`the last \\'z11'." Pr0 J L-.<. I\I:u'D(:rmot : that Canada s,`nou1d use any machinery zL\'ui1a.b1e \\'h.ir-11 '*1adr- for peace. Jamei B. Fairbairn Deputy Minvster STATEMENTS CONCERT BILLS CHEQUE BOOKS NOTE HEADS SHIPPING BILIJS SALES coupons CHURCH FORMS Page Seven; MRS. J_ M. MiLLS HEADS LOCAL VVOMEN S INSTITUTE The reg:u.l2u' zm11uz1l meeting of the Bzwrie Women's lnsiitute was held in the Library Hall Tuesday a.fteIrn-')on, April 31x1. Following` the roll call, which was answvered by puymezit oi membership fees, ballots were distri- buted for the election of ofcers. I\I=1's. N. Thompson acted as ehuirin-a.n for the election. Mrs. J. N1. Mills Look the chair for the 1'o1'epar:, of the meeting while the yearly i-reports nvnvn 0`vnTl . Luu: .|lA\4\.vA|At: VVCYU g1`/O11. 'l.u- FnHm\ Mrs. E. James. The meeting was well a.ttended and all members (-o11siderc(l it` to be veery szLLis.1 zxcto1'y. Following the election of 0icer.~:, 1'ci'1`esh1nc-nts were sea`- .-n.l 0 w: (1. IVUVUI b mg salad. 1, " IA-:1 ing 1. " I_/e-am to use salad an least once a. week. If possible, serve one uncooked vegetable 01- fruit each day. Children over four yeas of zL_;`e can safely eat 1'-.u\' foods. Szmdxviehes of g1'2Lted f1'e. \'eg`e`t,ables can be served to the younger cllildren. 2. Have ma.`.e:'ial.s as cool as pos- sible, freshly pu`epare(l and evenly .~:.hredded, chopped or cubed. A good avor is developed by mzxrinzxting \'eg'eLables separately, zuul then com binlng just before ser\'i'ng. If lettuce is used it should be ezrisp and se1`\'eLl in `the leaf or . 9 run e-nah mu-nislzes as ;2;1".Lted . 3. Use such Qarnishes grated raw carrot or beet, hagrd cooked egg sliced or the yolk`.~:ie\'ed, cress, par.)- ley or gwre-en pepper, cheese grated, sliced or in :1 pzxste used as :1 sttlffing, chopped peanuts, .<<'nre-dd`ed cocoanut, dinml oran2'e:<. sliced tomatoes and chopped pcanuLs, sliced oranges, CL1LfL1lnlJO1`s, etc. >1. Salad suggestions : (1) Shredded (`8.bl.)il_`_f,'0 \\"ith chop- ped bacon or peanuts or .1f1`(:<.-I1 pop- per, potato and onion, chopped boot and onion, tonizxtoes in season, com- binatioms of cooked vegetzililes `.\ith s4n1`cuucu \:UL.uanu.., some grated 1-aw \`eg`ctablc gzu'ni.~:`n. ('2) Ha1`(l-cooked of:_Lj.<. cl1oppe(l lefll.-over meat. l'lzLl\'e fish with somc f1'cs*'.h vcg1e1;a.b1e.. (3) Apple and celery apple and (late or raisins, prepziicd jelly powder \\'it-li diced mu` apple. orzinge sections 01' SllCL`(l bzmanzi; pru- pun- jelly powder with juice of one lemon and n-cl) s.ln-cdde(l cublmge or other vegetables. {A1\ (`nnkml in .\'e:i. 1:1'une.< or gs with o-Lner V'L`gUvxuu:a. (4) Cooked 1_:1'unes g'1z1:`c(l C`ll(,`L`.<(> mixture or b:1nzm:~.; clatcs S'[LlflC(l with che0. 01' pezmut.<. Boiled Salad Dresslng--] te:1. salt, 1`.-; l'.Cd.\'1)O0`.1.~: mu. '2 fable- spoons sL1::-.11`. 2 t'.1l)l0.~'p0ons flour, 1 egg`, 1 cup milk 01' water, 2 tablo- spoons ~`l101'tenin_'_-`, 1-3 cu-1) ci(lc`r vine- gar. 1. ;\Ii.\' (lry ilmgrn-(lir-xxts in uppel pmw`. of (louble boiler. n \,l.l l\r.u+n~1 ran-xr nd 1ni]k 01- Never serve an unatt1'uctivc- look- ,... .