Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Apr 1934, p. 8

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pu1u1~eIu;1ary. Other recommendations were that the deparlmen,a.l examinations be` held and completed in June, and ex ` amination fees of $1 and $1.50 per subject be abolished; `olmt Upper School subjects be included in the principals recommemlat-ions; that the department pass legislation nleescury` to g'ua,ra.ntee the rataepayers of 1 11l`8.l municipalities the space for which they had paid in urban high schools. :. onuwlau of which 7 There were I Rain Snow | was held, '7 n .-Inn? \.uuu;l':`l.`.l1, * ing excel- I_ Row: 9051 .5, out me the side~ Tenders will be received by the. undersigned for the purchase of L01. Number 59 on the south side of Coi ` lier Street in the Town of Ba.r'1`e.| being the `old Opera House, up tilll no~o.n of Friday, April 13th, 1934.; The highest or any tender nort neces- sarily accepted. A W Q.`J'7.!"'I"`r.1' to APRIL 28th, 1984, inclusive. : The DANGER ZONE will be CAMPl BORDEN AREA lying` between the` following boundaries: NORTH--1'st, Road North of Mad River; EAST-I Brentwood line due South; SOUTH} --Tiogz1 to Baxter; WEST--Line, one mile East: of Lisle Line l L. R. La.FLECHE, i Dmmtv Mini-.~'m- i .uu;a.11y every ne:m had been mruutcd. IS. L. Page said that the Central Oro :1; Club held at most successful b`a.1'n imeeting at Haxwkes`-one nd as a re- 3 3 sult 21 large part of the lerds i'u Orol mhad been treated_ *. Stewzm: Bell reported on the Inter- 1 Club Vino Pmoducts Competition, and . asked all clubs to sponsor the grow- t ing of vine products to make as good` via showing as possible at the Barrie} 2 Junior air. Bwsoxvn & Co. had agreed to p1'oc'u~re the best seed pos- sible. I |Uy Dllbh` FIUIUH. J.`]NIl(:'1'. I At the joint meeting, Miss E(I;;.1J I Sczmlon gave a plea.~ving' solo and M `Page led in :1 sing:-song. Repo!.~"-.19, fan the Summer Camp, M1`. Page said; that `prepa1'a.t'ion1s were undcu` way] to hold n two-clay camp at`. Geneva[ Park, Orilliu, some time in June, and :1 pro~_-'ran1 was being prepared. The cost would be only $1.75 per person` D91` day. i -.._ .....-....5 .uu.uuu.c Lloyd Arnold, of Painswick, in an instructive talk, described the menace |tihat the Starling bird is getting to lbe. It was in 1890 that the Starling` 1 bird was rst broug'ht to Ainerica, when several were placed in Central Park, New Yomk, as ornaments. By 1909 they had increased so, that for 75 miles around New York they be- came a nuisance. To-day there are millions of them allover the Uuited States and Canada. If they keep on increasing in the next few years as they -have, farmers will get little ' grain from their crops. T`hey go in locks of 50 to 1,000, and swoop down on a eld, the crop in a short time. The sparling; can do more dmaage in half a day than all `the insects will do In a year. Lloyd said that they had some experience \\'if.h the sparling last summer, when a twel\'e-acre eld of oats was p;ac- tically (lestroyecl in a day. Advocates Trap Lloyd had a l]TlI lll.tlL'1-: trap w:hic:h he had made to catch the sparling, and urgetl that the Junior Farmersl make a number of these traps to toss. them out. It cov.1'si.