Page Twr lav-u Fiona 218 UITYI`. ... Phone 53 vlghono 82. l I will always be a plebian myself, but I am in favor of titles for Can- adians, if they are restricted to those who really earn them, E. W. Bea`ty, ])1`(:1 of the Canadian Pacic {ailway Cmopany, observed in an in- te1'vie\\' at Ottawa. Mr. Beatty niade it plain, however, he is opposed to- heredita>ry titles here. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES R--o-2- I1.-..-...l. ` DR. N. w. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention Obstetrics Associate Coroner for Simcoe County Office and Residence 50 Mary St. Phone 101 pmce Hours: s-9.3o, 11-230, 6-8.30 rn1m.uuuV AJVU aununun Ofce 51 Dunlop St. West of I`.0.. I Square, Second Floor) Residence: 144 Maple Avenue ' Phone 700. DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Office and Reaidence-Corner Elisa- bert and Bradford 5., Barrie. Phone i Ofce Hours: 9-10 a.m., 1-8 p.m.. 7-8 p.m. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Phone 213 47 Map]: Ava. Oice Hours: 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M_R., Ascxnoinfn Pnrnnar I1. 1. ulnne, lVL.U. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coronet County of Simcoe. The Northern Advance is equipped to handle All Kinds of Printing from a Business Card to a Catalogue, VVUAVLIIAIV Associate Coroner, County of Simcoo Phone 61. Ofce-58 Collier St. Oice Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. DR. WALTER H. WOODROW EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST l'\..:|I:- f\...A....:_ I b1l`J&l.o1.`-kL.13l.' Ori lia, Ontario ]will he at the Queen : Hotel, Burk, Every Saturday. 9 to to 12 noon, and by appoint- ment. IJXDAV 1. #111 D UI\o\.!.K`:\JJ.V Post Ofce Square Telephone 580 Above Express Oice 1 FLIIJLSILFLD 1 D 82A Dunlop St. Phone 40` Electric, Hydro, Physio and Electionlc Treatments. Massage and Corrective Adjustment: Blood Tests and Urinalysis Home or Office Rates Reawnablu A us`...-.-.. ............- --... Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and` fl` Chpel in eonnoodoa. Established 1589 m_-_- an n-..:- (A-5 LIEU. K. AND L. A. DLJIKIVU Licensed CHIROPRACTORS and DRUG-LES. THERAPISTS CI. a-IA r\_.__I..._ DL.._- AAI FAVORS TITLES IF EARNED DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN kucnniolrn Pnrnnnr ("Anni-u A0 OI-um... THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1934. Look over your :requirements and place your order with the Advance. J. H. N. SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Tu-Q K1 I'\u..In.. Q5 \XI...-:. .5 D GEO. R. AND E. A. BURNS T :11:-xv-natal` \ll\Il`\l` \JI\IJI'4I\ \Jr I`Lll Barrie Branch MISS BEULAH SCOTT -Phone 1l47w-- G. G. SMITH 8: CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS DR. A. F. PERKINS DENTAL SURGEON CG-.. C .... ICJK "l`-l....L.. I00 I Barrio, G-I. Nnrthern Ahuanre Printers in Barrie since I847. DOWN TPHONE353 The Hoover Hedlime ea- ables you to clean beta: mdmore easily-ondub est days, in darkest coo- nets, without overhead light. The Hoover is the only cleaner equipped -.-Sol. O"-ma LI`nAl3a-- T"\n` VH1, usbnuua usluxtltlvin widx the Hedlite. Liberal Lu J.A\r\o.I.u.- a4:uw.Lunn ;.'li:wance for old electric cleaners. Telephone for no-obligation Home Trial without delay. |cluLl1U.l`UU DU, No one can tell at the present time \vhat effect this will have on the total production crop of 1934. The low price of wheat for the past few year.