~nIn.l "-'."v ha.t is the \\'u1't'i1 of :3. little song '2 .7N~o one can truly say, For some timt.-s its canoes may lmgcr Inn.-u water. 3. Add vinejrar, cook over boiling- water, . constantly until thick. 4. Remove from heazt, add .' ening; Ast1*z1i1} if. nccos '. Chill. WZILCI`, .~Lu1un;.-, L` f1 strain i Thin with milk, *1 1|` n n (urg- 'l`\\`o poun(l.< shin meat and bony one point okra cut into small piceis 1\\'o qu:i.1t.~: \\':1tm'. one smzxll can to- matoes, one chopped onion, one tuh1e. mine:- p:u`.\:ley, one chop- ped czm`o1., little thyme. Remove meat from shin hone and cu . into small pieces, bi-own well in butter. .\'u\\' })l1l('<` meat and other ix1f:1'(:(l- icnts in the \va`.er, adding: the shin bone. as well and cook slowly from two to three hours, skimming: care fully. u.< the okra will cause :1 sligxlit foam. When the soup is done add one cup boiled rice, mix in tl10roug._-;`n ly and serve. POTATO AND PARSLEY CAKES Mas`h some cold boiled potatoes, then stir in 1 oz. of melted buucr An To every pound of potatoes add 1 after \.vc11 beaten egg, 1 teaspoon of chop- has c1` ped pzrrslcy, and a pinch each of salt Insteac and pepper. Shape into small balls ' with oured hands, dip in a well whme L-<`atm1 nzrgr. roll in bread 1-rtnnbs and effect try a nice brown in boiling fat. ful. oureu uu 1 brow: L \\ 1t.h HIHK, II I`.L'L'l`.\.\&.U_\. If no C{. ,'L' a\`z11`.ab1e, extra be used to thu-ken, O1 (xouun: uuuux. Add beaten egg VALUES BEEF OKRA SOUP THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1934. T SALADS zu't.'s (xesvre 1 --.-\11nc .\Iicha.el1s. mood, a. word, ...Y.-q n-In nr-n '7 xim-4- p:u:~:h)y, hom` :, ma-at 2 \\'a`.er, 11 o 2 an `the led thorough * chopped omon, um: and r 1' 1 fr-n BUSINESS LOOKS UP AT MARKET ON SATURDAY; I The increased` demand which alwaygs l marks a pro-holiday mamket brought 2. smile to the face of those fa.r1ne1':s: who have been ~pcrsi.~:v1e11tiy commg to the hown hall \\'.~e1: after \\'L`C}\" throughout the winter months, wh-enl their produce was almost clozme-J .11; by the large numhur of 1: `.6110 211;.-:'nl. S.L't..1':L;t3"si . . L our |;;1zu'k ` i liggs, `.\'l1lCilI were very plent.il'ul,l were in great (lemuml and sold read-1 ily at prices ranging from 18c to 25, a dozen. The m'e1'ag`e price \\'as 22c to 24c :1 dozen, but at the o_._Jun-` ing of the ma.1'ke~t some of the stall- l10l(l.(ll'S got as hig'l1 as 25c 1!. dozen for .<.elec..s. Almost every stall- holder had 21 la1'g'e basket of egg, but at the close of the market most of them were cleaned 0111-. ` u,...n.... mhinln '11: mm-l1 1nnroX 1101" auuuu mun.-2. xub \;k.uv\,a ....._, ....D` long, And some times they die in a day. 01' them cleaneu Out-. . PoulLry, which was much more; plentiful than during` the past few" \x'cck.s, was also easily disposed of. The yearling birds sold the ;~:ame us last: week at. 20c and 22c 21 1b., wlnle the fowl sold at 15c and 16c. But t;:1- 1'emainev.l uncwlxangetl at 30c a l 1 l The supply of g`a1'den veg`etab1ve.s is'_1 ho:-oming: : each week. This; wool; found many of last year s vege-1 tables missing. Those offered 1'01" .