=ts of a wire cage, cube shaped, about six feet each way. l On the top is a circular opening about 12 inches across, from \`."hlCl1 a funnell about 14 inches,i tapering to about 3 inches at the bot- tom. Some bait. is set in $110 trap, and once a sparling or two gets in, they will call their mates. A trap such as this -has caught. up to 200 birds inu a _day. The cost of making the L up I would be about $3. Lloyd agreed Lo` get the wire netting; at wholesale cost for any -club interested. .q T. pawn coir] ln lwrnl nn+ n-1 n\\1| LU1` any -Clul) LI1LCl'CST,C(l. S. L. Page said he had not gixun the ma.t;ter very much -1zhoug1ht U. mil recently when at the O.A.C.,: G.ue1ph, he learned that the spzuiing was getting to be a real pest, de- stroying` crops, fruit, fruit. trees and young forests. Any Y`nCLSlll`0S that will combat this pest were worth while. 1 I.._.Z.... I,,_A!L,,n. , \V`IlllUa Junior Institute Owing to the condition of the roads {there was but a small attendance at the Junior Insritute meeting in the! .Ag'ricultura1 Board Room. A paper} Ion Flowers in the Home Surround- ings, prepzrretl by Mr. Geo. Vickels, was read by Alice Tuck. The roll call was answered by 11zm11*11.g 21 fav- orie ower or shrub, and the repzit of the election of officers was giwn by Miss Helen Fisher. I Af. Lhn ininf rnnr-Hn`n< M;cL- TF1}.-u J t v . _,-.... The p'rcsentation~s `M. D. Morrison, who s.-1*es=;e('. tin; need of leadership of the right kiru in the world to-day. To live the full- ;est life there must Dc`a silarin: V-I ;life, and service to our fellow man }count:s for more than aziything E The Junior F`a1'h1c'1's of Simcoc Coun- ` ty we-re givi-ng leadership to the \\'i10iu {province in T.h'C11` -.1c1\'it1cs, `_ was impoivtant. that this 1cade1'sh~1p bx: of the hvig'=hest type_ I Rn:-`n uni.-..',...4,i . V =' were ixizulu J3` and it' vs. mu, uisuwsou |_\ j_Jk:'_ ; Both recipients expressed theiz up-! =p`rcciaf-i011 of the honor of Doing :, chosen as winners of the trophies l ;_vund assured that they would e-n-I ljdczwor to do everything possible to] `fu-illior the cause of the Juniors in} `tihoir dist1'ict. Eu;.;'_ei1c Smith \\`as' `awarcled the trophy in his district for ";bl1c third year in succession and he `ihas given splendid lou(lm':=iiip in the lJunio,1' Fariner movement. Stuv.`zu't ` ; Bell in North Simcoe has duzring; the -pzL.<':: yea; given much enc.oLv1'ag`e1nent I t to other club members by ".is leader- ] ; Ship. l 1-: . -n.. E Fred Fiuhcr, new p1'L-'bidC!1|t of the `Barrie Juniorrs, pre-sided at the meet- `ing, and several mat?.e1's were dis- -cussed. He 1'epo'1'ted that activities to combau the Warble Fly had met `with much success in some districtsj, and in the south part of Vespra prac- .tical1y every he:1*d had been mrezxted. |S. Pzure said hlmt H11. (`.:m+.-nl nvn Ur. Farmers and; 1; Homemakers; ouncoe g'1vmg' the ; Junior F;.11-mars ~ year. rp;__h __`_ ,,. .- .-uu1L4141;1 BICACTICE wlil take] place at CAMP BORDEN butxvceng the hours of 8 u.m. and 5 13.111. daily,` Sundays excepted, from APRIL 17:11. to APRIL I DA NERD 'Zn\nr mm 1",. n \ uh f NORTHERN ADVANCE TROPHIESi i _ GO TO S. BELL AND E SMITH A feature of `ll1;l\ .. Wu \-1\'\ .