< I may have the effect of lowering the acreage 01' wlleut sown to even more than 15 per cent., and then agzjain with favorable crop conditions, the [yield may be _;'reate1' than in past svears. | . I I I This is news indeed! Now, for a limited time you can get one of the new Hoovers-- either the Popular-Priced Model or the Two-Speed I-Ioover--complete with Dusting Tools or Dustette, for a. down payment de- cidedly less than usual. Hoovers, as you know, are lower priced-and more ei- cient. All models have the patented, exclusive cleaning Iction, Positive Agitation, the only effective principle for dislodging rug-ruining, embedded grit. I ` ll ' yczus. i More attention is being paid Lu dis- :tribution, which seems to be a Very important factor at the present time xPeople are starving: in Various parts Iof the world, while elevators and i granaries are overowing with \\'11eat. `If this grain could be directed to inhose channels where bread is lack- Eing, there would be no ca.1'1'yoVer of wheat to-day. pnnnin nnrl not-inn: urn ]'\on'1'v1n:nrr \ The O-11'.z11'io Govo1'mne11t will pay 1111211 c111p1o_vcd on the '1`1'.111s-Cu11:1d:1 11igl1\\*:13' con'st1'ucti.o11 $2 21. day and ".1... .......1J 3 (lay, some 25,000 who would ot:l1c1'\\'isc nuxvc little to do, will be employed luring .l1c sunlmcr. Sixty C()I1'L-:3 pm day will be deducted for board and lodging, and the workers will be givon the $211110 amount of 011511 21.5 1111:`. I been done during` the wimer llwnths. `The balance of ea1'ning's will be used 10 takn 1-nrn nf' 'f'n1nilinq m- ntlmv .L\_ Iuluu \;nuyAu_y'L:u Uu uuu Llilllb-\/cllliluil . ' LIIU uzuzuicc 01 ea.1'111ng's Will be used to take care of families or other (le- pendents., this in most cases i\elic'vi11g n1~unicipali~Lic~.' and the wG.ovemm1enf from paying dim-ct relief 10 auclw. fainilics. All the eamings of single men who l1-ave no dependents abovu $10 21 month and board and lO(lg`i11f_,_ costs, will be banked to their clcdi. till the end of the season. T`nn nnfl-nv in fir-\ F ... ..,...l -L`-.. uu me enu 01 me l The outlay to the Govermnent for ll;hi.s work will involve 21 weekly ex~ ponditure of about $300,000, but in View 01' the unc-mp1oymue'n't sizuuuon at the present time and the effect of the morale of thousands of able- bodicd nu,-n, it is a wise move on the 5p`a1't of the GoVe1'11mez1t. Much of -this money would have to be spem in any event to furnish the nc.-;.= sities of life. The bui.1dinl-g of roads, while not a direct available assut, is a Ilccessury expencliture. OUTLOOK FOR WHEAT EXPORT!` The world s c:u'1'yove1' of wheat on g .~\.ug"ust lat next\\`i11bc- 1,100,000,000 busiw1.'~.', or about U110 same as 1215'? year. What the 1934 crop of wheat will be is p1'oblumutical, according` ltr) :1d\'i(-(1. _n':mhr=-Tnrl ad: Hun Tnfm-. Inn; UL: L5 }_J1UUu:11`.uL1Ca1, z1C(:01'(11I1;. ,` to advice g'2mhe1'e(l at the Inter- 1w.ti0`.w.i Wheat Conference lneeting in Rome. According to an agreement in London last year, wheaxt producinvg count1'ies agreed to limit a.creag`e sown by 15 per cent. Representatvea 01' Those t f)llW1'.)'i(\< 1-nnznvinnri H1-4+ Hui: 'party behind him. The inanner in which Premiei Henry has conducted the adminis`.ra- tion 01' the province will now be judged by the electorate. It ca" be -iruly said that his leadership during the past session has ;reputation . . . In marked contrast to added to his the Opposition leaders, he will con- front the electorate with a united For the Liberals`, the concluding session of the Legis- _lature must have been a great (lisap~ pointment. It was just before the openinng due of the Assembly that they decided to drop the House pilot. `Mr. W. .