<;11<- were 1)(`0t at 250 :1 bu.ske'.,` turnips 3 for 100, ca1`1`0ts 25 ba.sK0t, potatoes $1.25 a bag or 30c basket, onions 25 11 basket, and cabbage 10c to 15 each. New ca;1'1'0ts sold readily at 5c Ll. bunch, as did cve-levy at 25 a bunch and \\'ate1'cre: a`- 50' a bunch. n Han nni-cin n1:11'1(Rf. f:hP_1' was bunch. , On the outside market there was} big s`h()\'. i11g' of wood, the pricv) be- ing the same as p1's\'ious weeks, bu`: the demand \\'21.:' not very busk.` Pork was the only \s.\:ed xmzai, of- fered and sold at 13c and 15c u 11). Vegetable gardening is more a test at` Lee-unique than {lower growing` fox - the average amateur. The dahlia fzmcier, who inezisures the size of his blooms, and some other va1'ietie.s of _e'z11'(1en :<;2eealis1;s, may not a_q`1~c-e to this statement. But the average g':u'dene1- does not specialize to the extent of mezlsuring: his o'\\'e1's, and his sense of taste and conseiousne.~:s`i of tenderness in food are more exzu.-i indication of quality than his ohser \'2111CC of the beauty of his owers. 'l`l1n Hi-_~ nh1'no+ nf \'oe'(*tz1b1e *' 1:1 1`-ke't. I.` mm.- u.()!xl\f1 FAST GROWTH MAKES FINE FLAVOR unter, and move effective. One does not spade in the moderni plant foods. They are much more! quickly available to plants than man 1 ure. After the soil has been pirupzu'-l ed and raked smootli, rlhen the planti food should be boradc2Lst a.n(.l .1`-akedi mto the top three inches. A bal- :1nc~e-(l plant food should be used`; which contains all :`..he food elements,` nitrogen, pihosphorous and potash, in ;_v;m)(lp1`0po1`ti0ns. It may be used: liberally. Market ,<:rowers on crop.=, such as root crops, letuce-, rzul~ ialnvu rmrl the like. use a pound to the three menus. A uur ~ :1uc~e-(lplzmt used`. elements, 3 ~ `pIho. ,r.v:ood proportions. used ,\ :1`o\\'ers drilled isilws and like, pound 100 square feet. This could be _ dmihlr-(l without ill effect in the: zunutvur gnrtlen. On hill crops, such as sweet corn, vines and cabl)zr;:1(_-.<,; he market grower uses about half 21!- pound to 100 square feet, -_ Um'lr1L` the season appliczttions oft 1 i ! 1 , I 1 l the nmrket g1~owe1' uses uuuuu IILUIA. g. 100 `- During of plant food should be mu(Le by sprink line` along: the row at the mm: of :1 tablespoon to a yard of row. For plants which it is desired to force. Jsuvh as head lettuce, weekly :.\ppli('a- tions of ni`.1:og1en. which has been dis-\ I solved, will be effective. .._.-__--?-:_j. I Be fo1'g,'e1i`u1 of 1`avors p:ivcn; bu mindful of b1(-.ssing's received. A _L`(`h1 is not polished without rub- bing`, nor '4 man`. perfected without trials. u..un.. m.