-.5: SALE OF PROPERTY The Starling Menace 3 A,,,,uu .-n. ' A. W_ SM`-ITH, Clerk-'T1'n 2:` i the Barrie disL1'iU.! n1r>pf.ina- nh 'Fnn< I W _ D.m'.?.'L'1'l'1, Clerk-Treasurer. I Young Cmaservaive Rally Legion Hall, Barrie Friday, April 13th, 8 p.m. Speakers, Hon. V'Vm. Finlayson and oth/ers '-`___ Ag, , A n. Dancing After Annual Bridge and Dance l:0f0.F. Temple, Thur, Apl. 12 Miss Elsie Cloughley, Organist Mr. A1e.\'an(ic1- Knox. Choinnaster Sunday, April 8, 1934 , 11 a.m.--.\Io1`ning' VVov1'ship, con-' ducted by the pastor. Srrrrnon by Rev. W. E. Wallace. __ I 3` 2 p.m.--Cru; Class for Young`; Mern. Special Inass meeting for all} young men who wish -.0 attc1.d.'; Special ou`t-of-town spezlkor. * 3 p.m.--Our1` Chu1'c'I1 Sc-hocI_ EVENING AT SEVEN g 1).. 1 ,...:N h: 1A,, Playing Starts 8.15` Sharp. Dancing at 11 Bridge Playing 50 each Dancing 50c per couple Buffet Lunch will be served The Ontario Dept. of Agriculture w time to time to assist the Ontario 1 dairy products to sell his goods i1 -ENJOY THEM TODAY -BENEFIT IN POCKET -BENEFIT IN HEALTH -HAVE VARIED MENUS -SUlT EVERY TASTE Stored with Vitamins, packed with Flavour, Ontario grown veget- ables are equal to the world s best. Nature says: -_ __=--`vegan-$41!; WE`? 17* .n,`m. COL. THE HON. T. L. KENI\nDY. lumca B. I Minister Deputy I THE CANADIAN BANK Capiytal Paid, Up Reserve Fund Then plan to live comfort- ably on the balance of your earnings. In this Way you are bound to succeed--to enjoy life much more, to be indepen- dent When independence means most. 111 ART I`\1r\IIr\ Be generous to yourself. Ontario Department. of Agriculture 701.. HON. T. I knmmnnv u , FIRST of all, when you are paid, pay yourself. Unfailingly set aside a de- nite percentage of your earnings, deposit it in a savings account with us,-- and leave it untouched! Let Nothing Come Ahead of This These splendid products of Ontario s farms are now ready for your table e will publish advcrtisementsfrom io producer of farm. orchard and s in his home market-Ontario. Evrybody Welcome CORN BEETS CARROTS CABBAGE PEPPERS VEG. MARROW CAULIF LOWER POTATOES :-_-_::j- $30,000,000 $30,000,000 REV. E. E. LONG, B.A.. B.D. Minister Lloyd Tufford, Or;::mist and Choir-I xnas-Lct. v Sunday, April 8, 1934 '~ 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.---Thc Minster {} 3 p.m.--'Dhe Church School. H Next weck s discussion at the Hid- wcek Meeting; on the subject Wha` ` `Etr,rnv.l Life` Mcu,n.< to Mc, will bcl led by Mr. A. F. A. Mu1c0m.~'011 :` . ,1 `V 2 If 3. 11.15 THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1934.. ---jj--:-j Pairbairn. Minister CoilierSt. M acn;.~mh I'\'r\1v - For Sale or Ext-.hange--25 acres. 1 , mile from Stayner, 3 miles to Wasag.= Beach, just off highway 26, good buildings, electricity, for moaern home in good residential ln.~n1:+`- ;n Dam-.. For Sa1c-100 acres, good clay` loam, south half of lot 10, Con. 5,` I1_1m':~"l; brick house, good barn and! pxg pen. Apply M. J. I<`1`uwley, Barrle, Ont. .....uumg,s, t:18CE2`lCl`l.'}', for residential locality in Barri-..