\'. Sinclair, l{.C., an able and (liscerning leader, had declared that he was prepared to co-opemte wi:.h the G0\`e1'mnent in the passage of such measures as he might judge were calculated to advance the wel- fare of the province. From the nar- row, partisan point of view, nhis was a false step. To a certain element in the Liberal party co-operation with the Go\'ernmez.t in any circu:nsLance.- and under any conditions was an idea that could not be lOlCl'`.tCLi. So Mr. Sinclair was deposed from the inner leadenship. Mr. Mitchell F. Hepburn, the party leader outside `.he Leg;iala- ture, but constantly looking` in, at" 21 vpolitu-al :L,;,rg`vesso1- is what he terms a hundred pe'.'center. It was hi. will that ever_\'t11ing coming from the Con. .<`hould be opposed tooth and nail, that the l\Iinist.ry and all its work: should be assailed from every po.<.~:ible an_2;l<:, tainted wnh scandal and eonfoumled by cliarg,-;es of ineptitude and ext1'a\'ue,'a11cc. But the great ofl'eni. `hat was pl..n11e was not executed. 'l`hn (`mm-..~:o-:n.. c..:1:..... . sun 11 Uy .LO per cent. nepresen1:a1:ve-: of :hose countries rep`-orbc- d that this ag'1'cen1ent, they believed, would be addwred to, \ n nh/. nnri A11 n4- 4.1. ....,..,\..4. 42..., Short time only UJIUJI L '\\'it'h 1 I yield 1' iyears. \V=1lUdl: LU`(la.y. People and nations are beginning to realize that the herding` of wliuezzt, or anything else, has its reaction. If a few nu'l_lion bushels of wheat were lsent `.0 China, where thouszLnd.~: are `(lylng of stzuwation every day, the ,world surplus would soon be deplet- ed, the farmers of the wheat-gr0win;: countries would benet, and the spirit lof world b1'otherho0(l bro'.1d ened_ I I l | l EMPLOYMENT MORE HOPEFUL `ONTARIO GOVERNMENT '- . VIEWED FROM OUTSIDE` ` \\u.:s HUL cxucutml. The Opposition, failing,` to zL_e;i-cu aiiiongst themselves`, even over :he Beer Bill, \\".1..s painfully weak. l`\v:) Ch21.1`'(.'.\' ol,':<.cm1(lul \\'<:.-1'0 0XD10(lL3(l. They went oil` like Jzunp .s:1uib.<, and the G0\'(,-i'nm(:nt cmnr: th1'0u1.';h Lin: 5es.~:io11 with its 1~c-cord ui1larni.shcl, ills: pm-sti_0,`0 unh:1nco(l. Its 1nC'l1)(.`l'.`-'. and .\'up1)0rL01`s`, Unereforc, may n~o\\.` go into the constituenciwes wibh heads hip;h and 1`0.~:t their case for a new mandate on the merits of what was accomplished under the one filial, IS about to cxpire.-I\'Iont1'cal Gzizutiu. The picture of retail 1n<:1'cha11dix ing in Canada, as presented uy Mr. |Hovughz1m at the mt.-ct;ing' of the 11, `tail Mo1'ohants Association on Tues- day night, showed that the independ ent mcrdhants, if they are going to confiinuo in business, must co-opeiatzo more and gain the condence of thr- buying `public by service and the per sonal touch. -` - . vv --~ w-v v vuvv-v-v , ` , . , Pubshed at 123 Dunlap S1,, U n-rie. every Thursday @1112 Nurtlyvrn h} Punk-luocl Jul 17'! I1-...l.-... C} II M. D. MORRISON. The Northern Advance $4.95 .::;DI'TOR:r-&L Mitcliell I-Iepl)u1`n s tour t.l1rcugl`% the norJll1e1'n part: of the province must have been sadly poi11fL::lg. He s`.:u'tc(l out with the iIr1e11`.io1l of l10l(llng some twelve lllL`L`tl!`.g'S_. bu`. re:Lu1'ned :-.l`te.1- _~pe:xkil1g only four Dimes. The people in Ll1e nu:'.l` realize Um . the m`e. Govt-r111'..enul` lrl -I.'l`\'irH_0' fn aln ll1n vnu-xv ln-cf --r-.~-il-- i 1\_`uu14L' mu. uxc ()1`L`S(!llL Lxuvt-1'll1'..un~l` -L"yi:ll_E.," to do Lhc very Vest; '1J()S.$HJI1,,` ; for 3/110111, zmd .~:h0\\'<*:{ that they Exam [little use for Hepbuvx-n s motho revealed when an analysis is imul; of` the avcragc age 01' p.c1'son:= (l_\`l1l'.: from d`i:1bOt0S, both before insulin was developed and after. {Such :1 sltrudy of all tlcilli-ll`S in tlie United: States 1'c-g'ist1'ution men from 1910 1-0] [929 sh-ows lial: insulin has lll(."1`cL>"x,'Ll the life span of the vicvrzim by five years. Prior to 1922, when imuiin became available, diabetics died at` the average age of 55 yeztrs. The gure `has now been raised to 59.73 years, accordiiig to the study made. The value of insulin tl'(.