+ ho Hum be nothnngr. What is the xvorth of 1. smile, :1 kiss, Only a seer could guess; Though of cm` 1.119;; bring; but a mu uu.n. Vu hH:': I%v`.tr~1- not be than The actor cannot make a play, A man czumot become pm'fec`r in :1 hundred years; he may become cor-i rupt in loss than 3. day. i Thougih a snake get into a bamboo`- polc, it is hard to change its wrig;-1 gling disposition. _____._____. I ingenious footwear designer five years of experimentation, created a shoe with no shank. Instead, the upper part. of the shoe is continued down under the arch it is joined by a seam. The] ciect is extremely light and grace- CHINESE PROVERBS )i; ynodel-n1LxuE.l1'(llllg LHU upyux euu \.I4. ......-..- _ 1?-k`-H _ 310 .\lzL](_'Sl.lC me her lnlls and laouses peep C 30114135 mupm-. l Between soft leafy trees on every 1 plant; V 5t1`e_"~`t~ ,e a_m_1,1-dk(.d`. lhe (lan(:mg' \\:z1te1`s of :1 lovely bay Sparkle and slug` along` her shore all dab - - - - ~ . v n msmv lmmw (luvs have Isailetl U255; ' 1 ` Be prepared ! Apple Day is this Sa...urday. be out in uniform, eac`-"I1 \\'it,h bu diet of the very best Northern Spy Appl-cs, from Meaford, Ont, Wnnn :1. Smut. ar)r:1'ouch<.~s vou with All Scouts available will 1 I l i 1 I l 1 I Appl-es, Irom Meaxoru, um;_ When 3. Scout. approuclies you 21 cheery smile and invites you to buy an apple, you immediately bhink how much you would enjoy a really good apple just then, and how much the Scou'. is going to enjoy a couple of week good camping some time this summer, :30 you take an apple and put a. nickel in his money box, wlhich he thanks you gives, you :1 tag to wear. A vm-v smmle ceremony,` but. for very much and it l l gi\'c;; mg to wear. A very slmple ceremony,` .mczms 21 gmat deal.` SECOND BAKKIL nxuur On Saturday, March 241211, three Dulldog:; hiked out to the old fen and practieecl lire lighting and cook-I mu. On Saturday, Mlarc-l1 31st, one ?Lynx, llhree Owls, three Bulldogs, the I 't1'o0p leader and .-X.S.l\I. hiked out to it'll`: hlllls nozth 01' Barrie Beach, , l ` rnlm p11llIln()'E :n'1'l\'m l at the :1!)- "_t,11u , LL~:. nmtn 01 152_u'r1c Damn, ; i The Bulldogs a1'r1\'ed ap-I pain`-ed place on time, and '-.1i'te1' wait- `ing about 15 minutes, hiked on out to Raike s park, where they cookedl their dinner. n,.,......r, T.n~|no'<.`nh nassed 1115 res '.|.-11'0l.1gl`. ()1 (:11 Lut:.y Unug, uuu u. mun-L's bli 3, Yet all of a. life they may b1<:.~: ` tree cimbing. dinner. I George Livingston passed his re-3 lighiing and cooking tests. Then they played around and tried some On the way home they on-joyied a lift on u sleigh. 5 'I`hp Owls: 11`-1'iV'Od later and were] 1 dis- Swz1gr:ger suits with the coats 1'czLch- \ 1 ing to the skirt hems were worn by ` many who \\'e1~e.1'i<,:::e(1 out for Eas1'er. Ca1~t\\'1me1 or !~`21U(`L'l` shaped lmts were 1; wom stuvk on the top of curls. Cats- ` \\'his=.kor bows of plaid tz1Wc-.21 zxdomned : \ the necks of some. Blue, light gray ithoutland .<`11a(10s of {0011 were vtwhc-` Irre- v,(1ominatin;: colors. `V 1 \ ------ I study on this hike. S l i |'. `sen-joyed hit Slelgll. The Owls ar-rived an I mei, by the A.S.M., who had taken a` cross-ountry route. The troop leader, `and the Lynx patrol leader got a ride i out and were scouting around the vic-' 5 (1 were 1 i inivty, watching` the arrival of the; Owls. They all cooked and ate their!