-. with or without one or two acres 01" land. Wm. J. McConnell, Strx'.'.2:; RR, 1. Phone Stayner 22 or 70. I .2.-__ _,,,,-/ mane 01 plctllms 101' boys and girls. (-i(.v_._- 01- tho A recommendation that the age of Chulrch were (`mDUl-*'01`.\' =1t`<`n(lzmce be reduced | ] St.-}vi('(\< from 16 to 15 years was lost. Those ` Manson Doyl opposing the change fault that it cos.` i speaker for {ah}; less_to lfeep a boy at school than in I mon `in the evq pemf-entlary. peop1e_ `PI nH1nv rnnnrnrmnnrInHnv.:- IIVAWIA 4-1...; `V1\o\ L ``.``:'I1l'J"i'u:""` It REV. LOUIS PICKERING MINISTER ft iE%11EE LOUIS PICKERING MINKTFR uv;4.x;-Vu :11. >J.1L1V1`4xV Rev. Louis Pickcv1'ing will preach Sub_]'(-ct : Dying that We Might. Live" See Our Church Bulletin Board 161'? E`rE.\' & ESTEN, Barrie, SoLicit`ors 1'01` Executors. NOTICE new Llhblil, Deputy Hini;-::e1'. innnl `nn`Fpnr-n t be . i ` 'Mid- ` 1 1 --~--- z~: Wan %. F Xoungi '_v:i.~. 13, L,. 01 1 o.1`onto, attend. : M31`. and Mrs. I. 311'. and M1 ronto, have be nf 5. .Q!'rn (`- The Gift of Love The Gift of Love, :1 religious pan- ztomime. was presented Thursclay` lnight. Marc-l1 29th. by members `of: 1 St. G(:01j2`e .s .-\n;:li('un Church, under 3 the 2lLl.<])lC(:.i of the Women s Auxil- , iary. A musical progiram Look place gr before the pantomime, and included` f'a solo by Dr. Burns, piano solo by` glMi;<-.< Hubbard, duets by Mrs Em .lOgden and Mrs. W. Bayliss, Miss 3` Grace Godden and Mrs. W. Bayiiss. .5 D-r. Burns and Mr. B. Thompson. ' The program was concluded by a vio- lin solo by Master Vernon Seaton. 3 The ne performance of those ta`:- in: part was a'pprecial.ed by the I212-fee, number in attendance-. The scene`; was staged as the interior of a larg'e3 , cathedral, with the altar in the cen--\ 1 A tre and the choir seats on either hl(lC. 3 Miss Clara Spearn read the story,| lwhic-h concerned `ullc gift of a little :,boy, who one Easter Sunday morn-i 1 ing among` the costly gifts of wealthy f patrons clinked his little coin wih all r . humility and reverence, \\'hereupon`J . the my.~'tic;1l bells above the cathedral it alum`, whicli had not been heard for l '= `years, l)C_(,2ll1 to chime, for a gift`1` E had been offered, not with the thought! _ ; of worldly s-how foremost, but withl : the true l spirit, love for God. 1 ' 'l`l`1r-('n. Du:n.~a Mu -"A1 `\ Afternoon Tea 1 The Ladies Aid of the Essa Road f iPresbytc.rian Church held :1 very evn 9 joyuble afternoon tea on Wednesday; flat the home of Mrs. J_ McBa'ide,` ` Cumberlzmd St. Tea was served from ? $3 to 6. Tastefully 211-1-zmg'0d da."odi1s' at nhe tables helped c-awry out the; `Easter color scheme. The ladies ave` Ito be co11g1'atul-2Lte(l on the success of! -; their tea, That the censorship of m-ovin_<.: pic ` ttlrns be t~mnsfcn'0d from the depa1't- ; ment of the pl`o\ in(,'Ia1 t1-casurm~ to the (Ir.-pzlrtme-n` of mlucntion, was re- commended in 21. motion passo un- animously by the Tnlstoes and Ratepayers section of the 0n`4a1-io Educationzul .~\.<.:o(-i:1tion (m VVwdn(`.<- day. As the moving: picuxros have :1 gm-at inuc-nee on the m01'z1l.