`1ll'lllL`lll', isl l I I do suggest `.vl1a.t' .iS Ontziriu is practica.Ily he only .-mea. on the North American condinent that Lad not some such beer sale provision: it was going rablier far to claim tslmf. xi. 0 i alone were right and all the rc-.~, wrong`. This was not an issue of beer sale or no beer sale . . . and while some do 1iega.1`(l the sale by the `glass as a loosening` up it might \V'01'{ out-otherwise if kept stri;-tly under `control and enforrcemcnt.-~ Harry Nixon. Premier Henry will enter the com- ing` provincial election with his cab inet as at present constituted, with hhe possible exception of Hon. J. R. Cooke, chairman of the Ontario Hydro COl11l11l.~.".~'lOl`., who may drop out and devote all his energies to the Hydlro chairmanship. Rumors lhad it 1Jl121'.i Hon_ William Finlays-on, Minister of Lands and Forests, and member for East Simcoe, was going` to the Supreme Court Bench and 7,11-at his party would have to look else\\ for an East Sim-" coe standard bearer. It is now: known, however, that Mr. Finlay. will be in the thick of the ght and` that when he again secures his rid- ing nomination he will not only launch a campaign in his own riding but will play an active par. in the general appeal of the Government. Tho (.n11,w21-vn+.1'1rn nnrfu ;u 1--an-',ll-.v guucr-a.i appezu 01 we uovemmcnt. ! The COI1S`C1'\`i1tl\ 0 pazty is rapidly` a.r1'a.nging its riding convention~s and laying down a planfom itino1'zu'y for bhc various ministers. Centre Simcoe Th-e riding` convention for Centre Simcoe will be held in Barrie on Sat urday, April 21st, when a candidate will be selected to oppose Dr. L. J. Siinpson, present Liberal member. Premier Henry will address the gath ering, also Mr_ J. H. Harris, M.P., Toronto; Hon. Wm. Finlayson, Min-i ister of Lands and Forests; Earl Rowe, M.P.; J. '1`. Simpson, M.P.; A. B. 'I`}1ompson. M.P., and J I E. Jamies-on, M.P.P. Thnvn :11-rx crn-nu-nl nu-uh-nn+.. in A`..(.l Ill. UHIILIUSUII, lV1.I. .1 . } There are several z1s'pirants in `fne -eld and the party feels condent of redeeming Cenrtro Simcoe. The House of Commons resumed work this week after the Easter moh- day. The p1`obabi1i`ties are that it will be near the end of June before the business of the session is cleaned 1111 -\H Hun vnrn-n I`n\`I\nrf-\n+ m....;-.....r__ _up. All the more impo1'ta.nt measu1'e= me uusiuess 01 me session IS (.'J.C.'J.1)C(l considered before the 1'CCC:S liave tol be concluded. Several new ones, some of great importance, are ye`; to come. That azmual p1ctu1~e--the budg'et-is sure to take COl15l(lL`l`iblL` iime. The marketing bill, the fa.1'm;~' credit legislation, the CC11t1'a.lbE1]1k. and the act renewing bank c'l1a1-tu-s, will all involve con.~:i(leirable discus SIGN. Thrift offer I As Pzu'liament resumed this week] it was confronted with a p1~o;_-;ra.m| more extensive than it ever looked for at `he start, also more important. Whille here has been no denite as- surzmce that an election will not be held this year, the lzu'g`e1- p1*obab'.li`y is against an appeal. Circumstances may, h-owe\'e1', (l(3(3l(l'0 othe1'\\'ise. Tvlvnhfq nnf 4'-nu .vl1'ul--n-.4 anal. nu .. Iuuy, u'Uwu\`U1`, ueciue OT.l1C1'\\'1SC. Events not far distant, such as a by-election and provincial election. may be of utility to 1110 Domivion Go\'e1'.nment by serving as tests of