. diseam? hut 1-v-- l Nurse Scott, of ihe V.O.N., in her report for March, at the executive meeting of :ihe branch on Tuesday evening, showed that a totzu of 224 visits had been made. DLL1'i.n-g the month 66 patients were under `u1';- nv c11Y\n1'vicin`n 0+` HIPRO. 21 \V(3YL` - ` | Philli doe with all that sour-' nrmnn ?-ixrhf. n.ftA!l' 97.` whenraod ` Soars j 1 PHILLIPS Mm. . .I.l.l-.u.I|..u. u... 1' Milk , of Magnesla The Northern Advance l lto fold into 3. head, and may he did- ed in this by tying them in such a postion. Like the rest of the lettuces, it is best during the early and cooler weather, but it is also excellent dur ing the warmer season, when it will pull through the liigher t01nporatu1*e:; with amazing fre:;'lmcss l A11 n-F Hm lr~H'.11(`r> lilco :1 1`l('l1 (li.`f"{v `I \\ 1tl1 amazmg Ire:;'1mess All of the lcttuces like 21 rich loam soil, with adequate: m0istL`.)'0. Order Your Stationery Business Forms and Counter Check Books In Barrie All Orders Will Receive Pvopmt Atten_tion--Phone 53 Northern Advance montn DD pauents \\'-ere uuucr uu; or supervision. Of these. 21 new cases, 35 carried over from February, and ten carried for collec- tion-. The new cases consisted of seven medical, eig`h`t pre-natal, two surgical and four new bubiues. 0+` nhn vi R6 wm-n no charm` ENVELOPES SHIPPING TAGS TICKETS INVOICE FORMS CALLING CARDS LEDGER LEAVES CARDBOARD SIGNS HEAP the PLATES Low Prices and Good Workmanship Quality The Best ` Patronize Home Industry COL. THE HON. THOMAS L. KENNEDY 1.; A... .3.-4: Minister Plant then`. in ?o`.`.'.-1 a f'n.ot to inches apart, \\ith 4`) to 12 1l1Chc.~` tween the plants of the cos and I 5 inches bet\\:em1 the leaf \'z11'ivtI\ < nf 11r\nr] 1!`-f'n'l`l{`(\ H` D mcnes De?\`.'eL'11 Lm: 1::2u \u1u'Ln .~. In the case of head lettuce, more time and eifort must be =pt.-ni. I is rs: necessary to plant the . in 22 Lox in the house a month before .=r)ttin_2' t~`n.-:- .' out in t` 9111'- den. Cool wc-atiu-1' and f:`..`- .;:or.t LETTERHEADS SALE BILLS GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYMPATHY CARDS LEDGERS BUSINESS FORMS surglcal and I01.`L1' new names. Of who visits 86 were no charge .01` visits to mothers zmd babies up to six weeks after birth, also pre- natal visits. There were also 47 free bedside care visrs. VWL...-.,.`l1`knkw nHrn'n:- uvnuu `nl.-ul ETHEE I 3 i: `the secret of succe.=.= with this de- I ll(`]0llS type, and when too much mun `:':\t.-`nu 1_.`.wm.. are likely to run up in seed i11s.=te'a.(l of he`.-.(lin;:'. Keep the aoil moi.~=t. :1.n do not plant in a loca- tion `-hut gets the full sun all day. Cultivate well so as to have a dust mulch present at all times. zmrl give 21 little i'e1'tilizer about the time the heads begin to form. James B. Fairbairn neputy Min ster STATEMENTS CONCERT BILLS CHEQUE BOOKS NOTE HEADS SHIPPING BILLS SALES COUPONS CHURCH FORMS n :1 #5 C N \ ` lg IYCC DCdS1(l(.` V151 Three well-baby clmics wow 211-;-d with an attenclance of 60_

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