< of children, it has been for some time felt thah closer censorship should 1): made of pictums for boys and girls. recommendation that Hm mm Ar nun J.1'll.`1'l(IS 111 L110 Clty. ` Rev. N, R. D. Sinclair J 03 very busy man so far t t: tzuting Sunday with ` I E-a..=t01' servic(.~s, txhings {I coming thick and fmt +`m- r 113. Rev, N, R. D. Sinclair preached hc ;Easter services at the Essa Road Presbyterian Church. At the evening` service Mrs. W. Dru-ry rendered :1` solo. 4. cu. n-- ' - SUIU. | At St. rG.eog'e s Anglican Church! `Holy Communion was celebrated at 8 am. and at the 11 o clock service, at which the Rev, G, E. Fierhcller was in ohaa'g`e. At 3 on-T1.-m1, a nun `nu: wmuu nne Rev, G, E. ohamge. 3 o'clock a chil- ;Manson Doyle, of Po.2~oi1_t;f):..'s fspeakor the day directed 11` Imon eveming four the nm- N 12 n v=~~1-=~ -- ; mu: LFLH.` m1.ste1- spmt, love for God. , . The cast included: Pnicst, M1`. Col-` ilim: the Choir; Li`:t1~c Brother, V01 -, ` non Marse1lL1s; Pedro, Hzxrold Kcttlc;} `People who b_rou2'11t Gifts, M2Lrj01'_\'; `M'.u'se]1us, Betty Sim, Edna BooLh,1_ Royce Li-t'1e, Lunda Mm's(.~]1us, D011-J ald Booth, I\'1'a.rgzu'r.-t. Edge,'t` 'l'I1nmp.~ m1, ('l:u'(_~n<`r~ Dum'e1`s. I taster Spvciul ]a`z1.~:tm' brzxtod Sumiuy at Churches. The Y cit,-L_\' B Church were 1-: I ]".:I :~nmy.'...\. .4 us. we nomc OI A. 15. .b`l0c-tham. The Mivses Bessi-e, Do`1'ot;hy and -' Violet 1{i`.1`g' spent the Easte1' h'olida_\'s v with their parents, Mr. and Mrs K. ;H. King. ,1 31:5. I1'{)11.Z-(hm and nhrh-nn I ,pumnew1'1an(1b't., Monday mo1'ning,j ..-\p1-il 2nd. 'I`hc funeral was held` ion Wednc.<.day afternoon, wi`sh Rev. `N. R. D. Sinclair otciating. Enter-` !ment wzts made at Barrie nionl i Cemete-ry. , Ar. ,, -- J , 1-4.;.~wr .~:er\-ices, 1` have been! I coming` and fast for him. Mon- iday Mr_ Sinclair left for Toronto to` `attend Mhe Ontzisio Educational Con-` ivention, 1'etu1min_rI, home to conduct :1. j i'unr:ra1 Wednesday afternoon. and still later ofciate at a quiet \ved- gdinrg at the inzmse. After tying the: ilnztrital knot , he immediately left for| {the city again. I p,vn'un N/I C_.r....l- I Grants will be 1`esto~1*ed to school sections just as .~U0l1 as 1'ev<;x..;e are sufficiently buoyant. to warrant it, said Premier Henry, addressing the Trustees and Ratepayers section of the O.E.A. Curtailment of nances had been pretty general, and the ex- perience gained in economizing to make the best use of funds would re- ect advantageolisly on the expendi- tures of the future. 'F'lm. D1-n1\11'n1n 1...1.'n..-,1 u__ LL, i l 1 i I . ~ ' I i i``` W M Sproule jMARCH WEATHER THREE ] After a long illness, Mrs. Evelyn} DEG COLDER THAN AVERAGE '11, Sprou-1e passed awav at the home While the tem , - . _ ._ - _ . - pexature durum CC :rL]n1:g1ed`_1(;:(1e S`E`I`""PXI;dE`, G?:(;g;_ h?7 March fell below zero only twice, uh: _\n_;1 911:] ` ,I.._';_ `i.lmem~`1 `hel i mean te':npe1`atu1'e was three degree? ` 1 ` *` ` ` ` colder than the average. Sno_wfa1_l` 'v+.n+gHnrl l'\\vn1n 14 :....L_. f 1 I 1 on Rev 1`. T, h , . . [VI . .. _ n:. Luv \Vc(3K 9110. _ Mr. Bruce Wilson is spending buc ;hoIday.s wnh Mr. and Mrs. C. Plate-' 4' Craigleath, -` Miss G_ Fierheller, of Ottawa, is 1 visiting how pzwents on Burton Ave I _., Mrs. T. Hamilton and children re !vis1'ting' 1-elav ive-s in Buv1'lin~g'ton. ! .