` .dinners, rolled down the snowcladx `hills for a wshile, then hiked home`; '1`-he Owls took an in.erest in nature_ On arrival at the ' `hills they noticed numerous robinsl ying` happily about, calling back and! forth. On the home\\'ard part of the`; hike they followed the A.S.;VI. s` trail \\ he '-made on the way out.` By reading signs along the trail they', played a very in ce1'esting observation`: game. They saw where he had been`, lrunning and his hat. had fallen off;. they saw where he fell down, anrl; `where he dropped his `I They learned how to pick up the trail after losing` it on hard, bare ground, and first of all they learned (from the : A S.M.) not to walk on the trail they l . Ian ('nlvlr~u~'i'n,(r V tlrL1111bstick. ', 5 ix I l were ioricwmg ; '4 The trail led them across numerous , .l other trails, many of which lihey fol-., "lowed for a short distance. Alto-j l ` g`ethe1- the Owls identified the tracks 3 of black squirrels, rabbits, dogs, par-! Litridge, and a ground hog`. They not` " f only saw the tracks of the ground -" I hog, but because they happened to ; E be quietly scouting across a eld, like E good owls on `he hunt, they saw the ground hog hiinself, sitting up on a] f 1 snow bank behind a rail fence. The fteen yards of him before -he dived Y` { down into his hole. 'Dhen they made fi careful observations of his tracks and , `v saw where he had come up through fl `; the drift of snow, crawled along the "1 bottom of `..he fence for about ten ? _ yards and dug down throng-h the I snow into the ground, some up -Y ` again and had gone back to his own 1-`Owls stalked up to within ten or. 1` l_ home. i nmum 4.1-.r. cnnn1'.'< .n-at home. oh. yes. 1 When ihe scouts got home, yes, .their feet were wet, but that wa-.~ not . what. made their faces red; they were 1s.unburned ! Before the Owls went theme the .'-\.S.I\I. told them to write] iup hht : railing part of bhe hike, sol `that they would no`. forget their first . ` l 1 nn-can 511 }111Y1f.i`n 0'. 3,Love1y the old town of Barrie stam1;<, 1Guarding the upper end of Simcoe 1n1(r\ { day. ISO mzmy happy days I sailed ` down From dear Orillia to old Barrie f.o\\'n. `When I go \\'and01'in_: back in sum- , mer time You an: the f"n`. to meet me with` . I a smile ; -Your twinkling` "Ii;-`h cs ray out from `- midst t-hr: nills, `;Ro0('te(l lie in \\"lL(:l . .sti11. LI And so my heart is softly (lrawn `..o i you. "For you are twin to the dear town 1 whm-n I \\'. SECOND BARRIE TROOP |\\ Qu V11-r]r1\` `\I-1 w-11 `).:1 r;h. U1 `SWAGGER SUITS PREOMINATE l I IN EASTER DAY FASHIONS] I ` The Young: People's Society meet- ! ing: on Monday nigrht was well 21.1- ;tended. The meeting was under the `ileadership of Dr. A. Perkins, con- lvenier of the Christian Endeavor De- pavtmen-1. The devotional exercises were taken by Dr. Perkins and Roy Hougthton. The address was de- livered by Russell Smith, his subject being The Easter Message." The iyoung people are busy puthing the lnishng touches to their play which hhey are presenting next Monday and Tuesday. W110 can value LL muuu, in \\u1.u, A pexssixxg .st1'a.11~g'u1"s glance ? Whether the ihcarl; be cold or stxn-ed Seems but uhc wor1~: of chance. APPLE DAY )'OU. 2111: L\\I11 \\"l1ere I g. -crmv. The Northern Advance CENTRAL Y.P.S. BARRIE AN?) GUEEE; . C. A., Det.1'0i`.'