the prevailing sentimen`. and sug;gest- inp; just what is the best time to go fn H10 I-nlrnfvv 1111:, Jun. wnzu. 1: to `he country. LONG SESSION AT OTTAWA NO CHANGE IN CABINET Question: Why is emulsified cod- liver oil so important as an added ration with milk in the diet of chiidren? Answer: Because when it is mixed with milk it makes milk a more ef- cient rickets-preventing food and builder of strong bones. Children like it best in the form n5 _ _'scm s Efv..!E!.3lN um! Pubhsher Balance Mont/sly LESSON No. 15 LONDON CONSUMES LESS MEAT l I Dieting and slimming by women and girls, popularity of canned goods with week-enders and unemployment late given as reasons London con- , sum-ed 10,000 tons less of meat dur- !ing 1983 than in 1932, l ll GORDON LONGMAN ` |BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC. ll.._..-. L- I o\--u I DONALD F. MacLAREN, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY TO LOAN l\ ____ .. Tnnunln Rlr`n Rnrr-:9. i CAMERON & CAMERON BA.R.RISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC 5 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 406. MONEY Tn LOAN 1| RADENHURST & HAMMOND ,BA.R.RISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Ofce, First Floor Masonic Temple Building. l\JhJIl4A\ ul. A-a\.v....--.- BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOT- ARIES, CONVEYANCERS, Etc. 3 Owen St. Telephone 69 DADDIW. mxm` `IG. R. Fest;-W 1 LIILLD IUDLJLU Ob Uvn v L`J.I.:xL\\.z;4; | Money to loan in any sums at I lowest current rates. 18 Owen St. - Barrie D. M. Stewart C. D. Stew; HOOVER STEWART & STEWART BARRJSTERS, SOLICITORS, NOT- LRIES PUBLIC & _CONVEYANCERS ll .... .. 5.. Ir... Ir\ uni! guru: nf G. H. Esten ESTEN & ESTEN BARRISIPERS Solicitors in High Court of Justice Notaries Public, Conveyancers 1/Ioney to loan at lowest current rates. Ofce: 1st Floor Masonic Temple B|dg., Barrie. ('1 U Wufnn M H mgtgn ALEXANDER COVVAN l BARRISTER Solicitor for obtaining probate of] N11], guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary Gon- vnvnn nor, ph- BOYS 8: BOYS BARRJSTERS, SOLICITORS, N.OT- ARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, . `F`.'T`(`. U1*`11U1:): 13 Uwnm 51'. In the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce. Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C. J. R. Boys u. r. McL;uA|u, u.A. Succesaor to Creawlcke & Bell BAR.R.IS'I`ER, SOLICITOR, ETC MONEY T0 LOAN (`.12--. D..- nhnanlo R--mi` I FUNERAL DIRECTOR 47 Elisabeth 3!, Fiona AMBULANCE SERVICE .-_,. An inch of time, I m'to1d, Is worth its length in gold I Lxu. Money to Loan at Lowest Rate: of Interest I'\`CTI41'I'f`Y7. 10 IX7`:`\Y QT Witb Hedlz'te- Only 1:. ; u. Money to Loan Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie. LVlUJ.`u`.n.l LU uu.-xn Masonic Temple Bl-:lg., Barrio. IVIUJNJIII. 1U DUAL` Ofce: Masonic Temple Bldg. Northern Advance Wedd`ing S tatzonery LVIULVIJI LU IJUAJV Ufco: Rou Block, Barrio. FOSTER & McCARTHY #____ ` 01` Interest OFFICE: 13 OWEN ST. .n nvnrnicna 4'nvvn1uv-Iv not-n'r\h en Dt., barrle. rnone MONEY T0 LOAN UIICIKII QUIIUIUUL, JVUDGI veyancer. etc. MONEY TO LOAN ..-. l\lI....n..:.. T.......I.. R YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS Here's one detail of the wedding that need not worry you a parade For our announcements and invita [ions are correct `en at. I cxepnon BARRIE, ONT. P. C. LLOYD Business Directory MCCUAIG, B.A. 4-A rnuvulnlrn R1 1: T. A. McCarthy I l'&KB8u B arrie 'C. Stewart You'll rind our Prices Reasonable B. M. H. Esten Correct We carry a full line of Magistrates ,_ Constables and Coroners Forms, also Farm and House Leases.