\1xo.\:.o; .\1il .`.`IcQuadc, of TOIOZIL _. ` spent the holiday w1t.h hevr pa1`e'nts. . M(3>`.s1'.~`. George and Parker McMil- -lin spm.-zlt the week end wihh tho 1'-. pz11'c-111.5 on Holgute St. .\Ii.~:.< Vera Lyons, of Toronto, spent the \\(."uk cud \\`i`h her parents, . Mrs. P. Ferguson and Mrs. J. Hc-anl, of Calurlon East, are visitiilxg, at the home of A. E. Floc-th-am. T374` NH<'r Regain T`\n..,\H... ..../1 , mu: uU11(l1yS_ ; Miss Do1'oth_v Sinclair and Messrs.` `John and Bob Sinclair srpen-I the holi-` I days at the manse. ` `Nfv I7`vnn1.- Q.u....... -4` 17:, - A uzI.ys LLB me ? Mr. Frank Spearn, of I{i11gs't.o11,1 and M1`. and Mrs. Clarence Mitchell,: 401' Toronto, spent the holiday at `.110 Theme of Mr. Luke Speasrn. Nlrs. J_ Fleetham spent Wcdncsda_v with friends in the city. I pm-, \' T? h Q:-...1..:_. L-` LN - id.llU Mrs. L. `u,rev. V `ic-(1 to Peiietalirg with Miss Genevieve j\'ic.no1`ls, with whom she is spending the holidays I Miss Mz11'g'11eveita Ga1'tne1' return ` .\H.~<.< Tlnvrinr .Qh~.n'lm'.. .....,1 n,rn--..,. * (`VC- .\I1'. and Mrs, Czuncron Grey, of O1-illia, spent Good Friday with Mr. land Mrs. T. `G.rey. ` Mis.~: :\'I:H`! !'II(`-1!rJH`:1 {:'.11'f"no1I 1-n+-m L1. lxlug. I 3` Ii. C. I1'u11sdc.< and children-, sof To.1'onto, visited lasf week with {ML T_ Gray, Essa Road. - I. Mrs. J. B. Mason, of To- been visiting at the 11`-;me of Sim. Caroline St. _`-.`H.~.- Rzubzxm Kolcey and M-1'_ AI- Ibcn; Kc-lacy were week end vi`-.;i:o1's at the home of A. Hooper, Burton. Ave. ` \ Tu n .. J N.f...,. (`V "` 7 u. u. ncnnxc Mr. and ,N'orene, of `,visit01'.~' at ? Sa.m1u1';;_ I '-\Iu'.~.-- D1,`... I iJiLIl`UU.l':}_ ` ~ Miss Florence Laycock, of Toronw, was the guest of Mrs. E. Ogden ove Lhv week end. ]/Ty `I21.../.n \X7Tm...... .',. .__ 1 udzulllle at. Miss K. Reed, who . tending Normal School Ira-tu1'11ed 1.0 her home i (lays. . `MM A vv `DA4-+,. Lures U1 we Iut-ure. | The Premier believed that the staggered system. where use is made of the school building for longer per-E iods each (lay, would make a valuable | connribution to s_v. g=Q*ne1'zLlly. In schools where the stzxg,-12'c1'r:(l ;~:_\'. had been adopted fty per cent_ more ` pupils were being taught. ; Wifil1 *m`Fmp-nma tn 1-Jnn :Y1fn\I1`\1n1lin-r E y uatys. 1 Mrs. A. W. Potts is visiting in ' Mimico, as the guest of M1 . and Mrs -` `J. O. }JL-union, Queon s Ave. I 1\`h`. and Nfm Dal" -nu} zlmm-1-~~~v iixiiandaie News; \1a1LL11;,' 1n town. Mr. L_ Hedger, of the-week end with `\.dl01iX1G St. I Mi 1: Dan! --`L- I\Ii.<'..-; Edna Madill, \'iaitiI'l;,` in town. M..- I. I.InA.-m.. .4- Easter Services 13,,`-gm. c1\|-1:1. . . Afternoon Tea rnc' Ah] n+` Hm . um, L-U(.`(.`Y1'S Ave. I Mrs. Daly and daug'h:e2" Tosro1n'1o, were week uul the home of M1`. 1 u.:x' .~urv1(-.5 were C110-I my `Ihc three Aljlundzxic. he Young Po:-oplo s So- 0 Burton Ave. Umt(r(H Ve responsible for the` as at. this church. Rtoxz! 0, 'I`m~nn+n vhf: ' a.. unis cnurcn. 1'{:ov. 'I`o~ronto. special his sor- 0fI1in~Q' fnm fhn unn1~--- _....- ..