.. ISCS I on (sly shore Tie town. 7! . Wan` can only be remo\'r:d by ki1I~ _M.,h. 1ng the operations of the in`.4e1'cst.< 0ut_!trhat prot out of \\'av. and out of they [ the c0nd11.ions that lead to war, said Jti0n;Prof-essor T. W. L. .\IacDe1'm0t, been 3 speaking under the uL1sq'>iccs of the 01f;*_League of Nations Society and the an,1[Association of Canadian Clubs. `-MUST STOP PRIVATE ARMS g TRADE TO ENSURE PEACE Wh Value a .1 1\:\ -in. .~+x-nnnun Order Your Stationery Business Forms and Counter Check Books In Barrie HEAP I-II@H the PLATES All Orders ENVELOPES SHIPPING TAGS TICKETS INVOICE FORMS CALLING CARDS LEDGER LEAVES CARDBOARD SIGNS Low Patronize Home Industry COL. THE HON. THOMAS L. KENNEDY Ontario Departmenht of Agriculture Maa.` $1. ...a a... .-_.` Minister Some must go to the world s fur enus Seeking 1ii'c s ur(1e111; re ; _,Others nd where their road rst " bends All of `..'nci1- hezu't s desire ! _._-\]im- Michaelis. Prices and Good Workmanship Quality The Best >deI>s Will Receive Propmt Attention--Phone 53 THE ? Lnktrk` lllk'I`.l\l\: L|l\. \.lt|\.LIl|\'\\s '\I>`n barism of 111(- p1i'::1tu a:`m:< t: z~.d~. and the unive1'.`~::11 um'e. and supp`1`c.s.~'.~ ed passion cau;~:ed by social 1i.-erm- tve.nt, he added. To put; the pro teor out of businr-s'~:. and to cure the disease of po\'e1'ty, are `two of `he \I"1'\YU (`nnnlln mm work for peace in. diseasc OI po\`e1`t,y, are L\\u nu nu! ways Canada can peace in the \\'o1`1d. rm. 1.>n\`1'n (`nvmdnl continued pro- world. The key to Cz1:1z1dzL s pro- was mazntenzuxce of peace, he ...... These include the culcula`-ed bar- .....:_1n n-{` `.~r. nu}-ynfn 5`;-yn; J1). LETTERHEADS SALE BILLS GUMMED LABELS BUSINESS CARDS SYMPATHY CARDS LEDG-ERS BUSINESS FORMS m a.<.< Canada : wheat exports had been cut to a quarter mainly by pvepamtion for war in Euzrope." 'lne into.)-nal economic life of the Dominion is nea1'1y paralyzed be cause we have 10 use 50 per cent. in r-vey dollar of our taxation to pay for l the \\'a1'. DI~n*"r.;:r\I' \Tm-T)m-wot given. "he following oicers were elected for the year: President, 1\I.~rs. J. H. Mills; 151; Vice-President, .\Ir_;, H. Mer(:di oh; 2nd Vice-Perside11t, l\'l1'.a'. C. Kelcey; Trea.~:u1'er, Mrs. A. E. Bell; Secremry, Mrs. H. Thompson, Conveners of Committees: Sick, Mrs. Hogan; Program, Mrs. Wisemzm, Leg'islzu.ion, Mrs. D. Jacobs; Heulzdi. .\I;1`>:.. Edltll Rowe; I-Ii. Resx.-Mel` .\l'rs. Coville; ;\griculture, Hrs. Rich tyardsoin; Education, Mrs. Chas. Un 'derl1i11; Directors, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. `Corbett, .\l'rs. Hiilehey, Mrs. Ander- .-on, Mrs. Aitkens; Pianist, l\`I=1`s. Rowe; Di;~triL-I, Director, Mrs. C. Baker; Auditors, Mrs. Neil Smith and 'l`1\... mm..Hnn- wnq wnll ;Lti;(.`I1(i0(i