\.ca se1'vi(:.s Cl. 1 `I110 Hnvnn AH.....1- pupils \\`~e`1'e ueln-2 tauxznt. I With reference to the intc-rmo.diat<: i schools, (1110 Premier was ."~2ltla'(`(i that it was coming, and the people 01' the province will look on it as a real advantage, lwczuise vocational i:ui zmce will be po.~:.~',ibIe. 1 Toronto, spar." Y h1s parents on] of Midland, is .has been at in Pctc;'L)0u"o for the hon 7 has been 3 this week. the special; 5 have been! .- ` nfinn.-.1 r``,\.,. 1 um: av. 1 ` young 1 , runera! of Wm. McKenzie 1 `I'l1`he ftliwltlli of] the late ?Ni1Iium[ Li ; (- {onzie 1.00 ' p ace from iis lalo tin-~. 10-1 I`ifiin St., on Friday,` i;\1'zu'c11 30th, with intc1`1n~m1t at 11:11 - irie Union Cemota.-1'y. Rev. M1-_ BLlt1'3` '-_i oiciutt-d. Pull-bezL1'c1's were Messrs. U! D. _VIm'(~diLh, E. Qcott, W. Hoves, J. `-1 (`unit-. G_ Wilson and W. Costello. :1} I)-ui-zisz-rl leaves to mourn this if ` wife, :.\\'o sons, Duncan at home and Donald of Victoria Hztrbor; two sis- ters. Mrs. J, H. Smith, Port Elgin, and MN. F. Mumphy, Chicago. Rela- _tives and friends from 21 distance at- tending` the funerai were Mr. and :_:_%_. ' For Rent-T'lu-cc-1'oomed heated 1: ofce, on ground oor, with all con- -`veniences, front and side entranue, ' ` close no public libramy and marke: 3 `parking space. Phone 264. r g _____ mzmcsuurg. Among the beautiful oral tributes w(-rr_- tokens from the L.O.B.A., B, & B. Dc~pt'.., and a beautiful wreath 3;! the Broken Circle from the fam- 1y. b V. 1 l 1 ) A1r:mg'ements anre being made lvol hold the Conservative Convention for: Centre Simcoe about April 23rd. A] meeting of the Riding Executive on Saturday next will decide the (late. Premier Geo. S. Henry will be at atho convenlion, as well as a member !of the Federal House, probably Joe Harris, of Toronto. I To TRUSTEES WANT TO - CONTROL MOVIE SHOWS` , ____. 1\Ir.~'. Clrristena McKenzie, 104 rTiin St., wishes to thank the migh- yb0l`S and friends for kindness and E sympathy shown in her recent be- ` 1-eavement. uulucr man one average `totalled over 14 inches, iinches fell on the 27th_ 1.42 inches of rainfall. Low High :Mar. 1 ........ .. 12 RA I 5 Mar. dr0n s service and baptism l i witn palm: and lu`aste1' lilies, with the evening service at 7 o cf Tho cluurch xvas beautifully decor u the (lirc:ctio11 of tho Chancel Gui] Fun.-..l .. Ill .- .- -| w.u.'1'.U. Birthday Pa Ehrome bf M=1-s. J. F. Wildr 1St., on Tuesday evening, `at 8 o clock. Spezuker, Drury; playette (Misses E Young); music; 1-efzreusshnn 1 __________ l Womcn s Canadian Club, Public !I.ib::u'y Hall, Tuesday, April 10th, '~' 8.15 p.m. Speaker, Mr. C_ R. Sand-` 1 crson, Deputy Chief Libra1'ia:n, Tow ronto Public Library. Subject} High Brows on` Low Brows. | Only a few dozen were present at 1.3-`; ::,1tv1noo11 matinee of the Scotch: Musical Players at the Collegiate.` Auditorium on Wednesday after-, noon, and at tlhe evening` perform- ance the hall was less than half lled. - Those who did attend are loud in` `their praise of the program p1'e.x:eut- ed. * . Ea.~'te1'SundzLy was ttingly ob-i .;cr\'cd in all the churches, when large `collgzwegations assembled to hear: zzgmin the 510137 of the Risen Lord in Word and song. The mild \\'c21the1' and shrowcr ing the week have taken most < `snow and ice 011' the streets, b1 accumulation of sand on \\`;Llk5 11e(.'(ls rrxmoving. .put some pape1's _j` About 9 p.m_ Sunday the local re` brig,'21(le was called to the home of` Jack Vair, 91 Buyeld St., but when the remen zmrived there was no sigii of the fire, altsllougil it was not an April fool trick. Mrs. Vzuir `had; in the furnace and; the ames coming` out the chimney; caused some of the neighbors to be- come alarmed and they sent in the} call. .\'o damag'e was done and there \\'as no occasion for the reels .0 be called out. G l NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ; Notice is hereby given pursuant to; the Trustee Act, that all creditors, and others having claims against the; Estate of Edward Alfred Little, latel of the Township of Innisl, deceased,l w-ho died on the 23rd day of Febru-i ary, 1934, are requested to send par-E ticulars of their claims to the under-j signed on or before the 28th day ol'~ April, 1934, after which da:-e Lhel Executors will dvistribute the assets of] the estafe, having regard only to l.l.e' claims of which they then shall have, notice, and will not be responsible '0' any others. 1 F`..Q'[`r`\' .( . L`Q'I`I;`\T D......:._ ___.________. V.O.N, Bridge and Dance, Oddfel- lows Temple, 'l`hu1'sday, April 12th. Those desiring fo make up tables, please phone Mrs. Ullman, No_ 270, or D. F. MacLaren, No. 662. i For Sale, as a gding ca ;ta.xi business in Barrie-, doin ilent business. Apply P.O. I ; Barrie. . ._________. W.C.T.U. Birthday Party at the ome Wi]dmnh .r*...m..,- I HOLD CONSERVATIVE i CONVENTION A\BOUT 23rd 1 4; Below zero) CARD OF THANKS V- ..-..a. u. 1.`. vvuurmam, `Uou1e.1`! L April 10th,[ > Hon. E. C.I ; Sinclair andf ); music: 1'ef{1`(1L on. I UJCAE. NEWS uavc wmen most 01' the; but the sand nn Hm main SCHOOL GRANTS DEFEND ON REVENUES, SAYS PREMIER` -.... ....1;mm11 wws 11010, 1; o'clock. : (lcco1'a`.e(l under ' Guild. ' Wm. McKenzie of f_h,. Inn. \xI:1I:....l ye uulsses b`mc`1air am c; 1-efrensvhnlents. 25c. ________ n Barrie-,7 doing exel-Vi Box 203,| u; nan mruu uegirees Snowfall inchm, nf' unmnz. I7 ru) --W. H. Buttery. ...._,,..,...._-...,5_ ;9c_ 9 :1 Icature 01 the Barrie ;Jgmio~1~ Farmers meeting on Tue; 6} [ian Publiggmglit in the Legion Hall was the' esday, ; presentation of the Northern A-. l\'ance 1', sand. 1 Leadership Trophies. The win:;ers- If To- . for the'ye-a1- are Stewart Bell for` library. Subject. North Simcoe and Eugene Smdtli for i Low `South Simcoe. These t1'0phic.s \\`.-are ;donated by the i\'orthe~rl1 Aclval.-.ce md Oddfel-1` three years ago, to be competed 101` lrsday, 12th,iannually, and to go to the boy Jul cab1es,,No11th Simcoe and the boy in South` 270,l Simcoe giving` the best leader" :Laren, ;Ju.n`ior work I g0_ing concern, a! 12.1')'lF!'. (n""na- nvnn`. I rarny at the Wildmam, `Collier enincgx Anvil 1n+h I Tue Northern Advance l shvowers dur- n nnnc+ n{' Pm- Deputy 1\Iini;:: Department of National Defence, Ottawa, April 3, 1934. (H.Q. 898-1-19.)

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